
Dandelany ideas on when the xorg edgers will activate the vdpau implementation within mesa? it appears to be the only video acceleration method available under open source drivers since mesa removed va api support ( due to it being unmaintained )05:15
RAOFDandel: Intel has vaapi support via libva; the mesa acceleration is shader-based anyway.05:34
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DandelRAOF: I know, but it helps reduce cpu load and in some cases ( like the amd e350, and systems using ddr2 memory ) it will allow users to play 1080p based content06:34
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mlankhorstDandel: vaapi never worked to begin with09:02
Dandelmlankhorst: I didn't know that it didn't ever work... however the vdpau may be working ( good thing for slower pc's )09:05
mlankhorstwell apart from the decoding parft I'd guess vdpau worked :P09:07
Dandelthe main thing would be to at least get rid of the errors when running vdpauinfo ( since it looks for libs that are not on the host platforms )09:17
* mlankhorst tries09:38
mlankhorstwell the information in vdpuainfo is still completely wrong :P09:40
mlankhorstah well09:40
mlankhorstI'll leave it as an excercise to the reader to fix it09:57
alkisgHi, in 12.04.1, there is an xserver-xorg-video-s3virge available,  but xserver-xorg-video-s3virge-lts-quantal10:14
alkisgN: Unable to locate package xserver-xorg-video-s3virge-lts-quantal10:14
alkisgSorry pressed enter too early, let me ask again...10:14
alkisgHi, in 12.04.1, there is an xserver-xorg-video-s3virge available,  but not in 12.04.2 (xserver-xorg-video-s3virge-lts-quantal)10:14
alkisgIs this because noone asked for it, or are there some technical reasons preventing it from being build+published?10:15
tjaaltonit was removed since precise, nothing to backport10:16
tjaaltonand on such hw you don't need the enablement stack anyway10:16
alkisgI'm on precise and it's available there: $ apt-cache policy xserver-xorg-video-s3virge            10:16
alkisg  Candidate: 1:1.10.4-4build210:16
alkisgMoment please, phone... :-/10:17
tjaaltonif you actually have such hw, use the .1 installer10:17
mlankhorstalkisg: the official viewpoint is that on old hardware you wouldn't need the new xserver or kernel anyway, so the official path to install is through installing 12.04.1 and then upgrading. :-)10:18
mlankhorsts3virge doesn't exist in quantal either10:19
mlankhorstI think only xserver-xorg-video-qxl is the only video driver that quantal has, but the enablement stack doesn't10:22
alkisgSorry for the delay, long phone call...10:40
alkisgSo, a user with that card wants to download and use ubuntu10:40
alkisgHe goes to the site, selects 12.04, and gets 12.04.210:40
alkisg...he'd need to google a lot before finding out he should go to some ftp server and locate 12.04.1 instead...10:41
tjaaltonwell there is the link to alternative images10:41
alkisgBut anyways the reason I was asking is because we're providing a localized version of 12.04 for schools here,10:41
alkisgand I'm trying to see if it would be best for those localized CDs to be (updated 12.04.1) or (12.04.02)10:42
alkisgConsidering also the problems with virtualbox (not working at all in 12.04.2), and samba (working only for the first client connection in 12.04.2), maybe it'd be best to stick to "upgraded" 12.04.1 CDs, even if now ubuntu.com/download suggests 12.04.2...10:43
alkisgThank you very much guys... :)10:43
tjaaltonthe release notes has a link to .1, although it could've mentioned the ancient hw as well and not just virt10:43
mlankhorsthm virtualbox has issues with 12.04.2? oh right the libpciaccess bug10:49
mlankhorstSarvatt: ^10:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1081307 in virtualbox (Ubuntu Quantal) "I'm upgrading the 12.04.1 to quantal 3.5 kernel - virtualbox-dkms 4.1.12-dfsg-2ubuntu0.2: virtualbox kernel module failed to build [merge request]" [Undecided,Confirmed]10:49
mlankhorst or that :P10:49
alkisgAh there's another one? Hehe, yet one more reason to stick to 12.04.1+upgrades :)10:50
mlankhorstno that bug happened when you were in a vm trying to start cd for first time10:51
mlankhorstit's probably in installation notes10:51
mlankhorstbryce: http://www.bryceharrington.org/Arsenal/ubuntu-x-swat/Reports/package-status-lts-quantal.html doesn't update?11:18
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brycemlankhorst, hmm, I'll investigate.16:30
darkxstis mesa going to be updated to 9.0.3?22:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1136475 in mesa (Ubuntu) "clutter freezes due to unsupported GL extension in vmwgfx" [Undecided,New]22:34
tjaalton9.1 is in staging ppa22:36
darkxsttjaalton, where is the staging ppa?22:46
darkxstwill that be landing in raring soon?22:58
bryceI should send out an announcement23:17
brycethe plan had been to hold off until the xserver was formally released, although now with the rolling release stuff being discussed, maybe we should re-think that23:18
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darkxstoh no, its even more broken with the new x server23:49

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