
DarkwingHey guys00:39
DarkwingRiddell: ping00:50
DarkwingRiddell: NMV, found it.00:51
kubotuScottK: You did something wrong... Try s/you/me/ or tell me "help sed"01:34
DarkwingScottK: don't freak out kubotu01:35
kubotu::qt-bugs:: [744812] FontConfig/Qt stack choke on Ubuntu Medium font meta-data (No medium in Inkscape and too bo... @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/744812 (by Francois Thirioux)07:37
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Quintasanshadeslayer: turns out I'm just wasting time08:32
Quintasanwtf is kpeople anyways?08:32
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Quintasanktp build failures10:21
Quintasanktp build failures everywhere10:21
QuintasanI blame shadeslayer!10:25
* Quintasan looks at logs10:25
Quintasanshadeslayer: There is something wrong with telepathy qt 4 logger10:27
Quintasanfails to be found10:27
Quintasanbut the damn logger got built10:27
Quintasanseems like it needs some tweaking10:28
agateausheytan: btw, I started to use your lightdm background image for the new installer10:35
sheytanagateau: show show show me :D:D10:36
agateaulet me dig a screenshot10:36
agateausheytan: http://simplest-image-hosting.net/png-0-plasma-windowedhz575910:38
sheytanagateau: is the new installer fullscreen?10:39
sheytandoes the wall show only in on the left side panel?10:39
agateausheytan: it runs fullscreen if you select "install" at boot time, it runs windowed if you run it from a live session10:39
agateausheytan: the main content is supposed to be not completely opaque and show the background a bit as well, but maybe it's too opaque right now10:40
agateausheytan: I was worried about making the whole window too dark if I used your background everywhere10:40
sheytanagateau: it won't be :) Can you make a shot of the windowed version where i can see the background in the whole window?10:41
agateausheytan: let me try it (working on Ubiquity is slow...)10:43
sheytanagateau: btw, on some machines, the installer starts ages and on others few secs. Why is that?10:44
agateausheytan: I am not sure exactly, but here it is very slow, most likely because of the way it communicates with debian-installer under the hood10:45
sheytanagateau: maybe it is time to change some code? :)10:45
sheytanif possible ofc :D10:45
agateausheytan: that would require a major rewrite, so not possible10:45
sheytanpossible but out of time i guess :)10:46
agateausheytan: http://simplest-image-hosting.net/png-0-plasma-windowedw2522910:51
agateausheytan: I changed some texts to white to make them readable, but there are many places it would need to be fixed10:52
agateausheytan: I don't feel like diving into that10:52
agateauand it clashes a lot with the window decoration10:52
xnoxwindow decorations crash on kubuntu as well?10:53
agateauxnox: "c*l*ash" as in "too much contrast between window decoration color and content"10:53
agateauxnox: kwin does not do crashes :)10:54
agateau(except when I am doing a lightning talk about Homerun at UDS :/ )10:55
sheytanagateau: well, this looks bad :D i will explain10:58
sheytani though, the installer will be windowed, just like the last few releases and we will use the background10:59
sheytanbut you put the background instead of the png files used previously10:59
agateauI see10:59
sheytanthe new installer won't use them anymore, right?10:59
agateauI think we have different definitions of windowed10:59
sheytanmight be :)11:00
agateaufor me "windowed" means runs in a standard window, with minimize, maximize and close buttons11:00
agateauwhereas I guess for you it is about the "fake" window the installer used to run in11:00
sheytanthat shot you send in mailing list lately was what i mean ;)11:00
agateausheytan: this one? http://simplest-image-hosting.net/png-0-plasma-windowedh1021911:01
sheytanand btw i see that the background is repeated or you don't have the proper file, just cutted out from the lightdm mockup11:02
sheytani see the background in the left panel11:02
sheytanbut does it display under the middel one too?11:02
sheytancan you make the middel panel white background transparent a bit?11:02
agateauyes, I can make it more transparent11:02
agateaubut this is going to darken the whole window, which I don't like much11:02
agateauActually, I was wondering if you could create a version of the texture which would be a bit less sad, adding a slight touch of Kubuntu blue in it for example11:03
agateaummm, maybe the new look is boring because it is still missing the Kubuntu logo in the top-left corner11:04
sheytanagateau: maybe :)11:11
sheytancan you make the middle one transparent so i can see how it looks like?11:11
sheytanthan i will come out with some ideas :)11:11
agateausheytan: lunch time there, I'll look into it this afternoon. Actually I could maybe provide you a .svg for you to experiment with.11:18
sheytanagateau: sure, no problem. Mail me madsheytan at gmail dot com :)11:20
ovidiu-florinhello world :D11:48
Riddellhi ovidiu-florin 11:51
* Darkwing mumbles something about morning12:06
Riddellbut it was yesterday only the other day12:06
shadeslayerQuintasan: common internals needs retrying12:13
DarkwingOkay, coffee just finished12:13
BluesKajHi all12:18
* Riddell wonders why he just got a popup that a new release of kubuntu is available12:20
* Darkwing raises an eyebrow12:21
yofel__That was a known issue, but I forgot where the problem was12:22
Riddellhmm, the High contrast accessibility theme seems to have disappeared, was hoping to test agateau's ubiquity with it12:28
apacheloggerwe have no accessibility12:32
apacheloggerwe just claim that we do so it looks nice12:32
apacheloggerlike we claim that kubuntu is l10n'd12:32
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Riddellapachelogger: yeah most accessibility was lost in the kde 4 transition12:43
Riddellagateau: hah, I was going to point out how there's some issues in right to left mode but ksnapshot is against me http://people.ubuntu.com/~jr/tmp/ubiquity-bi.png12:54
Riddellagateau: and they're no worse than the old layout so not a barrier to merging12:54
Riddellagateau: think layout-refresh is ready to merge?12:54
agateauRiddell: I think so. I am probably going to iterate more on this, but I'd say it is solid enough to be used right now12:55
agateauRiddell: what was the rtl issue?12:56
Riddellagateau: arrows pointing the wrong way12:56
RiddellBreadcrumb.CURRENT: "‣",  doesn't get swapped12:56
Riddellnor the forward/backward buttons12:56
Riddelljust like the old layout though12:57
agateauRiddell: Easy to fix, but maybe it's better to do so in a separate request. That one is quite big already.12:58
Riddellagateau: yeah12:58
Riddellagateau: I'll merge this one now12:58
agateauRiddell: groovy13:00
agateauRiddell: I sent another one yesterday as well13:00
Riddellyep, next to do13:01
agateauRiddell: how do you actually test reverse mode?13:02
agateauoh, pick a rtl language maybe13:02
Riddellagateau: aye scroll down and select something semitic13:03
agateauRiddell: got it13:03
apacheloggeryofel: btw, on the kubuntu automation board you need to do options -> settings -> allow org members to join13:08
smartboyhwGood afternoon to apachelogger and yofel and shadeslayer and Riddell 13:09
kubotusmartboyhw meant: "Good evening to apachelogger and yofel and shadeslayer and Riddell"13:09
* smartboyhw thought of it in UTC format13:09
* smartboyhw writes an angry post to Planet Ubuntu again.13:09
Riddellsmartboyhw: what's angering you today?13:10
smartboyhwRiddell, one of the very excellent devs has decided not to develop for Ubuntu anymore.... (because of new UDS and open-source code not open-sourced)13:10
DarkwingWhat code isn't opensourced?13:12
Darkwingsmartboyhw: what code not open?13:13
smartboyhwDarkwing, Ubuntu Phone + Tablet + TV13:13
DarkwingPhone and Tablet is here http://phablet.ubuntu.com/gitweb13:13
DarkwingThat leaves TV I believe that I don't know where code it.13:14
shadeslayerI'd say that it's fine to keep the source closed until you're ready to release it13:14
Darkwingbut, the phone and tablet is very open.13:14
shadeslayerlike Android does13:14
shadeslayerbut once it's opensourced, plz develop in that git repo13:14
smartboyhwDarkwing, I know, but he says that only 75% of code is open13:14
shadeslayerin the open13:14
popeysmartboyhw: writing angry posts to planet ubuntu is rarely the way to get source code13:14
agateauinteresting to see Canonical using git :)13:14
smartboyhwpopey, I know13:14
apacheloggerwho said the UI was goign to be opensource anyway? :P13:15
smartboyhwIt's not my way to get source code13:15
smartboyhwIt's a complaint to Canonical sort of moving away from the community.13:15
popeysmartboyhw: we're talking to him13:15
Darkwingpopey is trolling kubuntu?13:15
* Darkwing hides13:15
smartboyhwpopey, him -> ?13:15
smartboyhwDarkwing, LOL13:15
popeysmartboyhw: yes, the person you're talking about13:16
Darkwingpopey and jono in less than a week... I feel relivent.13:16
smartboyhwpopey, good13:16
popeyhave faith13:16
popeyDarkwing: I only troll Kubuntu on Wednesdays, sorry.13:16
Darkwingpopey: It's thursday buddy :P:P13:16
apacheloggercurious, that's the same day I do it13:16
smartboyhwpopey, it's Thursday:P13:17
DarkwingWho do I talk to about moving Akademy to May? :D13:17
apacheloggerwho's trolling now? :P13:17
popeyYes. Duh!13:17
shadeslayerit's a conspiracy13:17
popeyi.e. I am not trolling.13:17
apacheloggerDarkwing: lolwut?13:17
shadeslayerDarkwing: cannot be done xD13:17
agateauDarkwing: and make it online only! :)13:17
Darkwingapachelogger: I can't travel in the summer months... I have my kids in the summer.13:17
DarkwingIf it was in May I would be there every year.13:18
smartboyhwSo who's running for the Kubuntu council here?13:18
apacheloggerif it was in May half of KDE wasn't able to attend :P13:18
* smartboyhw is happy he isn't related to it13:18
DarkwingI'm going to run for re-election13:18
agateauThe good news is I expect Ubuntu Tablet devs to attend Akademy this year13:18
popeyVOTE DARKWING!13:18
smartboyhwpopey, LOL13:18
apacheloggerI am not13:18
smartboyhwDarkwing, good one13:18
DarkwingThank you popey13:18
yofel__apachelogger: ok, set13:18
apacheloggerso go find someone else to do your dirty work13:18
smartboyhwapachelogger, not ?13:18
DarkwingYou are apachelogger?13:18
apacheloggerI did not want to run last time around13:19
smartboyhwDarkwing, LOL13:19
apacheloggersomeone nominated me because there were not enough nominees13:19
Riddellpopey: different topic, reading http://planet.ubuntu.com/ I want to listen to the podcast but there's nothing on the ubuntu-uk post that says where to download it13:19
smartboyhwRiddell, oh!?13:19
smartboyhwapachelogger, that's sad13:19
apacheloggeryofel: thx13:19
* smartboyhw is unhappy that he can't vote13:19
apacheloggerthat is entirely your fault13:19
apacheloggeryou had to go become ubuntu-member instead of kubutnu-member13:20
Darkwingsmartboyhw: you should have gone for kubuntu-membership13:20
Riddellagateau: really?  more than one of them?13:20
popeyRiddell: http://podcast.ubuntu-uk.org/2013/02/28/s06e01-we-need-to-talk-about-ubuntu/13:20
popeyclick through13:20
agateauRiddell: yes, given that it's co-hosted with Qt dev days ;)13:20
popeywe have an open "bug" about that13:20
smartboyhwDarkwing, I should have I know.... But then I don't regrest13:20
popeyor subscribe in Klisten or whatever your KDE audio thing is 13:21
popeyAMAROK! that's it isn't it?13:21
Riddellpopey: ah so planet munges it13:21
apacheloggercan amarok do podcasts again?13:21
apacheloggershadeslayer: that thing can't do podcasts13:21
popeyRiddell: kinda, we know we can fix it tho with css i think13:21
apacheloggerI know becuase that thing can't even play all me collection13:21
shadeslayerit can't ? :(13:21
apacheloggerwhich is like annoying13:21
DarkwingI hae all  my podcasts on my N7 and nexus with beyondpod13:21
kubotuDarkwing meant: "I have all  my podcasts on my N7 and nexus with beyondpod"13:22
apacheloggerDarkwing: you're such a fanboy :P13:22
Darkwingapachelogger: Duh13:22
jussibah, got to run. talk to you all later. FWIW, Id vote for Darkwing :D13:22
apacheloggeralso n7 sounds like some nokia product13:22
DarkwingNexus 7 by Asus sound better?13:23
DarkwingMy nexus 7 by asus and my nexus 4 by LG13:23
Riddellagateau: merged!13:28
agateauRiddell: \o/13:28
agateauRiddell: have you been able to go through the slideshow as well?13:29
Riddellagateau: no I was just testing it on my local system13:29
Riddellagateau: is there a reason why that wouldn't work?13:29
agateauRiddell: I don't know, it fails with an empty crash message here, but trunk before merge failed the same way :/13:30
Riddellagateau: mm you said, I'll try it in a virtual machine after lunch13:30
agateauRiddell: I assume ubiquity should be able to run correctly to the end from an installed system13:31
* Darkwing screams at the wiki13:34
=== Guest51288 is now known as shadeslayer__
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DarkwingI scream at a wiki and kill all converstaion14:07
DarkwingKMail... why you hate kubuntu-devel lists?14:11
=== bambee is now known as rperier
DarkwingThis is such a bugger...14:25
Darkwingwhen I view my messages online via my servers webmail, I have them... KMail isn't downloading or syncing my messages in 12.04LTS14:25
Darkwingunless KMail doesn't like 50,000+ Messages14:27
DarkwingMaybe I should take a few hours and clean out my inbox.14:28
ScottKIt's Akonadi and that many in one directory will cause problems.14:30
DarkwingIt's just strange that I get some and not others.14:36
ScottKI have one with ~30K and it's marginal.  I get all or none, but sometimes it hangs.14:38
DarkwingLike, I have not recieved a single kubuntu-devel email in 201314:39
DarkwingBut, it's only that list14:39
smartboyhwDarkwing, !?14:39
* smartboyhw feels weird14:39
DarkwingIt's showing up in my webmail.14:39
Darkwingsmartboyhw: How so?14:43
smartboyhwDarkwing, because it doesn't show up14:47
DarkwingI'll figure it out... Prolly just a 50,000+ email problem.14:48
Riddellagateau: what does your ubiquity do when running before the full desktop session?15:23
Riddellis kwin running?15:23
xnoxwhich is launched by ubiquity upstart job, which start it's own X server and kwin in case of Qt frontend.15:23
agateauRiddell: I haven't touch this15:24
Riddellxnox: ok good, kwin will do something sensible then15:24
* xnox ponders if qt should be booting with kernel arg maybe-ubiquity and display "greeter" mode like gtk frontend15:24
xnoxwith pretty buttons install/try kubuntu15:24
lordievaderGood afternoon15:31
smartboyhwRiddell, would there be a Kubuntu UDS March session?15:49
yofel__Maybe we should have one just to try it out15:52
smartboyhwyofel__, then when?15:52
yofel__no idea so far. Till when do the session have to be created?15:53
smartboyhwyofel__, ask jono:P15:53
DarkwingNot the best of ideas... 15:53
DarkwingThat would be interesting... a UDS before the realease of 13.0415:54
yofel__Darkwing: it might not be productive, but we would at least know how it's *supposed* to work15:54
* yofel__ has never used a google hangout so far15:54
Darkwingyofel__: Never?15:55
DarkwingI'm not even sure I have you on G+15:56
Riddellend of releases15:56
yofel__Darkwing: I have you at least15:56
DarkwingIf you wish to test... https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/644da17b2202d1a6b71f6c10f32ad4adc6d5261e?authuser=0&hl=en15:56
yofel__can't right now, I'm at work15:57
Darkwingahhh, kk. Let me know and we can jump on really quick15:57
DarkwingI'll just lurk in this hangout for a while.15:57
yofel__oooooh, the Rolling Release announcement!15:58
smartboyhwTime has changed to 2-8 UTC15:58
DarkwingI thought LTS had changed to every 4 years15:58
smartboyhwRiddell, DAMN15:58
yofel__if the archive gets some restructuring it's doable. But with only release, -proposed and -backports it's HARD15:59
smartboyhwDarkwing, whoa? 4 YEARS?16:00
DarkwingOh, nevermind, 316:00
Darkwingand 5 for server16:00
smartboyhwDarkwing, it's now all 516:01
yofel__"usable every day" -> note that skype is currently unusable in raring16:01
yofel__ah wait16:01
smartboyhwyofel__, oh16:01
DarkwingI HATE SKYPE. that's all16:01
smartboyhwDarkwing, why?16:01
DarkwingRight 5 years... However, Ricks email got that wrong... 16:02
Darkwing= Role of the LTS Releases =16:02
DarkwingMany users prefer their OS does not change very often. We have a great16:02
Darkwingsystem in place for these users. Every 2 years Ubuntu release an LTS and16:02
Darkwingusers can ride that LTS for the whole support period. Since the LTS comes16:02
Darkwingout every 2 years, they can set a 2 year cadence of updates if they want to16:02
yofel__smartboyhw: nvm, it's not16:02
Darkwingstay "up to date" with LTS releases. I think this 2 year cadence works out16:02
Darkwingvery well for these users. So, this proposal maintains those LTS releases16:02
Darkwingas anchors for those users.16:02
yofel__qtwebkit is still in proposed16:02
yofel__bug 1131636 is to be noted though16:02
smartboyhwDarkwing, 5 years means supporting 16:02
ubottubug 1131636 in qtwebkit-source (Ubuntu) "After QtWebkit update Skype is not launching" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/113163616:02
smartboyhwIt releases every two years16:02
smartboyhwThen it is supported for 516:02
DarkwingOkay. this is crazy IMO.16:03
DarkwingThis is going to get fun16:03
yofel__ * Take a monthly snapshot of the development release, which we support only until the next snapshot16:04
yofel__That ^ will not work16:04
yofel__at least not for everyone if only one date can be set16:04
* smartboyhw quites16:04
mikhasmakes is harder for you guys, I assume16:04
yofel__it has good and bad points. We would for example save the Q/A time for one backport release as we currently do the kde 4.10 backports for 2 stable releases16:07
yofel__but we would need some way to test e.g. 4.10.0 for the rolling release and then published the full tested package set at once16:08
yofel__which currently is rather hard to do I think16:08
Darkwingwould a rolling release allow us to intergrate KDE?16:08
Riddellwe could make a CD image just after KDE SC releases16:08
Riddellso it might16:08
yofel__Darkwing: no, as it should be always usable, we can't put any beta/RC's in there16:08
Riddellug, yes16:09
DarkwingSo, what if we... damn16:09
yofel__gentoo has a sensible way to do this as apachelogger said. We currently do not16:09
DarkwingHow does gentoo? I missed that?16:09
Riddelldifferent archives for beta software I presume16:11
davmor2Riddell, yofel: How long is SC in place?  ie if it releases on march 2 there is no reason why you can't support that as a monthly roll cd, so you have kde, kde-sc, and kde-lts as images?16:11
yofel__Darkwing: it's a bit similiar to debian stable/unstable/experimental. Except that you would mass-move stuff from unstable to stable by changing the arch tag16:12
yofel__from ~amd64 to amd64 IIRC (or something like that, haven't used it in a long time)16:12
Darkwing*Could* Kubuntu be setup that way with daily/snapshot?16:12
yofel__I wonder how Arch does this16:12
yofel__they need to worry about binary publication too16:12
yofel__davmor2: it releases ~monthly~ but the dates aren't really fixed16:13
davmor2yofel__: arch aren't really set to we won't break your system16:14
yofel__true, but that's then pretty much what raring is right now16:15
davmor2yofel__: Yeah so you do an sc monthly snapshot image for the adventurous, kde is the stable rolling, and then lts is the one that your customers utilise16:16
shadeslayerI only see a Re: Let's Discuss Interim Releases (and a Rolling Release)16:17
shadeslayerno original email16:17
shadeslayergmail ate it up16:17
yofel__shadeslayer: I do16:17
Darkwingshadeslayer: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2013-February/036537.html16:17
shadeslayerno follow up emails :(16:18
yofel__davmor2: yeah, but where would you pre-test kde releases for the kde stable? Everything in PPA's? Feature development in PPA's too? Integration testing by adding a bunch of PPA's?16:18
* shadeslayer has to use the sucky mailman interface now16:18
shadeslayeryofel__: Darkwing http://wstaw.org/m/2013/02/28/plasma-desktopsr8306.png16:18
yofel__shadeslayer: there's the original from him, the follow up and a mail from pitti16:19
shadeslayeranyone want to do a tl;dr of what has been discussed here so far?16:19
shadeslayeryofel__: I searched using the subject line16:19
shadeslayernothing in spam as well16:20
davmor2yofel__: I guess that is what you will need to tune in for tomorrow I have no idea how it would work I'm just presenting a possibly solution to the issue of getting SC in earlier for those that are interested16:20
yofel__true, we'll have to see. I'll try to make some time to listen tomorrow16:21
shadeslayerwhy can't we put beta's and RC's into the rolling release16:23
shadeslayerfor me usable is : Packages install fine, startkde works16:23
shadeslayerif there's a bug in KDE, not my fault16:23
DarkwingEsp if yoiu going to be a "Daily" user16:23
shadeslayerunless I did it16:23
DarkwingBeing a daily user means there will/can be some breakage.16:24
shadeslayerand since we have auto-upgrade-tester running every sunday16:24
shadeslayerit shouldn't be a huge issue to upgrade from LTS to rolling16:24
Darkwinga "monthly" will get the goodies in a slightly more stable environment.16:25
Darkwingthen the LTS will be good to go.16:25
shadeslayerI don't want to do monthlies16:25
shadeslayerI want to do a new CD image after every KDE release16:25
DarkwingOhhhhhhhhhh.... I like that.16:25
shadeslayerwhich is somewhat monthly16:25
shadeslayerbut instead of having it at the end of each month, spin a new CD 2-3 days after KDE release16:26
Darkwingrolling daily with beta and SC, "monthly with KDE releases and LTS.16:26
shadeslayersomething like that yes16:26
DarkwingAnyone else see issues with that idea?16:26
shadeslayerthis also allows us to do awesome tablet stuff16:26
shadeslayerPA can more easily be released etc16:27
shadeslayerdid anyone upload poppler?16:27
* shadeslayer drops that into trello16:27
DarkwingThat would money with release versions though, wouldn't it?16:27
DarkwingOr, woudl it still be year.month?16:28
yofel__I hadn't read the part with the snapshots back then. If we can put a freeze on KDE before beta then we can put them into the daily archive16:28
Darkwingyofel__: you like/dislike the idea?16:28
DarkwingIt would give us the most current KDE ava16:29
shadeslayeryofel__: err ... I don't think monthlies is viable for us16:29
shadeslayerwe don't /have/ to stick with what ubuntu's CD release plans are :P16:29
yofel__both actually. It'll be less work, but we need to be able to provide a usable system to users16:29
shadeslayerwe can do a CD release after a KDE release16:29
shadeslayeryofel__: define usable16:29
DarkwingNo, but I like the idea of KDE beta/SC being in a daily and a CD release after the KDE release as long as there was an upgrade path.16:29
yofel__I'm particulary interested in how to do gcc transitions and so on16:30
DarkwingOh dang... this is going to be a docs nightmare....16:30
DarkwingUnless, I moved the docs online then, exported it as XML for the KDE releases16:30
yofel__shadeslayer: is synaptiks usable in raring?16:30
DarkwingI need to monkey with those.16:31
shadeslayeryofel__: depends on how you use it :>16:31
shadeslayerthe kcm? nope16:31
yofel__sure, we can focus on bugfixing in monthly-sprints, but it would still take some getting used to16:31
davmor2Darkwing: no it won't, you concentrate you're docs team on the LTS releases and add helpful pointers to updated features maybe16:31
shadeslayerbut if you run it via krunner, it works16:32
shadeslayerbecause it forces python216:32
yofel__which reminds me16:32
yofel__Quintasan, ScottK: did someone of you have time to look at pykde4?16:32
yofel__if not we should fix that while we work on 4.10.116:33
yofel__TBH wrt. betas. I would really keep those in a PPA until the last point release for 4.X-1 is out16:35
Darkwingdavmor2: That's a good idea... 16:35
DarkwingMaybe, having docs updated as we go online, then have the docs package for LTS...16:36
ScottKyofel__: If they go with this new model, we'll end up doing all our development work in PPAs.16:37
shadeslayerScottK: I don't see how16:38
shadeslayer*I /still/ don't see how16:38
ScottKIf rolling has to be usable all the time, you can't land KDE betas in it.16:38
ScottKProbably not even .016:39
yofel__IMO .0 would be ok, it's *usable*, not bugfree, but usable is all we need16:39
shadeslayerokay, so the definition of usable for me is "Packages install, you can start KDE"16:39
yofel__and we already kind of develop in the experimental PPA16:39
yofel__the integration part is what I'm worried about16:40
shadeslayerbut if there's a bug in KDE, we report it upstream and wait for the next bug fix release16:40
ScottKRight, but usable it usable for non-developers16:40
shadeslayerwell, that's what LTS is for16:40
shadeslayerif you're using the rolling release, you might encounter some bugs16:40
yofel__ScottK: I actually agree with shadeslayer there16:40
ScottKSome bugs, but not significant regressions.16:40
ScottKKDE betas regularly have significant regressions16:40
shadeslayerScottK: if it's a significant regression in KDE, then we report it upstream and include the fix in our packages as soon as it's out16:41
ScottKRight, but in the mean time, rolling users suffer.16:41
ScottKthat's what's not supposed to happen16:41
shadeslayerI do get your point16:41
apacheloggeryofel__: non-ppa output of buildstatus is still weird16:41
yofel__apachelogger: as in?16:42
shadeslayerbut if it's a problem in KDE, we can't really do alot about it, most of the other users of other distros will still be facing the issue16:42
apacheloggeryofel__: buildstatus amarok16:42
ScottKWe can keep it out of a release that users are encouraged to use.16:42
apacheloggeron that note16:42
yofel__apachelogger: read --help16:42
apacheloggerthe ppa output appears to miss a newline at the end :O16:42
shadeslayerbut are users encouraged to use the rolling release?16:42
shadeslayeror are they encouraged to use the LTS?16:42
yofel__apachelogger: the *default* behaviour is still old output and archive query16:42
shadeslayerif its the former then that's bad IMHO16:43
apacheloggeryofel__: but why? 16:43
shadeslayerif users are concerned about breakage, use LTS 16:43
yofel__apachelogger: oh right, the newline is indeed missing16:43
shadeslayerfor me breakage is : OMG packages don't install16:43
ScottKFrom the mail:16:43
yofel__apachelogger: why not?16:43
ScottKThat means users could choose:16:43
ScottK * The LTS release16:43
ScottK * The rolling release updated daily or as frequently as desired16:43
ScottK * The rolling release updated at least monthly16:43
ScottKSo yes, users are encouraged to use it.16:43
apacheloggeryofel__: what's the point of keeping the old output? ^^16:43
ScottKshadeslayer: you're a developer.16:44
shadeslayerI know :P16:44
apacheloggeris it announced yet?16:44
ScottKSo your view of breakage is different.16:44
Darkwingapachelogger: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2013-February/036539.html16:44
ScottKapachelogger: Yes.  see ubuntu-devel ML16:44
shadeslayerapachelogger: its weird, I don't have the email16:44
yofel__apachelogger: I'll ping you about that once I get home, can't code here anyway16:44
apacheloggerI thought we wanted to discuss it as a community? ;)16:44
ScottKIt's framed as a discussion.16:44
Darkwingit is in discussion16:44
apacheloggerScottK: how does the rolling relase updated at least monthly thing work?16:45
apacheloggerlike gentoo does it16:45
yofel__what? we're discussiong how to do it. Aren't we? ^^16:45
shadeslayerhow does rolling monthly stuff work16:45
apacheloggeri.e. that would make sense to me16:45
shadeslayerhuh? :P16:45
yofel__apachelogger: how does arch do it?16:46
yofel__gentoo doesn't really have binaries which puts them into a different position16:46
apacheloggerwhatever is in arch is in arch16:47
yofel__they only have one archive?16:47
apacheloggerwell, they have an inofficial one16:47
apacheloggerbut they do not have a staging nor consolidation area16:47
apacheloggerwhen something breaks it breaks for everyone16:47
apacheloggeryofel__: also gentoo is not really different16:48
apacheloggerthe only difference is that with binaries you need a staging ground to ensure binary consistancy16:48
apacheloggeri.e. what we use -proposed for right now16:48
yofel__I meant that in gentoo you yourself are responsible for working out library transitions etc.16:48
apacheloggercrap lands in proposed, when it does not break the world it moves to main pocket16:48
shadeslayeroh btw16:48
shadeslayerapachelogger: I talked to a PA dev16:49
apacheloggerwhat gentoo has is that new crap is additional masked which is a stage we do not have right now16:49
shadeslayerapachelogger: the audio stack on ubuntu touch is fun16:49
shadeslayerapachelogger: http://www.asciiflow.com/#Draw7961030293385429866/38465150116:49
shadeslayerapachelogger: see 116:50
apacheloggerwtf is audiotrack?16:50
apacheloggeror audiohal?16:50
apacheloggertotally don't get that graphic16:51
apacheloggerandroid stuff I presume16:51
shadeslayerthe hardware abstraction layer on Android16:51
apacheloggerdon't see what is wrong with the stack then16:51
shadeslayerAudioTrack is probably the Android stuff as well16:51
shadeslayer[22:03:02] <shadeslayer> Ford_Prefect: is that a good thing?16:52
shadeslayer[22:03:13] <Ford_Prefect> It's absolutely hellish16:52
apacheloggerdon't see why tbh16:52
apacheloggerother than what the pa alsa plugin has to do with it16:52
shadeslayerfrom a phonon POV it looks like too many levels of abstraction16:53
shadeslayerPhonon -> GStreamer/VLC -> PulseAudio(?) -> AudioTrack -> AF -> Audio HAL -> SoC16:53
apacheloggerwhy PA?16:54
shadeslayerthat's why the '?' 16:54
apacheloggerPhonon->VLC->AudioTrack->AudioFlinger->Audio HAL-> ASoC16:54
shadeslayerwhat about gstreamer?16:55
apacheloggerdon't care about gstreamer on android tBH16:55
apacheloggervlc is better16:55
apacheloggerplus vlc on android is actively pursued16:55
shadeslayerjust because you wrote it doesn't make it better16:55
apacheloggerbusiness strategic even16:55
apacheloggershadeslayer: actually, no, VLC makes it better16:55
shadeslayerI'm reasonably certain that there's gst on android as well16:56
apacheloggergstreamer is expensive16:56
apacheloggerand I for one would not want to use it on any embedded setup if I can help it16:56
apacheloggerbecause of the way it is designed16:56
apacheloggerit's a framework16:56
apacheloggervlc is a library16:56
shadeslayerI thought vlc is the app ;)16:57
apacheloggeryou cannot build aribtrary pipelines in vlc, there is no code for that, you can replicate autogenerated pipelines and change/add input/output16:57
apacheloggerwith vlc you can buidl your own pipeline16:58
apacheloggeryou can even chain pipelines together16:58
shadeslayerwhat you said does not make sense16:58
apacheloggerto support that there needs to be codez and abstraction and stuff16:58
apacheloggershadeslayer: point being... gstreamer is made to support every possible use case, vlc is not16:58
shadeslayerso gstreamer is like KDE and vlc is like .. OS X16:59
apacheloggergstreamer is a framework and vlc is a library16:59
shadeslayerokay, I can live with that16:59
apacheloggerthere is no situation where Phonon would talk to pulse on android17:00
* shadeslayer can't wait for repo sync to be over17:00
apacheloggerif gstreamer has no audiotrack output it is simply crap17:00
shadeslayerapachelogger: not even if you use the gstreamer backend?17:00
shadeslayergst simply outputs to audiotrack?17:01
apacheloggerI would hope so17:01
apacheloggerotherwise they are not really supporting android and if I were canonical I'd try to get it out of the touch stack17:01
apacheloggerpiling PA ontop of the android abstraction is a nice thing for initial development/porting17:02
apacheloggerthat's where it stop being useful though17:02
shadeslayerI see17:02
apacheloggerit's basically replicating what android's audio middleware does already17:02
apacheloggerthis conversation lasted so long I got ssh disconnected :S17:03
apacheloggernow vim is crying about backup files :@17:04
shadeslayerapachelogger: from what I've been told gst goes through OpenSL|E17:04
shadeslayeron Android17:04
apacheloggeryofel__: I can do --series on non-ppa queries, right?17:05
shadeslayerso presumably that'll what'll happen on Ubuntu as well ... maybe17:05
shadeslayerthough currently it uses PA17:05
apacheloggerwouldn't SL ES bypass the android middleware?17:05
shadeslayerpresumably that's for the future?17:06
yofel__apachelogger: not yet. That should be doable but it currently just takes the last 10 archive builds and ignores the pocket17:06
shadeslayerapachelogger: what I'm saying is, gst goes through PA right now, but maybe in the future they'll just use SLES17:06
apacheloggershadeslayer: what's wrong with using vlc on touch? :P17:06
apacheloggerPA > SL ES in that instance I think17:06
shadeslayerapachelogger: nothing, I'm just curious as to how just this works :P17:06
yofel__that's simply the old code that was left, should probably just be thrown out and replaced with the one for PPA's17:07
yofel__I'll do that later17:07
apacheloggerwith PA you have pointless overhead but at least stuff nicely integrates with the middleware17:07
kubotushadeslayer meant: "apachelogger: nothing, I'm  curious as to how just this works :P"17:07
* yofel__ makes his way home17:07
apacheloggeryofel: so, I'd ditch the multi-line output and make pocket and ppa queries work17:07
apacheloggerso that one can query archive precise-backports whether .5 is built yet etc.17:08
apacheloggershadeslayer: I'd try to find out how useful the android middleware is on ubuntu touch17:09
apacheloggeror perhaps what the long-term plan is for the audio stack there17:09
agateauRiddell: right-to-left merge request soon. http://simplest-image-hosting.net/png-0-plasma-windowedy20921 17:10
Riddellagateau: cool, our semitic friends will be happy :)17:10
shadeslayerapachelogger: yeah, I'm thinnking of getting involved there17:11
apacheloggerif the audiotrack foo is not useful I suppose one coudl simply put the entire stack on PA->OpenSL ES (considering OpenSL ES is not also implemented on top of audiotrack)17:11
shadeslayerapachelogger: need to complete the download first :p17:11
Riddellamichair: especially for you ^^17:11
shadeslayerapachelogger: I don't think the AT stuff is public API17:11
apacheloggershadeslayer: actually j-b may know how that stuff works on android17:12
apacheloggeralso vlc has an audiotrack aout17:12
apacheloggerso there probably is some public api somewhere :P17:12
shadeslayeryeah, it's caled SL ES17:12
apacheloggeragateau: looks like opensuse installer now :P17:13
agateauapachelogger: heh :)17:13
apacheloggershadeslayer: vlc does not use opensl es on android17:13
apacheloggerit has an output17:13
shadeslayertime to ask j-b then17:13
apacheloggerit's not used by default17:13
apacheloggerthat's a good idea ^^17:13
apacheloggeragateau: looks nicer though :)17:14
agateauapachelogger: thanks!17:14
RiddellI wonder if semitic languages do their ticks the opposite way17:14
agateauI was wondering about that17:14
shadeslayerapachelogger: it says AudioTrack (Java/Native) and openSLES17:14
shadeslayerapachelogger: so lul17:14
agateaubut I don't think so, seeing as we do not have reversed tick icons in Oxygen17:14
shadeslayerit uses one of the 3 depending on what you specify17:14
apacheloggerit has a deafult...17:15
apacheloggerit always has a default...17:15
shadeslayerthe default is SLES I think17:15
shadeslayerbecause I haven't messed with the default17:15
apacheloggerask j-b!17:15
apacheloggerand ask why17:15
apacheloggeragain ssh timeout17:16
apacheloggerthx shadeslayer -.-17:16
* agateau has committed 5 pep8 sins with his last commit17:16
shadeslayerapachelogger: you're welcome17:17
shadeslayerGMail eating emails17:18
davmor2shadeslayer: check your junk folder17:20
shadeslayeryou mean spam? 17:20
shadeslayeralready did17:20
shadeslayergmail ate like 80% of the conversation17:21
shadeslayerScottK: "I think this will greatly simplify handling bugs. If there's a bug in an LTS release, it's worthwhile to get it fixed, as that's what most of our users will be using."17:22
ScottKIf we could get KDE to update a release for two years, that'd be a great idea.17:22
shadeslayerisn't that an issue with our current LTS releases as well?17:23
apacheloggeryofel: oh, perhaps version would be worthwhile to display as well17:37
shadeslayery u no use ubuntu-build17:38
apacheloggercuz its crap17:40
apacheloggerdunno actually17:40
BluesKaj 17:40
apachelogger~buildstatus digikam quantal kubuntu-ppa/backports17:41
kubotudigikam [quantal]: [amd64] => Successfully built [i386] => Successfully built17:41
Riddellagateau: http://people.ubuntu.com/~jr/tmp/ubiquity-slide.png17:42
Riddellagateau: feels like that webview is a fixed size but the size doesn't match the HTML17:42
agateauRiddell: Oh... the ugliness :(17:43
agateauAnd the background needs to be fixed17:43
agateauRiddell: will look at this tomorrow17:43
apacheloggerit's what you get for not slideshowing using qml....17:43
agateauRiddell: Did you bump into the bug I mentioned?17:44
Riddellagateau: running in virtualbox on today's daily CD with your changes copied into place17:44
agateauapachelogger: :)17:44
Riddellagateau: which bug is that?17:44
agateauRiddell: my weird crash while installing17:44
Riddellagateau: still installing here17:44
agateauI see another bug, "Install" should be highlighted, not "user info"17:44
Riddellooh yes17:45
Riddellagateau: how come the background it in .xcf format?17:45
agateauRiddell: I created a xcf for the whole thing, but it's a work document: the code loads png generated from the xcf17:46
Riddellthat makes sense17:46
agateauRiddell: still pondering if I should mix it back into the existing svg17:46
agateauit's bad to have both17:46
apacheloggershadeslayer: please post urls in the card description17:46
apacheloggerthey are not hrefs otherwise17:46
apacheloggerRiddell: u on trello yet?17:46
Riddellapachelogger: do I want to know what that is?17:46
Riddellis it yet another social thing?17:47
apacheloggertopic :P17:47
apacheloggerRiddell: I decided yesterday that we will stop using work items and instead use a more agile todo approach17:47
* Riddell is lost in a maze of social networks all alike17:47
apacheloggereveryone is17:48
apacheloggernot a lot of social in trello though17:48
agateauRiddell: it's basically a (well done) shared todo list17:49
Riddellwith nothing in it yet?17:50
agateauHaven't checked the kubuntu one, but it's true it does not come preloaded with tasks for you to do :)17:50
agateautime to go, see you tomorrow17:51
apacheloggeragateau: Riddell: what be your usernames?17:51
apacheloggeror let's try this another way17:52
apacheloggeryou should have a mail in your inbox17:53
Riddellapachelogger: I've no idea, I logged in with google17:57
Riddellapachelogger: @jonathanriddell  I think17:58
apacheloggerone can add via mail addy ^^17:58
apacheloggerexcept I sent to your ubuntu one so that did not work as intended ^^17:58
apacheloggerI like how the rolling release stuff forked into 30000 threads18:00
apacheloggerway to block my inbox :P18:00
Riddellapachelogger: never trust a free service, what's in it for trello?18:09
apacheloggerwondered about that too18:11
apacheloggerI have no idea18:11
apacheloggerthen again same with twitter18:11
apacheloggerso what would they do, tell our competition that we are working on a new LTS release for 14.04? :P18:12
Quintasanshadeslayer: I see you retried common internals18:12
QuintasanWe really need to get a recent snapshot working in dailies18:12
QuintasanI haven't seen a ktp release for quite a while18:12
QuintasanRiddell: I really have no idea what to think now, do we even have to bother with Ubuntu's change to rolling distro or whatnot?18:19
RiddellQuintasan: well we can't just ignore it18:19
QuintasanWe can't? :(18:20
RiddellQuintasan: even if we make 13.04 images in april, people will install them in june and get a million updates immediately18:20
QuintasanI think the question should be "Do we care"18:21
* Quintasan doesn't give a damn18:23
Quintasanas long as we put up a decent distro ourselves I'm not really concered with timelines18:23
BluesKajso it's true , ubuntu is switching to a rolling distro ...hmm how long before kubuntu does , or does the ubuntu switch determine kubuntu's future releases?18:23
Riddellit determines a lot18:24
* BluesKaj nods18:24
QuintasanRiddell: To me it feels like: "Yeah, another change which will affect only when I'm supposed to be done"18:24
apacheloggerRiddell: when creating a board you need to go to options->settings->allow org members to join18:30
apacheloggerhaven't found a setting to make that default unfortunately18:30
Riddellhi bolo 19:05
bolohi :)19:06
bolohow can i help?19:06
Riddellbolo: ooh that all depends on what your skills and interests are19:06
shadeslayerfor about 45 mins nothing but Google worked19:11
shadeslayerstupid thing19:11
* shadeslayer shudders19:12
shadeslayeryofel: so, poppler, that'll need a transition19:23
shadeslayersites are down again :|19:25
apacheloggeryofel, debfx: ping19:28
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: ping19:32
yofelapachelogger: buildstatus updated19:32
yofel$ ./bin/buildstatus --ppa kubuntu-ppa/backports --short digikam quantal19:33
yofelFontconfig warning: "/etc/fonts/conf.d/50-user.conf", line 9: reading configurations from ~/.fonts.conf is deprecated.19:33
yofeldigikam [4:3.0.0-0ubuntu1~ubuntu12.10~ppa1|quantal]: [amd64] => Successfully built [i386] => Successfully built19:33
yofelstupid fontconfig19:33
apacheloggeryofel: btw, how did you turn off launchpad l10n?19:33
yofellaunchpad l10n?19:33
apacheloggerextraction etc.19:34
yofelI didn't do anything. 19:34
yofelI think that automatically stopped when we moved to universe19:34
yofelRiddell should know19:34
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: pong19:35
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kde4libs/+bug/107841219:36
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1078412 in kde4libs (Ubuntu) "package libkdewebkit5 4:4.9.2-0ubuntu3 failed to install/upgrade: package libkdewebkit5 is not ready for configuration cannot configure (current status `half-installed')" [Undecided,New]19:36
apacheloggerno clue what to do with that19:36
apacheloggerRiddell: ping19:36
Riddellhi apachelogger 19:37
Riddellping dpm for l10n stuff19:38
apacheloggerhe's awol :P19:39
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: at 2012-11-13  08:31:49 aptdaemon prepares to replace libkdewebkit5, but the log abruptly ends19:39
yofel$ ./bin/buildstatus --pocket Proposed --short qtwebkit-source raring19:40
yofelqtwebkit-source [2.3-0ubuntu6|raring]: [amd64] => Successfully built [armhf] => Successfully built [i386] => Successfully built [powerpc] => Failed to build19:40
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: yeah, aptdaemon people say it's not their fault19:40
apacheloggerI say something interrupted aptdaemon there19:41
yofelhm, should be raring-proposed19:41
apacheloggerwhich then left the package broken19:41
Riddell05:32 < doko> Riddell, qtwebkit-source failed again, maybe add DEFINES+=ENABLE_ASSEMBLER=0 too?19:41
Riddellyofel: that's the next thing to try ⇈19:41
yofelpossibly, rumors are that it breaks skype btw.19:41
apacheloggerby default universe is not l10nmangled19:41
apacheloggerto make our software mangled we need to add X-Ubuntu-Use-Langpack to the control file19:42
apacheloggerthen we need to figure out how to get the translations from lunchpad into a langpack19:42
* JontheEchidna should have read apachelogger's comment in the bug19:42
JontheEchidnabut hey, at least we agree :P19:42
apacheloggersame for whatever way we decide to deal with patch based strings19:42
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: so how do we make the aptdaemon people agree? :P19:43
JontheEchidnamaybe glatzor failed to notice that the time for the failure he gave was after the one you gave?19:43
JontheEchidnathat it failed again later is to be expected, if aptdaemon suddenly went away several hours earlier19:44
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: I'll leave it in your capable hands19:44
apacheloggerI am this -><- close to getting kde4libs report free19:44
yofelqtwebkit-source [2.3-0ubuntu6|raring-proposed]: [amd64] => Successfully built [armhf] => Successfully built [i386] => Successfully built [powerpc] => Failed to build19:47
yofeldone from my side19:48
apacheloggerwill deploy asap19:55
apacheloggerI think we can retire kubuntu-konqueror-shortcuts transition20:01
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: to get apps to show up in MSC the repo needs to provide some file?20:06
apacheloggerkubotu: buildstatus kscreen precise kubuntu-ppa/backports20:06
kubotukscreen [precise]: [amd64] => Dependency wait [i386] => Dependency wait20:07
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: if the app has a .desktop file and the app is in the archive, then next time the app-install-data package is respun/uploaded then it will show up20:07
apacheloggerkubotu: buildstatus kscreen quantal kubuntu-ppa/backports20:07
kubotukscreen [quantal]: [amd64] => Dependency wait [i386] => Dependency wait20:07
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: I am thinking about PPAs actually20:07
JontheEchidnaoh, then it wouldn't20:07
apacheloggerany way we can make that happen?20:07
apacheloggeruse case being ... if kde 4.10 has more apps they won't show in precise's MSC20:08
JontheEchidna(to that last remark, not your question)20:09
JontheEchidnait'd be tricky to get it to work20:09
apacheloggernot worth it then I guess20:09
apacheloggerwth is libkscreen on dep-wait20:09
apacheloggerMissing build dependencies: libqjson-dev (>= 0.8.0)20:10
apacheloggeroh right20:10
apachelogger"we had to dep on a super new version of a crap library just so we can annoy you more"20:10
apacheloggerafiestas: thanks again for that20:10
apacheloggerdon't want to put it into official backports now20:11
apacheloggerafiestas: http://i.imgur.com/9c5gM0g.png20:13
apacheloggerscaling is broken20:13
apacheloggeror perhaps my version is very old20:13
apacheloggerno clue where it is from tbh ^^20:13
apacheloggerwas in experimental ppa20:14
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: I think bug 1078412 should go to aptdaemon again, and if they can't think of a regular reason this could have happened they can simply close it20:16
ubottubug 1078412 in kde4libs (Ubuntu) "package libkdewebkit5 4:4.9.2-0ubuntu3 failed to install/upgrade: package libkdewebkit5 is not ready for configuration cannot configure (current status `half-installed')" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/107841220:16
apacheloggermay be that the user rebooted or something20:16
JontheEchidnabe my guest :P20:16
JontheEchidnait'll probably just expire anyways20:16
yofelapachelogger: he actually had a valid reason to use new qjson20:22
yofelbut I'm too lazy to dig it up from the logs20:22
apacheloggerthere would have been a valid reason to rip the json crap out of qt5 and create an entirely new library for qt420:24
apacheloggeranything else I consider not justified20:25
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: moved and told them to close it instead of handing it back to us20:25
apacheloggernow I wanted to do something cool and forgot what it was20:27
apacheloggerah ... we still need to do the about dialog btw20:28
apacheloggerwhen's feature freeze again?20:28
apacheloggerScottK: bug 1086840 still there?20:29
ubottubug 1086840 in kde4libs (Ubuntu Raring) "Missing bookmarks.xml error when using plasma-netbook" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/108684020:29
apacheloggeragateau: if you have UI input on bug 215383 it would be much appreciated20:29
ubottubug 215383 in kde4libs (Ubuntu) "About Kubuntu information box" [Wishlist,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/21538320:29
* apachelogger wonders where sheytan is 20:29
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: I wonder what to do with bug 95915120:30
ubottubug 959151 in kde4libs (Ubuntu) "QDBusConnection: session D-Bus connection created before QCoreApplication. Application may misbehave." [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/95915120:30
JontheEchidnait gets reported a lot, so keeping it open might be good for finding duplicates20:31
apacheloggerI want no open reports on kde4libs :(20:31
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: doesn't get reported often btw20:31
apacheloggerI see 2 dups20:31
JontheEchidnathat could be because the report has been open20:32
apacheloggerfirst thing you find when googling launchpad QDBusConnection though20:32
JontheEchidna39 people ticked the "does this affect me" thing20:32
apacheloggerI always wonder how resaonable those numbers are20:33
apacheloggerthere are bugs that should be killing users and they have like 3 affects me20:33
JontheEchidnasomething lunchpad actually did ok ^^20:33
apacheloggerthen there's this stuff20:33
apacheloggerthis really messes with my plan for clean kde4libs though :@20:33
apacheloggerwe could set an env var in kuniqueapp and read it in qt and only print the message if the var is not set (i.e. no kuniqueapp) ^^20:34
ScottKapachelogger: Didn't try it lately.20:38
soeegood evening ...20:43
apacheloggershadeslayer: I feel like we should have a SRU board or perhaps boards for 12.10/12.04 to track backports/srus20:57
apacheloggerlike I keep forgetting to look into why pgst is not yet in proposed20:57
amichair_Riddell: I prefer an English interface, actually :-) was there anything you'd like me to do with that, or was it just fmi?20:58
* yofel looks at people saying the rolling release proposal will be discussed at virt-UDS next week21:26
* yofel looks at g+ 10 people limit21:26
yofelthis is *so* not going to work21:26
=== murthy_ is now known as murthy
murthyhello everyone21:41
yofelhi murthy22:15
murthyyofel: HI22:16
murthyyofel: apachelogger  i have finished the debian/copyright for tomahawk and it passed lintian check. http://paste.kde.org/684560/22:19
murthyapachelogger: shall i upload and request a merge?22:19
murthyapachelogger: tomahawk's debian/control missing homepage url22:22
Darkwingyofel: When I asked Mr. Bacon about the 10 G+ Hangout limit he said something along the idea that there would be a channel for people and only have certen people in the hangout based on the wishes of who set up the session.22:23
Darkwingyofel: So, if we had a Kubuntu features thing, the council and a develop or two would be in the hangout, the rest would watch as it was streamed attached to an IRC channel for input.22:24
ScottKBecause that's so much better than IRC.22:24
DarkwingScottK: +122:25
DarkwingI still think there will be a lot lost in this...22:25
DarkwingThere was something personal about UDS. Something that I think helped a lot of people.22:25
ScottKOf course there will.22:25
apacheloggerDarkwing: we are not doing g+22:25
apacheloggerif anything we are going to mumble22:25
DarkwingIn Kubuntu? 22:25
* Darkwing cheers22:26
yofelI'm fine with mumble22:26
DarkwingDo we have a mumble server?22:26
yofelotherwise we would have to live without ScottK which is pointless22:26
ScottKThe whole thing is consistent with my view that there are senior managers in Canonical that are trying to dump the community so there's only people they can order around working on Ubuntu.22:26
apacheloggersomeone who has a server should set it up ^^22:26
yofelI can provide the server22:26
apacheloggerlast I checked murmur really was just install and start and connect22:26
yofelhow much bandwidth would you estimate it would need?22:27
apacheloggerdepends on how many people connect22:27
apacheloggerand how much talking is done :P22:27
murthycan google be requested to host this with more users in g+ hangout?22:27
Darkwingyofel: If we plan for 30 people...22:27
apacheloggerwhich in turn directly relates to how many sessions we have ^^22:27
ScottKAll the people talking all the time ...22:27
apacheloggeras is common for kubuntu sessions :P22:27
yofelwell, I have a vserver that does nothing but seed torrents right now. Should be able to handle the job22:27
Darkwing30 people to plan bandwidth?22:27
apacheloggeralso talking about things that are not related to the session22:28
Darkwingand sleeping 22:28
apacheloggeryofel: <322:28
* Darkwing looks at rbelem22:28
apacheloggerDarkwing: pulling a rodrigo that is called22:28
Darkwing:D I remember22:28
apacheloggeroy vey22:28
apacheloggerfirst time I start amarok in months22:28
apacheloggergoes kaput22:28
apacheloggerand no trace22:28
* apachelogger needs to reinstall raring22:29
apacheloggerScottK: saving me the trouble of reading through all the crap ... are we even having a raring release?22:30
apacheloggeror are we going rolling next week22:30
ScottKPresumably we aren't.22:30
apacheloggerit's agile to change plans with a weeks notice22:30
ScottKIt was framed as "Let's discuss this ...", but it's pretty clear the decision is made.22:31
apacheloggerthe amount of sarcastic flames I could put out there about the recent events is just not funny anymore22:31
yofelScottK: wrt to britney: is it really that bad to have bugs blocking a transition? I'm not too familiar with debian library transitions22:32
ScottKHere's the deal:22:33
apacheloggernot knowing the context ... there are bugs in gst1 yet we transit to it...22:33
ScottK1. 10 days in unstable for normal uploads22:33
apacheloggerin fact there are even feature regressions ^^22:33
ScottK2.  Stuff that would increase uninstallability has to migrate together (like we do)22:33
ScottK3.  As soon as any package involved in a transition has an RC bug, then none of them can migrate as a result.22:34
DarkwingI feel like I need popcorn to read ubuntu-devel today22:34
ScottK4.  All the packages have to get to 10 days, so if you get all the packages to 9, and someone uploads a new revision of an affected package, you then have anoher ten days to wait.22:35
yofelDarkwing: it's worth it, but get a punching bag along with it22:35
* Darkwing applauds Allison22:35
ScottK5.  As a result, you can get multiple transitions entangled.22:35
apacheloggeroh right22:35
apacheloggersomeone make Allison join the kubuntu council instead of me :P22:35
ScottKSay you have a new poppler or some thing both Gnome and KDE use.  Then they both have to be ready to transition for any of it to go if one gets uploaded.22:36
yofelapachelogger: hey, I already plan to do that :P22:36
DarkwingYou're not running for re-election right?22:36
Darkwingapachelogger: ^^22:36
DarkwingIs Allison a Kubuntu Member?22:36
ScottKAs a result, you have to get a schedule for your transition from the release team and take turns uploading.22:36
apacheloggerI expect you to fix that22:36
ScottKWe can fix that22:36
apacheloggeryofel: also fine with me22:37
ScottKThis is why Debian is often behind on KDE releases even when they aren't frozen.22:37
ScottKIt's not their turn to have a transition.22:37
apacheloggeryou can have a public interview/discussion/rumble with wendar22:37
ScottKWe do NOT want to replicate this.22:37
yofelScottK: I'm more looking for something that will allow as to publish kde updates in one batch and not as pieces dropping into updates over 2 days time22:37
apacheloggermakes the entire election process more fun I say22:37
apachelogger<- all about fun at work22:37
DarkwingCouncil... Vote on Allison Randell for Kubuntu Memebership. 22:37
ScottKyofel: We can do that now if we block the transition.  I did that once.22:37
yofelas I understand the current britney pins don't really allow to do that22:37
ScottKThey can.22:38
apacheloggerDarkwing: you're trying to steal grilling fun22:38
Darkwingapachelogger: Do you want to get stuck with it again?22:38
apacheloggerthinking about it22:38
apacheloggeryou get to grill people every once in a while22:38
apacheloggertotally worth the council duties I think22:38
DarkwingPlus we need you apachelogger22:39
apacheloggerI am like a US president22:39
apacheloggertwo terms and no moar22:39
Darkwingyou lie cheat and steal?22:39
apacheloggerthat too22:39
DarkwingOhhhhh two terms22:39
yofelScottK: how much work is that for you? Something you would actually consider doing ~10 times a year?22:40
ScottKKubuntu Council?22:40
ScottKNot much at all.22:40
yofelScottK: I meant the pins. But good to know that too ;)22:43
apacheloggercouncil work is: going to meetings to get a cookie from Riddell, tell shadeslayer he is wrong at least once a week and grill people when hungry22:43
ScottKThe pins?22:43
yofelapachelogger: how did you know how my firefox looks like :O22:44
apacheloggeralso whenever someone asks you something say yes, unless it is shadeslayer in which case you'd say no and additionally whenever apachelogger says no is the new yes22:44
apacheloggeryofel: there is so much truth in that pic22:44
apacheloggerhow do you people like my l10n kubuntu card on trello?22:45
yofelScottK: un/blocking KDE SC inside britney22:45
apacheloggereven Quintasan could implement it22:45
apacheloggeralthough I fear I may need to22:46
ScottKNo, that's not hard.22:46
Quintasanlike what?22:46
yofelbtw. I have no idea how it works, but mumble is running on yofel-vz.dyndns.org if you want to play with it22:46
ScottKIt takes two minutes once you have a list of packages to block.22:46
apachelogger!info mumble-django22:51
ubottumumble-django (source: mumble-django): Mumble-Server web interface. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.7-6 (quantal), package size 2268 kB, installed size 9513 kB22:51
apacheloggeryofel: ^ likely desired22:51
apacheloggerthink that alllows configuration22:52
yofelgood point22:52
apacheloggeranyone seen my headset? :O22:52
apacheloggeryofel: can you send me the superuser password?22:58
yofelwill do once I'm done23:00
apacheloggerwhere does one set that anyway23:00
apacheloggerthat package is confusing23:00
* apachelogger gives up and returns to installing raring23:01
yofelyou do that during config setup23:02
* yofel kicks apache23:03
apacheloggerAs of Mumble 1.2.x, nearly all administration tasks can be handled directly through the client.23:09
apacheloggeryofel: gimme su plz :D23:09
apacheloggerclient supremacy23:09
apacheloggeryofel: connect, register, edit the server connection to superuser, edit ACL of root channel and add your registered name, change connection back to non-superuser, you should be admin23:16
yofel"edit the server connection to superuser" how?23:17
apacheloggeroh I broke it23:18
apacheloggeryofel: click the globe thingy in the toolbar23:18
apacheloggerthen on the serve entry23:18
apacheloggerhow did I do it 23:18
apacheloggerah right23:19
apacheloggersimply type SuperUser as uername23:19
apacheloggera password box will appear23:19
apacheloggeryou broke the server :P23:21
yofelyeah, or rather it just fell apart on me and I tried to reboot it23:23
shadeslayeryou realize23:26
shadeslayeryou could just have a ec2 instance running for a couple of hours23:26
shadeslayerthe basic ec2 at that23:26
shadeslayerand host mumble on that23:26
shadeslayerclearly apachelogger does not know how awesome ec2 is23:27
yofel-bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory23:27
shadeslayerI'm assuming that's the buyvm stuff23:28
apacheloggershadeslayer: no I just dunno how to get an ec2 or deploy an image on it or anything23:30
apacheloggerbecause you people never ever document crap23:31
apacheloggereven when I ask you to23:31
apacheloggeryofel: lingering daemon?23:31
shadeslayerI blame moin moin for being shit23:31
yofelapachelogger: yeah, except that it seems to be apache o.O23:31
shadeslayeryofel: can we connect 2 mumble servers?23:31
apacheloggerno need for apache23:31
apacheloggerall necessary stuff can be doen in the client23:32
apacheloggerconfiguring a local server right now23:32
yofelyeah, finally managed to kill it23:32
shadeslayerwrite a charm!23:32
shadeslayerexcept juju doesn't work23:32
shadeslayerhttp://mumble.sourceforge.net/Hosters FWOW23:32
Darkwinghint on stopping the personal contacts error?23:42
apacheloggeryofel: working yet?23:45
yofelthe hell, mumble reserves ~200m of memory just for existing it seems o.O23:47
Darkwingyofel: when you are ready to test lemme know 23:48
yofelDarkwing: feel free to point mumble to yofel-vz.dyndns.org23:49
* shadeslayer wonders if there's a phone client for mumble23:50
murthycheck the logo in here http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/915328713/lynx-a-camera?ref=category23:51
shadeslayermurthy: what about it?23:52
murthyseems to be inspired from amarok23:52
shadeslayerkind of ... I guess23:54
shadeslayerthere's a crappy mumble app, but 4-5 worthless button apps on the play store23:57
shadeslayerhurray for software23:57
apacheloggerDarkwing: hop onto mumble, so I can give you powas23:58
DarkwingI'm configuring mumble right now23:58
apacheloggeralso I need to look for my headset23:58

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