
=== wedgwood is now known as wedgwood_away
stokachudoes the api accept just https://api.launchpad.net/1.0/~ to reference current caller?01:34
wgrantstokachu: You can request that URL and get the self_link out of it and use that, but you can't use that URL itself as a person reference.01:37
stokachulemme try that01:37
wgrantHm, /~ might not actually work through the API, but /people/+me does01:38
stokachuah let me try that one :)01:38
stokachuwgrant: ok so just /~ doesn't work, but calling /people/+me then accessing self_link works like a champ01:40
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noodles775Hi! Is anyone up for a small-ish review (190l): https://code.launchpad.net/~michael.nelson/launchpad/include-binary-size/+merge/15083108:00
czajkowskinoodles775: we dont really have on call reviewer any more, you may have more luck asking in #launchpad-dev08:13
noodles775Thanks czajkowski - I'll try there :)08:16
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mandelhello, is there a way to remove my user from launchpad.net12:43
mandelwell, my second user actually12:44
czajkowskimandel: you breaking things12:44
czajkowskitut tut12:44
mandelczajkowski, I created a user just for the ubuntu one windows port to get email of EVERYTHING in my personal email account and is driving me nuts12:44
mandelwaaaay to many email already12:44
czajkowskiwhy not juse merge them into one12:45
czajkowskiand follow the merge link12:45
czajkowskimandel: https://launchpad.net/people/+requestmerge12:45
mandelczajkowski, ok, I'll do that12:47
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BigWhaleErr, how do I change program icon in launchpad?15:10
czajkowskiBigWhale: what one ?15:12
BigWhaleUpper left corner of the project15:13
czajkowskiBigWhale: you;d need the maintainer to do it15:14
czajkowskiso anyone on the Kazam Team can do it15:14
BigWhalewell yes ...15:14
BigWhaleI am failing to discover where it can be done.15:15
BigWhaleI am on the Kazam team ...15:15
czajkowskishould be a icon somewher to change branding15:15
czajkowskisearch branding15:15
BigWhaleif I click change details, I can change the details, but not the icon ...15:15
BigWhalehmmm ok15:15
BigWhaleok found it .. never mind15:16
stokachudoes the 1.0 api allow you to programmatically assign a bug?16:21
stokachuim not finding any post methods for this16:21
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dobeystokachu: "bug_task.assignee = person"17:08
stokachudobey: ah under bug_task i see the writable field now, thanks!17:09
stokachuwould a bug_activity in 1.0 api contain when tags were added/remove/changed?17:48
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dobeystokachu: i'd say yes, but you will have to loop through every item in bug.activity_collection, and check activity.whatchanged to filter for tags18:40
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stokachudobey: hmm il look into it, right now we keep a copy of bug messages and regex through those comments for a particular hashtag :\19:01
stokachudont worry we keep a local copy of interested bugs rather than tying up lp resources :P19:01
stokachucool, yea activity_collection_link displays a whatchanged => 'tags' with old and new values so that works19:13
stokachuand gives us a person_link to show who did what awesome!19:13
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DNShi guys21:05
DNSis this normal that i am forced to make new password?21:05
lifelessLaunchpad doesn't store passwords, perhaps you want SSO support?21:08
DNSthats doesnt answer my question.... i would like to know if launchpad asks users after some time to make new password and if yes in which period?21:10
lifelessLaunchpad never asks that.21:10
lifelessAs it doesn't have passwords.21:11
DNSbut it does that at this very moment21:11
DNSshould i make a screenshot?21:11
lifelesswhat URL21:11
DNSlifeless: if i log in i get automaticaly send to https://login.launchpad.net/+edit21:15
DNSi cleaned browser chache, logged out, same21:15
DNSso wtf this is :D21:16
dobeythat is login.launchpad.net, not launchpad.net ?21:16
dobeyyes, so go to launchpad.net instead?21:17
DNSi will be sent to this page ^^21:17
DNSlet me try once more...21:17
DNSwow now it worked21:18
lifelessDNS: login.launchpad.net is not (appearances can decieve) part of launchpad21:18
lifelessDNS: it is a skinned SSO site.21:19
DNSstill i wonder why i was sent to this page21:19
dobeyprobably becuase you went to login.launchpad.net to log in21:19
stokachui ran into that issue when it was wanting me to setup 2 factor auth21:20
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cmars232is there a way to serve an html file out of a branch in launchpad?23:33
cmars232like how github's "raw file" option?23:33
wgrantcmars232: Not at the moment. The security concerns make it somewhat more effort to implement than you might expect.23:36
DNScmars232: seems not, but you can download the file23:36
DNSmaybe a browser could be configured to open the file in new tab23:37
wgrantThat's not the issue.23:38
wgrantThe issue is displaying arbitrary user-generated HTML on one of our secure domains.23:38
cmars232wgrant: DNS: the download link seems shareable. that'll work fine. thanks23:38
=== wedgwood is now known as wedgwood_away

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