
bazhang* root_ is now known as grydillia01:31
bazhangspoofing staff nicks: not  a smart move01:32
bazhang<Scooter__> the idea is  chromium is a super friend interface ect ... but it's a big spy16:00
bazhangoh yeah16:00
* genii-around ponders "I need help w/ configing my installation dok as a grub entry"16:02
bazhang<goodtime> royc: try to uninstall it then reinstall idk16:26
bazhangwe have a winner16:27
bazhangreinstall the backlight16:27
PiciLjL: can you wrangle floodbot3?17:08
bazhangI am running ubuntu alongside windows17:16
bazhangso support my windows questions!17:16
bazhang@mark #ubuntu [Endafy] (~quassel@cpe-74-74-96-21.stny.res.rr.com): Endafy  language / attitude / quit17:34
ubottuThe operation succeeded.17:34
bazhang<amasome> hello all idiots17:39
* cprofitt sighs17:41
cprofittbazhang: what channel is that in?17:41
bazhangcprofitt, #ubuntu17:42
Piciare they causing issues elsewhere too?17:42
genii-aroundI think it might be a language issue but not sure yet... their mask indicates indonesia17:42
bazhangmasale seems to be indonesian17:43
bazhangwhatever that means17:43
genii-aroundI figure some idea like "hello all newbs/beginners" may have gotten translated improperly17:45
genii-aroundHm. where to report some error on ubottu.com factoids site?  eg: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5571233/18:23
Picigenii-around: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots18:26
genii-aroundPici: OK, thanks18:27
genii-aroundI wonder if i should check off "This bug is a security vulnerability" there18:33
genii-aroundeg: It's reporting the python version the cgi uses18:34
genii-around( and also exposing the code which led up to the error)18:35
IdleOnecheck it off, if it isn't the bot masters will remove it18:35
genii-aroundOK, reported18:36
LjLPici: was out, seems like my server's thrashing, looking at it now20:31
PiciLjL: thanks :)20:31
DJonesAre the FB's arguing with erach other, seems to be the most active nick over recent times20:41
DJonesActually, mostly FB3 seems a bit unstable20:42
IdleOnethey're having a minor crisis20:42
DJonesLooks mostly like its FB3 having a crisis, the other other FB's just intervening very occasionally20:43
PiciDJones: ljl's host, where fb3 is taking up residence is having an issue21:00
DJonesPici: Cheers, that would expain it21:04
avisi am always banned from #ubuntu i just found this today avis!~bravis@pool-173-74-106-10.dllstx.fios.verizon.net on Feb 27 00:09:12 2013.23:19

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