
barrydkGood morning all05:27
superflymorning barrydk 05:32
superflyMaaz: tell Kilos hoekom slap just night?! :-P05:32
Maazsuperfly: Righto, I'll tell Kilos on freenode05:32
Kiloslol hiya superfly and others05:40
Kilosfunny message05:40
superflyKilos: yeah, autocorrect fail05:43
Kiloshi sq05:54
KilosSquirm, 05:54
Squirmthe little key on the left of your keyboard :)05:54
Squirmit says Tab05:54
Kilosi need that dd command you use please to clone one drive to another05:54
Squirmdd if=/path/to/the/drive/you/want/to/clone of=/path/to/the/other/drive bs=1M05:55
Kilosthis drive i thought i fixed shows structure ok with testdisk but says read only05:55
Squirmmake sure the `if` is the one you want to KEEP05:56
Kilosdd if=/dev/sda of of=/dev/sdb05:56
Kilosis that it?05:57
Kilosoh and the end bit05:57
Squirmdd if=/dev/sda of=/dev/sdb bs=1M05:57
Kilosty Squirm 05:57
Squirmso /dev/sda is the one you want to keep?05:57
Squirmcause you will lose everything on /dev/sdb05:57
Kilosi had a saved file on how to mount it manually and chmod to it but cant open the file this morning for some weird reason05:58
Squirmmount /dev/sdb1 /mountpoint/here05:58
Squirmchmod 777 /mountpoint/here05:59
Kilosjust like that?05:59
Squirmthe 777 will make everyone be able to read and right to it05:59
Squirmand execute off05:59
Squirmthat should work05:59
Kilosoh you not telling me to put /dev/sdb1 in there where mountpoint is?06:00
Kiloschmod: cannot access `/mountpoint/here': No such file or directory06:05
superflyKilos: my message meant to say, "hoekom slaap jy nog?!"06:18
superflymorning Squirm06:18
Kiloslol i guessed that much ty superfly 06:18
Kilosit just looked funny06:18
Kiloswas actually up trying to get this other drive going06:19
KilosSquirm, will that clone command do the mbr as well same time?06:20
Kilosthats where the corruption is06:21
superflyKilos: dd applies to everything06:22
Kiloswonderful ty superfly 06:23
Kilosty Squirm 06:23
Kilosif/when i have it going again i will post pics of the sata cable soldering direct to drive06:28
superflymorning henkj06:28
Kilosyo henkj 06:28
henkjmorning superfly Kilos 06:28
superflyhenkj: do you know about ScaleConf?06:29
henkjsuperfly: I attended last year06:29
superflygoing to be able to attend this year?06:29
henkjI assume so, since my company is a sponsor, and I'm working on server dev06:30
superflyah right06:30
superflyWell, I'll be going, and my boss is one of the speakers :-)06:30
henkjbut it hasn't been confirmed who's going yet06:30
henkjright, I remember seeing that06:30
henkjour speaker isn't on the list06:32
magespawngood day06:33
superflymorning magespawn06:33
magespawnKilos: just reading the chatter, you trying to dd a healthy deive onto a sick one?06:34
Kilosyessir magespawn , morning06:35
magespawnbe interesting to see if it works06:35
Kilosstupid thing said it was read only when i tried to use testdisk to install mbr06:36
Kiloswould even boot from seatools cds06:36
Kilosvery sick drive it is/was. heres hoping06:37
Kiloswouldnt boot06:37
Kilosseatools just said drive not seen06:37
Kilosgparted still doesnt see it06:38
superflyKilos: then it is probably too damaged to salvage, and if you do manage to get it working, you're only going to loose any data you try to store on it06:39
Kiloslemme reboot and see if this drive shows errors again06:41
magespawnsounds like something if failing but not yet failed06:42
magespawnUpdate involved page http://ubuntu-za.org/get-involved06:42
inetprogood morning06:43
inetproMaaz: coffee on06:44
* Maaz flips the salt-timer06:44
MaazCoffee's ready for inetpro!06:48
inetproMaaz: dankie06:49
MaazGroot plesier inetpro my vriend06:49
inetpromagespawn, superfly: I would suggest rather than linking to the agenda on that page you link to the ubuntu-za loco page where upcoming events and meetings are listed06:50
inetprootherwise you will have to change that link to the agenda each month06:51
jrgnsmorning all07:18
magespawnthis link inetpro http://loco.ubuntu.com/meetings/ubuntu-za/542/detail/07:18
magespawnhey Vince-007:19
inetpromagespawn: yes that link is only for the meeting on the 18th of March07:20
magespawndo the meeting not stay on the same link then?07:20
magespawni see 07:20
magespawnmakes sense then brb07:20
magespawnhow is this http://ubuntu-za.org/get-involved07:27
inetpromagespawn: dankie07:30
* staticrat waves hello07:34
inetprostaticrat: good morning07:52
inetproVince-0: wb07:53
inetproThatGraemeGuy: wb07:53
ThatGraemeGuythanks! morning all :)08:01
magespawnhey ThatGraemeGuy08:03
* Squirm yawns08:19
inetpromage-test: it works08:20
mage-testindeed 08:20
mage-testwas just trying the Live Chat in IRC link on the website08:21
mage-testah okay so works like a normal chat client08:22
Vince-0we got that embedded freenode client on our LUG site too08:24
magespawnthe embedded client is a good idea for new peeps08:31
magespawninetpro: who hosts the website?08:32
staticratmorning inetpro 08:44
inetpromagespawn: I forget, but it's somewhere in Cape Town 08:45
magespawnmaybe superfly knows who hosts it08:49
magespawnyou know in canada they can get 175 Mbps up and down for 149 canadian or is R1199 rand per month all inclusive08:59
magespawnand 300gb usage08:59
magespawnkind of makes our 40Mpbs uncapped for R10700 look a bit backward09:00
Kiloshi jrgns Vince-0 charl_  10:19
jrgnshi Kilos10:22
Kiloshi mazal 10:27
mazalMiddag oom Kilos 10:27
Vince-0Hi Kilos 10:31
Squirmoh look10:37
SquirmI have an Ubuntu question10:37
Squirmwhen a user logs onto a system for the first time, Ubuntu creates said persons home dir. This is all fine, but I don't want the other directories inside of said home dir. I understand Desktop, that should be fine. But I don't want Documents, Music, Pictures, etc. I have checked /etc/skel and they're not created there. I seem to remember finding it somewhere but for the life of me I can't remember where and can't find where on google either10:38
Squirmshoh, haven't typed a message like that in a while10:39
mazalNow that would ne handy to know10:39
mazalI use a desktop as a server and users only use their home folder for backups and have also wondered before if that creation of folders can be disabled10:40
Kilosi think on maverick i just deleted pics and documents there in places10:43
ThatGraemeGuyi imagine xdg-user-dirs is pulled in as a dependency of the base desktop install, so i'm not sure exactly what the implications would be of disabling creation of those folder10:47
inetproI guess you could try uninstalling xdg-user-dirs10:50
ThatGraemeGuyor just sudo sed -i 's/enabled=True/enabled=False/' /etc/xdg/user-dirs.conf10:51
inetproyep, I was about to say look at /etc/xdg/user-dirs.conf10:53
Kilosinetpro, you foned onderstepoort yet?10:53
inetproKilos: no man10:53
inetproI forget personal stuffs when I reach the office10:54
inetproand when I get home it takes me a couple of hours before I forget about work10:55
Kilosim sure if theyll do it it will be a coupla hundred not thousand10:55
inetproSquirm: or you could just modify /etc/xdg/user-dirs.defaults11:08
zerefhi guys. i'm looking to repair a table in mysql. so my plan of action is to stop mysql, backup /var/lib/mysql, retart mysql, repair the table.11:13
zerefsound good?11:13
Griffin_Hi everyone11:43
Griffin_Anyone online11:44
mazalLo Griffin_ 11:49
Griffin_I understand there is a get together the 3rd11:49
Griffin_Anyone here going?11:49
mazalNot me , dunno who here is going maybe11:50
Griffin_Ok, just asking. I actually don't live anywhere near the location but wanted to know if the last one was a huge success or just another getogether11:51
Kiloshi Griffin_ 11:52
Griffin_HI @Kilos11:52
Kilosyou a tweeter?11:53
Kiloswe dont use @ on irc11:53
Kiloshave you been here before Griffin_ ?11:53
Kilosmy memory sucks11:54
Griffin_No first time. pulling nerd reage on the linux thing. Finally went over after years of MS11:57
inetproGriffin_: welcome to #ubuntu-za11:59
inetproGriffin_: are you referring to the Global Bug Jam in Cape Town?11:59
inetprothe event was organised by guys in here, feel free to stick around and have a chat with them12:00
inetprousing irc via the web interface can be frustrating though so I suggest you install and use one of the many irc clients available for the purpose12:02
Kiloswelcome to ubuntu-za Griffin_ you must visit more often now12:02
Kiloslike daily12:02
Griffin_Yes talking about the event at CT. I've been running Ubuntu 12.04 LTS for about 4 months now and except for the nvidia drivers problem its replaced everyting that was MS related12:03
mazalNice :)12:04
Griffin_I run a IT company on the side and have been looking at converting a few small company's I maintain an was hoping to find a few people in the same position12:05
Griffin_Anyone here done something like that?12:06
Vince-0Griffin_, Hi! Are you doing using Linux in business ?12:06
Kilossome of the guys here have done evrything so hang around and see who pops up with what12:06
ThatGraemeGuyi wish i had time to make a little extra money on the side12:07
ThatGraemeGuy2 kids and a wife tends to suck up all my time AND money.... so cruel :-/12:07
Kiloslol wait till they teenagers ThatGraemeGuy 12:07
ThatGraemeGuyugh i don't want to know :P12:08
Griffin_All my current clients are on MS but I am looking at moving over the ones that dont have MS bound applications12:10
Kilosyou new to linux?12:11
Kilosif so this is the best help channel available12:11
Kiloseven got ubuntu developers here12:12
Kilosohi tumbleweed 12:12
Kilosone of the other things with maaz was the google replies given twice12:12
KerberoSo what ThatGraemeGuy is trying to say is "don't marry and don't have kids"12:13
Griffin_Been playing around with it for some time but WIN8 and my Raspberry Pi finally convinced me12:13
Griffin_ThatGraemeGuy atleast has a life outside work :-D12:14
KerberoGriffin_: everything that i do these days uses a RPi somewhere in it12:14
KerberoInternship, M-research and currently overseas at another uni12:14
Kerberoall wanting to use the Pi12:14
Kilosyou know how to use the terminal Griffin_ 12:15
Kilosand sudo and stuff12:15
Griffin_Kerbero: Sweet, I'm building a home automation system. And yes I have mastered the terminal12:15
Kerberoo, my friend is doing that too12:15
Kerberowith his pi12:15
Griffin_sudo and terminal was the least of my worries. Been a command prompt guy for years. Did have a MASSIVE issue with getting the graphics card to work with 2HDMI outputs12:16
Kilosah it didnt bring up additional drivers are available12:17
Griffin_Kerbero: No event that. Blank screen at install12:17
Griffin_Kerbero: Does your friend also do the electronics or does he buy a kit or integrate someting else?12:18
Kilosai! i get that with 1.10 so went back to 12.0412:18
Kerberobuild it himself12:18
Kerberowe are graduated electronic engineers12:18
Squirm.:Kilos:. i think on maverick i just deleted pics and documents there in places <<-- Kilos: Won't quite work with my setup12:19
SquirmThatGraemeGuy: I had a look at xdg-user-dirs. I think I just remembered I did disable it12:19
ThatGraemeGuySquirm, and its still re-creating the dirs at login?12:20
KilosGriffin_, 12:20
SquirmI mean, previously12:20
SquirmThatGraemeGuy: so I will try it now again12:20
ThatGraemeGuyah ok12:20
Kilosthen type in sudo apt-get install gdm 12:21
Kilosits the lightdm thing that dont work good to start12:21
Kilosthen it will ask which one you wanna use, choose gdm and you wont have blank screen12:22
Kilosuh oh12:26
Kiloswb Griffin_ is it fixed?12:30
Griffin_Kilos: Not at my home computer (at work) so I will try the next time I re-install12:30
Kilosah ok12:30
Griffin_I am running a working 12.4 right now so don't want to mess with it too much since I have a few very importan projects running at this time12:31
Kilossometimes lightdm works and works well.12:32
Kilosit depends on the machine i think12:32
mazalGraphics is still the one weak link in Ubuntu12:33
Griffin_Thats the thing I always had against linux. I have never encountered a MS installations that did not finish. No matter the hardware it always installed. But my frustration with WIN8 finally pushed me to make it work12:34
mazalMany users battle with graphics12:34
Griffin_Is this becuause of the lack of support for open drivers from the OEM's or where does the problem come from12:34
inetproyou guys are either very lucky or have not worked on a lot of hardware with windows12:35
inetprolinux has more driver support for hardware than windows has12:35
mazalGriffin_, I dunno , but they defnitely need to put more effort into that part12:35
Griffin_I have doen installations of over a 1000 machines at some sites and no issues with MS. The only problem is if the drivers are not found it is slow as hell but does install12:36
mazalApart from the graphics I agree with inetpro , I have installed Ubuntu on many different types of pc's with many different types of hardware. And I never had any major issues12:36
mazalScreen drivers is the only drivers I ever need to install. Never had to install any other driver12:37
inetproobviously not everything is perfect but there is a woraround most of the time12:37
inetproworkaround as well12:37
KilosGriffin_, what graphics card?12:38
mazalOi gotta go12:38
mazalEnjoy the evening guys12:38
Griffin_I guess it also depends on experiance. With MS there are other places where you need to know certain commands but it just starts a little early with ubuntu installations12:38
inetpromazal: enjoy the weekend12:38
Kilosyou can type additional in the dash and it will show additional drivers you can get12:38
Kilostoods mazal 12:38
Kiloshehe ubuntu loves working with the terminal12:39
Kilosimportant commands to remember on any new install is 12:40
Kilossudo apt-get update and sudo apt-get dist-upgrade12:41
Griffin_Those I got and made note of at the beginning. So other that support what do you guys do for a living?12:41
Kilosthey all do IT work12:42
Kilosi rest12:42
Kilossome networking guys and other sysadmins etc12:42
tonberry352_And a few engineers12:43
Griffin_Haha, that was the assumption12:43
Griffin_tonberry352_: engineers mmm... what kind? O and please dont say the good kind12:43
Griffin_Sweet, I’m a bobby electronic enthusiast, programmer and all round IT sys admin. Appears I am in the right place12:45
Kilosall you need is to install xchat then you dont have to use a browser to get here12:48
Griffin_Unfortunately, this is my work PC so wil do that on my Ubuntu box.12:49
Kiloswe are here nights too12:50
Kilossome night owls live here12:50
Griffin_Kilos: Can I assume your one?12:51
Kilosnope Griffin_ im a ballie that goes to bed early12:51
ThatGraemeGuymy work pc is an ubuntu box, woop woop!12:52
ThatGraemeGuyis a laptop a box? hrmmm12:52
Griffin_Bed.. that thing your read about and hear other people speak about in the afternoons. If only12:52
Kilosyoull get there one day12:52
Griffin_My first manager use to say you can sleep when your dead12:53
Kilosbeem there done that12:53
Kilospulled a windows trick12:54
Kilosreboot to complete the install12:54
Griffin_I am enjoying the last few day I have admin right to my own pc. Working on a project for a big company international company where we will be rolling out a standard win7 image across all computers. My sites have about 680 to be done in 6weeks12:56
Griffin_Then it's dual boot OS or suffer the regtrictions of the overseas sys admins12:57
Kilosbe good to convert them all to ubuntu12:58
Kilosless gray hairs and live longer12:59
Griffin_If only it was our decision but that’s the corporate world for you!13:00
Griffin_But now to my big question regarding smaller companies. Does linux have a replacement for AD or not really?13:01
Squirmthanks ThatGraemeGuy, seems good13:01
KilosMaaz, google linus alternative for AD13:02
MaazKilos: "Active Directory Alternative | Linux.com" http://www.linux.com/community/forums/system-management/active-directory-alternative/limit/20/offset/0 :: "linux - What Are Some Good Open Source Alternatives to Active ..." http://serverfault.com/questions/13419/what-are-some-good-open-source-alternatives-to-active-directory :: "Best FOSS Active Directory13:02
MaazAlternative? - Slashdot" http://tech.slashdot.org/story/09/01/17/2255247/best-foss-active-director…13:02
SquirmThatGraemeGuy: a box holds things? laptop holds things13:02
Squirmit's just a thin box13:02
Squirm@ Griffin_13:02
ThatGraemeGuyGriffin_, you can get centralised auth, group permissions and that sort of thing, but the biggest thing you won't get is a group policy equivalent13:02
ThatGraemeGuySquirm: my lapbox :)13:03
Griffin_I can Google too. Wanted to know if there is anyone that actively uses this in a AD like environment13:03
ThatGraemeGuyGriffin_, actually scratch that come to think of it, you can actually get something close to group policy with puppet13:03
Griffin_puppet, will have a look at that. I work with allot of schools as well and I am looking at something that can replicate the control I have with AD and GPO's over the system13:07
ThatGraemeGuypuppet is a configuration management solution. it lets you describe the configuration in its own language and then translates that into native actions on the target system13:08
ThatGraemeGuyso for example you might have something like 'server1 must have the apache2 package installed', and on an ubuntu box that would result in it running 'apt-get install apache2', but on a redhat box it would do 'rpm bla bla something'13:09
ThatGraemeGuy(i don't know redhat)13:09
Kilosthats Squirm s department13:11
Griffin_Just flipped trough a tut on one of the sites and gathered that much. Will have a in depth look later on13:11
Griffin_Well will chat a little later. I am packing up to go home. Then some programming but will install xchat and see everyone later on13:13
Kiloslater Griffin_ 13:14
Kiloswhy dont we get visitors that know less than me13:15
* Kilos cries13:15
Squirmbecause you're smart enough to get onto irc13:22
Kilosno no the fly told me how13:23
Squirmand I don't know that much :/13:24
SquirmI'm just glad I can now follow a lot of conversations13:24
Squirmnot be able to do it, least I have some form of understanding.13:24
* Squirm pokes Symmetria13:25
Squirmhe was no help a while back, cause he spoke gibberish :P13:25
Kiloseveryone spoke gibberish when i first came here13:26
Kilosyou even taught me how to get mxit on pidgin13:27
ThatGraemeGuyis mxit still a thing? :o13:47
Kilosi use it all the time and most of the family too13:48
Kilosbut lotsa peeps gone whatsapp now13:49
Kilosand bbm13:49
tonberry352_we are no longer their target market13:49
Kilosmxit is more stable than other ims13:49
Kiloswhen your browser wont even connect mxit does13:49
inetproKilos: but you can still not mxit from PC to mobile, can you?14:17
inetproPC to mobile or vice versa 14:17
Kilosyou even get mxitevo that doesnt need to register with a fone first14:18
Kilosi can see mxit from my cell here on the pc inetpro 14:19
Kilosmxit rocks14:19
Kilostara uses mxitevo on her pc14:20
Kilosand boet did in saudi14:20
Kilosand she has it on her cell as well14:20
* inetpro still not convinced14:23
inetpronot sure that I need yet another IM in my life14:24
ThatGraemeGuymxit is over, my mom is ancient and even she's using whatsapp now14:24
tonberry352_most of africa does not own a smartphone14:33
magespawnafternnoon all14:37
Kilosand the nice thing about mxit is peeps get messages you leave when they come online14:37
Kilosno need to tell maaz14:37
Kilosi had mxit on my razr v314:38
Kilosyou dont need a smartfone14:38
Kiloshi magespawn 14:38
Kiloswhatsapp seems more popular but cant add it to pidgin so to me it sucks14:39
Kilosand all the android stuff i tried to get it on here14:40
magespawnwhatsapp is actually starting to charge14:40
Kilosoh ya mxit is free as in beer14:41
Vince-0Noo! Don't use proprietary protocols on closed networks14:48
magespawnnice to see new peeps hey Kilos14:54
Kilosand another one lost to ms14:55
Kilosthats the best part14:55
magespawnhome time later all14:57
Kiloshey griffin_ you a winsucks expert ?15:33
griffin_Define winsucks?15:35
griffin_O sorry had it as winshits., but yea I think I know my way around15:35
Kilosi got a channel where we help friends from here only with wondows probs15:35
griffin_Whats the problem?15:36
Kiloswe dont do windows help here so try help them there15:36
Kilosluckily it isnt often15:36
griffin_O ok. What is the channel name?15:36
Kilosnp now but would be nice to have a backup when we get tuck15:36
griffin_A original15:37
Kilosstuck as well15:37
griffin_Well I'm available when online 15:37
Kilossometimes guys get funny probs like last night was outlook passwords missing or something15:38
Kilosty sir15:38
Squirmstaff vs. prefects water polo15:38
SquirmI'm dead :/15:38
Kiloslol who won15:38
griffin_Missing or just asking for the account details repeatedly ?15:38
Squirmprefects :/15:38
Squirmlike 8-415:39
Kilosyeah asking because of moving on servers or something15:39
Kilosbut they got around it15:39
Kilosshame Squirm hang head15:39
griffin_Yea I know @lantic has that problem allot when the servers are down. You keep getting the popup in outlook and the users keep filling in Sh1t15:40
griffin_Kilos: do you use steam on Ubuntu or not yet?15:40
Squirmgriffin_: it's not great :/15:41
Kilosnope i dont have data to play games15:41
Kilossome of the guys do though15:41
griffin_I know... cannot remember my account name and it keeps hanging when trying to retrieve it15:41
Squirmnot many games for it yet. but it will come, seeing as it is the steam engine15:41
Kilosgriffin_, open a new one15:42
griffin_Allot of my fav games are on steam. Also a big reason I ported because I knew it was comming15:42
Kilosor they must have a forum or email addy you can query at15:43
Kiloslol you got 7 inna box?15:43
Squirmgriffin_: you should be able to go through the steps on their website15:43
Kilosmy son has to do that too to do work15:43
griffin_Yep. Some of the CAD software does not run so nice on Ubuntu15:43
Kiloswhen you have some more experience you can try kubuntu as well15:44
Squirmsupper time. I hope this cool weather stays for tomorrow15:44
Squirmthen it must bake15:44
Kilosubuntu has many flavours15:45
griffin_Just had a look at some images and it looks nice but I dont like the KDE interface that much15:45
Kilosit takes some getting used to but i find it does installing apps faster15:46
Kilosthe fly and pro can tell you where else its better15:47
Kilosoh we got python experts here too15:47
griffin_I like the unity interface because the side bar is usually where I put my windows one anyways.15:47
griffin_Anyone doing java and php?15:47
Kiloscreature of habit15:48
Kilosya nuvolari does java15:48
Kilosand someone else15:48
griffin_I my G0d just noticed how I sounded like a noob saying that15:48
Kilosphp dont seem very popular here15:49
Kilosbut ThatGraemeGuy  does it15:49
griffin_From what I remember from the start linux and python go hand in hand15:50
ThatGraemeGuyi do what now?15:50
griffin_ThatGraemeGuy: <-PHP15:51
ThatGraemeGuyoh, no i don't do drugs15:52
griffin_Haha java then?15:52
ThatGraemeGuyi'm a sysadmin15:52
ThatGraemeGuyi did some php YEARS ago but that would be worthless nowadays15:52
griffin_O then you do everything right?15:52
ThatGraemeGuyalso Tcl way back15:52
ThatGraemeGuybash & Python is what i do mostly15:53
ThatGraemeGuyor vbscript/powershell if i'm doing windowsy things15:53
griffin_Do you have a workaround for getting past Applocker in win7 or not15:54
Kilosoh sorry ThatGraemeGuy 15:54
ThatGraemeGuyi ... uh15:54
ThatGraemeGuydon't know what that is15:54
ThatGraemeGuyi'm primarily an ubuntu guy for the past 4 years almost, so my windows is pretty rusty15:55
ThatGraemeGuyparticularly desktop-side windows stuffs15:55
griffin_It's a issue we will be having in the coming weeks because the higher up sys admins have locked down all exe's using it. It sucks balls15:55
ThatGraemeGuyi left my laptop at home the other day and i was using a spare with win7, spent an hour trying to get my external display to work at native resolution15:56
ThatGraemeGuygave up, worked with 1 screen for the day15:56
griffin_External displays.... HDMI, s-video... why are these things still a issue 10 years down the line15:57
griffin_Point, click, select and apply... what makes that so difficult15:58
ThatGraemeGuyok it's time to abandon ship, yay!16:01
ThatGraemeGuylater all16:01
Kilosyo drussell hows things16:36
Kiloshi Cantide 16:43
Cantidehey Kilos 16:43
Cantidei am going to be CanStudy tonight :p16:43
Cantidehopefully for the last time :)16:43
Kilosstudying never stops16:44
Kilosone is always learning16:44
Cantidebut at least one doesn't have to stay up until midnight several days in a row to study16:46
Cantideif one is studying casually that is16:46
Kilosbut also if you dont try cramp just before exams you also dont need to stay up till midnight16:48
* Cantide whistles16:49
Cantidei no longer have exams16:49
Cantidejust one final assignment16:49
Cantidebut 4 essay questions of 5 pages each is a bit much...16:49
Kilosjust buckle down and do it man. its not so bad16:52
Cantidei've done 3 of them16:52
Cantide1 left16:52
Cantidei've prepared it already16:52
Cantidejust need to write it now16:52
Cantidegoing to start at 716:53
Cantideand hopefully finish by 10..16:53
Cantideelse it's going to be a long, long night16:53
Kiloshow long is it gonna take to finish it?16:58
Kilosi go eat16:59
Cantidei don't know... 3 hours?17:00
* Cantide shrugs17:00
Cantideit's on T.S. Eliot... might take longer..17:00
magespawnevening all17:11
=== Cantide is now known as CanStudy
Kiloshi magespawn 17:14
magespawnhey CanStudy Kilos 17:15
Kiloshey magespawn you must take a look at spfdisk on ubcd 17:22
magespawnwill do Kilos17:22
Kilosquite a potent tool17:23
magespawnbbl network playing around here17:25
Squirmalmost bed time17:48
Vince-0yoh the Internet strikes again: http://memeburn.com/2013/02/brace-yourselves-here-comes-the-darth-pistorius-meme/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+memeburncom+%28memeburn%2918:43
Kiloshey ThatGraemeGuy  nice to see you here at night as well now18:44
Kiloslast night too18:44
ThatGraemeGuy'ello :)18:44
Kilossup Vince-0 18:45
Vince-0Ag same dizl18:45
Kilosah well thats life hey18:45
ThatGraemeGuylast night i had intentions of sitting through some units of a udacity course i started18:46
ThatGraemeGuynever happened though18:46
ThatGraemeGuytonight i had the same idea but i just don't feel like it18:46
Kilosnear bed time for ballies too18:47
Kilosold married fathers18:47
Vince-0Ya dis ook laat vir klien kinders18:47
* Symmetria dances around18:47
Symmetriaas a private contractor18:47
Symmetriatoday was the most awesome day a guy like me can have18:47
Symmetriaone of those days where EVERYTHING falls into place18:47
Vince-0ThatGraemeGuy, what course?18:47
Vince-0Symmetria, thats naas18:48
SymmetriaI closed on 2 of the largest contracts I could ever have wished for today18:48
* Symmetria can now go and buy the car he wants ;p18:48
Symmetriaand pay for it in cash ;p18:48
Kiloshey Symmetria nice18:48
Kilosnow help fanie with the host thing18:49
ThatGraemeGuyVince-0, https://www.udacity.com/course/cs21218:49
* Symmetria is ordering his new car tomorrow ;p18:59
Vince-0yoh luckeee18:59
ThatGraemeGuygtg, baby having a rough night19:01
ThatGraemeGuynight all!19:01
inetprogood evening19:23
Kiloslo inetpro 19:30
Kilosyou just in time to say night19:30
inetproKilos: you still awake at this point?19:30
Kilosonly just19:30
Kilossleep tight all of you19:30
Kiloswhy not?19:30
inetprowell, good night Kilos19:30
Kilosok then sleep tight19:31
smile4everslaapwel :)19:32
=== CanStudy is now known as CanDONE
=== CanDONE is now known as Cantide
inetprowell done can tide19:47
Cantidethanks, inet pro19:48
CantideI submitted my 10 page assignment19:48
Cantidelet's hope i get quick feedback19:48
griffin_Anyone still awake?20:19
Vince-0yar kinda20:20
griffin_Haha late nie hey?20:20
Vince-0negative, usually awake until midnight20:24
Vince-0trying to figure out some silly cakePHP ap20:24
Vince-0just messin'20:24
griffin_O ok. Work mostly keeps me up till the wee hours of the mornin20:24
Vince-0Noo thats terrible - do you work for yourself?20:25
griffin_For myself, for my company for everyone else also it seems some times20:25
Vince-0ag no man. life is too short20:26
griffin_Well I have to say the after 5 work is usually the most fun. Then I get to do what I really like20:26
griffin_So what are you messing with/20:27
Vince-0opencdrrate project - to do billing calculations on VoIP switches20:27
Vince-0seems most of these types of projects are poorly documented20:28
Vince-0and supported20:28
griffin_Great ideas but documentation is always lacking. I do programming as well and can tell you I would sell my sole to avoid it20:29
griffin_What voip switches are you using?20:30
Vince-0Asterisk and Freeswitch20:30
griffin_The company I work for uses cisco voice gateways. All closed source stuff and managed by a team in Texas20:32
Vince-0oow that stuff is world class - not sure about the development interfaces though.20:32
griffin_All linux based which is kinda nice but the only time we get to do with it is when we replace a server or upgrade and even then its just insert CD and press enter20:33
Vince-0do you know what kind of billing platform that plugs into?20:34
griffin_Its cisco's custom call manager. Ironically called call manager20:35
Vince-0oh I've seen those20:35
griffin_We use to use 3cx voip system tied into a few analog gateways which was very nice. But I never had access to the call manager so dont know what the plug was they used20:37
griffin_So are you working for a company doing voip or just laerning20:38
Vince-0not exactly programming though20:41
Vince-0especially not cakephp20:41
griffin_Was never my department as well. Just mainteined the hardware and setup the initial software 20:42
Vince-0problem is, these things tend to be a little to close to the core of a company to outsource20:46
Vince-0darned open projects - even the commercial support avenue is an issue20:46
superflyVince-0: do yourself a favour and forget PHP and learn Python20:47
griffin_Except when you are a international corporate company.  Then you outsource everything20:47
Vince-0superfly, ! hell yea - I'm doing python. This darned project is in php 20:47
superflygriffin_: you don't perhaps work in Century City?20:48
griffin_superfly: No mining way out in the middle of nowhere20:49
superflygriffin_: ah, OK... I know a company in Century City that uses Cisco stuff, sounds familiar to you20:49
superflygriffin_: you wanted to know what people in here do? I'm a firmware developer20:51
griffin_No sorry. Big mining company. Gone over to Cisco VOIP for over 2 years now20:51
Vince-0superfly, firmware! what languages / stuff20:51
superflyVince-0: C++, C and Assembler20:52
superflyVince-0: though we have a server which is written in Python20:52
Vince-0python is the ideal language I think - system procedures, objects and web. I studied Java to some extent20:53
superflyyeah, we're investigating some new hardware which runs embedded Linux, which we're hoping to be able to run Python apps on20:53
superflyand then drop the C++ for Python20:54
superflywell, I gotta head to bed, more C to handle tomorrow20:54
griffin_Well its off to be for me as well. Vince I hope you get done what your looking to do20:57
Vince-0Thanks! griffin_ cya20:59

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