
sephI'm trying to use linux-generic-lts-raring and it seems to be missing kernel headers. I feel a little helpless asking, but I'm not sure how to tell if this is a known issue or where to report it. I can't find bugs for it anywhere in launchpad.15:09
tjaaltonwhere did you get it?15:11
sephhttps://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-x-swat/+archive/r-lts-backport/  (which is why I'm asking here)15:11
tjaaltonthe headers are there too15:12
mlankhorstseph: would be a bug for the kernel team15:12
sephAFAICT those header packages are incomplete. linux-headers-3.8.0-7-generic has symlinks to linux-headers-3.8.0-7, which has no files.15:13
mlankhorstthe kernel team maintains those packages in the ppa, and at the moment the xorg snapshot there is mostly to test the mechanics. :-)15:13
mlankhorsterm those packages means the linux-* packages15:14
tjaaltonyeah looks like the headers package is broken15:14
sephOkay. I can file it against the kernel team. (now filed as #1134441)15:14
sephThanks for the pointer. It's a bit weird trying to tell how to file things in all this :)15:15
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