
inahdhehe hi03:27
inahdcould someone tell me... how i could access the filesystem from a live usb install, from my regular install?03:27
shai_haludmount it03:52
holsteinshai_halud: user is gone03:52
shai_haludoh. thanks03:52
holsteinshai_halud: no worries.. only gave us a minute to respond.. probably figured it out03:53
holsteinwell, 10 minutes03:53
shai_haludhow are you doing tonight?03:54
holsteinnot bad.. tired, but i have a day off tomorrow, first one in a while... and you?03:55
shai_haludtrying to figure something out in lmms. driving me nuts03:55
shai_haludhas to do with an arpeggio not sounding in meter03:56
shai_haludi actually didn't notice at first. now it sticks out like a sore thumb03:57
holsteineh, sometimes it can be nice03:57
shai_haludstrange how time affects the way music sounds03:57
shai_haludi.e., as time progresses, your perception changes03:58
holsteinprobably sound "wrong" to you, but it might create intrest for someone else03:58
shai_haludthat's always possible, i suppose, but there was always something not quite right with this. now i have finally pinpointed the error, but i still don't know how to fix it03:59
holsteinmute it for a bit04:00
shai_haludcan't. it's the main driving part of the song04:00
shai_haludthe rhythm that plays throughout04:00
shai_haludit's a repeated section though, so if i fix it, i will just delete the rest and c/p it04:01
holsteinwell, you can, if you want04:01
shai_haludi really want to fix it is what i want04:01
holsteinbut, you can grab it and scoot it around and hide the edges im sure04:01
shai_haludare you familiar with lmms?04:01
holsteinsure, go for it.. im just proposing that it might not be broken04:01
shai_haludoh it is04:02
shai_haludtrust me04:02
holsteinyou can ask in #opensourcemusicians ..i dont use it, but one of the dev's hangs there04:02
shai_haludsee, it's an arpeggio called "Jupiter" in "Triple Oscillator", which , when a note is played, 2 notes follow it. . I have ... well, i have too many of these notes clustered together04:04
shai_haludit's a problem i have to fix myself04:04
shai_haludi doubt anyone can help with it04:04
shai_haludjust venting04:05
shai_haludyou may as well hear it http://soundcloud.com/teradyme/invitation04:06
shai_halud you will notice the main driving rhythm, and when many of the same note are played in succession, they overlap too closely04:06
shai_haludit is almost beautiful, but i have to find just the right spacing for the notes04:07
holsteinshai_halud: works fine for me04:08
shai_haludit's pretty close but it's off04:09
holsteinits "floaty" and non-precise anyway04:09
holsteindoenst bother me, as is04:09
holsteinsounds like an analog synth cranked it out04:09
shai_haludturn on a metronome, about 98 bpm, and see how it sounds04:09
shai_haludit's an ugly mess when you do that04:10
holsteindoesnt bother me04:10
holsteini dont need my music to be "neat"... sounds like an old record or an old analog synth04:11
holsteinsounds natural04:11
shai_haludyeah. it's linux multi-media studio04:11
holsteini mean, fix it if you want... im sure it'll sound fine precise, but it might also sound boring04:11
shai_haludi've thought of that aspect too04:11
shai_haludif hydrogen was a little freer with hit placement, i would just try to place beats where i feel they belong, but i have tried, and it just sounds worse04:12
sirriffsalotshai_halud: it's very free, read the manual!04:12
sirriffsalotshai_halud: save yourself a lot of asking here:)04:12
sirriffsalotshai_halud: you can have 32-s if you want04:13
shai_halud i'm not asking, really. just lamenting04:13
shai_haludi figured out what was wrong04:13
shai_haludit's the damn triplet04:14
shai_haludand the delay that it is set with (time setting)04:14
shai_haludbasically what i did was use ... hm if i could adjust the durarion of the triplet i might be able to fix it04:16
shai_haludwithout getting too drastic04:16
sirriffsalotshai_halud: problem often is the time setting :)04:42
shai_haludyeah, i have tried adjusting it. i am looking right now at measures and note length and proximity04:43
shai_haludexperimenting in a solo track with the instrument til ifind the movement i am looking for04:43
shai_haludbetween that and time i should be able to get it04:44
shai_haludonce i get this rhytm track fixed, it's going to be downhill04:45
sirriffsalotUsing my oxygen on my hydrogen *shades* Feels so col04:48
sirriffsalotIf I knew chemistry I could probably say a nice result of those two elements lol04:49
shai_haludis that a program too? i was thinking about that today .. thought i had heard of a program by that name04:52
sirriffsalotshai_halud: oxygen4906:15
sirriffsalotshai_halud: it's a midi-keyboard06:15
shai_haludok. i have heard of that06:15
shai_haludwriting a crazy riff out slaughter fest.... because i can06:16
sirriffsalotshai_halud: haa?06:25
sirriffsalotshai_halud: didn't get that06:25
shai_haludsaid- i am writing a riff-out-slaughter-fest06:26
shai_haludsomething frank would be proud of06:26
sirriffsalotAha.. ehe06:26
shai_halud(god rest his soul)06:26
shai_haluddamn right. is there any other?06:27
sirriffsalotWell Frank Sinatra.. though he didn't write riffs06:27
sirriffsalotBut a lot of guitarists named frank I'm sure06:27
shai_haludwhen i say frank, it's that one06:27
sirriffsalotSomeone here's named frank.. be careful, hehe06:28
conspiritechhaving issues trying to get a 3.5 mm analog input to play through to headphones16:42
hectorlopezhi there, im trying to compile libvisual under ubuntu 12.04 and here is the output http://dpaste.com/1008001/18:05
hectorlopezubuntu studio :))18:05
zequencehectorlopez: Seems like you might be missing something. Did you install all needed dependencies?18:07
hectorlopezi only uset the git and cmake todo18:07
holsteinhectorlopez: you'll be responsible for getting whatever dependencies the package needs...18:10
hectorlopezyes, i have, but i dont know how cmake have a strange error18:12
zequencehectorlopez: Try a channel for programming. I can't find the reason to your problem18:14
zequencehectorlopez: You could try #lad18:15
zequence== linux audio developers18:15
hectorlopezok thanks18:44
hectorlopez solved :D i have a missing dependency under ubuntu studio liborc-0.4-dev installed whit synaptic :DDD and found all libvisual thanks!19:02
hectorlopezone more, i want install sdl under ubuntu studio 12.04 :P i have google it but i dont have good resource19:42
zequencehectorlopez: sdl dev libs?19:43
zequencehectorlopez: Try: apt-cache search libsdl19:44
hectorlopezcool thx19:46
holsteinhectorlopez: always try and just install from the repos.. the repos are common for all ubuntu's20:15
TheGreyo/ my soundcard (M audio 2496) is all of a sudden not recognised by aplay -l, or by its mixer (envy24control). Lspci shows it's ID though. Do I need to turn of the onboard soundcard in the BIOS? But at the moment my Nvidia HDMI is the default card! Thanks..21:32
holsteinTheGrey: was it an upgrade that "broke" it?21:33
zequenceTheGrey: Sounds pretty bad. Make sure the card is not loose or something22:09
TheGreyThanks, I'll try and reseat the card. If that fails should I disable the onbard card? Also if lspci picks it up does it mean that it is detected by the system? Here is my dump: http://pastebin.com/ZGhCAG5N22:16
holsteinaplay -l is important.. that means alsa sees it22:17
TheGreyholstein: right, but its not displayed there. What could be the issue you think?22:17
holsteinTheGrey: if it was an upgrade that broke it, then the kernel or alsa version could have dropped support fort he device, or broke it22:18
holsteinTheGrey: bad hardware22:18
TheGreythanks. what do you think I can do to resolve this issue? I run sudo apt-get update reguraly.22:20
holsteinyou could stop updating, and use it more like an appliance22:20
holsteinyou could test the hardware in an offically supported opertating system.. or with a known-good live CD22:20
TheGreykk, is there a way I can revert to an old ALSA?22:21
holsteinTheGrey: first, i would try just booting the older kernel you probably kept.. then you can just search alsa in the package manager of your choice22:21
holsteinyou can always try the live CD you installed from.. that'll tell you something22:22
TheGreyI understand, thanks for all the help. And does the lspci rule out a seating error?22:22
zequenceNo dropped support22:23
zequenceIt's ice1712, which is still one of the most used chips around for pro audio on pci22:23
zequenceTheGrey: I would suspect hardware failure, but there could be some weird IRQ conflict too, I guess22:24
zequenceTheGrey: If you have more PCI slots, try switching22:24
zequenceTheGrey: Also, try our live DVD to make sure it's not your OS22:25
zequenceTheGrey: If none of those work, I would suspect hardware failure22:25
TheGreyright, no problem. I just got the card a week ago! It was working nicely for a few days.22:25
zequenceTheGrey: The onboard card would not likely cause problems22:25
TheGreyright, thanks. Can the pci slot be an issue?22:26
zequenceTheGrey: I've had some IRQ conflicts when using the Debian -rt kernel. It would mute my audio device, but that was different.22:27
zequenceTheGrey: Different PCI slots have different IRQs22:28
TheGreycool, what are IRQs?22:28
zequenceThe problem with the -rt kernel was actually the kernel itself, not my iRQs22:28
zequenceTheGrey: IRQs are like channels. All peripherials on your PC have one22:29
zequenceTheGrey: Some IRQs are share between many devices22:29
zequenceTheGrey: Do this in a terminal: 3.2.0-39.4122:29
zequenceSorry :)22:29
zequenceTheGrey: cat /proc/interrupts22:29
zequenceI think your device should show as snd_ice171222:30
zequenceTheGrey: I would make sure that the card is well seated first. Then maybe try the live DVD. And last, try different pci slots22:31
TheGreythanks, I cannot see it in the /cat buit I assume that because the card isn't loaded by ALSA. I'll follow your advice. Just a final question: if it is a IRQ issue, why would it have been working in the potentially faulty slot before?22:32
zequenceTheGrey: Faulty slot would have nothing to do with IRQ. an update to your system could have something to do with handling of IRQs, all though unlikely22:33
zequenceTheGrey: you didn't add any new PPA, or kernels, or anything like that?22:33
TheGreyAs far as I am aware no. This appears to have happened randomly for me.22:34
zequenceTheGrey: cat is not a directory. It's a command: cat /proc/interrupts22:34
TheGrey:D I meant that!22:35
zequenceTheGrey: If the card shows or not is not depending on ALSA to my knowledge22:35
TheGreyoohh so that could meant a seating or IRQ issue?22:36
TheGreyor a hardware failure. I suppose its impossible to tell without testing22:36
zequenceTheGrey: Again, I would make sure it's well seated first. Then double check with another OS to make sure it's not your OS. Then try different slots. If all fails, I would highly suspect hardware failure22:37
zequenceYou could also try putting the device into another machine22:37
TheGreyzequence: thanks for the sagely advice. I will proceed and try to resolve this issue. Many thanks again!22:38
zequenceTheGrey: Hope it works out :)22:38
zequencehmm, what would make all devices show and being sure drivers are not involved. snd_1712 actually looks a lot like an ALSA name22:40
zequenceTheGrey: Here's another command you could try: cat /proc/bus/pci/devices22:41
zequenceI should look more into this22:41
TheGreystill not found. I reckon the reseating>liveCD>PCI switchout trifecta test is my best bet22:42
zequenceTheGrey: Ahh, of course. Just do: lspci22:44
TheGreyzequence: and as mentioned it's sitting here: 08:05.0 Multimedia audio controller: VIA Technologies Inc. ICE1712 [Envy24] PCI Multi-Channel I/O Controller (rev 02)22:44
zequenceOr rather: lspci -b22:44
zequenceTheGrey: Oh, you said that :P22:45
TheGreyso do you think this rules out a seating and/or IRQ issue?22:45
zequenceTheGrey: Well, clearly the system sees the device, but ALSA is not loading it then. I would try a live DVD, or another OS installed on the same machine to see if the device works or not22:46
TheGreykk. I've got a lot of tests to do!22:47
TheGreyand as a last restore, would resintalling ALSA potentially resolve this issue?22:50
zequenceTheGrey: It's hard to say at this point what has gone wrong22:52
zequenceTheGrey: I've never heard of alsa becoming corrupted22:53
zequenceI mean, just by using it22:53
sirriffsalotHow can I exclude certain packages from PPA's being suggested to be updated (in my case KXStudio's Ardour, which I no longer need being a subscriber of Ardour)?23:14
zequencesirriffsalot: I haven't looked at that closely, but one simple way to do it is to disable the PPA, and whenever you want to use the PPA for something specific, you enable it. Then either install one new app, or just: apt-get install --only-upgrade <someapp>, to update it23:21
sirriffsalotzequence: good advice. how about this? http://askubuntu.com/questions/170235/how-do-i-cherry-pick-packages-from-a-ppa23:21
zequencesirriffsalot: Yeah. That stuff is really Debian/apt technicality, and you should be able to find some info in either Ubuntu or Debian wikis23:23
sirriffsalotzequence: was it a bad idea for an Ubuntu guy?23:23
zequencesirriffsalot: What I mean is, it's not specific to PPAs or Ubuntu.23:24
sirriffsalotzequence: alright. gonna look for a more wiki-manualed approach23:24
zequencesirriffsalot: Could be there's a channel for apt you could try to23:26
sirriffsalotzequence: yeah, looking as we type23:26
zequencedebian or ubuntu devs should know too23:27
zequence..or users23:27
* sirriffsalot points toward #ubuntustudio23:27
sirriffsalotzequence: hmm, strange.. now that I removed A2.8.16, the updater does not mention it again when I recheck..23:28
zequencesirriffsalot: http://askubuntu.com/questions/75895/how-to-forbid-a-specific-package-to-be-installed23:30
sirriffsalotzequence: maan.. the trouble with linux is that there are so many approaches you have to know all of them well to decide which is best23:31
sirriffsalotzequence: thanks!23:31
zequence/etc/apt/preferences seems like a good place to put rules in23:31
zequencesirriffsalot: http://wiki.debian.org/AptPreferences23:32
sirriffsalotzequence: yeah, found that :)23:32

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