
escottubot2` is still broken in #ubuntu-beginners. can someone please tell him to forget about maverick03:31
IdleOneescott: we have to wait for jpds to do it, he owns ubot2`03:43
escottthanks, just wanted to make sure the message got through. poor bot is still pining for his eol distribution03:45
Unit193tsimpson: I know we've talked about this before, and I agree with you, but for the time being would you mind if someone simply muted the one bot and joined an updated clone?  (Mine or another, either way)04:04
tsimpsonUnit193: do you have a clone you want to bring in?04:06
Unit193I can, the PackageInfo plugin is slightly different, but about the same.  You had said that you would rather fix ubot2, which I agree with.  This would be a fix until then, though.04:07
tsimpsontrue, I'd rather ubot2 be fixed, but it looks like that's not going to happen any time soon04:09
=== bambee is now known as rperier
lubotu3In lubotu3, sealman said: are you moslem? it is greetting10:28
varunendra_Can I have a member cloak please - my LP page is https://launchpad.net/~varunendra11:16
Tm_Tvarunendra_: let's see...11:18
Tm_Tstaff could we have varundera an ubuntu member cloak please?11:18
Tm_Tvarunendra even11:19
Tm_Tcoffee ->11:19
varunendra_My teachers always had a problem pronouncing my name ;)11:19
varunendra_the cloak?11:24
Tm_Tniko: thanks11:25
Tm_Tvarunendra_: yes11:25
varunendra_Yay! Thanks !! :D11:26
=== varunendra_ is now known as varunendra
=== bambee is now known as rperier
lubotu3In lubotu3, emzi said: !shred is A utility for overwriting files. It can be use to erase your hard data safety and completely!17:02
Myrttithat's not entirely true17:02
Myrttion another topic, would it be ok to IRCC if I'd have the Ubuntu dual cloak dropped from me? it sometimes poses a hindrance since people assume I'm biased when I'm trying to act neutral17:04
PiciMyrtti: sure.17:30
* AlanBell doesn't think Myrtti is at all biased, but is fine with the cloak change18:32
IdleOneAlanBell: of course you wouldn't, you're also an Ubuntu member :P18:36
IdleOneWe stick together no matter how wrong we might be18:36
* AlanBell decides to find out how wrong he can be before that stops being true18:38
IdleOneI got your back brother18:40
IdleOnetill the bitter end18:40

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