
darkxstrobert_ancell, Hi01:36
darkxstWondering if you could add a comment to my  membership application? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimLunn/DeveloperApplication01:37
robert_ancelldarkxst, sure01:38
darkxstjbicha, I guess you saw the gtk dnd fix fly by your emails?02:01
darkxstjbicha, seb128 is pretty much against having two spidermonkeys in the archive. But suggest I email ubuntu-devel list, which I tried but its awaiting moderation02:05
jbichahttps://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-devel says cjwatson can approve ubuntu-devel messages02:09
darkxstjbicha, ok, pinged him04:45
darkxstoh btw, i built images today, ~+70MB up on last time04:47
darkxstricotz, can you update to the new tarball (just to test it)07:43
ricotzdarkxst, sure07:53
ricotzi see they like screwing with versions, "0.0.rc0" ?07:54
ricotzdarkxst, was the internal soname fixes?07:54
darkxstricotz, thats only the tarball version07:55
darkxstmostly minimal changes, addressing code reviews, within the actual tarball07:55
darkxstfor one, js shell is now installed to 'js17'07:56
darkxstricotz, and no they wont take the soname fixes upstream07:58
ricotzto be clear i am not talking about the symlinks07:59
darkxstyou are talking about i.e. mozjs-17.0.so.1.0 ?07:59
darkxstoh the extra_dso_flags thing08:00
ricotzthe internal soname should match the filename08:00
ricotzEXTRA_DSO_LDOPTS += -Wl,-soname,lib$(LIBRARY_NAME).so.008:00
ricotzEXTRA_DSO_LDOPTS += -Wl,-soname,lib$(LIBRARY_NAME).so08:00
darkxstricotz, it does08:00
ricotzafaics it does not08:01
ricotzit is linked as libmoz.js and renamed to libmozjs-17.0.so08:01
darkxstno only the static is renamed08:02
darkxstI checked it with objdump, and soname was correct08:02
darkxstshared library is build as  libmozjs-17.0.so08:03
darkxst$ objdump -p /opt/gnome/lib64/libmozjs-17.0.so | grep SONAME08:05
darkxst  SONAME               libmozjs-17.0.so08:05
darkxstricotz, that is without any EXTRA_DSO_LDOPTS  -soname stuff added08:08
ricotzdarkxst, uploading the package08:40
darkxstricotz, so its ok then? soname wise? afaict it is09:10
ricotzdarkxst, seems so for the tarball, but for debian/ubuntu it needs to be patched09:12
darkxstricotz, yeh I realise that, I submitted patches for that but they were rejected.09:13
ricotzpushed a whole bunch of updates, gtk contains a hack for the dnd problem with mutter09:14
darkxstricotz, yeh I saw the dnd fix fly past09:16
ricotzhavent tested it yet though09:17
darkxstyeh nor have I, was trying to test, ISO's but thats really hard with the stupid mesa bug ;(09:17
ricotzhuh, ISO's, mesa bug?09:18
ricotzyou mean you were checking out the iso build process for ubuntu-gnome?09:19
darkxstbut there is a mesa bug, that breaks clutter in vmware09:20
darkxstI can work around that on an installed system, but not a live CD09:20
ricotzthen use vbox in the meantime09:20
ricotzalright, g2g09:21
darkxstoh and there starts the fun, last time I tried, vbox was completely broken with raring kernal09:21
darkxstok cya09:21
darkxstanyone here able to help test Ubuntu Gnome (raring) images?09:31

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