
=== Hornet- is now known as Hornet
redtape-renegadeI sat down this morning , and my office chair collapsed.   My chair called me fat.  :(   :: http://www.funnyordie.com/videos/ed36fa1ab6/between-two-ferns-with-zach-galifianakis-steve-carell?playlist=13516107:18
knightwisemorning everyone07:37
jacobwdoes anyone use skype manager company directory?08:51
daubersjacobw: skype what what?09:07
diploMorning all09:08
JamesTaitMorning all! :)09:08
jacobwdaubers: it's a shared roster for skype09:10
BigRedSI've only just heard of it and already I feel sorry for you09:10
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mungbeanguys, hwo can i fix a problem with ssh -X where the gui isn't display over ssh X forwarding?10:16
mungbeanconnect /tmp/.X11-unix/X0: No such file or directory10:16
mungbeanX connection to localhost:10.0 broken (explicit kill or server shutdown).10:16
dwatkinsmungbean: is it enabled on the server?10:30
mungbeanx forwarding allowed10:30
dwatkinsX11Forwarding yes10:30
dwatkinsin /etc/ssh/ssd_config10:31
mungbeanworks on other hosts10:31
mungbeanam running X server on the client10:31
dwatkinssorry, dunno, perhaps move ~/.ssh to one side on the affected client.10:32
dwatkinsGot a meeting, back later; good luck10:32
Laneythe sriracha came \o/10:55
Laneyit's pretty warm eh?10:55
popeyits good with omlette10:55
Laneyperhaps it'll help me to destroy this cold10:56
popeybox'o'tissues at the ready!10:57
brobostigongood morning everyone,10:57
Laneyamazon packaged it really weirdly10:57
Laneystuffed in an envelope that you'd get a dvd in10:57
Laneyso it was bulging and disintegrating10:58
mungbeanhi anyone, any suggestions re my ssh -X problem?11:02
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davmor2Morning all11:04
bigcalmMorning davmor211:32
mungbeanwhat's going on with tomby+ubuntu one? did tomboy add the functionality required yet?11:51
popeynot heard anything11:55
redtape-renegadeJust so I know ( on the awesome scale ) .. How Awesome are modern Xeon processors for a new Ubuntu desktop system ??12:34
dwatkinsthis awesome [                     ]12:50
redtape-renegadedwatkins: Authome !!12:53
redtape-renegadeI dont know how to get rid of a bad libreoffice install on Lubuntu 12.10 .. Here's the pastebin | http://paste.ubuntu.com/5567581/13:14
redtape-renegadeHow do I get rid of Libreoffice ?? Also sioftware centre doesn't open anymore .. When is Ubuntu 13.04 coming out so I can Upgrade ??13:15
popeyredtape-renegade: sudo apt-get install libreoffice-base-core --reinstall13:16
redtape-renegadeyeah I get exactly the same result :(13:16
redtape-renegadedo you want me to pastebin the result ? Siorry I know this is a bit much too ask .. :(13:17
popeyredtape-renegade: apt-cache policy libreoffice-base-core13:17
redtape-renegadeok ..13:17
redtape-renegadehttp://paste.ubuntu.com/5567593/ no luck .. I think this is something that I cant fix, though...13:19
popeyredtape-renegade: pastebin the contents of /etc/apt/sources.list  please13:19
mungbeanbeen checking the mailing lists for tomboy13:28
mungbeannot much progress.13:28
mungbeanbig shame13:28
popeynot surprised13:28
mungbeantomboy+u1 sync was one of my favourite apps13:31
ali1234you can't really blame them13:31
redtape-renegadehttp://paste.ubuntu.com/5567612/  Sorry if my pastebining is not up-to to scratch ..13:31
ali1234u1 seems to be permanent beta13:31
mungbeani guess i don't need mono anymore then13:31
popeyredtape-renegade: thats not what I was after13:32
popeyredtape-renegade: the file /etc/apt/sources.list, not the contents of files in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/13:32
redtape-renegadeoh sorry .. how do I do it then ?13:32
popeygedit /etc/apt/sources.list13:32
popeyand then paste that into paste.ubuntu.com13:33
popeyor if you have pastebinit installed "pastebinit /etc/apt/sources.list13:33
mungbeanany opinions on this as a soplution? http://askubuntu.com/questions/51095/how-can-i-sync-gnote-notes13:33
redtape-renegadepopey, It wont let me even install gedit ?? .. I think my system is foobar ..13:34
popeyno no, sorry..13:35
popeyi assumed you had gedit, but you're lubuntu, hang on13:35
popeyjust open a terminal and "cat /etc/apt/sources.list"13:35
popeythen select it all and paste it into paste.ubuntu.com13:35
redtape-renegadeok got it hangon..13:36
popeysagaci: thanks13:37
redtape-renegadehttp://paste.ubuntu.com/5567632/  Thanx.13:37
popeyyou upgraded to raring?13:40
redtape-renegadehave I ?13:40
popeywell you have raring in your sources.list13:41
redtape-renegadehow do i check ?13:41
popeylsb_release -a13:41
redtape-renegadeok hangon..13:41
redtape-renegadesays 12./10 .. do you want another pastebin of that ?13:42
popeyok, so you probably want to fix your /etc/apt/sources.list13:43
popeysudo leafpad /etc/apt/sources.list13:43
popeyand change references to raring back to quantal13:43
popeyand then "sudo apt-get update" "sudo apt-get upgrade"13:44
popeywhich should get you back on track13:44
redtape-renegadeok will do thank-you popey ...13:44
DJonespopey: Does raring give a 13.04 result for lsb_release -a ? When I looked at a 13.04 install in a vm, it showed 12.10 as did About Ubuntu13:45
popeyit did early on13:45
popeynot now13:45
brobostigonthat was funny, on the local bbc news, the monster raving loony party, eastleigh candidate was shown, i couldnt help but laugh.13:45
DJonesThat explains it13:45
ali1234popey: do you have /opt/qt5 ?13:47
* redtape-renegade is in too deep .. & cant see the woods for the trees with " sudo leafpad /etc/apt/sources.list " then change all the references to " quantal " .. I think I'll just die quietly now ..13:47
popeyali1234: yes13:47
popeyredtape-renegade: search and replace, most editors have that13:47
ali1234hmm. for me, qmlscene segfaults unless i move /opt/qt5 somewhere else13:47
redtape-renegadeoh ok .. thanx..13:48
ali1234but it only segfaults when using Ubuntu.Components13:48
ali1234i'm gooing to reinstall :(13:49
ali1234was hoping to wait until raring is released but oh well13:49
popeyoh, full OS reinstall?13:50
ali1234no other choice13:50
ali1234PPAs have ruined my system13:50
popeyi try to avoid that by purging PPAs and reinstalling base packages13:50
ali1234i did purge them13:50
popeysudo apt-get install package/raring13:50
ali1234it didn't help13:50
popeyso it downgrades things13:50
ali1234apt-get wants me to autoremove nvidia-common13:51
redtape-renegadeok seems to have worked .. thanx popey .. I'm rebooting ...14:00
bigcalmThanks kittah14:03
davmor2bigcalm: hahahahaha that's a cat saying "I am the cat you're looking for........Fuss me............Fuss Me now........................You may go about your business move along......move along"14:05
bigcalmdavmor2: pretty much14:05
popeymy cats have left the room ☹14:05
bigcalmMine has just upped and left due to lack of pettings14:06
davmor2popey: it a hint to stop eating sprouts ;)14:06
bigcalmThunderbird isn't remembering window size or location upon restart. Is there a fix for that?14:09
popeynot that I'm aware of14:10
davmor2bigcalm: restart of the machine or restart of Thunderbird14:10
bigcalmdavmor2: restart of Thunderbird14:10
bigcalmSo restart of machine as well :)14:10
bigcalmI don't mind so much about location, it's more the size that's bugging me14:11
brobostigonis there something like pastebin, but for images insted ?14:11
brobostigonpastebinit, i mean.14:12
ali1234sadly, no14:12
brobostigonok, ohwell.14:12
popeyyes there is14:13
ali1234shutter can do it from a gui14:13
* popey tries to remember what it's called14:13
ali1234but that kind of defeats the purpose14:13
popeynah, can't remember14:13
ali1234that is a website14:13
davmor2brobostigon: just use u1 and share the link14:13
ali1234like imagebin14:13
ali1234davmor2: how to do that from command line?14:14
brobostigondavmor2: i dont think that will work, it is my raspberry pi, acting as a camera server, hence i was asking for a terminal solution, hence mentioning pastebinit.14:15
redtape-renegadepopey.. It worked .. Who do i give the paypal check to ?14:16
davmor2brobostigon: ah sorry, have a look at pastebinit and see if it has an image setting14:16
davmor2brobostigon: as far as I knew it did cover different urls for pasting14:17
ali1234pastebinit doesn't do images afaik but it may ormay not be easy to add14:18
brobostigonthats what i thought,14:19
redtape-renegadeHow do I open " jockey-gtk " please ?14:40
kvarleyredtape-renegade: Alt + F2 and then type jockey-gtk and hit enter14:40
redtape-renegadesays there is no such directory .. even though I know it is installed (??)14:41
kvarleyredtape-renegade: In 12.10 you can hit the Super key (Windows key) and type software sources and load that app and then you can find the additional drivers app in a tab on that window14:41
redtape-renegadeI'm in Lubuntu but I have soft sources open ..14:42
kvarleyredtape-renegade: Is there a tab called additional drivers or something similar?14:43
redtape-renegadeIt just says there are no additional drivers in use .. with no other options ..14:43
redtape-renegadedo you want screenshot ?14:43
kvarleyredtape-renegade: That's weird, it usually shows a list of proprietary drivers available to you. What drivers are you trying to install?14:44
redtape-renegadeI cant do wifi .. there aren't any aditional drivers installed .. so i guess all that I can poss. get..14:44
DJonesredtape-renegade: jockey-gtk doesn't do anything in 12.10 its been included in Software Sources and there is an Additional drivers tab14:44
redtape-renegaderight I'll do a screenshot .. hangon ..14:45
kvarleyredtape-renegade: Might be of some use to you - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WirelessTroubleShootingGuide14:50
kvarleyIf this is for a laptop, searching online for ubuntu + name of laptop + wifi might yield some results on the ubuntuforums14:51
redtape-renegadekvarley: There doesn't seem to be anything relevant on the forums or askubuntru .. I'm wondering why it says that I am connected when I'm not even configured yet ?? http://paste.ubuntu.com/5567823/14:57
redtape-renegadeSorry if this taking up too much time for people ..14:58
=== michelle is now known as Guest1651
redtape-renegadeI tried " sudo apt-get install ndisgtk " but it cant find the package .. ??15:11
* redtape-renegade has a break .. BRBack ..15:12
directhex!rmadison ndisgtk15:12
lubotu3directhex: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)15:12
directhex!info ndisgtk15:12
lubotu3ndisgtk (source: ndisgtk): graphical frontend for ndiswrapper (installation of Windows WiFi drivers). In component main, is optional. Version 0.8.5-1 (quantal), package size 20 kB, installed size 864 kB (Only available for i386; amd64)15:12
directhexyeah, i know15:12
ali1234you don; use those any more15:12
directhexwhat is this, 2003?15:12
ali1234redtape-renegade: run software-properties-gtk and go to last tab (additional drivers)15:13
ali1234if there's nothing in that... well, i guess there are no proprietary drivers available for your hardware?15:13
ali1234it certainly look like it is already working in your paste15:14
directhexwhich wifi chips have no linux drivers at all, in 2013?15:14
popeyredtape-renegade: run "lspci" and "nm-tool" and pastebin the output pls15:15
ali1234also dmesg15:15
ali1234always dmesg15:15
ali1234it might be missing a firmware only or something15:15
ali1234but if it says it is working i wonder why you're even worrying about it...15:15
redtape-renegadeWell everything is ticked to tell me and theres nothing in Additional proprietory drivers tab .. I have a Samsung N135 .. and the N140 is listed as having them :: http://sourceforge.net/apps/mediawiki/ndiswrapper/index.php?title=Category:Samsung15:16
redtape-renegadeok popey.15:16
redtape-renegaderesults .. http://paste.ubuntu.com/5567859/15:18
redtape-renegadebe nice to install pastebin too .. I'll have a look ..15:20
popeyyour wifi and wired are fully supported15:22
popeyand working15:22
popeyi can see 3 access points on that list15:23
redtape-renegadehow do i use them then ?15:23
redtape-renegadeI'm losty as how I log onto them ??15:25
popeydont use that dialog15:25
popeydo you have a network manager icon in your panel?15:25
redtape-renegadeoh sorry..15:26
redtape-renegadeno but i may be able to add it .. hang-on..15:26
popeythat dialog is usually used for maintaining connection details _after_ you have successfully connected to an AP at least once15:26
popeysorry, i dont know lubuntu at all15:26
popeyis there not a network icon in the panel at all that you can single click on to get a list of access points?15:26
popeypussy cat!15:28
redtape-renegadeno, or at least it isn't obvious on investigation .. dont worry popey .. you've help me out so much today .. I will ask #lubuntu .. thank-you...:)15:28
bigcalmpopey: white balance could do with a tweak ;)15:28
popeydefault on the camera15:29
popeydunno how to change it15:29
popeymaybe some imagemagick could post-process it?15:29
bigcalmpopey: threaten it with a soldering iron15:29
bigcalmYou could do post processing, aye15:29
mgdmwhat are you using to stream it?15:29
mgdmLast time, I used mjpeg_streamer, which I think has options for WB adjustment15:30
mgdmit was a while ago15:30
popeythe camera has a built in webserver15:32
bigcalmI wonder is Sky knows he's being watched15:32
popeyI am just doing a wget on my server to grab a still now and then15:33
bigcalmI still haven't done anything with my webcam. I don't know if it even works15:34
ali1234*watching webcam expecting to see cat do a slam dunk*15:34
popeyi did very little with mine15:34
popeyhe hears the motor and comes to investigate15:34
popeygah, nautilus really is properly worse now15:35
directhex._. a windows 8 phone.15:35
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=== davidmarais_ is now known as davidmarais
BigRedSIs there somewhere a repostiory I can point a maverick machine at to get updates?16:11
BigRedSno, not updates, just new software of the same obsolescence16:12
BigRedSarchive.ubuntu.com seems LTS only16:12
BigRedSAha! http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/16:13
popeyhmm, there must be a factoid for that16:13
BigRedShaha, I assumed archive.ubuntu.com and I'm not sure why there's a distinction...16:17
ali1234BigRedS: i think it's so that you actuallly notice when it stops working16:19
popeyalso so it's not mirrored16:19
BigRedSoh, is archive.ubuntu.com not just old stuff?16:21
BigRedSah yeah, the old things are LTSs16:22
popeyand non-LTS16:22
popeyeverything is on there16:22
popeyi.e. everything which is now End Of Life16:22
BigRedSon archive.ubuntu.com? Maverick isn't16:22
Laneyon old-releases16:23
BigRedSoh. yeah. I got that earlier16:23
BigRedSI was wondering why *some* old stuff was on archive.ubuntu.com, but I guess that's 'cause it's old LTSes and they're still supported16:23
Laneyonly LTSes that are in support are on there16:24
popeyya, that16:24
Laneyhardy still is16:24
=== Hornet- is now known as Hornet
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
awilkinsIs there an easy way to get gvfs 1.15.2 or newer in Quantal?20:04
* awilkins can't believe that they didn't get MTP support in given the position of Google / Android on MTP 20:04
bootloaderGreeting Ubuntu people could anyone help me with my QTCreator install problem, the forums were not useful at all.20:05
* awilkins adds Phillip Langdale's MTP backports PPA20:06
awilkinsbootloader, !ask20:07
awilkinsHmm, the bot is not bahving as expected20:07
awilkinsDon't ask to ask, just ask20:08
AlanBell!ask | awilkins20:08
lubotu3awilkins: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience20:08
dwatkinsask > bootloader20:09
dwatkins!ask > bootloader20:09
lubotu3bootloader, please see my private message20:09
dwatkinsoh sorry, I probably should have used | so it wrote it here20:10
lubotu3Yum! Err, I mean, APT!20:10
bootloaderThanks, ok QTCreator doesn't load from the icon, the command line gives, this qtcreator: error while loading shared libraries: libQt5Widgets.so.5: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory. Strace returns a big list of similar errors the one from the command line being the last one.20:10
MartijnVdS802.11s is cool!20:10
AlanBellbootloader: how did you install it?20:11
MartijnVdSif anyone ever needs to set up a wifi mesh using openwrt, ask me :)20:11
AlanBellcan my OLPC join it MartijnVdS?20:11
bootloadersoftware store20:11
MartijnVdSAlanBell: if it's 802.11s + SAE, yes20:11
MartijnVdS(SAE = "Simultaneous Authentication as Equals", basically WPA-PSK for meshes)20:12
AlanBellbootloader: what version of Ubuntu?20:12
AlanBell(it works for me on raring)20:12
bootloader12.10, just following through the mobile tutorial20:12
AlanBellbootloader: actually you might be better off asking in #ubuntu-touch, there are probably more people who have been through that process there20:13
bootloaderOk thanks20:13
amayerOne more day until ubuntu-uk podcast. cant wait!20:22
amayerits been too long20:26
chrisfxwolfoups Xchatgnome colapse21:49
=== Wibble- is now known as Bobba
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
tashshey hey23:52

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