
raywanghello, I have maas installed,and there is only one dhcp & dns server which is maas itself in the network, but machines in the same network can not be booted via pxe, it said no proxyDNCP server found. anyone has an idea?06:15
raywangexecuse me , but anyone knows which dhcp service/port maas provide?06:20
bigjoolsraywang: maas just relies on the system's ISC DHCP and bind server06:21
bigjoolsstandard ports06:21
bigjoolsand it auto-configures them if you tick the right UI boxes06:21
raywangbigjools, the client (machine) said, No DHCP or proxyDHCP found.06:21
bigjoolsis it on the same lan segment?06:22
raywangbigjools, so for the check, what port i need to check if they are listening on maas?06:22
raywangbigjools, yes,06:22
raywangbigjools, there is only one switch, which connect maas and client  (two machines)06:22
bigjoolstry dhcping to see if it finds the server06:23
raywangbigjools, i use maas from precise repos btw06:23
bigjoolsprecise is a bit broken, we're SRUing a big change soon06:23
raywangbigjools, how do i dhcping to see? :)06:23
bigjoolsthat's the name of a package/command line util06:23
raywangbigjools, but the problem is on client side, it can not be pxe booted via dhcp, it said  "No dhcp found"06:24
raywangbigjools, so how do I dhcping the server? you mean run dhcping on maas server?06:25
bigjoolsthen try another machine on the same lan06:25
bigjoolsyou might need to restart cobbler06:26
bigjoolsreconfigure it and restart I mean06:26
raywangihashacks, cobbbler comes from maas-provision, dpkg-reconfigure   maas-provision?06:30
raywangbigjools,  cobbbler comes from maas-provision, dpkg-reconfigure   maas-provision?06:30
raywangsorry ihashacks  :)06:30
bigjoolsraywang: no, "cobbler sync" IIRC06:30
bigjoolsit makes sure its config is flushed06:30
bigjoolsthankfully cobbler is going the way of the dodo soon06:31
raywangbigjools, is there any wiki to introduce how to use new maas?06:31
bigjoolsraywang: Docs on maas.ubuntu.com06:31
bigjoolsstep-by-step instructions06:32
raywangthanks bigjools06:32
bigjoolsand welcome06:32
raywangbigjools, dont' work,  i have run "dpkg-reconfigure maas-provision, cobbler sync, restart the maas-pserv, maas-tx* services and dnsmasq service", the client still can not be pxe booted.which use to work. :(06:34
raywangbigjools, so i wonder how to check the dhcp/tftp/ services on maas is working?06:35
bigjoolsis the dhcp daemon running?06:37
raywangbigjools, i think so, dnsmasq is running06:38
bigjoolssomething wrong with your booting node, I expect06:38
bigjoolscan anything pxe boot?06:38
raywangbigjools, for now, it can't, it use to work06:40
bigjoolswhat did you change?06:40
raywangbigjools, just shutdown the maas server and juju bootstrap server,  move the machines to another room, booted them up, and they are fails06:42
raywangbigjools, run juju status return nothing, so i want to "destroy-environment", and try to bootstrap again. but when run "juju destroy-enviroment" always time out,06:43
bigjoolsI expect you have a network problem06:43
raywangbigjools, run juju boostrap, says I need a environment which is there, so I start to look at the maas UI06:44
raywangbigjools, and in maas UI, but bootstrap server is still "allocated to root"06:44
raywangso destroy-environment didn't release the bootstrap server,06:44
raywangI want to remove the node from maas db via "from maasserver.models import *"06:45
raywangbut it says 'DJANGO_SETTINGS* " is not set.06:45
bigjoolsraywang: I have no idea what you broke06:46
bigjoolsI would blow it away and reinstall06:47
bigjoolsthe precise release is buggy as hell06:47
raywangbigjools, ok,  thanks a lot anyway, at least you help me to sort of my mind. :)06:47
bigjoolsthe biggest problem is that cobbler gets out of sync with maas06:48
raywangbigjools, so by reinstalling the maas, what version do you recommend?06:48
bigjoolsuse the one from the stable PPA06:48
bigjoolsit is the version that gets SRUed soon (or thereabouts)06:48
raywangbigjools, one the from stable ppa use cobbler right now, right?06:48
bigjoolsit's about a thousand revisions newer06:49
raywangbigjools, but I just install the maas, which is 0.1+bzr482+dfsg-0ubuntu1, from precise/main06:51
raywangbigjools, this one use cobbler06:51
bigjoolsraywang: that's not a PPA package06:51
bigjoolsyou want ppa:maas-maintainers/stable06:51
raywangbigjools, ah, ok, get it06:51
raywangbigjools, do you have the timetable when the maas from stable PPA be SRUed to precise-update?06:52
bigjoolsraywang: end of this week if you believe roaksoax :)06:53
raywangbigjools, ok, i'm really looking forward to it. :)06:53
raywangbigjools, thanks a lot06:53
bigjoolsyou and me both!06:53
trevorjraywang: enter the python shell from 'maas shell'07:00
trevorjraywang: that will avoid the DJANGO_SETTINGS_ is not set error07:00
raywangtrevorj, ok, any instrodution to remove a "allocated to root" node form maas? :)07:01
trevorjraywang: otherwise you can set it yourself to maas.settings07:01
trevorjraywang: yeah, do this07:01
trevorjraywang: maas shell07:01
trevorjraywang: in there, run 'from maasserver.models import Node'07:01
trevorjraywang: n = Node.objects.get(hostname__startswith='beginningofhostname')07:01
trevorjraywang: n.release()07:02
trevorjraywang: that will unallocate it07:02
trevorjraywang: if you want to then delete it do n.delete()07:02
trevorjraywang: it's standard django ORM07:02
trevorjraywang: the quantal maas using the experimental repo is much nicer, btw07:03
trevorjraywang: but it's a pain to get running, I must say ;)07:03
raywangtrevorj, thanks, it's very helpful, i will try it later07:04
trevorjraywang: np07:04
trevorjraywang: install ipython before you run maas shell, it'll make it alot nicer07:05
raywangtrevorj, the one in stable PPA is quantal maas or not?07:06
trevorjquantal has a newer version included07:06
raywangmaas in maas stable ppa is quantal ?07:07
trevorjI don't know to be honest07:07
trevorjI'm using the testing ppa07:07
bigjoolsbrave man07:07
trevorjI don't recommend using that unless you've had experience with Django and such though07:07
trevorjbigjools: I needed to get quantal nodes deployed07:07
raywangtrevorj, ok, so maas in stable ppa wold be much safer :)07:08
trevorjraywang: definitely07:08
trevorjraywang: it doesn't use cobbler and such07:08
trevorjraywang: the newer versions I mean07:09
trevorjraywang: so it's a bit less finicky07:09
trevorjIt appears they wrote a tftp server in twisted python as well, fantastic stuff07:09
trevorjI'm still going through the code, it's very well done07:10
* bigjools feels the love07:11
trevorjbigjools: you a dev?07:12
bigjoolsallegedly I am the lead, yes :)07:12
trevorjWow, nice.07:12
trevorjbigjools: I've been following it for about a year07:12
bigjoolsglad you like it07:12
trevorjbigjools: very good work, especially the recent stuff!07:12
trevorjbigjools: makes my Django work look rather unprofessional I must say07:12
bigjoolswell you can thank allenap, jtv and rvba for most of it07:13
jtvHuh?  What did we do now?07:13
bigjoolsjtv: we're getting thanked for maas!07:13
* jtv checks calendar07:13
jtvSorry, just being silly.  I do that sometimes.  :)07:13
bigjoolsthe mayan apocalypse was last year07:13
jtvAh yes.  Slept right through it.07:14
jtvAnyway, trevorj, stand-up comedy is our day job but we do some coding on the side to make ends meet.  Glad you like it.  :)07:14
trevorjIf I submit some commissioning stuff for HP iLO configuration in the user data, does it have a chance to be included?07:14
trevorjAre you guys interested in vendor specific stuff like that?07:14
bigjoolsroaksoax is doing a fix for that actually07:14
bigjoolsbut if it's generic we'll take anything, or at least put it in docs07:15
bigjoolswhat's your fix?07:15
trevorjI've got it working in python script form, but so far it sets the boot order07:15
trevorjand sets the server name to the hostname07:15
trevorjamong with other things just for us internally07:16
trevorjI did use a python library however, I'm not sure what the policies for that are? I used python-hpilo as I hate writing HPONCFG XML files.07:16
bigjoolscheck with roaksoax and he'll guide you, most of that stuff is done by him07:17
trevorjreally? wow.07:17
trevorjLove reinventing wheels.07:17
trevorjwill do though.07:18
bigjoolswell I mean the ilo config was originally coded by him :)07:18
trevorjAh, ok, cool07:18
bigjoolsit has bugs07:18
bigjoolsand ilo seems a bit, errr, funky07:18
trevorjfor how little code it is it works though07:18
trevorjyeah iLO is always funky07:18
trevorjnot in a good way07:18
bigjoolsthere's some weird stuff where it programs the wrong slot when enlisting07:18
trevorjthe wrong blade slot?07:19
trevorjSomehow some of my maas created logins were not working, is that related?07:23
trevorjOnly a couple of them, 2/907:23
bigjoolsthe user slot in the bmc07:23
trevorjI looped through the nodes and reprogrammed them using python-hpilo to what they should be and after that it's been golden07:23
bigjoolstrevorj: https://code.launchpad.net/~andreserl/maas/ipmi_usercreation_ilo_versions_trunk/+merge/14857907:25
trevorjbigjools: nice, looking through now07:26
trevorjAh, that's what you mean by slots, and that's why I see 'User3' all over the user data07:27
trevorjit all makes sense07:27
trevorjAre there any plans for using MaaS to boot from network disks or even into ram?07:31
bigjoolsno, the only major item upcoming is the fast installer07:32
trevorjimage based?07:32
bigjoolsI know - can't wait07:32
bigjoolswould make my testing life 1000x easier07:32
trevorjevery time I deploy a node I wonder why it isn't done via images, so I'm glad that's on the radar ;)07:33
bigjoolsd-i was the easiest way at the time07:33
bigjoolsbecause there was no actual work to do it :)07:33
trevorjyeah, I can see why07:33
trevorjI used to do preseeds myself a few years ago for such things, it gets a bit hairy after a while imo07:34
trevorjI was playing with debirf and then started modifying ltsp to to handle pxe booted kvm hosts a year ago07:34
trevorjI like the idea of booting from an RO image, but it's even more hairy07:35
trevorjMaaS has definitely simplified the PXE install scenario for Ubuntu07:36
trevorjWill the images be downloaded preconfigured or will they be generated on the spot?07:37
bigjoolsnot sure yet07:37
trevorjWould be nice to be able to easily customize them if they have build tools of some sort07:38
trevorjOh, you know, you're the guy to ask about my avahi issue I suppose07:39
trevorjMy DNS domain is a child domain of .local, so avahi takes precedence of revolves07:39
trevorjI disabled avahi-daemon in the generic preseed to work around this07:39
trevorjbut I'm afraid of a package pulling it in, so my options are to customize nsswitch.conf or find/make a way for avahi-daemon to not resolve a certain domain and it's children07:40
trevorjUnless you know of something I'm perhaps missing?07:41
bigjoolsI think you need to ask on the server channel about that07:44
trevorjI have, I'll ask again tomorrow though07:45
trevorjIt mainly causes an issue with juju and less so with maas, I forgot I wasn't in the juju channel07:47
melmothhi there. a folsom openstack installation does not let the admin user log in the dahsboard.09:41
melmoththe keystone charm has set the admin user password correctly, nova commands works all right09:41
melmothwhen trying to log with the admin horizon, the only funny log is something that mention "%SERVICE_TENANT_NAME%" (defautl setting in some config file)09:42
melmothhttp://pastebin.ubuntu.com/5569969/   (see line 442 and 455)09:42
melmoththere are some file wich have still the defualt %SERVICE user and pass set, but this is also the case on a deployment where things works.09:43
melmothany idea what to do, where to look, well, how to investigate this ?09:43
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roaksoaxrvba: you are not in today right?16:06
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et1337Hi! I have a question about disaster recovery.19:29
et1337let's say I have a node with a failed motherboard, but the disk is fine.19:30
et1337I'd like to swap the mobo and boot it up again, but I know MAAS will not recognize it because the MAC address changed.19:30
et1337what do I need to do to update that mac address?19:31
et1337as far as I can tell I just need to update the maasserver_macaddress and maasserver_dhcplease tables in Postgres?19:31
roaksoaxet1337: edit the node in question and add an additional mac address and remove the old one19:31
roaksoaxyou can do that from the webui for sure, and I'm guessing you can do that through the maas cli19:32
et1337oh dang, awesome. I can't believe I dove into postgres before the ui. hah.19:32
et1337I see it now. sweet, thanks.19:33
et1337gotta love easy fixes19:35
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