
Azelphurwhat's that open source alternative to dropbox?00:34
Azelphurone of those two :P00:35
shaunoI setup spideroak because it had the popey seal of aproval.  and then never touched it again00:42
shaunohttp://www.speedtest.net/result/2539600212.png  and this is why we use the internet at 1am :)00:58
popeyi dropped spideroak because it was way too cumbersome01:11
diploMorning all08:16
bigcalmGood morning peeps :)08:59
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BigRedSGood Morning!09:14
JamesTaitGood morning all! :-D09:15
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brobostigongood morning everyone,10:50
brobostigonmorning einonm10:57
davmor2Morning all11:12
czajkowskidavmor2: GOOOOOOOOO MORNING11:14
czajkowskianoyone else noticed he's stopped picking on me now that he has to deal with me 24/7 at work :)11:15
davmor2czajkowski: I think you have watched too much cadbury cream egg adverts11:15
davmor2czajkowski: wait till thursday I'm saving up all the abuse till then :P11:16
czajkowskioh joy!11:16
czajkowskiLaney: popey we're in the office next thursday if yer about11:16
SuperMattI've been to the southwark office... it's eerily quiet in there11:17
Laneyfraid not11:18
Laneyespecially now that i have to pay full price(!) for trains11:18
czajkowskiLaney: welcome to adult world11:19
directhexbloody kids11:20
directhexget off my lawn11:20
davmor2directhex: you shake you walking stick at him when you do that11:20
davmor2czajkowski: hiding behind people won't protect you from the on coming storm ;)11:21
Laneyczajkowski: I DON'T LIKE IT LET ME GO BACK11:21
LaneyThe place where I used to make dens and go exploring as a kid is now a new build estate >:(11:21
davmor2czajkowski: you boo'd me I believe11:21
popeyi just made a pirate map for sam11:26
popeyi am going to hide his coins in the garden11:26
czajkowskican we clone sam11:27
popeyhe's started swimming11:28
popeyits so cute, and gets me out of the house for an hour11:28
dwatkinsthose coins are an awesome idea, popey11:28
popeyyeah, they are fun11:28
czajkowskiwhoo 15 tickets left11:29
czajkowskiand just sent a reminder out, now lets hope 55 people don't just cancel11:29
=== esmo_ is now known as esmo
Azelphurjust set solicitors on my landlord. xD11:56
czajkowskiwhy ?11:56
Azelphura list of disrepair as long as my arm11:57
davmor2popey: you may hate covers but come on a £10 is way cheaper than £12212:22
davmor2get over your case fears already ;)12:23
ali1234directhex: amusingly enough light-themes not only are poorly thought out, they also don't follow the theme spec and rely on bugs in metacity to even work - bugs which have been fixed in mutter.12:32
ali1234actually that might be the same thing BigRedS reported12:33
ali1234actually tbh i still think radiance is the best theme12:38
ali1234when it works properly12:38
popeydavmor2: it's not a fear of cases, I just don't like holding phones which have covers. the bumpers are less crap than a full cover imo12:44
popeybut I quite like the feel of an iphone 4s for example, the glass and metal feels nice in the hands12:45
popeythe n4 is unweildly large for my hands. i may look at a bumper for it12:45
directhexali1234, yeah, no comment on the quality of those12:48
ali1234BigRedS: how do i make guake work?12:54
dwatkinshooray, resetting my BIOS has stopped my Ubuntu machine from crashing when encoding video :D12:55
dwatkinsNow I can continue to put my blu-rays onto my NAS12:56
BigRedSali1234: what do you want it to do? Install it, run it12:56
BigRedSI think by default it drops down with F1112:56
* dwatkins notes that guake.org isn't very forthcoming about this12:58
BigRedSAh, that's where it was handy that for bloody ages unity opened up guake-config when asked for guake12:58
dwatkinshaha wow, neither is its manpage12:58
ali1234BigRedS: installed it, ran it, nothing happened13:00
ali1234ran it from terminal and it crashed: gio.Error: GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.Notifications.MaxNotificationsExceeded: Exceeded maximum number of notifications13:00
BigRedSAh, maybe F12 makes it drop-down. F11 is full-screen13:00
ali1234nope, nothing13:01
BigRedSI've been copying my ~ round for so long that I've not seen its default in ages now13:01
BigRedSdoes guake-prefs do anything?13:01
BigRedSthat should give you the preferences window13:01
ali1234it says F1213:01
dwatkinsI tend to just fullscreen my terminal with F11 or just ctrl+alt+F1 if I'm feeling nostalgic ;)13:02
BigRedSstrange. That bit always worked...13:02
ali1234well, i don't know. but try hacking the theme13:02
BigRedSWell, I'm on Debian now where the theme works :)13:03
popeyguake works here on raring13:04
BigRedSI figure I should be able to just copy the debian default across and that'll Just Work? I really don'tfancy my chances at guessing a workable theme...13:04
ali1234but what about the theme popey? :)13:04
BigRedSI've tried messing with what my UI looks like before and I've never managed a net improvement13:05
ali1234the gtk3 bug actually affects quite a lot of themes13:05
ali1234or rather, the failure of theme developers to make themes that follow the spec13:05
BigRedSthis is adwaita which seems workable13:05
ali1234most of the real bugs are in metacity13:05
ali1234yeah that is the gnome default theme... so it works properly13:06
ali1234it's about the only one13:06
BigRedSShould it be present in a gnome-shell install on Ubuntu? I don't think it was but I'm not convinced I looked...13:07
popeyyeah, the theme is busted13:07
BigRedSI think I was looking for a reference to 'light-themes' in a config and didn't find any, so probably skipped one called 'radiance' or whatever13:07
ali1234BigRedS: gnome-tweak-tool13:07
ali1234yeah ambiance and radiance13:07
ali1234first is the dark one second is the light one13:08
BigRedSbut I think when the bug got reassigned to 'light-themes' I assumed that was the theme, so wanted to find something that had set a theme to 'light'13:08
ali1234i don't know why they are called light themes only one of them is light coloured and neither is light on memory and cpu13:08
popey"Ubuntu Light" was a thing13:09
popeyprobably came from that13:09
ali1234installed it in virtualbox13:16
ali1234actually now i think about it it isn't related to the metacity theme stuff, because that's a separate theme13:18
dwatkinsas opposed to lubuntu and xubuntu...13:22
dwatkins...and jolicloud and others13:22
=== airurando1 is now known as airurando
redtape-renegadeHi AlanBell ; I have a private question .. So I will PM you & I'll be finished asking in 10 minutes .. Ok ??16:05
* BigRedS is intrigued now16:09
BigRedSdoing an apt-get update I get a 404 for http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/precise/main/binary-i386/Packages16:21
BigRedSwhy isn't it looking for Packages.gz or Packages.bz2?16:21
Azelphurdoes royal mail special delivery have a cut off time? :P16:25
Azelphurfor next day delivery, I mean16:26
Azelphurend of day works16:26
BigRedSOh, not bomb disposal?16:26
Laneyor you can pay more for 9am16:28
Laneyor do you mean for sending?!?!?!16:29
czajkowskiLaney: is bendy and all that but not sure we could fit him in a post box16:30
czajkowskibut it is worth trying16:30
* Laney remembers http://youtu.be/Pk8w4vMgBZ416:30
czajkowskifolks may be interested in https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2013-February/036537.html16:32
ali1234"Due to Daily Quality efforts, the development release is now usable every day" lol16:37
ali1234if only that were actually true16:37
ali1234this is another good one "Take a monthly snapshot of the development release, which we support only until the next snapshot"16:38
ali1234considering that getting bugs fixed in ubuntu currently takes about 2 years16:38
ali1234i can only assume that this basically means "don't support it at all"16:38
BigRedShahaha, I tried 13.04 for a bit16:44
ali1234i think the main motivation behind this is they are running out of letters and obscure animals16:46
BigRedSI've basically spent today dealing with broken ubuntus. I'm essentially in favour of anything that makes Ubuntu more Debian right now16:47
BigRedSthough I'm not sure how Ubuntu's development process would deal with "release it when it's ready"16:47
yarinseWhere konversation keeps the configurations? In which folder?16:48
ali1234i do think it's a good idea not to support interim releases for 2 years16:48
ali1234but monthly dev snapshots is not useful at all16:49
ali1234there is simply zero chance of anything getting fixed in that time, so you may as well just stay on the latest development version at all times and pray it works16:50
BigRedSNo, just ship fixes when they happen16:50
ali1234i would prefer a 6 month interim release as now, but supported for only 6 months16:51
BigRedSwell, stuff's already not getting fixed in six-month snapshot releases16:51
ali12346 months is about how long it takes before ubuntu needs a reinstall16:54
BigRedSI've had installs last way longer than that, quite happily16:55
ali1234on servers or machines you don't use much16:55
ali1234like my mythtv server is quite happy on LTS releases16:55
BigRedSnah, I think my home pc is four or five releases old16:55
ali1234on development workstation i install so much stuff, most of which is not packaged, that it eventually just crumbles16:55
BigRedSI hardly use it now, but I was using it a fair but intil a bit before christmas16:56
BigRedSah, yeah, but I don't use Ubuntu on that sort of machine16:56
BigRedSIt's too hard to work out what all the side-effects of doing something the 'wrong' way will be16:57
ali1234i don't worry about it and just reinstall every 6 months16:57
ali1234upgrade never works properly anyway16:57
ali1234the few times i tried it i ended up reinstalling within 1 month16:58
BigRedSYou say that, I've still only managed to break inter-release upgrades in Debian16:58
BigRedSand that was Etch/sarge days16:58
ali1234so if this plan goes down i'll have a choice between a system that works for 6 months and then is broken for 18 months (LTS releases)16:58
ali1234or fully reinstalling every month16:59
ali1234or a system that never works properly ever again16:59
BigRedSwhat breaks on a dist-upgrade? or a do-release-upgrade if we want to be all modern and ubuntuy?16:59
BigRedSThat's one thing that, ime, *always* works16:59
ali1234configuration files mainly16:59
BigRedSah yeah, we do still need an elegant way of dealing with those17:00
ali1234also last time i upgraded i ended up with a situation where apt wanted to both install and remove java17:00
BigRedSthat sounds very aptitude17:00
BigRedSit's like apt's younger, drunker, stupid brother17:01
ali1234i have never used aptitude, this was update-manager17:01
BigRedSoh, I've never used that17:01
BigRedSI guess that's apt-get in the background?17:01
ali1234i only ever use official ubuntu methods when possible17:01
ali1234sort of. it also has some own rules for resolving dependencies17:01
BigRedSyeah, I try to but some habits die hard17:02
ali1234i have never used debian. i tried once. i couldn't even manage to install it17:02
ali1234installer just bombed out with package dependency errors17:02
BigRedSwhen was that? I think I started using debian 'cause it was the first distro I could get the installer to work on17:03
ali1234about 200617:03
ali1234i ended up installing gentoo instead, because the instructions actually worked17:04
BigRedSsarge/etchish, yeah that was a bit after I started using it17:04
ali1234debian is about the only major distro i've never been able to even install17:05
ali1234even suse was easier to install... it went rapidly downhill from there though17:05
ali1234another proble i hit with debian is the installer would pop up loads of debconf windows and ask me for obscure information17:06
ali1234like "please type in your BIND configuration from scratch in this editor window now LOL"17:06
BigRedShaha, yeah suse was great until you had to do something with yast and it broke everything17:06
ali1234in the middle of the installer17:06
BigRedSI think I just entered nothing for any question I didn't understand, and got a roughly workable system at the end of it17:07
ali1234yeah that's what i tried... it didn't work17:07
ali1234actually you know17:08
ali1234i think this monthly snapshot idea is good17:08
BigRedShm, fair enough. I'm still a bit surprised Debian haven't stolen the ubuntu installer17:08
BigRedSd-i's not *bad* IME, but it's really poor in graphical mode. You can see it's just a graphical version of the cursesy interface17:09
ali1234i mean someone can always maintain a release if it is a particularly good one17:09
ali1234as with linux17:09
ali1234and they won't have to necessarily stick to six months17:09
ali1234they can wait a month if it's not quite ready17:09
ali1234trouble is i doubt anyone will bother17:10
BigRedSah yeah, especially for the people who make ubunut derivatives but don't want to have to wait for LTSs17:14
BigRedSbut it's a lot of effort to support the entirety of even whatever subset a derivative picks17:14
ali1234not really17:15
ali1234if you're not modifying anything it is just a matter of backporting fixes17:15
BigRedSOh yeah, I forgot there'd be the next month's to grab the fixes out of...17:16
ali1234the problem with derivates is they go off and patch everything and then have to keep rebasing their changes17:17
ali1234which as we all know, is virtually impossible with bzr17:17
Azelphurspent ages with everyone being irritated by continual waves of brazilian people coming to my server and mic spamming, figured out I had sv_region set to south america, derp.17:23
BigRedSI love problems like that17:26
BigRedSespecially when other peopel have them17:26
ali1234slightly related, do non-english TF2 communities have their own micspam memes that we've never heard of? or is billy mays a global thing?17:27
BigRedSbut, that reminds me, I've been asked for a counterstrike server. How resource hungry are they? Also, got an idiot-proof howto?17:27
=== Hornet- is now known as Hornet
AzelphurBigRedS: what type of counter strike17:59
Azelphurali1234: I dunno, I don't understand them to find out :P17:59
BigRedSAzelphur: er18:19
BigRedSthere's different sorts?18:19
* BigRedS is a *massive* gamer18:19
BigRedSthe old one?18:19
Azelphurthe really really old one?18:19
Azelphurthat'd be CS 1.618:19
BigRedSprobably. Not Source18:19
Azelphuryea, not source18:19
Azelphurdunno about resources on that, not much18:20
BigRedSoh good! :)18:20
Azelphurare you looking for hosting?18:20
BigRedSNah, I work at a hosting company18:20
Azelphurah ok then18:20
Azelphurjust allocate it a single core18:20
Azelphurand it should be fine18:20
BigRedSBut we don't normally do games, and there doesn't seem to be an apt-get install counterstrike-server18:20
bigcalmGrrr at "Missing executable" in Steam18:20
AzelphurBigRedS: you know CS:Source is native now, right?18:20
BigRedSAh, it's all single-threaded? So a really quick single core makes more sense than many slow ones?18:20
Azelphurfor all intense and purposes it's single threaded18:21
BigRedSHeh, if CS:S is easier I might just do that and feign misunderstanding :)18:21
Azelphurit does have threads, they just arn't balanced at all18:21
Azelphuryea, afaik 1.6 is windows only for now18:21
Azelphurwhere as source is native18:21
BigRedSOh, right. I'll go with source. It sounds like less hassle18:21
Azelphurthe server is linux on either of em18:22
Azelphurbut the client is native linux on source18:22
AzelphurBigRedS: are you planning on loading a lot of plugins?18:22
Azelphurif not, 256MB is ok I think :)18:22
Azelphurhavn't ran CS:S in a long time, I mostly do TF218:23
Azelphur(although my server plugins work on CS:S too :P)18:23
BigRedSplugins? Whoah18:23
BigRedSI've not really planned anything :)18:23
BigRedSwhat would I use plugins for? New  weapons/game modes?18:23
Azelphurhttps://forums.alliedmods.net/showthread.php?p=1204192 greatest plugin ever </shameless plug>18:23
BigRedSOh, all sorts18:24
Azelphuryep, all sorts18:24
BigRedSyeah, not knowingly18:24
Azelphureverything from new game modes to irc ;)18:24
BigRedSAnd that's happy with a bunch of slow cores?18:26
BigRedS'cause that's a good description of my HV :)18:26
Azelphurpretty much everything valve is rape a single core18:27
BigRedSbah, even18:27
AzelphurI have a big dedi in NYC I run my empire on18:28
MartijnVdSyou're an emperor?18:37
BigRedSWhen we sold dedicated machines in NY the product was called 'empire' IIRC18:42
MartijnVdSwell it's the empire state..18:42
* mgdm is currently playing with his new dedicated box in France18:45
mgdm(it's cheap)18:45
MartijnVdSmgdm: gandi.net?18:45
* MartijnVdS has a vps in the uk18:45
mgdmMartijnVdS: OVH18:45
mgdmIt's running SmartOS, which is fun, 'cos I've never done Solaris before18:46
BigRedSooh, is that what became of opensolaris?19:03
popeyslowlaris *snerk*19:04
BigRedSOh, no, I've come across this before!19:05
MartijnVdSpopey: slowloris? :)19:05
BigRedSI meant to have a play with it but still haven't got around to it19:05
dwatkinsis Solaris really slow, or is it just that it runs on what are now fairly old machines (with non-Intel CPUs)?19:06
popeythere is x86 solaris19:06
BigRedSsolaris is run on x86 plenty19:06
popeySun shipped X86-64 AMD boxes for some time19:06
popeythey were quite pokey19:06
popeyand spendy19:06
dwatkinsI regret throwing out an old SPARC-based pizza box.19:06
dwatkinsMight see if I can get another just for playing with.19:07
dwatkinsI may even have to see about interfacing a compact-flash card to it so I don't have to worry about the age of a SCSI disk.19:07
redtape-renegadeBest quote of the day:: Do you Want To Go Out And Meditate With Grandma ?? http://youtu.be/DHwKXy4zElA?t=1m49s19:27
mgdmBigRedS: sort of. There's lots of forks of OpenSolaris. SmartOS is the kernel + a bit of the userland, but it's designed for running KVM virtual machines on ZFS storage19:29
mgdmBigRedS: there's also OmniOS and a few others19:29
DaraelHmmm.  Compiz supports multiple desktops as well as multiple workspaces, but only appears to provide mechanisms for changing between the latter.19:36
dwatkinschanging in which sense, Darael?19:39
dwatkinsIf I run a secondary X server, I can switch to it with ctrl+alt+F819:40
MartijnVdSshould be yes19:40
MartijnVdSif you start it as X :119:40
MartijnVdSI think that's how user switching works as well19:40
dwatkinsI enabled the cube, it's all kinds of pointless, but it's fun.19:41
DaraelNah.  Not the same thing.  The Metacity concept referred to as "desktops" is actually distinct from the Compiz Workspaces.19:41
dwatkinshaving two monitors with a desktop cube is fun.19:41
dwatkinsWhat is it, Darael?19:41
popeyi thought desktops == workspaces19:41
popeyjust a synonym19:41
DaraelThey function the same way, but they're seperate.19:41
DaraelI can demonstrate this with the machine I'm on.19:42
MartijnVdSDarael: they function similarly, but they're different19:42
MartijnVdSIn ole tymes you used to be able to move apps between workspaces, but not between desktops19:42
DaraelHowever, Compiz actually appears to support both, but only *switching* support for workspaces.19:42
DaraelAll this within a single X server, of course.19:43
dwatkinsooooh, xinerama days19:44
MartijnVdSit's all inherited from fvwm days :)19:44
MartijnVdSthat allows you to have several "desks" which can have a set of "workspaces" each19:44
MartijnVdSso you have a "Work" desk and a "Home" desk, and the "Work" desk has a workspace for your editor + compiler, work mail, etc.19:45
MartijnVdSand the "Home" one has one for home mail, and other "home" things19:45
dwatkinsah yes, the nightmarish grid19:46
DaraelDisclaimer:  Right now I'm on a uni machine which is running some modified version of Precise with what appears to be GNOME Classic (eg gnome-panel 1:3.4.1-0ubuntu1.1 [...]).  The workspace switcher applet displays workspaces by default, but if any change is made to the number of *desktops* it shows only them.  Workspace switching works by the usual keyboard shortcuts, and I can get to a different *desktop* by clicking ...19:47
Darael... the switcher (though I have to jump some hoops to get back, since the panel runs only on desktop 1).19:47
DaraelWhat interests me is that Compiz allows multiple desktops but (as I mentioned) appears to have no way to configure ways of switching between them.19:48
MartijnVdS(unrelated.. tonight's music recommendation: http://open.spotify.com/album/0mEgjSX0fTulFtZFNs46Bg )19:48
MartijnVdSDarael: can't you bind keys to the events?19:48
MartijnVdSDarael: I assume you can set keys to "Switch desktop" or something in a generic key binding editor?19:49
* mgdm wants an addon for Chrome that will split the screen the same way Terminator can19:50
mgdmsadly, the only one I could find doesn't work at all on multiple monitors19:50
MartijnVdSmgdm: you mean like blender does?19:50
mgdmMartijnVdS: Blender as in the 3D thing, or something else?19:50
mgdmI've not used it since around 1999 :)19:50
MartijnVdSit has its own internal "window management"19:51
dwatkinsFVWM: Will it blend?19:51
MartijnVdSthat allows you to split windows horizontally or vertically19:51
MartijnVdSdwatkins: let's find out!19:51
mgdmwell, in Terminator, you right-click and you can get 'split horizonally' or 'split vertically' options19:51
MartijnVdSmgdm: so yes, similar :)19:51
mgdmiTerm2 on OSX does the same thing19:51
dwatkinsI think tmux does vertical and horizontal splitting.19:52
dwatkinsscreen doesn't, which is a shame.19:52
mgdmAre you sure?19:52
mgdmI could have sworn I did it in screen once, though it was TREMENDOUS FAFF19:52
DaraelActually, the version of screen in Ubuntu includes the patch for splitting... whichever way the default doesn't.19:53
dwatkinsah, that may be it19:53
DaraelI use tmux, so I'm not particularly bothered.19:53
mgdmiTerm2 is cunning in that it can display tmux split windows using native widgets19:53
mgdm(which I've not tried, but it looks cool)19:53
MartijnVdSgnome-terminal should implement that :)19:53
mgdmrequires a patch for tmux, though19:53
mgdmI've not used gnome-terminal since terminator existed19:54
MartijnVdSI've tried terminator, but I can't get used to it19:54
mgdmat work I have a 27" iMac that spends much of its time witha  full-screen iterm2 running 3 vertically-split terminals :-)19:55
MartijnVdSwe need ANSI sequences for 3D19:56
MartijnVdSso you can actually use the GPU from your terminal19:56
dwatkinsmgdm: I tend to run iterm2 fullscreen on my Mac a lot19:56
mgdmMartijnVdS: heh heh19:56
dwatkinsI'd use Cathode as a terminal, but it uses the GPU too much19:56
mgdmhehe, oh yeah19:56
MartijnVdSmgdm: and you could implement the "Jurassic Park" interface in shell19:57
mgdmmost of my work is a terminal and a web browser, both full screen, just alt-tab between19:57
mgdmOh, and often Sequel Pro too19:57
mgdmMartijnVdS: hah19:57
* mgdm is reminded of mplayer -vo aa19:57
* dwatkins grins19:58
dwatkinsI wonder if the Mac version has that19:58
MartijnVdSmgdm: not -vo caca? that's similar but with colours19:58
mgdmMartijnVdS: yeah, but aa has been there loger19:58
MartijnVdSbut we have colour screens now!19:58
mgdmaa had a better frame rate on my 600MHz Celeron back in the day19:59
mgdm(also I'm going to go back to referring to Hertz as 'cycles'. It's much cooler.)20:00
mgdm'My laptop runs at 600 megacycles' etc20:00
directhexmgdm, dont use "mega", actually use the number20:04
directhexi.e. million and so on20:04
mgdmI might have to do that for giga, etc, but there is something cool about 'mega' and 'kilo'20:04
mgdmnow you're channeling Scooter20:05
mgdmwhich is a form of retro could do without20:05
MartijnVdSHYPER HYPER20:05
dwatkinsI replaced my IBM Model M keyboard's function keys with red ones, like on the Archimedes20:06
mgdmnice :)20:08
mgdmthat'd look really silly on my Mac keyboard, though :(20:08
mgdmwe have older-style Mac keyboards at work (the ones with full-size keys) that are coloured to work with Avid video editing stuff20:09
mgdmthey look quite cool20:09
dwatkinsI have a USB adapter cable for it, mgdm - it works with my Mac :)20:09
mgdmI mean the other way around - my Mac keyboard would look odd with big clicky function keys on :-)20:10
mgdmalso I'm not a fan of the Model M20:10
dwatkinsBlasphemy! ;)20:13
mgdmheh, so I hear20:26
ali1234it's too loud20:26
ali1234if someone made one that was as quiet as a membrane it would be great20:27
redtape-renegadeWhat is the quickest way to-do a word count on a pdf ??20:46
redtape-renegadeOR alternatively :: Can you tell me how many words (in English) are in the Ubuntu Manual ???20:47
mgdmpdftotext thing.pdf | wc20:48
ali1234not always20:50
redtape-renegadeCan't someone just tell me . Please ?20:50
ali1234probably would work with that one though20:50
ali1234when you say "how many words in english" what do you mean exactly?20:51
redtape-renegadeI mean how many words are there ?? It happens to be in English.20:51
MartijnVdSredtape-renegade: and he told you how to figure it out yourself :)20:52
redtape-renegadeI'm trying, I'm trying...20:52
ali1234doesn't work20:53
redtape-renegadehttp://paste.ubuntu.com/5574517/ Any help here .. I dont know WTH I'm doing ???20:56
ali1234you need to escape the spaces in file name20:59
redtape-renegadeok hangon..21:04
redtape-renegadenope I didn't get it ... http://paste.ubuntu.com/5574539/21:06
dwatkinsdid you rename the file, redtape-renegade?21:06
dwatkinsyou're trying to get pdftotext to open a file that doesn't exist, rename it to include the underscores then try the first one again.21:07
redtape-renegadedo you want me to ?21:07
redtape-renegadeoh ok..21:07
dwatkinsif you want the command not to fail with "couldn't open file" ;)21:07
redtape-renegadenope still doesn't work .. and I did it perfect..21:09
redtape-renegadecan someone just download this and tell me please ?21:10
redtape-renegadeit's only 9MB21:10
shaunolet the shell do the thinking for you.  pdftotext Getting and then hit tab.  it'll escape it for you21:10
redtape-renegadeok trying that ...21:11
redtape-renegadeit doesn't do anything .. it just does nothing when I do that ..21:12
ali1234it doesn't work already21:14
ali1234i already downloaded it and ran the command21:14
ali1234it outputs 021:14
redtape-renegadeWell how do I find out how many words are in the doc . ?21:14
redtape-renegadeCan I do this on winblows ?21:14
dwatkinsredtape-renegade: load it in to Acrobat, perhaps there's a word count tool21:15
dwatkinsah, sorry - you'd need to convert it for that, it seems21:15
dwatkinsor open it, copy all the text into a text editor, save and use 'wc' on that if you can't convert at the command line21:16
dwatkinswhat PDF are you word-cunting, redtape-renegade - I'll see if I can do it here21:16
dwatkins*counting sorry21:16
dwatkinsredtape-renegade: often, tab-complete fails if there's more than one possible file, so you have to give it the next character21:17
redtape-renegadei think i need to export it to notepad or something ??21:18
redtape-renegadeAhh . it does it in Acrobat .. you can export to a txt file :)21:20
dwatkinsredtape-renegade: http://hastebin.com/diwagavexi.scala21:20
redtape-renegadeFast too .. like OCR on steroids21:20
dwatkinsThat's what escapaing is.21:21
dwatkinsUsing\ backslashes\ for\ all\ the\ spaces.21:21
dwatkinsInterpretting the output of wc is left as an excercise for the reader.21:21
redtape-renegadeoh Ok .. thankyou so much .. I'm going to study your hastebin tonite .. cheers.21:23
MyrttiI wonder would Nexus 4 fit into the new Nokia car charger21:26
dwatkinsooh, it has wireless charging, Myrtti - nice21:27
redtape-renegadedwatkins: So it's 6860 words, I'm not sure ?21:28
dwatkinsredtape-renegade: what does the wc manpage say? ;)21:31
dwatkins(about the output)21:31
jessicapollockI have no idea if I am in the right place so I apologize in advance. I'm looking for someone who can help me (a complete ubuntu novice) figure out how to make ubuntu connect to the internet.21:47
dwatkinshi jessicapollock21:47
jessicapollockHello dwatkins21:47
dwatkinswelcome to Ubuntu UK, perhaps we can get you online21:47
dwatkinswhat's the problem/symptoms?21:47
jessicapollockThat would be much appreciated thank you.21:47
redtape-renegadeI'll come back to you dwatkins .. thanks so far .. good luck jessica & Welcome \o/21:48
dwatkinsnp redtape-renegade21:48
jessicapollockWell, I have windows Vista, which I am using to connect now and chat with you. I installed ubuntu 12.04 to replace my awful OS and when I boot Ubuntu it does not recognize any internet connections wired or otherwise.21:49
dwatkinsjessicapollock: ah I see; what kind of network card or wifi card are you using in Windows to connect?21:49
jessicapollockHonestly, I am not sure. I am using a rebuilt computer that I purchased  a few years ago.21:50
jessicapollockI don't even know how to find out.21:50
jessicapollockOriginally all the parts were dell inspiron 152121:50
dwatkinsif you press the windows key and the 'break' key together, that should open the device list, I believe - you should be able to see from there21:50
dwatkinsah, device manager is linked from there, anyway21:51
jessicapollockI have device manager open. what am I looking for?21:52
dwatkinsshould have a section called 'network adapters'21:52
dwatkinsI assume you have a physical cable going from the PC to the router, also.21:52
jessicapollockNot at the moment. It's a wireless connection while on vista but I can change that if need be.21:53
popeyalso, a command prompt window and the "ipconfig" command will tell you21:53
dwatkinsok, should still be something in the list that isn't crossed out21:53
dwatkinsah yes, thanks popey21:53
jessicapollockis dell wireless 1390 wlan mini-card what i'm looking for?21:53
dwatkinsjessicapollock: sounds like the kind of information we need, yeah, I'll have a look...21:54
dwatkinsjessicapollock: looks like you'll need to install some packages by using a wired connection in order to get your wireless card to work21:54
dwatkins(under Ubuntu)21:54
jessicapollockubuntu won't recognize my wired connection either though...21:55
dwatkinsis there a wired/ethernet card in the list as well, jessicapollock?21:55
dwatkinsin device manager, that is21:55
jessicapollockthere is a broadcom440x10/100 intergrated controller...21:56
dwatkinsfor reference, this should be what you need to do to get the wireless card to work: http://askubuntu.com/questions/87519/how-to-make-my-dell-1390-wlan-minicard-work21:56
dwatkinsdoes the wired card work under Vista when you plug the cable in, jessicapollock?21:57
jessicapollockI haven't checked recently but it is how I set up the wireless network originally. I can go plug in if need be.21:57
dwatkinsI'm not entirely certain, but the few pages I've found which refer to that Broadcom card and Ubuntu seem to suggest it should have drivers, so it may be a configuration issue on the PC or the router. The default config in Ubuntu should get a DHCP address, so either 12.04 hasn't installed a working driver, or the router isn't giving you an IP address for some reason, I suspect, when the cable's in and you boot Ubuntu.21:59
directhexali1234, ping22:00
dwatkinsjessicapollock: it may simply be a case of manually loading a module, however22:01
jessicapollockSo would re-installing ubuntu help do you think? Originally I used the windows installer to do it. Should I write a disk instead?22:01
dwatkinsjessicapollock: this might be the easiest way to get the wired card working: http://askubuntu.com/questions/14970/broadcom-bcm4401-b0-100base-tx-issues22:02
directhexali1234, was it you that did a bunch of secure boot tinkering in a VM?22:02
dwatkinsi.e. uncomment the line in the blacklist file by removing the hash symbol, jessicapollock22:02
ali1234on my webpage: al.robotfuzz.com22:02
directhexali1234, what's the url?22:02
jessicapollockthank you. I'll give it a try.22:03
dwatkinsgood luck :)22:03
bigcalmdirecthex: in Steam, have you experienced missing executables on freshly installed games? I'm getting that on Shatter22:03
directhexbigcalm, happens when a game isn't properly uploaded yet22:04
directhexbigcalm, i.e. clickign "install" doesn't yet download the correct depots, due to misconfiguration by the game publisher22:05
bigcalmdirecthex: ah, thanks. I'll delete local content and try installing it again22:05
redtape-renegadedwatkins : 12936words                                                                                                  .. aaaaaaaand thank-you.22:06
bigcalmI've also found that some games start full screen, but see my screen size as that of 3 screens put together. But as it only full screens on the left hand monitor, I don't get to see any controls. A touch annoying22:06
dwatkinsredtape-renegade: that wasn't even in my wc output ;)22:06
redtape-renegadeWow .. A task that took 30 seconds in Win98 took me 1 hour and twenty minutes .. well there you go..22:07
bigcalmdirecthex: know if there's a way to force a game not to start full screen? Latest example is Kentucky Route Zero22:07
directhexbigcalm, NO, THAT'S A PER-GAME QUESTION22:07
directhexbah, cat loves capslock22:07
dwatkinsredtape-renegade: that's often the case when there aren't commandline tools available22:07
bigcalmdirecthex: I THOUGHT IT WOULD BE!22:07
dwatkinsredtape-renegade: I tend to install putty ;)22:07
ali1234bigcalm: that's avery common problem which there are various workarounds for22:07
redtape-renegadeI had to use Abiwords .. Crumbs .. it's like I'm back in USSR or something tonite !22:08
ali1234bigcalm: i documented a few on here: http://askubuntu.com/questions/145528/how-to-run-humble-bundle-v-games-on-a-system-with-nvidia-twinview22:08
dwatkinsredtape-renegade: I make it 52659 words, did you not look up how wc displays its output?22:08
bigcalmWhat's worse is that my central screen is rotated 90 deg. So the screen size is even larger than physically possible22:08
bigcalmali1234: I'll take a look, ta22:09
ali1234that covers SDL and wine games at least22:09
ali1234if it's some proprietary engine you are probably screwed unless you use some kind of LD_PRELOAD tricker22:09
bigcalmI could try exporting SDL_VIDEO_FULLSCREEN_DISPLAY=0 from ~.bashrc22:10
ali1234i put it in /etc/environment22:10
bigcalm~/.bashrc that is22:10
ali1234it should really be the default since you almost never want games spanning monitors unless they are specifically written with that in mind22:11
ali1234which virtually no games are22:11
bigcalmEven less so for me with my central monitor rotation22:11
ali1234any games that can handle your setup would have a very elaborate custom configuration specifically for the job anyway22:12
ali1234that goes pretty much even for basic dual head22:12
ali1234the one problem with SDL though is it will grab the mouse pointer even if the game doesn't use mouse. there's a patc for SDL to fix that but upstream refuses to apply it since the only type of game they understand is FPS22:13
redtape-renegadeAnmyway to translate the current Ubuntu Manual in chinese would take £184.17 according to this guy :: http://goo.gl/2eJpU ( with over 200+ positive references.22:15
redtape-renegadeThat was the point of all that(which took 2 hours !!) .. anybody fancy going halves ??22:15
dwatkinsthere might be some people on the -cn channel who would do it for karma.22:16
ali1234184.17 what?22:17
redtape-renegadeMy idea of community is if you can't pay someone who can...22:19
redtape-renegadeMy idea of community is if you can't -  pay someone who can...22:19
ali1234ah... you;re going to pay a general translator to translate a highly technical document?22:24
ali1234i have a feeling that might not turn out very good22:24
ali1234you probably need people who both fluent chinese and also know how to use ubuntu in the first place, otherwise you're highly likely to get nonsense even with a very good translator22:25
dwatkinshence my suggestion of the Chinese Ubuntu channel22:29
lubotu3如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw22:29
dwatkinsKarma isn't a real and tangible thing, but it may be that some people on there will want to help and having their name in the credits will be payment enough. Worth a try for a few lines of text.22:30
ali1234sure it is22:30
ali1234it's right there on launchpad22:30
shaunotranslation is rarely that simple.  you end up bouncing between a translator, and a proofreader who understands the subject matter22:32
shauno(it's rarely as simple as just being fluent in both languages)22:33
ali1234of course a first draft might be a good way to kick start further development22:34
ali1234assuming it's not totally awful22:35
shaunoit's an interesting idea, just worth knowing what you're getting into.  and that if you don't find community buy-in, your translation becomes more outdated with each revision, etc22:39
ali1234does anyone know about terminal resizing?22:40
ali1234ie how does nano know i resized the xterm window22:41
ali1234and what would cause this to not work?22:41
shaunousually if something else is catching SIGWINCH; eg, screen would catch it, and then resend it to its contents22:43
mgdmis it not sent a signal like SIGWINCH ?22:43
redtape-renegadeshauno: Yeah .. it's a good idea . /that being/ that the translation gets updated, but you need a base first .. otherwise 1345Million people have nothing to go on .. and will not learn the way of the force *cough* Ubuntu.22:43
ali1234ah, so adb is probably catching a bunch of sgnals and not passing them through...22:47
shaunoI'm not sure it even has to explicitely catch it.  any abstraction layer just means the terminal is sending the signal to the wrong process22:48
ali1234the other problem i have is the enter key doesn't work in nano22:49
ali1234it works for text editing, but when you enter file name and press enter... nothing happens22:49
ali1234i'm guessing this is a similar issue22:49
ali1234i wonder how i could debug this22:50
dwatkinsali1234: I assume this happens after a reset in the terminal and with a new user account22:51
dwatkinsi.e. no config22:51
ali1234adb passes through ctrl-c fine though, so i can escape22:51
ali1234dwatkins: it happens on ubuntu phone22:51
shaunowould adb cause $TERM to not be available to nano?22:51
ali1234no, $TERM is fine22:51
ali1234it doesn't seem related to the chroot either because i see other reports on vanilla android22:52
ali1234so it must be either adb or busybox related22:52
dwatkinsdoes freenx exist in quantal in a ppa or something?22:52
dwatkinsI tried the one suggested on eht relevant official page but there's no package for 12.1022:53
dwatkinsaha sudo add-apt-repository ppa:freenx-team/testing22:56
ali1234googling for SIGWINCH allowed me to find this: http://code.google.com/p/android/issues/detail?id=3589723:09
ali1234so it is adb problem23:09
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