
smspillazargh, looks like I'll just have to rebase those compiz proposals, the bzr state is just totally screwed03:17
mmrazikdidrocks: uh oh.. .Can't believe that launchpad diff and bzr diff are two different things07:17
mmrazikthats a bummer07:17
didrocksmmrazik: I was surprised as well, *really* surprised07:18
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davidcallemhr3, ping09:38
davidcallemhr3, any idea what could be the cause of https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity-lens-photos/+bug/113502909:38
ubot5Launchpad bug 1135029 in unity-lens-photos (Ubuntu) "Unity-lens-photos crashes on start, photos in dash is empty" [Undecided,New]09:38
davidcallemhr3, "Couldn't find GType of implementor of interface UnityMergeStrategy."09:39
davidcalleDependencies are up to date (Quantal).09:39
mhr3will take a look in an hour, gtg afk now09:41
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mhr3davidcalle, i guess the problem didn't disappear by itself in the last hour? :)10:56
davidcallemhr3, maybe it did, let's ask the reporter :)10:57
davidcallemhr3, I've not been able to reproduce it10:58
mhr3davidcalle, it's weird though, the report says it's for 12.10, but if that were the case with standard 12.10 we'd see many more such reports10:58
mhr3i wouldn't be that much surprised if this happened with 13.04, pygi and glib like to change things :P10:59
davidcallemhr3, https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=68897811:00
ubot5Gnome bug 688978 in Plugins (other) "im-status plugin fails to load" [Normal,Resolved: notabug]11:00
davidcallemhr3, just found this11:00
davidcallelet's check the gobject version, because of http://blogs.gnome.org/desrt/2012/11/05/a-warning-about-glib/ (pitti's comment)11:01
mhr3so it seems the reported has new glib11:02
mhr3but old pygobject11:02
davidcallemhr3, that was my guess, but I wanted your input in cas it was a merge strategy related thing11:03
davidcallemhr3, thanks :)11:07
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MCR_andyrock, I found an inconsistency regarding window focus handling - do you know if focus should be allowed if inputHint AND protocols & CompWindowProtocolTakeFocusMask are true, or if  inputHint OR protocols & CompWindowProtocolTakeFocusMask are true ?12:24
MCR_andyrock, because we have both versions in the code12:25
MCR_andyrock, see PrivateWindow::allowWindowFocus and CompWindow::isFocussable () const12:25
* MCR_ is scratching his head...12:25
MCR_smspillaz, if you're here ^^12:27
andyrockone moment12:27
MCR_andyrock, thanks12:27
andyrockMCR_, IMHO it should be &&12:33
andyrockso allowWindowFocus should be correct12:33
andyrocklet's check with bzr annotate12:33
MCR_andyrock, so both need to be true to allow focus and return true, yes ?12:33
andyrockMCR_, but i could be wrong ;)12:34
MCR_My first thought was the other way 'round TBH ;)12:34
andyrockMCR_, well bzr annotate will help trust me...12:37
andyrockdoing it right now12:37
MCR_andyrock, thanks12:38
MCR_one thing is clear -> it cannot be both ways ;)12:38
* MCR_ wonders which bugs this could potentially fix...12:38
MCR_here sometimes windows do not focus on click...12:39
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andyrockMCR_, i found this commit http://cgit.compiz.org/compiz/core/commit/?id=5e0264e2ceed6a44b1de50d6acc36684f6ccbf6712:42
andyrockso yes maybe it's ||12:44
andyrockbtw there is no inconsistency12:45
andyrock    if (!priv->inputHint &&12:46
andyrock!(priv->protocols & CompWindowProtocolTakeFocusMask))12:46
andyrock    {12:46
andyrockreturn false;12:46
andyrock    }12:46
andyrockequals to12:46
andyrock(!(priv->input... || priv->pto...))12:46
andyrockMCR_, ^^^12:46
andyrockmakes sense?12:48
MCR_andyrock, yes. thanks. I will rethink the boolean logic.12:50
andyrockMCR_, it's for De Morgan law12:50
MCR_yes, maybe I was too fast...12:50
andyrock(not A) and (not B) = not (A or B)12:51
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mterrycyphermox, didrocks: I'm inclined to manually publish the unity stack, despite the indicator stack failing due to ido (the indicator stack does pass tests though).  Any objections?15:17
cyphermoxmterry: not from me15:23
cyphermoxmterry: what about hud daily tests?15:24
mterrycyphermox, did they fail?15:24
cyphermoxerr, I mean ted's comment on your optional-bustle branch15:25
mterrycyphermox, I replied in the merge, but tedg hasn't re-replied15:25
mterrycyphermox, I don't *think* it's a problem, we can work around it jenkins-side by manually having jenkins add the packages hud needs15:26
* tedg replies15:27
didrocksmterry: no objection from me :)15:29
didrocks(yeah, I left late for exercising)15:29
* mterry publishes15:29
* mterry pauses over the button15:30
cyphermoxcan't run valgrind on armhf virtualized :/15:30
cyphermoxmterry: unrelated15:30
mterrycyphermox, don't scare me like that  :)15:30
cyphermoxplease go ahead with the publish ;)15:30
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tedgmterry, I heard that you might be working some more on the greeter.16:21
tedgmterry, Has anyone talked to you about the visualization stuff?16:22
mterrytedg, no?16:22
tedgmterry, I guess, that's perhaps a question, are you dealing with that part?  :-)16:22
mterrytedg, I mean yes, I'm looking at making the phablet greeter look more like the desktop, but no about visualization16:22
tedgmterry, Like the little wheel thing with tweets on it.16:23
mterrytedg, ah, the "infographic" -- I wasn't planning on doing anything with that16:23
tedgmterry, hmm, okay.  I'm not sure who is... we need to figure that out as well.16:24
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didrocksmmrazik: fginther: cu2d-update-stack is broken16:40
didrocksImportError: No module named c2dconfigutils.c2dconfigutils16:40
didrocksas the module is in the parent dir16:40
mmrazikdidrocks: already mentioned this to fginther in the latest MP16:40
mmrazikfginther: I guess lets just fix this now in separate MP...16:41
mmrazikdidrocks: the workaround is to call the command from the parent dir16:42
didrocksmmrazik: not sure it will work, for the template and so on16:42
didrocksmmrazik: I PYTHONPATH=..16:42
didrocksthis works :)16:42
mmrazikyeah... pythonpath is better16:42
didrocksmmrazik: well, ideally, I should try running it in another dir and support that16:43
jibelI ran autopilot against the latest gtk stack from the desktop-ppa16:47
jibeland calls to proc = Gio.DesktopAppInfo.new(desktop_file) fails with TypeError: constructor returned NULL16:47
jibelany idea what it is ?16:48
fgintherdidrocks, so you're ok with the pythonpath workaround. I'll have the fix in my current MP16:48
didrocksmmrazik: do you mind switch compiz upstream merger from lp:compiz to lp:compiz/raring?16:48
didrocksfginther: ^16:48
didrocksfginther: thanks :)16:48
jibelsil2100, ^?16:48
fgintherdidrocks, sure, Are we waiting for confirmation from sil2100 ?16:50
didrocksfginther: for switching the branch? it's not related :)16:51
yarinsehi, where konversation keeps the configurations? in which folder16:52
didrocksyarinse: I think it's a question for #kubuntu :)16:52
yarinsedidrocks: ok16:52
sil2100Back, been at my car, reading up16:52
fgintherdidrocks, something strange perhaps. jenkins is currently building https://code.launchpad.net/~ps-jenkins/compiz/latestsnapshot/+merge/15103616:54
fgintherdidrocks, but launchpad shows an empty diff for that MP16:54
didrocksfginther: oh? isn't that one merged?16:54
didrocksfginther: yeah, I saw 2 MP16:54
didrocksfginther: and TBH, I don't know why16:54
didrocksfginther: safe to kill and reject that one16:55
seb128jibel, any way you can run the tests without the new gtk and see if they still run?16:55
fgintherdidrocks, will do16:55
jibelseb128, can do16:59
seb128didrocks, who can help on those unity tests?16:59
seb128mterry, ^16:59
seb128253 failing test16:59
seb128(that's a run with gtk 3.7)17:00
seb128they seem to boil down mostly to17:00
seb128 File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/autopilot/emulators/bamf.py", line 187, in launch_application17:00
seb128    proc = Gio.DesktopAppInfo.new(desktop_file)17:00
seb128  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/gi/types.py", line 137, in constructor17:00
seb128    return info.invoke(cls, *args, **kwargs)17:00
seb128TypeError: constructor returned NULL17:00
seb128 17:00
seb128which from local testing happens when the Gio.DesktopAppInfo.new() argument is an invalid .desktop17:00
seb128but the behaviour is not new, gtk 3.6 behaves the same17:00
didrocksseb128: I think sil2100 is looking at that17:01
seb128sil2100, hey17:01
sil2100seb128: yes, I'm looking on it now, had a GPU lockup just now though17:02
jibelseb128, I'll re-enable the daily ppa of unity instead just in case there is something missing in the distro for autopilot17:03
seb128jibel, ok17:03
sil2100Ok, so not sure what's wrong, but it seems it cannot start the Calculator application - as if its .desktop file was invalid17:11
sil2100It's using the gcalctool.desktop file which Gio.DesktopAppInfo.new sees as invalid17:11
sil2100The terminal application is fine though17:11
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jibelsil2100, because it's simply not there17:12
jibelthere is a gnome-calculator.desktop17:12
sil2100jibel: but I saw gcalctool in dpkg-list.log17:12
sil2100Ok, so that solves it - gnome-calculator.desktop is the correct one? Since I think we always used gcalctool.desktop before and it worked17:13
sil2100My current gcalctool package installs /usr/share/applications/gcalctool.desktop17:13
sil2100ii  gcalctool                                 1:3.7.90-0ubuntu1 <- and it seemed installed on the build system?17:14
sil2100Oh, wait, I have a completely different version number of gcalctool on my local system17:14
sil2100I have 6.6.2-0ubuntu1 installed here17:15
sil2100rmadison says:17:15
sil2100 gcalctool | 6.6.2-0ubuntu1 |        raring | source17:15
sil2100 gcalctool | 1:3.7.90-0ubuntu1 |        raring | all17:15
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sil2100jibel: so, not sure what gcalctool 1:3.7.90-0ubuntu1 is really, since 6.6.2-0ubuntu1 seems like the right package17:20
jibelsil2100, that's what I'm checking17:20
jibelsil2100, oh, it's probably from the desktop team ppa17:21
jibelwhich is what we were testing17:21
sil2100jibel: so, hm, is gnome-calculator.desktop the new default that we should use?17:21
sil2100Since I don't even have gnome-calculator installed here, so it's not by default installed on the desktop? I have raring here17:23
seb128sil2100, yes, that program got renamed17:23
sil2100seb128: ok, so I'll prepare a merge request switching to gnome-calculator17:23
sil2100Since gcalctool won't be correct anymore, yes?17:24
jibelsil2100, simulation of an upgrade with the PPA http://paste.ubuntu.com/5573958/17:24
jibelit installs gnome-calculator and gcalctool becomes a dummy package17:24
sil2100jibel: ok, so I'll quickly patch up autopilot to use gnome-calculator17:25
sil2100Give me amoment17:25
jibelsil2100, great, thanks17:25
jibelsil2100, note that the new gnome-calculator is not is the release yet but will land soon-ish17:26
sil2100jibel: how soon is the soonish you mean?17:27
seb128jibel, sil2100: it has been promoted, it will be on the iso tomorrow17:27
jibelseb128, ^17:27
sil2100seb128: ok, so that's good, since we don't want to break unity releases in the meantime17:28
seb128sil2100, well, it's already in the archive so it should be already fine17:28
seb128but the first iso with gnome-calculator with be the one tomorrow17:28
sil2100seb128, jibel: I'll have to prepare a small merge request for lp:unity as well, since 2 tests are also using the desktop file directly there17:31
sil2100But those would result in only 2 additional failures I guess17:31
naeeI'm writing a Qt app with a systray and I want it to play well with Unity17:36
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eeanshould I just disable the systray when it's on Unity? I could check for $DESKTOP_SESSION17:37
eeanbut I wonder if there's a preferred way17:37
sil2100https://code.launchpad.net/~sil2100/unity/autopilot_gcalctool_rename/+merge/151063 <- fix for the unity part17:40
sil2100fginther: ^17:40
sil2100fginther: could you take a look at those merges?17:40
sil2100fginther: also, if you have time, could you also take a look at https://code.launchpad.net/~sil2100/unity/autopilot_more_ibus_tweaks/+merge/151021 ?17:41
sil2100thomi, veebers: ^17:42
sil2100Since IBus error messages are spamming the error logs right now ;/17:42
fginthersil2100, Yes, i can get to that after lunch17:43
bschaefersil2100, hey, i've seen you doing a bunch of fixes to the autopilot ibus tests17:44
bschaefersil2100, what were all the ibus problems?17:45
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sil2100bschaefer: hi Brandon, they're nothing serious - I've been working around the need to hard-code unicode 'result' characters for the ibus autopilot tests17:46
sil2100bschaefer: as results from most engines depend on the ibus usage history, we were getting failures most of the time in pinyin17:46
bschaefersil2100, (also hello!). Awesome! That would be nice to get better coverage!17:46
sil2100bschaefer: so I made 'polling' ibus for the correct results17:46
sil2100bschaefer: so now, before the test we poll ibus with the input string, get the result and then compare this with what has been written in the search field17:47
bschaefersil2100, sweet, yeah, a problem is different ibus engines use different methods :(, like ibus-anthy stores it in ~/.anthy...17:47
sil2100bschaefer: yea... we tried clearing history already, but well ;/17:47
sil2100bschaefer: this and also the problem of restarting ibus after clearing the history is needed17:48
bschaefersil2100, but if you can poll thats a better way around it :), I was at one point thinking of cleaning up the history but could find a nice pattern :(17:48
* bschaefer finds ibus to be annoying to talk with...17:48
sil2100bschaefer: same here, been trying this approach, but then decided to rage-quit and move on ;)17:48
bschaeferhaha :)17:48
sil2100Yes, REALLY annoying17:48
bschaefersil2100, ibus will slowly make you go insane :)17:48
sil2100hehe, hope not!17:48
bschaefersil2100, just wanted to double check, as I kept seeing ibus pop up in the MPs and was like noooo another ibus problem17:49
bschaefersil2100, thanks for looking into that though!17:49
sil2100bschaefer: well, the nux ibus support works really well, so no problems in the main unity code you made ;) The AP tests should be fine now as well17:49
sil2100If the latest merge gets in we won't even have annoying ibus error messages even (I hope)17:50
bschaefersil2100, awesome :), yeah I think ibus has been one of the hardest AP tests to constantly pass 100% of the time...17:50
cyphermoxbregma: hey18:07
cyphermoxbregma: so I did more testing and nothing was really working18:07
cyphermoxbut this (http://paste.ubuntu.com/5574060/) seems to be good; looks fine to you?18:07
bregmacyphermox, could you try the xorg-gtest package from http://mentors.debian.net/debian/pool/main/x/xorg-gtest/xorg-gtest_0.7.1-1.dsc and see if it solves the problem (sorry, it's a source package, PPA builds are being tardy again)18:10
cyphermoxyeah, I guess that would work :)18:12
cyphermoxI thought of it, but I wasn't sure if there were other real intended external uses of Start () with a va_list parameter18:12
cyphermoxso instead I convinced it hard to work18:13
cyphermoxI still don't understand why it seems like it's consistently that one function signature that gets chosen when you pass only a command name and NULL as parameters18:14
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bregma"..." has lower resolution priority over a "natural" type conversion, but that can be vague when the types are not strictly defined18:18
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fgintherdidrocks, do you want to re-review https://code.launchpad.net/~fginther/cupstream2distro-config/cu2d-update-ci-take3/+merge/150954? it can wait till tommorrow18:37
didrocksfginther: I'm opening it on a tab :)18:37
cyphermoxbregma: but that's not the one we're catching18:50
cyphermoxif you pass NULL to Start() as a second parameter, it goes straight to the va_list parameter :)18:50
cyphermoxbregma: regardless, should I sponsor your xorg-gtest 0.7.1-1 to Ubuntu?18:50
cyphermoxif you jsut make it -0ubuntu1 instead...18:50
cyphermoxyou think upstream wants to drop that Start() from the public API?18:51
bregmacyphermox, I imagnie upstream doesn;t really care about the va_list overload, but it's worth discussing with them since I think it was an error to have it there in the first place19:07
bregmaI'll follow up on that19:08
bregmaI'd just wait for merging that packagage into Ubuntu, there's at least 1 more change coming19:11
cyphermoxok then I'll upload my patch on the current package now, so as to at least fix ido for tomorrow19:15
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cyphermoxand we can push either patch upstream, depending on the original intent with that Start() va_list function19:15
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