[03:25] jbicha, spidermonkey RC tarball is ready and will be released later today. [03:25] what needs to be done to get it landed in raring? [03:25] i.e. whos best to discuss this with? [03:28] darkxst: I think you'll want to get chrisccoulson and seb128 to agree on a plan, I think it would be useful if the bug were updated with a list of rdepends and which ones can build against the new mozjs with minimal work and which can't [03:30] you could email the -desktop list if you can't reach them in chat because of the timezone problem [03:34] jbicha, for this cycle, its only going to be gjs/gnome-shell and cinnamon [03:35] (that will build against the new mozjs) [03:36] so regardless we would need to have both libraries for raring [03:37] oh [03:42] couchDB is the killer, although the engine itself would be trivial to port, they make use of illegal javascript syntax as a core feature of their interface [03:49] the rest really need to be done upstream, maintaining distro patches would be a nightmare [05:13] jbicha, I plan to apply at the next DMB meeting (11th March), so would be great if you can add something to my application by the weekend, so I can announce on the list and 'book' a slot ;) === zequence_ is now known as zequence === gonyere_ is now known as gonyere [20:35] it's nice for security that the lockscreen fails closed but it's a big pain with consolekit as I don't there's a good way to recover from a lockscreen failure except by restarting gdm [21:26] jbicha, really? I have not seen that [21:42] I've hit it several times in the past week with the GNOME3 PPAs, I use Ctrl+Alt+L a fair amount