
Gibbysabhain: Have you tried fluxbox?00:33
GibbyI use it now on my myth/xbmc frontends00:33
jyahi guys..07:38
jyaIs there a ubuntu repository for a 3.6 kernel on 12.04-LTS ?07:39
jyatrying to get a newer version of the lirc drivers, as I'm getting nowhere with the stock one (was fine with 10.04 kernel)07:39
sabhainGibby: Very cool.  Thanks for the suggestion.  Brings me back to running WMaker on Mandrake 5 or 6 back in the 90's.14:11
sabhainGibby: ever try it on a system with multiple monitors?  One of the ways I use Gnome2 now is to just have separate X sessions on each monitor14:12
superm1jya: http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/19:39
superm1you should be able to get from there, but if 3.5 is okay, that's in the 12.04 repository directly19:40
Gibbysabhain, not not using flux on any dual screen setups, using gnome-shell there22:08
sabhainGibby: that's Gnome3?22:09
Gibbysabhain, yeah22:10
Gibbyi hated it at first, now i love it, especially plugins22:10
jyasuperm1: I tried a few kernel 3.7, 3.6 , they all boot and get stuck about being unable to mount my raid array and ask to type S (skip) or M (manual).. But the keyboard is not enabled at that stage. So I can't progress further22:49

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