
BobJonkmanThat blog posts claims UDS is moving online for an "enhanced level of openness and transparency".  But is it really a cost-cutting measure?00:29
IdleOneBobJonkman: who knows for sure, but it can appear that way :)00:30
IdleOneBobJonkman: I suspect there will be an announcement at some point that UDS will be in person for LTS releases00:30
IdleOneleast this is my hope00:31
BobJonkmanI've never quite managed to follow UDS online.  But they're holding them in Google+ hangouts, so I'm even less inclined to participate on that platform00:31
BobJonkmanAlthough they're supposed to be in IRC too00:31
IdleOnethe hangouts will be "on air" which means that you will be able to watch them live via youtube00:32
BobJonkmanThat's a little bit better00:32
IdleOneproblem I see is that the hangouts only support up to 10 active speakers at one time.00:32
IdleOneif one leaves another can join to replace them but no more than 1000:33
IdleOneThis does not seem transparent to me, because the hangout "lead" can a ccept or decline who can join and speak00:34
IdleOneearlier today I said I would hold my thoughts until after this first mini online uds but the more I think about it the less I like the idea00:35
IdleOneThen there is the whole problem with some people who could be of great help may not want to be recorded and on a video for the world to see00:37
IdleOneI need to reboot00:38
edvejohanbr Et sa fonctionne nickel ? Je suis sur le point de m'en procurer un et je voulais me rassurer que sa en valait la peine ! Merci pour ta réponse !01:51
unheedingwhere can i download ubuntuca05:49
BobJonkmanHi unheeding: "ubuntuca" is the Canadian Local Community for the Ubuntu GNU+Linux distribution.  Have a look at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CanadianTeam06:52
BobJonkmanIf you want to download an Ubuntu distro then go to http://www.ubuntu.com/download06:53
unheedinglol i was just kidding, Bob06:53
BobJonkmanRats, pwnd again.06:54

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