
rick_h_ snap-l woot!00:06
snap-lYeah, happy happy.00:37
snap-lYay Ceph Talk for March MUG Meeting01:49
greg-gcool, we're making use of Ceph here03:43
greg-gyou know, it feels good to work for a legit tech company now ;)03:44
snap-lAS opposed to "OMG, please don't screw things up or we'll be screwed"?03:44
greg-gbasically, and more :)03:45
jrwrenwhat you using ceph for?04:19
* greg-g shrugs04:20
greg-gjrwren: https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Media_storage04:22
jrwrenso only media files.04:45
jrwrendamn, was hoping for everything :)04:45
rick_h_got the shovels out and ready12:55
rick_h_come on snow!!!!12:56
rick_h_that radar looks pretty with all those colors :P12:56
rick_h_bah, sounds like it's moved to later in the day13:01
snap-lAgain: I have a board meeting. The later the better. :)14:09
jrwrenanyone have thoughts on how libvirt and ganeti fit together? or don't they? are they competing? complementary?14:53
jrwrennvm. ganeti is google's non-libvirt14:54
rick_h_yea, not really read much on ganeti but looking now it seems competing to an extent14:55
jrwrenjust saw it referenced in that how we use ceph post by jcastro15:19
jcastrodo they use ganeti?15:21
jcastrojrwren: I am lunching with sellers this week yo15:22
jrwrenthey support it.15:23
jrwrenganeti can point directly to rados for storage.15:23
jrwrenhttp://ceph.com/community/ceph-comes-to-synnefo-and-ganeti/  linked from your http://ceph.com/dev-notes/deploying-ceph-with-juju/15:23
jrwren!!! Have fun with Sellers.15:23
jrwrenmake him wine you and dine you :)15:23
jcastrooh, in the intro15:25
jcastroI totally missed that link15:25
snap-ljcastro: Did you see on G+ that we're having Patrick McGarry talk about Ceph in March?15:27
snap-lApparently he'll be doing a demo using something called "Juju"15:27
snap-lI swear, people must think we have verbal ticks whenever we have conversations15:28
snap-l"ceph comes to synneinfo an ganeti using juju deploy"15:28
snap-lberp de derp derp15:29
jcastrohah yeah15:32
jrwrenceph could be wonderful.15:33
jrwrena radosgw s3 bridge could be sweet which mirrors your radosgw content to s3.15:34
jrwrenalthough I guess you could do that app level easily enough15:34
rick_h_very cool, pushing Go to the limits and cool to see A2 hosting on there as signed on to support it http://r.bmark.us/u/1775220054493015:52
snap-lx10Hosting <- Wonder if that's web over powerlines.15:56
snap-lhey turn a04 on15:56
snap-lheyu, rather15:56
jcastrorick_h_: man, railgun looks badass16:08
jcastrorick_h_: filed a bug on it for a charm16:14
jrwren the CSP v. threaded C++ comment shows a fundamental lack of understanding by either the code author, or the article author16:21
greg-gman, bugzilla is annoying16:39
greg-gI can't believe I'm going to say it, but, LP spoiled me :)16:40
snap-lBugzilla is when you care more about reporting than filing bugs16:44
snap-lAnd dare I say it: more than fixing bugs. *cough*16:45
greg-gor getting bugs backported to a specific release, apparently16:45
greg-gfucking tags and shit16:45
snap-lYeah, Bugzilla reminded me of the IT forms from Ford under Remedy16:48
snap-lLots of fields that may or may not apply, but supported one workflow that (god help you) you better follow or bad juju occurs.16:49
jrwrenzomg Remedy16:53
greg-gand you have to remember so much...16:53
* jrwren has flashbackes16:53
snap-ljrwren: Supported some of the patches that Ford did to that system using Perl.16:54
jrwreni only had to use it.16:57
jrwrenthat was bad enough16:57
rick_h_50% off http://shop.oreilly.com/product/0636920027072.do16:57
rick_h_shuttleworth on stage http://www.mobileworldlive.com/mobile-world-live-tv-live-stream17:25
snap-lI want this guys hair17:30
rick_h_http://www.weather.com/weather/map/interactive/48346:4?interactiveMapLayer=radar&baseMap=r&zoom=7 lol, ever feel like a wave is coming at you?17:31
snap-lNot looking forward to this.17:31
jcastrohah yeah17:32
jcastroit's raining here right now17:32
rick_h_yea, it's showing 33 here, hoping we get just full snow17:32
rick_h_but sounds like rain for a couple of hours until it turns to snow :(17:32
snap-lYeah, that's how it's supposed to start17:32
snap-lso it'll be a nice wet sheet to freeze under a pile of snow17:33
rick_h_yea, nothing like a solid ice base layer to help out the shoveling later17:33
jcastrohah yeah17:33
jrwrenany reprepro users?17:34
snap-ljrwren: No. What's that?17:34
jrwrenvery nice repo mirror tool17:34
jrwrenbut i can't figure quite how to get it to filter the way I want.17:34
rick_h_no, when I did a deb mirror I just did full deb mirror17:34
jrwrenI want an ubuntu mirror minus x11,games,video,kde,gnome Sections17:35
jrwrenand then I'd also like to filter some packages out too17:35
jcastrohave you seen ubumirror in the archive?17:35
jcastroI don't know the specifics, but I would start there17:36
jcastroor just set up a proxy and you'd only ever mirror on demand17:36
snap-ljcastro: BTW: Oakland's mirror is behind17:36
jrwrenin the proxy case, I'm worried about stale things getting deleted that I actually want to keep around17:37
jrwrenyeah, ubumirror is not what I want.17:37
jrwrenno partial support17:37
rick_h_what's the use case? I tried the 'mirror what I use' but then it's basically always slow when I use it since i'm not loading 100 machines with the same package sets17:38
jrwrenuse case is datacenter with lots of ubuntu servers.17:39
jrwrenand I don't want to waste space17:39
rick_h_meh, in a DC, how much space are you talking?17:39
jrwreni mean really, I don't want terabytes of gnome/kde stuff when I'll always be server only17:39
snap-ljrwren: What's the climate for creating an official mirror?17:39
jrwrenwe don't have bandwidth to spare17:40
rick_h_jrwren: all 64bit?17:40
jrwrenyes, all 64bit17:40
jrwrenonly amd64/main17:40
rick_h_I wonder how big it is. I just find something saying full mirror was around 248GB, but I bet that's both 32/64bit17:41
jrwreneven if I only save 1/4 of that, it is worth it IMO. for moving the VM around, backup, etc.17:41
rick_h_yea, gotcha. I'm just the guy that mirrors all of pypi so wrong guy to talk to.17:42
jrwrenthat shit is NUTS17:43
rick_h_it's 30GB, who cares. pip install anything on the airplane ftw :)17:43
snap-ljrwren: Let me introduce you to rick_h_, who never does anything by halves.17:43
jrwrenpypi mirror is that small?17:44
rick_h_hmm, up to 45gb right now17:44
jrwrenstill, that is small enough, we should really have one here.17:44
rick_h_on my disk17:44
rick_h_yea, <3 it17:44
rick_h_plus when someone does something stupid like remove an old .tar.gz I pull it out of my repo anyway bwuhahahahaha17:44
snap-ljrwren: yeah, all of the real code is on github. They just put stubs in there to do curl.17:44
snap-lOh wait, that's Ruby.17:45
rick_h_yea, those packages need to diaf17:45
jrwrenmirror github17:45
rick_h_now you're talking17:45
snap-lgit clone github17:45
rick_h_tar czf github.tar.gz git://17:46
jcastrojrwren: a full mirror isn't as big as you'd think17:46
jcastroit's like, way under a TB17:46
jcastroiirc at OU it was like 300GB and we were carrying i386 and a bunch of other crap17:47
rick_h_right, that's what I mean. set aside 500GB and just always have everythign you need and pull the internet plug without worry17:47
jcastrothough, I prefer to just run squid-deb-proxy and set an apt config (though probably without zeroconf in a server setting)17:47
rick_h_nothing worse than needing one thing that's not in the bucket when you need it17:47
jcastroyeah, but in a server setting you have the machines cronning the updates17:48
jcastroyou only need one machine to go before yours.17:48
jcastrothough that doesn't help when you want like 34503984GB of eclipse and no one else has done that yet17:48
jcastrobut IME, the machine after the first kickstart sucks, after that, it's mostly good17:49
jrwrenwe have a list of concerns a mile long when it comes to this.17:49
jrwrenwe know what we want. we aren't sure best way to get it.17:49
jcastroare you coming to lunch?17:49
jcastrowait, you work with sellers right?17:49
jrwrenhe didn't invite me, so I guess not.17:50
rick_h_man, this is actually kind of interestnig to listen to these three discuss the phone platforms18:02
rick_h_err, interesting18:02
rick_h_I keep thinking I'll just turn it off...but nope18:02
jcastroI know18:06
jrwrenfor the record, reprepro is awesome. I needed to learn that , is the and operator in the stupid deb selection language18:22
jrwren| and , instead of | and &. strange at first, but i'll admit it isn't bad18:22
rick_h_love it when taking 20min to tinker pays off18:25
rick_h_jcastro: gotta say Mark wins the keyword wars. Afterwards everyone is using his phrasing "lustful experiences..." lol18:26
jcastrothe commenters are right though18:26
jcastroa bunch of things left unanswered, etc.18:26
rick_h_yep, but I think some of that comes to the platforms 'secret sauce'18:27
jrwrenwhy does open source need secret sauce?18:27
rick_h_but I love how Mark is like "our research shows..." and the firefox lady is "well our research shows"18:27
rick_h_jrwren: because they're products in the process of defining, not everythign is set/done yet18:27
jrwreni'm just really glad we are finally getting some good alternatives.18:27
jcastromy research shows I am sick of shitty phones18:27
jrwrenios and android are too closed and suck.18:27
jcastroand I want a good alternative18:27
rick_h_lol weather rss ftw: Current Conditions : ..., Light Ice Pellets18:46
jrwrenme at work: "is that a 10Gig switch"   :)   got a cool answer.18:57
jrwrenand damn if we won't be going fast as hell with that thing18:57
rick_h_very cool18:59
greg-gNo more in-person UDSs? wow19:23
rick_h_greg-g: nope, hangouts ftw19:24
greg-gsnap-l: you on community-announce list? if so, plz forward to -us-mi list19:24
greg-grick_h_: or ftl, to be determined :)19:24
greg-grick_h_: will there still be Canonical "all hands" (for some definition of "all") in the future?19:25
rick_h_greg-g: yea, definitely. Meant more cool that hangouts have come along19:25
jcastrogreg-g: there will be team sprints still19:25
rick_h_greg-g: I'm not sure. I know there are still sprints, but not sure about a real all hands like that.19:25
greg-gyeah, we use em here a lot for meetings, but hose are mostly 2-5 people19:25
jcastrobut we haven't had a full all hands since Spain19:25
greg-goh, really? huh19:25
greg-ggood to know19:25
jcastroG+ every 3 months instead19:25
jcastroso we'll be more agile too19:26
greg-gbbiab, lunch meeting19:26
snap-lgreg-g: Oh nuts... I think I deleted that. :)19:27
snap-lJust forwarded.19:29
snap-lThis is awesome19:29
snap-lALthough there go my dreams of ever being a part of the Ubuntu all-stars19:30
snap-lLes Sob19:30
rick_h_heh, well at least I made 3 days of a UDS before they were killed off19:33
snap-lIt makes more sense, honestly19:35
snap-lIt'll be interesting to see how the Global Jam works out this weekend19:35
dzhonice way to get google in there are essential infrastructure19:41
snap-lWould you prefer Skype? :)19:44
rick_h_no multi user video on skype for linux :(19:45
snap-lrick_h_: Snark begets snark. :)19:47
rick_h_snap-l: no snow yet :(19:47
widoxlovely freezing rain here :-/19:48
jrwrenassuming the output of this command is correct, I'll have an 8.5GB mirror :)19:48
jrwrenreprepro -V --noskipold checkupdate | grep ^Size | awk '{sum+=$2}END{print sum}'19:48
jrwrenno java, no kde, no gnome, no qt, no gtk, no games, no sound, no tex, no video, no x11 makes for a small ubunt u:)19:49
jrwrenhell, I could fit it on a DL DVD19:50
jrwrentempting :)19:50
rick_h_I remember when I would install debian from their little 50mb cd19:50
rick_h_used to love that19:50
jrwrenor netinst from 2 floppy boot19:51
jrwrenLLOVED that19:51
dzhorootboot, huzzah19:51
jrwrenkernel on 1 floppy, root/inst on second floppy - and the rest from net :)19:51
jrwrenwhich is not much diffent from todays pxe & minimal boot insts19:51
jrwrenoh yeah, no libreoffice or openoffice, those are large.19:52
snap-lI remember when it was all Slackware diskettes as far as the eye could see19:54
snap-lnetwork installs and upgrades were for weenies.19:54
jrwrenthat was never true19:57
rick_h_pixel reviews...man if my wife's EMR worked on Chrome I'd have gotten this vs the thinkpad for her I think http://r.bmark.us/u/26761b11b8627220:20
rick_h_kind of cool, can read with the 'publisher font' on the kindle night light' so reading python cookbook with oreilly font choice.20:24
greg-gso not happy with this Dell XPS 1320:40
jcastrowhat? you went non thinkpad?20:41
greg-gyeah, not happy (work laptop)20:42
greg-gI didn't really have a choice20:42
jcastroI mean, theoretically you'd think it'd be awesome20:43
greg-gblegh, if I wanted to have a Macbook Air but couldn't afford it, or something20:43
rick_h_greg-g: :(20:45
rick_h_the trifecta is complete. rain to ice to snow21:51
jcastrohey greg-g what's your tldr on this thing? https://gitorious.org/copyleft-next/copyleft-next/blobs/raw/master/Releases/copyleft-next-0.2.021:59
jcastroever hear of it?21:59
greg-gso, fontana (red hat lawyer, persistent instigator of bkuhn) is drafting an updated copyleft license for reasons that are opaque.22:14
greg-g1) license as art, especially the repurcussions/discussions around it with especially bkuhn22:14
greg-g2) legitamately address nagging legal issues with copyleft licesnses (esp GPL)22:15
greg-g3) something else22:15
greg-gjcastro: ^22:15
greg-gI follow him on identi.ca, and the discussions are hilarious22:16
greg-ghe's always trolling bkuhn, and tagging his posts #notatroll or #trulynotatroll22:16
greg-gso good, comedy gold22:16
greg-ghe trolls bkuhn so well because they, I believe, are actually pretty good friends in real life22:16
rick_h_sweet, fun drive to go pick up the wife from work. I'll be back out later. Nice and slick.22:30
jcastrogreg-g: ok so they want a session @ UDS to discuss this license for ubuntu developers22:58
jcastroI'm thinking this is a waste of time22:58
greg-gjcastro: lol, saw that on identi.ca23:36
greg-gjcastro: license development that are strictly OSI approved/approvable shouldn't be a concern of Ubuntu, right23:36
jcastrothis doesn't even look real23:37
greg-gjcastro: real as in?23:38
jcastrothis whole thing23:38
jcastrolooks like satire to me23:38
greg-gjcastro: right, option 123:38
snap-lI think it's just trolling, personally23:51
snap-lAnytime I've ever engaged with Fontana, I have a hard time figuring out if he's trolling me, or if he's being serious23:52
jcastrowell then, he can go through the normal submission process, shrug23:53
snap-lSpeaking of performance as art: http://www.reddit.com/r/Android/comments/199fuq/falcon_pro_developer_increases_app_price_to_13213/23:55

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