
superm1jya: that's weird - the keyboard should be one of the first things enabled in the initramfs and where the raid array is mounted00:33
superm1any luck with 3.5?00:34
Shadow__Xsuperm1: hey, any idea why my machine running mythbuntu goes in to hibernate but then turns back on right after01:43
jyasuperm1: I'm going to try with 3.5 now..01:49
jyamy aim is to get lirc to work with my mce receiver to work01:49
jyaI get nothing out of irrecord now01:50
jyathe lirc device is created, but it doesn't work01:50
jyait's bizarre that 3.5 and 3.6 have been EOLed, but not 3.4 and 3.7+01:50
jya_grrrrr.. still now working that IR controller02:47
jya_irw gives me nothing..02:47
jya_when I start irrecord on /dev/lirc0 ; it times out after 10s saying it didn't receive anything02:48
jya_well, rebooted with kernel 2.6.32, and lirc / irrecord works just fine03:29
jya_ah, after rebooting for a dozen times, now it works04:02
=== croppa is now known as croppa_
superm1Shadow__X: hibernate or suspend?  If hibernate, most common cause would be not enough swap15:16
superm1if suspend, it's probably a kernel problem with your specific HW15:16
superm1jya: is your HW on it's way out perhaps?15:17
jyasuperm1: it's a less than one year out PC, 2.89GHz i520:19
superm1i was meaning the lirc reciever20:20
superm1or is it built in?20:20

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