
skellatDamnit: http://www.chuckfrain.net/blog/2013/02/27/leaving-ubuntu/03:30
=== rrittenhouse_ is now known as rrittenhouse
Unit193paultag: Oh, did you happen to see my ping earlier on another channel?  :P20:43
paultagUnit193: not yet21:17
paultagwhat's up21:17
Unit193Support for debian kfreebsd is done, normal BSD is almost done, but it should be feature complete for Debian and Ubuntu now.  It'd be nice to get it in before the March 7th cutoff, but I get if (when) it can't.  I have the newer one up of course.21:19
Unit193The question was what was the last steps I still had.21:19
paultagmarch 7 cutoff?21:48
paultagOh, for Ubuntu.21:48
paultagUnit193: re-ping the email21:48
paultagI'll check it out tonightish21:48
Unit193paultag: This was actually just on #debian-mentors, but I could email.  (That's all I had.)21:49
paultagyes please, I track sponsorship on email21:49
paultagI can't do reviews quickly, I need to do an actual review21:49
Unit193Cool, cool.21:51
paultagbrb, back to brain syncing.21:51

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