
ali1234i don't know exactly how, but it's going to be like a "style" property or something00:00
IbrahimAhmm what do you do if /data is smaller?00:00
IbrahimAi was going to try to build an image for my old phone but it definitely doesnt have 1.5GB on /data00:01
ali1234IbrahimA: if data is smaller than 1.5GB... you;re gonna have a bad time00:01
IbrahimAthough someone did a port for i9000 which is basically what my phone is based on, so maybe they did something smart00:01
ali1234i9000 has exactly 1.5GB /data, so i had to format it before flashing rootfs zip00:01
IbrahimAi know the cyanogenmod guys have been doing crazy hacks and repartitioning stuff to make cm10 work on galaxy s devices00:02
IbrahimAoh huh00:02
ali1234yeah i had CM10 on the i9000 before porting00:02
IbrahimAwell i have a cdma variant, i500, i think it might have a smaller /data partition but im not sure00:02
IbrahimAi think i actually blew up my cm10 install at some point on this phone lol, it's not booting00:02
IbrahimAthe cdma galaxy S devices are so shakey :/00:03
ubuntubhoyIbrahimA: Data2SD may work00:06
IbrahimAi guess i can probably add a mount point more specifically so that less frequently accessed stuff is on SD00:06
IbrahimAthough i dunno how to do that exactly on android (no fstab right?)00:07
ubuntubhoysearch for darktreamours apps2sd script00:07
ubuntubhoyor search for the int2sd thread on XDA by a little Croatian dude called davor00:09
ubuntubhoyit then gets built into the kernel00:09
IbrahimAhmm ill look at this later i guess too much stuff wrong with this old phone right now00:13
IbrahimAthanks tho00:13
ali1234QMetaType::registerType: Binary compatibility break -- Type flags for type 'QPaintBufferCacheEntry' [1024] don't match. Previously registered TypeFlags(0x103), now registering TypeFlags(0x3).00:13
ali1234^ this is what happens when i try to use Ubuntu Components on desktop now00:14
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crypticmofohi all just wondering something .. somebody scared me th eother day00:39
crypticmofowill there ever be a ubunt-phone / CDMA00:40
crypticmofoif there is it will give us verizon customers / CDMA hope for a new os on our phones00:40
bcurtiswxcss styling seems like a bad way to go about changing ListItem font styles00:51
bcurtiswxit removed the ubuntu font00:51
ramboDoes anybody knows why Ubuntu Touch running on Nexus 7 not able to see QtQuick.particles module?01:15
ramboHello ?01:16
ramboplease help?01:16
shaneo1whats up01:19
shaneo1oh i cant help with what you are asking01:20
chriadamrambo: try running with QML_IMPORT_TRACE=101:20
chriadamwhat is your QML2_IMPORT_PATH set to?01:20
krabadordo you know where look the development changelog?01:21
bcurtiswxhmm qt doesn't seem to like a for loop for ListItem.Standard01:24
bcurtiswxis there another way I can do a loop of ListItem.Standard ?01:25
AdamOutlerHI.  I'm having a problem with installing QT properly.01:36
AdamOutlerIt's missing the "create new>applications" tab01:36
AdamOutlerI'm trying to figure out how to build an Ubuntu Touch app, but I'm really hitting a wall here.  I think i've done everything according to the instructions, but I'm stuck.01:37
trapntanStill trying to get the extract-files.sh to work from a CM build for Toro, anyone have any luck?01:39
AdamOutlertrapntan, toro is generally a low-maintained variant.  I'm sorry I can't help.01:39
trapntanused this file from CM"s github https://github.com/CyanogenMod/android_device_samsung_toro/blob/ics/extract-files.sh01:40
trapntanbut all I get is 'not found', the script was not in the repo01:40
justjustentraptan, thats the error you get when you try to run the script?01:44
bcurtiswxhmm, i wonder how I would do a ListItem.Standard loop01:45
trapntanjustjusten: yeah like the script isn't there, but I have to add it manually01:45
trapntanit is there for maguro, but was missing for toro so I grabbed it from github01:45
AdamOutlertrapntan, put set -x at the top of the script which may give you more output.01:46
AdamOutleron a line of it's own... set -x01:46
AdamOutlerthat will at least tell us what the problem is01:46
justjustenoh well nevermind, I just missunderstood the problem.  I dont know whats going on in that case01:47
quincyattUserHello, I tried to porting ubuntu-touch to my device yesterday (the quincyatt by samsung) and had some troubles with brunch. I was wondering if anyone could spare some time to help me01:50
quincyattUserI've followed the porting guide to the dime (or as close as I could get, anyways) so I have everything downloaded and configured.01:51
AdamOutlerI'm missing the option to "Create new>Application" from Qt to develop a Ubuntu Touch app.  What do I do?01:51
AdamOutlerHow do I fully uninstall QT and all settings/01:54
quincyattUserTry the purge flag of apt-get (apt-get  --help for more info. Look for the purge flag)01:56
jimufaIs asus tf700t suported?01:56
jimufaI have one I wish to tray01:56
AdamOutlerquincyattUser, i'm asking how to uninstall it fully, not redownload it.01:57
quincyattUserYeah, purge uninstalls and removes all settings / directories affiliated with it.01:57
jimufaIt is correct apt-get purge01:58
quincyattUser[From apt-get --help]01:58
quincyattUserpurge - Remove packages and config files01:58
jimufapurge what you want01:58
quincyattUserI guess the command would be [sudo apt-get purge qt*]01:58
quincyattUserDon't quote me on that, though01:59
AdamOutlerah, i thought that purged the apt-get cache01:59
AdamOutlerdidn't know it did settings too01:59
AdamOutleri'm used to having to remove a folder or something.01:59
=== LarrySteeze|Away is now known as LarrySteeze
quincyattUserWas anyone able to correctly compile a working build through the instructions provided by the porting guide?01:59
jimufaHey can you help me can i install ubuntu-touch on asus tablet tf700t02:00
quincyattUserI'm having an issue where, during the brunch command, the thing gives out a bunch of errors and then ends with:02:00
quincyattUser** Don't have a product spec for: 'cm_quincyatt'02:00
quincyattUser** Do you have the right repo manifest?02:01
bcurtiswxif i wanted to create a whole bunch of ListItems.Standard using a loop, how would I. Can't seem to think of the right way02:01
quincyattUserI can tell you what I did to get thus far, but I don't know how much I can help you with jimufa considering that my build never fully deployed.02:01
krabadorwhere can i look development changelog?02:02
jimufaI just asking If you know if asus tf700t is supported?02:04
quincyattUserOh, let me check.02:04
quincyattUserCheck here and scroll to the bottoms https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Devices I think it's there02:05
jimufaOk tanks02:06
justjustenhas anyone built using evervolv as the base instead of cm?02:07
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AdamOutlerjustjusten, is that a device-specific ROM?02:08
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justjustenAdamOutler, no its kinda like cm but on github they have branches for ubuntuphone.  Im wanting to port to the touchpad02:09
AdamOutlerjustjusten, it's just a bit more than a device-specific ROM.  it supports 7 devices.02:09
lkrasner1hey, just curious if anyone has worked at all towards porting to the acer iconia a500.  old device so I doubt it, but I'd love to give it a shot.02:11
justjustenAdamOutler, this is what I was looking at https://github.com/Evervolv/android_device_hp_tenderloin/tree/jellybean-ubuntuphone, I dont think that they had tenderloin(touchpad) listed as supported on there site but I found that and Im just kinda confused02:12
lkrasner1If not I might give it a shot at some point, but as a busy student, I doubt anything will happen soon! lol02:12
AdamOutlerah ha! got it02:15
AdamOutlerthat purge did the trick02:15
quincyattUserNice to hea02:15
quincyattUserBut if anyone has compiled a custom build by the porting guide successfully, please could you help me02:16
lkrasner1it seems fairly straightforward, but if any of you have ever tried to port over cm or aokp or something, you know how deceiving that can be. make sure you have plenty of coffee around02:17
quincyattUserYeah, I followed the entire guide to the letter but received some strange brunch errors in the end. Happen to know brunch well enough to help me?02:20
lkrasner1lol, not even getting through brunch!  that's when you know you're fucked02:21
lkrasner1anyways, I doubt it02:21
lkrasner1at least with android there is just so much code that it alwyas fails about 99999999999999 times before you finally get it to compile02:22
lkrasner1I'm guessing this will be the same story.  It's all about googling the hell out of every error you get, fix it, build again getting about 30 seconds further, and repeating02:23
quincyattUser*sigh* I guess you're right. Thanks for the help.02:24
quincyattUserOn to google!02:24
lkrasner1lol, no problem, just don't give up02:24
lkrasner1and get some sleep02:24
cronojayhas there been any progress for d2att port02:34
RobbyFI think it's done.02:38
RobbyFdank101 is all over it though.02:38
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cronojayYea havent seen much on any forums02:38
RobbyFdevelopment is all over at the moment.02:39
cronojayI heard there were device specific issues02:41
ubunballsis it possible for me to at least have the right time on my phone  :)03:07
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ubunballsanybody home? how do i set the clock on ubuntu touch03:08
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AdamOutlerI think now is the time to ragequit trying to develop apps that will run on-device03:10
AdamOutlerI'm just sick of it.03:10
AdamOutlerno error messages, it just doesn't run.03:10
ubunballswell if you can't get a clock to work on the phone, i say throw in the towel and scrap the project and sniff my stinkin ubunballs ya bunch of homoz03:11
dmj_novaAdamOutler: It doesn't run?03:15
dmj_novaYou're following the instructions and using QtCreator?03:16
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pigeonorso it is my understanding that canonical will release the base update but it is up to individual devs to make sure it works on your particular phone?03:18
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gilthethrillwhen can we expect a fully functioning Ubuntu Touch OS?03:36
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AdamOutlerdmj_nova, yes03:51
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nexwave-matHello, im trying to port and simply wondering if the following means anything to someone, E/qdoverlay(  191): cannot open framebuffer(2) E/qdoverlay(  191): initOverlay failed E/qdcopybit(  191): open_copybit: dlsym ERROR E/qdhwcomposer(  191): FATAL ERROR: copybit open failed.04:24
nexwave-matI edited a few copybit lines in order to correct an invalid integer build error but when bootinh ubuntu touch the screen remains blank04:25
SuperDefenderXAnyone trying to get Ubuntu Touch working on Acer Iconia Tablets?04:28
nexwave-matby removing my edits i get the following errors; hardware/qcom/display-caf/libcopybit/copybit_c2d.cpp: In function 'int blit_copybit(copybit_device_t*, const copybit_image_t*, const copybit_image_t*, const copybit_region_t*)':04:34
nexwave-mathardware/qcom/display-caf/libcopybit/copybit_c2d.cpp:1364:55: error: narrowing conversion of 'dst->copybit_image_t::w' from 'const uint32_t {aka const unsigned int}' to 'int' inside { } is ill-formed in C++11 [-Werror=narrowing]04:35
sergiusensnexwave-mat: do some casting to fix it hackishly04:37
mrgoodcatidentify fsmor;0804:56
mailerdid anyone try to port ubuntu-phone to another devices?05:21
wastrelit seems like people have been doing that and i think there's even an official page with links05:30
maileri cant find it05:30
mailerah. ty05:30
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Ursinhaali1234, hey, I followed your instructions to flash i9000 and made my way to flash i9000b, thanks :)06:07
Ursinhaali1234, apparently modem isn't working, but camera, sound, wifi and playing videos is working fine06:08
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justjustenI keep getting No rule to make target `out/host/linux-x86/bin/mkimage', needed by `out/target/product/tenderloin/boot.img' when trying to compile ubuntu phone for the touchpad with a evervolv base06:12
horzalI just installed the touch dev preview on my nexus 7, and I can't get the device to respond to touch after a reboot.06:12
justjustenCan anyone help or point me in the right direction?06:12
horzalNever mind, I don't know how to use it is all06:13
phrixiousjust a quick question, is it possible to load ubuntu phone on non Nexus devices (in particular, a Galaxy S2?)06:54
wastrelphrixious: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Devices06:56
wastrelbut also http://www.xda-developers.com/android/ubuntu-touch-next-generation-os-or-just-another-skin/06:56
phrixioussweet, thank you so much06:56
Ricky310711thoughts on ubuntu touch?06:58
ESphynxhey guys, I'm really hoping to hop in to that whole Ubuntu Mobile thing with Ecere :) Would anyone be interested in offering guidance or better yet helping me making it happen?07:04
Ricky310711@<ESphynx>     its quite a simple guide, you could actually install the rom via copying and pasting in terminal, be sure to backup you current .img          https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch     if you still need help installing ubuntu find me on xda.com at http://forum.xda-developers.com/member.php?u=5105831 and message me!07:15
dholbachgood morning07:24
Courtenayanyone know is reinstalling a custom recovery wipes your device?07:34
Courtenayanyone alive? :/07:39
Courtenaysorry i had no idea that was an irc command07:40
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toXelCourtenay: do you have ubuntu installed on your device and now want to go back to android?07:58
DragunKorrwhats the word birds08:14
DragunKorrant break thrus08:15
DragunKorrnice me neither lol08:16
DragunKorrsup kali?08:18
=== davidcalle_ is now known as davidcalle
ctvoigthello guys, is it possible to install ubuntu-touch as packages to the desktop version of ubuntu 12.10? i'm running ubuntu on my wetab and would like to test the new beautiful ui ;)08:41
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jounihanyone managed to get ubuntu touch running on a 1080p phone yet?09:55
mobiohi guys10:25
mobiojust a quick question10:25
mobiois there 3g support for tilapia (nakasig)?10:25
ogra_there is no 3g networking support at all yet, only wifi and gsm calls10:30
toXelogra_: is there anywhere a bug-tracker or something like that for ubuntu touch?10:32
ogra_not yet, its in the works (though there wont be much bug triage yet, the whole system is WIP)10:32
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ax562how's it going on the front line?10:47
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trigigidoes the installation of ubuntu touch on the GNex also wipe out the recovery and SDCard?11:03
trigigidoes the installation of ubuntu touch on the GNex also wipe out either the recover or SD Card? (sorry just fixing the grammar)11:04
ax562believe so...but not 100%11:05
=== Lloir|ZzZzZz is now known as Lloir
=== Ursinha_ is now known as Ursinha
Yami_Someone installed Ubuntu on the S3?11:29
Yami_Someone installed Ubuntu on the S3?11:37
zotonahi! it is possible what a future releases of Ubuntu touch will have a hdmi support for nexus devices??11:38
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popeyzotona: if the hardware supports it, possibly.11:43
naguIs dual boot opton available now in ubuntu touch ?11:43
Yami_I tryied to install it on Samsung Galaxy S3, it install correctly but doesn't start with Ubuntu, it starts with cyanogenmod :S Som help please?11:44
popeyzotona: devices like the nexus 7 don't support hdmi over the usb port unfortunately, hardware limitation11:44
naguIs dual boot opton available now in ubuntu touch ?11:56
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
BelebeAm happy you are there12:29
BelebeNow let go straight to my point12:29
BelebeI am just too excited, hmmmm12:29
BelebeI have an intel atom n2600 1.6 GHz cpu tablet can I intall the ubuntu touch on it12:30
Belebethe memory is 2 gb12:30
Belebeare you guys there?12:32
grizmaweBelebe, Im not sure if there is an x86 build yet...12:34
zotonapopey: nexus 7 have a slimport. and many other devices have mhl.  Ubuntu phone have support Slimport, MHL tech?12:35
BelebeThe other thing is, I try installing the 12.10 on it, it detected all hardware correctly, like camera, bluetooth, touch works alright during intallation12:36
Belebebut after installation, it start booting and stop at the black and white screen and ends there.  Any help?12:37
wanggjghostHi, anyone know how to change the language of Phabulous, or where could I find the src of the core framework packages(or translate them), I read the porting guide, but still can't find the src12:45
giryanHi everyone, relatively quick Q.12:46
wanggjghostany gitweb site for phabulous core app packages?12:46
wanggjghostI can help translate, but I need to find the src first :p12:47
giryanI'm just flashing my galaxy nexus for the first time, and it copied autodeploy, & printed "The device needs to be unlocked for the following to work". & asked me to sudo, but now it's just saying <waiting for device> the phone's just stopped on the fastboot screen.12:48
giryanshall I just boot it?12:48
wanggjghostU need to unlock your devices first12:48
giryanit's unlocked already, sorry, forgot to mention that12:49
wanggjghosthrm, maybe something wrong with your usb setting12:50
wanggjghostdoes adb works on your PC?12:50
giryanI've adbed to it, been in shell, I saw autodeploy.zip in the /sdcard12:51
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wanggjghostdon't know, does fastboot binary works? I'm on linux mint, and not use sudo permission, just follow the flash guide12:52
cordenhello guys. just wan to ask is MainView is on the Ubuntu-SDK since when I used it i got an error .12:54
dpmcorden, yes, MainView is in the SDK. Which version of Ubuntu are you running, and which PPA did you install the SDK from?12:56
* giryan sighs12:58
giryansorry, sorted now12:58
* giryan was using virtualbox12:58
* giryan needed to let it see the USB device12:58
giryanthanks wanggjghost :)13:01
cordenhi dpm, I'm using ubuntu 12.04, i used the Qt 5.0.1 offline version and extracted/compiled the qt-components-ubuntu_0.1.24~quantal1.tar.gz.13:05
cordeni was able to run the demo/sample sdk app.13:05
cordenand also currency converter app13:09
cordenany help guys.....13:23
ali1234Ursinha: mobile data doesn't work on any phone currently13:23
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MirvI'm copying qtchooser compliant Qt4 for 12.04 to the qt5-proper PPA13:51
Mirvwhich means that also precise users can co-install Qt 4 & 513:51
Mirv(regarding development binaries, libraries haven't been a problem so far either)13:52
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* kalikiana puts QVariant into the uncanny valley: it converts so much, it hurts for real when it returns bullshit14:10
netcurlihm.. the libqt5svg5 package from the qt5-proper ppa seems to be missing the plugins/imageformats/libqsvg.so file14:12
netcurliMirv: can you look into this?14:14
xsachamm there was a rename to ubuntu-touch?14:19
xsachaso this covers all devices now?14:20
Mirvnetcurli: thanks, will look into it. with a quick look, it's built but not installed to the packages14:21
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
legomaster181my source code download using phablet-dev-bootsrap fails at "Branching lp:phablet-extras/libhybris into ubuntu/hybris" due to "bzr: not found"  Any idea what's going on?14:30
ali1234legomaster181: install bzr14:31
ali1234xsacha: yes14:32
legomaster181Ah, I see, I didn't realize it was a missing package14:33
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ali1234xsacha: you probably want build-essential as well14:33
ali1234oops legomaster181^14:34
drapget it :) on Galaxy Note II14:34
stuphiI see there is a new build on cdimage.ubuntu.com Any idea if there is a changelog about?14:35
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
cordenanybody experiencing MainView error when running app?14:44
AdamOutlerWhat do I have to do to get Ubuntu.Components un-underlined in Qt?14:44
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
fluximIs there documentation available on how to set up ubuntu for phones with an emulator maybe qemu?14:51
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ali1234fluxim: not yet14:57
glide007Hi there14:58
glide007do u know if I configure my nexus 4 with dual boot one for android and one for ubuntu?14:59
fluximif I bootstrapped my nexus galaxy once and I want to flash a new version, I have to type phablet-flash. Is this also true, if I use another laptop to perform the task, which has never seen phablet-tools before?15:02
hourdglide007: i have done so on a nexus7 using multirom15:03
glide007hourd: thanks, i was afraid that rooting will void my phone warranty, is that trie?15:03
MBaumihey dudes15:04
MBaumisome1 from canonical here?15:04
crypticmofoMBaumi, there incognito15:05
hourdglide007: you have to unlock the bootloader to do it, i think that may void warranty15:05
nexwave-mathey everyone. I keep running into a make error and feel like i'm looking over something very basic, such as a missing include.... any help would be appreciated. http://pastebin.com/E1Q5SwyP15:05
jottidownSprint does not consider unlocking bootloader warranty voiding activity15:05
glide007hourd: thanks for the info, I will see, if I can give it a try during next weekend15:06
Tassadarit really depends on the context15:06
TToivanenHey guys! Could someone link me the "generic" quantal image?15:06
MBaumiis ist "Ubuntu for Phones", "Ubuntu Phone" or "Ubuntu Mobile"?15:06
hourdglide007: you will also need twrp custom recovery too15:07
Tassadarif you lock the bootloader again and flash the factory image, then there is good change nobody's gonna gona care about root15:07
Tassadar*only one gonna15:07
jottidowntrye tassadar15:07
jottidowntrue i meant15:07
ali1234fluxim: i think that is correct, yes15:07
glide007Tassadar: i understand what you mean:)15:07
fluximali1234: thanks15:08
glide007i will give it a try next weekend, too busy with work this week, thanks a lot all of you!15:08
glide007i m going now, take care and have a nice time!15:08
fluximIs 12.10 or 13.04 used to develop with ubuntu for phones? What should be preferred?15:09
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=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
TToivanenShould I take the MWC-demo version of the image or one of the nightlies?15:17
ogra_try a daily :)15:18
TToivanenogra_ Thanks15:18
mcfly_I was attempting to port Ubuntu Touch to the TF101 and about 20 minutes into the compile it errors with a java javalib.jar needed by something else, from what I understood it only needed to compile C/C++ and not deal with any java libraries15:24
mcfly_is there something i'm missing in this process?15:24
ali1234mcfly_: you are correct. you need to rip out java stuff from your device specific repos15:25
ali1234let me show you an example...15:25
ali1234mcfly_: https://github.com/ali1234/android_device_samsung_aries-common/commit/f10568056214d2fb0a8971bca1a41e13a3ec5b1e15:26
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
onlychevysHello all, can someone help me with an error? I am trying to build for the hercules T-mobile galaxy S2.15:27
MBaumimcfly : could you send me a mail when you ported it to TF 101 ? would love to have it! mika.baumeister@live.de15:27
ali1234onlychevys: maybe, show error15:28
onlychevysThanks:  make: *** No rule to make target `/home/mark/ubuntu/out/target/common/obj/APPS/framework-res_intermediates/src/R.stamp', needed by `/home/mark/ubuntu/out/target/common/obj/APPS/GalaxyS2Settings_intermediates/src/R.stamp'.  Stop.15:28
onlychevysmake: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs....15:28
ali1234onlychevys: look at the URL i sent to mcfly, you have same problem15:29
mcfly_oh ok15:29
ali1234onlychevys: you need to find what is building Galaxy2Settings and disable it15:29
mcfly_thanks for you rhelp!15:29
onlychevysThank you! I am going now15:29
ogra_mcfly_, please add yourself to  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Devices15:30
mcfly_will do.15:30
ogra_thanks !15:30
* ogra_ is looking forward to a 101 port ... i have one idly lying around 15:30
TToivanenogra_ I would like to do the same thing. Who do I contact?15:31
nexwave-matali1234: maybe you can set me on the correct path for this build error, http://pastebin.com/E1Q5SwyP ?15:31
ali1234TToivanen: you mean add yourself on the wiki? just sign up and do it15:31
ogra_yeah, its a wiki15:31
MBaumimcfly_ could you send me a mail right now? not that you forget it and you have the mail saved ;) mika.baumeister@live.de15:31
mcfly_i will.....15:32
vibhavI should consider porting it too15:32
TToivanenali1234 ogra_ Thanks! Will add myself ;)15:32
ali1234nexwave-mat: not sure about that one sorry. looks a bit more involved. first step is find that file that is erroring and figure out what exactly it does15:32
nexwave-matI dug arround on the web and tried a fix for the make error that worked, however then the display driver on the phone simply did not work.15:34
Arnova10bG2userwrrup peepz,any word on a new developers preview release for galaxy s i9000 with gsm support? or maybe a rom for a arnova 10B G2 tablet?15:34
ali1234gsm data doesn't work on any phone right now15:35
nexwave-matthis is the fix I tried, http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=38399789&postcount=915:35
ogra_Arnova10bG2user, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Devices15:35
Arnova10bG2userdon't mean data,just calling:p15:35
ali1234i didn't test calling, does it work?15:35
ogra_it is supposed to15:35
ali1234ogra_: no i mean on my build for i9000 :)15:35
Arnova10bG2useryeah i know about the list of devices -_- i was asking it to the geniouses,not just the ones who live off of posts:p15:35
ogra_An-IP-BreAKDoWN, thanks for tehse kind words15:36
MBaumijust writing a howto in german how to flash ubuntu mobile :)15:36
ali1234Arnova10bG2user: i did the i9000 port, ogra_ works for canonical :P15:36
Arnova10bG2useryeah well u don't have to be a genious to work somewhere, i just find it kinda sucky that we are stuck with a half working dev preview,i wanna see more15:37
Arnova10bG2userand gratz ali15:37
Arnova10bG2useryour a genious tho15:37
Arnova10bG2userporting it yrself15:37
Arnova10bG2userme myself i'm not so skilled, so i notice geniousness instantly:p15:37
ali1234so did you try calling?15:38
MBaumiwhere can i find all ported versions, included to custom-ported?15:38
ali1234and it didnt work at all? or no sound?15:38
Arnova10bG2userit doesn't do anything after i give in my number and pressed the phone button15:38
Arnova10bG2userdidn't do anything,thats why i came here:p15:38
ali1234MBaumi: on the devices wiki linked above ^15:38
Arnova10bG2useri love your port bro,so i wanna see more xD15:38
ali1234i will look into it but i can't promise anything15:38
MBaumiali1234 just found it lol thy15:39
Arnova10bG2userand i can't compile it myself cuz i'm always stuck in between commands with my keyboard constantly switching from qwerty to azerty:p15:39
Arnova10bG2userwould love if that would be able15:39
Arnova10bG2userwith someone like me would it be possible to make my own version for my  arnova 10b g2?15:39
mcfly_cya guys later.. thanks for the help!15:39
ali1234maybe... i never used cyanogenmod or built an android rom before15:40
ali1234however, i do have a lot experience working with linux and ubuntu and especially kernels and git15:40
Arnova10bG2userme neither rly :/i have little experience with porting android roms so that i can figure out15:40
Arnova10bG2userand i use ubuntu on my old pc so i know some commands :/15:40
ali1234does arnova 10b g2 have cyanogenmod port already? because that makes it much easier if it does15:41
Arnova10bG2userright now trying aosp+ phablet+ the screen fix15:41
Arnova10bG2usermaybe that ll get me phone:d15:41
Arnova10bG2userwell ali do have another question15:42
Arnova10bG2useranyway to access the terminal from the developer preview15:42
Arnova10bG2userso i could change on the spot?15:42
ali1234you can use adb15:42
ali1234adb root; adb shell15:42
Arnova10bG2usero so that works in ubuntu too:p15:42
Arnova10bG2userdidn't know that15:42
ali1234then to access ubuntu system ubuntu_chroot shell on adb shell15:42
Arnova10bG2useri'm a freshmen at this xD15:43
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ali1234then you can apt-get install openssh-server if you want15:43
ali1234i tested wifi and it works15:44
ali1234i am concerned about /efs to be honest15:44
ali1234i have had trouble with that before15:44
ali1234i haven't checked yet, whether it still works properly15:45
ali1234i hope you backed it up like the instructions says...15:45
Arnova10bG2useryeah totally15:45
Arnova10bG2userbut my thingy didn't work,its CM specific i think15:45
Arnova10bG2userany less hard stuff i can try, like can i use the tar.gz as patches?15:48
ali1234don't understand what you mean... what tar.gz?15:48
Arnova10bG2userwell if i go to your patches page over at git,and i press to download it i get this tar.gz,and i know that its some sort of executable in linux but can i use it as like a patch in ubuntu touch?15:49
ali1234ah no, don't do that15:49
ali1234that is a tar gz of the whole source code not just my patches15:49
ali1234when you build this, the build system fetches the source for you15:49
ali1234so you don't need to download anything manually15:50
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Arnova10bG2userso how do i get it in the same zip as my rom?15:53
Arnova10bG2useri'm getting brainfreeze .... xD15:53
ali1234Arnova10bG2user: you have to download 16GB of source code and then build it15:53
Arnova10bG2useromg,so without that,i wont be able to do anything more right?15:54
ali1234not if you want to make fixes15:54
Arnova10bG2useri want fixes, so i need to make my brain itch a lil more xD15:55
Arnova10bG2userand couldn't someone get a image the same size as the one you released with some fixes applied? maybe i could ask my friend,who's not on smallband15:57
ali1234yes, if they get the source and rebuild it15:57
MBaumicould anyone from canonical team send me a private message?15:58
krabadorthe android base, it's only for now, or ubuntu-touch, it's an android based os?16:00
empinatorIs it a bad idea to try installing ubuntu-touch on a non-Nexus device at this point? Anything I would have to keep in mind if I would try it anyway?16:01
Arnova10bG2useri do think android is somewhere under that ubuntu yes16:03
Arnova10bG2userdon't know in what way tho,but as you need CM 1016:03
krabadorempinator, if the non-nexus device haven't a stable support on CM10.1, it can be a bad idea, for now16:03
empinatorok, thanks16:04
krabadorempinator, samsung galaxy i9100 will need many works before look a decent preview version16:04
Arnova10bG2userso arnova10b g2 is no no too?cuz i ported a nexus 10 rom to it once and that worked so i thaught maybe i could try it again?16:05
krabadorand for now i said PLEASE CANONICAL, HELP i9100 USERS!!!!16:05
Arnova10bG2usersorry, i9000 here :s16:05
krabadorArnova10bG2user, do you tried ubuntu on it?16:06
Arnova10bG2useryeah, and i got it to work why bro?16:06
empinatori was looking into trying it on a samsung galaxy note (since i have it lying around)... but probably a bad idea :-)16:06
Arnova10bG2userif you could port the CM rom16:07
Arnova10bG2usertheres a guide on xda developers16:07
Arnova10bG2userthen it could be possible :/16:07
Arnova10bG2userbut i don't think its a good idea16:07
Arnova10bG2userits got a different size16:07
empinatorthought so16:07
Arnova10bG2userso it would need a new rezising zip thingy too16:07
krabadorempinator, for now, exynos based deviced (that haven't a properly good support on cm10.1, because of missing gralloc and hwc) have many problems16:08
Arnova10bG2usermine had this zip to make it fit to my screen16:08
krabadorsamsung don't release exynos source, as promised on october16:08
Arnova10bG2usersame with archos16:08
Arnova10bG2userstill wayting for the arnova 10b g2 stock roms to come out so i can start working16:08
Arnova10bG2useronly have a copy of one using it16:09
Arnova10bG2userthose silly fucks think they can get away with anything :s16:09
krabadorArnova10bG2user, really bad deal16:09
Arnova10bG2userwell what you could try16:09
Arnova10bG2userlook for a CM rom for exynos devices16:09
Arnova10bG2usergoogle it16:10
Arnova10bG2userand then switch the files from the i9000 rom to that rom16:10
krabadori use cm roms by some month16:10
Arnova10bG2userwill surely work,seeing your still in the cm scene there16:10
empinatoras much as i would love to try ubuntu touch, i think it's a bit to experimental for me16:10
Arnova10bG2userand i don't see what could cause brick damage16:10
Arnova10bG2userit is experimental at the beginning but so was android16:10
Arnova10bG2userand i still use it now;)16:10
krabadori'm a properly cm user, but i can't tell you that cm roms, for now, are a great experience16:10
genii-aroundempinator: But that's where the fun part is!16:10
empinatorno doubt!16:10
Arnova10bG2userwell guys,lets get our heads together16:11
Arnova10bG2userwe got some working versious16:11
Arnova10bG2userand we got some coding people16:11
krabadormissing gralloc and hwc on cm10.1 roms, are daily annoying16:11
Arnova10bG2userif they would be so kind to give us a version with the new patches in it,we can go on what they started16:11
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Arnova10bG2userhwc has a fix tho ride?16:12
drapi have font rendering artefact, first moment all ok, but after a second fonts starts corrupting. any suggestions? thanks16:12
krabadorArnova10bG2user, for some exynos based device, the original jelly beam source code, would be better than cm 10.116:12
krabadordrap, sometimes it's needed an hpi fix16:13
krabadordpi fix16:13
Arnova10bG2userwhy's that krabador? so its not needed to have CM to go to ubuntu?16:13
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krabadorArnova10bG2user, yes, ubuntu need some source from cm10.1 as android base, but if the cm10.1 android code is of a non properly good supported device, the result can't be good too16:14
krabadorthen, in some case, it would be better replace the cm10.1 components, with the same of the official source code if available16:15
Arnova10bG2userbut thats what i'm saying16:15
Arnova10bG2userfix up the rom that isn't working correctly for your device,then go to ubuntu:d16:15
Arnova10bG2userfirst thing always needed is a compatible base16:15
ogra_ubuntu touch just won a prize ! https://twitter.com/silbs/status/306434650895708161/photo/116:16
Arnova10bG2userwould be nice if they helped us fix up these thingies,i want it out of DP and into betaaaa!:d16:17
krabadorif cm devs are in a noway point, with cm10.1 develop for some device, users with unsupported device, with available official code, if wants ubuntu, should use this last for a better result16:17
krabadorat least for now that ubuntu development are at the beginning16:18
krabadorogra_, ubuntu touch will ever be android based, or the cm10.1 are only for now?16:18
ogra_Arnova10bG2user, patience is golden ... the guys at MWC are important to actually get preinstalled devices some day16:19
genii-aroundogra_: YAY!16:19
ogra_krabador, it will likely stay android underneath, but bits will vanish from the default CM and others will be better integrated etc16:20
ogra_krabador, CM is simply the best way to retain a large device compatibility16:21
krabadorogra_, ok, but ubuntu touch will never be native, then16:21
ogra_a preinstalled device where a vendor would work closely with canonical could indeed be different16:22
ogra_but for now, android is the only way to get a sane set of drivers16:23
shadeslayerjust curious, when using phablet-dev-bootstrap with the -c option, will it continue cloning from where it left off?16:23
shadeslayeror will it skip a dir that it failed to download?16:23
ogra_it should, yes16:23
shadeslayerI've been cloning for the last couple of days and it keeps failing16:23
ogra_yeah, youre not alone16:23
Arnova10bG2userogra:d could you get me a build where i can download test apps and where i can call with a i9000? :p16:23
ogra_Arnova10bG2user, we dont do i9000 builds, and yeah, i can get you a userspace with apps and working calls ... call again in three months :P16:24
ogra_(or two ... or so)16:25
Arnova10bG2userdo think ubuntu touch should be universal,cuz otherwise theres gonna be lots of people with bricks allright xD16:25
shadeslayerso I just want to make sure that I spend so much time cloning it and it fails in the end due to download issues16:26
shadeslayerogra_: yeah, I can understand16:26
shadeslayeroverloaded servers and what not16:26
ogra_shadeslayer, the server has to many open connections atm16:26
ogra_not actually overloaded, the throughput is fine16:27
drapkrabador, is default dpi from cm .prop not ok?16:27
krabadordrap, not, for some device must be modified16:27
shadeslayerogra_: know anyone who's working on builds for the 2012 HTC One X?16:28
shadeslayer( just want to make sure I don't duplicate effort )16:28
ogra_shadeslayer, if there is nothing on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Devices i dont ...16:29
ogra_we are usually asking people to add themselves there if they work on a port16:29
shadeslayersomeone *is* working on it16:29
ogra_yeah, seems like16:29
ali1234i have a mirror of the git if you need it16:29
krabadorogra_, where can i look development changelog?16:30
shadeslayerali1234: that would be awesome16:30
ali1234shadeslayer: pm16:30
ogra_krabador, well, in the git tree for the android bits and in every individual package of the ubuntu userspace16:31
Arnova10bG2userOrga,when do you think a version will be out with gsm/3G and stuff?:p16:31
ogra_package changelogs are usually in /usr/share/doc/<packagename>/16:31
p3limNice to see the preview out, but I miss a guide or link to one for installing on windows16:32
ogra_Arnova10bG2user, no ideas, really, patches to the ofono stack are happily accepted and appreciated though16:32
p3limI have a nexus 4 btw16:32
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ali1234i might set a daily build for SGS :)16:37
ali1234should be pretty easy, just repo sync and then brunch right?16:38
ogra_p3lim, there should be howtos out ther how to install with fastboot and adb, that should work from windows as well16:38
ogra_if not. use a VM with ubuntu in it ... or a live cd/usb stick16:38
p3limyeah just found one guide by some browsing on xda16:38
p3limwant to test it out just to see :)16:39
Tassadarwhich kernel source does the daily build use for nexus 7?17:00
TassadarI can't find the commithash from /proc/version anywhere Oo17:03
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ogra_ubuntu touch presentation is on ... live ... now http://www.mobileworldlive.com/mobile-world-live-tv-live-stream17:21
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ali1234who is that sitting right of mark?17:24
ali1234(his right)17:24
ogra_the lead of the mozilla foundation17:24
ogra_oh, his right17:24
ogra_the moderator17:24
ali1234woah who is THAT guy?17:25
* ogra_ didnt catch the name fully ... mark something17:25
Tassadarogra_: are you somehow related to touch daily builds?17:25
Stskeepsmarc dillon17:25
ogra_Tassadar, i only publish them atm17:25
ogra_Stskeeps, thanks !17:25
UrsinhaMarc Dillon?17:26
ali1234that's geoff blaber17:26
ali1234i thought it was17:26
Tassadardo you know who is? Because I can't find sources for grouper's kernel which is used in the daily build, it is not the one on phablet.ubuntu.com17:26
ogra_it should be17:26
Tassadarhashes don't match, kernel says 0901f7b and last commit is http://phablet.ubuntu.com/gitweb?p=CyanogenMod/android_kernel_asus_grouper.git;a=commit;h=9e1ebcc298231f000396929f33456b77a82f834617:27
ogra_no idea, sorry, i just grab the finished img's and shuffle them around to cdimage17:27
rsalvetiTassadar: it's not using head from there yet17:30
rsalvetiTassadar: that should happen hopefully for tomorrow17:31
Tassadarokay, thanks17:31
rsalvetiour first daily was still produced internally based on branches we got for the first public image17:31
rsalvetijust because we had some great fixes and we wanted people to try17:31
rsalvetibut sergiusens is working on setting up the public jenkins which will build the images based on phablet.ubuntu.com and a public ppa17:31
TToivanenI get "Failed to open /dev/null: Permission denied" when I type command "ubuntu-session". What to do?17:33
gennrowhen is the change to raring going to happen?17:33
rsalvetigennro: we'll be working on that over the next few weeks, but I don't have a final date yet17:33
gennrorsalveti, awesome thanks17:34
TToivanenCan somebody here help me?17:36
TToivanenI get "Failed to open /dev/null: Permission denied" when I type command "ubuntu-session". What to do?17:36
duceTToivanen, maybe sudo ubuntu-session17:39
TToivanenduce Thanks, but now i get this: "sudo: no tty present and no askpass program specified"17:40
duceTToivanen, you ssh'd in?17:41
TToivanenduce Nope, adb17:41
TToivanenshould I use ssh?17:42
duceif you can, I would try it17:42
TToivanenOK I'll give it a try17:42
duceyou need a tty for sudo17:43
duceand adb is not a tty17:43
duce(I think)17:43
duceif that does not work, try ssh -t17:44
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Guest5023anyone know if there is access to a terminal in ubuntu touch on a nexus 717:49
TToivanenduce How do I install openssh-server on my device without any internet?17:50
duceTToivanen, not sure17:51
ogra_ssh access is described in the release notes (see channel topic)17:53
TToivanenPorting guide suggests this:17:53
TToivanenAn alternate means of configuring networking is via the phablet-network-setup tool which is part of the phablet-tools package. This script can be used to copy an active Network Manager system settings file from an Ubuntu Desktop ( >= 12.04 LTS ) to the device. It also has some extra options which cause the tool to install network-related packages such as iw and openssh-server.17:53
t1mpTToivanen: you'll need the openssh-server packages. You can put them on the device using adb17:53
t1mpTToivanen: ah if you do have a network with internet, I propose you set-up the network on the device first.17:54
t1mpTToivanen: phablet-network-setup can be executed when the device is connected to an ubuntu pc using usb cable.17:54
TToivanenCommand not found. Phablet-network-setup isn't installed along with phablet tools?17:58
duceTToivanen, yep17:59
duce~$ phablet-18:00
ducephablet-dev-bootstrap  phablet-flash          phablet-network-setup18:00
giveenDo you think it would be better to use my heavily modified kernel or a stock Honeycomb kernel?18:10
BEChello; quick question: will all app's on my desktop/laptop work on the tablets & smart phones (w/o the developer's need to customize them for such devices)?18:15
duceBEC, I would think that would be up to those writing the apps...18:18
BECduce, but isn't Ubuntu for tablets/smart phones advertised as to use the same apps of that in the usc?18:19
BEC1 OS for all devices?18:19
duceBEC, sure, for many of the core apps18:20
BECfor example, LibreOffice (in the demo's) worked well; was that a special LibreOffice for the phone/tablet or just the same as that of the desktop?18:20
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nicholashi, where can i download ubuntu images for phlashing.18:22
sergiusensrsalveti: TToivanen http://sergiusens.github.com/posts/daily-builds-and-updates-to-phablet-tools.html ...18:23
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TToivanensergiusens Thank you. Now I got the command show up.18:29
TToivanenDamn it. Now I get "Network connection file "ssid=Toivasten verkko" cannot be read" when I exec phablet-network-setup. Should the network be some special type?18:34
TToivanent1mp ^18:37
giveenI have yet to get it successfully ported to my tablet., end up booting up to a blank screen18:38
TToivanengiveen did you do the required adb commands?18:42
TToivanenAfter booting to the blank screen18:42
duceblank screen <318:44
giveenTToivanen, still working on even getting ADB to work, I don't know what happened to my working adb18:44
giveenAfter the CM upgraded the code to 4.2.2, everything went south18:45
giveenAnd yes, I did update my adb binaries18:45
evertheylen2hey all, what should I do if my device isn't supported by phablet-dev-bootstrap ?18:52
evertheylen2I get the error: ERROR:phablet-dev-bootstrap:Vendor device anzu not supported18:52
evertheylen2(anzu= SE Xperia Arc)18:53
TToivanenDon't run any switches. Only phablet-dev-bootstrap [folder]18:53
TToivanenYou use vendor switch -v only for supported devices18:53
evertheylen2I would like to port Ubuntu Touch to it, but the guide doesn't mention what to do if it isn't supported by phablet-dev-bootstrap18:53
evertheylen2TToivanen: so I should just run it without switches?18:54
evertheylen2And you're sure it provides me a base so I can continue porting?18:54
TToivanenSure. I did it myself for the One X18:54
sergiusensevertheylen2: yes, if you do it without switches and follow the guide you should be fine18:55
Scognitotrying to compile ubuntu touch for i9100 I get:18:55
Scognitono rule to make target "/media/scognito/dati/dev/ubuntu-touch/out/target/common/obj/APPS/framework-res_intermediates/src/R.stamp", needed for "/media/scognito/dati/dev/ubuntu-touch/out/target/common/obj/APPS/GalaxyS2Settings_intermediates/src/R.stamp"18:55
evertheylen2ok. One more thing, CM 10.1 isn't made yet for anzu, is that a problem?18:55
Scognitoseems it needs some (unneded) java things18:55
sergiusensScognito: remove whatever build rule is including that apk... probably somewhere in devices/samsung/*s2-common (don't recall the exact name)18:56
TToivanenevertheylen2 Yes it is a problem18:56
evertheylen2already thought so18:56
TToivanenCM10.1 is needed for a base18:56
Scognitogalaxys2-common, let me see18:56
evertheylen2I think there is an experimental build of it18:56
evertheylen2Can I use that?18:57
sergiusensevertheylen2: you can try and backport to cm-10 looking though the specific commits we did on the phablet tag18:57
sergiusensevertheylen2: or use the experimental one I guess18:57
TToivanenevertheylen2 Flash it and if you think it is stable enough, use it18:57
evertheylen2but I just don't understand, the image needs to be modified, isn't it?18:58
TToivanenAnyone on this channel knows how to use SSH? I'm in need of some help.18:58
Scognitosergiusens: you mean I've to edit some .mk thing?18:58
tzvi anyone know what "not enough space in /data" means? when running phablet-flash18:59
tzviand how to fix19:00
evertheylen2that reminds me, 1 GB internal memory won't be enough, will it?19:01
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sergiusensScognito: exactly,19:02
Scognitoit is not mentioned in the porting guide, i'm not a newbe but I'm not an expert :) ...I tought a grep APPS * could help, but didn't19:03
giveentzvi, go into your BoardConfig.mk and find the /data line and add more bytes19:03
tzvigiveen, where do i find BoardConfig.mk? thanks19:04
bouzomarcelohi everyone, is there a room for spanish?19:04
vaspoliniHi, is there any way to keep phablet-flash updated with daily builds automatically?19:07
vaspolinias in, daily builds of Ubuntu Touch19:07
giveenAre you refering to an update service? Or doing dialy builds?19:08
vaspolinimaking it get the files from /current/19:08
giveenDon't think there is right now19:09
vaspolinicrap, have to make a script for automating it using BASE_PATH then.. No chance anyone has already cooked one up?19:10
giveenYou want to make a build bot? You can then flash those over daily?19:10
giveenCould try this https://bitbucket.org/shauder/android-build-bot-script/overview19:11
vaspolinithe files in /current/ are newer than the mwc-demo files, just want the phablet-flash program to get those instead19:11
vaspolinigiveen: oh, that is not at all what I meant. the current builds are already zipped and ready to go. just wanted to know if I could get phablet-flash to get them from /current/ instead of mwc-demo19:13
evertheylen2sergiusens: would this be ok? https://github.com/cyanogenmod/android_device_semc_anzu/tree/jellybean-stable19:13
giveenYeah, not sure then :)19:13
vaspoliniok, thanks anyway :) Ill stick around to see if anyone brings this up again19:14
evertheylen2Actually, it can count as a question for you all: would this git repo do the job for porting Ubuntu Touch to my SE Xperia Arc (anzu)? https://github.com/cyanogenmod/android_device_semc_anzu/tree/jellybean-stable19:16
sergiusensevertheylen2: best bet is to see if cm-10.1 works with that and then get going19:17
drmarblebuild cm-10.1 first, then build ubuntu.19:19
evertheylen2I've now started the 15 GB download19:21
TToivanenAnyone on this channel knows how to use SSH? I'm in need of some help.19:23
duceTToivanen, what do you need help with?19:24
TToivanenduce PM'd19:25
genii-aroundMeh. Anyone know which Xoom model smartboyhw is trying to port for?19:30
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giveeneh, off to my forensics class :( but porting wants me to stay19:44
giveenHm, found part of my problem with cmopiling, was missing a package, bzr19:48
evertheylen2vaspolini: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2013/02/ubuntu-touch-developer-preview-rolls-out-daily-builds19:51
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Guest25542hey folks19:52
Guest25542i just have one question:19:52
Guest25542how can i update my ubuntu phone? do i have to flash it again?19:52
evertheylen2Guest25542: see the link I just posted http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2013/02/ubuntu-touch-developer-preview-rolls-out-daily-builds19:53
evertheylen2the article is just 15 mins old19:54
Guest25542thank you! this is awesome. nice timing ;)19:55
Guest25542also is there a kind of tracker, which shows the recent changes?19:56
vaspolinievertheylen2: thank you! exactly what I was looking for19:59
vaspoliniodd that it is not listed in the --help commands19:59
evertheylen2Hmm, would it be a big problem that my device doesn't meet the minimum requirements?20:00
evertheylen2its a single core A7 processor...20:00
evertheylen2running at 1.4 GHz20:00
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vaspolinievertheylen2: the nexus 7, though it is only 1,2 GHz cpu, is extremely choppy trying to run the beast20:03
evertheylen21.2 Ghz quadcore20:04
evertheylen2and I think you could blame bad optimisation for that20:04
ZaEarlin the long run, Ubuntu should run better than Android. But this is such an early preview, current performance will get better.20:05
vaspoliniyes, I do not recommend building it on a single core yet. It feels very... thick..20:05
w00tc0d3awesome sauce20:06
w00tc0d3but which services do i have to add?20:06
w00tc0d3oh wait20:06
w00tc0d3they're already added20:06
rmeyerriecksis the window manager gpu accelerated in the current preview?20:06
w00tc0d3and the ubuntu container is somewhere on my pc20:06
w00tc0d3rmeyerriecks: yes20:06
w00tc0d3rmeyerriecks: android hw acc20:07
w00tc0d3dunno if they fully use it tho20:07
evertheylen2vaspolini: I'll try anyway20:07
vaspolinithats the spirit :D20:08
evertheylen2btw, is it normal that the map I have chosen for the bootstrap is still empty?20:08
evertheylen2after like 15 mins of downloading?20:08
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w00tc0d3i manually bootstrap LOL20:09
w00tc0d3just install that shit20:10
w00tc0d3and push quantal-rootfs-touch to /data/ubuntu20:10
w00tc0d3and get dat shit rollin'20:10
IdleOnew00t: Please keep the language clean20:10
IdleOnew00tc0d3: ^20:10
w00tc0d3ofcouse it isn't really clean20:11
w00tc0d3but imho it's reasonable :)20:11
w00tc0d3but i'll change it, if that's needed20:11
IdleOneit would be appreciated :)20:11
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halcyconhi all20:19
halcyconi have what may potentially be a noob question :-(20:19
halcyconI'm trying to port/build for a samsung galaxy tab 2.0 7 inch20:19
halcyconand I'm having trouble at the brunch stage, saying it can't find the device/vendor/omap4-common folder20:20
w00tc0d3anyone's got the Ubuntu Touch CHROOT container?20:20
halcyconI've googled etc. and not found many references to the omap4-common folder20:20
ali1234halcycon: maybe you didn't add the right repos20:20
ali1234check cm.dependencies20:20
ali1234w00tc0d3: what do you mean by "container"?20:21
w00tc0d3ali1234: /data/ubuntu :)20:21
ali1234w00tc0d3: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-touch-preview/quantal/mwc-demo/quantal-preinstalled-phablet-armhf.zip20:21
ali1234not sure if there is a new one for daily build20:21
halcyconali1234: I added the repos for the p3100, where do I check cm.dependencies?20:22
ali1234halcycon: it's in the repo you added20:22
w00tc0d3ali1234: uh? i downloaded that one, but when I untarred it, I got casper dirs in it etc20:22
halcyconali1234: nvm20:22
ali1234w00tc0d3: it's a CWM compatible zip20:22
halcyconali1234: i do apologise20:22
w00tc0d3ali1234: o_O does it wipe?20:23
ali1234w00tc0d3: inside the casper is the root filesystem... but i'm not sure what else CWM does20:23
ali1234w00tc0d3: no it does not wipe, just unpacks20:23
w00tc0d3ali1234: you can't flash it with CWM< I'm sure20:23
ali1234w00tc0d3: i did flash it with CWM ... so you can20:23
ali1234however it needs 1.5GB to unpack properly20:23
ali1234you can adb in while running CWM and watch it unpack itself20:24
w00tc0d3pretty stupid20:24
w00tc0d3overread it20:24
w00tc0d3i'll lol hard if it works because this is my first shot20:25
ali1234worked first time for me20:25
ali1234but i had to flash the rootfs twice because first time i didn't wipe, and there was not enough space on data20:25
w00tc0d3i didn't pay full attention while modding it :P:P:P20:26
w00tc0d3(android code)20:26
ali1234neither did i20:26
w00tc0d3i hate paying attention xD20:26
ali1234i just ripped out everything that wouldn't compile20:26
dank101your back gianguido :D20:26
w00tc0d3oh well20:26
gianguidonot for i9300 anymore...20:26
w00tc0d3hope this'd ever work20:26
w00tc0d3gianguido: just compiled for i930020:26
gianguidow00tc0d3, working?20:27
w00tc0d3successfully, now testing20:27
gianguidoi had a lot of problem, hwcomposer isn't really great20:27
gianguidoor, at least, samsung isn't20:27
gianguidojust got a N4 :)20:27
galette2I would like to connect my ubuntu galaxy nexus to my ubuntu desktop over ethernet throught usb cable. How should I configure may galaxy nexus ?20:28
halcyconali1234: that was a complete idiot moment :-)20:29
ali1234halcycon: did you fix it then?20:29
mainerrorOuh, fancy. Daily images, well done there ogra_ and team. :)20:29
halcyconali1234: I checked the repositories and the example listed the files for that model, but not all of them... resyncing now20:30
gianguidotomorrow i'll flash my n4 with ubuntu, finally20:31
w00tc0d3tomorrow i have ubuntu on my i930020:31
w00tc0d3if it isn't this evening20:32
gianguidow00tc0d3, have you solved all the issues?20:32
w00tc0d3E/linker  ( 2601): ics/linker.c:1072| ERROR: Library '/system/lib/libubuntu_application_api.so' not found20:33
mainerrorWAT! A Nexus S port? That'll be interesting to watch.20:33
gianguidow00tc0d3, this is strange20:34
gianguidoi had libandroid_runtime issues20:34
gianguidobut not ubuntu-related20:34
w00tc0d3i just removed libandroid_runtime from the makefile LOL20:34
dank101You shouldn't have done that20:35
w00tc0d3i should have20:35
dank101*song of unhealing*20:35
w00tc0d3because it doesn't matter20:35
dank101it does20:35
dank101we needed that to even get the i9300 port BOOTING20:35
w00tc0d3it doesn't20:35
rsalvetiw00tc0d3: make sure you also have the bzr branches for the ubuntu repos20:35
rsalvetitake a look at phablet-dev-bootstrap (code)20:36
w00tc0d3rsalveti: lol... i manually checked out the android repo :P20:36
halcyconali1234: would you believe it's complaining that my JVM is too new :-S20:36
rsalveti    'ubuntu/hybris': 'lp:phablet-extras/libhybris',20:36
rsalveti    'ubuntu/platform-api': 'lp:platform-api',20:36
rsalvetiw00t: ^^20:36
rsalvetiw00tc0d3: ^20:36
w00tc0d3what should I do with that? ^^20:36
tutehello, does anyone here have any experience with mounting a nexus 7 and transferring files to it under ubuntu?20:37
gianguidow00tc0d3, without libandroid_runtime my build won't boot because mali drivers seems to need that20:37
mainerrortute: You can use adb for that.20:37
mainerrorIn theory. I haven't tried but that should work.20:38
w00tc0d3gianguido: lemme see20:38
tutemainerror: adb>20:38
beartute - adb still works for that with ubuntu loaded20:38
tuteso would you recommend that over mtpfs?20:38
bearnever used mtpfs so *shrug*20:39
mainerrortute: http://developer.android.com/tools/help/adb.html20:39
w00tc0d3gianguido: lol. not true. just checked it20:39
mainerrorYou know, that's a good idea. I should try that.20:40
gianguidow00tc0d3, so you have a booting img?20:40
gianguidowith booting i mean "it displays ubuntu"20:40
w00tc0d3but not UI20:40
w00tc0d3but i got into chroot20:40
gianguidofrom the chroot20:40
gianguidothe ui boots up?20:40
w00tc0d3i'm missing files20:41
w00tc0d3because i'm stubborn :-D20:41
w00tc0d3libandroid_runtime.so is fine20:41
w00tc0d3i didn't even need that one20:41
gianguidothat' s a strange thing...20:42
gianguidotry pushing that lib20:42
w00tc0d3i just thrown it out20:42
w00tc0d3i haven't that libubuntu_application_api.so thingy20:42
w00tc0d3due to me stubborn for not sing phablet-dev-bootstrap20:42
w00tc0d3syncing now on ubuntu box20:42
w00tc0d3and rsyncing then to dev box20:42
gianguidoi want a devbox too ç_ç lol20:43
onlychevysI just can not get past this error:20:43
onlychevysmake: *** No rule to make target `/home/mark/ubuntu/out/target/common/obj/APPS/framework-res_intermediates/src/R.stamp', needed by `/home/mark/ubuntu/out/target/common/obj/APPS/GalaxyS2Settings_intermediates/src/R.stamp'.  Stop.20:43
onlychevysmake: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs....20:43
onlychevysNotice file: external/libpng/NOTICE -- /home/mark/ubuntu/out/host/linux-x86/obj/NOTICE_FILES/src//lib/libpng.a.txt20:43
mainerrorgianguido: That's easy. Get a box and put Ubuntu on it. Devbox.20:44
dank101he miss libubuntu api blabla20:44
gianguidoonlychevys, you have to remove GalaxyS2Settings into his i9200.mk file20:44
w00tc0d3dank101: I didn't use phablet-dev-bootstrap20:46
ali1234halcycon: you need to install openjdk 6 and then use update-alternatives for java and javac20:46
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onlychevysgianguido: I know I have to remove something but I can't figure out what and where. This is for a hercules t-mobile gs220:48
gianguidoon i9300 i had that string in... let me see20:48
gianguidoonlychevys, try in20:50
gianguidosearch for galaxys2settings20:50
fluxim who can i find out the version of ubuntu touch currently running on my device?20:51
mainerrorfluxim: The Ubuntu version or the kernel version?20:52
fluximIs the ubuntu version connected to the ubuntu touch version or to the host system? I think both ;-)20:53
halcyconali1234: ok so now it's complaining that hardware/ti/omap4xxx/ion: MODULE.TARGET.SHARED_LIBRARIES.libion_ti already defined by device/samsung/omap4-common/libion_ti. Stop.20:53
giveenFinally have ADB but no bootup http://pastebin.com/bBcEh2Qy20:55
onlychevys gianguido: I can not find galaxys2settings anywhere?20:59
gianguidotry with all the mk in the folder20:59
onlychevysgianguido: I did that is why I'm pulling my hair out and I don't have much left.21:00
ali1234sometmes the makefiles just say "build all subfolders" without specifically naming each one21:00
halcyconali1234: should I have removed all folders except the samsung one?21:00
ali1234halcycon: no21:01
halcyconali1234: ok, see really am a noob at compiling for mobile hardware! :-)21:02
mvc`hey, how long does pushing the img usually take?21:02
mvc`with the full bootstrap21:03
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dank1011-5 minutes21:04
mvc`hmm I see...it seems to be hanging on pushing phablet-flash/95/quantal-preinstalled-phablet-armhf.zip to /sdcard/autodeploy.zip21:06
halcyconali1234: found a forum post with a similar problem where the guy renamed the module in the ti's Android.mk and it built successfully... hasn't worked for me21:07
ali1234halcycon: you've reached the point where it is highly device specific, so i can't really help any more, sorry21:08
halcyconali1234: that was for the 10.1 and someone afterwards responded with: I've ported this already, download the flash file... thanks for your help so far, you've been great! :-)21:08
w00tc0d3anyone's got a box where i can build ubuntu for i9300 on? :)21:13
halcyconI have another hardware-specific question, but I'm hoping I did something stupid (again)21:13
halcyconI've solved my issue with the omap421:13
halcyconnow getting this: No rule to make target `vendor/samsung/p31xx/proprietary/sbin/cbd needed by `/home/adam/Galaxy/out/target/product/p3100/root/sbin/cbd'. Stop.21:14
halcyconI'm aware it's device specific - hoping I made a simple error extracting the proprietary files?21:14
ali1234did you do ./extract_files.sh?21:15
halcyconI did, and first time I ran it errored with something cbd-related and omap-related. Since fixing the repo manifest (thanks :-)) I ran again with no errors21:16
halcyconalthough I do have sbin/cbd in p31xx/p3100/ rather than p31xx/proprietary ?21:17
giveenHow does ubuntu handle vold?21:20
halcyconali1234: ok so I **SWEAR** I ran extract-files.sh again after you fixed my repos, but I just ran again and now brunch seems to be running ok :-S21:21
halcyconali1234: spoke to soon - ran more steps but same error :-/21:22
ali1234halcycon: brunch is tricky... it runs multiple compile jobs. it might still fail at same spot21:22
halcyconali1234: yea it did... and I've checked and I am running ADB as root21:24
ali1234do you have cyanogenmod on devce currently?21:24
halcyconI do21:28
halcyconbrunch running again and getting further - got an Error 1 in the kernel/espresso10/commoncap.c ? (security?) but still running so far21:28
giveencrap, I am wondering if this just bricked my tablet. I'm stuck at the boot logo after flashing back to CM10.121:29
halcyconps - I just did cp -a p3100 proprietary to fix the last problem...21:31
ali1234halcycon: i fixed the commoncap thing21:31
ali1234well, actually i commented the lines that don't compile21:32
halcyconali1234: lol :-)21:32
halcyconali1234: well it threw an error in the security section twice, but still compiling, so will I be ok? or have to apply your diff?21:33
ali1234it will still fail eventually - it is because of multiple jobs21:33
ali1234you can brunch -j 121:33
mdeslauris there a way to get the sdk installed on raring? I'm getting "ubuntu-sdk : Depends: qt-components-ubuntu-examples but it is not going to be installed"21:33
ali1234wait, mka -j 1 bacon21:34
halcyconali1234: ah fair enough... I'm used to having to specify -j 2 for make rather than have it assume I'm multi-core :-)21:34
ali1234you can't directly apply my patch because your kernel is different - you need to find the fail and do it manually21:34
halcyconokie dokie - still new to compiling at this level ;)21:34
halcyconfound the line - so you just added an if 0 around it?21:37
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halcyconfingers crossed for another attempt21:39
halcyconwoops: error: expected '(' before numeric constant21:41
halcycontypo much! :-$21:41
halcyconI wasn't paying attention / long day21:42
ulkeshso is phablet-flash pulling from daily-preinstalled/current/ yet?21:45
DAMONDhi all21:46
cnlwhether the system will be ported to xperia u?21:48
ulkeshnevermind, phablet-flash -l will get the daily21:50
drapi still have issues with font rendering on galaxy note2 (mali 400 gpu). here is some screens http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=38517546&postcount=1821:53
dank101same on note 121:54
dank101and same issues21:54
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corbetQuick question: does anybody know if the plan is to use the Android kernel in the final product, or is that a short-term expedient?21:55
dank101the android kernel IS LINUX21:57
dank101so yes21:58
corbetdank101: so yes ... what?21:59
giveenDo you have to use phablet-flash ? Or can I use my standard android recovery?21:59
sensei3stackshas any one made a flashable zip yet21:59
giveensensei I have21:59
sensei3stacksgiveen should i use twr or cmr22:00
onlychevysThis is as hard as building aosp with all the errors! Can anyone help with this error?22:01
onlychevys/tmp/ccgEXb8U.s: target arm C: libm <= bionic/libm/src/e_gamma_r.c22:01
onlychevysAssembler messages:22:01
onlychevys/tmp/ccgEXb8U.s: Error: .size expression for pow does not evaluate to a constant22:01
onlychevysmake: *** [/home/mark/ubuntu/out/target/product/hercules/obj/SHARED_LIBRARIES/libm_intermediates/arm/e_pow.o] Error 122:01
onlychevysmake: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs....22:01
onlychevysbionic/libc/netbsd/net/getaddrinfo.c: In function '_dns_getaddrinfo':22:01
onlychevysbionic/libc/netbsd/net/getaddrinfo.c:1894:34: warning: unused parameter 'cb_data' [-Wunused-parameter]22:01
onlychevysbionic/libc/netbsd/net/getaddrinfo.c: In function '_files_getaddrinfo':22:01
onlychevysbionic/libc/netbsd/net/getaddrinfo.c:2114:36: warning: unused parameter 'cb_data' [-Wunused-parameter]22:01
onlychevysmake: *** wait: No child processes.  Stop.22:01
zeddim getting a whole bunch of errors when i open the qt creator to try the tutorial for making an app... anyone know why or how to fix it?22:02
wastrelzedd: is your qtcreator in /opt or /usr/bin22:03
zeddlet me check22:03
wastrelalso: are you on 12.1022:03
zeddits in /usr/bin22:05
zeddand i am using 12.1022:05
wastrelwell it's not the thing i had22:06
wastrelyou followed the tutorial for installing qtcreator and the ubuntu sdk?22:06
zeddno one else has any idea? :/22:10
ricmmdrap: ping22:17
zeddthis solved my problem for anyone else experiencing it... http://askubuntu.com/questions/259561/qtcreator-error-cant-load-library-projectexplorer2-6-8222:20
wastrelah broken dep22:25
wastreli seem to recall fixing a broken dep from the sdk but i don't remember if it was the same one22:26
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giveenDo you have to use phatblet-flash to push the image?22:34
rsalvetigiveen: nops, you can also push via recovery (android + ubuntu images)22:36
halcyconok all I have another stupid question...22:37
halcyconI have a successful build (sort of)22:37
halcycontried to flash and I just boot to a battery screen (switches off)22:37
giveenthanks rsalveti, I figured as much, but just wanted to make sure I wasn't screwing up somewhere.22:37
giveenAnother question, how does Ubuntu Touch handle vold?22:38
halcyconI heard somewhere that I need to flash with the device-sepcific portion, and the generic portion?22:38
giveenhalcycon, yes22:38
halcyconok, so which comes first?22:38
halcyconand where do I find the generic portion?22:38
rsalvetigiveen: in what sense exactly?22:39
giveenrsalveti, in the sense that, is it created and loaded? My device is a vold dependant device and it saying its not there22:39
dank101generic http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-touch-preview/quantal/mwc-demo/quantal-preinstalled-phablet-armhf.zip22:40
giveen<3>init: cannot find '/system/bin/vold', disabling 'vold'22:40
dank101mkdir /system/bin/vold22:41
halcycondank101: so do I just install that from clockwork recovery in the same way as I installed the custom .zip?22:42
giveenYes, halcyon22:42
halcyconthanks all :-$22:42
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giveenAny ideas?22:44
giveenE/PrintK  (    1): <3>init: cannot find '/system/bin/vold', disabling 'vold'   E/PrintK  (    1): <3>init: cannot find '/system/bin/netd', disabling 'netd'   E/PrintK  (    1): <3>init: cannot find '/system/bin/app_process', disabling 'zygote'   E/PrintK  (    1): <3>init: cannot find '/system/bin/keystore', disabling 'keystore'22:44
rsalvetigiveen: yeah, we're not installing that by default22:45
rsalvetineed to see if it'd bring any other side effect to the game22:46
rsalvetias it'd be controlling the partitions and such22:46
giveenThink I should hold off then?22:46
mvc`hey, so I just installed and am reading throught the sdk and such now...but is there an easy way to start any legacy application via ssh22:46
giveenUntil you guys do more research?22:47
mvc`I tried setting DISPLAY=:0 but that didn't seem to work22:47
dank101giveen,  manually make dem dirs22:48
giveendank101, so in my init, create the directories, then let 'sdcard' daemon do the rest?22:48
dank101giveen, is it sd boot or flashed22:50
dank101make it in /system/bin22:51
giveenSorry if I am a bit dense, make what in /system/bin ?22:52
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
dank101are those files?22:53
dank101or folders?22:53
dank101mkdir '/system/bin/vold22:53
giveenits the standard Android 4.2.1 directories22:53
giveenvold is a daemon22:53
dank101then idk22:54
giveenrsalveti said earlier they didn't put it in22:54
giveenbecause the4y aren't sure yet about how it will handle the partitions22:54
giveenI'm wondering if it tel it to build it anyways, and just play it by ear22:54
dank101do eiiit22:56
giveenHave to figure out how CM10.1 impliments the Android.mk to build vold first and will try later :( I'm just glad I got ADB today23:00
rsalvetigiveen: probably, didn't have any big hardware requirements, so that's why we disabled it23:01
rsalvetigiveen: how is that used by your device in the android stock image?23:02
giveenGotcha. I'm just booted to a blank screen, hence my thinking that it relates back to vold not being prsent.23:02
giveenMy device is a Honeycomb device that is discontinued. Dell Streak 723:02
giveenI think it creates /data/media23:03
giveenvold - volume daemon (media volumes23:04
halcyconcan i ask a *really* stupid question -23:04
giveenSo my internal storage is /sdcard and vold "mounts" it, so if it isn't present it isn't mounting the system23:05
halcyconI tried to copy the preinstalled over through adb23:05
halcyconbut couldnt find the file in clockwork23:05
giveenWhere did you copy it to?23:05
giveenWhat was your command?23:05
giveenthats internal storage more likely23:05
giveengo into your adb while in recovery and pull up a shell23:05
giveensee if you have a /external_sd23:05
halcyconit is internal23:06
halcyconadb push quantal-preinstalled-phablet-armhf.zip /sdcard/23:06
halcyconso I couldn't find the file23:06
giveenI wouldn't push it to your internal23:06
halcyconso I tried to flash using sideload23:06
giveenhow is it suppose to flash , if you are flashing over where the zip is stored?23:06
halcycongood call :)23:06
halcyconso -23:06
halcycondo I flash the generic first and then my device specific?23:06
halcycon(I did the other way round...)23:07
giveenDevice first23:07
giveenthen generic23:07
giveenI think, lol23:07
giveenI don't think it matters23:07
halcycondid it that way, and the device-specific appeared in internal and flashed fine23:07
halcycon(i think lol)23:07
halcyconbut now it flashes up for a second with a really bad resolution version of a clock and then reboots23:08
giveenAt least your getting somewhere, I don't see anything on mine23:08
giveenYou made need to change your display resolution23:08
halcyconok, so firstly is it ok to flash using sideload?23:10
halcyconand then how do I change my resolution? :-)23:10
giveenI don't see why not23:10
halcyconah, prob further down the page than I got :-P23:10
giveenYup ;)23:11
halcyconok, so guessing I set that before I reboot into the system as it goes into a reboot loop?23:12
giveenNot sure, haven't gotten that far yet23:12
giveenGood night, and good luck, going out for pizza23:12
halcyconlol ok cheers :)23:12
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dank101does it work?23:15
halcyconok so I'm flashed, unsure of how to change resolution, so I do it whilst still in clockwork?23:19
halcyconor try to reboot again?23:19
mcfly_i was compiling and i came across this error23:21
mcfly_prebuilts/gcc/linux-x86/arm/linaro-4.7.2/bin/arm-linux-androideabi-strip:/home/jholtom/phablet-tf101/out/target/product/tf101/symbols/system/lib/libexpat.so: File format not recognized23:21
mcfly_any ideas? thanks very much....23:21
Sinan___finally somebody ported Ubuntu Touch to Note 2 but several things are not working. "known issues: font rendering artifacts, no gsm, no wifi" :(23:21
TigrouzenHow make Ubuntu-SDK on Raring ?23:22
mcfly_any ideas on this error during compile? arget Strip: libexpat (/home/jholtom/phablet-tf101/out/target/product/tf101/obj/lib/libexpat.so)23:23
mcfly_rebuilts/gcc/linux-x86/arm/linaro-4.7.2/bin/arm-linux-androideabi-strip:/home/jholtom/phablet-tf101/out/target/product/tf101/symbols/system/lib/libexpat.so: File format not recognized23:23
TigrouzenUbuntu-Sdk cant install on Raring ?23:25
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RobbyFTigrouzen, I don't believe so.23:26
mcfly_any ideas on this error?23:28
mcfly_rebuilts/gcc/linux-x86/arm/linaro-4.7.2/bin/arm-linux-androideabi-strip:/home/jholtom/phablet-tf101/out/target/product/tf101/symbols/system/lib/libexpat.so: File format not recognized23:28
Tigrouzenmcfly_, strange error ^^23:28
Tigrouzenmcfly_, did you try clobber23:28
mcfly_not yet.23:28
mcfly_how do you suggest to use it?23:29
p3limSo, how do you shut this thing off/reboot into bootloader/recovery23:31
illidaneHello everyone!23:31
illidaneIs ubuntu touch has root rights?23:31
RobbyFyou can sudo yes23:32
illidaneI want to develop native app that needs root rights23:32
RobbyFfrom what I can tell it shouldn't be any problem.23:32
* RobbyF is performing daily build update.23:33
illidaneEvery device with ubuntu touch will have sudo? I mean if they'll be locked as android devices?23:33
dank101all of them23:33
dank101all of them23:33
illidaneWhere I can find info how I can compile native app for that?23:33
illidanethats cool23:34
p3limanyone has any clue how to shut off the phone after installing the preview?23:34
dank101battery pull23:34
p3limnot on a nexus 423:34
mcfly_Tigrouzen, what is clobber and how to?23:34
p3limdoes it have a terminal or something?23:35
illidaneI heared that ubuntu will release own devices, they will have root too, without need of unlock?23:35
Tigrouzenmcfly_, rm -rf out23:35
mcfly_and start it over?23:35
mcfly_makes sense.23:36
p3limmy phone is practically dead unless I can turn it off to get back into recovery23:36
oneadventhi, can someone explain to me the process for seeing the full desktop with the hdmi out23:36
Uto_hi there23:39
mcfly_you mean like on desktop ubuntu, oneadvent?23:40
mcfly_i don't think that is possible right now23:40
Uto_I don't have extract-files.sh for endeavoru?23:40
oneadventyes sir mcfly_23:40
TigrouzenUto_, you can make it23:40
oneadventi thought it was one of the out of the box features23:40
TigrouzenUto_, look for an example like your hardware23:41
Uto_how? i take one of the samsung for exemple?23:41
Uto_and mod it?23:41
TigrouzenUto_, your board ?23:41
illidanecool, I have one x too23:42
Uto_sorry i have a poor english...23:42
Uto_ca you explain please?23:42
TigrouzenUto_, i mean your hardware ?23:42
TigrouzenUto_, for which hardware you want port ?23:42
Uto_htc onex23:42
illidaneI think it's HTC one x with tegra323:43
TigrouzenUto_, it is ?23:43
TigrouzenOmg big time needed to adapt ^^23:48
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
TigrouzenUto_, you need to look of your hardware and compare with nexus selfextract23:52
Uto_i found a file "copy-and-make-makefiles.sh"23:55
Uto_i'm running it23:55
TigrouzenUto_, easy way its like this you need file maybe some name can be differ you can modif23:56

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