
ochosibluesabre: not what you asked exactly, but nope :)00:32
micahgbluesabre: are you interested in the packaging for catfish as well or just upstream?01:10
ochosihey micahg 01:10
micahghi ochosi 01:10
ochosido we still ship the unico-engine by default?01:10
ochosiif so, we can drop it01:11
ochosiwe got rid of that dependency in all our themes now01:11
ochosi(but the themes need an update)01:11
micahgochosi: nope, not on the iimage01:11
ochosi(icons plus gtk)01:11
ochosiwondering how bluebird looked out-of-the-box then :)01:11
micahghrm, yes it is, seeded-in-ubuntu is lying01:11
micahgor my apt-cache is old01:12
* micahg wonders why seeded-in-ubuntu is lying01:12
micahgah, I think we need a meta update01:13
micahgno, the task generator seems wrong...01:14
ochosiin that case (if i have two wishes free) please update xubuntu-artwork (as mr_pouit doesn't seem to be around atm) and drop unico01:14
ochosi(if you have time that is)01:14
micahgit's shimmer-themes with the recommends01:15
micahgand unfortunately, I don't have the time tonight01:15
ochosidoesn't have to be tonight01:16
ochosiany time soon is good enough01:16
ochosiin fact, it'd be best for me if we set a date01:16
micahgjust drop the recommends or are there changes in the branch?01:16
ochosithen i can try to get stuff into shape01:16
micahgfeature freeze is Mar 7, that's the deadline for getting stuff in shape01:16
ochosii know, but preferrably i'd have some time after uploading _and_ before the freeze01:17
ochosiat least a little01:17
micahgwell, if it's just dropping the recommends, I can do that now01:17
micahgif it's more, I have to wait01:18
ochosithat'd be a good start01:18
GridCubebluesabre, :/ i know this might be too late, but i still dont understand how does catfish is meant to work01:18
micahgochosi: will that break anything without theme updates?01:18
GridCubeim using 12.10 now and doing a search for *.mp3 still resulted on nothing :/01:18
ochosimicahg: it'll break bluebird, but it'll be fixed after the theme-update01:18
micahgochosi: I'd prefer to do them together to force the upgrade with a breaks01:19
ochosifine too01:19
micahgso, maybe tomorrow or Sunday01:19
ochosiit's not like we need those few kb we gain from dropping unico01:20
ochosimicahg: but anyway, if we could arrange that update, that'd be good01:21
ochosii'm somewhat afraid mr_pouit won't return in time01:22
bluesabrehey gridcube01:22
bluesabrejust search for mp301:22
ochosiGridCube ^01:22
bluesabreI think I broke wildcards01:22
bluesabreI'll fix that too01:22
GridCubewell look at that01:23
* micahg is waiting for bluesabre to answer his question01:23
bluesabremissed that!01:23
bluesabremicahg, yeah, definitely interested in getting catfish packaged01:24
bluesabrethough, I'll be doing a point release tomorrow01:24
micahgbluesabre: I was wondering about you wanting to do the packaging or not01:24
bluesabreyes, if at all possible01:25
ochosik folks, i'm off for tonight01:25
bluesabreseeya ochosi01:25
ochosimicahg: hope we can settle this somehow tomorrow or on the weekend01:26
ochosimicahg: you can always ping me, i'll read it in the backlog the latest ;)01:26
bluesabremicahg, is there something I should read up on, or what would I have to do?01:26
micahgbluesabre: so, are you familiar enough to upload a version to mentors.debian.net>01:26
bluesabrenot yet, but I can look into doing that01:27
bluesabreI haven't done much packaging at this point01:27
bluesabrek, looks like they've got a bunch of introductory info on that page01:28
bluesabremicahg, so should I ping you again once I've got it on there?01:31
micahgbluesabre: well, if you think you can get it up there, sure01:32
bluesabreI think I should be able to figure it out01:33
* pleia2 works on sending ALL THE EMAILS06:15
bluesabreGridCube, just pushed complete wildcard support into lp:catfish-search if you're interested in trying it out10:36
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ochosiknome: so now it's officially out there. the proposal for rolling release... https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2013-February/036537.html16:41
knomeochosi, atm, i don't have a stance really.16:55
knomemicahg, instant reaction?16:57
micahgwe've been discussing in MOTU16:57
micahgit sucks for flavours who value intermediate releases to have their latest stack shippable and receive security support16:58
micahgunless we think our user base is ready for rolling release16:58
knomewhy wouldn't they?16:59
micahgconstant updates, software changing out from under them17:00
knomethat happens already17:00
knomei'm not sure if there's anything else than xfce that might affect our users in a possibly negative way17:01
micahgthat doesn't happen save for Firefox/CHromium and Thunderbird (this one is down to ~1 massive change per year)17:04
knomeno, but i can't see people specifically wanting to stick with old versions, and i believe those are quite widespread anyway (so they'll receive bug fixes in a relatively quick manner)17:05
knomeif they want maximum stability, they should choose LTS anyway17:05
micahgour current stable release policy is no UI or feature changes save for very few exceptions17:09
ochosiyeah, i guess the UI changes are the more critical17:21
ochosiotoh it means we can also fix things on the go17:22
ochosiwhich is nicer than having to go through a painful backporting process17:22
ochosi(i assume there won't be drastic theme changes)17:22
knomeprobably not, but we haven't had those now either17:24
GridCubeare you talking about the rolling release model proposal?17:27
GridCubei dont know much about that, but i do wonder, how are iso's managed then? i mean, for example, now if i download xubuntu 12.10, i dont have to run that many updates to get it up to date, but if only lts iso's exist... then i have to run a gazillion updates the first time i install the system?17:31
micahgGridCube: you can grab a daily snapshot17:32
GridCubeoh... they will still exist? 17:32
GridCubei see17:32
GridCubewell then nevermind17:33
skellatGridCube: That would sound about right17:35
skellatThis much change this quickly is worrisome17:36
knomeGridCube, yes it is.17:37
knomei'm already writing another blog article jono won't like.17:38
skellatIn the past 48 hours, we've had how many earth-shattering kabooms drop on us?17:38
skellatAt least 2.  The shift in UDS format plus this new proposal for shifting to rolling releases.17:38
knomeGridCube, online UDS only, discussiona bout rolling releases17:39
GridCubeyes, but thats a discussion, not a fact17:39
GridCubethere is no "bomb" on a proposal to discuss something17:39
GridCubedont overreact to something that has not even been made yet17:39
skellatThe way the proposal was put forward on rolling releases, it looks like that that is why we're having the UDS March session17:39
knomei'm 99% certain it will roll out as "canonical will switch to rolling releases, you had the possibility to comment"17:40
knomeGridCube, please don't shut your eyes from how things have been rolled out before17:40
skellatThere's an UbuntuOnAir tomorrow that's going to lay out the proposal in more detail as it is17:41
GridCubeknome, yes :) i understand you, but again remember that you ARE the leader for xubuntu, and that xubuntu IS a huge derivative of ubuntu. that many people care and use and like. You represent us all. 17:41
knomeGridCube, ...yes?17:42
GridCubethats why i ask you politely to not overreact17:42
micahgGridCube: no, this is a bombshell in the whole way that Canonical has gone about it, time will tell if there's any real community input accepted here17:42
GridCubeyou are the more experienced people here17:43
knomei don't think everybody is overreacting here. if you had seen the discussion on #ubuntu-release yesterday, you'd know there are people who are even more pessimistic about this17:43
GridCubei wont meddle in things i don't understand and will just hope for the best17:43
knomewe all hope for the best, but we need to be prepared for the worst17:44
GridCubeknome, :) agreed17:44
knomethe history has taught us things will most probably not roll out as we wish17:44
* micahg notes to read backscroll in -release17:44
pleia2micahg: can't do that until beer-o-clock17:44
knomemicahg, hint: a release team member with a kubuntu hat as well.17:44
* micahg is probably already aware :)17:45
knomeyeah, that's not a surprise17:45
knomenot to say i don't agree with him17:45
knomenot sure how i go with the blog article, but i hope to get it out as soon as possible, and might ask for some input from you (pleia2+micahg) and him17:46
knomeand why not others who probably think alike.17:46
knomeanyway, need to be going now17:46
knomequality time with wife started 15mins ago17:46
knomesee you!17:46
skellatAs seen over in #ubuntu-release: (12:28:12 PM) Riddell: so is raring really cancelled?17:47
skellatknome: I look forward to your bit on the planet.  It looks like I'll be writing too.17:48
* skellat wanders off to find a drink17:49
* genii-around ponders 13.0618:33
knomeskellat, if you happen to post before me, or even if not, please ping me with the url :)19:56
skellatknome: Just started writing now.  I'll make sure to drop a link in the channel.19:57
knomeskellat, ta. i started writing today as well, but it usually takes me longer than i want to finish off articles, because i don't want to drop out half-thought articles19:58
skellatknome: Take a look at this new bit that just popped up too: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/release-r-monthly-snapshots19:58
knomeskellat, yup. that looks like we're moving towards a rolling release, definitely.19:59
knomewant to cover the uds issue first, though naturally there will be *some* discussion about the rolling release as well20:00
skellatFrom the blueprints that are registered so far, it looks like UDS is mostly going to be talking about rolling release. 20:02
knomeyes, that's evitable20:02
skellatknome: Here ya go: http://erielookingproductions.info/ubuntu/2013/02/30-paradigm-shifting-without-a-clutch21:25
* skellat wanders off to do housework21:25
Unit193Should be on planet too.21:25
knomeskellat, ta21:25
micahgskellat: hrm, I wanted to do Xubuntu for arm, but couldn't get a kernel for my board :(21:38

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