
skellatHere's a copy of today's big announcement about UDS March: gopher://sdf.org/0/users/skellat/2013-02-26.md04:50
skellatAnd yes, it is in Gopher.  The appropriate tools are in fact available in the repos to get to that.04:50
Cheri703or perhaps just link to the *actual* posts about it?04:50
Cheri703for those who hadn't heard04:50
skellatI only got two e-mails04:50
skellatThat gopher bit is what I dumped from Alpine in my shell account on SDF04:51
Cheri703http://fridge.ubuntu.com/2013/02/26/ubuntu-developer-summits-now-online-and-every-three-months/ The official announcement on fridge.ubuntu.com04:52
skellatI got it on community-announce and ubuntu-devel-announce04:52
skellatThough apparently I forgot I did do this earlier: http://www.mail-archive.com/ubuntu-us-ohio@lists.launchpad.net/msg01234.html04:53
Cheri703I suppose canonical doesn't share the reservations about G+ hangouts04:54
skellatI guess not04:54
skellatI sent an e-mail to Jorge Castro as a member of the copyleft-next license drafting project to see if I could sponsor a session.04:54
skellatThe only video thing that was found to be workable was a package called Jitsi for videoconferencing04:55
Cheri703yeeeah, probably g+ would be easiest for people04:56
* skellat grumbles04:57
skellatGuess I'm going to have to have a Google account again in protest04:57
skellatIt is bad enough their ad analytics keeps identifying me as a 75 year old Hispanic dude04:57
skellatIf they cannot even identify me from when I can't avoid 'em...I don't like the thought of giving 'em information by which to identify me.  That trip through Ad Prefs scared the crap out of me when it gave me their best guess at identifying my demographics.04:59
skellatHow was Colorado?05:01
Cheri703it was really good! I'm planning to move out there in/around June05:01
Cheri703but I have to go run my dogs out, so I'll be back in a while05:01
* skellat wanders off05:07
Cheri703I'm back05:19
Unit193I didn't like that whole thing, and G+ isn't the best either.  Max 10 slots sure isn't great there, and you can look at the logs from -release and k-devel for some interesting info.05:20
Cheri703I'm not a fan of the change, the face to face interaction was (in my opinion) the best part of UDS05:20
Unit193Not as useful, and another indicator they are going rolling.05:24
canthus13Hmm.. Google has no idea what my demographics are. and I don't attempt to hide anything. :)05:41
skellatGood morning.16:34
skellatTHAT'S THE OHIO SPIRIT! :-/16:41
skellatdzho: How is your day so far today, then?16:43
paultagmoin, skellat16:43
paultagmoin, dzho16:43
dzhoskellat: I have managed to keep down the rising panic, thank you.16:43
dzhoI did not wreck on the drive to work, or fall on the slushy mess walking in from the lot.16:44
* canthus13 yawns.16:44
dzhofamily seems fairly healthy.16:44
paultagmoin, canthus1316:44
dzhoso, you know, not bad.16:44
* dzho pushes some coffee canthus13's way16:44
canthus13dzho: Meh. I don't do coffee. :(16:44
canthus13No pop either, now. :/16:45
dzhoI got nothin' for ya man.16:45
canthus13All good.16:45
canthus13It's actually a medication that's making me yawn all the time. :P16:45
skellatSo....I wonder if I'm going to hear back from Jorge Castro about my request to sponsor a UDS March session on copyleft-next16:46
skellatIt is looking unlikely16:49
skellatHow is paultag and canthus13 this morning?16:49
paultagquite alright, thanks for asking16:50
paultagodd morning so far16:50
paultagbut good16:50
canthus13meh. Just had to cancel my debit card 'coz someone got ahold of the number and charged 400 bucks to a carryout in california.  the second time in two freaking months. :/16:50
paultagthat sucks16:51
thafreakwhat kind of food costs $400 in caryout?16:52
skellatVery endangered, probably aquatic?16:52
dzhothat's be easy16:52
dzhothat would be easy, that is16:52
dzhobut I could see it going for lots of things, actually.16:53
dzhoyou could semi-cater a small party with carry out and not have too much trouble running up to that16:53
dzhoI'm trying to remember how booze works in cali but it's a lot more relaxed than Ohio.16:54
thafreakcanthus13: did you fall for one of those post your credit card info on /b threads, and it magically gets redacted?16:54
dzhoprobably can't do carry out beer.16:54
skellat40 value 10 packs of tacos from Taco Bell would get past the $400 mark16:55
dzhothat's a lot of "tacos"16:56
skellatWell, but if it was in California and you consumed leafy green substances as a large group... :-)16:57
skellatOr, you could be feeding a construction site16:59
canthus13thafreak: ...17:00
canthus13thafreak: I'm still trying to figure it out.  I only use two ATMs... paypal for most everything online... It's fucked up.17:00
dzhoso, you use the ATMs to get cash, and then cash for everything else in person?17:01
dzhoI've started to get pretty leery of various card readers anywhere, what with the piggyback card reader scams that seem to be so prevalent.17:02
thafreakcanthus13: is $681/mo for a 5bmit fiber ethernet outrageous?17:23
canthus13I have no idea.17:25
* canthus13 doesn't know the commercial pricing schedule.17:25
* canthus13 hrms, wonders if he's been bumped up to 44/4.4 yet.17:26
thafreakDoesn't seem worth it to me17:27
thafreakthey ran fiber down here in my county17:27
thafreakhighest they go is 50m17:28
dzhoto the premises, or just to the . . . I don't know what they call it, the neighborhood?17:28
thafreakand that's $2100/mo17:28
thafreakthey have fiber all over medina county now17:28
thafreakthere's some running down the one main road behind my house too17:28
thafreakbut it seems over priced17:28
canthus13thafreak: For cable? Fiber-to-the-node.17:29
thafreakI guess this far down from one of the teir 1 providers, it's going to be expensive17:29
thafreakThis is fiber ethernet17:29
thafreakso...I plug it into my switch...no modems17:29
thafreakwell, a router17:29
canthus13They probably only allow one IP.17:29
thafreakor a switch you know17:29
canthus13and charge for a static.17:29
thafreakat these prices...they better be giving me a /29 atleast17:30
canthus13but yes. I just speedtested 42.9/4.4 :D17:30
canthus13thinking about going up to 66/5.517:30
dzhothese guys were running FTTH a decade ago http://www.huxcomm.net/about/history.php17:30
canthus13dzho: The company I work for ran fiber though every neighborhood about 15 years ago.17:30
thafreaki don't even max out my 10/2 cable connection17:30
* skellat wanders away to handle household errands17:31
thafreakwhat I'd pay more for, is lower latency!17:31
dzhocanthus13: cool17:31
canthus13thafreak: I run a server that sees moderate use, so I kinda need the upload speed. :/17:31
dzhocanthus13: again, is that ftth or just into the neighborhood17:31
canthus13download... yeah. we use it. both kids on youtube, wife on netflix, me doing whatever else... we'll saturate 10mbit easily.17:31
thafreakyeah, I could use more up...but even the top business packages is like 50/517:32
canthus13dzho: neighborhood, but we can do ftth if we needed to. but right now, DOCSIS 3.0 is a better bet.17:32
canthus13so we just stick with coax from the node.17:32
dzhoyeah, I think that's more typical17:32
dzhobecause the coax installed base is already there17:32
canthus13we tested out FTTH, but there wasn't much interest, since the initial install is more expensive and the speeds are gonna be the same.17:33
thafreakWell, I was looking to set up shop at my one client's location...barter for offic space17:33
thafreakbut decent internet conectivity is just not there17:33
thafreakthey have dsl now which is complete garbage17:33
dzhoin the meantime, schools in WV are installing massive routers and little rural schools in the middle of nowhere are being dual-homed17:34
thafreakand the only other option seems to be t1 which is a waste, or this fiber17:34
canthus13cablemodems work fine, and we have no congestion issues anywhere. (dual OC-96 ring for the city backbone...)17:35
canthus13Well. one neighborhood has congestion.. but that's the student ghetto.17:35
dzhotorrent all the things17:35
dzhospeaking of which, how does 6 strikes look to be playing out for you folks, canthus13?17:36
canthus13People always worry that the line is shared by your whole neighborhood and it affects your bandwidth.  which is true, if you cram too many customers on a node. :/17:36
canthus13dzho: 6 strikes?17:36
canthus13Oh. DMCA stuff. We play fast and loose with that one. :)17:36
canthus13we really do as little as we can with respect to that crap.17:37
canthus13if they present takedown notices, we'll let the customer know, we suspend them after some huge number for 2 days, and so on, up to a year IIRC.17:37
dzhoso, not participating in the CAS?17:37
canthus13but I've never seen anyone suspended.17:37
canthus13not that I know of.17:38
dzhoah, verizon, AT&T, Comcast, Cablevision, Time Warner Cable17:38
canthus13We're not in the list, so no.17:38
dzhoI wonder how our ILEC handles all this.17:39
canthus13People mistakenly call us cablevision all the time. I even get the occasional call from new york looking for support.17:39
canthus13which is funny, since we only cover toledo, erie county, and a small part of southern michigan.17:40
* The_Miser looks up hearing "Erie County"18:11
canthus13The_Miser: I work for the best ISP in the area. :)18:46
The_Misercanthus13: Methinks I may be using that ISP ... ;)19:28
jrgiffordcanthus13: sounds lovely.21:26

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