
roastedHm, empathy seems to be h8n00:35
NorCalDangood Eve01:49
NorCalDanJust finished installing Raring 13.04 on a MBP, flawless.  No more vm's for me, time to move in fulltime01:50
=== jimerickson is now known as Guest48984
roastedWhere's my split view in Nautilus? :(04:57
roastedAre any of you guys having lockups when transferring 2+ GB of files across the network?05:41
roastedMy connection times out whenever I push at least 2.2GB of data. It messes everything upt o the point that I have to restart.05:41
SwedeMikedmesg output? what hardware is this? have you tried doing rmmod and modprobe back the network driver?05:45
roastedI have not. I'm doing this with my laptop right now to the same server (laptop and desktop are fresh 13.04 installs today)05:47
roastedin a minute here I'll be able to see if it's consistent across entirely different hardware.05:47
roastedyep - same thing happens on laptop05:48
roastedconnection timed out05:48
roastedhappens over samba or rsync/ssh05:48
roastedis the only way to report bugs using ubuntu-bug?05:52
SwedeMikeI'd imagine you can report it in launchpad as well.05:55
roastedI tried, but it only went up to 12.10. I found a 13.04 launchpad link but there's no place to create new bugs like before.05:55
roastedWhat would I file it against if I used ubuntu-bug?05:55
roastednautilus wouldn't be applicable since it does it under rsync/ssh as well...05:55
SwedeMikeagainst the kernel I'd imagine.05:55
SwedeMikewell, after this happens, can you initiate any further network connectivity?05:56
roastedno, nothing05:56
SwedeMikeagain, dmesg output?05:56
roastedpings are gone, etc.05:56
roastedI'll get my laptop- it's still hung up, sec.05:56
roastedactually my laptop is working again05:57
SwedeMikeif it's indeed the network driver that causes this (should hopefully be seen in dmesg), then I guess you log it against the kernel.05:57
roastedwell, I'm not sure. we're talking wired desktop vs wireless laptop that the issue came up.05:57
roastedI got a slew of DMA: Out of SW-IOMMU space errors in dmesg on my desktop.06:04
roastedthis ubuntu-bug thing is useless06:08
roastedthere are no parameters for which network file transfers fits under06:09
roastedI'm glad reporting bugs is so easy. <_<06:13
SwedeMikeroasted: report it against the kernel.06:19
SwedeMikethe kernel package.06:20
roastedthe kernel package, as in, ubuntu-bug kernel?06:21
SwedeMikeI have to admit I have no idea how ubuntu-bug works...06:22
roastedI have no idea what to file it against. But I'm all rigth now. I just picked a bogus package, thinking I'd at least throw it on the table and it can be refiltereda ccordingly. But now that I'm filing it, I have the option to retitle it "I don't know"06:22
SwedeMikeI've always done bug reporting in launchpad.06:22
roastedI find it unbelievably frustrating it's this difficult to file a freakin bug.06:22
roastedBut it's okay, like I said I finally got to the point where I can file it under a general pool and they can filter it accordingly.06:23
roastedI need to be at work in 5 hours so I hardly care at this point. :P06:23
SwedeMike$ ubuntu-bug --help06:23
SwedeMikeUsage: ubuntu-bug [options] [symptom|pid|package|program path|.apport/.crash file]06:23
roastedthanks, but it's too late :P06:23
roastednext time06:23
SwedeMikeso ubuntu-bug <package> seems like it should work?06:23
roastedbut what package06:23
roastedI have no idea what to put for the package06:23
SwedeMike"sudo dpkg --list | grep -i linux-image" will show linux kernel packages.06:24
SwedeMikeuname -a will show your current running version06:24
roastedit's all good tho - filed.06:24
roastedlooks like it went under gnome-control center even tho I said to put it under I don't know06:24
roastedwhatever. Make it difficult to submit a bug and you'll get bugs floating under the wrong categories.06:25
roastedat least it's on the radar now.06:25
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deavelleyeHey guys. How's everyone doing? I was wondering if you could help me. I just upgraded to Kubuntu 13.0 and since the upgrade I've had a constant issue with my microphone on skype. => Crackling/Distorsed sound Input&Output wise that I cannot seem to make it go away only after closing and reopening the program several times. Without altering any settings it comes back after a restart. Any clues or ideas on what it might be? My guess would be08:46
deavelleyepulseaudio, but what exactly? the codec? I've made some research on the issue, but nothing yet.08:46
frank_skype stopped after an upgrade. any way to fix it?09:17
ybonsame problem here :/09:32
ypwonganyone has the missing bluetooth-applet problem on raring? I run bluetooth-applet manually but it still not showing up10:16
eagles0513875_hey guys is there a way i can set my windows key on my keyboard to open the k menu in kde11:01
=== EagleScreen is now known as Guest89798
Guest89798http://www.ubuntu.com/testing is very outdated11:04
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BluesKajHi all12:18
mortalI can not find mkfs.ntfs in raring12:23
ubottuntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions12:38
BluesKajmortal, ^12:38
BluesKajmortal, are you trying to format a partition to ntfs ?12:40
mortalntfs-3g is installed but no mkfs.ntfs present12:44
jpdsmortal: Well, something's weird.12:48
jpdsmortal: sudo apt-get install apt-file; sudo apt-file update; apt-file search mkfs.ntfs12:48
BluesKajmortal, just use a partition manager like gparted12:54
BluesKajthere's no such app in the repos as mkfs.ntfs12:56
BluesKajmortal,  run the command, man mkntfs13:14
BluesKajthe man will show the options13:14
BluesKajor go here , http://linux.die.net/man/8/mkfs.ntfs13:15
ikoniaBluesKaj: do you trust mkntfs ?13:19
BluesKajikonia, dunno never used it , but mortal obviously does13:20
BluesKajikonia, have you used it ?13:21
ikoniaonly in testing and it didn't great a solid file system when windows checked it13:22
ikoniahad to run a check disk and defrag on it13:22
BluesKajok thanks for the info ikonia, I prefer gparted anyway livecd , even the partition manager on kubuntu let me down a couple of times when trying to resize and format partitions13:24
mortalwinusb needs mkfs.ntfs13:24
ikoniaI don't don't believe in making ntfs file systems from outside windows, as it's a reverse engineered process13:24
mortalso I symlinked mkntfs to mkfs.ntfs13:24
BluesKajmortal, check ikonia's post above13:25
ikonia(that's only my opinion)13:25
BluesKajikonia, I meant the post about checkdisk and defrag13:30
ikoniawell, that was my one time testing it, and I wan't impressed13:32
habananyIs it ok to delete packages from synaptic which are underthe status  local or obsolete , ie linux-headers etc13:38
=== bambee is now known as rperier
roastedhello friends14:23
roastedanybody having trouble transferring more than 2 GB of data over the network? Whether it's rsync/ssh, Samba, etc., I get a connection timed out each time.14:24
=== jack_ is now known as wNz
dAnjouhey, i installed the daily today and i'm experiencing very slow and unsteady scrolling in both chromium and firefox (both from official repos). is this a known issue?16:57
dAnjoui'm on a thinkpad x220i with an Intel Corporation 2nd Generation Core Processor Family Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 09)16:58
qenghodAnjou: how's your CPU usage?16:59
roastedI just redid my little test here by connecting my 13.04 machine with a 12.04 machine via samba. I pushed 3.2 GB without issue... however on the flip side 2.1 GB-ish was there I was continually having issues at home.16:59
dAnjouqengho: there is one process going ham, indeed17:00
dAnjoui'll try to copy it17:00
dAnjou/usr/bin/X .. something17:01
dAnjou/usr/bin/X :2 -background none -verbose -auth /run/gdm/auth-for-gdm-Efg5f9/database -nolisten tcp vt717:01
dAnjouoh yeah, and i'm running gnome-shell and gdm17:02
qenghodAnjou: could be the compositing and the code that talks to the video hardware.  Does 12.10 do it too?17:03
dAnjouqengho: nope, and i just switched to lightdm and unity. it's gone17:06
dAnjousmooth scrolling like never before17:06
dAnjoulet me check out lightdm and gnome-shell17:06
qenghoShell should behave pretty well.17:06
qenghoSo should lightdm.17:07
dAnjouit's gdm17:08
dAnjoulightdm and gnome-shell is fine17:09
qenghodAnjou: Just for giggles, how about gdm and unity?17:09
dAnjoualthough scrolling seems to be damn exhausting for chromium17:10
dAnjouand firefox too17:10
qenghodAnjou: File a bug report, please.  Probably on ubuntu/+source/gdm .17:10
dAnjouwhat the hell man17:14
dAnjougdm and unity works fine too17:14
dAnjouwaaat, now it's gone too with gdm and gnome-shell17:16
dAnjoubut i'll switch back to lightdm. looks better :P17:17
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qenghodAnjou: See, thoroughness counts for a lot. Like I said, weeeeird.17:43
roastedJust pushed 40GB from my 13.04 laptop without issue, but pushing 2.1 GB at home last night... not so much18:35
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roastedHas anybody else out there used 13.04 to push data to a server of some sort, specifically by ssh/rsync, samba, etc? Any issues with that? I find it strange I'm the only one that ran into it.18:45
bekksWorks fine here, using ssh/rsync.19:52
roastedbekks: what systems were you working with? 13.04 to...?19:55
roastedAlso, how much data did you push19:55
bekksroasted: 13.04 to 10.04/12.04/S10 - and I am talking about several GB.19:55
roastedmore than 2.3 GB ish? (that's where I ran into issues)19:56
bekksFar more.19:58
roastedThat's great to know. I wonder what on earth could have caused my issue I ran into.19:58
roastedI pushed that 40GB here from my 13.04 laptop to a 12.04 desktop system with no issues... but this same exact 13.04 laptop to my server at home (ubuntu server 12.04.2) was a no go. Same with my desktop, also 13.04, to the same server.19:59
=== c_smith_away is now known as c_smith
bjsniderjbicha, what's the issue with integrating gnome 3.8? i knew at one point but my brain has turned into mush23:33
jbichaGNOME changes a lot of stuff in 6 months and it takes time to integrate with Ubuntu23:34
jbichayou're welcome to try the gnome3 and gnome3-staging PPAs if you want to see the current condition but gnome-settings-daemon & gnome-control-center include a bunch of regressions23:35

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