
mterryattente, have you noticed any oddities with rhythmbox with your unity gtk module?  My rhythmbox menus are all disabled02:35
mterryattente, also...  "UBUNTU_MENUPROXY= rhythmbox" doesn't work with your module like it did with the old one02:40
didrocksgood morning06:29
pittiGood morning07:08
didrockshey pitti07:18
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didrockspitti: oh jibel is on holidays?08:13
didrocksthose French slackers… :p08:13
pittididrocks: je ne sais pas08:23
* pitti was just watching sabdfl's keynote on MWC08:23
didrockspitti: keynote, is it online?08:24
didrockspitti: I just saw the round table08:24
pittididrocks: https://plus.google.com/110222816216901496766/posts/e1EVyAk6sj808:24
pittididrocks: I think we mean the same08:24
pittidiscussion panel08:24
didrocksok, I think the keynote is something else08:25
seb128hey desktopers08:35
seb128lut didrocks pitti08:35
pittibonjour seb12808:35
seb128I watched that video yesterday evening ;-)08:35
didrockssalut seb12808:37
chrisccoulsonyay, chromium finished linking overnight after the umpteenth time. shame i don't have enough disk space left to actually finish building the package!08:39
czajkowskimorning :)08:40
chrisccoulsongood morning :)08:41
czajkowskiwell yes it is good, I'm not working tomorrow, so today is my Friday :)08:41
czajkowskianything to worry about on raring upgrade, keep being promoted to do a partial upgrade today08:42
=== Guest98376 is now known as vibhav
seb128chrisccoulson, hey! how are you?08:43
seb128czajkowski, good morning08:43
chrisccoulsonseb128, not too bad thanks. how are you?08:43
seb128chrisccoulson, I'm good thanks08:46
didrockshey chrisccoulson!08:52
jibelgood morning08:53
didrockshey jibel!08:54
jibelSalut didrocks08:54
jibelchrisccoulson, hey, the fix to enable source from PPAs worked, I'll deploy it in the lab and will re-run ff-trunk08:59
seb128Laney, good morning, how are you?09:11
Laneygood - there's sun!09:11
Laneyhow are you?09:11
seb128good, no sun here though :-(09:12
BigWhaleGreetings all.09:15
Laneyola BigWhale09:15
didrockshey Laney!09:16
BigWhaleHey Laney.09:16
didrocksseb128: move to Lyon, we have sun :)09:17
didrockshey BigWhale09:17
BigWhalehey dduffey09:17
BigWhaleand didrocks09:17
seb128didrocks, sure you have sun, it's the south of France09:17
didrocksseb128: tssssss09:17
* didrocks opens google maps09:17
* Laney thinks of going there for his summer holidays ;-)09:17
didrocksLaney: south or Lyon? :)09:18
Laneythe Real South09:18
didrocks370 kms09:18
didrocksfrom the pyrenees, (in longitude)09:18
didrocksparis is at 240 km from the north09:19
didrocksso paris is way more part of North than Lyon to the South09:20
didrockslool: take that! ^09:20
seb128didrocks, we never denied that Paris is on the North, you are the one denying that Lyon is in the South :p09:20
bochecha_didrocks: I once met a Marseillais who told me that "North of Lyon, they are all Belgians"09:20
didrocksseb128: I heard Paris is "at the center" :)09:21
didrocksbochecha_: ahah, indeed, it's all relative :)09:21
seb128people in Toulouse apparently think we are still german in the East :p09:21
didrocksjibel: so so so, you know that I discovered yesterday evening that daily release was working by accident? :)09:22
jibeldidrocks, uh? sometimes bugs fix other bugs :) what is it?09:23
didrocksjibel: basically, when we get into the chroot, we bzr bd -S09:24
didrocks(and we bindmount that dir)09:24
didrocksthis will create ../build-area and all other files in ..09:25
didrockswhen trying to setup my tests for those, I saw failures09:25
didrockslike "can't write to…" and so on09:25
didrocksand of course, those .. were not copied outside of the chroot09:25
didrocksand we needed them09:25
didrocksso I really wondered why it's working in prod09:25
didrocksin fact, we also bindmount the GNUPG_DIR09:26
didrocksand in prod (and my first tests when I wrote those), it was a parent dir of the current dir we bindmount09:26
didrocksso everything was available :)09:26
didrocksthe current dir and its parent dir09:26
jibelI see09:27
didrocksjibel: I'm writing a test to ensure we don't fall into that trap and then will fix it properly09:27
didrocks(basically a one line change, we already pass the right directory as parameter to cd into it, we just need to bindmount the parent dir)09:28
didrocksbut a test first to ensure we fail otherwise :)09:28
jibeldidrocks, ok, tell me if you want a review or test something09:29
didrocksjibel: I would love to, let me finish that up and I'll ping you09:30
SweetsharkHi guys!09:57
xnox-j16 here I come ;-)09:59
Sweetsharkxnox: I laugh at your -j16, being at -j32 right now at home (http://skyfromme.wordpress.com/2012/11/12/dicke-bertha-online/) and waiting for someone with a distcc cluster to throw LibreOffice at it ...10:01
mlankhorst100k deletions? You'll never end up with a positive line of code count now..10:01
pittiSweetshark: a big "wow!", congratulations for landing this!10:03
xnoxsomething like 21k is changelog/manpages/configure script.10:04
Sweetsharkmlankhorst: when mst came over to LibreOffice/Red Hat from Sun/Oracle (where he was sitting next to me at Sun), he introduced himself with: 'my intend it to contribute a negative linecount to LibreOffice by refactoring and cleaning up duplication'. We kinda agree there ...10:06
mlankhorstit's been my goal for any project I work on too, just haven't succeeded at it :P10:10
Sweetsharkmlankhorst: join libreoffice, _thats_ one of the things we have plenty of opportunity for ;) (e.g. http://nabble.documentfoundation.org/Thoughts-on-killing-off-SfxDispatcher-Execute-td4039742.html )10:12
mlankhorstI do notice you talk a lot about libreoffice though!10:12
chrisccoulsonhmmm, i think today is going to be painful. 5 minutes after starting chromium in gdb and it still hasn't finished loading the debugging symbols10:14
mlankhorst'out of swap'10:15
chrisccoulsonthat's probably what will happen10:16
chrisccoulsonit happened towards the end of linking yesterday10:16
mlankhorstyeah it should be telling that the google devs had to write a linker for chrome10:17
chrisccoulsonhmmm, i'm not sure this is actually going to work10:19
chrisccoulsonso i wonder how i'm actually going to debug this, if i can't run it in a debugger on the target hardware?10:19
chrisccoulsonMOAR HARDWARE10:23
mlankhorstchrisccoulson: gdb over serial port?10:25
mlankhorstwith gdbserver10:25
chrisccoulsonmlankhorst, would that be faster?10:25
chrisccoulsonif it is, then i'll certainly give it a try. it can't be any worse than what i'm already doing ;)10:26
mlankhorstwhat is your target?10:26
chrisccoulsonmlankhorst, armhf10:26
chrisccoulsonoh, it's loaded the symbols now \o/10:27
chrisccoulsononly took nearly 20 minutes....10:27
mlankhorstbut you need the symbols on the host machine in that case10:27
chrisccoulsonah, crap. gdb just aborted10:28
* mlankhorst tries10:28
mlankhorstat least I imagine you need them on the host10:29
mlankhorstseems so10:30
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chrisccoulsoni'll try gdbserver now10:31
chrisccoulsoni can copy the 2GB chrome binary on to my local machine ;)10:31
mlankhorstsomething like 'set sysroot /home/ccoulson/armhfchroot' would probably help too10:32
mlankhorstoh lol10:33
mlankhorstset sysroot remote10:33
mlankhorstI fear you need a gdb that works with armhf binaries though10:34
mlankhorstbut looks like you can build gdb with target specified in gdb/debian/target10:35
chrisccoulsonooh, beer delivery10:41
mlankhorstit builds a nice gdb for you that installs, 'set sysroot remote:/' grabs files from the remote system it seems10:41
mlankhorststart /usr/bin/arm-linux-gnueabihf-gdb 'target remote panda:port' 'set sysroot remote:/''set debug-file-directory remote:/usr/lib/debug' (I think, if you want full debug symbols)10:47
mptOh, update-notifier, I eagerly await your demise.10:58
mlankhorstchrisccoulson: does it work? :-)11:02
chrisccoulsonmlankhorst, yeah, it's working great \o/11:19
chrisccoulsonnow i can and hunt down this toolchain bug ;)11:20
seb128chrisccoulson, \o/11:21
chrisccoulsonthis is so much better than trying to debug locally on the pandaboard11:24
mlankhorstI wouldn't even have tried chromium locally, much courage!11:25
seb128chrisccoulson, did you see reports about images corruptions in firefox recently?11:37
didrocksjibel: I have unit and system tests for running cowbuilder: https://code.launchpad.net/~didrocks/cupstream2distro/tests11:37
didrocksjibel: the real fix is at http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~didrocks/cupstream2distro/tests/revision/229 :)11:38
chrisccoulsonseb128, yeah, i get it too. i thought it might be a firefox regression, but if it seems that it started happening on all firefox branches at the same time (and only in raring)11:38
seb128didrocks, jibel: ok, so gtk 3.7 is getting close to be ready, there are a few theming issues still but that's being resolved11:38
chrisccoulsonso it's likely a platform regression11:38
seb128didrocks, jibel: is there any way you could run the unity tests with the version in the ubuntu desktop ppa?11:38
seb128chrisccoulson, right, I was thinking the same, Rick mentioned it the other day and he's on raring, so it's not something new from the ppa11:39
seb128chrisccoulson, I didn't see anything obvious that changed in raring though :-( like cairo, xorg, etc didn't change11:39
chrisccoulsonseb128, i'm not sure what it could be atm. i'd have thought cairo would be unlikely in any case, as it's not using the system cairo for drawing images11:40
seb128hum, right11:40
chrisccoulsonand i turned gfx.xrender.enabled off locally as well, and it still happens11:41
seb128chrisccoulson, do you know when it started?11:41
seb128I really started noticing yesterday11:41
seb128but Rick mentioned it earlier in the week11:41
didrocksseb128: no, but if you coordinate with mterry, we can copy it in the ubuntu-unity ppa and run the tests with it11:41
seb128didrocks, ok, will do, thanks11:42
chrisccoulsonseb128, it's been there for quite a while. bisecting firefox has been on my todo list, but there's not much point in that if it's likely to be a platform bug11:42
chrisccoulsoni might try a quantal install in a bit, and start selectively upgrading things11:42
chrisccoulsonit's quite reproducible now, so it shouldn't be that hard11:42
didrocksyw :)11:43
jibeldidrocks, seb128 we can do it without copying to the unity-ppa I think11:43
chrisccoulsonseb128, this is why i'd really like to get firefox tests working properly ;)11:43
chrisccoulson(reftests would probably catch this)11:43
chrisccoulsonwith intermittent failure11:43
didrocksjibel: I won't really like copying it in the seed :/11:44
jibelseb128, didrocks I'll copy the unity job and add the desktop ppa to the preseed in a +junk branch11:44
didrocksjibel: if you think it's useful, but it's not scalable to doing it everytime11:44
jibelseb128, it's a test for a limited period right?11:45
seb128chrisccoulson, yeah, tests would make easy to figure at what time it started breaking11:52
seb128jibel, yes11:52
seb128jibel, I plan to upload gtk to raring this week or next week11:52
seb128jibel, but I would like a round of testing to make sure it will not break unity tests first11:52
chrisccoulsonseb128, yeah. i guess for now i'll try the selective upgrading from quantal. but after i've got chromium working first11:53
Laneythis user jobs stuff is interesting11:53
Laneydo we have a list of targets to convert to using them?11:53
seb128chrisccoulson, do you want me to try the upgrade stuff?11:53
chrisccoulsonseb128, only if you've got time :)11:53
seb128Laney, we listed a few potential ones on the spec11:53
seb128chrisccoulson, there is always something to do, but that's true for both of us :p11:53
chrisccoulsonseb128, what graphics hardware does rick have?11:53
seb128chrisccoulson, I've a vm, I can try there11:54
seb128chrisccoulson, we are all intel11:54
seb128could be an intel driver issue...11:54
Laneyah yeah11:54
chrisccoulsonyeah, possibly. i wonder if we can find any non-intel users with the problem :/11:54
seb128did anyone on !intel noticed graphical/image corruptions in raring with firefox?11:54
seb128mlankhorst, ^? ;-)11:55
Laneythe only problem I have is that google docs makes it hang sometimes (webapps?)11:56
chrisccoulsonLaney, no comment ;)11:56
chrisccoulsonit might be useful to attach gdb to it though11:57
mlankhorstanyhow I haven't noticed anything on my laptop running radeon11:57
Laneyyeah I generally avoid trying to trigger if it possible ;-)11:57
Laneybecause then I have to kill and go find my yubikey for lastpass ...11:57
chrisccoulsonit could be lastpass ;)11:58
tjaaltonseb128, chrisccoulson: it's probably related to switching to sna acceleration, though I don't have issues and all intel here..11:58
chrisccoulsoni think that has a reputation for being quite poor quality11:58
Laneysuppose so11:58
czajkowskiseb128: any issues in doing updates today on raring , keep getting told its only a partial upgrade11:58
Laneylet's try11:58
Laneyhuge firefox-dbg is huge11:59
chrisccoulsonLaney, eg, https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=67453511:59
ubot2`Mozilla bug 674535 in JavaScript Engine "Lastpass causes immortal zombie compartments" [Normal,Resolved: fixed]11:59
Laneyslow firefox -g is slow :P12:00
chrisccoulsonLaney, how much ram do you have?12:00
Laneyah, it's alright once started12:01
mlankhorstvalgrind works ok against xserver :D12:01
didrocksanyone familiar with unittest here? I have a hierachy of test class inheriting ones from each other (so B inherits from A). However, if I run only B, I see that the tests for A are ran twice through nosetests12:02
mlankhorstas long as you don't hit too many software fallbacks12:02
didrocksdo you think it's beacause of the import?12:02
didrocksmaybe pitti has a clue there ^12:02
chrisccoulsontjaalton, thanks for the pointer btw12:03
seb128czajkowski, no known issues, but there is a cogl transition ... not sure if that requires to go through partial updates12:03
Laneyshouldn't do12:03
seb128Laney, ^ do you know?12:03
pittididrocks: notetest just walks a classes' dir()12:03
Laneybritney should stop that12:03
Laneybut there are some cases it doesn't catch12:03
tjaaltonchrisccoulson: when did these start?12:03
pittididrocks: i. e. for B it will run all tests of A as well, as it inherits A's test_* methods12:03
chrisccoulsontjaalton, it's been like it for some weeks now12:04
chrisccoulsoni can't remember exactly12:04
didrockspitti: right, but it seems to me it's running A's one *twice*12:04
tjaaltonchrisccoulson: and do you have an example?12:04
Laneyhow do you get u-m to tell you the packages involved?12:04
seb128czajkowski, can you "sudo apt-get upgrade" (don't validate) and pastebin the log?12:04
tjaaltonsna was turned on a month ago12:04
seb128Laney, ^12:04
didrockspitti: even if I just ask nosetests to run "B"12:04
didrockspitti: I would have thought, it would run B + A12:04
didrocksbut just A once, not twice12:04
chrisccoulsontjaalton, yeah, that seems like the sort of timeframe that it's been happening for12:04
seb128tjaalton, how do your turn off sna?12:04
chrisccoulsontjaalton, is there a way to turn that off at runtime?12:04
chrisccoulsonwhat seb128 said ;)12:05
tjaaltonnot runtime12:05
tjaaltonvia xorg.conf yes12:05
seb128can you pastebin a file example?12:05
seb128I didn't edit a xorg.conf for years12:05
seb128I would appreciate a lazy copy/paste :p12:05
seb128tjaalton, "example" ... screenshot or website?12:05
tjaaltonseb128: something I could verify here12:06
seb128tjaalton, it happens randomly, I have issues on bugzilla, launchpad, etc12:06
tjaaltonan url or such12:06
tjaaltonscreenshot would do12:06
czajkowskigah chromium crash :/12:06
tjaaltonthere is a bug open about some corruption with chromium12:06
pittididrocks: yeah, that's annoying, but thats' how subclasses work; perhaps you can factorize common functinoality into an ABC and have A and B inherit from that, but not from each other?12:06
tjaaltoncould be the same12:06
tjaaltonalthough that was only for an older generation of intel..12:07
czajkowskiseb128: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/5573158/12:07
seb128czajkowski, what about "dist-upgrade"?12:08
didrockspitti: hum, sorry, I think I didn't explain well12:08
didrockspitti: basically, I want that B runs A tests12:08
didrockspitti: but what happens is that B is running A tests twice12:08
chrisccoulsontjaalton, http://ubuntuone.com/61fpONo2YyaP6tL52kyhJp12:08
didrockswhen I'm asking nose to run B tests12:08
chrisccoulsonthat's the comment box on bugzilla12:08
pittididrocks: oh, I see; no idea about that, I'm afraid12:08
czajkowskiseb128: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/5573162/12:09
Laneychrisccoulson: http://people.canonical.com/~laney/firefox.log is a thread apply all bt while hung that's interesting to you12:09
didrockspitti: ok, that's really really weird, B is just "A" with a different setUp()12:09
LaneyI think my extensions are lastpass/pentadactyl/adblock plus12:09
tjaaltonchrisccoulson: huh, not seen that12:09
tjaaltonchrisccoulson: but if you have a bug open, you can toss it over to xserver-xorg-video-intel I guess12:09
jbichaczajkowski: those 2 removals are intentional, they've been replaced by newer versions12:09
Laneyu-m shouldn't give a partial upgrade for that12:10
Laneydidn't it get some fixes in that regard recently?12:10
tjaaltonupstream is actively closing/fixing the intel bugs on lp, which is pretty neat12:10
Laneyczajkowski: can you check this with cjwatson please? He was looking at the previous partial upgrade bug12:11
chrisccoulsontjaalton, i'll try without sna first before reporting an intel bug12:11
tjaaltonchrisccoulson: sure, thanks12:11
Laneyin #ubuntu-devel would be good12:11
Laneyczajkowski: first check you have update-manager 1:0.18312:11
chrisccoulsonLaney, hmmm, that trace looks quite normal. what does "call DumpJSStack()" give?12:12
didrockspitti: I think I got it, as I was importing BaseUnitTest which is in __init__.py of the module, it imported as well all the tests from the package and rerun them12:13
didrocksbasically the import screw nosetests :/12:13
czajkowskisomething very wrong when you go to tab complte cjwatson and notice he's not here12:17
seb128bah, unity fail12:18
seb128screenshot made both my screen go white, I had to restart the session12:18
seb128tjaalton, chrisccoulson: http://ubuntuone.com/13BzkJ2r7ARDsEQQU7mr9O example if corruption12:18
chrisccoulsonseb128, yeah, that's pretty much what i see too12:20
tjaaltonseb128: what hw is this?12:21
seb128tjaalton, i512:21
tjaaltonthe cpu/gpu12:21
tjaaltonlspci|grep VGA12:22
seb128Intel(R) Core(TM) i5 CPU       M 520  @ 2.40GHz12:22
seb12800:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Core Processor Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 02)12:22
tjaaltonso ironlake (gen5)12:22
tjaaltondon't see the bug with gen4/6/7 :)12:23
tjaaltonchrisccoulson: check yours ^12:24
chrisccoulson1 second (although, i suspect it's identical) ;)12:24
seb128févr. 25 18:30:46 <rickspencer3>        but I get the firefox issues on my other computer also, which is i94512:24
seb128tjaalton, just as a piece of info12:24
tjaaltonthat's gen312:25
tjaaltoni'm lucky then :)12:25
chrisccoulsonIntel(R) Core(TM) i5 CPU       M 560  @ 2.67GHz12:25
chrisccoulson00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Core Processor Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 02)12:25
chrisccoulsoni've got a faster CPU :P12:25
tjaaltonanyway, check with uxa, and report the bug with ubuntu-bug xorg12:25
tjaaltonif doesn't happen with it12:25
tjaaltonor directly u-b x-x-v-intel12:26
tjaaltonshould dtrt12:26
seifdidrocks, who can i ping for questions concerning ubuntu tablet and phone12:32
seb128_hum, timeouted12:34
didrocksseif: depends on what the questions is :)12:34
didrocksseif: ogra knows about the deployement, as sergio12:34
seifogra_, so how many changes happened since the official release of ubuntu tablet12:36
ogra_seif, ?12:36
ogra_seif, for the android side, read the git logs, for the ubuntu rootfs read the package changelogs ...12:37
ogra_(its the same as in any ubuntu ... plus the android git)12:38
seifogra_, link to the ubuntu change logs12:39
ogra_ /usr/share/<packagename>/chanelog......12:39
=== seb128_ is now known as seb128
ogra_seif, beyond that https://launchpad.net/ubuntu-touch-preview has the bzr trees (btw, this discuaaion should wither be on the tablet ML or in #ubuntu-tablet)12:42
czajkowskiogra_: seif #ubuntu-touch12:46
czajkowskitablet and phone channels were merged into one12:46
ogra_err, sorry, yes i know12:46
ogra_seif just confused me with his questions :)12:46
ogra_-tablet is a redirect anyway though12:47
seb128tjaalton, sorry I lost track with my IRC timeouting, is there any extra info you want me to provide or anything I should test?13:07
tjaaltonseb128: just that if you can reproduce the corruption with that xorg.conf13:07
tjaaltonif not, file a bug with 'ubuntu-bug xorg'13:08
=== soren__ is now known as soren
seb128tjaalton, ok, I've that in place, let's see13:11
seb128chrisccoulson, going to test as well?13:11
chrisccoulsonseb128, i can do. although i don't want to kill my current session just yet :)13:17
didrocksRan 83 tests in 449.521s13:17
didrocks(this long time is because I ran the system tests as well)13:17
didrocksunits only: Ran 57 tests in 0.671s13:17
didrocksand fixed a regression + pushed :)13:17
Laneychrisccoulson: I don't think call DumpJSStack() is returning :(13:18
chrisccoulsonLaney, oh, that's not good13:18
seb128ok, I really should play with upstart session, /me opt in for that ppa13:18
Laneydon't forget to choose the right session to actually use it ;-)13:19
* Laney forgot that at first13:19
seb128Laney, good point, thanks ;-)13:20
seb128I'm doing a bunch of environment dumps first13:20
seb128so I can diff and look for differences13:20
Laneylooking at whether it can be made to work with all gnome-sessions13:20
LaneyI guess you need to conditionalise some of the jobs on $DESKTOP_SESSION13:20
Laneyor look in the .session file or something13:21
=== smspilla1 is now known as smspillaz
desrthi hackers13:28
seb128desrt, hey, how are you?13:28
desrthow's my package? :)13:28
* desrt tries to remember if he selected the "Overnight Delivery" option...13:28
mlankhorsthm the more kernels I build the less I care about extra options in the config, and just accept the defaults13:29
seb128desrt, you didn't :p on my todo but I didn't get to it yet ;-)13:29
desrtfair enough :)13:29
seb128need to restart my session with new upstart and xorg uxa13:29
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jibelseb128, the ppa from which you want to test packages is ppa:ubuntu-desktop/ppa?13:57
seb128jibel, correct13:58
* desrt is off the PPAs13:58
desrtthat PPA man... one harsh drug13:58
desrtmessed me up bad13:58
smspillazthats bad juju that stuff13:58
jibelseb128, good, I started a first run to make sure everything is ok.13:58
smspillaz(pun not intended)13:58
seb128jibel, excellent, thanks13:58
desrtsmspillaz: give any thought to all that work i tried to pile on you recently? :)13:59
smspillazdesrt: it turned out I had this 5000 word paper due in a week or two13:59
seb128desrt, the desktop ppa has gtk 3.7.10 and jibel is nice enough to make a run of unity tests with that version to see if there is any issue13:59
desrtseb128: i'd normally be excited by that, but i have a serious case of PPA fever :p13:59
smspillazdesrt: also it is quite close to FF and I probably want to wait until some of my other changes go in first13:59
seb128desrt, if the testing goes fine and thar you poke larsu enough to get the theming problems solved it might land in raring this week14:00
smspillazdesrt: which would include much increased rendering performance on nvidia, which we would have been "first" to was the review process not so slow14:00
desrtseb128: it may interest you to know that larsu hates css now :)14:00
smspillaz(mutter got support for buffer_age not long ago because someone just went ahead and did it, and there was no three month long review backup to wait for)14:01
desrtobviously that's because the mutter hackers are so brilliant that they don't need reviews14:02
smspillazdesrt: yep14:02
smspillazthe scales are clearly tipped in their favor *sigh*14:02
desrti hate when someone replies to sarcasm with what may or may not be further sarcasm14:03
* desrt is always left wondering what to do next14:03
smspillazdesrt: I'm Jay Leno14:03
desrt(as it is, usually the answer is to complain awkwardly...)14:04
smspillazI keep my comments intentionally ambiguous so as to avoid causing offence while still making a (watered down) point14:04
smspillazdesrt: or did I just cause a SIGFPE on your end?14:05
smspillazdesrt: sometimes I wonder if by distributing ppa's of some of my upcoming work I'm unintentionally forking compiz14:06
smspillazdesrt: does a 5k diff with upstream seem like a fork-y change to you?14:06
desrtsmspillaz: i think the word 'fork' sort of loses meaning in a world with distributed version control14:07
smspillazit does doesn't it14:07
desrtlook at all of the forks of linux hosted on kernel.org14:07
smspillazdesrt: in a research assignment I submitted that the free software community generally frowns upon unwarranted forking14:07
smspillazdesrt: I think it means that github is some hell-like place14:08
seb128stgraber, I've been playing with the new upstart a bit more, seems good to upload to me, I didn't notice any regression and it seems to be working as it should14:26
stgraberseb128: cool, thanks for the test14:27
Sweetsharkpitti: http://skyfromme.wordpress.com/2013/02/28/one/ <- a bit of explaination on why the killing of dmake is such a big deal for libreoffice14:59
jibelseb128, didrocks 309 failures :/15:05
jibelI'm doing a second run and publish the results to jenksin.qa.u.c15:06
GunnarHjpitti: ping?15:23
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pittihello GunnarHj15:37
GunnarHjpitti: Hi Martin!15:38
GunnarHjpitti: I have modified the l-s patch you helped me reject from the precise queue the other day, and added an accountsservice patch. Filed bug 1134364 to have it documented. Can you possibly sponsor it, considering that you already reviewed the Raring changes?15:38
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1134364 in language-selector (Ubuntu) "Check for missing language support for all installed languages" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/113436415:38
=== rickspencer3 is now known as CalvinKlein
pittiGunnarHj: sure, I can do that15:45
pittiGunnarHj: but that shouldn't be a separate bug, it shoudl be a task on the original bug15:46
pittiGunnarHj: i. e. this one should be closed; is bug 1103547 the original one?15:47
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1103547 in language-selector (Ubuntu Precise) "drag and drop does not work language support not complete" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/110354715:47
attentemterry: i've seen that problem with rhythmbox, but only noticed it when running under valgrind or gdb15:47
GunnarHjpitti: The original bug isn't really about checking for all languages. But it was in connection with fixing it I found it motivated to propose that change as well...15:48
attentemterry: also, doing NO_UNITY_GTK_MODULE=1 ... should disable the module15:48
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pittiGunnarHj: ah ok, so the raring task of those is already fixed15:48
GunnarHjpitti: Yes.15:49
pittiGunnarHj: but still, it's quite a behaviour change; I'm not sure whether this is good SRU matter15:49
GunnarHjpitti: I understand your doubt. At the same time it wouldn't feel right to SRU the fix of 1103547 (as I 'promised' the bug reporter) without also doing the check for all languages part.15:50
GunnarHjpitti: It was already uploaded to Precise by you. ;-) What has been added now is the limitation to installed languages as opposed to installed locales.15:52
pittiGunnarHj: yeah, I'm just pointing out that this might not be accepted by the SRU team15:53
chrisccoulsonwhat's with rick's new name?15:54
chrisccoulsonhi CalvinKlein ;)15:54
GunnarHjpitti: Ok. I admit it isn't crystal clear...15:54
mterryattente, hrm.  Can you please provide support for UBUNTU_MENUPROXY too?  If it's blank or 0, the global menu should be disabled.  We have people recommending this all over the net already, and some upstreams do this if they know their menus don't work (as gwyddion was doing)15:55
mterryattente, I'm not running rhythmbox under any odd situations.15:56
mterryattente, can I help provide debug info?15:56
chrisccoulsonsomeone asked me to support UBUNTU_MENUPROXY in firefox, and i refused, saying that it's an implementation detail of how appmenu-gtk works ;)15:57
chrisccoulsondebugging crashes where the stack is completely bogus are really good fun!16:00
mterrychrisccoulson, but as long as we're switching one implementation detail for another, we might as well keep the name the same16:00
mterryattente, for that matter, probably better not to add a new name (NO_UNITY_GTK_MODULE) that future implementations will also have to support16:01
GunnarHjpitti: This is how I explained it to seb128 when he felt that the previous version was confusing: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/language-selector/+bug/1103547/comments/1616:01
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1103547 in language-selector "drag and drop does not work language support not complete" [Medium,In progress]16:01
pittiright, I saw that; I'll look into uploading it16:03
pittiGunnarHj: could you please move/adjust the SRU request from bug 1103547 to 1134364 then, as the changelog only refers to the latter?16:04
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1103547 in language-selector (Ubuntu Precise) "drag and drop does not work language support not complete" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/110354716:04
GunnarHjpitti: The changelog refers to both.16:06
GunnarHjpitti: The hunspell thing is certainly 1103547, isn't it?16:07
GunnarHjpitti: I'm just learning that SRU requests should be narrow in scope. ;-)16:08
pittiGunnarHj: ah right, I was just looking at the accountsservice patch16:08
Sweetsharkseb128: http://packages.debian.org/source/experimental/libcmis 0.3.1-1 is there, please sync!16:12
pittiGunnarHj: uploaded; thanks for the patches!16:15
davidcallepitti, hello16:17
davidcallepitti, I think I could use your insight on this glib/pygi related bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity-lens-photos/+bug/113502916:17
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1135029 in unity-lens-photos "Unity-lens-photos crashes on start, photos in dash is empty" [Undecided,Incomplete]16:17
GunnarHjpitti: Great, thank you!16:20
jibelseb128, round 2 https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/desktop-ppa-autopilot-release-testing/2/testReport/16:23
attentemterry: will do re:UBUNTU_MENUPROXY/NO_UNITY_GTK_MODULE16:23
jibelseb128, 253 errors but ATI failed in the middle of the run16:23
attentemterry: does rhythmbox's menus ever work for you? or do they never?16:24
mterryattente, I've not seen them work since I noticed this16:24
jibelseb128, there are lot of  "File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/gi/types.py", line 137, in constructor     return info.invoke(cls, *args, **kwargs) TypeError: constructor returned NULL",16:25
chrisccoulsonooh, i've just used remmina for the first time ever16:25
jibelseb128, can you find some one to look into this?16:25
chrisccoulsoni can't believe how much better it is than what we used to ship16:25
pittichrisccoulson: I found it quite nice, too, although I really only ran it for testing16:25
seb128Sweetshark, @libcmis: ack16:26
chrisccoulsonpitti, yeah, i'm just running it so i can use chromium on the pandaboard and debug it on my laptop with gdbserver16:26
seb128pitti, hey, do you have any idea about the errors jibel pointed?16:26
seb128<jibel> seb128, round 2 https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/desktop-ppa-autopilot-release-testing/2/testReport/16:26
seb128<jibel> seb128, there are lot of  "File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/gi/types.py", line 137, in constructor     return info.invoke(cls, *args, **kwargs) TypeError: constructor returned NULL",16:26
pittidavidcalle: I'll look in a sec16:27
seb128pitti, that's running the unity tests with gtk 3.7 from the desktop team ppa16:27
davidcallepitti, thanks :)16:27
pittiseb128: oh, seems I missed that ping earlier?16:27
seb128pitti, you were not pinged, jibel just mentioned it 3 minutes ago16:27
seb128pitti, sorry, I'm just back from exercice, catching up with backlog ;-)16:27
seb128pitti, but it looks python-gi-ish so I wonder if that's a known issue16:28
seb128pitti, e.g https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/desktop-ppa-autopilot-release-testing/2/label=autopilot-ati/testReport/unity.tests.launcher.test_keynav/LauncherKeyNavTests/test_launcher_keynav_activate_keep_focus_Single_Monitor_/16:28
pittiseb128: not known to me, anyway; I'm regularly running tests in jhbuild with gtk master, I didn't run into this yet16:28
pittiseb128, jibel: are they all related to DesktopAppInfo.new()?16:29
* pitti checks16:29
seb128seems like16:29
pittisome spot checks seem to indicate this16:29
seb128pitti, it seems they all use bamf and hit the same error16:30
seb128  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/gi/types.py", line 137, in constructor16:30
seb128    return info.invoke(cls, *args, **kwargs)16:30
seb128TypeError: constructor returned NULL16:30
pittihow sure are we that this is from the new GTK? i. e. it couldn't just be a missing .desktop file or so?16:30
pittiReturns :16:30
pittia new GDesktopAppInfo, or NULL if no desktop file with that id16:30
seb128$ python -c "from gi.repository import Gio; proc = Gio.DesktopAppInfo.new('/usr/share/applications/gedit.desktop')"16:31
seb128TypeError: constructor returned NULL16:31
seb128pitti, on my box16:31
pittiseb128: oh, on mine as well16:31
pittiand that's with GTK 3.616:31
seb128just "gedit.desktop" works16:31
pitti"A desktop file id is the basename of the desktop file, including the .desktop extension."16:32
pittiso it still smells like the tests want to access a .desktop file which just isn't there?16:32
seb128pitti, what happens if you run16:32
seb128$ python -c "from gi.repository import Gio; proc = Gio.DesktopAppInfo.new('buggy.desktop')"16:32
seb128TypeError as well?16:33
seb128ok, so maybe that's not the issue16:33
seb128could be somebody else that changed that leads to wrong .desktop to be returned16:33
Sweetsharkseb128: thx16:34
pittiseb128: it at least behaves exactly the same here in jhbuild16:34
seb128jibel, mterry: is there any way to see what .desktop is in "desktop_file" in those tests?16:35
BigWhaleSo... I released a new version of Kazam. I've noticed that one of the unstable versions is in Raring and it was uploaded there by I have no idea who ... Now I'd like someone to update it. Should I just poke kenvandine as usual? :>16:36
seb128is that an installed .desktop?16:36
attentemterry: can i see your apt-cache policy unity-gtk-module unity indicator-appmenu libgtk-3-0?16:36
pittidavidcalle, mhr3: followed up to bug 113502916:38
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1135029 in unity-lens-photos (Ubuntu) "Unity-lens-photos crashes on start, photos in dash is empty" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/113502916:38
pittidavidcalle, mhr3: sounds like "invalid" to me16:39
mhr3pitti, heh, first time that i see the deps file actually useful :)16:40
mhr3i guess that's why i ignore it :/16:40
mhr3ok, not really first time16:40
pittiit saves the roundtrips of these questions like "what version of.. do you have"16:40
mhr3pitti, indeed, unfortunately i'm used to asking about packages that aren't direct dependencies16:41
mhr3like you know... zeitgeist16:41
pittino worries :)16:41
mhr3pitti, but yea, invalid indeed, thx for closing it16:41
davidcallepitti, mhr3, thank you guys :)16:41
pittimhr3: ah, I didn't close it yet; can do now16:42
mhr3i'm very subtle in nudging ;)16:42
pittieven glib breaks backwards compat from time to time.. /me hugs desrt16:42
mterryseb128, sorry, don't know what the .desktop file issue is?16:44
mterryattente, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/5573824/16:44
jibelseb128, no idea, asking in #u-unity16:46
chrisccoulsonawesome, chromium crashes in TLS related code16:56
chrisccoulsonmy favourite type of bug :)16:56
qenghochrisccoulson: Ooo.  Haven't seen that one.16:59
chrisccoulsonqengho, basically, it goes wrong after this point: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5573884/17:00
chrisccoulsonit's ok until there, and then if i let it run it crashes with the stack full of garbage17:00
chrisccoulsonit's going to be another linker bug ;)17:01
=== CalvinKlein is now known as rickspencer3
chrisccoulsonok, calling MessageLoop::current() twice is enough to make it crash17:13
chrisccoulsonit works the first time17:13
chrisccoulsonand crashes the second tiem17:13
seb128pitti, ok, the test issue is indeed a buggy .desktop17:24
seb128it's jbicha's fault17:24
seb128it's the gcalctool->gnome-calculator rename17:25
seb128the unity tests use gcalctool.desktop17:25
seb128jibel, ^17:25
jibelseb128, thanks, I figured. good to find it now that would have break daily tests of unity17:26
seb128jibel, right, it doesn't tell me if my gtk update breaks stuff then though :p17:27
jibelseb128, at least you broke the tests17:27
seb128jibel, no, robert_ancell and jbicha did!17:28
* jbicha passes the blame to robert_ancell, I'm just a packager ;)17:28
seb128jbicha, interesting side effect, it breaks user configs...17:29
seb128I've gcalctool.desktop as a launcher17:30
* seb128 hates renames17:30
desrtjbicha: get a chance to look at those gconf oddities?17:30
seb128jbicha, I will assign you the bug since you did the new version update17:30
seb128it's another example that trivial updates can also turn into problematic ones :-(17:31
jbichaseb128: ok I'll look at it tonight if no one gets to it first17:31
seb128jbicha, I'm pondering if we should just rename the .desktop to gcalctool.desktop17:31
seb128symlinking will likely creates a duplicate item in the dash, etc17:31
jbichaseb128: well I presume several of the games have the same problem, I think we talked about it on desktop-devel list but it wasn't resolved17:34
attentemterry: can you ppa-purge ppa:attente/unity-gtk-module and try the packages in http://ppa.launchpad.net/ubuntu-desktop/ppa/ubuntu/ ?17:35
attentei'm unsuccessful at duplicating the problem unfortunately17:36
mterryattente, OK17:36
xnoxGdk no longer knows about green color =(17:39
xnoxabove ubiquity test fails17:39
seb128jbicha, shrug :-(17:41
seb128xnox, wfm17:42
seb128xnox, what error do you get?17:42
seb128xnox, what gtk version do you have?17:42
xnoxseb128: ii  libgtk-3-0:amd64                              3.6.4-0ubuntu617:43
seb128>>> print color17:44
seb128<Gdk.Color(red=0, green=32896, blue=0)>17:44
seb128but I'm on "new gtk" (e.g 3.7)17:44
jbichaseb128: I'm ok with moving it back to gcalctool.desktop (since only power users & distros need to care about the name & it breaks upgrades for people that favorited it) but it would be nice if upstream would do the same17:44
seb128jbicha, I will talk to robert_ancell17:45
mterryattente, that works better!  I have menus in rhythmbox now17:46
xnoxseb128: This is a value between 0 and 65535, with 65535 indicating full intensitiy.17:46
mterryattente, I missed that you switched PPAs.  My bad17:46
xnoxseb128: thus 32896 is half intensity, instead of full.17:47
xnoxlast time we built ubiquity it was full intensity.17:47
xnoxwhich was on 21st of february.17:48
xnoxpitti: can this be a pygi regression?17:48
attentemterry: thanks, i'm not sure why that would've worked, but i'm sure you'll let me know when it breaks again :)17:49
seb128$ ./gtk17:49
seb128color: 3289617:49
seb128xnox, no, does the same with a C program17:49
seb128so not a gi issue17:49
xnoxright gtk didn't change, pygobject didn't change since 21st.17:50
xnoxwhere are these colors defined?17:50
seb128xnox, pango17:51
xnoxLaney, it is then.17:52
* xnox downgrades to check.17:52
seb128  0 128   0             green17:54
seb128in pango1.0-1.32.5/tools/rgb.txt17:55
Laneyseems like a weird test?17:57
xnoxLaney: mpt defined that we should use a range of colors between green and red hues equally spaced when presenting multiple partitions.17:58
xnoxso yeah, we test that we calculate the colors correctly.17:58
mptI said what?17:58
xnox*gasp* i'm so sorry if i got the hues wrong.17:58
xnoxLaney: see what i mean?! =)17:58
seb128Laney, xnox: I'm discussing it on #gtk+17:59
Laneymaybe you shouldn't be using the names then17:59
xnoxmpt: the colors have changed in pango. thus ubiquity will look different now.17:59
seb128but at this point I think it's going to be easier to use "green1" for your test:p17:59
xnoxspecifically the partitions color maps.17:59
xnoxseb128: is green1 the old green?17:59
mptxnox, I see only one mention of "green" in the spec, and it's about a checkmark.18:00
xnoxmpt: ok the test is generic to get the color coding right, i'm sure it's about the colors for partitions in the advanced partitioner. Let me grep some code.18:00
Laney>>> color = Gdk.color_parse("#00ff00")18:02
Laney>>> color18:02
Laney<Gdk.Color(red=0, green=65535, blue=0)>18:02
Laneyseems more reliable?18:02
xnoxhmm. actually we explicitely use #fbfbfb #c7c7c6 #b6b0a918:02
xnoxLaney: yeah, I'm gonna convert the test to a non-symbolic-name18:02
seb128xnox, wfm18:03
Laneynow tell me why start on starting gnome-session DESKTOP_SESSION=ubuntu doesn't work18:03
Laneyplease :-)18:03
seb128it's being discussed on #gtk+18:03
seb128but basically "green" is 128 in css18:03
seb128for some reason18:03
seb128it claims to be based from x11 values18:03
Laneyit's a more normal green18:03
seb128but /usr/share/X11/rgb.txt has 25518:03
Laneylime is that bright horrible thing :p18:03
seb128learning every day in any case ;-)18:04
xnoxLaney: is DESKTOP_SESSION in the environment at all ;-) ?18:04
LaneyI made it dump env and it's set like that18:05
xnoxseb128: we use "darkgreen" as symbolic color in a few places, has that changed as well?18:05
Laneyxnox: http://git.gnome.org/browse/pango/log/tools/rgb.txt18:05
* xnox will pay attention to custom colors when testing ubiquity next.18:05
seb128xnox, http://git.gnome.org/browse/pango/commit/tools/rgb.txt?id=d2c319b9ded8cce864914d9f1fd704a7aff3112f18:06
seb128xnox, that's what changed18:06
xnoxok. good.18:06
* Laney EODs to borderlands ;-)18:09
Laneytomorrow I will have a go at writing some user session jobbies18:10
* Laney sees a post from the climbing centre about new climbs being set ... tempatation ...18:10
QuintasanLaney: You will end up going there sooner or later so...sooner is better IMO :D18:11
Laneynah I hurt my shoulder, should wait a few more days18:11
QuintasanI see, well, better wait for it to recover then18:12
seb128Laney, great18:12
Laneyxnox: no ideas about that DESKTOP_SESSION thing I guess? http://paste.ubuntu.com/5574106/ is what I'm trying18:15
LaneyI get http://paste.ubuntu.com/5574105/ when I run it without the extra condition (sorry about the wrapping - search for DESKTOP_SESSION to see it is there)18:16
Laneyjust remembered that I'm at a hard boss :( games suck :(18:24
seb128stgraber, ^18:25
xnoxLaney: as far as I know we don't calculate nor export DESKTOP_SESSION at the moment.18:26
xnoxLaney: if you wish for upstart jobs to be run on per-session name basis, you should ship them in /etc/xdg/xdg-$SessionName/upstart18:27
stgraberLaney: FWIW, the package I just uploaded to the PPA drops compiz, pulseaudio and nautilus18:27
xnoxLaney: cause the paths we search for upstart jobs is fully XDG_CONFIG_DIRS / HOME_DIR compliant with added /usr/share/ location as the last fallback such that one can ship upstart user session jobs which are _not_ conffiles.18:27
xnox(and a legacy ~/.init but I don't mention that ;-) )18:28
Laneystgraber: xnox: So it's not the same as the regular environment?18:28
xnoxLaney: _almost_18:28
LaneyI added an export DESKTOP_SESSION to gnome-sesion18:29
Laney's job file18:29
xnoxLaney: to be honest nothing should ever use DESKTOP_SESSION env variable.18:29
xnox(that's my preference, that is. Should have make it sound less strong)18:30
stgraberxnox: well, gnome-session.conf does for the exec line18:30
xnox=) ok.18:30
Laneyanyway it doesn't really matter, I just wanted to experimenta18:31
* didrocks waves good evening18:45
chrisccoulsonqengho, so, i guess this issue is this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5574177/18:51
chrisccoulsonbranching to a random address ;)18:51
chrisccoulson(it's meant to branch to pthread_getspecific, via the plt)18:51
chrisccoulsonlinker bug!18:51
chrisccoulsonit's seb128's fault :P18:51
qenghochrisccoulson: Yep.  seb128, as usual.18:52
* seb128 pokes chrisccoulson, is it fixed yet?18:52
seb128chrisccoulson, btw you still didn't send the email saying what you did at the sprint :p18:52
* chrisccoulson hides18:52
chrisccoulsoni wonder if we'll ever get this to work18:53
bdrungSweetshark: should i sync libcmis from Debian?19:08
Sweetsharkbdrung: that would be awesome, LibreOffice 4.0.1 needs it.19:13
Sweetsharkbdrung: which is testbuilding for the ppa in https://launchpad.net/~bjoern-michaelsen/+archive/libreoffice-3-4 btw (ppa as that build switched back to the internal libcmis temporary)19:15
bdrungSweetshark: you could just upload the needed libraries to the PPA19:16
bdrungSweetshark: can you push your proposed changes for  LibreOffice 4.0.1 to the debian git repository19:17
Sweetsharkseb128: you know what chrisccoulson did at the sprint, you guys teamed up to talk me into 'just one beer'. I think you took lessons from the kernelteam!19:18
Sweetsharkbdrung: sure, will do (except the temp. internal internal libcmis one), when the build succeeds (_rene_ doesnt like to see too many pushes, so ...)19:20
Sweetsharkbdrung: anyway, gotta run, but will do this still tonight, I guess.19:21
bdrungSweetshark: what does he have against pushes?19:21
bdrungSweetshark: libcmis 0.3.1-1 fails19:22
bdrungtest-document.cxx:56:36: error: ignoring return value of 'size_t fread(void*, size_t, size_t, FILE*)', declared with attribute warn_unused_result [-Werror=unused-result]19:23
Sweetsharkbdrung: meh, why does it fail only for us? different gcc?19:24
bdrungi assume that's the different gcc19:24
Sweetsharkbdrung: anyway, really gotta run now. Will likely look at it and patch later (sounds like something easy to fix) ..19:25
bdrungSweetshark: or just disable -Werror?19:25
sarnoldSweetshark,bdrung: that's coming from fortify19:27
sarnoldSweetshark,bdrung: tyhicks had to fix a giant pile of those warnings with the audir MIR19:27
bdrungSweetshark: i will leave it to you to fix it. ping me, when it's ready to sponsor.19:28
Sweetsharkbdrung: k, thx. really gone now.19:29
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chrisccoulsonright, time to switch rooms21:17
chrisccoulsoni'm determined to nail this second toolchain bug before i sleep21:17
chrisccoulsonotherwise i will stay awake all night21:17
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