
rick_h_is there a known way around lint issue with 'event_caught.should.be.true;' ? just change it to an equal and move along?01:16
rick_h_k, yea, changed up to that and moved along01:24
gary_posterbcsaller__, Makyo heads up: we need designer review for your landscape branches before landing.  I'll give more details later today13:26
thervegary_poster, hi13:28
gary_posterhey therve 13:29
thervegary_poster, I'm sorry I didn't follow on annotations testing. Where are you at?13:29
gary_postertherve, np.  We have a branch ourselves to provide some testing data.  We have all infrastructure ready in GUI and are just hooking up assets.  I expect it will be all landed by tomorrow, at which point we will be done unless told otherwise. :-)13:30
therveok great13:30
thervegary_poster, it will end up quickly in the charm store version I guess?13:31
gary_postertherve on our regular schedule it would be up sometime this coming Monday.  We have a sprint next week so that schedule might be a little rocky.  If you would like it in the charm store asap we can try to make a release end of this week.  That probably would be reasonable anyway13:32
thervegary_poster, that's ok. If you can just ping me when it's up there, we'll be able to test on our side end to end13:33
gary_postertherve, great!  sounds perfect, will do13:34
thervesweet thanks13:34
gary_posterthank you13:34
rick_h_morning all, anyone have some spare tmie for a review this today? https://codereview.appspot.com/7363055/13:39
rogpeppegary_poster: FYI the watcher branch has landed13:42
gary_posterMorning rick_h_ .  I think we should have a call with you, hatch, maybe bcsaller__ if he wants, and myself when they show up (should be in 20 minutes or so). charmbrowser should work in context of subapp and multi-dimensional url code. 13:43
gary_posterpre-imp might be good plan for branches at the statr now13:44
gary_posterpre-imp with gui team13:44
bcsaller__gary_poster: we have assets from the newer design so things don't match at all, we'd either need old style versions or new versions of the existing ones13:44
rick_h_gary_poster: yea, saw the subapp branches fly by. There was talk of one of us on your stand ups but not heard any updates on that13:44
gary_posterrogpeppe, awesome!13:44
rick_h_gary_poster: rgr. 13:44
gary_posterrick_h_, I mentioned to sinzui that you all are completely welcome13:44
gary_posterbcsaller__, ack.  Could you make a quick screenshot to show goodspud?13:45
rick_h_gary_poster: yea, he was going to check on the timing of your stand up and get back to us but haven't heard13:45
rogpeppegary_poster: am just playing around with proof-of-concept bottom-up stuff for the megawatcher13:45
gary_posterawesome rogpeppe .  Did you see the novel I wrote for the spreadsheet?13:45
rick_h_gary_poster: but yea, would love to have a conversation and a chance to brain dump. 13:45
rogpeppegary_poster: not sure i did actually13:45
gary_posterrick_h_, 10:30 EST, 1530 UTC13:45
gary_posterrogpeppe, https://docs.google.com/a/canonical.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AoQnpJ43nBkJdEFIZVg0dnN0SXNNREpTMTd6X1FMS1E#gid=113:45
rick_h_gary_poster: ok cool good to know13:46
rogpeppegary_poster: i see what you mean by "novel" :-)13:47
gary_posterrogpeppe, if you have any concerns would be happy to talk/adjust13:48
bcsaller__gary_poster: https://docs.google.com/a/canonical.com/file/d/0B4VD02DIPjvMRS02dzlKS1hlX2s13:48
gary_posterbcsaller__, "Sorry, the file you have requested does not exist."13:49
gary_postertry sharing with me explicitly?13:49
rogpeppegary_poster: any chance it could be bullet pointed? (aside: i find the present tense style a little odd - it sounds like we already have some of this stuff; perhaps "make read-only GUI work with juju-core" might read better than "Read-only GUI works with juju-core". ignore this trivial suggestion at will!13:50
gary_posterrogpeppe I couldn't add any in-cell newlines.  wil try again13:51
rogpeppegary_poster: hmm, maybe it's not possible.13:52
rogpeppegary_poster: maybe just 1) xxxx 2) yyyy, then13:52
gary_posterok cool rogpeppe 13:53
gary_posterrogpeppe, future tense and identifying numbers/letters added14:00
hatchgary_poster: just making coffee then I'll be ready for a call14:01
gary_postermorning hatch.  thanks14:01
rogpeppegary_poster: looks great, much easier to take in, thanks!14:01
gary_postercool, thanks for review and suggestions14:01
bcsaller__gary_poster: is https://docs.google.com/a/canonical.com/file/d/0B4VD02DIPjvMRS02dzlKS1hlX2s/edit better?14:01
gary_posteryes bcsaller__ thanks14:02
=== bcsaller__ is now known as bcsaller
gary_postergoodspud, hi.  bcsaller points out that icons we've received for landscape integration are for the future, not the present--note icon size (and color?) of https://docs.google.com/a/canonical.com/file/d/0B4VD02DIPjvMRS02dzlKS1hlX2s/edit14:03
hatchbcsaller__: did you want me to make any changes to the subapp branch? https://codereview.appspot.com/7384059/14:03
gary_postergoodspud, how would you like to proceed?14:03
goodspudgary_poster, I'm just having a chat with Greg about it. Please hold caller...14:04
bcsallerhatch: If you made the previous changes it should be fine :)14:04
gary_posterthanks goodspud 14:04
hatchgary_poster: ok ready14:06
gary_posterhatch, cool.  rick_h_ hatch and bcsaller if he wants to (I'll call you in if we have a deep discussion of the URL namespace stuff) let's meet in the juju gui room14:07
bcsallergary_poster: I can join in a minute, coffee is almost ready :)14:08
gary_posterheh ok14:08
goodspudgary_poster, bcsaller__ , Greg is going to provide you with icons at a reduced size. He based the updated designs on the specifications provided by Matt Chapman which weren't fully implemented anyway. So at some stage we'll have to update the pop-up menu.... unless we get rid of it completely for 13.10 (which is a possibility).14:12
goodspudgary_poster, bcsaller__ . Greg is working on them now. The text shouldn't be blue though. Same colour/style as the text for other menu items.14:16
goodspudgary_poster, bcsaller__ , updated icons are here:   https://drive.google.com/a/canonical.com/#folders/0B1IM--9A1RkTUEpZN2h6cEwtVFk14:21
gary_posterthanks goodspud sorry on call14:21
gary_posterbcsaller, do you have enough info for landscape branch now?14:43
bcsallergary_poster: looks that way, updating now, thanks14:43
gary_postercool ty14:43
gary_posterfrankban, approved FF testfix branch, ty.  Don't see card (slack I guess?) but you can put me on tag if there is one14:50
teknicogary_poster, the card is down in slack, I put your tag on it14:51
frankbangary_poster: thanks14:51
hatchbcsaller: hey are you looking for reviews for 7381060?15:08
bcsallerhatch: yes, that would be helpful15:10
hatchok anything special I need to do to view these new features ?15:10
hatchor just checkout and run15:10
hatcher....branch and run15:10
* hatch smacks git out of head15:10
bcsallerhatch: oh, you need the special rapi-rollup branch for it to work, lp:~bcsaller/juju/delta-annotations/15:11
bcsallerthat should get merged soon, but for now.15:11
bcsallerI'll put it on the card15:11
bcsallerit is however a pretty simple branch15:13
hatchyeah looks like it - how do I get the icons to show?15:19
bcsallerhatch: if you click on services in the env view some of them will be tagged (at random) in ways that make the new menu items appear.15:19
* hatch doesn't belive you :P15:22
hatchtried sample and large15:22
bcsallerhatch: you're using improv from the delta-annotations branch?15:23
hatchthat I am15:23
bcsallersample starts with 15 units, there is a 33% chance of any unit being flagged with either of the annotations so the odds that none of them are flagged is... very low15:25
hatchok let me restart them15:25
bcsallerhatch:  you see the normal service menu but the new items don't appear or you're not sure where to look still?15:26
bcsallerhatch: on the improv console you can see the annotations in the outgoing delta stream as well, thats something to look for15:26
hatchview, build relation, destroy are the only ones that appear15:26
hatchjujugui in 30s?15:29
gary_posterI's comin15:32
benjigary_poster: google+ browser plugin is broken; diagnosing15:34
bacgary_poster: can you paste that here?15:41
baccan't believe you fell for that15:41
teknicobenji, lots of hum noise when you open the mic15:50
MakyoShoot, bcsaller goodspud, did you want to do the review now?15:55
goodspudMakyo, when you guys are ready 15:55
MakyoI ran away too fast.15:55
bcsallerMakyo, goodspud we can try the screen share now15:55
Makyogoodspud, we're in jujugui15:55
hatchhere goes - attempting to work solely from my laptop16:42
rick_h_hatch: laptops ftw16:43
rick_h_laptops + dock for more win16:43
hatchyeah that won't happen with this laptop - it only has an HDMI port and my monitor is too high resolution16:43
hatchbut I need to make sure I have everything for the sprint16:43
rick_h_hatch: ah, gotcha16:44
rick_h_yea, I'm always ready to get home to larger displays/real keyboards by the end of sprints16:44
hatchstretching 1920x1080 to 2560x1600 make it look REALLY bad heh16:44
hatchI've already found I have no tunes on here....that's a serious issue16:46
rick_h_heh, just downloaded all my Google music onto the laptop second drive yesterday myself16:47
hatchI also noticed that thunderbird has a lot of chrome16:51
hatchmakes for very small views on a laptop :)16:52
rick_h_*cough* tilingWM *cough* 16:52
hatchright now I have each app in it's own desktop16:53
hatchthe top 1/5th of my monitor is still chrome :)16:54
gary_posterjujugui, does anyone happen to have a nexus 10?  this is a work-related question :-)17:09
hazmatgary_poster, nexus 7 in hand17:10
hatchn7 here as well17:10
hatchgood news - I changed the sub app code and my tests failed.....at least I know those are working :D lol17:11
* benji considers several options for "does anyone happen to have _______? this is a work-related question" jokes.17:11
hatchI see what you did there...17:11
gary_postercool hazmat  and hatch, thanks.  we need to support nexus 10 by April, at least at minimal demo level.  We can check out the GUI on the n7 at the sprint and see how we are doing.17:11
hatchcan I requisition one? ;)17:11
gary_posteryeah, I tried that already ;-)17:12
rick_h_yea, been hovering over the buy button since I saw the touch demos17:12
benjigary_poster: nexus 10 running Android or Ubuntu?17:12
gary_posterbenji, android I think17:12
hatchgary_poster, right now sorry they are out of stock in Canada so I can't even buy one17:12
gary_posterBut Ubuntu would be cool17:12
rick_h_hmm, in stock here in play store :)17:13
benjiin that case testing on another tablet might give us a good start17:13
rick_h_abentley: has an android tablet, is it a 10"?17:13
hatchI have access to a Surface RT just FYI17:13
MakyoI still have the touch improvements branch laying around.  I dropped it when we said we were moving the touch story to 13.10, assuming it's back on track?17:14
gary_posterMakyo, we have demo requirements, that's it.  Your touch improvements might be all we need17:14
abentleyrick_h_: Yes, it's the original Asus Transformer, a TF101.17:14
Makyogary_poster, alright, will merge it with trunk and keep it on hand,then.17:14
Makyogary_poster, !!! Will merge trunk with it, sorry :S17:15
gary_postercool Makyo thanks.  :-)17:15
rick_h_abentley: does it run chrome for android? might work for a test case17:15
abentleyrick_h_: Yes, it does.17:15
rick_h_gary_poster: ^ so that might work since N10 comes with chrome ootb anyway. Just be a performance diff 17:15
goodspudFYI, we were able to do some user testing of the "prototype" over the weekend at the SCALE conference (I don't actually know what that is). We get the feedback from our researcher on Monday.17:16
gary_posterrick_h_, cool, thanks.17:16
gary_postergoodspud, sounds great.  Look forward to hearing17:16
bac_hey benji have you run tests for juju-core lately?  i'm seeing 9 failures in trunk.17:43
benjibac_: I have a couple of failures on my branch, but they are about openstack things that I probably don't have the right environment for testing anyway17:43
benjiI haven't updated my branch since yesterday though, so that might be part of it17:44
bac_benji: i'm getting these (from 'go test ' |grep FAIL) http://paste.ubuntu.com/5571126/17:45
benjibac_: nope, I haven't seen that.  I can get a fresh trunk and try it, if that would help.17:45
bac_benji: if it isn't too much trouble17:46
benjisure, one sec17:46
hatchgary_poster, bcsaller - just fyi final push of the app extension code was pushed - I was pretty sure you were both LGTM with changes but just making sure b4 I push17:53
hatcher submit17:53
benjibac_: I get some failures, but they look environmental; as for the tests that fail for you, they pass for me:17:54
benjiok      launchpad.net/juju-core/worker/uniter   89.878s17:54
=== bac_ is now known as bac
hatchlunch &18:07
hatchI think we have a layout bug on trunk...when running I need to scroll up/down to see the whole app - it's a little bit more than the height of the footer too tall19:00
hatchI dont' see a min-height anywhere but I might be missing something obvious19:01
gary_posterhatch, there is a min height and width.19:01
gary_posterhttp://uistage.jujucharms.com:8080/ looks ok to me19:01
gary_posterheight and width is controlled in environment IIRC19:02
hatchahh it's not hardcoded into the css19:02
bcsallersort of, the env is scaled on viewport size change19:02
* hatch goes back to work :)19:02
bacbenji: have you seen this: http://labix.org/cobzr -- the How It Works section you may find interesting19:31
benjibac: heh, I had not19:32
bacbenji: if you wanted to do a non-binding review, my 'expose' branch is at https://codereview.appspot.com/7369058/19:45
baci figure it is good for us to start doing reviews to gain exposure.  you agree?19:46
benjisounds good, I'll take a look19:46
baci did one today prefaced with "i'm not a juju-core reviewer, but..."19:46
gary_poster...I play one on the interwebs19:46
benjiI'll start mine with "I don't always review juju-core code, but when I do...".19:47
bacbenji: i'm particularly interested in feedback on the issue with api_test.go we discussed, regarding the silly second test.19:47
hatchwrt conflicts with bzr - is the workflow to head into the conflicted file, fix the merge, commit, and done?20:09
hatchsame as git?20:09
rick_h_gary_poster: N10 acquired20:10
gary_posterrick_h_, woohoo!20:10
rick_h_local walmart had it in stock, now I need a shower20:10
hatchclearly the play.google.ca UPS sled dogs are slow at this time of year20:10
hatchlol @ need a shower20:11
hatchhave some new additons to `people of walmart` ?20:11
MakyoAccording to this recruiter email (grrr Monster), I have the right mix of skills to be an "Independent Insurance Sales Agent."  I guess that's a valid backup career... :P20:12
hatchMakyo, are those skills "sentient being" ?20:13
Makyohatch, I'm assuming so :)20:14
hatchhmm bzr is saying i have conflicts but those files don't have any of the <<<<< 20:16
Makyohatch, are there .THIS and .OTHER files?20:16
Makyohatch, sorry, <conflictedFile>.THIS20:16
hatchstill no - this came after lbox submit20:17
hatchso maybe they are in another branch20:17
MakyoOh, huh.20:17
hatchare they usually in a separate branch?20:18
hatchI don't see an lbox folder anywhere20:18
hatchand find doesn't find any THIS or OTHER files20:18
hatchfirst bzr conflict :)20:19
rick_h_hmm, so if it's in the lbox submit part then someone submitted something that lbox is breaking when trying to update to trunk20:20
rick_h_go back to your branch and do a fresh pull with trunk to see what's up20:20
hatchok doing a pull on trunk20:20
bachatch: lbox submit creates a new branch in the parent directory and then erases it when done (though i would've thought it would keep it on error)20:21
hatchyeah that's what I thought although the branch doesn't stick around20:21
hatchso....what's the workflow for this ;)20:22
gary_posterbzr merge lp:juju-gui20:22
gary_postermanually resolve any conflicts20:22
gary_posterbzr resolved [FILES THAT YOU RESOLVED]20:22
gary_posterbzr commit -m 'merge with trunk'20:23
gary_posteror similar20:23
hatchok so then my branch will have trunk in it20:23
* bac hearts smerge.el20:23
hatchand then the proper way to push that to trunk?20:24
hatchmerge mybranch into trunk and push?20:24
gary_posterlbox submit should work AFAIK20:24
hatchahh ok20:24
hatchgreat lemme give that a go20:24
benjibac: I finished my non-review of your branch.20:24
bacbenji: cool20:24
hatchrunning tests and builds on this laptop kills the battery heh20:34
hatchguess it isn't a huge fan of 100% CPU20:34
gary_posterMakyo, out of curiosity was Nick happy with the design aspect of the bottom link work you are doing?20:34
gary_posterI wonder what it is about me that prefers noses for my smileys...20:35
hatchthey are more personal20:35
gary_poster...my older son might tell me it is because my own is rather large...20:35
gary_posterpersonal noses?20:35
hatchyeah look at that thing....it just says so much about that emoticons life20:36
Makyogary_poster, happy with the bottom links, unhappy with the other controls on the bottom of the service view.  Expose and destroy were to be moved up to the top bar.  He just got me assets this morning, though, so that's going in this branch to pass UX check.20:36
MakyoAnd for what it's worth, I used to use :o) (and still do sometimes), until I got asked if it was a clown.  Confidence: shattered.20:36
hatchhaha now I can't unsee that as a clown20:37
gary_postercool about Nick, thanks Makyo 20:37
MakyoRIGHT?  I will never not be a clown :(20:37
hatchpoor you20:38
hatch:'o( sad clown20:38
MakyoSometimes the nose just adds too much width.20:38
MakyoLike the Charlie Brown face :S  That 'S' is too wide already.20:39
MakyoThe Design and Aesthetics of Emoticons, by Jujugui20:39
hatchamazon best seller right there!20:40
benjithere's always \u1F443 (http://www.fileformat.info/info/unicode/char/1f443/browsertest.htm)20:41
MakyoMe, I'm a fan of http://www.fileformat.info/info/unicode/char/1f63c/index.htm20:43
hatchhmm it looks like the merge chose the trunk over some of the changes in app.js20:54
hatchdoes that happen often? 20:54
hatchI screwed something up.....the more likely case20:57
hatchbcsaller, gary_poster when you guys have a moment could you please check out the updated app extension branch https://codereview.appspot.com/738105521:23
hatchI somehow missed the code which called the callbacks in the proper context21:23
gary_posterhatch, whassup?  That one is submitted? ok looking for diff from submission...21:24
hatchSet 11 on that link21:24
hatchit was missed because technically it's the router code - my bad21:25
gary_posterhatch, charmbrowser was originally supposed to be default url namespace--the name doesn't matter but the idea was that existing charm browser urls, like http://jujucharms.com/~juju-gui/precise/juju-gui, would still resolve correctly in the charm browser sub app.  It looks like you assume that root is *not* a subapp21:26
bcsallerhatch: you should do this as another branch if the other is submitted already. Also this code isn't correct, router has a .defaultNamespace which isn't 'root' as you suggest. Additionally the callback is triggered with .call below and is passed self.  This could be a var which is the subapp or self depending on where we found the callback21:27
gary_posternot only would existing urls resolve correctly, but the urls for the charm browser would be attractive when you started in the full charm browser experience21:28
hatchhmm, can we chat about this?21:29
gary_posterbcsaller, I think he changed the defaultNamespace by changing the instantiaton of the router, yeah?21:29
gary_posterhatch, who, me? :-)21:29
hatchyou and bcsaller :)21:29
hatchbecause I must have totally misunderstood something21:29
gary_posterto the juju gui cave21:30
gary_posterkinda like bat cave, y'know21:30
bcsallergary_poster: he did which is an issue, but you wouldn't encode that string both places, you'd still use the attr assigned when you init the object if that type of check was what you wanted21:30
gary_posterbcsaller, ah gotcha21:30
hatchbcsaller, are you coming?21:31
hatchinto the call?21:31
bcsallerhatch: var callingContext = subapp[callback] ? subapp : self; callback.call(callingContext, ...)21:32
gary_postervar callingContext = subApp && subApp[callback] ? subApp : self21:58
hatchbcsaller, just before I commit this i want to make sure I'm on the same page again :) https://gist.github.com/hatched/d2ea9b39964c477b924e22:27
bcsallerhatch: yes and then passing callingContext as callback.call(callingContext, ...)22:29
hatchyeah sorry - didn't include that part in the paste22:29
hatchok perfect, and it appears to work properly22:29
hatchsorry about that - I didn't really understand the direction we were going with that stuff22:29
bcsallerhatch: no prob :)22:31
hatchhmm almost forgot tests!22:35
hatchalthough..... it looks like the current tests might cover this change22:35
hatchneed one more22:36
gary_posterhm, att uverse router appears to be dying23:39

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