
cerebratethats how many free ubuntu discs i require for self pleasure 3802:44
Unit193Is there some support question you had?02:48
cerebrateyes but i forgot it03:05
cerebrateoh now i remember03:05
cerebratedo the repos have any decent brain training programs?03:05
cerebratealso how do i become fluent in all unix based... nevermind hehe03:06
Unit193!info gbrainy03:14
ubottugbrainy (source: gbrainy): brain teaser game and trainer to have fun and to keep your brain trained. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:2.1.4-1 (quantal), package size 1878 kB, installed size 6365 kB03:14
Vivekanandahey there03:39
Vivekanandaeveryone. Can someone tell me a good way to compare files eg html files03:39
Vivekanandadiff is great but with the <> already in it it is a mess to compare them using diff03:40
wxlVivekananda: diff03:40
wxlVivekananda: oh hah i didn't see that. you know you can tweak how diff displays things, right?03:56
holsteinwxl: you can /join #ubuntu to follow the progress of the answering of the abovre question03:57
wxloh i'll pass03:57
Unit193diff -u03:57
wxlhave we landed here yet? http://www.w3.org/wiki/HtmlDiff03:57
Vivekanandawxl: would be great to get a pointer03:58
wxlVivekananda: go check that url03:58
VivekanandaI have pasted my problem in patebin03:58
Vivekanandaok sure !03:59
Vivekanandaalso can you tell me how to change the default program for a file. I mistakenly set libre office for .pdf and since then it is always trying to do that. I tried changing agian but it does not change04:00
wxlalso http://furius.ca/xxdiff/04:00
wxland http://meldmerge.org/04:00
wxlright click / open with / click the always checkbox doesn't fix it?04:01
Vivekanandawxl: the question is actually a little different. I am doing a course online for Xpath and my output and the answer output both are a single line full of tags and data from the xml04:02
Vivekanandanow it is a long line and I want to compare them both. in meld or xdiff both appear as just one big line each04:02
Vivekanandahere is the output -- http://pastebin.com/HF7P2MLG04:03
wxland run :set wrap04:04
wxl[SOLVED], carry on :)04:04
Vivekanandaso supposing my two files are t1 and t2 I say --- gvimdiff t1 t2 ??04:05
Vivekanandawxl: If I run that ( gvim t1 t2) it gives me all in one line only04:12
Vivekanandaso not a lot of help there :(04:12
wxlVivekananda: you need to listen better04:12
wxl2004 < wxl:#lubuntu> and run :set wrap04:12
wxldepending on how much text you have :set scrollbind might help04:13
wxloh :syncbind might take care of the whole thing04:14
Vivekanandawxl: I am confused by what you said above and can only guess after reading it x3. I initially assumed you gave me instructions for running gvimdiff and assumed run:set wrap was part of those instructions. Now you have written "2004 < wxl:#lubuntu> and run :set wrap04:16
Vivekananda<wxl> depending on how much text you have :set scrollbind might help" not sure what part of that I should run in the terminal and how. Not even sure if you replying to my question or talking about something entirely unconnected04:16
Vivekanandawhat did I miss ( "you need to listen better") ?04:17
VivekanandaNot even sure if you replied to me or were talking to holstein coz I find my name only referenced once above !!04:18
wxlVivekananda: i can teach you vim but if you click in both buffers and type ":set nowrap" (without the quotes) and hit enter, it will turn wordwrap on. subsequently, if yuo type ":syncbind" (no quotes) and hit enter, it will sync the scrolling between them. beyond that, go check out vim's website or  read the manual :)04:45
=== IboS_ is now known as IboS
pmatulisif i autologin, does that mean i circumvent the standard ways of autostarting an application?13:28
holsteinpmatulis: i would try it, but i dont think anything should change on that level15:34
pmatulisholstein: yeah, it doesn't work15:40
holsteinpmatulis: "it" being, autostart?.. autostarting some application worked, then you enabled autologin and its not working?15:41
pmatulisholstein: no, i'm autologin always.  i didn't test turning that off15:42
holsteinpmatulis: then, lets not assume that autologin has anything to do with it.. i would look at the method by which you are autostarting what and how15:44
pmatulisholstein: i'm not assuming, i'm asking a question15:44
pmatulis08:28 <  pmatulis> if i autologin, does that mean i circumvent the standard ways of autostarting an application?15:45
holsteinpmatulis: autologin shouldnt be "breaking" autostart.. you can disable it and test the autostart, or look at your autostart setup15:46
holsteinhttp://wiki.lxde.org/en/Autostart those .desktop files can be tricky15:47
holsteini have a custom openbox setup with things like "nitrogen --restore &" in the file ~/.config/openbox/autostart15:51

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