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StevenKwgrant: https://code.launchpad.net/~stevenk/launchpad/less-public-bmp/+merge/15073101:12
wgrantStevenK: Sounds good01:17
wgrantThanks for fixing those security adapters01:17
wgrantBy deleting them01:17
StevenKwgrant: Trying to render create_initialized_view(branch, '+index', rootsite='code')03:05
StevenKresults in a large and angry traceback03:05
StevenKDue to breadcrumbs, from what I can see03:05
StevenKwgrant: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/5572431/03:26
wgrantStevenK: Some views won't render like that03:43
wgrantI don't quite recall why03:43
wgrantwebops: As lp_publish@pepo, could you run `LPCONFIG=ftpmaster-publish scripts/ftpmaster-tools/obsolete-distroseries.py -d ubuntu -s jaunty`?03:44
StevenKwgrant: The pastebin is my success03:47
wgrantOh, wrong chan03:47
wgrantStevenK: Right03:47
wgrantThat's the usual workaround03:48
StevenKwgrant: https://code.launchpad.net/~stevenk/launchpad/moar-preload-people-branch-index/+merge/15095304:09
wgrantStevenK: Why not just make hasSubscription not completely insane?04:10
wgrantAlso, is that the right method?04:11
wgrantAh, it is04:12
wgrantBut I think your change is still insane.04:12
StevenKwgrant: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/5572472/04:12
wgrantStevenK: see DecoratedBranch.hasSubscription04:13
StevenKI can probably delete that, then04:15
wgrantDelete what?04:15
wgrantNot really.04:16
wgrantFor one, your change to Branch.hasSubscription is wrong04:16
wgrantFor another, it's not clear that it's valuable.04:16
wgrantI'd change your branch to just make DecoratedBranch.hasSubscription not crap04:16
StevenKwgrant: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/5572479/04:17
wgrantStevenK: How does that change anything?04:17
StevenKself.subscriptions is a cached list, apparently04:18
wgrantBut it's exactly the same as what the method was doing before, except slower because there's no short-circuit04:18
wgrantSo it'll just execute *more* queries.04:18
StevenKSo I should do the personID check, then?04:19
wgrantThat's how you would avoid making person queries.04:19
StevenKwgrant: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/5572483/04:20
wgrantThat looks more sensible.04:20
StevenKTempted to remove the last three lines of the docstring for being wrong and causing more queries04:21
StevenKWell, the lines were wrong, they are not any more ...04:21
StevenKwgrant: MP updated.04:27
wgrantStevenK: r=me04:27
StevenKwgrant: And BMPs are very very unhappy on qas04:29
StevenKBut I suspect that was known04:29
wgrantWhat do you mean?04:29
StevenKI tried to look at a few MPs on qas, and they OOPS due to librarian content04:29
wgrantThat's always been the case04:30
wgrantYou have to create new ones04:30
StevenKwgrant: What do you think the plan is for bug 736014 ?05:06
_mup_Bug #736014: BugTask:+huge-vocabulary timeout <target-picker> <timeout> <vocabulary> <Launchpad itself:Triaged> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/736014 >05:06
StevenKWe've discussed it a few times, but then Branch and BMP ate my brain.05:06
wgrantStevenK: DistributionSourcePackageCache/DistroSeriesPackageCache05:09
wgrant(I believe those two parallel class names were designed to have the same acronym just to make me angry, since there's no other reason for one to have Source and one not)05:09
StevenKThose two classes make me sad05:09
wgrantz,cb 305:21
wgrantAccidental Dvorak05:22
lifelessso thats what, 'f*ck u' ?05:24
wgrant /win 3, but close enough05:25
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noodles775Hi! Is anyone up for a small-ish review (190l): https://code.launchpad.net/~michael.nelson/launchpad/include-binary-size/+merge/15083108:16
czajkowskiwgrant: StevenK what is the story with on call reviewer nowadays ?08:34
lifelesson what :P08:45
lifelessnoodles775: you know buildbot is 30m or something now :)08:46
czajkowskilifeless: mornin'08:46
noodles775lifeless: no? wow. fwiw, the tests didn't seem to run correctly on my instance: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5572841/ (that's using `time ./bin/test`)08:50
lifelessnoodles775: http://blog.launchpad.net/performance/parallel-testing-is-live08:55
lifelessnoodles775: what size instance (machine RAM) ?08:56
cjwatsonAbout 40m I think08:56
noodles775lifeless: it's an m1.small (2G), nothing else running on it (I just set it up for LP development yesterday)08:58
cjwatsonI know wgrant said that adding hashes would be "probably overcomplicated", but cf. bug 108852708:59
noodles775Wow - 40mins from 6hrs.08:59
_mup_Bug #1088527: Needlessly asks for exact package name, file size, uploaded version <ca-escalated> <Developer registration portal:New for michael.nelson> <Launchpad itself:In Progress by michael.nelson> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/1088527 >08:59
cjwatsonErr, sorry09:00
cjwatsoncf. bug 100719509:00
cjwatsonis what I meant to say09:01
_mup_Bug #1007195: Librarian-backed HostedFile objects do not expose SHA-1 hash <soyuz-build> <Launchpad itself:Triaged> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/1007195 >09:01
cjwatson(Doesn't specifically have to be the SHA-1 of course; I think that was just what the librarian keyed off at the time or something09:01
cjwatsonAnyway, don't let me get in the way by expanding the scope of your work, it was just in case it was trivial to allow for it09:02
noodles775cjwatson: sure - it should be trivial. So s/include_sizes/include_meta/ and add the the sha1 to the dict?09:03
cjwatsonI guess something like that09:07
lifelessnoodles775: sounds like there is a leak in there somewere, I'd use a bigger instance09:31
lifelessnoodles775: lp's cloud test regime uses x1.xlarge IIRC09:31
noodles775lifeless: will do next time - I just fired this one up for this bug and normaly only use small for dev work. Thanks.09:32
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noodles775lifeless, cjwatson: updated with your suggestions (except for HasLength). Thanks!10:17
lifelessnoodles775: why not HasLength?11:07
noodles775lifeless: I commented on the MP, but http://paste.ubuntu.com/5572967/ (and I haven't updated lp's deps) (or am I missing something obvious?)11:09
lifeless0.9.14 is quite old11:13
lifeless0.9.29.is current, and 30 is about to come out11:13
lifelessso should be as simple as dropping a dep in launchpad-dependencies and updating versions.txt11:13
noodles775G'night :)11:13
lifelessI can't see any incompat warnings in those releases11:14
lifelessthere's a bunch of shiny improvements though, new matchers and more11:15
lifelessright, -> sleep.11:15
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noodles775Would someone be able to send this branch to land for me? I've done updates after comments from RobC and ColinW: https://code.launchpad.net/~michael.nelson/launchpad/include-binary-size/+merge/15083114:17
czajkowskigmb: any idea how we take care of stuff like this now awadays14:18
noodles775Np, I can wait for one of the LP engineers - the branch isn't that urgent :)14:22
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