electrocrookers | ola k ase | 02:34 |
=== jono is now known as Guest76484 | ||
dholbach | good morning | 07:22 |
na3nou3 | hi | 10:06 |
MANJINDER | really | 12:06 |
rene_ | Hola | 15:49 |
kingwill | chanserv /msg identify Gl3nFord@101 | 15:51 |
Tassadar | you probably wanna change that now | 15:52 |
kingwill | yeah i know | 15:52 |
zqrtjeddah | Q : is there any way toI copy the contents of orders and everything on another program works on Windows or Mac ? | 15:56 |
=== nap is now known as Guest64519 | ||
ledzapking | hii | 16:00 |
tynamic | hello | 16:05 |
=== Anomaly is now known as Guest25917 | ||
=== Stephen is now known as Guest88294 | ||
zqrtjeddah | mt net too slow | 16:25 |
zqrtjeddah | brb | 16:25 |
Katapoff | Greetings dudes :) | 16:25 |
Katapoff | Is there will be a live hangout now? | 16:27 |
iorweth | In 3 min | 16:27 |
Katapoff | Thanks iorweth | 16:28 |
Katapoff | greetings from Egypt | 16:28 |
tampsterdam | zzzzz | 16:28 |
dholbach | you might have to update http://ubuntuonair.com | 16:29 |
dholbach | we'll be live in just a bit | 16:29 |
Katapoff | how can i switch to live hangout? | 16:31 |
dholbach | just reload the page | 16:31 |
=== mdeslaur is now known as random_nickname | ||
=== random_nickname is now known as mdeslaur | ||
Seosu | o/ | 16:38 |
dholbach | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Security/Features | 16:38 |
Katapoff | Greetings from Egypt :) | 16:38 |
=== tester is now known as Guest69309 | ||
FredyR4zor | hi | 16:40 |
Con_ | Hello! | 16:40 |
Seosu | Salutations from Éire! | 16:41 |
kaiserfarrell | Hello! from Malaysia | 16:41 |
bearbin | Hello! | 16:41 |
rockrock | hello from minnesota | 16:42 |
dholbach | hello everyone! | 16:42 |
dholbach | if you want to ask questions, please do! | 16:42 |
hellohello | st. paul? | 16:43 |
dholbach | but please prefix them with QUESTION: | 16:43 |
rockrock | u of m | 16:43 |
Bluebeam | hi | 16:43 |
Ba7a7chy | This is Live now right ? | 16:45 |
iorweth | Yeah | 16:45 |
Bluebeam | yup | 16:45 |
Ba7a7chy | QUESTION: When is the kernel 3.4-8 local privilige exploit bug will be patched in Ubuntu ? | 16:46 |
Bluebeam | Would love to see ubuntu on WP8. | 16:47 |
Ba7a7chy | QUESTION: What about the secure boot nounsense ? | 16:48 |
Bluebeam | No ones 100% secure in reality. | 16:49 |
Ba7a7chy | I want to an option to encrypt all my info with 16k bit :) | 16:50 |
JarnoKai | Is ubuntu for mobile still only available for Nexus 4,7,10? | 16:50 |
rockrock | i think so havent seen it on anything else | 16:51 |
kaiserfarrell | QUESTION:I'm running ubuntu 12.10 on Dell 4520, however battery drain on ubuntu so fast then windows... Why this happen? | 16:51 |
OpenTangent | QUESTION: Does Ubuntu have security advantages over iOS or Android? | 16:51 |
iorweth | I've seen ported to other devices | 16:51 |
Ba7a7chy | :) | 16:54 |
Ba7a7chy | QUESTION: Is the secure boot going to be imported to the kernel or ? | 16:55 |
Ba7a7chy | QUESTION: Is Ubuntu\Linux in general going to drop flash soon becuse adobe stoped linux support long ago... | 16:58 |
rockrock | QUESTION will ubuntu phone have additional security | 16:58 |
Ba7a7chy | Opensource rocks :) | 16:58 |
stopthis | yes, its opensource... WIN | 16:58 |
dholbach | kaiserfarrell, your question is not really security related - did you try to search on askubuntu.com? | 16:59 |
stopthis | Anyone else noticed "Feb 26rd, 16:30 UTC" | 17:00 |
dholbach | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AppDevUploadProcess | 17:01 |
celso | a small question: curently, i think ubuntu use iptables for firewall. booting ubuntu with a wired internet wouldn't load the internet connection before the iptables? opening a door to hacking my system? Correct-me if i am wrong please. | 17:02 |
Ba7a7chy | QUESTION: Will the Ubuntu Phone is going to have ufw ? | 17:03 |
Seosu | dholbach: What is your biggest security pet hate about windoze? | 17:03 |
NJ_ | are softwaree like Insync for mapping Google drive / dropbox secure ? can we run them in backend all the time | 17:03 |
Ba7a7chy | but but HTML5 ! | 17:04 |
Ba7a7chy | :( | 17:04 |
Ba7a7chy | my question awnswred | 17:05 |
celso | ok! thanks! | 17:05 |
Ba7a7chy | QUESTION: is Ubuntu Phone is going to use some form of local file encryption ? | 17:06 |
Ba7a7chy | nice ! | 17:08 |
OpenTangent | QUESTION: Android's sandboxing gives the user only two options; install the app or don't install the app. Are there plans to give the user the ability to deny individual permissions like just networking? | 17:08 |
Ba7a7chy | +1 OpenTangent | 17:08 |
matc21 | I agree | 17:10 |
celso | true! Very easy! | 17:10 |
kaiserfarrell | QUESTION: how about unauthorized remote administrator tool on ubuntu/ ubuntu phone ? Is posibble ? | 17:10 |
rockrock | yes | 17:11 |
Ba7a7chy | QUESTION: Will the Ubuntu phone is going to allow us to "root" the device ? | 17:11 |
Seosu | QUESTION: Will the Ubuntu phone is going to allow us to "root" the device ? Seconded | 17:12 |
majster-pl | QUESTION: Is ubuntu Touch using all 4cores of CPU when running on Nexus 4 ? | 17:13 |
Ba7a7chy | QUESTION: Is Ubutnu going to have better support for AD policys ? | 17:13 |
Ba7a7chy | yes | 17:14 |
Aga | QUESTION: While the centralized updating via the Ubuntu Software Center is really nice and easy and keeps all programs updated up to some level, a rolling release type of updating might provide better protection as updates are released faster. What is your opinion on moving to a rolling release? | 17:14 |
Lordmerfolk | there a list of phones that can use ubuntu phone | 17:14 |
stopthis | He's meaning for someone who does not own/have access to the computer/phone to be able to remotely administrate the computer/phone | 17:14 |
aoeusnth | QUESTION: do you see an increase in the amount of malware being written targeting gnu linux? GNU linux has a reputation as a safe OS to use, how much of this reputation do you attribute to it actually being safer then other operating systems, and how much to it actually being targeted less. | 17:15 |
stopthis | I'd like to hear the response to aoeusnth's question | 17:16 |
dholbach | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SecurityTeam/GettingInvolved | 17:17 |
celso | another question: sometimes i download packages from launchpad to install on ubuntu instead of install a ppa. downloading packages or using ppa's from launchpad compromises my pc? does launchpad check the packages for malicious software? | 17:18 |
Ba7a7chy | Hooooooo | 17:18 |
Aga | Thx for asking and answering my question! | 17:19 |
Aga | The Ubuntu wiki should remove the capitalized words in the URLs o.0 | 17:19 |
Aga | great question aoeusnth | 17:22 |
Ba7a7chy | not me :) | 17:22 |
matc21 | another question: how long takes the "testing process" compared to the "fixing process" in regards of security fixes | 17:23 |
aoeusnth | thnx :-) | 17:23 |
celso | true | 17:24 |
celso | was a very good choice | 17:24 |
=== Alexander is now known as Guest80229 | ||
Aga | Updating/upgrading matters: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XzE7S3na3J0 | 17:27 |
stopthis | people in irc: does ubuntu still have unity? | 17:28 |
stopthis | i hate unity | 17:28 |
thiebaude | yes | 17:28 |
thiebaude | stopthis, | 17:29 |
rockrock | i like unity | 17:29 |
Ba7a7chy | bla bla bla I hate unity go away troll | 17:29 |
stopthis | Does anyone actually like it? | 17:29 |
Aga | I do | 17:29 |
thiebaude | i like it, but don't use it :) | 17:29 |
stopthis | how can you like it? with a mouse its horrific. | 17:29 |
dholbach | I do!!! | 17:29 |
Ba7a7chy | I do | 17:29 |
Aga | That is why I like it, you can do so much more with keyboard :) | 17:29 |
celso | i do too | 17:29 |
stopthis | compared to gnome? | 17:30 |
thiebaude | i love the direction canonical is going, imho | 17:30 |
Guest80229 | Some of old USNs dosn't contain versions of packages, that is not vulnerable. Is it a bug or what? | 17:30 |
thiebaude | workspaces on unity is amazing | 17:30 |
stopthis | Well we can all agree its better than KDE | 17:30 |
mdeslaur | Guest80229: we didn't track version back then, sorry | 17:30 |
thiebaude | KDE, is much better than before | 17:30 |
stopthis | I guess I'm too used to flux, but unity is super weird | 17:31 |
Guest80229 | <mdeslaur> does this mean, that all versions of that packages are vulnerable? | 17:31 |
thiebaude | Thanks guys | 17:31 |
rockrock | ty | 17:31 |
celso | thanks for making ubuntu better! thanks guys! | 17:31 |
Aga | Thanks all! | 17:32 |
thiebaude | bye | 17:32 |
iorweth | Thanks! | 17:32 |
dholbach | thanks a bunch! | 17:32 |
thiebaude | thanks Aga | 17:32 |
matc21 | thanks, enjoyed it | 17:32 |
Ba7a7chy | Thnks guys :) | 17:32 |
aoeusnth | thanks for your time | 17:32 |
celso | bye | 17:32 |
mdeslaur | Guest80229: no, it just means we didn't write down package versions when we used to write USN texts, so the info isn't available in the database | 17:32 |
thiebaude | see you next time | 17:32 |
mdeslaur | Guest80229: it should only be for ancient ubuntu releases that are end-of-life anyway | 17:32 |
mdeslaur | bye everyone, thanks! | 17:32 |
thiebaude | yw mdeslaur | 17:32 |
thiebaude | exit | 17:33 |
thiebaude | opps wrong chat client,lol | 17:33 |
Guest80229 | mdeslaur, we seen some usn, that contained versions for some time. And now there is no version of that packages available. | 17:35 |
mdeslaur | Guest80229: can you give me a specific example? | 17:35 |
Guest80229 | Yes. But not now. Can I write you a letter? | 17:36 |
mdeslaur | Guest80229: sure, send it to security@ubuntu.com | 17:37 |
Guest80229 | <mdeslaur> I think that company where I am working already send this question to this email. But without answer. Is it possible to send information to you personally? | 17:40 |
mdeslaur | Guest80229: I get that email | 17:40 |
Guest80229 | <mdeslaur> Ok ) | 17:40 |
Guest80229 | <mdeslaur> So, I will find more examples, where information in USN seems to be changed, and send it to this email. | 17:43 |
Mark__ | Hi | 18:08 |
JoseeAntonioR | jono: sure, I'll try my connection to not drop, my ISP is having a hard time | 19:47 |
JoseeAntonioR | if it keeps dropping, you think you may be able to do it by yourself? | 19:47 |
jono | JoseeAntonioR, I can always start it if you like | 19:47 |
JoseeAntonioR | yep, we can do that, and I can set the rest up | 19:48 |
JoseeAntonioR | jono: ok, my ISP says they're going to review the line like 4 hours before, so if there's any problems I'll just let you know | 20:05 |
jono | thanks JoseeAntonioR | 20:33 |
kami84gr | QUESTION: Application permissions is a huge security issue with Android. What will be Ubuntu-mobile's approach in that area? | 22:08 |
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