
Quintasanapachelogger: No fcitx until Debian has new version which supports more backends00:09
Quintasanapachelogger: If we decide to ship fcitx now we will be left out with no support say for japanese and korean00:09
shadeslayersome support is better than no support?00:10
QuintasanSince there are no backends for Korean and Japanese yet00:10
QuintasanI believe that after langpack fix it will be okay00:10
QuintasanGenerally ibus has poor integration00:10
QuintasanFcitx has better KDE integration but the version Debian has is not feature complete yet00:11
Quintasanapachelogger: Besides Riddell already blogged about it WORKING so I don't think it's a good time to break it00:13
Quintasanapachelogger: BUT if Debian has new fcitx already I could try changing the whole stack but I wouldn't push the change without QA00:13
Quintasanand by that I mean getting people using the respective languages trying that00:14
Quintasanshadeslayer: Our dailies for ktp for quantal fail magnificently, can you investigate or want me to do that?00:19
jonoScottK, can't you take off the two days to participate?00:19
shadeslayerQuintasan: already fixed00:19
ScottKjono: Not next week.00:19
shadeslayerI think00:19
jonoScottK, I mean for the May one00:19
ScottKThe next few weeks are very booked for me.00:19
shadeslayerI can make clang crash \o/00:20
ScottKThat depends a bit on what time zone it's in.00:20
Quintasanshadeslayer: Well, look at PPA, they failed, you might want to retry them if you think it should work00:20
jonoScottK, always UTC00:20
shadeslayerQuintasan: mostly everything failed because of tp-logger-qt00:20
shadeslayerwhich causes ktp-common-internals to fail00:21
yofelQuintasan: had any time to look at pykde4?00:21
ScottKProbably not then as that's out of sync with my family schedule.00:21
Quintasanshadeslayer: Do retry eeeeet.00:21
Riddelljono: is canonical going to get rid of non-LTS releases?00:21
shadeslayerQuintasan: send me cookies first00:21
* Quintasan takes banhammer out00:22
* Quintasan smashes shadeslayer00:22
* Quintasan goes retrying builds00:22
shadeslayerno point00:22
Quintasanor whatever00:23
QuintasanThey will build autmagically later on00:23
shadeslayerQuintasan: https://code.launchpad.net/~telepathy-kde/+recipe/telepathy-logger-qt-daily needs building first00:23
Quintasanshadeslayer: AT LEAST add RENAMING the damn contacts to the contact list00:23
QuintasanPlease tell me you can rename any contact in 0.5.200:23
QuintasanBecause for life of me I can't find such an option00:24
shadeslayerAFAIK no00:24
QuintasanThen fix it if it's not there already00:24
shadeslayerBlame the egyptians00:24
shadeslayereh no00:24
QuintasanThen tell me in which file I add this so I try doing that myself00:25
shadeslayerask in #kde-telepathy ?00:25
QuintasanAren't you working on that as well?00:25
jonoRiddell, Canonical isn't making any arbitrary decision about non-LTS releases00:25
jonoRiddell, any release management changes are a community discussion00:26
jonoand you are better talking to the release team than me00:26
jonoScottK, shame if you can't make it, but won't the UDS hours fit with your timezone during the day?00:26
jonoit begins at 4pm00:26
ScottKDepends on the day.00:28
jonoScottK, always Tues/Wed00:28
jonobut I appreciate your work commitments will change00:28
ScottKTuesdays are 98% bad for me right now.00:29
Riddelljono: where will that discussion happen?00:29
jonoScottK, that's a shame00:29
jonoRiddell, when it hits ubuntu-devel00:29
ScottKIf you do virtual, it's just natural you won't get the same level of time and focus.00:30
jonoScottK, it is a trade-off, some people can't do physical, some people can't do virtual00:30
jonovirtual I think will open the event up to more people, and be more transparent00:30
murthyi am off to bed see you all later00:31
=== murthy is now known as murthy_
shadeslayeryofel: btw I just added "|arch=!amd64" after the optional flag to the symbols file00:34
* shadeslayer is still hungry and Quintasan won't send me cookies00:36
* Quintasan throws a banhammer at shadeslayer00:37
* shadeslayer dodges00:37
QuintasanNo. You don't00:38
* Quintasan throws 5k banhammers at shadeslayer00:38
* yofel can't send any cookies because he ate all that were left earlier00:38
* shadeslayer uses matrix reflex skills to dodge 5K banhammers00:39
* yofel hands Quintasan Mr. Smith00:39
Quintasanshadeslayer: Do you know the Donkey from Worms World Party?00:40
* Quintasan sends one over at shadeslayer00:40
shadeslayeroh lord jesus00:40
shadeslayerI'm done for00:40
QuintasanWhat you want me to QA in that 0.5.3?00:40
QuintasanIt wokrs00:40
shadeslayergood enough00:41
Quintasangive me your jid00:41
QuintasanBecause I dropped the jabber.org one00:41
QuintasanJabber.org going down three times a day is not a good sign00:41
* Quintasan out00:45
QuintasanGood night00:45
ScottKjono: Besides, I already took a week out of my life to plan a release that Canonical is about to cancel, so why would I be foolish enough to do that again.01:14
jonoScottK, I guess we can never do anything right, eh?01:17
ScottKIndependent of if switching to LTS only is a good idea or not, this is most certainly not the time to do it.01:18
ScottKIt should be done after 14.04 rather than dumping it onto everyone in the middle of an LTS cycle.01:19
jonoScottK, I am not the right the guy to have this discussion with, you are better discussing this with the Canonical release team folks and engineering managers01:20
ScottKCanonical does seem to pretty consistently fail in basic project management and communication matters.01:21
jonoScottK, depends on your view01:21
jonoI would disagree, then again I am a manager at Canonical :-)01:21
jonoI think we do a lot of good work, but there are some mistakes we have made01:22
ScottKI agree there is good work.01:22
jonothe thing is, the goal with this UDS really is to make things more open and communacitive01:22
jonoas I wrote in my last blog, remotely participating at UDS is harder than it could be01:23
ScottKSo what are we supposed to plan mid-cycle at a UDS?01:23
ScottKMakes no sense.01:23
jonowell, it makes sense for some teams01:23
jonoas an example, I would find it useful for Ubuntu Accomplishments01:23
jonoand for community management related topics01:23
ScottKRight, but that's not work tied to releases.01:24
jonosuch as the port-o-thon01:24
jonoright, but no one is saying you have to utilize every UDS01:24
jonoif you want to plan every two UDSs, just do that01:24
ScottKThe primary focus of UDS has always been to plan the next release.01:24
ScottKSo having one now, makes no sense.01:24
jonoI disagree01:25
jonowith the mobile and tablet work there is lots to be discussed01:25
jonoremember that needs and goals change in between releases01:25
ScottKRight, but those are largely internal Canonical projects.01:25
jonoso Canonical wants to discuss a lot at a UDS about the future convergfence work01:25
jonoScottK, but here's the thing, they are public projects01:25
jonoeverything we want to do with the phone and tablet isopen01:26
jonothe code is open and there are daily images01:26
jonoif you want us to be more open, one burden is that we need to discuss topics in an open way too :-)01:26
ScottKThe current images are being built with significant chunks from outside the Ubuntu archive.01:26
jonobut that should change in the future01:26
jonoremember they are demos that are evolving into full products01:26
jonothe point is that we released the code now01:26
jononot when the full product is fone01:27
jonoand the UDS next week is going to include sessions to coordinate this work in a community way01:27
ScottKThe fact that Canonical released code makes it non-proprietary.  It doesn't make it anything other than a Canonical project.01:27
jonoScottK, dude01:28
jonowill you ever cut us some slack when we are trying to do the right thing01:28
ScottKWhen I see it.01:28
ScottKJust describe it accurately.01:28
ScottKIt's currently a Canonical project that you've published source for and would like to get a broader community working on.01:28
ScottKI think that's fair, accurate, and a good thing.01:29
ScottKDon't oversell.01:29
jonohow am I overselling?01:29
jonoI just said that01:29
jonowe are releasing code that we want to work with our community on01:29
ScottKRight, but the community aspect of it is mostly a future thing.01:29
jonohow so?01:30
jonothe code is available right now in branches01:30
jonoand we have a number of projects actively encouraging community participation:01:30
jono1) port-o-thon01:30
ScottKRight, but making code available doesn't make a community project.01:30
jono2) ubuntu core apps01:30
DarkwingJono: 01:30
Darkwing:-D 01:30
jonoScottK, right, which is why we are having a UDS to discuss it01:31
ScottKSince feature freeze is in a couple of weeks, it's a bit of an odd time.01:31
jonoI think this is a fruitless discussion, you have already made up your mind01:32
jonowe are just going around in circles01:32
ScottKI'm not the only one.01:32
ScottKIf you want community buy in, involve us in the conversation before decisions are made.01:32
jonowas I supposed to include you in the conversation when I created Ubuntu Accomplishments?01:33
jonoor Lernid?01:33
jonoor Jokosher?01:33
ScottKNo, but changing UDS has pretty broad impacts on a lot of people.01:33
jonoagreed, which is why after two UDSs we will review how well it works01:33
jonoand UDS has always been a Canonical funded event01:33
ScottKIn part.01:34
jjessewhy wasn't this change discussed at a UDS01:34
jonowe pay for everything, and sponsor 50 community members01:34
ScottKYou also have sponsors.01:34
jjesseand gotten community feedback then?01:34
jonojjesse it wasn't an idea at UDS01:34
jjesselike at this UDS?01:34
ScottKAlso Canonical is not the only one paying to sponsor people to go to UDS.01:34
jonoScottK, no, but we sponsor the majority of people, and we fund the majority of the event01:35
jonoanyway, as we already agreed01:35
jonothis is going around in circles01:35
ScottKSure.  Majority, but not 100%.  Canonical is the primary, but not only stakeholder.01:36
jonoI am going to get back to work01:36
jonothanks for the discussion01:36
ScottKUDS for Google+ users only now too.  That's a nice enhancement.01:40
DarkwingI'm kinda digging the G+ Hangout thing except...01:41
Darkwingwhat are they going to do about the 10 people limit?01:41
DarkwingLimiting 10 people to an online discussion will be interesting.01:42
jjessebtw ScottK i agreed w/ everything you said (typed)01:42
ScottKGoogle+ privacy policy is inconsistent with my values.01:43
ScottKI don't mind using it to read other people's stuff, but I don't want to write anything on it.01:43
jjesseso it looks like you can't attend UDS01:43
jjessei was surprised by the choice of g+ 01:43
ScottKWasn't going to anyway, but yet.01:43
jjessei think G+ might discourage people from attending as well01:44
DarkwingI saw we hold our own online talks... oh wait, we already do.01:45
DarkwingAnyone happen to know what backend the KDE techbase (techbase.kde.org) is written in?01:55
ScottKMamarok: ^^^?01:57
shadeslayerit's down02:04
shadeslayeror rather02:04
shadeslayerDarkwing: mediawiki IIRC02:04
shadeslayeryup, MediaWiki02:05
shadeslayer"<meta name="generator" content="MediaWiki 1.20.2" />"02:05
shadeslayerall hail MediaWiki02:05
* shadeslayer finds this odd02:07
DarkwingThanks shadeslayer02:07
DarkwingRiddell: ping02:07
DarkwingI have a vision...02:08
DarkwingNot sure how I'm going to pull it off just yet but, I have a vision.02:08
ScottKThey have medication for that.02:18
DarkwingScottK: I think that's why I have it.02:36
bkerensaScottK: kudos to you and you dont even know why!03:12
ScottKbkerensa: Why?03:14
* ScottK suspects p.u.c is involved.03:14
ScottKjono: correction added.  Thanks.  I did, in fact, misread the announcement.03:21
* shadeslayer suspects unicorns are involved03:21
* shadeslayer goes back to building android03:22
* ScottK heard Unicorn is tasty.03:23
* shadeslayer sticks fedora stickers on ScottK's laptop03:23
* ScottK waits for 4.9.5 to install ...03:29
ScottKyofel: Looks good here on 4.9.5 from proposed.  Thanks.03:39
ScottKHow do I get "canconfirm" permission on b.k.o?04:05
jonoScottK, np04:22
soeegood morning06:54
mikhashm, what's the deadline for proposing GSOC ideas @ http://community.kde.org/GSoC/2013/Ideas ?07:18
mikhasam thinking of adding some Maliit tasks there07:18
=== AbhiK_ is now known as AbhiK
ovidiu-florinhello world :D08:14
MamarokDarkwing: can I help bringing this vision to maturation?08:14
RiddellDarkwing: you pinged?10:05
* smartboyhw says hi to everyone12:13
Riddellhi smartboyhw 12:13
smartboyhwWhat sort of Kubuntu news do we have? (Except of course the stupid UDS-changing thing_12:13
* smartboyhw needs to talk to jono12:13
Riddellhttp://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu-active/daily-preinstalled/current/ has appeared12:16
smartboyhwRiddell, :D12:18
* smartboyhw doesn't have a Nexus 7 to test anyway12:18
Riddellmine doesn't seem to be in a cooperative mood12:18
smartboyhwRiddell, uh12:18
RiddellI think I'll let it charge for a bit before trying again12:20
smartboyhwRiddell, :)12:20
smartboyhwHello Darkwing 12:26
DarkwingMamarok: I was wanting to know what was used for the techbase.kde, I have a vision for doing that for Kubuntu stuff because it's much better looking and flowing than the wiki it.12:26
smartboyhwRiddell, why are you saying Darkwing as a training leader? (/me wants to know the reason)12:26
smartboyhwRiddell, should I post about the kubuntu-active images to Planet Ubuntu? I want to do some blogging today12:27
MamarokDarkwing: well, I used to like moin-moin wiki, but since I use Mediawiki more I started to loath the moin-moin one :)12:27
Darkwingsmartboyhw: I'm going to Uni for Organizational Leadership degree12:28
smartboyhwDarkwing, good one there:)12:28
DarkwingMamarok: MediaWiki has language support?12:28
Mamarokyes, of course12:28
Mamarokbut these are things you best ask neverendingo in #kde-www, he is one of our wiki overlords12:29
DarkwingHah! I knew there had to be a channel for it :D12:29
Darkwingthanks Mamarok12:29
MamarokDarkwing: you are welcome :)12:29
Mamarokthere is always a channel for everything :)12:29
DarkwingMamarok: But of course.12:29
DarkwingI should really extend my doc writing to KDE as well.12:30
MamarokDarkwing: well, userbase.kde.org is where we write docs12:30
DarkwingDocBook FTW12:31
Mamarokwell, it is not so good for new contributors as there are not many good editors out there, and we have a skritp that can export from mediawiki to docbook :)12:31
Mamarokthat's how we wrote the Amarok handbook12:31
DarkwingI write DocBook for the Kubuntu Docs12:32
Darkwingat least the shipped system docs are.12:32
MamarokDarkwing: whcih leaves out a lot of potential contriibutors who would be able to contribute to a wiki more likely12:32
DarkwingHence why I wanted to know what you guys used.12:32
Mamarokof course we ship docbook, but for the user POV docbook is a PITA12:32
DarkwingYeah, I've run into that.12:33
Mamarokso if you want contributors, use the wiki and then export12:33
DarkwingNot to mention the validation12:33
DarkwingMamarok: That is a great idea12:33
Mamarokcheck with neverendingo and yurchor in #kde-www12:33
Mamarokit works really well12:34
Mamarokand without that we still wouldn't have a decent handbook for Amarok12:34
MamarokOK, food calls, later12:34
Darkwingthanks again.12:34
DarkwingRiddell: ping when you have a chance12:34
Darkwingand it's not 5a my time :P12:35
DarkwingGood morning smartboyhw12:36
shadeslayerRiddell: want help with your Archos G9?12:36
Riddellhighvoltage: ooh sarcy :)12:36
* shadeslayer has a failing disk12:37
RiddellDarkwing: pong?12:37
shadeslayerhave to get it replaced tomorrow12:37
DarkwingRiddell: that convo I just had... how hard would be it be got a userdoc.kubuntu.org with mediawiki?12:37
Riddellsmartboyhw: save the blog until someone's testing they are in some sort of working state12:37
smartboyhwRiddell, :)12:38
RiddellDarkwing: I doubt canonical will put it on their servers, you can set it up on some other server and ask canoical sysadmin to point the domain at it, dunno if they'll do so12:38
* Darkwing sighs12:38
shadeslayersomehow I doubt that's going to happen in this lifetime12:39
RiddellDarkwing: but it would be worth a shot12:39
DarkwingRiddell: I know it would. Who do I send the request to?12:39
DarkwingMaybe I'll ping the CC and see if they would help me since they seem to want to help.12:40
RiddellDarkwing: rt@ubuntu.com  please point domain name at IP address foo12:40
Riddellshadeslayer: Darkwing here is on a leadership course at uni12:40
shadeslayermaybe also get qa.kubuntu.org pointed to
Riddellsmartboyhw: Darkwing here is on a leadership course at uni12:41
smartboyhwRiddell, he told me:)12:41
smartboyhwEm qa.ubuntu.com doesn't exist does it *now*12:41
highvoltageRiddell: sarcy? :)12:41
smartboyhwshadeslayer, shouldn't be difficult to point12:42
shadeslayersmartboyhw: it does12:42
smartboyhwshadeslayer, so this includes the Quantal -> Raring, Oneiric -> Precise & Lucid -> Precise test upgrades right?12:43
* smartboyhw is thinking of implementing it to Ubuntu Studio12:43
smartboyhwshadeslayer, eh!?12:43
shadeslayerkubuntu is Quantal -> Raring12:43
smartboyhwshadeslayer, OK12:43
shadeslayerkubuntu-backports is : Quantal -> Quantal + 4.10 -> Raring12:43
smartboyhwshadeslayer, oh:P12:43
Darkwing  My email has gone wonky...12:44
smartboyhwshadeslayer, would it be possible for the automated testing system to auto report a testcase result to Ubuntu ISO QA Tracker (upgrade testcases)?12:44
shadeslayeris there an API I can send reports to?12:48
shadeslayerthere is, except it's a read only API12:51
smartboyhwshadeslayer, yep13:17
shadeslayersmartboyhw: oh?13:17
smartboyhwshadeslayer, I mean I am confirming your opinion about read-only API13:17
shadeslayerplz to send link13:17
shadeslayerkind of pointless that is13:18
smartboyhwshadeslayer, however one strange thing: ubuntu-cdimage is actually having the highest reported testcases for Raring Alpha 213:18
smartboyhwWhich is EXTREMELY strange13:18
smartboyhwshadeslayer, ask the ubuntu-cdimage team for that:P13:18
shadeslayerwill do13:18
smartboyhwshadeslayer, :)13:19
shadeslayernot sure if anyone saw the annoucement, but there's a ARM64 arch now13:27
BluesKajhey folks13:41
DarkwingHey BluesKaj14:00
BluesKajhi Darkwing14:02
BluesKajsnowing here , again  :(14:02
BluesKajwell snow/rain 14:02
DarkwingSame here.14:03
DarkwingIt all froze last night so, ice everywhere and starting to melt :/14:03
BluesKajyeah it's right at the freezing point or slightly above ...messy 14:04
BluesKajhuge storm, over 1000mi wide 14:05
soee+7 here and sunny :)14:14
Riddellit's gorgeous in bonny scotland14:18
BluesKajWell , the Americans can't blame us for this storm , it formed in Texas and it's moving NE14:19
BluesKajthanks to the Bermuda current or the Brirtish Isles would be like Northern Canada :)14:21
BluesKajno hmms about it14:22
shadeslayerRiddell: did you have a look on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Porting14:22
shadeslayerto figure out porting instructions for the Archos 101 G914:23
Riddellshadeslayer: nope, looks scary :)14:23
shadeslayerit's not :P14:23
shadeslayerI'm going to give the TF101 another try14:24
shadeslayerthe biggest problem being my shitty wifi speed14:24
shadeslayerrdieter: ping15:00
rdietershadeslayer: hola15:00
shadeslayerrdieter: hi, do you guys have QtWebkit 2.3 compiled with GStreamer 1.0?15:01
Riddellshadeslayer: pst, ask him if he has it compiled on powerpc first15:01
rdietershadeslayer: no, i only just managed to get the sucker to built very recently, but only against gst-0.1015:01
rdieteri didn't see any references to gst1 in the sources, but I didn't look too hard either15:01
shadeslayerrdieter: I tried to compile it with gst1 : http://people.ubuntu.com/~rohangarg/build15:02
rdieterah, -DGST_API_VERSION=1.0 -DGST_API_VERSION_1 defines.  yay.  did that require any manual config or patching to enable it?15:03
shadeslayergive me a second15:05
smartboyhwRiddell, I am writing an angry post about the new UDS arrangement:P15:05
shadeslayerrdieter: http://paste.kde.org/682958/15:06
rdietershadeslayer: ok, I'll try to give it a whirl15:07
shadeslayerdidn't build for me, feel free to poke me if you get it to build15:07
rdietershadeslayer: what's the source of that patch, is that something homegrown or upstream or ??15:08
shadeslayera mix of homegrown and upstream15:08
shadeslayerlet me find the ref15:08
smartboyhwjono, hello15:09
* smartboyhw wants a talk15:09
jonohey smartboyhw15:11
smartboyhwjono, only one thing:15:11
smartboyhwUDS online starts at 16:00 UTC15:11
shadeslayerrdieter: https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=10666915:11
jonosmartboyhw, right15:11
ubottubugs.webkit.org bug 106669 in WebKit Qt "[Qt] Switch to GStreamer 1.0" [Normal,New]15:11
smartboyhwHowever for us Asians (Chinese + Japanese + Korean) that would mean midnight15:12
rdietershadeslayer: thx15:12
smartboyhwjono, I suggest UDS to start at 14:00 UTC or 15:00 UTC15:12
jonosmartboyhw, why?15:12
shadeslayerrdieter: that doesn't apply completely15:12
shadeslayerrdieter: so I had to modify it a bit15:12
rdietershadeslayer: sure, probably depends on which branch is used15:13
smartboyhwjono, 14:00 UTC would be 22:00 for me in Hong Kong (and Beijing), which is almost sleeping time. The Europeans will be after-lunch. The Americans will be awake by then:)15:13
* apachelogger falls over15:14
smartboyhwapachelogger, whoa!~?15:14
jonosmartboyhw, the americans in California are not awake then :-)15:14
smartboyhwjono, and by your time the Asians will be asleep....15:15
shadeslayerrdieter: I've been told that if you apply this instead : http://paste.opensuse.org/31253325 : it works15:15
smartboyhwjono, make it 15:00 UTC please15:15
shadeslayerand that mine is missing some minor adjustments15:15
apacheloggerno transparency for asian contributors :(15:15
rdietershadeslayer: cool15:16
smartboyhwapachelogger, yeah15:16
jonosmartboyhw, for this event we are going to stick to the original time, but we may adjust it for the event after15:16
smartboyhwapachelogger, where are you from15:16
smartboyhwjono, OK15:16
apacheloggerthe moon15:16
apacheloggerso this l10n stuff15:17
apacheloggerI don't know where to start.15:17
jonosmartboyhw, I am sure there will be lots of things we will fix and improve based on feedback :-)15:17
apacheloggerIt is just so hugely complicated.15:17
smartboyhwjono, :P15:17
apacheloggershadeslayer: Did you document the upgrade QA yet?15:18
shadeslayersomeone needs to clone me15:18
shadeslayerso that I can be lazy while clones work15:18
apacheloggerhttps://translations.launchpad.net/ <- Note how the translatable OS column is sorted15:19
apacheloggerwe've had 3 klingon translations to 13.0415:19
apacheloggerdpm: pingy15:26
dpmhey apachelogger, pongy!15:27
dpm(I'm about to hop into multiple calls, so I might not be too responsive for the next couple of hours)15:27
apacheloggerdpm: heya, can we create the same template in multiple sources and launchpad merges them into one?15:28
apacheloggeruse case being that we generate a kubuntu.pot from each source package that has kubuntu-specific string changes, but launchpad presents one template and we load one .mo 15:29
dpmapachelogger, hm, no, that's not possible unfortunately. The model is that each template (or set of templates) is bound to a source package15:30
apacheloggerok thanks15:30
dpmcould you create a fake source package to contain all templates perhaps?15:31
apacheloggerthat'd be an option15:31
apacheloggerRiddell, shadeslayer: options for kubuntu-specific l10n: create fake source to create one kubuntu.pot for launchpad (needs to be updated to trigger pot update); create kubuntu-foo.pot for package foo and load that (ought to be more expensive at runtime ... e.g. if kdeui, libplasma and amarok carries changes in amarok that's 3 more files to hold open/look through)15:34
shadeslayer> l10n magic15:34
apacheloggermhh, actually the fake source is a bit tricky15:35
apacheloggerneed to get each source we care about15:35
apacheloggerso probably kubuntu package set 15:36
apacheloggerwhich requires that thingy to be complete15:36
Riddellapachelogger: it's just a few patches isn't it?15:37
Riddellapachelogger: I was thinking put those patches into a dedicated source tar and get it to make a .pot from them15:38
Riddellthat's a code copy so not entirely reliable but we don't change such strings much15:38
Riddelland I don't even know how many there are, maybe none15:38
apacheloggerRiddell: that requires people to be aware of a) that they change a string b) that they need to copy it...15:38
apacheloggerdon't like it TBH15:39
Riddellit's not great but I can't think of a better way15:41
apacheloggerget each source in our package set15:42
apacheloggergenerate original pot15:42
apacheloggerapply patches15:42
apacheloggergenerate patched pot15:42
apacheloggerdiff pots, append result to kubuntu.pot15:42
Riddellthat sounds fiddly and still requires some manual work when changing a string15:43
Riddellso I don't see the advantage15:43
apacheloggerit doesn't require manual work when changing a string15:43
apacheloggerit requires manual work at key points in the l10n schedule15:43
apacheloggeri.e. at least run script and upload package after string freeze15:44
Riddellmm right15:46
apacheloggeryofel: did you follow up on bug 1080115 btw15:48
ubottubug 1080115 in lightdm-kde (Ubuntu) "Kubuntu 13.04 Splash Screen has Debian Branding" [Low,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/108011515:48
apacheloggerRiddell: ultimately the single point of failure with that approach would be that someone changes a string after string freeze and fails to inform anyone15:49
apacheloggerRiddell: how does kubuntu-firefox-installer have a translation on launchpad but amarok does not?15:53
Riddellapachelogger: amarok is in universe so doesn't need one15:55
Riddellso the question is why would kubuntu-firefox-installer have one in launchpad15:55
apacheloggerit ought to generate the pot regardless15:57
apacheloggerwe did not remove that I think15:57
yofel__apachelogger: not particulary, I can look at it again after FF. I guess it would need a kcfg script to fix that.16:27
apacheloggeryofel: I meant get the relationship changed in debian16:41
apacheloggerthe contionous issue comes from the debian package still being installed on those systems... not much to be done about that16:41
yofel__apachelogger: ah no, I didn't look at that16:49
apacheloggerl10n is completely fckd16:52
apacheloggerkubuntu-firefox-installer is in lunchpad but in no package16:53
apacheloggerwhy it is in lunchpad but amarok is not is completely unknown16:53
yofel__I forgot? (if that why was for me)16:53
yofel__need a better todo list16:53
apacheloggerand doing patched base crap is completely mind explodering16:53
yofel__it's a mess right now16:53
apacheloggermight as well remove kde-l10n-* from the archive to show everyone just how broken shit really is16:53
yofel__apachelogger: could you not remove the only actually working part?17:01
Riddellagateau: awooga17:34
agateauRiddell: if you say so17:35
Riddellagateau: will review first thing tomorrow, poke me if I forget17:35
agateauRiddell: ok17:35
agateauwill do17:35
agateauthat leaves me some time to commit a pep8 fix :)17:35
* Quintasan configured ssmtp but forgot to report the bug and was wondering why people still want something from him17:40
QuintasanScottK: So, reading mail about UDS, it seems dead to me, think they will revert back the orginal form of the event if it goes badly?18:01
ScottKThey claim that.18:01
ScottKHowever given it's really expensive, what's the chance?18:01
QuintasanI just can't see it working in the online form18:02
ScottKIt depends on how you define working.18:04
ScottKIf the success metric is "was it cheaper", it's likely to work.18:06
mikhasI have no idea how to "participate" next week.18:28
mikhasI'd have to be online in some G+ hangouts all the time? nah thanks18:28
apacheloggerwe'll mumble :P18:31
apacheloggerusing a proprietary software solution seems a bit wrong actually18:32
genii-aroundWhy don't they use like AccessGrid or something?18:41
apacheloggerliase with apol to ensure muon-discover suitable for kubuntu active18:55
apacheloggerhow did that not have an assignee? Oo18:55
ScottKapachelogger: Someone might have even blogged about that fact (using proprietary ...)19:01
apachelogger[kubuntu-dev] package akonadi-social and dependencies: TODO19:01
apacheloggerwhat's that?19:01
apacheloggerScottK: don't read planets anymore19:01
apacheloggerthey are all boring19:01
apacheloggergetting more boring every day19:01
apacheloggerraged about it the other day to some kde people19:02
ScottKMy blog post on that topic was the very next one after the announcement on p.u.c.19:02
apacheloggerah yes19:02
apacheloggeralso a nice post19:02
apachelogger"Call for Presenters - Plenaries at UDS" :/19:03
apacheloggerRiddell: what's akonadi-social?19:05
apachelogger[kubuntu-dev] package kcm_touchpad and compare against synaptiks for default: TODO19:06
apacheloggerif that is http://kde-apps.org/content/show.php/kcm_touchpad?content=11333519:06
apacheloggerthen I think we can give up19:06
apacheloggerlast update 201019:06
apacheloggerScottK: ^19:06
ScottKapachelogger: You can mark my check for new synaptiks version on done.  There is no new version.19:06
ScottKRight.  Call that done too.19:07
apacheloggerso we have no solution and no options anymore?19:07
ScottKWhat we have is as good as it gets apparently.19:08
ScottKNot enough people like afiestas as willing to work on infrastructure.19:08
apachelogger[kubuntu-dev] bring back notification when half a language installed from language-selector: TODO19:12
apacheloggeryou know19:13
apacheloggerthe kcm locale stuff lacks any reasonability19:13
apacheloggerScottK: we coudl always use the gnome thingy19:13
apacheloggergnomies love their middleware :P19:13
apachelogger>>> diffstat -s debian/patches/kubuntu_langpack_install.diff19:14
apachelogger 7 files changed, 555 insertions(+), 24 deletions(-)19:14
apacheloggerimplementing the tasks from the blueprint would probably double the patch size19:14
apacheloggerand no JT here19:18
* apachelogger cries19:18
* Quintasan cries with apachelogger19:18
Quintasanhow the hell I'm supposed to fix ktp when I can't even get the whole stack to find telepathy logger19:19
ScottKQuintasan: Make shadeslayer do it.  Isn't KTP his baby.19:19
QuintasanI'm supposed to finally learn how to code19:19
Quintasanthis seems simple enough for me to do alone19:19
QuintasanI still can make him finish it if I happen to surrender19:20
apacheloggeryou've won a work item btw19:20
apachelogger[quintasan] evaluate input methods ibus and fcitx and ensure they both work, decide which to ship: TODO19:20
QuintasanIT'S DONE19:20
Quintasanmark it19:20
Quintasanas done19:20
apacheloggeryou mark it19:20
apacheloggerI am not taking responsibility for that19:20
QuintasanOkay, whatever. Will do later19:20
QuintasanWe ship ibus until I say otherwise, k?19:20
ScottKFor the new Chinese Ubuntu flavor they are using fcitx.19:20
apacheloggerI'll gladly reject all other rubbish WIs19:20
apacheloggernot the ones I know nothing about though19:20
QuintasanScottK: They don't have to care about other languages19:20
apacheloggeroh boy19:21
ScottKIs the lack of support for other languages a general problem or KDE specific?19:21
QuintasanIt's general for fcitx19:21
QuintasanI have to go now, if you want me to I can explain it in detail later19:21
apacheloggerI move that we stop using work items and instead look for some sane scrum/kanban/backlog software to use.19:21
apacheloggerQuintasan: you could send a mail to -devel19:22
apacheloggerthat'd actually be useful for future reference19:22
* apachelogger takes a look19:24
apacheloggerScottK: Did you use it before?19:25
ScottKA bit.19:30
ScottKOne project I consulted on used it.19:30
ScottKPlus it's done by the Joel on Software guy who usually seems to make sense when he writes about stuff.19:30
ScottKHaving the project conceived by a reasonable person is no guarantee of success, but it doesn't hurt.19:31
apacheloggereasier to use than most other stuff I have seen so far19:32
apacheloggerplus it has an api, so that's a plus19:32
ScottKapachelogger: I asked a guy at the relevant company and they are still using it successfully.  His main point is you have to decide on team conventions since the tool itself doesn't impose a lot of structure.19:55
ScottKWhich I think is a plus.19:56
apacheloggervery much so19:56
apacheloggermost other tools coerce you into using some given workflow/structuring19:56
ScottKapachelogger: I'm scottk3.  Can you add me?20:05
Quintasanapachelogger: He went to bed20:12
apacheloggeryou never know with shadeslayer :P20:13
Quintasanapachelogger: Are we going to use that or it's just testing?20:15
QuintasanBesides, are we leaving lp infrastructure or what?20:15
apacheloggerQuintasan: use it I say20:16
apacheloggeralso there is nothing to leave as there is no infrastructure :P20:16
QuintasanWhat's wrong with burndown charts?20:16
apacheloggerit's bits and pieces patched together20:16
apacheloggerQuintasan: nothing20:16
apacheloggerjust not as useful as kanban :P20:17
* Quintasan googles20:17
QuintasanOh, I see.20:18
QuintasanWell, we can give it a go20:18
QuintasanIMO burndown charts are okay20:18
Quintasanbut they don't give any deadlines save fore MAKE IT BEFORE FEATURE FREEZE20:18
apacheloggerthey are really nothing other than progress indication20:19
apacheloggerwhich you have with kanban as crap moves from one pile to another20:19
ScottKapachelogger: I don't seem to have permissions to manipulate the cards in trello.20:25
ScottKThat or I'm doing it wrong.20:25
ScottKRight, I'm not a member for that board.20:26
apacheloggersomewhat weird though20:28
apacheloggerthere seems to be no general setting for all-members-of-org-are-members-of-board20:28
Quintasanapachelogger: Add Quintasan20:30
yofelapachelogger: add yofel20:31
yofelapachelogger: buildstatus has ppa support now20:32
yofelbut I'm open for a better output format than20:33
yofeldigikam [quantal]: [amd64] => Successfully built [i386] => Successfully built20:33
apacheloggerfound it20:33
apacheloggerthere is a setting to allow all org members to join a board20:33
apacheloggeryofel: ah well, looks good enough20:34
apacheloggerthanks for fixy20:34
yofel./buildstatus --ppa kubuntu-ppa/backports --release quantal --short digikam20:35
yofeldigikam [quantal]: [amd64] => Successfully built [i386] => Successfully built20:35
Quintasanapachelogger: well, this looks nice20:36
shadeslayerI'm actually back20:48
shadeslayerI simply suck at going to bed20:49
* shadeslayer signs up20:49
shadeslayerI also accidentally discovered that my keyboard backlight brightness keys now work20:49
shadeslayerThis thing knows too much about me20:50
shadeslayerapachelogger: plz add me20:50
shadeslayergood, I'm logged out of launchpad and my yubikey is somewhere else, so I can't login and do work20:53
* shadeslayer goes off to read RFC's20:53
apacheloggerQuintasan: he's in bed you said ...20:54
ScottKRiddell, Darkwing, apachelogger, jussi: How's this? https://paste.debian.net/238717/20:54
shadeslayerI am in bed20:54
shadeslayerjust not sleeping20:54
apacheloggerScottK: don't forget to update the template btw20:55
apacheloggerof course I have no idea where on the wiki we put it so20:55
ScottKThere's a template?20:56
* ScottK just wrote something that sounded right.20:56
=== murthy_ is now known as murthy
murthyhello everyone20:58
apacheloggerScottK: I think I created a wiki page with council boilerplate mails21:06
apacheloggerthough I also seem to recall wanting to link to it somewhere and eventually not doing that21:07
apacheloggerScottK: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Council/Messages21:07
ScottKI wasn't too far off that actually.21:08
Darkwing:D I like it.21:09
DarkwingBut, if there is a template... maybe that should be it.21:10
ScottKAll I have to do is hit send on mine.21:10
apachelogger+1 from me21:10
* ScottK sends21:11
DarkwingI have to figure out why I have not been getting mailing list mail.21:11
apacheloggerScottK: btw, to get a list of addresses you can use kubuntu-dev-tools/bin/kubuntu-members-email-list21:11
ScottKOK.  Blogged it too.21:22
shadeslayerapachelogger: can you upload  https://launchpad.net/~rohangarg/+archive/experimental/+files/poppler_0.22.1-0ubuntu1~ppa2.dsc21:26
Quintasanmurthy: hi21:28
murthyQuintasan: hi21:28
=== yofel changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: "Kubuntu - Friendly Computing | Raring Alpha 2 Released | Packaging TODO: http://notes.kde.org/kubuntu-ninjas http://yofel.dyndns.org/kubuntu/build_status_4.10.1_raring.html | Upgrade QA : http://kubuntu-qa.dyndns.org/
QuintasanGoing to bed22:00
QuintasanGood night22:00
=== murthy is now known as murthy_
shadeslayerwhen did those appear?22:02
yofelnot yet? but tomorrow's tagging and I can't really set that up till the evening22:02
shadeslayerand I was thinking of taking tomorrow off :P22:03
yofelwell, we have 7 days. Plenty of time22:04
=== yofel changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: "Kubuntu - Friendly Computing | Raring Alpha 2 Released | Packaging TODO: http://notes.kde.org/kubuntu-ninjas http://yofel.dyndns.org/kubuntu/build_status_4.10.1_raring.html | Upgrade QA : http://kubuntu-qa.dyndns.org/ | https://trello.com/kubuntu
yofelhm, kmix isn't *supposed* to use 218m of memory, is it?22:24
Riddellyofel: 19+7MB here22:35
Riddellbut maybe I'm just not taxing it enough22:35
jussi29 + 19 here yofel22:48
Riddellgolly, ScottK blogged twice in one day, what's going on?23:19
ScottKCrazy isn't it.23:19

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