
mjrosenbhey, does anyone know if the linux-omap4 images that ubuntu is asking me to install work with perf?00:06
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xnoxI just realised that adb supports full phone backup.12:25
xnoxnot sure how well that works with pushing apps & data from one phone to another though.12:26
xnoxbut whould be good enough to test phablet deploy.12:26
xnoxon nexus4 that is.12:26
XorAxnox: it seems to work well in Titanium backup so should work well in other cases12:30
xnoxhmm... note to self to checkout titanium backup12:30
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ogra_infinity, hey, look, our new community starts producing fixes for libc ... https://lists.launchpad.net/ubuntu-phone/msg00637.html ...19:30
ogra_(have fun fishing them out of xda froum zips :P )19:30
mosasaurI'm still trying to play audio from inside a chroot, so far alsamixergui can control the sound volume of apps running under the android host  -- which is extremely cool by the way, since this is the first time I can increase left/right master/headphones separately -- but any apps from within the chroot are inaudible or won't even start playing.19:45
ogra_do you have /dev bindmounted ?19:47
mosasaurogra_: yes19:47
ogra_and proc and sys too ?19:47
ogra_then i would guess its a permission thing19:48
mosasaurI have chmod 777 /dev/snd19:48
infinityogra_: Enabling debug options isn't a fix. :P19:49
ogra_no, but his fix will likely end up in a similar place in a zip19:50
infinityBut the bug won't be in glibc.19:50
infinityJust sayin'.19:50
ogra_tell him :)19:50
ogra_the next few months will surely be fun ...19:51
infinityErr, are our images based on quantal still? :/19:51
* infinity notes him talking about libc-2.15.so19:51
ogra_a) we dont have the phablet packages in raring19:51
ogra_b) we need https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/client-1303-cdimage-android-builds19:51
ogra_i gues we'll start raring images around april19:52
infinityAnyhow.  I don't see him claiming it's a libc bug either.  It's just that turning on IO_DEBUG allows libc to trap the bug he has elsewhere.19:52
ogra_haha, and there is an infinity553 in #ubuntu-touch19:54
ogra_i wonder if xnox' xchat fix would catch that19:55
ogra_xnox, how about a usb-creator -> phablet-flash spec ?20:11
xnoxogra_: sure go ahead.21:23
xnoxogra_: you can even dishout assignee to be me.21:24
xnoxogra_: not sure about xchat catching that ;-)21:24
ogra_not tonight anymore, but i'll add it over the weekend21:24
* ogra_ goes to watch wok racing on tv now21:24
lilstevieogra_, haha welcome to the world of xda/android, where if it isn't in a .zip it isn't good enough21:48
ogra_heh, yeah21:48
lilstevieit is going to make the lists painful21:49
lilstevie(the influx of android "devs)21:50
ogra_well, its seemingly our new part of the community21:50
lilstevieand I do use that term liberally21:51
ogra_so we'll have to live with it21:51
ogra_yeah, there is already a thread about overclocking and replacing the bootloago with a running mario on the list21:51
ogra_(in the same mail)21:51
lilstevienot surprised in the slightest21:52
ogra_it gives a good impression of what to expect i think21:53
lilstevieit is a good window into what the modding community will be like post release too21:55
lilstevieand of what google currently deal with on their own lists21:55
ogra_well, you get what you asked for i guess21:56
lilstevieit is a delicate balance really21:57
lilstevieI love how the mailing list is resembling a forum at the moment22:00
wookeywhat's wrong with android devs? are they all clueless?22:27
wookeyor all use windows? Or both :-)22:28
ogra_heh, they are young, bear with them :)22:32
lilsteviewookey, the common name for these devs is "winzip devs" cause the extent of their dev'ing is that they used winzip removed extra apks, added a few others, and then release it as their own creation22:32
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wookeyaha. wel I just got apt built for arm64. generating a new rootfs now...23:19
wookeyan image with apt in it and working networking is suddenly a lot more useful...23:20
lilstevie:o do you have an arm64 device?23:20
wookeynope - there are none. only models23:20
wookeyand I didn't run that till last week23:20
wookeyyou can work on an arch for 2 years without actually _running_ any native code :-)23:21
ogra_he imagines an arm64 device and then builds on it :)23:22
stgraberand people used to complain they had to wait years to get Linux support for thei hardware. Now they have to wait years for the hardware that Linux supports to actually exists ;)23:24
ogra_yeah :)23:25
* lilstevie wants an arm64 device yesterday23:25
ogra_easy ...23:25
ogra_if you want it yesterday you have to invent time traveling anyway so you can travell to wookey's house to next year, pick it up and go back to yesterday23:26
lilsteviethat does sound easy23:26
ogra_yeah, totally trivial23:26
lilsteviein 20 years when I finish inventing the time travel machine I will just send it back to today23:27
ogra_just needs the peripherials23:27
wookeyI had to do some nsty hackery on curl. first real bodge in the whole bootstrap, but I decided I was in a hurry :-)23:28
wookeyoh and nss is evil. Did I complain about that already? yuk.23:28
wookeywhy do we need 6 different ssl implmentations anyway?23:29
wookey (curl supports 6 and build-deps on 3)23:29
lilsteviewookey, because 5 wasn't good enough23:30

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