
len_1304zequence, it looks like we need something like kgamma... with out the k00:37
zequencelen_1304: When it comes to that, I really have no clue, so whatever you say :)00:38
zequenceIt's one of those things that would be good for someone to do some research on00:38
zequenceSomeone who had only, say, graphics to worry about00:38
zequence..since it's also video related, is what I mean00:41
len_1304I think there should be a setting for it in xfce settings.00:44
len_1304I may whip up a python app that plays with xrandr00:44
len_1304Maybe the xfce4 display settings is already in python. I should find out.00:45
astraljavaLen-nb: You're absolutely right. No one's taken a look at settings for a couple of releases. I ran out of time last night (way too much work), I'll try again Wednesday evening.06:36
holsteini swear i could build a case for not including JACK by default15:21
zequenceThe problem is that people coming from Windows think that starting applications is enough, and the audio should just work15:23
zequence..and I guess it would be good, if it did15:23
holsteinright, and windows nor osx do what we do anyway15:24
zequenceI'm considering trying to push for such a change in the whole LA world. But, it might not be that simple, as there are multiple jacks around15:24
holsteinnothing ships with everything "out of the box"15:24
holsteinzequence: we need that page as a bot popup15:34
zequenceholstein: Can you program it?15:35
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.15:36
holsteinzequence: no, but lemme check...15:36
zequenceI don't have ops privileges, and don't know much about bots15:40
holsteini think i know who maintains it15:43
holsteini'll check..15:43
insomniaSalthi all!16:17
insomniaSaltfinally, I managed to route flash audio trough jack (so I don't have to stop JACK when I need to youtube as part of my workflow)16:18
zequenceinsomniaSalt: there is a module on by default, which does that for you. Did you try it?16:19
insomniaSaltnot entirely sure16:20
zequenceIf you start jack with qjackctl, pulseaudio creates sink and source for jack16:20
insomniaSaltI'm in here because I was wondering if there's any better way16:20
insomniaSaltthat, for some reason didnt work16:20
zequenceThen, if you go into the PA mixer, you can set PA to use jack16:20
insomniaSaltI connected sink to system in qjackctl16:21
insomniaSaltbut that PA mixer pref, where is it supposed to be?16:21
zequencein outputs16:21
zequenceJust like if you would choose an audio device, you choose jack16:21
insomniaSaltOutput Devices tab16:22
zequenceIt would be better if PA set itself to use jack by default, when you start jack. This is something I'd like to happen in the future16:22
insomniaSaltshows my two soundcards16:22
zequenceIs jack running?16:22
insomniaSaltand I can select a "port" from a dropdown16:22
insomniaSaltrunning and playing sound currently16:22
zequenceHow are you starting jack. Is it jackdbus, or jackd?16:22
insomniaSaltlemme see messages window16:22
zequenceAre you using qjackctl, with default settings?16:22
insomniaSalt16:57:14.376 D-BUS: Service not available (org.jackaudio.service aka jackdbus).16:23
insomniaSalt16:57:14.383 JACK is starting...16:23
insomniaSalt16:57:14.383 /usr/bin/jackd -dalsa -dhw:0 -r44100 -p1024 -n216:23
zequenceThat looks pretty default16:23
insomniaSaltqjackctl, yes16:23
zequenceinsomniaSalt: Check in: Setup -> Misc, and look fot the dbus option16:23
zequenceIs it enabled?16:23
insomniaSaltyes (also default I guess)16:24
zequenceinsomniaSalt: So, I don't know how you're making the PA jack connection right now, but what I would like you to do is shut everything down, logout, and login again16:24
insomniaSaltanyways, what I did was use libflashsupport.c from Torben Hohn minus the V4L stuff16:24
zequenceAh, ok16:25
insomniaSaltweird thing is sometimes there is Sink and Source in connection window, sometimes not16:25
insomniaSaltbut no matter, no flashsound16:25
zequenceIf you restart jack sometimes the thing fails16:25
zequenceI'd use the module over the libflashsupport thing16:25
zequenceThe module is in its own package, called pulseaudio-module-jack. It's installed by efault16:26
zequenceTo try it, remove the libflash thing, logout, login, and then start jack16:26
zequenceIf you see the PA sink and source, set PA to use jack. Done16:26
insomniaSaltcurrently not there16:26
zequencecould be the libflash thing is blocking it. 16:26
insomniaSaltalso, sometimes I've to log out and in again, or else jack won't even start16:27
zequenceI don't really know16:27
zequenceinsomniaSalt: Yes, that's a jack bug16:27
insomniaSaltnah, t'was the same before16:27
insomniaSalttrying again16:27
zequenceinsomniaSalt: When that happens, you can kill jack in a terminal: killall -9 jackdbus16:27
zequenceinsomniaSalt: There's a fix for jack, which I'm trying to get in for 12.04. Right now, it works fine on 13.0416:28
insomniaSaltno sink, no source :(16:33
zequenceinsomniaSalt: Well, they usually don't fail on a clean system, when starting jack for the first time in a session16:33
zequenceinsomniaSalt: Did you remove the libflash thing?16:33
insomniaSaltdoubt that's it but I do 16:35
zequenceinsomniaSalt: pulseaudio-module-jack is installed? You sure you get the sink and source at times?16:38
insomniaSaltused to, at least16:40
insomniaSaltquick reboot just to make sure16:41
insomniaSaltreboot, login, start Qjackctl: The playback device "hw:0" is already in use  (...) pulseaudio16:50
insomniaSalt$ pulseaudio -k16:50
insomniaSaltonly then jack starts16:50
insomniaSaltthen automatically relaunching pulse as it seems16:51
zequenceinsomniaSalt: PA is set to autospawn17:00
zequenceinsomniaSalt: Try doing this. In a terminal, do: pasuspender -- && sleep 1517:00
zequenceThen, while PA is suspended, start jack17:00
zequenceWait, that doesn't work :P17:01
zequencepasuspender -- sleep 60, or whatever17:02
zequenceYou can do Ctl+C to end the sleep once jack is running17:02
zequenceinsomniaSalt: Ah, first kill jack though17:02
zequencekillall -0 jackdbus17:02
zequencekillall -9 jackdbus*17:02
zequenceinsomniaSalt: If PA is set to use the same device as jack, it might not let go of the device17:03
zequenceIt's a PA bug17:03
zequenceWorks best if you are not using PA to do anything17:03
insomniaSaltthat's how I fixed audio an my gentoo box17:03
insomniaSaltuninstall pa, global useflag -pa17:04
insomniaSaltlooking at my shell history, it seems somewhere along the process I had to install jack and jack-dev packages, how can that be17:04
insomniaSalttrying the sleep thing17:04
zequenceinsomniaSalt: You probably needed the jack-dev to build the libflash thing17:05
insomniaSaltyes, idd. but what about the former? :-)17:05
insomniaSaltand qjackctl got autoremoved in between17:05
insomniaSaltthen i reinstalled it, now it won't be autoremoved anymore17:06
zequenceinsomniaSalt: The dev libraries depend on jack1 libs. Why qjackctl got removed has to do with dependencies17:08
insomniaSalt$ pgrep jackdbus17:08
zequenceIt's not very slick17:08
insomniaSaltjackdbus ain't ever running17:09
insomniaSaltsleep is over, pulse seems running (pgrep returns a PID), and still no sink/source :(17:10
insomniaSaltand jackdbus never even ran to begin with17:10
insomniaSaltonly jackd17:11
zequenceinsomniaSalt: is jackd2 installed?17:11
zequenceIf you didn't reinstall it, you might be running jackd117:12
zequenceWhich doesn't support dbus. jackdbus is a part of the jackd2 package17:12
insomniaSaltno d217:12
insomniaSaltremoving d1 d1-firewire libjack-dev and libjack017:13
insomniaSaltin favour of d217:13
insomniaSaltwelcome back sink/source17:14
insomniaSaltoh dear17:15
insomniaSaltit works!17:15
insomniaSaltbut the setting in PAmixer is "hidden" in the playback tab17:16
insomniaSaltthere, I didn't look before17:16
insomniaSaltcurrently hearing sound from youtube -> PA -> Jack17:17
* insomniaSalt starts Mixxx and prays17:17
insomniaSaltwhich instantly killed the sound17:17
zequenceWell, that's probably not related to the module, rather on Mixxx itself17:21
insomniaSaltit made entire firefox crash17:22
zequenceflash is probably the crook there17:22
zequenceWhen PA misbehaves, flash gets annoyed17:23
insomniaSalteducational experience, still17:23
zequenceTrying to get ArdourXchange working. Have got it working in the past. Damn, I need it now17:24
insomniaSaltverdict: back to the libflashsupport-jack thingy (the main purpose of all this being to enable people other than me to work at this computer, lol)17:25
insomniaSaltminor thing: still no html5sound then17:27
zequenceAnything that works with PA will go through the module17:29
zequenceThe module needs to be worked on, and is the best way to integrate jack with PA17:30
zequenceThe libflash thing only works on flash, no?17:30
zequenceNot really an option17:30
zequenceand, does it work with jackd2?17:30
insomniaSaltdoubtful, I'll report17:32
insomniaSaltindeed, make fails because of "No package 'jack' found17:33
zequenceWHen I say module, I'm talking about pulseaudio-module-jack, or module-jackdbus-detect, not the libflash thing17:34
insomniaSaltI'm aware :)17:34
zequenceYou can't compile libflash without jack dev packages, and those can't be installed when jackd2 is installed17:34
zequenceit's weird17:35
zequenceHopefully jack devs come to resolution on those things at some point17:35
insomniaSaltI'm more than happy to go back to jackd1 + libflashsupport-jack till then, seems the only way to have "agressive" applications such as Mixxx running througgh jack while simoultaneously being able to route sound from flash-based sources17:37
zequenceinsomniaSalt: It's Mixxx that is the problem in this case17:38
zequenceinsomniaSalt: Try disabling the PA module, and use only jack with Mixxx17:38
zequenceProbably it has bad jack code in it17:38
zequenceIt has jack support, doesn't it? Or is it ALSA only17:39
zequenceMixxx is not agressive. Just poorly written17:39
insomniaSaltbasically everything17:39
insomniaSaltyes, tend to notice that too at times17:39
insomniaSaltoss alsa jack pa17:40
insomniaSaltbut being able to use Mixx is not really the point, it's just a good example of an application that behaves bad17:40
zequenceAn application that behaves bad with jackdbus, not PA, if you're using the jack interface, that is17:41
zequenceThere are other examples of jack apps that work poorly on one jack, and better on the other17:42
insomniaSaltand mix is also an example of an application that people using this setup from hell expect to work (same as flash)17:42
zequenceThe PA interconnection is not a big deal17:43
zequenceThe module is quite stable17:43
zequenceThere are some bugs related to PA and jack, which do not really have to do with the module itself17:43
zequenceIn some situations audio might get blocked as a result of using jack with PA, adjusting settings, starting/stopping, etc.17:45
zequenceThere could of course be something in the module that causes some weirdness, but in most cases, I would say the bugs are either in PA itself, or jack itself, not in the module17:45
insomniaSaltwith that jackd2/module setup I'd be happier if stuff wasnt crashing all the time :-)17:46
zequenceBadly written jack apps can make jack crash. In that case, it's the app that is bad17:46
zequenceI don't experience any crashing with jack2 and PA17:47
zequenceBut, I'm not using Mixxx17:47
insomniaSaltcrashing the client software that is, not pa or jackd17:47
zequence..aside from the jack bug, when trying to stop jack (on 12.04, and 12.10)17:48
zequenceRight now, I'd like to write emails to every programmer in the world, and tell them: please, please, please - use standards!!!!17:49
zequenceI want to export a session from Cubase to Ardour17:49
zequenceThere's a tool for it, but I can't get it working17:49
insomniaSaltthere is an xkcd about that17:49
insomniaSaltwhere it says,  now because of you we have n+1 standards17:50
insomniaSaltmeh cubase :(17:51
zequencecreating custom formats should lead to jail sentences17:51
* insomniaSalt is a freetard somehow17:51
zequenceMaybe what I should do is write a OMF to ardour converter17:52
zequenceomf is actually an open standard17:53
zequenceardour just needs to have it implemented17:54
insomniaSaltpeople will always try an be evil17:54
insomniaSaltlike that tetra pak machine patent that forbade people other than the proprietor to produce paks that could be filled with these machines17:54
insomniaSaltuntil they were sued for trust17:55
insomniaSaltabuse of dominant market position is what that's called17:56
zequenceIn this case, the proprietary application does support the open format, while the free one does not17:57
insomniaSaltgo, implement! 17:58
insomniaSaltbut then, how often does the open format specification and reference implementation by steinberg change?17:58
insomniaSaltif you're unlucky twice a week17:58
insomniaSalthave fun trying to keep up 17:58
insomniaSalt(not sure about that, but possible in theory, 'pseudo-open' standards existed before)17:59
zequenceIt's not a Steinberg format18:02
zequenceIt's an open format that many DAWs support18:02
zequenceIncludign Steinbergs various DAWs, Pro Tools, It think pretty much all the big ones18:03
insomniaSaltavid, ic.18:04
zequenceAs long as you can get the files into their right places, with tempos, etc.18:04
insomniaSaltthere seem to be different 'flavours' of OMF, too :-)18:07
zequenceYeaaah!!. Now I get to do export one track at the time!18:11
insomniaSalt>tool for it18:11
zequenceI already have a tool, that doesn't work18:14
zequenceI got it to work last year, but not now18:14
insomniaSaltlearned a lot more, but now my headache got much worse, time to stop and find something to eat18:30
ubottuFor information on professional audio tools in Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuStudio/ProAudioIntro/120419:00
zequenceholstein: Alright19:00
holsteinright! :)19:00
holsteinzequence: knome hooked us up19:00
zequenceDamn, I nearly had it working19:23
=== jta is now known as jta_afk
zequenceholstein: For now, I just included the 1204 page into the page that !proaudio links to20:28
ubottuFor information on professional audio tools in Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuStudio/ProAudioIntro20:28
zequenceSo, same as before now20:28
zequenceYou need to refresh, to see the change20:28
holsteinzequence: i like it20:29
zequenceBeen updating the kernel for a while now. Every 3 weeks, or, a little more often. Sometimes there's a sudden critical update.21:41
zequenceA run a script, and then, I try not mess up the manual bit, where I edit the changelog21:42
zequenceMessed it up three times already :P21:42

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