
=== arosales is now known as arosales-afk
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hatchbcsaller_, in my subapp scaffold I'm running into an issue where the 'namespace' property is being stripped from the route object 14:22
bcsaller_hatch: looks like someone merged out the changes to App.route that fixed that, let me see if I can verify this14:23
hatchyeah thats what I thought last night but I was running out of steam so I called it quits :)14:24
bcsaller_hatch: wait, I gave you that patch, no? I thought it was going to be in your branch as mine had already landed14:28
bcsaller_maybe you didn't port it from the prototype?14:28
hatchit was in the `match` method right?14:29
bcsaller_no, route14:29
bcsaller_match is in trunk14:29
hatchok comparing14:29
hatchahh that's what it was thanks14:30
hatchnext time I'm definitely doing things differently :)14:30
hatchhoooooly linter does not like the 'lined up' spacing you did you the properties14:43
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hatchbcsaller_, when you get a second could you review https://codereview.appspot.com/7430043/ plz thx14:54
frankbanhi benji: were you able to deploy charms in a precise env using lxc?15:13
benjifrankban: I haven't tried using lxc.15:14
frankbanbenji: you used any other workaround?15:16
thervefrankban, I am15:16
frankbantherve: with gojuju?15:16
thervefrankban, ah, not that one no :)15:17
frankbantherve: :-) 15:17
benjifrankban: I'm afraid I don't understand the question.  Workaround for what?15:19
frankbanbenji: for creating a juju-core precise environment, workarounf for bug 113160815:20
_mup_Bug #1131608: deployed series is arbitrary <juju-core:New for fwereade> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/1131608 >15:20
benjifrankban: oh, my "workaround" was to install the version of the OS juju-core wanted.  :\15:20
frankbanbenji: ack :-/15:21
gary_posterjujugui call in 215:28
bacfrankban, teknico: could one of you grab lp:~bac/juju-core/api-expose and run the tests?15:41
bacgo test launchpad.net/juju-core/...15:41
teknicobac, I'll do it15:42
bacmaybe |tee test.out so you can paste it15:42
bachatch: was my audio quality any better after i changed headsets?15:46
hatchI still had to turn you up to match the others15:46
hatchbut that was just a preference15:47
hatchyou were still easy enough to hear15:47
gary_posterbac I endorse hatch's statements :-)15:48
hatch:-) 15:51
hatchbcsaller_, would you prefer console.error() or throw  for the warning?15:51
hatchwhat's the convention used elsewhere in the app?15:51
teknicobac, shortly: you were too soft :-)15:52
bacso i can be too quiet on my phone, or garbly vis DSL.15:54
bacluckily next week we should get wimax installed and ditch dsl.15:55
bcsaller_hatch: we'd already get an exception when the callback.call happened, I think an error with more information about the route and the callback name make sense 15:55
gary_postertoo quiet on phone is vastly better than garbled on DSL, bac, fwiw15:55
hatchbac I endorse gary_poster's staements :-)15:57
hatchstatements even15:57
hatchbcsaller_, agreed15:57
bacyay we reached concensus on my crappy connectivity15:58
hatchhaha - you might want to call someone about that15:58
hatchsee if you can get some free dialup15:59
gary_posterhatch gave you review of https://codereview.appspot.com/7429044/ .  LGTM with trivial16:01
hatchmuch appreciate16:02
teknicobac, here's the test output: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/5573695/16:05
bacteknico: cool.  so at least my branch isn't breaking things.  i get all kinds of worker/uniter failures16:06
bacmaybe i'll blow that package away and try again16:06
bacteknico: thanks for taking the time to run those.16:10
teknicobac, yw16:11
hatchbcsaller_, have a second to respond to gary's comments on https://codereview.appspot.com/7429044 plz :-)16:13
benjibac: if you start a "Potential Improvements" list, I have a candidate or two for inclusion.16:18
bacbenji: why don't you do that while i go down the street to fatty's for some fried chicken?16:18
bacand plantains16:18
benjiI think I am getting the short end of the stick in this deal. :)16:19
hatchbac might die of a heart attack16:19
hatchfrom all that fried chicken16:20
hatchin which case you would be getting the good end16:20
hatchlets see how this plays out first16:20
bacno, it's ok.  i ride my bicycle, so it cancels out16:20
hatchohhh well then....carry on!16:22
bacand i only allow myself to go once a week16:22
hatchbring me back some popcorn chicken16:22
benjigary_poster: is there a new wiki home for yellow (i.e., on wiki.canonical.com instead of dev.launchpad.net)?16:23
gary_posterbenji, no.  interesting question.  is it for public info or private?16:23
gary_posterwe could put something on ubuntu wiki too maybe?  I think there is one.  if it is public16:23
benjiis our "Potential Improvements" list public or private?16:24
gary_posterbenji if we say it nicely it can be public :-)16:25
benjiso... ubuntu wiki then?16:26
gary_posterI intended the smiley rather than the "gary opens his moth to reveal a single tooth"16:26
benjiI figured you were so happy with your dental work that you were showing it off.16:26
hatchcouple of my buddies are dentists.....oh the stories16:27
gary_posterbenji trying to figure out where it might go...https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Teams but looks official-y16:27
* benji invisions a Dali painting with a moth spreading his wings and his thorax is instead a single bicuspid.16:27
gary_posterdisturbing, really16:28
benjithe melting clocks will make it all ok16:28
hatch^5 benji16:28
gary_posteroh ok, good16:28
benjiyeah, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BuildingCommunity/CreatingTeamGuide makes it sound like "Teams" are more focused on a single topic.  We could break that mold, but I'm not sure it would be for the best.16:32
benji^5 hatch  (I didn't want to leave you hanging)16:32
hatchoh thanks 16:33
hatchmy arm was getting tired16:33
gary_posterbenji https://wiki.canonical.com/CDO/CloudEngineering/Yellow16:33
gary_posterhave at it and move on :-)16:33
benjicool, thanks16:34
benjiI wondered why I hadn't seen that before and then I looked at the page history and saw that you just created it.16:34
gary_posteryes :-)16:35
benjibac: https://wiki.canonical.com/CDO/CloudEngineering/Yellow/PotentialJujuCoreImprovement16:55
benjibac: oops, wrong URL: https://wiki.canonical.com/CDO/CloudEngineering/Yellow/PotentialJujuCoreImprovements17:04
gary_posterhatch, bcsaller, if I read bcsaller's reply correctly (https://codereview.appspot.com/7429044/diff/1/app/app.js#newcode1083) I'm +1 on the switch to Y.Array that I mentioned, and removing the back-compat callback attr17:04
gary_posterhatch, so if you address my three comments then pleae land away17:04
gary_posterrogpeppe do you have a moment for a quick status update on the megawatcher in https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/7fb7c30f3a232db57dd8549738fb98e723d90d4a ?17:06
hatchalright I'll take a look - sorry just trying to understand the less workflow17:06
gary_postercool hatch.  for less, just edit, and use make devel.  less changes will automatically update so you can just reload17:07
rogpeppegary_poster: i'm there :-)17:07
hatchgary_poster, ahh ok - almost done that ticket17:08
hatchwhen the designers say 'pt' do they mean 'px' ?17:11
bacthanks benji17:12
hatchI ask because 14pt is a massive header text where 14px looks good17:13
hatchbut they also use px 17:14
gary_posterhatch ask goodspud 17:15
hatchoh ok - I didn't know that they were in here :D17:15
gary_posterwe have 45 more minutes of goodspud goodness17:15
goodspudhatch, we are always watching17:15
goodspud... unless we aren't17:15
hatchuh oh!17:15
hatchso https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-gui/+bug/112542417:16
_mup_Bug #1125424: Tweaks to loading messages and login visuals <juju-gui:Triaged by hatch> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/1125424 >17:16
hatchyou will see that someone said 14pt but that makes that header text huge! requiring the warning box to actually increase in width17:16
goodspudhatch, just chatting with Greg (designer)17:16
hatchUbuntu Medium at 14pt also looks blurry but that could just be my monitor17:17
goodspudhatch, could you send me a screen shot at 14pt and 14 pixels?17:20
hatchyes I just need to find a good screenshot tool :)17:21
hatchI'm used to working on my mac which has Skitch 17:21
goodspudYou can just do C<D17:21
gary_posterhatch printscreen pops something up17:21
goodspudhatch, yeah, printscreen should work or (on a mac) CMD+shift+417:22
gary_posterhatch, otherwise gnome-screenshot17:22
hatchyeah printscreen will work for this case - I just like skitch's crosshairs so you can select a section of the page and then add text to it17:23
hatchI'll look into gnome-screenshot afterwards thx17:23
hatchgoodspud, can you pm me your email plz17:24
hatchok sent17:26
hatchI THINK 12pt = 16px17:27
bacbenji did you notice the 'roommate' column has been removed from the sprint wiki?17:30
benjibac: I didn't.  I guess that means that either we each get a room or we will all be sleeping on the floor of the conference room.17:30
gary_posterthe latter17:31
hatchyay sleepover!17:31
gary_posterbenji is responsible for the sleeping bags17:31
gary_posterhatch brings the tents17:31
* benji packs his footy pajamas17:31
hatchhaha - my tent has a solar panel on the root with built in led lighting17:31
hatchyeah...I'm THAT guy at the camp site17:31
gary_posterI definitely chose the right guy then17:31
benjiis it also bigger on the inside than on the outside?17:32
baci see on google maps our hotel is right close to "Cabbagetown".  can't wait to find out what that is all about.17:36
* bac practices for georgia by using phrases like "right close" again.17:37
benjibac, since I will have a car I can "carry you" places17:40
hatchbenji, do you live close to atlanta?17:45
benjiyep, middle Tennessee (about a 3.5 hour drive)17:46
hatchahh cool - I have about an 8h travel time by flight heh17:46
benjitherefore I will be fully versed in the local vernacular17:46
hatchOoo - I'm hoping there is a good seafood restaurant near by17:48
hatchI'm pretty landlocked so I don't get much in the way of fresh seafood :)17:49
hatchwell....salt water seafood17:49
benjihatch: bac had proposed a trip to a seafood place, but I don't remember if it was fresh water (catfish, etc.) or salt water 17:53
bacmore mud based17:53
baccrawfish shack17:53
hatchoooo I'll go@17:53
baci saw a reference to it on anthony bourdain's new show.  i added a link to the wiki.  please don't listen when he talks about the unsavory parts of atlanta.17:54
hatchehh every city has unsavory parts17:56
hatchbac, I don't see the link17:58
hatchwhich wiki? :)17:58
bachatch: the one where i forgot to press 'save'.  it is there now.  https://wiki.canonical.com/CDO/Sprints/JujuEcosystemSprintMarch1317:59
hatchlooks like it's also lunch time so I'll watch the vid now :)18:01
MakyoUgh, tried reproposing with -for, still wants to merge into the wrong branch.18:14
MakyoOne more try...18:25
bacbenji: ping18:33
MakyoFixed, sorry if that leads to extra emails.18:34
benjibac: what's up?18:35
benji(I'm lunching)18:36
bacbenji: not much, just trying to figure out how the 'deny' mechanism works.  ping me when you're back.18:36
benjik; it'll be about 20 minutes18:36
bacbenji: ok18:42
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hatchbac, oh that guy is quite the character haha (just finished watching the video)18:53
benjibac: I'm looking at the deny bits now.19:01
hatch*sigh* I long for chrome dev tools in FF19:08
hatchthe log out panel is wrapped in an unnamed div which is causing it's position to be incorrectly calculated - can someone point me to where this panel is created?19:12
gary_posterhatch, maybe index.html?  not quite sure what you mean by panel in context19:12
hatchok when you go and click 'log out' a panel is shown19:13
hatchor the 'log in' panel I suppose19:13
gary_posteroh, to enter your password hatch?19:13
gary_posterthat's on index.html19:13
gary_posterpretty sure19:13
benjibac: I think I have figured out the allow/deny bits (those in state/api/api_test.go at least)19:15
bacbenji: you want to chat?19:16
benjiI also think there is a bug or at least a mis-design in that functionality.  There is nothing guarding against someone having both allow and deny set for a test, if so only the deny will be tested and the allow will be ignored19:16
hatchgary_poster, no such luck - it's in the handlebars rollup I'm just not sure where those are stored19:16
benjisure; how about the regular hangout if no one is in there19:16
hatchI can find them though :)19:16
bacbenji: i think the opposite.  note the early return in the allow part19:16
gary_posterhatch, oh!  app/templates/login.handlebars ?19:17
benjibac: yep, you're right19:17
benjithe regulr place is free19:17
hatchoh son of a.....sublime didn't show that folder (`watch` issue again)19:17
gary_poster:-) np19:18
hatchok branch is done and proposed - so I have three screenshots, should I add them to the bug? Or is there another preferred place for them? 19:31
hatch^ gary_poster 19:32
gary_posterbug is fine, and then give links to designers19:32
hatchgoodspud_, you shouldn't have come back...I just pushed the changes ;)19:32
goodspud_I'm sure it's all perfect19:33
gary_posterhatch, https://codereview.appspot.com/7429044/ just needs a few tweaks then you can land it19:34
gary_posterif it's not clear what they are we can have quick call19:34
hatchgoodspud_, hah! https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-gui/+bug/1125424 in the right column at the bottom are the three screen shots19:35
_mup_Bug #1125424: Tweaks to loading messages and login visuals <juju-gui:In Progress by hatch> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/1125424 >19:35
hatchgary_poster, sure thing let me check that out19:35
goodspud_hatch: looks good. 19:37
hatchgreat - so do you comment on https://codereview.appspot.com/7452043/ ?19:37
goodspud_hatch. done19:39
goodspud_Time for my dinner. Catch you all tomorrow19:39
hatchso does this workflow work pretty good for you?19:39
hatchokee :) cya19:39
hatchenjoy dinner19:39
goodspud_hatch, yes19:39
benjibac: I am 90% sure that maps in go are magic, and that is why you can assign the results of a map lookup to either one or two variables19:43
hatchgary_poster, so just to clarify that I understand the comments on 7429044 - we will remove the backwards compatibility because multiple callbacks can't be supported anyways - and - a result of that we no longer need to flatten so we can simply create an array of routes19:45
hatchbcsaller_, the callbacks 'backwards compatibility' section on the namespace branch - is that required? I don't think you commented on that directly19:58
bcsaller_hatch: I was trying to say that I think our codebase has been cleared of any references but I don't know if YUI depends on it anywhere19:59
bcsaller_I suspect removing it the tests will all still pass, but we don't test dispatch very well so I just left it in there 20:00
hatchoh ok sorry I misunderstood - I'll make a note and leave it in - I was reading the YUI tests of router last night and I think once I split this stuff out into an extension then we will be able to properly test this stuff20:01
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benjiGranted, it's early going, but I'm not real keen on go's decision that getters should just be the name of the thing being retrieved.20:20
hatchI'm not sure I follow20:22
hatchneed one more review on some css https://codereview.appspot.com/7452043/20:22
benjiif a method returns a value (say a unit's status) then instead of being named something like "GetStatus" it is simply named "Status"20:24
benjiAsymmetrically, setters are still named like "SetStatus".20:24
benjiAt least they don't use the idiom I've seen in some JS of having a method named "status" that if called with a value is a setter and if called without one is a getter.  I had to lie down for a little while after I saw that for the first time.20:25
gary_posterhatch sorry was on call.  reading20:26
hatchugh I hate inconsistent api's20:26
hatchgary_poster, ben already answered my q's and it's been submitted :)20:26
gary_postergreat  hatch, thanks.20:26
hatchbenji, I spent a while in PHP - if you want inconsistent api's....that's your language 20:27
hatchfoo_bar or fooBar ? needle, haystack or haystack, needle? 20:27
benjiyep, PHP takes the cake20:27
hatchgary_poster, I just need one more to sign off on my less changes then that ticket can also go away20:29
gary_posterok hatch looking20:31
hatchhmm it looks like the rail from the airport to the hotel isn't that bad20:33
hatchanyone else planning to take the rail?20:33
gary_posterhatch, if you mean MARTA, yes20:34
gary_posterhaven't looked at it het20:34
gary_posterhatch approved your branch20:34
gary_posteryou need another code review though20:34
gary_poster2 code + 1 design if UX is involved20:34
hatchgary_poster, http://goo.gl/maps/yWAay it looks pretty straight forward20:34
hatchohh ok 20:35
gary_posterhatch, cool, no changes20:35
hatchnope just hop on at the airport and then a block walk 20:36
hatchI don't even think a city bus goes to our airport lol20:36
benjiinteresting, there is no NotEquals checker in launchpad.net/gocheck20:46
rogpeppebenji: Not(Equals)20:54
rogpeppebenji: and there's NotNil as well, which is (interestingly) slightly different20:54
benjirogpeppe: heh, I was just looking for a negation operator in there, thanks!20:54
benjiyeah, the existence of NotNill threw me off initially20:55
rogpeppebenji: nil is a little special when you're dealing with interfaces.20:55
rogpeppebenji: because interface{}((sometype*)(nil)) != nil20:56
benjiIf I understood that sequence of symbols I'm sure I would now be enlightened. ;)20:56
rogpeppebenji: the left hand expression is just a sequence of type conversions20:56
hatchgary_poster, so are you alright with be getting back on that scaffold?20:57
rogpeppebenji: nil converted to *sometype (oops, got that wrong) converted to interface{}20:57
benjiah, so casting nil to a pointer to any interface is not nil?20:57
rogpeppebenji: in general typeExpression(foo) converts foo to the given type (assuming it's assignment compatible)20:57
rogpeppebenji: an interface value is not nil if the underlying value has any concrete type20:58
rogpeppebenji: this might be of some help: http://play.golang.org/p/r2DfTUbasP21:05
gary_posterhatch, +121:06
hatchthis may be a case of looking in the wrong place - but do we not 'render' the app anywhere?21:08
bcsaller_index calls it once21:12
bcsaller_use to anyway21:14
hatchyeah I'm baffled21:19
hatchbcsaller_, I'm pretty confident that it isn't being called21:24
hatchwhen you render an app yui3-app class gets added to the container21:25
hatchI guess it doesn't really matter - would be a good point of investigation though21:28
hatchgary_poster, bcsaller_ do we want to render all subapps on registration? 21:40
gary_posteron call will think later21:41
hatchissue I'm running into is that the namespace is calling methods on the subapps but they aren't rendered21:41
bcsaller_hatch: I suspect not, though a callback or event when registered would allow that 21:42
hatchyeah I wasn't thinking so either21:42
hatchso will need to lazy-render these subapps21:42
hatch**will this never end!!!!**21:43
hatchawesome that works21:53
MakyoGot go env sorta set up, but test complains there are no Go source files in $GOPATH/src/launchpad.net/juju-core  Did I miss a step?21:55
Makyoguihelp ^^^ (not sure who to ping specifically)21:56
hatchcould I get a quick less review on https://codereview.appspot.com/7452043/ thx21:56
hazmatMakyo, i'd blow away and refetch assuming its not a branch21:56
hazmatjust the juju-core dir21:56
hazmatand use -v on go get21:56
Makyohazmat, Alright.21:57
Makyohazmat, no luck :/ can't load package: package launchpad.net/juju-core: no Go source files in /home/makyo/work/juju-core/src/launchpad.net/juju-core22:00
hazmatMakyo,  what command are you running to test?22:02
Makyogo test -gocheck.v22:02
MakyoI've also tried specifying go test -gocheck.v launchpad.net/juju-core/...22:02
hazmatMakyo, the later should work though the flag needs to come last i'm told22:03
hazmatMakyo, does go test launchpad.net/juju-core/...  work?22:03
hazmatthere aren't any source files directly in the juju-core directory which leads to that message.. tests need to be run in a dir with go source files.. or spec'd as top level recurse 22:06
bacMakyo: best i can tell, -gocheck.v is not recursive22:06
bacso you can do 'go test launchpad.net/juju-core/...' from anywhere as long as GOPATH is correct22:07
bacor you can cd into a specific directory and do 'go test -gocheck.v[v]' and only get those tests22:07
MakyoWorks quite well, thanks hazmat.22:07
MakyoBlows up my computer pretty well.22:07
hazmattesting is hard work ;-)22:07
hazmatspeaking of go build/test issues anyone seen.. pack: cannot open $WORK/labix.org/v2/mgo/_test/_go_.8  i get that on most of the packages22:10
hazmatoh.. dev version of go maybe22:11
hazmatyeah.. that was it mixed a tip and stable versions22:12
hatchoh this is beautiful22:24
* Makyo -> dogwalk22:24
hatchbcsaller_, if you're still around I'd like your input on the lazy rendering code https://codereview.appspot.com/7444046/22:35
gary_posterhatch I was on call and then catching up on mail before leaving. do you have review you want?22:35
hatchoh umm lemme check sorry I just finished the delay rendering code22:36
hatchI still need one more code review on the css layout changes22:36
hatchand if you would like to weigh in on the lazy render code that would be great22:36
gary_posterk trying22:36
gary_posterhatch I already gave you a review of https://codereview.appspot.com/7452043/.  That's the CSS one, right?22:39
gary_posterMaybe ask Makyo to look at it?  The coder is responsible for drumming up reviewers :-)22:40
gary_posterhatch, https://codereview.appspot.com/7444046/ LGTM with trivial22:43
gary_posterneed to run.  night all22:43
hatchthanks, have a good night!22:43
gary_posteryou too22:43
Makyohatch, which branch?23:00
MakyoLazy render?23:00
* Makyo reviews it anyway, already open.23:03
hatchhey Makyo sorry I stepped away23:05
MakyoNo worries :)23:05
hatchumm the css one https://codereview.appspot.com/7452043/23:05
hatchif you have time :)23:05
hatchwell both really23:05
MakyoHah, alright.  On it.23:06
bachazmat: you around?23:15
hatchMakyo, thanks for the reviews23:16
bachazmat: i'll ask anyway:  i am using cobzr, am in the 'master' checkout of juju-core, and see it is on rev 949.  i do a 'go get -u -v launchpad.net/juju-core/...' and it does stuff.  however, juju-core is still shown to be rev 949.  i then do a 'bzr pull lp:juju-core' and it fetches rev 950.  what's going on?  why didn't 'go get' go get it?23:18
Makyohatch, re: @ubuntu-font, I just meant a definition at the top of the stylesheet: @ubuntu-font: Ubuntu Medium, Helvetica, Ariel;  However, it turns out there already is one, and you can just do font-family: @font-family;23:42
MakyoI know you just submitted, but yeah, future reference thing.23:42
MakyoSorry, @font-family-medium;23:42
hatchohh I thought you were referring to an actual font file....oops :)23:42
MakyoNo worries.  Just a LESS thing.  And boy howdy is that file big now.23:43
hatchI actually want to split the less file up into modules at some point23:43
hatchthat'll probably be a slack task23:43
MakyoYeah, for sure.23:46

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