
=== henrix is now known as henrix_
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vibhavcjwatson: I had a look at the gnulibc bug you were talking about. Is it true that the program assumes that gets is detected?02:23
darkxstcjwatson, hey, can you approve my spidermonkey post on ubuntu-devel?04:42
cheshairHi! (hope that's not ot) I can't find how to change my ubuntu single sign-on username. Here https://login.ubuntu.com/ I can only change full name, email or pwd.05:30
cheshairAny tips?05:30
cheshairI found this post which sounds similar to my scenario: http://askubuntu.com/questions/162435/changing-user-name-on-https-myapps-developer-ubuntu-com-dev05:31
cheshairAh! I found the way! It's reported here: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+faq/53 (quite tricky to find indeed)05:35
sarnoldcheshair: nice :) I just got there..05:36
cheshairsarnold: thanks for your interest! i appreciate, did you find it quick?05:36
sarnoldcheshair: no, you found it first, it would have taken me several more minutes at the least05:37
sarnold(i started getting there via /topic #launchpad and seeing the answers url...)05:37
cheshairsarnold: oh i see, thanks again! :-)05:38
cjwatsonvibhav: gnulib, not gnulibc - and no, not really, the bug was that gnulib was trying to install a wrapper for gets that warned when you tried to use it, but it was doing so using typeof to detect the original libc type of gets and this broke when gets was absent from libc05:48
cjwatsonvibhav: this is fairly complex and you aren't necessarily expected to understand it, which is why I just pointed to a few packages that I knew had been temporarily distro-patched to fix the problem :)05:49
cjwatson(as in, typeof is moderately obscure to start with and understanding gnulib requires a fairly clear understanding of autoconf and libc)05:49
cjwatsondarkxst: done05:51
vibhavcjwatson: Ah, I get it now. Well learning something new never does any harm :)05:53
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dokoquery cjwatson05:59
dokocjwatson, heh, still awake, or already?05:59
vibhavdoko: btw, I had a look at kasumi. Would it be better to file a MIR or lower the recommends?06:04
vibhav(It should be noted that kasumi is simple dictionary utility for anthy)06:05
cjwatsondoko: already :-/06:08
vibhavcjwatson: Actually, I know what typeof does :D06:09
cjwatsonvibhav: I stand corrected, sorry :)06:18
vibhavdoko: Could you have a look at https://code.launchpad.net/~vibhavp/ubuntu/raring/anthy/fix-component-mismatch/+merge/150961 ?06:23
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pittiGood morning07:08
cjwatsonbdmurray,ev: phased update support is now live in LP; you can see the column for it in https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/raring/i386/man-db07:21
cjwatsonI suggest memorising how to get to those binary package publishing history pages, as it's hard to find them by navigation alone07:22
dholbachgood morning07:24
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tomreynthe canonical-partner repository is pretty slow. where's the proper place to report this?08:40
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evcjwatson: awesome, thanks!08:58
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Laneytomreyn: #canonical-sysadmin i suppose09:25
tomreynthanks Laney09:33
Laneytomreyn: I believe there were flash and/or java updates though, so it's likely to be due to higher than average traffic09:34
tomreynis java in there, too?09:35
tomreynthere surely were flash updates, which is why i noticed09:35
tomreynbut that's like 5 or 6 MB09:35
Laneysorry, not java09:37
Laneybut 5/6 * <lots of users> is surely a lot09:37
tomreynmaybe 2 mirrors are not enough then09:47
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xnoxdoko: boost1.53 is being prepared in svn but it apperantly has some packaging restructuring in progress and hence is not uploaded yet.10:07
xnoxi guess you'd want me to drive that to an upload ;-)10:08
dokowell, if 1.53 will be the next debian default, yes, that would be good10:08
dokoseb128, does gnome-calculator need a MIR?10:39
seb128doko, no, it's a rename of gcalctool10:39
seb128ev, hey, is filtering on a source/binary known to be broken (e.u.c)?10:51
seb128ev, I'm trying to see telepathy-gabble bugs but it seems to never finish "Loading..."10:52
evseb128: think I've spotted the bug. Fixing.10:53
seb128ev, thanks10:54
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Guest89798http://www.ubuntu.com/testing is very outdated11:06
dokodiwic, which alsa-tools version is this?12:15
diwicdoko, hmm, 1.0.25-2ubuntu112:16
diwicdoko, I tried packaging, that's when I discovered it and found it present in current version as well12:18
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czajkowskiLaney: anyone else I should poke re my partial upgrade ?12:22
LaneyI'm not sure what the intended behaviour is12:22
Laneyjbicha: is the Breaks strictly necessary?12:23
jbichaLaney: we can't run two different cogl libraries at the same time so we don't want the old library to be present at all...12:28
Laneydoesn't britney ensure this?12:29
jbichaI basically copied what Debian did the last time we had to do the cogl transition12:29
jbichaso I believe Debian needs the breaks, I have no idea whether Ubuntu upgrades can work without it12:34
LaneyI can see how it would be a problem if you're running unstable (or raring-proposed)12:34
Laneyi.e. if the transition is in progress12:35
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xnoxLaney: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5573220/12:38
Laneyhaha, classy12:38
Laneywhy keep them?12:39
xnoxLaney: such that they match the attic/ folder in the branch.12:39
xnoxwhy are those kept?12:39
Laneybecause they might be useful in the future12:39
Laneyfor the next transition of that library, for example12:39
Laneyor as examples for some future transition12:40
xnoxsame. if transition finished 3 days ago, but I am confused why something is borked, one can look at it.12:40
Laneycan't say i've done that12:40
Laneybut whatevs12:40
seb128_Laney, what's the issue exactly there? (sorry I disconnected), is the partial upgrade because the old soname needs to be removed?12:40
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mlankhorsttkamppeter_: mind if I close https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/1029865 as WONTFIX since from your description it seems to be a hardware issue?12:40
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1029865 in linux (Ubuntu) "Intel HD graphics: Starts always with 1024x768 resolution on a 1920x1080 monitor (HDMI and DisplayPort)" [High,Confirmed]12:40
Laneyseb128: right, because there's a Breaks from clutter-something to libcogl<oldsoname>12:40
xnoxczajkowski: we shouldn't have partial upgrades in raring =(12:40
Laneyfeels like u-m should allow this, but I don't know how to capture the situation12:41
Laneyand I do think we could remove the Breaks but there wouldn't be anything to stop things like this coming from Debian12:41
czajkowskixnox: hence me joining here to find out whuy :)12:43
xnoxthanks ;-)12:44
xnoxLaney: you can -delete them, I'm not fussed.12:45
Laneyxnox: I think that should be done in the 'go' script12:46
Laneyto remove them before they're rsynced to public12:46
* Laney JFDI12:47
mptev, foreach uuid, {foreach percentage bucket, {calculate the absolute value of the difference, if you put the uuid in that bucket, between its resulting percentage and its target percentage}; total those absolute values; put the uuid in the bucket that results in the lowest total, using the earliest if there's a tie}.12:48
Laneyxnox: OK it's in place12:49
Laneywe can expose the attic later if it's wanted12:49
Laneyjbicha: I'll upload to remove the Breaks now and we can decide whether u-m should be able to handle this situation at our leisure later12:50
mptev, a simpler version that would probably work just as well: foreach uuid, {foreach percentage bucket, {calculate the absolute value of the difference, if you put the uuid in that bucket, between its resulting percentage and its target percentage}; put the uuid in the bucket that has the lowest absolute difference, using the earliest if there's a tie}.12:53
Laneyczajkowski: jbicha: OK, uploaded - please see if the partial upgrade goes away when that's rolled out in a couple of hours13:01
Laneyseb128: ↑ fyi13:01
mptLaney, perhaps "Breaks" in update-manager is (or would best be) covered by bug 1038113?13:03
ubottubug 1038113 in update-manager (Ubuntu Raring) "support conflicts/provides/replaces and allow removal in this case" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/103811313:03
seb128Laney, how did you fix it?13:03
LaneyI just dropped the breaks13:03
LaneyI don't think we need it13:03
seb128Laney, it seems like that breaking on an old package that needs to be removed should be a normal/supported upgrade case13:03
mptoh, maybe not, that's fixed in Raring already apparently13:03
Laneympt: that was fixed and seems to me to be about a rather more specific case (complete replacement as expressed by the Provides)13:03
Laneyseb128: It was intended to stop users doing partial upgrades in the middle of the transition13:03
seb128Laney, right, but it seems like at the end of the transition it should be ok13:04
seb128not sure why we need to drop it13:04
seb128shouldn't update-manager just do the right thing13:04
Laneybecause u-m refuses to remove packages like that13:04
seb128e.g remove the old package13:04
seb128which means we pile old cruft...13:05
LaneyI don't know if it has any autoremoval support13:05
seb128Laney, anyway, thanks for fixing it13:05
seb128it seems like it's going to bite us again in the futur though13:05
Laneyand I do think it behaves a bit differently wrt removals when doing a release upgrade (there must be other packages being forced out in that case, surely)13:05
seb128sometimes we do require removal from the old soname because there is a file conflict or something13:05
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Laneyand sometimes we'll just plain want to get rid of packages for some reason13:07
Laneympt: do you know how update-manager handles this?13:07
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Laneyi.e. what is the specification that determines when you get a partial upgrade?13:08
Laneyperhaps it's just unreasonable; after all, you do sometimes use dist-upgrade instead of upgrade (apt-get upgrade also didn't handle this case)13:14
seb128Laney, fwded you a recent email which is discussing killing the partial upgrade button13:17
Laneycool, ty13:17
evthe background is for each uuid representing a core file coming in, we need to assign it to a specific bucket such that the total number of uuids processed into a bucket over time matches the percentage assigned to that bucket13:29
evoh, the first part of what I wrote didn't send13:30
ev[13:27:11] <ev> mpt: we don't know the set of uuids ahead of time. The solution I've come up with is to drop the deterministic requirement and just use random.randint(1,100) which each bucket mapping to a portion of that range13:30
ev[13:27:42] <ev> we then pass the bucket information along with the uuid so that it doesn't need to be run again using the uuid as input, thus dropping the deterministic requirement13:30
Laneyxnox: http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/transitions/ much cleaner now :-)13:31
xnoxLaney: all media files are gone, no css /js13:31
Laneyoh yeah :P13:32
Laneyalready putting that back13:32
Laney*too* clean ;)13:32
mptev, you don't need to know the set of uuids ahead of time.13:32
xnoxLaney: is it croned to wipe media files? =)13:32
Laneyblame xnox13:33
xnoxLaney: i had a careful -max-depth 113:34
Laneyadding a -type f13:34
mptLaney, not really. If it turns out to require UI, please assign a bug to me, and I'll extend either <https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SoftwareUpdates#uninstallable> or <https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SoftwarePackageOperations> to cover it.13:35
Laneyxnox: that's better, yes?13:35
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Laneyhopefully it will all work after a cron run13:36
evmpt: oh, but it requires knowing how many uuids are in each bucket?13:37
Laneympt: I would think that, if anything, we'll extend update-manager to understand that some types of removals are OK when upgrading (so no new UI)13:37
Laneyautomatically installed libraries only, no other relationships broken or something like that13:38
mptev, how many you've put in each bucket so far, sure.13:38
mptLaney, sounds good.13:38
evmpt: yeah, that's not ideal. Requires persistent storage for those totals.13:38
evI'd much rather use something that gets close to accurate but doesn't require knowledge of any step before13:39
mptev: Forgetful, deterministic, and accurate, pick two. You can demonstrate this with the simplest useful example: two buckets which you want 50% full each. A forgetful and deterministic algorithm would incorrectly either put every uuid into the first bucket, or every uuid into the second.13:43
evmpt: forgetful and accurate13:47
mptSo, use random numbers :-)13:48
evmpt: "The solution I've come up with is to drop the deterministic requirement and just use random.randint(1,100) which each bucket mapping to a portion of that range" :)13:48
evbut you're absolutely right about first defining the constraints, and thanks for the pointers13:49
sladenev: mpt: whenever I see you both discussing topics on here it is incredibly reassuring13:55
sladenmpt: ev: continuing kudos to you13:56
mptsladen, not as reassuring as it might appear, because we aren't sitting next to each other at the moment. I haven't seen ev in days. :-)13:56
evsladen: thanks :)13:56
evmpt: yeah, I really must get back into the office13:56
evbut this whole working until midnight thing is addictive13:56
sladenmiaow!  though it's a fair point, I didn't find Bluefin to be as inspiring an office as Millbank and I can see reasons for avoiding it ;-)13:59
evit at least has better coffee than I (suddenly) do at home14:00
evI think my transition to the UK can be considered complete when I now prefer Monmouth to Dunkin Donuts14:01
seb128pitti, can you mark https://code.launchpad.net/~johnv/ubuntu/precise/libappindicator/bug-1122596/+merge/148027 as merged?14:02
pittiseb128: done14:02
seb128pitti, danke14:02
brendandcan debian/rules work from a different directory than root?14:02
brendandi'm trying to get around a limitation of launchpad recipes14:03
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seb128pitti, I noticed that your reviewed the l-s MR, did you look at https://launchpadlibrarian.net/132004936/accountsservice_lp-1130690.diff as well and didn't like or were you just letting that for someone else14:04
pittiseb128: I didn't get to that one14:04
seb128pitti, I don't like that stack of scripts but at this point that small addition is not going to make a difference14:04
pittiseb128: yeah, same here; it has become a terrible mess14:04
seb128pitti, ok, I'm going to upload it then, I just wanted to check with you first to not step on your toes14:05
seb128pitti, danke ;-)14:05
mptjodh, do I understand correctly that the Upstart user session will replace update-notifier completely? Or would it just be launching update-notifier periodically?14:08
mptOh, I should have read the work items: "[seb128] replace update-notifier with upstart jobs: BLOCKED"14:08
seb128mpt, define "update-notifier" :p14:08
mptseb128, the bane of ev's existence14:09
brendandpitti - any idea ^?14:09
seb128mpt, https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/desktop-r-reduced-power-ram has14:09
seb128 [brian-murray] change update-notifier to be running on demand, from an upstart job, does the action it has been called for and exit: BLOCKED14:09
mptseb128, because it includes various bits of Apport too14:09
seb128mpt, right, update-notifier evolved to be collection of different things over time14:10
mptAnd, unimportantly, but my focus right this minute, the cause of bug 39959114:10
ubottubug 399591 in One Hundred Paper Cuts "System Monitor shows unfriendly name "update-notifier"" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/39959114:10
seb128mpt, we plan to separate those in "logical units"14:10
dokoxnox, I don't intend to drop guile-1.8, just demote it14:11
mptseb128, would the update part of it just be merged with update-manager, or would it stay separate?14:11
seb128mpt, that's a good question, update-manager doesn't have a nonUI part atm afaik, but we could teach it to do "silent" updates and only display the ui if there are updates then14:13
jodhmpt/seb128: I thought that the upstart-time-bridge would mean update-notifier would not need to run constantly, but we probably won't have that bridge in the first iteration.14:13
seb128mpt, no concrete plan atm though14:14
seb128jodh, right14:14
mlankhorsthm seems I was still on a rc1 kernel :P14:17
evmpt, seb128: :D14:17
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evseb128: RT 59730 should fix that problem14:22
zygadusty42: hi14:24
seb128ev, thanks a lot for the quick fix!14:24
zygadusty42: let's talk here about the problem14:25
evseb128: sorry it took as long as it did - got pulled aside for other things14:25
evtrying to get webops on it now14:25
zyga(for context if anyone wants to help) - dusty42 is looking at a situation where a user is ssh-ing from macosx and inherits some of the environment from osx, that in turn causes issues with setlocale()14:25
zygawe're not sure if what osx is doing is correct14:26
dusty42OS X is doing it the wrong way for sure14:26
zygajust that it causes actual problems that gives the impression that "ubuntu is broken14:26
zygadusty42: so you said that LC_CTYPE from osx is set to "UTF-8"14:26
dusty42OS sets environment variable LC_CTYPE=UTF-814:26
dusty42when you ssh to remote host, ssh client sets LC_CTYPE=UTF-8 on remote system as well14:27
zygaI mentioned that we can either fix this in one specific case (in the app that is affected now)14:27
zygaor look at fixing it somewhere globally in ubuntu14:27
xnoxdoko: why not? fedora supposedly has everything on 2.014:27
zygaif that's possible to fix reliably14:28
zygadusty42: for now I'd see if we can work around it at the app level but as I said earlier it'd be good to bring this topic up in the ubuntu-devel mailing list14:28
zygaas it probably affects everything14:28
zygaand mac developers sshing to ubuntu servers would get the bad impression that things don't work in certain cases14:29
zygadusty42: what does putty/windows does if you have a means to check that?14:29
dusty42This snippet demonstrates how locale module in Python behaves on different LC_CTYPE env variables: http://pastie.org/635450414:31
dusty42zyga: yes, I'll check that for sure14:32
timrcinfinity, Hi... so I back-ported a piece of lb_binary_rootfs from 3.0.1-1 to enable ext3 and ext4 rootfs's and I noticed a peculiar line "Chroot chroot "ln -s /proc/mounts/mtab /etc/mtab" (line 128)... this caused us to hit a bug in precise but was silent in quantal... /proc/mounts/mtab... is that... valid? (I had to change back to /proc/mounts to get it working)14:32
timrcinfinity, wondering if you've encountered this at all14:33
zygadusty42: cool, I suspect it is safe to just blindly change 'UTF-8' to 'C.UTF-8' since the magic C.UTF-8 locale was added to glibc14:33
dusty42zyga: yes, that's right14:36
dusty42zyga: however, where should this env variable be corrected?14:37
zygadusty42: I would encourage you to document this, which osx version, what kind of settings (defaults matter) etc14:37
zygadusty42: so if we do for just-the-app fix then we can simply change how we call setlocale14:37
zygadusty42: if we want to do some bigger changes we'd have to ask someone else14:37
zygapitti: ^^ do you know if it would be sane/good to fix broken env that comes from osx uses sshing into ubuntu?14:38
zygapitti: like doing some tests in the early environment files that (hopefully) all the shells source, or even straight in the ssh package14:39
pittizyga: I wouldn't quite know where, though14:39
pittiin general I have always found it rather questionable to forward locale env through ssh as well14:39
pittiit causes at least as much unintended damage as it does good14:39
zygayeah, especially since there is no agreed-upon meaning for any of the values14:40
zygaI suspect that LC_TYPE=UTF-8 is valid somewhere but it just breaks us14:40
dusty42pitti: in case with OS X, the defaults are broken (well, at least with regard to Ubuntu settings)14:40
zygapitti: alternatively14:41
zygapitti: we could do it at libc level14:41
zygapitti: where it would be an alias of C.UTF-814:41
dusty42zyga: this sounds like the nicest workaround, actually14:41
pittiwell, the names of locales are defined by the local localedef conventions and thus by the distro/OS14:41
zygabut I don't know if that's sensible actually -- can LC_CTYPE carry language definition?14:42
pittithat's one major reason why they don't belong forwarded14:42
pitti(the other is that in many cases the locale doesn't even exist on the remote machine)14:42
zygait sure makes sense in LC_MESSAGES but for LC_CTYPE?14:42
zygapitti: yeah, that's another valid problem14:42
zygapitti: we track that separately14:42
pittiit's much better to use the remote computer's .bashrc or .pam_environment or whatever IMHO14:42
pittino, it doesn't make sense for any LC_*14:42
zygapitti: so do you think that what osx does is correct? sending us LC_CTYPE=UTF-8?14:43
pittiIMHO we should drop SendEnv from /etc/ssh/ssh_config, but I guess cjwatson feels otherwise14:43
zygapitti: do you think we should move this to the mailing list to get feedback from more people?14:44
pittizyga: well, UTF-8 is not a locale, but if OSX defines a locale with that name (presumably based on en_US), it's valid within an OSX context14:44
zygapitti: the topic is certainly interesting but perhaps invisible to us, since we don't use windows/osx typically14:44
pittioh, there is perhaps a workaround, see bug 31331714:45
ubottubug 313317 in Ikarus Scheme "guard should allow definitions in its body" [Low,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/31331714:45
pittierr, debian bug 31331714:45
ubottuDebian bug 313317 in openssh-server "openssh-server: PAM environment takes precedence over SendEnv" [Normal,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/31331714:45
pitti(which I actually consider a good thing)14:46
pittidebian bug 391964 and debian bug 558171 are also related14:46
ubottuDebian bug 391964 in openssh-client "warn if client-requested locale not available on server?" [Important,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/39196414:46
ubottuDebian bug 558171 in openssh-client "openssh-client: some LC_LOCALE settings make ssh fail to open a shell" [Important,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/55817114:46
pittidebian bug 573316 is probably the closes thing14:46
ubottuDebian bug 573316 in openssh-client "request for new UnSendEnv directive (or change SendEnv)" [Wishlist,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/57331614:46
zygapitti: yeah, that does sound right a lot14:46
pittizyga: ^ in case you want to refer to some bugs in your mail14:46
zygadusty42: ^^ would you mind looking at those as possible general solutions to this problem?14:47
zygapitti: thanks a lot14:47
pittiwell, these are not solutions, they are bugs which happen because of the locale forwarding14:48
pittiI have more, like people create postgresql clusters with wrong encodings, and get tons of perl errors due to wrong locales14:48
dokoxnox, well, in this case maybe consider moving the headers into a location where guile-1.8-dev had them14:49
pittizyga, dusty42: so it seems cjwatson went off IRC for the first time in years, so bad time to discuss this :/14:49
zygapitti: I came across the postgresql bug myself, IIRC our cloud images were affected by tyhat14:50
zygapitti: sorry, I misunderstood then, I'ms till reading the bugs you've referenced14:51
dusty42It's actually not that hard to handle this at app level14:51
pittidusty42: so either fix it on the client ssh side by dropping SendEnv, or on the server side by adding a .pam_environment file with the correct locale for the remote system14:52
zygadusty42: true but then each app has to do it14:52
zygapitti: note that we cannot fix the client, this is osx that's causing the problem (and putty)14:52
dusty42zyga: of course, and this aint' cool at all14:52
pittinah, fixing a broken environment really shouldn't be done by-app14:52
zygapitti: although putty is broken in different way14:52
zygaIIRC putty uses some silly old encoding by default but does not actually specifies it as such in any of the environment variables it sends14:53
Kanohi, is there a lightdm channel or is it here?14:53
zygalike sending ISO8859-2 over the wire (and interpreting that locally for display) and not sending anything at all as environment14:53
zygathis causes issues with backspace and how it is interpreted14:54
dusty42pitti: so, as I understand, those bugs should be closed because it's the problem on the client system, not Ubuntu itself, correct?14:55
pittidusty42: no, Debian/Ubuntu's ssh also defaults to forwarding these environment vars14:55
zygadusty42: also note that most users don't understand that and just see broken ubuntu14:57
dusty42pitti: fixing the LC_CTYPE globally via /etc/.profile is a bad idea, right? E.g. detect if it's "UTF-8" and change to "C.UTF-8"?14:57
zygadusty42: so if we can get a workaround that just makes things work right when we see broken input, that's good14:57
dusty42maybe not /etc/.profile, somewhere else (not yet sure where)14:59
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brendandzyga, you're needed :)15:01
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hallynplars: hey, are you by any chance expert at building crosstools on recent ubuntu ?15:03
* zyga -> meeting15:03
plarshallyn: nope, sorry :(15:04
hallyni've wasted like a day now trying to get it to compile, always ends up failing somewhere.  (used linaro releases 2012.10 and 2012.12 before, now using upstream )15:04
hallynok - thanks15:04
zygaplars: hey, long time no see, how are you  doing?15:07
mitya57Mirv: can you please apply https://bazaar.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/qtsvg-opensource-src/revision/22 to Debian git?15:17
mitya57I've been doing some icon themes testing in Debian, and without that change SVG themes don't work15:18
mitya57Mirv: and while we are at it, please also apply http://paste.ubuntu.com/5573584/15:28
mitya57rickspencer3: Friday 27th Feb???15:36
rickspencer3hi mitya5715:38
rickspencer3did I put a weird typo in my email?15:38
rickspencer3maybe I mean tomorrow :)15:39
mitya57hopefully everyone will understand that15:40
Laneyrickspencer3: Friday 27th Feb? ;-)15:40
rickspencer3Laney,  I know I know15:41
rickspencer3I spent *days* working on that email15:41
rickspencer3and I missed that one thing15:41
rickspencer3I am such a bad proof reader15:41
Laneyyeah, the letters stop going in15:41
Laneyyou mean tomorrow, I guess?15:41
jpdsLaney: Clearly, yesterday.15:42
Laneyjpds: Ah, OK.15:42
* Laney speeds up to 88mph15:42
rickspencer3thanks Laney15:42
ogra_only 88 ?15:42
ogra_ah, you're in an autobahn-less country ... /me forgot :P15:43
Laneyrickspencer3: At least I just exposed that I didn't read the few lines immediately prior to my saying it ...15:43
Laneyogra_ hasn't seen back to the future?15:43
ogra_oh, i missed the referral15:43
plarszyga: sorry, was in a meeting. I'm doing well, lots going on as always :)15:44
zygaplars: :-)15:44
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CalvinKleinLaney, ^ that's for you15:45
Laneystgraber: Hey ho15:47
Laneyso, trying out user session jobs ... what's the compiz one for?15:47
LaneyThat should be started by gnome-session if needed shouldn't it?15:47
dokoSweetshark, online?15:47
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LaneyIf I remove it I can start other gnome sessions (trying shell) under upstart15:48
stgraberLaney: right, compiz, nautilus, gnome-settings-daemon and pulseaudio are all example jobs to show what we could to if the plan was to phase out some parts of gnome-session15:50
Sweetsharkdoko: yes and in call15:50
Laneystgraber: ah15:51
stgraberLaney: I don't think we should push those to the archive as they're indeed not needed in the current state of things15:51
Laneybut since we still call gnome-session then they can get in the way sometimes15:51
xnoxLaney: but e.g. it would be nice to at least have gtk-window-decorators as an upstart job, cause it crashes a lot and we can respawn it. Similar with compiz. I'm not sure about gnome-session's respawing capabilities.15:52
stgraberLaney: compiz and nautilus might, gnome-settings-daemon and pulseaudio won't15:52
stgraberLaney: as gnome-settings-daemon and pulseaudio are overriden by /usr/share/upstart/xdg/autostart/15:52
xnoxLaney: if you can point me which piece of gnome-session starts compiz i'd like to know, cause I failed to find the right place to override.15:53
Laneyxnox: AFAIK the .session file for unity tells it to start15:53
Laneygnome-session searches for a matching .desktop file15:53
xnoxLaney: we nifty prepend /usr/share/upstart/xdg to XDG_CONFIG_DIRS to shadow a few autostart/*.desktop files in favor of upstart jobs.15:53
xnoxAnd I'd like to shadow compiz for example, in a similar fashion if possible.15:54
Laneyso we'd want some kind of interfacing with .session files maybe15:54
Laneyor something15:54
xnoxcause imho having upstart manage the window manager would be awesome.15:54
Laneyto only start compiz in a session which wants it15:54
xnoxor we do it by default where ubuntu.session has upstart in it instead of compiz.15:54
xnox(wait that won't work)15:54
Laneysee Required* in /usr/share/gnome-session/sessions/*.session and gnome-session(1)15:57
stgraberas long as we're in a world that mixes upstart and gnome-session, we're going to have to live with some hardcoded values in the jobs. It should however be possible to do something along the lines of "start on starting gnome-session DESKTOP_SESSION=ubuntu15:57
tkamppetermlankhorst, you can close the bug, it is in fact some hardware problem.15:57
Laneydoes that work?15:58
Laneycould you have some thing which reads the .session files and emits some events based on what they'd cause to be started?15:58
Laneys/files/file to be loaded/15:58
bochechahi, somebody opened a bug report against my project, that it doesn't install in the right place on Ubuntu 12.0415:58
bochechalooking closer, it turns out that the autotools stuff runs this code, to find where to install the Python module: http://paste.fedoraproject.org/3987/15:59
bochechaand as you can see in the paste, the returned folder is wrong (it should be python3.2, not python3)15:59
bochechaany idea on how to fix this properly?15:59
stgraberLaney: we may need an extra "export DESKTOP_SESSION" in gnome-session.conf, but yes, it's easy enough to get DESKTOP_SESSION to be exported to other jobs so they can start depending on that15:59
LaneyI didn't know you could have "start on <some environment variable>" - that's useful for now indeed16:00
didrocksbarry: doko: maybe you would have any idea on bochecha's question? ^16:01
barrybochecha: hi.  let me look16:01
bochechabarry, hi, thanks :)16:02
stgraberLaney: writing a parser for gnome-session should be possible too but I guess this really depends on the plans for the desktop, because it may be quite a bit of work to get something that's flexible enough and I don't think we want to invest that kind of time if there are chances we'd move away from gnome-session16:02
stgraber(not that I really know anything about your plans, hence why I ask ;))16:02
Laneyright, I don't know that that's planned16:02
Laneyor how much work it would be to nick parts of it out of gnome-session itself16:03
barrybochecha: well, actually, the path in line #2 looks right.  dist-packages is correct for debian/ubuntu (instead of site-packages), and because of pep 3147/3149 file tagging, we can install all python3 modules in the same location without conflict16:04
bochechabarry, but then, the module can't be imported in python316:04
barrybochecha: line #1 does look a little weird in that sysconfig is imported but not used ;)16:05
xnoxbochecha: hm why not? all python3.X look in python3/ location.16:05
barrybochecha: hmm, do you know why it can't be imported?  have you tried using -v?  can it not be imported because it can't be found, or because of some other problem on import?16:05
bochechabarry, actually, it can be imported, you're right that /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages is in sys.path16:06
bochechaI incorrectly  tried to reproduce the bug16:06
bochechathe reporter had used /usr/local as his prefix16:06
bochechaand /usr/local/lib/python3/dist-packages is not in sys.path16:07
bochechabarry, only /usr/local/lib/python3.2/dist-packages is16:07
barrybochecha: ah, yes, that's true16:07
barrybochecha: i guess if they're doing a source install, it has to go to /usr/local and not /usr16:08
dokocorrect, because we can't guarantee what the user installs there, and if it's compatible for different python versions16:08
bochechabarry, yes, that's the default with autotools anyway when you don't specify --prefix16:08
bochechabut then... what can I do?16:08
barrybochecha: agreed :)16:08
bochechais my only choice to tell people « if you install on Ubuntu 12.04, use --prefix=/usr » ?16:09
barrybochecha: are you "distutils-based"?  setup.py and setuptools or distribute?16:10
bochechapure autotools16:10
bochechathe command I pasted is what the configure script ends up running to find where to install modules16:11
vibhavdoko: Thanks for sponsoring my merge :)16:13
xxiaoi have a headless ubuntu 12.10, it pauses for a few minutes during boot, bootlogd showed Starting load fallback graphics devices                               [fail]16:14
barrybochecha: sorry, i was trying to see if we had any specific recommendation in our wikis, but it doesn't look like it16:14
xxiaothis is from udev-allback-graphics.conf, how can I disable this safely16:14
barrybochecha: give me just a few minutes...16:15
bochechabarry, of course :)16:17
bochechabarry, by the way, the code is at https://github.com/bochecha/pycangjie if that helps16:18
* bochecha realizes he probably should have started with this...16:18
barrybochecha: ;)  let me try something with your trunk to make sure i don't recommend something that doesn't work16:19
bochechabarry, I don't want to bother you too much, there's a bunch of stuff you'd have to install beforehand16:20
bochechalike a more recent version of Cython16:20
bochechaor libcangjie16:20
barrybochecha: ah, okay.  try --prefix=/usr/local and if that doesn't work, probably hard coding installation into /usr/local/lib/pythonX.Y/dist-packages will be the most expedient thing16:21
xxiaois there a verbose mode of upstart that I can see more info at startup, even timestamps?16:24
bochechabarry, specifying --prefix=/usr/local gives the same result as not specifying it: /usr/local/lib/python3/dist-packages16:25
barrybochecha: i guess the code is in configure.ac?16:26
bochechabarry, yes16:26
bochechabarry, https://github.com/bochecha/pycangjie/blob/master/configure.ac#L2416:27
bochechabut the automatically generated configure contains this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5567643/16:28
bochechathe code which ends up being executed is what I had pasted earlier: $PYTHON -c "import sys; from distutils import sysconfig; sys.stdout.write(sysconfig.get_python_lib(0,0,prefix='$am_py_prefix'))"16:29
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xnoxbarry: I half wish pkgconfig files for python would specify the default locations.16:31
xnoxbarry: cause above would fail to cross-compile.16:31
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barryxnox: agreed.  this really should be easier and better documented16:33
barry(for non-distutils stuff)16:34
barrybochecha: well, this won't make you happy, but probably the generic thing to do is scan sys.path for the first /usr/local path and use that :/16:36
barrysysconfig won't help you because there are no /usr/local paths there16:36
dokojodh, stgraber:  I still see https://launchpad.net/~canonical-foundations/+archive/upstart-daily/+build/4333370 hanging. I thought that was fixed in the ppa?16:37
bochechabarry, hmmm, but that's all automatically generated by the autotools, I'm not sure I want to interfere with what they do :-/16:37
stgraberdoko: I don't see enough context in that part of the log to know if it's the same bug16:38
jodhdoko: that 'tail' doesn't show what test failed.16:38
stgraberdoko: and it worked on all other architectures, so it's not the same bug16:39
stgraberoh, and the previous daily worked on armhf too, so it may just be some kind of race16:39
barrybochecha: you may not have a choice but to override this.  i suspect that really autotools needs to learn about this.  maybe doko has some opinion about that16:40
bochechabarry, what I don't understand is that on 12.04, sys.path contains /usr/local/lib/python3.2/dist-packages16:41
bochechabut then, what's the point of containing that folder if it's not where stuff gets installed?16:41
barrybochecha: the problem is that autotools doesn't know about that installation location.  i'm fairly sure that a setup.py based install would dtrt16:41
bochechawell, autotools is only returning what that python code I pasted above returns16:42
bochechaon Fedora, that Python code returns the right thing16:42
bochechaand when run with --prefix=/usr, that Python code also returns the right thing on Ubuntu 12.0416:43
bochechaso to me, it looks like Ubuntu is doing something fishy with its Python paths16:44
bochechaor rather, with the path in /usr/local that ends up in sys.path16:44
pittimdeslaur: so it actually is planned to put USNs into the previous monthly snapshot?16:45
pittimdeslaur: I wonder, wouldn't these people just upgrade to the latest daily packages anyway the first time update-notifier pops up?16:46
pittimdeslaur: i. e. as soon as we fix stuff in the devel release together with stables, wouldn't that already fix it for everyone?16:46
pittimdeslaur: otherwise we would actually need a new series each month16:46
Davieypitti: I wonder if there is a way a new series could be avoided.16:47
pittimdeslaur: ah, maybe I'll reply to your mail instead, to keep discussion at one place16:47
bochechabarry, what is the reason for sys.path containing /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages but /usr/local/lib/python3.2/dist-packages ?16:47
mdeslaurpitti: I don't know the exact details of how the monthly snapshots will be handled with regards to pockets and such, but for security updates that are urgent, such as the sudo CVE that just came out, I'll be pushing that in both places16:48
mdeslaurpitti: ah, yes, we can discuss on the list16:48
zygapitti: exciting times ahead :-)16:48
pittimdeslaur: posted16:49
barrybochecha: doko said earlier: <doko> correct, because we can't guarantee what the user installs there, and16:50
barry       if it's compatible for different python versions16:50
pittiDaviey: yeah, IMHO new series each month would be just mad16:50
bochechabarry, but for stuff in /usr/lib/... you can?16:50
pittiDaviey: I understood the monthly things as blessed snapshots, not full releasese16:50
barrybochecha: yes, because apt controls /usr/lib :)16:50
bochechasure, but are packages actually tested to work with other Python 3 versions?16:51
bochechaor is it « compatible with all Python 3 versions installed in /usr, and no version other than the one provided by apt should ever be installed in /usr » ?16:51
barrybochecha: if they are packaged correctly, and they have a test suite, then they will be tested against all supported python3 versions for the distro-version. (autopkgtests can also be added to tests for simple stuff like importability).16:52
barrybochecha: correct16:52
bochechahonestly, that's annoying16:52
barrybochecha: "that's" == ?16:53
bochechaabout just as annoying as the result of --prefix=/usr/local on Fedora (there is nothing in /usr/local in the default sys.path, so modules must be installed in /usr :P)16:53
bochechabarry, the situation with installing Python modules in /usr/local in Ubuntu16:53
bochecha(but then again, it's annoying on Fedora too, for different reasons)16:53
barrybochecha: i'd amend that to be "non-setuptools based modules" and i agree16:53
barrybochecha: at the very least, we should have clear documentation about best practices here, which we don't, and that also sucks16:54
bochechabarry, I'll try to figure out a not-too-dirty way to test for the distro, and if it's Ubuntu and prefix=/usr/local then use py3versions to find the right path16:55
barrybochecha: unfortunately, right now i don't have any time to push that forward.  if you have time and inclination, a discussion on the debian-python mailing list would be fantastic, and it's always possible i'm missing something obvious16:55
barrybochecha: fwiw, ubuntu inherits all this behavior from debian, so pushing this upstream will give the best results16:55
bochechabarry, well, I'm just a FOSS developer, and a Fedora user/contributor, so you'll understand that improving the Debian/Ubuntu Python stack is not necessarily my highest priority ;)16:56
barrybochecha: i do ;)16:56
bochechaI'm just very interested in having my stuff install and run cleanly on Ubuntu16:56
bochechabecause it turns out most people who are likely to use my software are running Ubuntu16:57
barrybochecha: tell toshio, dave malcolm, or nick coghlan to bug me at pycon :)16:57
bochechaheh :)16:57
bochechaanyway, thanks a lot for all the pointers, the issue is now much clearer in my mind16:57
jbichahmm, I wonder how I magically became unsubscribed to ubuntu-devel, I've been missing all the excitement16:58
bochechaI'll try to fin a way to fix it tomorrow though, it's 1am here16:58
barrybochecha: another low bandwidth thing you could do is to file a bug here: http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/pkgreport.cgi?dist=unstable;package=python3-defaults or https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/python3-defaults and while they may not be the ultimate best place to fix them, at least the issue doesn't fall off the radar by being in irc16:58
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barrybochecha: sure, sorry i don't have better news16:58
bochechano problem, I'm much better off than before coming in here: now I understand what the problem is :)16:59
bochechaanyway, going to bed now16:59
bochechathanks again barry16:59
barrybochecha: cheers16:59
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tedgDoes anyone know if someone has tried to use the abi-compliance-checker to create something like a symbols file, but with more coverage?17:09
sladen /join #ubuntu-community17:11
tedgslangasek, ^ this seems like something you'd know :-)17:17
slangasektedg: I don't know anything about the abi-compliance-checker package in particular.  What do you mean by "like a symbols file"?17:18
tedgslangasek, It can do a dump.  So and then compare.  So I could do an acc dump, and see if the ABI has changed since that dump.  Basically the way a symbols file is checked for new/removed symbols.17:19
slangasektedg: a long, long time ago I was familiar with icheck, which had a similar kind of "cache the current api" interface17:19
* slangasek nods17:19
slangasektedg: so icheck may be a better starting point?17:19
xnoxtedg: I did.17:20
xnoxtedg: and it did catch abi breakage in my package.17:20
* tedg is looking at icheck17:20
tedgxnox, Used icheck or acc?17:20
tedgxnox, Did you do it as part of the package build?17:20
xnoxtedg: yes, but I ended up storing the processed /old/ reports in the source package.17:21
xnoxtedg: i have a workitem to implement this genericly for "core desktopy / graphical libraries" as needed by steam. But no such list emerged so far.17:21
xnoxtedg: what would you like to track abi off?17:22
tedgxnox, Everything!  :-)17:22
tedgxnox, Specifically we were looking at the Unity-ish libraries we maintain.17:22
xnoxand in the cloud?!17:22
seb128tedg, did you come to that topic on your own or as part of some team thinking? just asking because it's something that tvoss discussed a bit with lool and slangasek recently, they took an action item to look at it17:22
seb128tedg, in any case if you are just looking at the same problem by coincidence, maybe talk to lool ;-)17:22
tedgxnox, But for some more general solution, than us just doing it for fun.17:22
Laneyhave you seen http://upstream-tracker.org/ ?17:23
xnoxtedg: there is some code to run it as a service against many opensource libraries as in upstream-tracker,17:23
tedgseb128, We'd talked about it before.  I didn't realize anyone else had started looking into it more than chat.17:23
xnoxbut that obviously lacks ubuntu-applied patches.17:23
tedgSure, and I'd like to fail a build if it changes unknowingly.  Daily quality and all that.17:23
tedgSo a webservice doesn't really work there.17:24
xnoxi was thinking to have it run in jenkins / adt test17:24
seb128tedg, we had an hangout where we discussed that either, lool/slangasek have an action item to investigate, talk to them ;-)17:24
xnoxbut I'm not sure where / how to store previous result for comparison with just built one.17:24
tedgxnox, Why not in the debian/ directory just like the symbols file?17:24
xnoxsomething like ship it in-the package and then before britney migrates stuff grab one from -release and one from -proposed and fail if abi is broken and package is not renamed.17:25
tedgseb128, Will do, but thinking they might have already seen your ping ;-)17:25
seb128tedg, yeah, it was sort of the point17:25
seb128tedg, just making sure that you guys talk and don't do twice the same investigation work ;-)17:25
xnoxtedg: generate the first one, commit and have hooks to check at build time. Ok, sounds like a good enough start.17:26
xnoxtedg: I can write a dh_helper to do that.17:26
tedgxnox, That'd be awesome!17:26
tedgI'll use it :-)17:27
slangasektedg, xnox: I think the api manifest should be generated at source package prep time and shipped in the source package17:27
slangasekthen checked at package build time17:27
xnoxslangasek: no. because current manifest will always match current built. one wants to compare the first shipped version of the package (n) with current api/abi no make sure this new (n+3) version is compatible.17:29
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slangasekxnox: by "at source package prep time" I don't mean "each time you build the source package"17:31
slangasekjust like .symbols17:31
xnoxi see what you mean. yes.17:32
xnoxafter adding config file, one would not get a comparison but just initial manifest on first build.17:33
xnoxif it's stored in the source package subsequent builds will do comparison.17:33
* slangasek nods17:33
xnoxpitti: new gtk doesn't know what a green color is? =) http://paste.ubuntu.com/5573983/17:35
* xnox investigates.17:35
looltedg, seb128: Yup; essentially this comes from tvoss proposing that we adhere to API and ABI stability policies and we need tools to enforce that; slangasek brought up icheck and we need to investigate how to leverage which tools where17:56
loolother things that came up for the ABI were e.g. use of symbol versioning17:56
slangaseklool: right... the question is, why is tedg worrying about it if we have the action item :)17:57
* tedg didn't know slangasek and lool had the action item :-)17:58
loolI think tedg has a microphone in my home somewhere17:58
evany ubuntu-devel@lists.u.c moderators around? Keybuk's post is apparently stuck in the queue.17:59
* tedg would ask lool to please speak softer, you're hurting my ears!17:59
slangasekI was going to point to cjwatson, but his network apparently ate itself 6 hours ago17:59
xnoxslangasek: yeah, he did mention restructuring his network ;-)18:13
slangasekyah, he'd mentioned to me he was going to be doing that... guess it's not going so well :-P18:14
xnoxstgraber: u-d@lists.u.c can you moderate Keybuk's message?18:14
stgraberxnox: I don't think I have moderation access for u-d18:14
micahgone was already let through18:14
* Laney is happy to volunteer to mod if manpower is needed18:19
chrisccoulsonslangasek, xnox, he did post on twitter a short while ago https://twitter.com/colmmacuait/status/30718527392461619218:19
xnoxev: I like how to ride the wave to advertise phased updates & errors work ;-)18:21
evxnox: it was more to reassure people18:21
ogra_Laney, i guess manpower is needed ... ast cjwatsons place :)18:21
Laneyain't sysadminry fun?18:22
evif we didn't have a way to keep tabs on the development over the two years or so, a way to measure ourselves against the previous LTS, it'd be a much harder sell18:22
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davmor2is there a known issue with the battery meter saying crazy stuff, like 12.47 to charge when it has been on charge most of the day?19:03
slangasekdavmor2: yes; this known issue is that you can never reliably know how long a charge will take, and also that batteries are mixed in how good of information they give19:07
slangasekhowever, it's possible this is not the same issue you're seeing19:07
davmor2slangasek: well it's been on charge for 5 hours-ish and says 86% full for a laptop that I got in January, the time down is all over the place and then the time to charge is the same.  However a couple of days or so ago it seemed a lot more accurate19:09
slangasekdavmor2: yep - unfortunately I can't say from that whether it's a software bug, a battery physical failure, or a battery firmware failure19:10
* ogra_ guesses for a SW bug .... it started for me on the nexus7 with the switch to raring19:11
slangasekah, well then19:11
ogra_my chromebook had it too until i switched to a differet desktop19:11
davmor2ogra_: thanks19:11
slangasekbug report to gnome-power-manager, maybe?19:11
ogra_so i would blame upower here19:11
ogra_g-p-m only has some UI bits left, upower is the new stuff19:11
ogra_check if "upower -d" also gets you odd values19:12
davmor2slangasek: so u-b upower  any info that would be useful to you guys ?19:12
davmor2ogra_: will do one second19:12
slangasekdavmor2: ubuntu-bug should do it19:13
davmor2ogra_: yeap upower currently says 2 hours to total charge for the last 14% of the battery :)19:14
davmor2ogra_: bug #113622719:20
ubottubug 1136227 in upower (Ubuntu) "upower is reporting really odd stats for battery charge time" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/113622719:20
bdmurrayDaviey: you might be interested in https://errors.ubuntu.com/?user=ubuntu-server19:22
Davieybdmurray: I bet my left arm those are all ubuntu desktop installs :)19:25
bdmurrayDaviey: the point isn't those crashes but that you can see crashes associated with packages to which the ubuntu-server team is subscribed19:27
slangasekDaviey: hmm, does that mean you don't care about frequent crasher bugs in packages you maintain if the data comes from people installing them on the desktop?19:27
* slangasek loads the page -ooh, pretty graph19:27
Davieyslangasek: it more likely means people will put words in my mouth.19:27
slangasekoh, the top crashers are all in samba19:27
slangasekyeah, run away ;)19:28
slangasekbdmurray: drive-by bug report: the table of packages on this crash page doesn't seem to know that precise-security and precise-updates versions are part of Ubuntu 12.04?  https://errors.ubuntu.com/bucket/?id=%2Fusr%2Fsbin%2Fsmbd%3A6%3Adump_core%3Asmb_panic%3Aset_unix_security_ctx%3Aset_sec_ctx%3Achange_to_user_internal19:31
bdmurrayarges: there are 2 uploads of iptables by you to the precise-proposed queue19:31
argesbdmurray: hi19:31
bdmurrayslangasek: that'll get sorted out when we have the new bucketversion column famly19:32
slangasekbdmurray: ok19:32
argesbdmurray: yes. these fix two differnt bugs19:32
bdmurrayarges: right but neither includes fixes from the other19:33
argesbdmurray: ok how should i approach this? I can't upload myself, should I submit a debdiff with both fixes applied?19:34
bdmurrayarges: yes, let me know and I'll upload it for you.  in the mean time I'm going to reject the existing ones19:36
argesbdmurray: ok one debdiff comin right up. thanks19:37
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* mpt wonders if there is a count of how many SRUs 12.10 has had so far19:49
slangasekyou could tally from the mails on quantal-changes for everything that post-dates the release19:50
slangasekIIRC, that would give you the count of successfully completed SRUs, but not those that failed out or are in progress (or stalled)19:50
mpt...hundreds :-)19:51
* slangasek nods19:51
argesbdmurray: http://people.canonical.com/~arges/iptables/ , I have the debdiff, dsc files in this directory. I have verified that this package fixes the two bugs on my amd64 machine.19:52
bdmurrayarges: uploaded20:07
argesbdmurray: thanks20:08
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barrywould a pythonista care to review this m-p?  i'm most interested in reviewing my thinking behind the change (since it's just a one line change) and offer insights into how to reproduce/test it: https://code.launchpad.net/~barry/aptdaemon/lp1120322/+merge/15108320:11
lifelessbarry: looking20:13
barrylifeless: thanks.  there might be a little more context in the linked bug discussion20:13
lifelessthere are 7 pending branches20:14
lifelessmight want to look at cleaning that up as you go ;020:14
barryheh, yeah20:15
lifelesswhat version of python are the reporters running20:17
lifeless2.7's difflib physically cannot yield lines other than ---/+++/@@ without including the @@20:18
barrylifeless: 3.2 and 3.3 i think20:18
lifelessdifflib.py line 121120:18
lifelessah, I see the issue20:19
lifelessyour analysis is wrong20:19
lifelessthe action might be correct.20:19
barrylifeless: hmm, i guess REGEX_RANGE check could fail, causing the @@ match to never get to the line_number assignment20:22
lifelessI'm just explaining the situation that will happen in20:22
barrylifeless: excellent, that will help produce a test case :)20:22
lifelessbarry: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/aptdaemon/+bug/1120322/comments/820:24
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1120322 in aptdaemon (Ubuntu Precise) "update-manager crashed with UnboundLocalError in show_diff(): local variable 'line_number' referenced before assignment" [High,Triaged]20:24
barrylifeless: nice catch, thanks.  makes sense and should be testable.20:25
lifelessbarry: thats why they pay me the big bucks20:26
lifelessbarry: its special cases like this that make many specs horrendous to implement20:26
barrylifeless: python -c "import this" | grep special20:27
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hallynslangasek: do you think shipping a symlink from /usr/bin/kvm-spice -> /usr/bin/kvm in qemu-system-x86 for all users is no big deal?  (it feels heavyhanded to me as the only people who need it are people who had qemu-kvm-spice installed before)21:07
hallynbut it *is* just one symlink...21:07
lifelesshallyn: update-alternatives21:10
lifelesshallyn: perhaps ?21:10
hallynlifeless: i'm not worried about people who type it by hand - only people who have a libvirt VM defined with /usr/bin/kvm-spice as the hardcoded path to the emulator21:12
hallyndo alternatives help with that?21:12
slangasekhallyn: sorry, are you asking me if it's ok to provide the symlink?21:12
hallynoh, i guess so?  they'll put a  symlink into place?21:12
hallynslangasek: yeah.21:12
lifelesshallyn: yeah, alternatives provide symlinks to binaries when multiple packages might supply the binary21:12
hallynslangasek: given that kvm-spice was provided by a universe package, and kvm by main21:12
hallynlifeless: there aren't multiple packages though21:13
lifelesspossibly not useful here then21:13
slangasekhallyn: if you do, you should also add Conflicts/Replaces/Provides to the package metadata against the old qemu-spice package, whatever it was called?21:13
hallynslangasek: that's already there21:13
slangasekhallyn: and taken as a whole, I think that's a good idea21:14
hallynto force qemu-kvm-spice off the system21:14
slangasekhallyn: ah, not according to my apt-cache :)21:14
hallynslangasek: oh, it's on qemu-kvm21:14
hallynnot on qemu-system-x8621:14
slangasekhallyn: ok, in that case I'd put the symlink in qemu-kvm21:15
hallynslangasek: ok will do, thanks.21:15
smoseranyone know...21:20
smoserwhen i do: losetup --show --find /tmp/my.img21:21
smosersomething sets up /dev/loop0p121:21
smoserwhat is that? because sometimes it seems not to work for me.21:21
cody-somervillesmoser: kpartx can do that21:26
smoserit can do that.21:26
smoserbut sometimes something magically *does* do that.21:26
czajkowskicjwatson: welcome back21:27
czajkowskiLaney: think it's safe for me to do an update now ?21:27
Laneytry it21:27
czajkowskiif it breaks I'll come find you ;)21:27
Laneyit would have worked anyway; my upload was just to try and stop you getting a partial upgrade21:29
sorensmoser: And you're sure it's not kpartx?21:30
smosersoren, well, i'm not sure at the moment...21:30
smoserbut 'apt-get install kpartx' doesn't just make it star tworking21:30
cody-somervillesmoser: I think it happens if max_part is set on loop  kernel module21:30
sorensmoser: It was a udev rule that's supposed to do exactly that.21:30
smosersoren, yeah, i think that udev is not recognizing the rule on install21:31
czajkowskiLaney: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/5574632/21:31
Laneyczajkowski: do you get a partial upgrade?21:32
smosersoren, well, i somewhat verified its not kpartx.21:32
smoserapt-get --purge remove kpartx21:32
Laneyi don't know what's going on with ibus-table there21:32
smoserand i'm still getting the devices21:32
cody-somervillesmoser: do modprobe -r loop && modprove loop max_part=6321:32
cody-somervillesmoser: and then see if it sets up the /dev/loopNpN after setting up loop device again on disk image21:33
czajkowskiLaney: nope all good now21:33
smosercody-somerville, but what would have changed that in these 2 settings?21:33
smoseri'll try though21:33
smoserFATAL: Module loop is builtin.21:34
Laneyczajkowski: cool beans21:34
Laneythanks for reporting21:34
cody-somervillesmoser: ok, you can set the option then by passing option using the kernel command line then: loop.max_part=6321:35
smosercody-somerville, i've not done that on either system. same kernel.21:36
smoser(they're both raring instances...)21:36
cody-somervilledoes 'cat /sys/module/loop/parameters/max_part' spit something different out between the two of them?21:39
smosersoren, '0' on both21:39
cody-somervillebut one will automatically create /dev/loopNpN files for the same disk image when you loop mount it and the other doesn't?21:40
sorensmoser: max_part needs to be > 0 at init time for it to matter here.21:44
sorenI think, however, that doing a blockdev --rereadpt /dev/loop/X will cause the /dev/loopXpY devices to be created.21:45
smosersoren, what would make 'max_part' > 0 ? (which is not the case on either of my systems)21:46
sorenSo something might be doing that (or issuing the corresponding ioctl's by some other means) separately.21:46
sorensmoser: kernel cmdline parameter.21:46
sorenSince it's a builtin module, it has to be set that early.21:46
sorenThis is based on reading the driver code. I could be reading it wrong, but it looks fairly straight forward.21:47
smoser$ cat /sys/module/loop/parameters/max_part21:47
smoseron both systems21:47
sorenCan you trigger their creation by issuing a "blockdev --rereadpt /dev/loopX"?21:48
smoser$ sudo blockdev --rereadpt /dev/loop021:49
smoserBLKRRPART: Invalid argument21:49
smoseron both21:49
smoseri'm not sure how i got the one system actiing this way.21:49
smoseri think i know what it is21:50
smoserits related to partx --update21:51
smoseryeah, it is.21:52
smoserbecause i can actually drop the 'sfdisk' in that pastebin21:52
smoserand i still get /dev/loop0p1 on one system21:52
smoserand if i change it to not use '--find'21:52
smoserand specify losetup //dev/loop321:52
smoserthen it does not get /dev/loop3p1  created21:52
smoserso on the working system..21:54
smoseri did:21:54
smoseri ran that pastebin. then in the subshell did:21:55
smoserpartx --delete 1 /dev/loop021:55
smoserand i no longer get it magically created.21:55
smoserit seems that if you partx --update, then the kernel somehow remembers.21:55
mptachiang, oh snap22:07
mptWe posted the same thing :-)22:07
achiangmpt: my biggest accomplishment for the day! :)22:07
achiangit's kinda late in london, no?22:11
xnoxmpt: achiang: I thought monthly _iso_ is meant as a checkpoint to do extensive hw verification and installer testing.22:24
* xnox is not expecting actually user visible "monthly upgrades"22:24
slangasekxnox: the proposal on the table includes monthly upgrades22:25
xnoxslangasek: yeah, I noticed =)))) i'm still pondering on how it will affect me, my packages, my machine(s) and people I provide support for.22:26
* xnox remembers setting most of windows software to auto-update using beta channels if available. Nobody noticed anything broken.22:27
xnoxe.g. openSUSE has a rolling factory release, some/most things go directly there, but other groups of strongly connected components are overlays on top of factory, e.g. GNOME:Factory and KDE:Factory. Once api/abi transitions and shaken out, those packages are promoted into Factory.22:32
xnoxmany people enable the overlays they care about.22:32
xnoxthe major difference that their overlays can completly include dependency overlays such that one simply needs to enable GNOME:Factory to get latest gnome packages which are actually spit into further 2 overlays behind that one.22:33
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xnoxquantal... in more ways than in knew it's going to be.23:34
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