
bluesabreaha, gnumeric 1.12 is in raring-proposed00:22
=== zequence_ is now known as zequence
ochosiknome: guess it would be good to have a meeting before the freezes start...16:15
ochosiwe should prolly make a list of bugs that we wanna get fixed before16:16
ochosiand then go through them at the meeting and try to assign them16:16
knomeochosi, remember, we have the sprint coming up on 3rd16:42
ochosiright, it's just that that'll be hard for me to make16:43
ochosibut anyway, i'll try to do my share asap16:43
ochosi(update lightdm-gtk-greeter)16:43
ochosiwhat i'd need is someone who bumps the icon- and gtk-themes to the latest version16:45
ochosi(in R)16:46
Unit193Good bye!22:22
bluesabreGoing to do a catfish 0.6.1 release soon, has anybody found any additional bugs or "quirks"?23:49

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