
Picimussa is trolling?01:26
k1lyes. was annoying the last times01:26
k1ldid make alot of offtopic, confusion and chitty chat01:26
k1l@mark #ubuntu mussa writing again in arabic even he knows its an english channel01:35
ubottuThe operation succeeded.01:35
ubottuIn ubottu, histo said: !zorin is !derivatives03:11
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join (1692 users, 4 overflows, 1696 limit))07:51
ubottuFloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join (1697 users, 4 overflows, 1701 limit))07:51
ubottuFloodBot2 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join (1689 users, 4 overflows, 1693 limit))07:51
k1l_do we need an extra factoid for backtrack which says, that the dont allow unregged and/or root-ident join in their channel?10:39
k1l_i see alot of "aftertalk" when user get directed to their channel and cant join/write because of their channel policy10:39
DJonesI'm not sure whether we do, if somebody is using Backtrack for its stated aims, the person 'should' be knowlegable enough to work out why they can't join/talk, maybe an extra bit in the factoid to say "if you are unable to join the appropriate channel, please ask in #freenode for assistance"10:45
Tm_Tk1l_: does backtrack has any documentation of their irc?10:45
DJonesI just looked at that, they do, but it doesn't mention registering/not being root etc10:45
DJonesRules are at http://www.backtrack-linux.org/community/irc-rules/10:46
ikoniadoes in the /topic10:46
ikoniathey have set the mute on root!*@* too10:46
ikoniathey do'nt want new users joining their channel10:46
ikoniait's like their test10:46
k1l_i know that they dont want "that users". but we now have to handle "that users".  so my point is just to reduce the "but i cant write/join" there aftertalk10:50
ikoniaI'd leave it10:51
ikoniait's up to them if they can't figure out how to read a topic/document/register/not-be-root10:51
DJonesIf you make a special case for Backtrack, do you then modify !wine to say you have to be registered to join #winehq etc, you'd end up with specific factoids for pretty much every linux based channel depending on their own rules, and then the channels may change their policy10:53
k1l_it was just a thought about reducing the not support talk. i dont have the perfect solution in my hands :)10:55
DJonesI can see the benefit of specific factoids when necessary, but if somebody doesn't read the channel entry message, are they likely to read a full factoid10:55
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang
bazhangwhats with ts^^16:18
genii-aroundbazhang: Since the channel is #ubuntu+1 I guess most people using regular Ubuntu don't know all the other +1 channels forward there16:21
bazhanggenii-around, yet he persists with calling mangoduit a s being manner-less16:21
genii-aroundBut yes, they are somewhat rude16:21
bazhang<Pwnguin1> How do I order an Ubuntu?16:22
bazhangshipit I guess he means16:22
bazhangor just trolling16:24
bazhang<troll detected>16:42
ubottuIn ubottu, SonikkuAmerica said: !motd is <reply> The Message of the Day (MOTD) is typically a greeting from the server on the IRC network you have joined. More about MOTD: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MOTD16:46
PiciI don't really see any reason for that.  If we did have a motd factiod, it would be about the motd that displays when you login.16:47
Picito your Ubuntu, not freenode16:48
genii-aroundYep, rather17:06
=== MrChrisDruif is now known as RyuKurisu
=== RyuKurisu is now known as MrChrisDruif

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