
newuser619hello all00:01
newuser619I was wondering if anyone can help me with the installation of xubuntu00:02
newuser619I currently have windows vista and want to install xubuntu 12.1000:03
newuser619Genscher_: is there a website you can direct me to, or maybe help me with the installation ?00:04
Genscher_newuser619, sure, i can help you00:04
Genscher_i just installed xubuntu over my win7 installation 20 mins ago00:04
newuser619that would be great, thank you!00:05
newuser619oh awesome00:05
Genscher_a) do you want to have both or only xubuntu?00:05
Genscher_both = windows + xubuntu (dual boot)00:05
Genscher_ok, you got the live cd?00:06
Genscher_live usb stick?00:06
newuser619so I'm currently downloading xubuntu-12.10-desktop-i386.iso that is step #1 correct00:06
newuser619I can transfer it to a usb stick once its done downloading00:06
Genscher_ok, are you sure about the 32bit edition? (laptop, notebook)00:06
Unit193Genscher_: You should be able to change that in gpointing-device-settings, if you install it.00:07
Genscher_Unit193, thanks, will try00:07
newuser619I have a laptop00:07
Genscher_alright, sounds fine then00:07
Unit193(32/64bit is more of what you need and how much ram you have.)00:07
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newuser619I have 4 gb of ram00:08
Genscher_(got 12gb here)00:08
Genscher_mhm 4gb00:08
newuser619yeah this laptop is about 3 years old so not the fastest but it works00:08
Genscher_that's somehow inbetween 32bit and 64bit :)00:08
Genscher_@ Unit193 what would you suggest with 4gb ram?00:09
newuser619so am i downloading the wrong version?00:09
Unit193Genscher_: That's plenty of ram to use 64bit, but you can use all the ram with 32bit because of PAE.00:10
Genscher_newuser619, alright - you heard Unit193. YOu're fine :)00:10
newuser619I have no idea what PAE means but ok00:11
ubottuAMD64 and Intel 64 are fully supported architectures on Ubuntu. Consider using 64-bit if your memory ussage exceeds 4GB. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/32bit_and_64bit00:11
ubottuTo use more than ~3.2GB RAM on a 32bit system you can install the PAE-enabled kernel. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EnablingPAE for more info00:11
newuser619so I'm currently downloading xubuntu-12.10-desktop-i386.iso, should I put it on my flash drive after its done downloading00:12
Unit193(All 32bit kernels are PAE now)00:12
Genscher_newuser619, in short words: yes ^^00:12
newuser619do I  need to install anything else ?00:12
Unit193You'll need something like unetbootin, or even better, LinuxLiveUSB creator.00:13
Genscher_yes, an application to write that iso on the usb stick00:13
newuser619ok where can I download that application00:13
Genscher_newuser619,  http://www.ubuntu.com/download/help/create-a-usb-stick-on-windows00:13
newuser619ok thanks 1 min00:16
newuser619ok its putting it on my usb stick00:18
newuser619ok its done00:19
newuser619Genscher_: you there?00:20
newuser619ok its done installing00:20
newuser619do I need to reboot?00:20
Genscher_just restart with the usb stick plugged in (your BIOS should detect it and boot from USB)00:20
newuser619ok do I need to do anything when it restarts or will it just start installing xubuntu ?00:22
Genscher_no, it will ask you what you want to do00:23
Genscher_you can take a look around first00:24
Genscher_no need to install00:24
newuser619oh ok say I want to install it, can you give me any suggestions?00:24
Genscher_select the option "install xubuntu BESIDE Windows"00:25
newuser619ok wish me luck00:25
newuser619thanks for your help00:26
newuser619I will be back to let you know how it works00:26
hank619Genscher_: it didn't do anything00:30
hank619it just restarted windows again00:30
Genscher_you need to change your biod boot seqauence to start from USB00:30
hank619how do I do that?00:30
hank619sorry I should've told you I'm new to this stuff00:31
Genscher_please use google :) "bios boot usb stick"00:35
Genscher_normally when you reboot you can get into the bios screen using the F1, F2 or DEL key00:36
Genscher_sometimes, it's F1000:36
hank619ok thanks00:37
Genscher_you have to press those key during the first 5 - 10 seconds. normally they key you have to press is also displayed on the screen00:38
Genscher_with the other text00:38
hank619can anyone please help me finalize the installation process ?00:56
hank619for xubuntu 12.1000:57
David-Ahank619: "finalize"? how far have you come, so far?00:58
hank619David-A: I booted from usb and when I click on install xubuntu its asking me about partitions00:59
hank619I want to keep windows vista so I clicked on use both and now its asking me about partitions00:59
hank619ok I have a 250 gb hd01:00
hank619but its only showing 9gb and 6 gb01:00
hank619why is that?01:01
hank619and my internet won't work in xubuntu so that is why I can't tell you what its exactly saying01:02
David-Ahank619: I'd never dualbot with windows, so I dont know exactly what you see, but I'm googling and have some pretty pictures.01:03
hank619I tried to google from xubuntu but my internet is not working in there01:04
hank619ok let me ask you this01:05
ManiacTwisterDoes someone know why checkinstall doesn't put empty directories into the created deb package?01:05
David-Ahank619: before you selected "Install side by side", did it show a partitioning like "Windows Vista XXX GB" "/dev/xxx XXX GB" and "Free space XXX GB"? if so what xxx;es?01:05
hank619if I save everything I need from windows vista and if I just install xubuntu01:05
David-Ahank619: lets try a dual boot. it should be possible.01:06
hank619I know its going to delete everything I have in windows vista, which I don't care because I will have it all saved...my question is will it delete windows vista or would I be able to get it back later01:06
David-Ahank619: but saving all important stuff (a.k.a backup) before a re-partition is good, in case something goes horribly wrong01:07
hank619ok I will save everything and when I install xubuntu (not dual boot) just xubuntu will it keep the basic windows vista..(forget the files)01:08
David-Ahank619: to be sure to have it later you must do a dual boot install (Install side by side).01:08
hank619ok how do I do that?01:08
David-Ahank619: select "Install side by side" to keep Windows. or select "Specify partitions manually" but that may be more complicated.01:10
hank619Yes I Installed side by side and its complicated01:11
hank619I don't get it01:11
hank619if I do a single install01:11
hank619I don't care about windows vista01:11
hank619I actually would rather delete windows vista if possible01:11
hank619I'm backing up all the files I need from windows right now01:12
David-Ahank619: I am sure someone has installed side by side, and remembers exactly what buttons to press.01:12
David-Ahank619: the install process is exactly the same for xubuntu and Ubuntu, so if you ask at #ubuntu, there may be more people awake to help you.01:13
hank619so how did you install it?01:13
hank619side by side or just xubuntu by itself?01:13
David-Ahank619: I didn't have Windows on the hard disk to start with, never had.01:13
hank619lucky guy01:14
hank619ok I'm using http://xubuntu.org/irc/ to chat on here01:15
David-Ahank619: if you are very good at explaining exactly what you see on the screen during the install process, I think I can help you throu it, even thou I haven't done that exact thing.01:16
David-Ahank619: the trick is to write everything you see, or screen dump and upload images after every little thing.01:17
hank619I'm just going to do a single install01:22
hank619thanks for your help David01:22
David-Ahank619: don't hesitate ask at #ubuntu channel. dual boot should be simple.01:25
mtx_initHey everybody does xubuntu come with zietgiest and geoclue?02:27
David-Azietgiest and geoclue are in the repositories (of lucid at least)02:30
Unit193Not pre-installed.02:31
mtx_initwell for Ubuntu they come default and installed02:36
Unit193You can see with   apt-cache show zeitgeist geoclue | grep Task   that nither one is, but that doesn't mean you can't install them or that another program that you want doesn't depend on them.02:40
mtx_initOh ok thanks.  I don't use xubuntu now so that's why I asked02:42
Furahhey guys, I need some help06:04
FurahI'm running 12.10 and did a partial upgrade last night, which involved upgrades to the kernel, it now hangs on boot and I've been told to install a kernel via livecd06:05
FurahI'm currently running on livecd but unsure as to how to proceed or how to grab the kernel06:06
well_laid_lawndon't have another kernel in the grub menu you can use?06:06
FurahI don't even seem to have the grub menu06:06
well_laid_lawnhold down the shift key while you boot up - before the bios page goes away - and the menu should show06:08
Furahcheers, I'll that first06:08
FurahI'll try*06:08
Furahhi, I'm back06:29
Furahtrying to boot from the old kernel using GRUB didn't help, it hangs on boot too06:29
well_laid_lawnhow did it go?06:29
well_laid_lawnwhat part did it hang on?06:30
Furahnow I'm going off of memory here, but it was something like initializing bootram, or ram something06:31
well_laid_lawnok - you'll have to follow the advice you were working with before I guess06:31
well_laid_lawnit was something like chroot from a live cd and update the kernel?06:32
ubottuA chroot is used to make programs believe that the directory they are running in is really the root directory. It can be used to stop programs accessing files outside of that directory, or for compiling 32bit applications in a 64bit environment - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicChroot06:32
ibqnI ran into issue, after an update, I have no border in the xfce4 session06:59
Furah_ok, I'07:12
Furah_I'm getting nowhere with chroot :/07:12
Furah_I'm following the LiveCD Recovery on the ubuntu site, I mount the drive, but when I try to chroot I get "chroot: failed to run command `/bin/bash': No such file or directory"07:15
well_laid_lawnFurah_:  you have a link to the howto you are foloowing?07:23
well_laid_lawnyou mounted the right partition in /mnt ?07:24
VinceThePrinceis it possible to show the more "advanced graphics" only for Yakuake because I want to have transparency07:25
VinceThePrincewith more advanced graphics I mean "display compositing"07:26
well_laid_lawnyou can't limit compositing to just one app07:26
well_laid_lawnurxvt has it's own pseudo transparency07:27
VinceThePrincewell_laid_lawn, if I enable compositing where can I get other "speed" gains07:27
well_laid_lawnit's what I use07:27
VinceThePrincewell_laid_lawn, is it also dropdown? :)07:27
well_laid_lawnxfce's compositor has some settings you can tweak to limit it's resource use07:28
Furah_well_laid_lawn: did you say anything after I said <Furah_> I used sda1 not hda1?07:31
Furah_I got disconnected07:31
well_laid_lawnnope just asked if you mounted the right partition - never saw an answer07:32
Furah_I'm fairly certain the only partition in sda107:32
well_laid_lawnwhat does   ls /mnt/  show?07:32
well_laid_lawnshould be bin boot dev etc home ...07:34
well_laid_lawntry   ls /dev | grep sda07:34
well_laid_lawnyou might have to mount sda2 not sda107:35
well_laid_lawnafter you umount sad107:35
Furah_well now chroot works, but apt-get upgrade is not working07:43
well_laid_lawnyou updated first? is the error about a lock file?07:43
Furah_it seems every time I take a step there's another hoop to jump through07:43
Furah_I meant apt-get update isn't working, sorry07:44
well_laid_lawnit takes some practise to bugger up and fix linux07:44
VinceThePrinceAny idea why openoffice does not want to start? :)07:44
well_laid_lawnVinceThePrince:  try to start it from a terminal to catch the errors07:44
well_laid_lawnFurah_:  what's the error with apt?07:45
Furah_the end line says "E: Some index files failed to download. They have been ignored, or old ones used instead."07:46
Furah_before that it seems to be hundreds of lines of things like "W: Failed to fetch http://au.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/quantal-backports/multiverse/binary-i386/Packages  Something wicked happened resolving 'au.archive.ubuntu.com:http' (-5 - No address associated with hostname)"07:46
well_laid_lawnsounds like something is up with your host name resolving07:47
well_laid_lawntry   ping -c3 www.google.com07:48
Furah_seems so, it says unknown host07:48
well_laid_lawntry   sudo service network-manager restart07:50
well_laid_lawnmight pay to check the network connection   ping -c3
Furah_jesus christ :/07:52
Furah_--- ping statistics ---07:52
Furah_3 packets transmitted, 2 received, 33% packet loss, time 2001ms07:52
Furah_rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 112.223/137.985/163.747/25.762 ms07:52
well_laid_lawnusing wifi ?07:52
Furah_ethernet, but I'm wireless broadband07:53
well_laid_lawnthat happens sometimes if the signal strength is down a bit07:53
Furah_NBN needs to roll out to me asap07:53
VinceThePrincewell_laid_lawn, where to enable "confirmation before deleting file"?07:53
well_laid_lawnrainy day where you are?07:53
well_laid_lawnVinceThePrince:  in openoffice?07:53
well_laid_lawnI don't use that sorry07:53
VinceThePrincewell_laid_lawn, I mean when I delete files :)07:54
VinceThePrincewell_laid_lawn, normally you can enable to ask "are you sure you want to delete..."07:54
well_laid_lawnVinceThePrince:  where are you deleting files? in the file manager?07:54
well_laid_lawnshould be default07:54
VinceThePrincewell_laid_lawn,  in thunar or on desktop07:54
Furah_overcast, but I'm surrounded by trees so I always get poor reception07:55
well_laid_lawnFurah_:  that shouldn't stop host names being resolved07:55
Furah_I know07:55
well_laid_lawndid network-manager restart ok?07:56
Furah_didn't seem to fix it07:56
well_laid_lawnI'm in Brisbane by the way :)07:56
Furah_root@xubuntu:/# service network-manager restart07:56
Furah_network-manager stop/waiting07:56
Furah_network-manager start/running07:56
Furah_root@xubuntu:/# ping -c3 www.google.com07:56
Furah_ping: unknown host www.google.com07:56
Furah_regional NSW07:57
Genscheris there any way that Thunar can automount network volumes? :( So far I need to ctrl-l + "smb://ip/volume"07:57
well_laid_lawnsounds like you need to go back to X and check what network-manager is up to Furah_07:57
well_laid_lawn!samba | Genscher check this link07:58
ubottuGenscher check this link: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.07:58
well_laid_lawnFurah_:  the graphical environment07:59
Furah_I am in a graphical environment07:59
well_laid_lawnget there with ctrl+alt+F707:59
well_laid_lawnok - the howto says to work from tty so I assumed...07:59
Furah_well this is real confusing08:10
Furah_I cannot figure out why terminal has hostname issues :/08:10
well_laid_lawnwhat's the dns set to in network-manager?08:12
well_laid_lawndns = domain name server08:12
well_laid_lawnshould be fine using googles dns08:13
Furah_I know, so it's real confusing08:14
Furah_if it was a DNS issue then there's no way I could be trying to google for a solution08:14
well_laid_lawni was going to ask if you can go to google in a browser08:15
Furah_it seems to be to do with the fact that I'm chrooting08:16
Furah_I opened up a new terminal tab, and pinged google.com from there and it worked fine08:16
well_laid_lawncompare /etc/resolv.conf and /mnt/etc/resolv.conf08:19
Furah_/mnt/etc/resolv.conf is empty08:22
Furah_no wonder08:22
well_laid_lawncp -v /etc/reolv.conf /mnt/etc/resolv.conf08:23
well_laid_lawncp -v /etc/resolv.conf /mnt/etc/resolv.conf08:23
VinceThePrinceany idea how to auto arrange items on desktop ?08:25
Furah_right-click arrange desktop icons08:25
VinceThePrinceFurah_, there is no such option on the desktop08:27
Furah_what version of xubuntu are you running?08:28
INCEST_MANHow is this community doing?08:30
INCEST_MANThis is my first time on an IRC.08:31
INCEST_MANAm I doing it right?08:31
Furah_keeping it in the family works well with business, not romance08:31
INCEST_MANHa-ha. Good one%08:31
TheSheepyou might want to discuss that at #xubuntu-offtopic, this is a support channel08:32
well_laid_lawnFurah_:  you're updating ok now?08:32
INCEST_MANVery well.08:32
VinceThePrinceFurah_, I'm running 12.0408:32
VinceThePrinceFurah_, fresh install08:32
Furah_just updated, upgrade doesn't show any of the kernels08:34
Furah_damn :/08:35
VinceThePrinceHow do I remove this nasty border from conky : http://www.zimagez.com/zimage/screenshot-02262013-112501am.php10:26
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=== Guest96986 is now known as Graet
bullgard4[Xubuntu 12.04.2]  Quod Libet > menu item View > Search Library  What is the path of this "Library"?11:52
laitebullgard4: you can set library path in preferences -> library (tab)11:54
bullgard4laite: Do you mean in the »Quod Libet Preferences « dialog window the »Scan Directories« input field?12:00
JutasHi Everyone, Do you know an application which can backup windows such as Redo backup, acronis, norton ghost?12:02
TheSheepJutas: maybe ask on ##windows12:02
Jutasi'm using xubuntu12:05
TheSheepJutas: from the point of view of xubunut, windows is just one of your disks, you can just copy the whole device with dd and keep somewhere12:07
laitebullgard4: yep12:18
bullgard4laite: Thank you very much for your help.12:19
ner0xWhat can I use to keep track of tasks across multiple systems?13:20
TheSheepner0x: tasks?13:20
GridCubewhat kind of tasks?13:20
ner0xTasks as in "things I must completely within a timely manner". :)13:20
GridCubewhat kind of them?13:21
TheSheepner0x: you want a todo list?13:22
GridCubeweb task, user tasks, proceses, temporal schisms?13:22
ner0x"Sort emails, call accountant, fix that damn pipe", etc.13:22
ner0xWhere I can set priority as well.13:22
ner0xTheSheep: Yeah, I guess a todo list is another way to put it.13:22
TheSheepner0x: there are many web services that give you that13:22
TheSheepner0x: or you could a bugtracker, if you roll that way13:23
ner0xTheSheep: Well I have my own servers I'd prefer to use.13:23
GridCubeyou can also have a todo.log and ftp/ssh it to your likings13:23
ner0xGridCube: Want a little more functionality than that.13:23
GridCubethere are programs like osmo or rednotebook that can help you there13:23
TheSheepner0x: so how about a bug tracker, like Trac, installed on one of your servers?13:24
ner0xTheSheep: That could work. I'm open to suggestions.13:24
GridCubethere are addons for your desktop like screenlets that have todo list that autosync to ftp files13:24
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TheSheepI also use zim, and I think it has an option to synchronise between desktops with a repository13:27
* ner0x checks it out.13:27
TheSheepzim is a desktop wiki13:28
GridCube:) its very similar to rednotebook13:28
ner0xTheSheep: As for bugtracking I typically just use # TODO: or # FIXME: comments in my rails app. :)13:28
TheSheepner0x: well, trac gives you a lot of the "management" tools13:28
TheSheeplike versions, milestones, releases13:28
TheSheepyou can plan a roadmap ahead13:29
* ner0x checks it out.13:29
TheSheepand keep track of dependencies between tasks13:29
ner0xTo be used in conjunction with git yes?13:29
TheSheepnot necessarily13:29
TheSheepit doesn't have to be connected to any code repository13:30
ner0xWell I didn't mean innerconnectivity, rather supplimental.13:30
TheSheepI used trac for bugtracking in my project before I moved them all to bitbucket13:30
TheSheepas bitbucket has its own simple bugtracker13:30
TheSheepsomething like github13:30
TheSheepa forge13:31
ner0xAh alright.13:31
xubuntu281finally I am in13:32
xubuntu281so guys how are you doing?13:32
xubuntu281anybody here13:32
xubuntu281I need help13:32
xubuntu281looks like everybody is busy13:33
TheSheepjust ask your question, and if anybody knows, they will answer13:33
xubuntu281ok I am using xubuntu, and there is a small squar at the tip left corner just under the applications icon13:34
xubuntu281how can I fix that?13:34
xubuntu281I searched for it and it happens to other people too13:34
xubuntu281but I couldn't find any thing that workd13:34
xubuntu281I think the problem is xfce13:34
xubuntu281so do you guys know how to fix this?13:35
TheSheepxubuntu281: make a file called .gtkrc-2.0 in your home directory and put this into it: http://paste.openstack.org/raw/32511/13:35
TheSheepxubuntu281: then switch to some other theme and back13:36
TheSheep(the period at the beginning of the filename is important)13:37
xubuntu207it is me with the square problem13:39
xubuntu207I think the problem is now fixed13:40
xubuntu207but since xfce crashed I had to restart it13:40
xubuntu207thanks TheSheep13:40
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eduardo_i'm new in Xubuntu14:04
eduardo_and not speak english very good14:04
eduardo_i'm brazilian :D14:05
ubottuPor favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.14:05
ner0xosmo would be cool if it synced.14:08
ner0xIs there a way to sync packages installed on two machines?14:11
ner0xOr three?14:11
baizonner0x: yes14:11
baizonyou can use the ubuntu software center14:11
ner0xInteresting. You use this?14:12
* ner0x looks it up14:12
baizonner0x: http://www.addictivetips.com/ubuntu-linux-tips/how-to-synchronize-applications-between-multiple-ubuntu-computers/14:12
baizonner0x: not really14:12
baizonno use for me14:12
GridCubener0x, the silly solution for osmo syncking its to put its config folder to a shared resource14:13
ner0xGridCube: Yeah that is sort of silly. taskwarrior is pretty sweet. I'll have to traverse the manpage for a bit.14:15
GridCubener0x, you could see vazaar too, it uses a mysql database to store its entries14:17
GridCube!info vazaar14:17
ubottuPackage vazaar does not exist in quantal14:17
ner0xGridCube: Did you just say mysql...14:17
ner0xGridCube: You're dead to me.14:17
ner0xpostgresql IN THE HOUSE14:18
GridCubegreat internet its great14:20
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang
ner0xGridCube: Does this vazaar work with pg? Or task for that matter?14:29
* ner0x consults the website/docs.14:29
GridCubewhat is pg?14:29
GridCubeparental guidance?14:29
GridCubener0x, i think you would like this one, http://chandlerproject.org/ , but its not being developed anymore, though... i should work?14:34
GridCubener0x, there is also http://sourceforge.net/projects/group-office/14:36
GridCubethat last one its probably the best14:36
ner0xGridCube: PostgreSQL14:40
GridCubewell, its not my fault that you choose an unpopular database manager ner0x14:41
ner0xGridCube: PostgreSQL is the most popular database out there? lol14:42
ner0xGridCube: But I wasn't complaining. Just asking if there was. :)14:42
GridCubeoh, i dont know14:42
GridCubeagain, i think your best option its group-office, seems like the most active and feature full option14:42
ner0xI agree.14:42
ner0xI think when I get to the point of wanting to pay for it, I'll grab it.14:43
ner0xFor now I think taskwarrior should work.14:43
ner0xGridCube: I am thankful for your help. :)14:43
GridCubebut its free P:14:43
ner0xGridCube: http://www.group-office.com/  ?14:44
ner0xOdd. No entry in the ubuntu repository for it.14:45
* ner0x checks it out.14:45
GridCubeits a web application14:45
Furahquick question, if I download something via wget, how do I then install it?14:51
ner0xFurah: Depends what it is.14:52
ner0xFurah: What type of file is it?14:52
Furaha .deb file14:52
ner0xFurah: Look up dpkg for further instructions. :)14:53
ner0xFurah: apt-get, dpkg, and aptitude might be worth a read. The man pages that is.14:54
Furahman pages?14:55
ner0xFurah: You're quite new to linux I imagine?14:55
GridCubeFurah, if you trust the deb file open it with the software center14:55
ner0xFurah: Very if you don't know what a man page is. But what GridCube said.14:56
GridCubeyou can also install gdebi if you just want to install the deb whitout opening the whole usc14:56
Furahusually my files are downloable via browser14:56
GridCubeits the same14:56
Furahunfortunately, with this file it would get to 500k and stop :/14:57
GridCubethere is no difference in the result by using one or other method14:57
GridCubeFurah, you can add a download manager to your browser, i like dta for firefox14:57
FurahI now realise that by man I'm assuming you're meaning manual14:57
GridCubeFurah, yes, the man pages are manuals for each and every command on your system, or almost every command14:58
ubottuThe "man" command brings up the Linux manual pages for the command you're interested in. Try "man intro" at the  command line, or see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal | Manpages online: http://manpages.ubuntu.com/14:58
Furahcheers about man, helped me out15:09
GridCubeit will help you out over and over and over again :D15:10
GridCubecant remember how many times i've man ls XD15:10
xubuntu854anyone can help me with the installation procedure by usb pen on a lap acer aspire one?15:11
Furahyeah, ls seems to have a lot of use15:11
GridCubexubuntu854, what kind of help?15:11
Furaheven back with windows it helped out15:12
GridCubeFurah, yeap, but then you ge to the obscure chmod chgroup chown and boy you need those man15:12
xubuntu854how can i install xubuntu by usb pen on my acer aspire one15:12
bazhang!unetbootin | xubuntu85415:12
ubottuxubuntu854: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent15:12
bullgard4Where can I find in Xfce Applications menu an item for Seahorse?15:12
GridCubexubuntu854, download an oficial ISO, torrent is preffered, then use unetbootin15:13
xubuntu854thank u ubottu15:13
GridCubeitem? bullgard4 ?15:13
bullgard4GridCube: yes15:13
GridCubexubuntu854, ;) ubottu is a bot15:13
GridCubebullgard4, yes?15:14
xubuntu854gridcube..i'm following ur instructions15:16
GridCube:) xubuntu854 good, but its really simple, just download the iso, and then use unetbootin to make a booteable usb, then boot from the usb and follow the installer instructions, easy as that15:17
GridCubexubuntu854, you can, even, just download unetbootin and use its embebed iso downloader15:17
GridCubeyou can use unetbootin in windows/linux/macs15:18
xubuntu854so easy? 1gb ram is enough?15:18
GridCubeyes, more than enough15:18
Furahunetbootin saved me having to start over15:18
Furahxubuntu can fit on a CD15:19
Furahwhich is 700MB15:19
Furahsomething worth remembering15:19
GridCube(until 12.10, since 13.04 it will be 1GB)15:19
Furahyeah, kind of sucks15:20
xubuntu854so do u suggest to use xubuntu on my lap or better ubuntu?15:20
Furahis it a laptop or netbook?15:20
Furahxubuntu and lubuntu are the two ubuntu distros to look at15:21
xubuntu854sorry..it's a netbook...acer aspire one atom dual core 1gb ram15:21
Furahif you can, try out both15:21
GridCubei use it in my netbook and it works perfectly15:22
GridCubei just dont like unity a little bit P:15:22
Furahwait, is lubuntu unity?15:22
GridCubelubuntu is lxde15:22
bazhanglxde and openbox15:22
GridCubehence the l15:22
FurahI really loathe unity15:23
GridCubei dont like it, but i dont really care because i havent really ever used it15:24
Furahunity actually got me to look at xubuntu, and I'm really glad for it15:25
ner0xAny programs I can manage my financials that will connect to my bank?17:19
GridCubethat sounds dangerous17:20
GridCubener0x, wouldnt group-office have a module for that too?17:21
ner0xGridCube: It's common practice?17:22
GridCubeit is?17:22
GridCubeoh well17:22
GridCubener0x, try gnucash17:22
zodiakdon't suppose anyone has any tips/tricks for video tearing on intel chips ?17:22
toraxI would be very careful with software "connecting to my bank"17:23
zodiakit's something that has annoyed me for a long time, but I only really notice when I am watching videos or moving windows17:23
ner0xtorax: It's the same as quickbooks etc.17:23
GridCubezodiak, are you using the intel drivers?17:23
ner0xIt's done all the time.17:23
GridCubener0x, yep i know, but still17:23
zodiakGridCube, yes indeedly17:24
GridCubeas said, think your best option is gnucash17:24
GridCubezodiak, what program you use for video playback?17:24
zodiakmplayer/mplayer2 or vlc17:24
zodiakeven moving a window sometimes shows tearing17:24
GridCubewell i would go and do an lspci | grep "VGA" and search for the results on google17:25
zodiakyeah, I know that the i4k has tearing issues .. unless I enable compiz and go the whole gnome route :(17:26
zodiakjst wondering if anyone has any tips/tricks to try :)17:26
ner0xGridCube: I wish I could find a todo that synced to my kindle as well.17:26
GridCubeP: if you use the web applience one, wouldnt logging to the interwebs do it?17:27
gardenheadhello, I need information about distributing xubuntu (OEM), does it work the same way as distributing ubuntu?19:27
gardenheadthanks beforehand19:27
ner0xAny personal organizers I should know about? Calendars + Contacts + Email + Todo list (That syncs across networks, even if I have to rsync the data) and is gmail friendly.19:29
baizongardenhead: what do you mean by same way as ubuntu19:31
baizonthere are differences19:31
KuzorraHi there....19:31
Kuzorra.....und guten Abend!19:31
gardenheadI mean, I want my company to make devices with xubuntu instead of ubuntu19:32
gardenheadwhat article should I read to get more information about this_19:32
KuzorraI want to re-setup my sys on another mainboard, I have a 250 SSD split in 2 partitions (Win7 + Xubuntu). I just to make sure it will work out....19:33
Kuzorra....will Win7 reuse the 100MB boot partition of the previous install? Or should I use two blank partitions for the new install?19:35
KuzorraWas ist zu beachten, wenn ich Win7 und Xubuntu neu aufsetzen will? Vorher waren schon beide Systeme installiert, aber ich baue ein neues Board ein und will beide neu aufsetzen. Wird Win7 die 100MB Bootpartition wieder verwenden, oder soll ich besser vorher alle Partitionen auf meiner 250GB SSD plattmachen?19:36
KuzorraAny suggestions / irgendwelche Hinweise ?19:37
baizongardenhead: a ok19:38
holsteinKuzorra: you are replacing the hard drive?19:38
KuzorraHi holstein!19:38
Kuzorranope, the disk remains the same19:38
KuzorraI'll just replace the mainboard19:39
holsteinKuzorra: if you have any prorpietary graphics drivers installed, and that hardware is changing, you might have issues, otherwise, you should be able to drop the linux install in, and boot up, and everything will just work.. not sure about how windows handles that19:40
KuzorraI want to switch from 32bit to 64bit anyway, so I'll do a  fresh install of both systems anyway19:41
baizongardenhead: well xubuntu is using xfce instead of gnome19:41
baizonyou can install it on a VM and take a look around19:41
baizonthe basesystem is the same19:41
baizonjust the DE is different19:41
holsteinKuzorra: so, whats the question?19:42
Kuzorrathat's why I want to prepare everything before I start19:42
baizongardenhead: or you can watch a youtube video with xubuntu19:42
holstein"will win7 reue the 100mb boot partition"... not sure.. maybe try a windows channel Kuzorra19:42
KuzorraThe question is: clear the old partitions or re-use the old ones?19:42
baizonKuzorra: yes it will use it again19:43
baizonbetter think would be19:43
baizonclear everything19:43
gardenheadbut my question is, does canonical offer OEM partnership with xubuntu too_19:43
holsteini would.. wont save any time really by trying to re-use.. might save time not having to go and clear out after having issues19:43
baizonthen install windows first, it will create the stupid boot partition, after that go on with linux19:43
baizongardenhead: a ok19:44
KuzorraMy first install was: a) create two partitions in another PC, b) install Win7, c) install Xubuntu19:45
Kuzorra......so I'll do just the same from a live system?19:45
holsteinsince you are not migrating, or cloning, you can do the same this time19:45
Kuzorraokay, that's the point. Thanks a lot!19:46
baizongardenhead: sorry, i dont have an answer for this question. I think #ubuntu would be a good place to ask this19:50
gardenheadok, it is a hard question after all19:51
holsteingardenhead: xubuntu *is* ubuntu.. xfce is in the main supported repos, so, in that regard, anything that is offered is for all ubuntu, dependind on what you are looking for19:51
Levy_i have a little probleme with xubuntu20:02
Levy_the panel from the lover part of screen i-ts not centered in this moment20:03
Levy_i-ts aligned for left corner of screen20:03
Levy_this is a screenshot20:03
Levy_how to mahe the panel from screen to be centered ?20:04
knomeLevy_, you'll need to add a a separator that extends20:04
baizonLevy_: http://forum.xfce.org/viewtopic.php?id=650520:04
baizon1 hit with google :P20:04
Levy_i'm triing to add separator, and the panel i'ts identic from the print screen :((20:07
baizonLevy_: have you added it before the icons?20:08
baizonand is the option set to extended20:08
Levy_i, add before icons20:12
Levy_and the panel it wast in center of screen after to add icons20:13
baizonLevy_: have you set to expand?20:17
Levy__i'm added 2 separators20:21
Levy__one in the right one in the left sidfe20:21
Levy__and the panel i-ts not centered :((20:21
baizonLevy__: yes, but do you did this? http://kenno.files.wordpress.com/2012/08/xfce_not_expand1.png?w=66020:21
Levy__i'ts ok in this moment !20:21
Levy__thanks for help !!!!20:22
Levy__thanks for all !20:22
Levy__good night for all !20:22
baizonsee you :)20:22
voozeI need to set keyboard shortcut to mute,volume up/down and brightness up/down.. I though it was amixer set Master 5%+ like in arch, but that does not work. Any ideas? :)20:55
Unit193That exactly works for me, as does amixer set Master mute  maybe you need to clearify what card?  (amixer -c bleh)20:57
voozehmmm, good question.. Its a chromebook ARM :D20:59
Unit193alsamixer would help here.21:00
voozeAlsamixer works fine, I remember i had to enable stuff like Left speaker left DMC1 or somthing21:00
voozefor the sound to even work21:00
Unit193You can get a card listing in there, or cat /proc/asound/cards21:01
voozeJust tryed doing toggle in terminal, its because it cant find "Master"21:04
voozetried *21:04
voozebtw its a DAISY-I2S it seems21:06
well_laid_lawnamixer lists the controls you can use21:13

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