
bschaefer_/nick bschaefer00:01
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bigbrovarHi guys06:11
bigbrovarJust upgraded my laptop running kubuntu 12.04 to kde 4.10 and it seems all is broken now.. I have noticed that couple of things nolonger work like the screenlocker, and the progressbar widget (in the system tray) am I the only one experiencing this?06:13
novaisabadcatso quiet in here all the time07:13
bazhangnovaisabadcat, its a support channel #kubuntu-offtopic is for chat07:13
novaisabadcatoh i see goo dpoint07:14
novaisabadcatgood point*07:14
novaisabadcatshouldn't people have more problems to talk about baz?07:23
SimonJ57Morning, Is anyone here right now?07:40
SimonJ57Smurphy: I just want to as a quick question, going to dual-boot Windows/Kubuntu 12.10, would like to try steam on linux and such.07:43
SimonJ57Smurphy: Whats the recommended Partition size? 50Gb enough?07:44
SmurphySimonJ57: Using steam on linux ...07:44
SmurphySimonJ57: Enough, yes. Depends on the number of games you will install. My KUbuntu uses roughly 1GB, steam aroudn 25GB :}07:44
SimonJ57Smurphy: Cheers man, Much appreciated.07:45
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Fuzzlesid i update to the newiest kde via backports how would i backgrade if not happy?08:32
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zoiehello, i want to make a small java/scala program which records how many characters i'm typing per minute; is this easy to do on kde? the program would have to run in the background so that i can type on another software at the same time10:26
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ovidiu-florinhello world :D11:48
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BluesKajHi all12:18
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bigbrovarHi guys, since I upgraded my Kubuntu 12.04 to kde 4.10 I have been unable to get screen lock to work. is this a known issue?13:01
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monkeyjuicebigbrovar: ctrl alt L? is that what your using13:30
bigbrovarmonkeyjuice: even that doesn't work.. not does click lock screen from kickoff or right clicking on the desktop and selecting lockscreen nothing works13:31
kwtmIt says that if Akonadi is not working, use "sudo aa-complain mysqld-akonadi", but aa-complain is not a package in my Kubuntu 12.04.  How do I start Akonadi so I can use Kmail?14:57
kwtmThis is for the app-armour system which is apparently blocking part of KDE.14:58
BluesKajkwtm, open the kmenu and type akonadi in the searchbox , you'll see several options , akonadi server is the option to choose to set up the database15:04
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lordievaderGood afternoon15:28
cornfeedhobohelloe. I am trying to solve a screen brightness issue which has now led me to realize that i have no xorg.conf...  i can see that I have /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/ with various files that i would imagine help make xorg.conf....16:10
cornfeedhobocan i just use the age old "Xorg -configure"  ?16:11
cornfeedhoboand how come X starts without one?/16:11
bigbrovarHi guys, since I upgraded my Kubuntu 12.04 to kde 4.10 I have been unable to get screen lock to work. is this a known issue?16:18
cornfeedhobobigbrovar: screensaver style? or Menu -> lock screen?16:19
bigbrovarcornfeedhobo: non of the above.. when I go to screen locker .. clicking on configure desktop widget doesnt even work16:21
cornfeedhobosorry bud, wish i knew16:22
cornfeedhoboyou could try reisntalling kde16:25
mandoguitbigbrovar:  maybe have a search at   https://bugs.kde.org/query.cgi16:34
zeekzack_i am unable to add input method in ibus..16:34
zeekzack_can anybody help me out?16:34
bigbrovarmandoguit: I will do that tmr.. about to close for work. Thanks16:36
mandoguitzeekzack_:   seems to be a pretty good discussion on adding to ibus at  http://www.kubuntuforums.net/archive/index.php/t-58929.html   (the problem was solved too)16:50
yarinsehi, where konversation keeps the configurations? in which folder16:52
mandoguitzeekzack_:   taking a wild guess at what your problem maybe,   maybe scroll down on that page to the following statement  "You need actually to click on the sign '>' in the '> Japanese' grey submenu of 'Select an Input methods' to make Japanese-Anthy appear.  Clicking on 'Japanese' does not work"16:54
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zeekzack_mandoguit:thanks for you reply..but my problem persists...when i launch keyboard input method settings, went to  input method tab, everything is greyed out..17:00
zeekzack_there is nothing to choose from17:00
zeekzack_neither dropdown menu of select an input method nor add button..17:01
BluesKajyarinse, ~/.kde/share/config/konversationrc17:05
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goodtimeyarinse: i use konversation client as well goto settings and then go to configure konversation from there you should be able to set things up well17:12
yarinseBluesKaj: ok. thank.17:13
goodtimeyarinse: sorry if that wasnt helpful.17:14
yarinsegoodtime: only he needed the folder conf . to replace them with. thank.17:19
mandoguitzeekzack_:   after installing iBus here I see that  you should be able to "ungrey" the options by toggling the "Customize active input methods" at the Input Method tab   (running KDE 4.10.00 Distro: Ubuntu Raring Ringtail here though so might be different on yours)17:21
mr0wlhow much RAM should be ideally dedicated to Nepomuk?18:24
BluesKaj!info nepomuk18:25
ubottuPackage nepomuk does not exist in quantal18:25
bazhang!info nepomuk-core18:26
ubottunepomuk-core (source: nepomuk-core): Nepomuk Semantik Desktop core libraries. In component universe, is optional. Version 4:4.9.4-0ubuntu0.1 (quantal), package size 375 kB, installed size 1475 kB18:26
BluesKajoh lord , why was that changed , how are ppl supposed to know they have to search for -core ...that's dumb18:27
BluesKajreally dumb18:28
bazhangtry !find next time18:28
Quintasanmr0wl: Give it as much memory as you think you can18:29
QuintasanIt's set to 50MB I believe18:29
Quintasanif you have crapton of files I assume it would be good move to increase the memory so it can do stuff faster18:29
mr0wli gave it 1 GB18:29
QuintasanThat's like18:30
Quintasanmr0wl: How much memory do you have?18:30
mr0wldoes Nepomuk also cache symbolic links to NTFS partition?18:31
mr0wlQuintasan: 8 GB18:31
Quintasanmr0wl: I don't think it does follow symbolic links18:31
mr0wlso mostly ~/ files?18:32
Quintasanmr0wl: I think that's too much if you don't have more than 1TB of data but that's your PC :P18:32
mr0wli have like 3 TB of data18:32
mr0wlbut they mostly in NTFS18:33
QuintasanI would still be inclined to give it less, like 512 or sth18:33
mr0wlbecause it use to be shared with Winows18:33
QuintasanTry it with 512 and see if it's responsive18:34
mr0wlit seems to have a lot of my files on home dir18:35
mr0wlwould moving my mail from Thunderbird to Kmail be a good idea?18:36
mr0wlNepomuk should be able to index all the emails then, right?18:36
KazoeyHow can I add repositoried to centos18:36
KazoeyI have a bunch of packages I need, but do not want to manually install them18:37
bazhangKazoey, ask in #centos18:37
KazoeyThank you18:37
KazoeyI can't join that channel18:38
KazoeyMy Nick needs to be registered18:38
KazoeySorry, I don't use IRC18:38
Shaan7I mean about them, not you :P18:38
bazhang!register | Kazoey18:38
ubottuKazoey: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode18:38
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vedresteI have a bunch of LDAP-only (no local /etc/passwd entries, I can log in fine in console and getent password shows them fine) accounts that kubuntu 13.04 alpha 2 won't let me use lightdm-kde-greeter to log into20:33
vedresteI've tried greeter-show-manual-login=true in /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf to no effect20:33
vedrestehow can I configure the greeter to allow manual login entry?20:34
vedresteI've read https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity-greeter/+bug/1025652 etc but all the information I've found is about Unity, not kde20:34
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1025652 in unity-greeter (Ubuntu) "greeter-show-manual-login is not correctly handled by lightdm" [Undecided,Fix released]20:35
apacheloggervedreste: you need to change the theme I guess20:36
vedresteokay, any specific suggestions or should I just try a bunch?20:36
apacheloggerthere are two installed by default20:36
apacheloggerone's userbar and the other's classic or something20:37
apacheloggerclassic being a username+password field20:37
apacheloggeri.e. what you want to use in such a setup20:37
apachelogger(FWIW it could of course be that lightdm in general is having a problem with no passwd entries...)20:37
vedresteTrying now20:37
vedresteIt's not that there are /none/, though I did run across someone describing a bug in that case20:38
vedresteI created an account called "dummy" which is what it shows for now20:38
vedrestealright, thanks, the classic theme is what I needed20:39
vedresteTo be fair to KDE here, Unity has the same problem and it's not at all documented (that I found except random Google searches at the time) about how to get this setup to work. KDE's fix is easier...20:40
apacheloggerwe are trying to get the default theme integrate a username field such that it becomes more scalable for 13.0420:43
vedresteAh, I look forward to that20:43
vedresteSeparate question (in general): did http://www.progdan.cz/2012/09/display-management-in-kde/ go anywhere with regards to Kubuntu?20:53
apachelogger!info kscreen20:54
ubottuPackage kscreen does not exist in quantal20:54
apachelogger!info kscreen raring20:54
ubottukscreen (source: kscreen): KDE monitor hotplug and screen handling. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.0.71-0ubuntu1 (raring), package size 107 kB, installed size 388 kB20:54
apacheloggervedreste: actually it should arrive tomorrow-ish for 12.04 and 12.10 via ppa:kubuntu-ppa/backports20:55
vedresteAh, definitely going to try that (different machine of interest; laptop I hotplug & unplug monitors into/from)20:55
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murthyhello everyone21:42
aPpYeAs I understand things, when I open a text file on a remote share displayed with dolphin, kio copies the file locally (to /tmp I would guess) and then Kate opens it.  If I save changes to the file, I am not prompted to upload until I close Kate.  Is there a way to make the changes to the server copy of the file right away?22:02
aPpYeI realize I can do this by dragging a file into an existing session of Kate, but this is cumbersome.22:02
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aPpYeso a big NO then?22:10
avihayaPpYe: some KIOs behave like this (copy to local, then fail to copy changes back to remote), some KIOs behave like that ("stream the file").23:33
avihayI try to avoid it by manually copying, or mounting the remote share23:33
avihaywhich is a way  to make the changes to the server copy of the file right away23:34
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