
tyson_Hi, how do I change the scp port??00:00
sarnoldtyson_: see ListenAddress in sshd_config(5) for full details00:02
tyson_sarnold: thank you00:03
tyson_sarnold: still failing00:10
sarnoldtyson_: did you restart sshd?00:13
sarnoldtyson_: do you need to modify firewall rules to open that other port?00:13
tyson_sarnold: scp still says: por 22. connecion refused00:14
tyson_sarnold: yap00:14
sarnoldtyson_: if your sshd is no longer listening on port 22, you'll have to tell your client what port to use to00:15
BTC2510hello guys00:18
tyson_sarnold: What should I have done on the config file? set the port to the one I wanted, right?00:19
tyson_sarnold: scp is still doing its thing on port 2200:20
bastidrazortyson_: you need to tell scp to use a different port00:20
sarnoldtyson_: did you tell your scp client to use the different port?00:20
tyson_sarnold: no, I do not know how to do that00:21
shaunoif you're going to mess with the ports, add an entry to ~/.ssh/config.  your sanity will thank you (and scp will honor it)00:21
tyson_shauno: I have...00:22
tyson_but somehow I still get the same error00:22
sarnoldtyson_: it'd be scp -P portnum user@host:/path/to/file /path/to/local/dest00:22
sarnoldtyson_: or, as shauno suggests, adding the funny port to your your ~/.ssh/config for that host, so you don't go nuts. :)00:23
tyson_sarnold: believe it or not I was trying that for the last 10 mins... do you know what was wrong -p instead of -P...... this Case sensitive thing will surely drive me mad00:24
tyson_sarnold: do you actualy know the difference and why?00:25
bastidrazortyson_: the easiest way to learn about most commands is to read the manpage for them. 'man scp'00:26
sarnoldtyson_: -p preserves mtimes and atimes in the copy (just like cp -p)00:26
tyson_sarnold: thank you....00:27
tyson_bastidrazor: thank you.....00:27
roaksoaxrun people run...00:31
roaksoaxzul: is back :)00:31
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smoserroaksoax, i'ave seen busted lang (or even unset) cause problems other places too. maybe on postgress00:39
roaksoaxbigjools: ^^00:40
zulroaksoax:  havent seent that before unless debootstrap wasnt setup properly00:40
BTC2510was thinking,iv been a linux user a long long time ago,and i gave it up for win,soo now im planing too start ubuntu.00:43
BTC2510let me hear something00:44
BTC2510still as fun,as back then¨00:44
sarnoldBTC2510: I have more fun with Linux now than I did ~19 years ago -- the simple things are no longer baffling, and the complicated things are more .. beautiful.00:46
tsaavikWithout knowing what you want to do with it, and why you 'gave it up' its hard to answer your question.00:46
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AnRkeygood day, I'm trying to set static routes to go out of a ppp0 interface. Any way to do this automatically without specifying the gw or dev options in /etc/network/interfaces ?10:23
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jacobwI upgraded to the version of byobu from the PPA and found that Alt+Left and Alt+Right now scroll through screens, I used to use these for Weechat and irssi, can I disable these bindings?10:45
Guest7673good day, I'm trying to set static routes to go out of a ppp0 interface. Is there any way to do this automatically without specifying the gw or dev options in /etc/network/interfaces? I don't have the remote address (dynamic) to set as the gw11:33
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HarisHello all12:36
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cusionhi, there! could any one tell me what is login passphrase?13:10
jpdscusion: Log in passphrase?13:13
cusioni run ecryptfs-mount-private, it requires me to enter login passphrase13:14
Sander^workhttp://shop.canonical.com/product_info.php?products_id=658 <-- Do anyone know if I can buy one advantage and one cloud add-on to support all guest in a virtual enviroment?13:15
jpdsSander^work: I think cloud is more for openstack, etc.13:20
jpdsSander^work: Have you tried contacting sales?13:20
Sander^workjpds, My manager did.. But the webpage was not clear about it.. so I just wanted to double check.13:21
Sander^workjpds, question is if I need the advantage support for each vm.13:21
Sander^workWhen it comes to mysql support.. then they only count physical machines.13:22
qman__Sander^work, "The add-on provides support per physical machine and for an unlimited number of virtual instances on each physical machine." - sounds pretty clear to me13:24
Sander^workqman__, that was not what my manager said.13:26
Sander^workqman__, after talking to sales on the phone.13:26
qman__I'm not associated with canonical at all, so I can't say authoritatively, but that language pretty concisely says that it's per physical machine with unlimited instances13:27
Sander^workqman__, he said I needed one support agreement for each guest.13:27
qman__but I'm sure that only applies to cloud, not standard VMs13:27
Sander^workqman__, ah, OK. I guess.13:27
qman__big difference between the two13:27
hallynDaviey: hey - next server team conflicts with the vUDS.  should we cancel?14:40
ScottKhallyn: Clearly server team is planning too far ahead.14:41
ScottKIf you didn't plan meetings in advance, there'd be no conflict with pop up UDS's a week away.14:42
hallyngotcha :)14:42
Davieyhallyn: yep!  good catch14:43
ScottKAnd since the Canonical messaging on this UDS mess is that it's quite reasonable and why is everyone upset, you _must_ be wrong.14:43
DavieyScottK: Great to see you embracing this.14:44
hallynroaksoax: as you're scheduled to run the next meeting, do you mind sending an email to ubuntu-server about the cancelation?14:45
ScottKEmbracing isn't the word I would have used.14:45
jpdsScottK: Working at Canonical is like UDS every day. ;-)14:45
Davieyas of late, my liver would agree with you.14:45
zuloooh....thats qutoable14:46
ScottKWell many of us who work for !canonical can't just drop everything.14:46
roaksoaxhallyn: has it been cancelled? wasnt aware of that14:46
roaksoaxbut sure14:46
hallynroaksoax: see above :)14:46
ScottKroaksoax: It wasn't before 5 minutes ago.14:46
DavieyScottK: you probably know more about the vUDS, than the majority of canonical ubuntu engineers14:47
ScottKI only know what I read on the fridge.14:48
DavieyScottK: Really, next week for server is going to be more of a checkpoint discussion14:48
Davieywhich we have never really done well previously14:48
DavieyThis really does add more transparency.14:48
ScottKRight.  It's still not clear what the sudden driver for a "UDS" mid cycle is.14:48
DavieyScottK: I think the real driver for it, was having open discussion and planning around the phone.14:49
DavieyIt wasn't driven by server :)14:49
hallynthat was my impression,14:49
hallyni wasn't planning on spending the two full days on google+14:49
hallynuntil the next one14:49
DavieyScottK: But i am really trying to allow us to use this opportunity to give us a platform to be more open14:50
ScottKI think for Kubuntu we're likely to drop specs/burndown charts completely and just use something like Trello.14:50
DavieyScottK: you must know that canonical used to have a middpoint platform rally?14:50
zulDaviey/jamespage: when you get a chance http://paste.ubuntu.com/5573476/14:50
DavieyScottK: So think of this one for us, ike an open rally.14:50
DavieyThat is how i want to use it, anyway.14:50
ScottKBut if we're doing something different than what a UDS is for, it would be clearly to call it something different.14:50
hallynDaviey: is there going to be a schedule posted for the server bits?14:51
Davieyhallyn: Yes. Have you not filed your sessions yet? :)14:51
DavieyScottK: I am not saying that it's what it is generally for.. It is what i am hoping WE can use it for. :)14:51
ScottKRight, sounds good.14:52
hallynall right, back to this build over here14:52
ScottKNot that I'm available for this one, but the answer I got to my question about "How does one give a plenary talk" was highly discouraging.  It involved a bunch of Google services I've never used.  I'm not 100% I even know what they all are.14:53
DavieyScottK: Not surprisingly, i am a fan of Free software.. But i am also a pragmatist.  Google hangouts are without a doubt the best no-cost solution to this.14:55
DavieyUnless a group of people want to get together to make a comparable open source suite?14:56
ScottKTo the extent that one is comfortable with data being shared among an unpublished list of ALL Google's services, I don't doubt it.14:56
Davieyand uploading an ogv to the internet isn't sharing it with google?14:56
DavieyAnyway, this discussion isn't helpful.  Unless you are volunteering to drive a comparable video conference stack.14:57
ScottKThat doesn't grant them any special rights with the data.14:57
ScottKI've participated remotely at UDS before and it's just not that hard.14:58
ScottKI think making it suck equally for everyone in the name of transparency doesn't make any sense.  I'm sure it's cheaper and that may be the real driver, but let's say that then.14:58
DavieyI have aswell, it was an awful experience14:58
DavieyScottK: If it helps.. I believe we will be able to telephone people in.14:59
ScottKThe harder part about being remote was carving out the time when I wasn't travelling/dedicated to doing UDS.15:00
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ScottKSo for me the technology is the least of the problem.15:00
DavieyWell, last time i was remote.. i attended sessions in the bath.. Which was (thankfully) voice only.. With the addition of video.. this makes it more of a challenge.15:01
rbasakIf everything that happens at UDS is public anyway, what's the problem with also giving Google a copy?15:02
hallynbow chicka bow wow, Daviey15:06
rbasak"Why ARM in Servers?" panel discussion live now: https://plus.google.com/102031805064483509929/posts15:11
zulDaviey:  * shudder *15:11
alphAEcho1ldap_bind: Invalid credentials (49)15:24
alphAEcho1what does that error mean?15:24
alphAEcho1i am using ldapadd -x -D cn=admin,dc=something,dc=com -W -f add_content.ldif15:25
alphAEcho1and the file add_content.ldif i created myself reading https://help.ubuntu.com/12.10/serverguide/openldap-server.html15:26
alphAEcho1section Modifying/Populating your Database15:26
alphAEcho1anyone that knows anything?15:26
detrix42Hello everyone who are at their keyboard.  I just set up ubuntu server a few days ago.  Now setting up email server.  I went with postfix and alpine, but I need to know how to create/set the tls certificate.  Thanks for any help.15:34
jcastrohey ScottK, lmk if you guys switch to Trello15:36
jcastroI'm like, loving every minute of it.15:37
jcastroI use it as my day to day burndown chart15:37
ScottKWe're looking into it.15:37
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guckiany quagga guru here? :()15:49
bkotewallI have an ubuntu openstack question...  Authentication for swift seems to work sometimes, and sometimes it doesn't work, when I turn on memcache auth token caching on the swift proxy processes.  When I turn off memcache in swift proxy for the auth tokens, it works everytime15:52
rbasak!anyone | gucki15:52
ubottugucki: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.15:52
bkotewallhas anyone else encountered this issue before?  I'm also looking around on google15:53
guckirbasak: sorry, dont get the point of this text ;)15:53
guckii try to add an vlan interface using vtysh. configure works fine, and i can see the config using "sh run", but it's actually not active on the host? :(15:53
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saki`i want to setup icecast on a server16:09
saki`for web radio16:10
saki`anyone have any experience with that?16:10
kuupsHey everybody, this may be a bit of a stupid question, but I can't seem to get the sources for the 2.6.32-042stab064.3 kernel installed.16:13
ikoniakuups: it's a kernel your VPS provider has made16:14
ikoniakuups: thats because it's not an ubuntu kernel16:14
resnoiptables or csf?16:14
ikoniakuups: your ubuntu install is not a complete ubuntu install, it's a bastardized version your VPS provider has made16:14
kuupsso I should take it up with my VPS provider?16:15
resnokuups: what kinda vps?16:15
kuupsresno: what do you mean what kind?16:15
resnoopenvz or xen?16:16
resnoif its openvz, you can install another kernel.16:16
resnoits a limitation on how openvz runs.16:16
kuupsI think it's openvz, but it's not exactly specified16:17
ikoniakuups: just talk to your hosting provider16:17
resnobut yall talk to them16:17
ikoniakuups: you'll find that a more practical approach16:17
resnothen heresay16:17
resnohow goes it ikonia16:17
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zulyolanda/jamespage: https://code.launchpad.net/~zulcss/nova/nova-cleanup/+merge/15105717:02
yolandazul, do you think that we could backport "officially" wsme, webob and pecan to precise?17:22
zulyolanda: yeah i can do it this afternoon17:22
zulwsme is not in the archvie though17:22
zulDaviey:  ^^^17:22
yolandais that still on my branch?17:22
zulyolanda:  uploaded but still stuck in binary new17:23
yolandazul, i found some new deps for wsme and i had to comment tests in order to build that for precise17:25
yolandanot sure if it's giving that problems on raring17:25
zulyolanda: ok well one step at a time17:25
yolandazul, installing ceilometer on precise gives that error:17:27
yolandaUnpacking python-ceilometer (from .../python-ceilometer_2013.1.a336.g9335d81+git201302212101~precise-0ubuntu1_all.deb) ...17:27
yolandadpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/python-ceilometer_2013.1.a336.g9335d81+git201302212101~precise-0ubuntu1_all.deb (--unpack):17:27
yolanda trying to overwrite '/usr/share/pyshared/tests/__init__.py', which is also in package python-boto 2.2.2-0ubuntu217:27
yolandaany idea about that?17:27
zulyolanda:  not yet ill have a look this afternoon17:28
yolandaoh https://bugs.launchpad.net/ceilometer/+bug/110211017:28
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1102110 in ceilometer "Grizzly testing packages : python-ceilometer installation fails" [Undecided,In progress]17:28
Goranek_hi guys, whats the pythonic way of naming exceptions?17:34
Goranek_an example, my module is named "Life"17:34
Goranek_Exception LifeUserUnknown or just UserUnknown17:34
Goranek_or Life_UserUnknown or User_Unknown17:35
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hallynDaviey: discussions on the list, and ScottK's comments earlier, do make me wonder - hwo will rolling release affect blueprints?17:46
hallynnot asking for an answer, but just wondering - has it been discussed?17:46
hallyni'd be happy with getting per-LTS blueprints (for things like 'user namespace support inlxc') with per-monthly lower-overhead-not-quite-buleprints bits for short work items17:47
Davieyhallyn: I don't think it impacts blueprints too much, really17:51
Davieywe have set the goal for 13.04 release.. right?17:52
hallynDaviey: dunno what that means.  i just don't want to do allthe bluepritn overhead every month17:52
Davieyhallyn: How do you feel about rolling blueprints? :)17:53
Davieyone blueprint to handle namespacing, that spans multiple months?17:53
hallynDaviey: right, that's what i was hoping for (and meant with lts blueprints)18:00
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Kohelethany problems with this postfix update?18:07
Kohelethlet me rephrase, has anyone recently updated the recent postfix update on ubuntu server and had any problems18:13
sarnoldKoheleth: are you _seeing_ problems?18:24
Kohelethsarnold its just that the last time I found that mail could not be sent and postfix where as helpful as a bag of nails18:29
Kohelethjust thyought someone on here must have taken the plunge18:29
Kohelethdoes anyone run a ubuntu server here ;)18:34
holsteinKoheleth: its all ubuntu, and i run a few.. i just dont have any comments on what you are asking18:35
Kohelethyou not use postfix18:36
holsteinKoheleth: correct.. i do not use postfix18:36
holsteinKoheleth: i do run ubuntuserver18:36
Kohelethok, but my first question sort of gives it away, thanks, narrowed 1 user down :)18:37
holsteinKoheleth: sure, and thats why i didnt comment... but if you are wondering why, since you are not getting answers, if the channel/community is dead, its not.. you can ask in #ubuntu as well,, or the forum/mailing lists18:38
Kohelethsure, thanks18:38
Kohelethdifferent time zones and planets as well18:38
zuladam_g: https://code.launchpad.net/~zulcss/glance/deps-refresh/+merge/15107218:47
zuladam_g: https://code.launchpad.net/~zulcss/ceilometer/deps-refresh/+merge/15107318:48
SynSynWorkAnyone have any experience using TPM to handle full-disk-encryption (and boot security) on Ubuntu Server?  I'd like to tie the decryption key to the specific hardware as well as decrypt using the key stored in TPM.19:09
SynSynWorkNo TPM suggestions?19:15
holsteinSynSynWork: apparently not from any of the volunteers right now.. try #ubuntu or the mailing list or the forum.. cheers!19:16
sarnoldSynSynWork: I recall reading recently that e.g. Lenovo uses a key in TPM for ata storage locking...19:16
sarnoldSynSynWork: .. I've not read of OS-level uses, but try googling "trousers" if you're at a complete loss of how to get there. (I don't know for certain that they're involved, but .. maybe they are? :)19:17
SynSynWorkholstein, Yeah, I tossed the same message out in #ubuntu19:17
SynSynWorksarnold, Yeah, I've been looking into Trousers specifically.19:18
SynSynWorksarnold, I have a TPM board and Trousers supposedly can handle the key writing, etc.19:18
SynSynWorksarnold, But that doesn't really help get the OS installed in a manner that will attempt to read said key from TPM.19:19
SynSynWorkSo, I'm assuming there is an additional step.19:19
sarnoldSynSynWork: darn, then I'm not saying anything new for you :)19:20
sarnoldSynSynWork: please do report back what you discover, if you've got the time/inclination.19:20
SynSynWorksarnold, Sure thing.  And yeah, I was seeing some rumors of DM-Crypt and LuKS supporting TPM, so I was hoping there was some magic easy button.19:20
SynSynWorksarnold, The _good_ news is Trousers supposedly can handle key storage, de/encryption with key, and data-sealing (which can be used to make it hardware specific.  But like I said, there is still the matter of getting the boot process to read and use that key.  I saw some vague references to building a new initrd - so that might be the solution.  But there is just so little information.19:24
sarnoldSynSynWork: i recall last time I looked into it being a bit dissapointed at how fragmented it all felt19:24
sarnoldSynSynWork: trousers people got the chip going, LUKS people had a nice key storage format thingy, dm had good layering of block-level encryption, and all groups felt their work was done. hehe.19:25
SynSynWorksarnold, Agreed, too many camps working on their own projects in their on their own little islands.19:25
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Praxiso I have an adaptec controller thats just software raid.  I have 4 1TB drives that I would like to combine space on and maybe have some redundancy fault tolerance.  Ubuntu server 12.04 doesn't pick up the drives as a raid, but does see them all individually.  I dont have the option of buying any more hardware.  Should I be looking at ubuntu servers software raid?19:52
Praxihttps://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/advanced-installation.html  <--specifically I'm reading that.19:52
sarnoldPraxi: many people prefer software raid setups, because a dead controller card doesn't take the array with it -- it can be rebuilt on other systems19:54
Praxi! ok then hehe.  Figured I would get a bunch of flack for it19:54
ubottuPraxi: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)19:54
Praxilol oops19:54
sarnoldhaha, silly bot.19:54
Praxithe ubuntu server is already built and running, just nothing done with the extra drives.  Should I just be rerunning the partition manager and building a raid in there?19:56
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Praxiwhen looking at that previous link I posted, it doesn't say where to start, I assume parted?19:57
SynSynWorksarnold, Going back through my notes, when I researched this last time, I came across this (had forgotten about it, glad I took notes) - https://www.tpmcrypt.org/trac Figured you'd might find it interesting.20:27
sarnoldSynSynWork: thanks :D20:28
SynSynWorksarnold, No problem.  Only downfall is the last update was 14m ago, and its only Alpha.  I'm assuming it is dead in the water.20:28
sarnoldSynSynWork: oh :/ that seems like a plausible conclusion :(20:28
SynSynWorksarnold, But it does go through the whole process, cryptsetup+trousers, etc.  https://www.tpmcrypt.org/trac/wiki/TpmCryptInstall  So might be worth a test or two.20:29
sarnoldhehe, "revision 44", not a good sign :) https://www.tpmcrypt.org/svn/tpmcrypt/20:29
sarnoldSynSynWork: hum. Those directions look significantly better than the state of their svn might suggest. It might be further along than I suspected. :)20:32
SynSynWorksarnold, Yeah, it looks like _parts_ of it work.  And it might just be the parts we need/want.20:32
lwizardlI was wondering if there was a way to have emails sent everytime a user logons to the system?20:54
tsaaviklwizardl: yes, but you probably want to look into setting up a centralized syslog server instead21:14
lwizardltsaavik, yeah I was looking into that on linux journal. but I was looking at that as an option.21:27
tsaavikYou could fool around with /etc/profile.d but really, your just going to run into issues, and you have the annoyance or worrying about wheter the server is configured for mail properly21:28
lwizardltsaavik, true. I was just looking for more options that I could use.21:39
sliddjurI need some help using cracklib. i installed libpam-cracklib. now my /etc/pam.d/common-password updated and I can see the cracklib module. but its not using my new password rules.21:57
Fra_ButBut_Hello all21:59
Fra_ButBut_Is there nobody ?22:02
holsteinFra_ButBut_: sure.. just ask22:02
sliddjurhe just wanted to ask why my cracklib isnt working22:05
Fra_ButBut_Ah fine, i am french sorry for my english  i work for ameliorate her by irc22:05
Fra_ButBut_I am in my mobile for write Is not easy22:06
ubottuNous sommes désolés, mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.22:08
Fra_ButBut_Re in my mobile irc buh22:13
holstein!fr | Fra_ButBut_ try the french channel22:19
ubottuFra_ButBut_ try the french channel: Nous sommes désolés, mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.22:19
Fra_ButBut_Thanks but Is for work my english22:20
holstein!ot | Fra_ButBut_ then try this for chat22:21
ubottuFra_ButBut_ then try this for chat: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!22:21
Fra_ButBut_OK Thanks, Goodbye ;)22:23
jcastrosmoser: I think achiang's response on -devel can handle the use case you were talking about during lunch22:25
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med_best ircd?23:42
med_I don't see one in the charm store.23:42
med_(lots of irc clients)23:42
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