
PeetHello. Can I ask an install question here please?03:09
PeetI just installed Unbuntu 12.04 from the live CD. The install said it was successful. After the first reboot though, it tries to start from the HD but I just see a flashing cursor in the upper left corner. No GRUB03:10
PeetNo nothing.  Any ideas on where I can start?03:11
holsteinPeet: try booting the live CD03:12
PeetYep, that works fine. Then what?03:12
PeetIf it helps any, I installed ubunut onto a clean, brand new HDD03:13
holsteinPeet: test the hard drive.. maybe its bad03:13
Unit193It's not an EFI system is it?  And the Grub menu doesn't normally pull up on a single boot system.03:16
PeetUnit193: Sorry, what do you mean by EFI?    It's a Toshiba Satellite laptop from 2006.03:17
Unit193Then not EFI.03:17
PeetThat helps me as far as Grub, thanks03:17
PeetOk, I see03:17
PeetIf the install went all the way through, is there still a chance the CD I installed from is bad?03:18
PeetI was thinking of maybe creating another CD-R03:18
holsteinPeet: you can test the CD03:23
PeetGood point. I did run it as the Live part on a nother PC here and that works fine. Connect to the net from there, etc...03:24
PeetYou mentioned testing the HDD. Is there a tool for that or did you just mean connect it to another PC and read its contents?03:24
holsteini use the ultimate boot cd...03:25
Peetholstein: thanks. reading about it now ...03:30
vastkahunaI have compiz installed on my system, how do I get it to work?04:58
holsteinvastkahuna: what system?04:59
vastkahunaUbuntu 12.1004:59
holsteinvastkahuna: ubuntu just ships it... so its just working, or should be.. are you on xubuntu?04:59
vastkahunaI'm on just regular ubuntu, but I don't see it doing anything fancy like I was expecting05:00
holsteinvastkahuna: its not like that anymore..05:01
vastkahunaDo I have to go into it and enable certain things?05:01
holsteinvastkahuna: you dont have to, but you can.. just nail down what certain things you want05:02
vastkahunaWhere do I go and how do I do it?05:02
holsteinvastkahuna: do what?05:02
vastkahunaOpen the settings and change them05:03
holsteinvastkahuna: unity is not all that customizable.. what are you wanting to change?05:03
vastkahunaI just want to see the different effects like it does when you open your browser or a new window05:04
krytarikJust install CompizConfig Settings Manger, fire it up, and go to "Effects -> Animations".05:08
vastkahunaCan I do that in the terminal or where?05:11
krytarikEither run "sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager", or use the Software Center to install CCSM.05:13
krytarikAfter that, run it from the Dash, or from the menu, depending on what session you are using.05:14
vastkahunaI just tried it in the terminal but I'm not sure if it's telling me it's ready or what05:18
krytarikAlright, go for the Dash/menu now.05:19
vastkahunaAnd what do I put in to open it?05:20
krytarik"CCSM", for example.05:20
krytarikNow what session are you using actually?05:21
krytarik^^ That was for the Dash in Unity or under Gnome Shell, alternatively just start typing "Compiz...".05:22
vastkahunaI'm not sure what you mean by session, I'm in ubuntu 12.10 and I'm using Firefox if that's what you mean05:23
vastkahunaI have the menu open for CCSM but I'm not sure how to enable the different effects05:24
krytarikLike I said, what you mentioned is under "Effects -> Animations".05:25
krytarikAlso, you may want to install the package "compiz-plugins" to get even more options.05:26
vastkahunaSo sudo apt-get compiz-plugins in the terminal?05:27
krytarikPlus "install" after "apt-get", yes.05:28
vastkahunaNow do I have to close and re-open CCSM for these to take efffect or reboot or anything like that?05:30
krytarikYou should better just relogin, yes.05:31
krytarikvastkahuna, can you please run this command and tell me the output? It would show the name of the session you are using. -> "echo $DESKTOP_SESSION"05:36
krytarikNot that you are using a session where Compiz isn't actually used, like Gnome Shell or Gnome Classic w/o Effects. :P05:38
vastkahunaIt didn't seem to do anything05:41
krytarikRun in the Terminal?05:41
krytarikWrong URL. :P05:42
vastkahunaSo re-enter echo $DESKTOP_SESSION  in the terminal?05:45
krytarikMake sure you don't misspell it.05:45
krytarikWhat happened, vastkahuna?05:49
krytarik^^ vastkahuna_05:50
vastkahuna_It didn't seem to do anything05:52
krytarikNow I actually meant why you needed to relogin to IRC. :)05:53
krytarikDoesn't the command output a session name? It should.05:53
vastkahuna_My browser seemed to freeze05:53
krytarikAha, already thought something like that.05:54
vastkahuna_I was trying to send you the link from pastebin but that page seems to be messedup, I can't find the link at the top of that pge05:56
krytarikYou aren't possibly using something like Cinnamon, are you?05:56
vastkahuna_No just standard ubuntu 12.10 and whatever that uses05:57
krytarikThe pure default then, yes?05:57
krytarikThat would be Unity then, and the output should be "ubuntu" - isn't it?05:58
krytarikOki doki. :)05:59
krytarikCompiz is used then.05:59
krytarikHave fun with playing with its settings then, but don't break it! :P06:00
vastkahuna_Something weird just happened, my search bars are missing from the top of my browser page06:01
vastkahuna_OK it's back now06:03
krytarikOk, was going to say: right-click somewhere besides the tabs and re-enable "Navigation Toolbar". :)06:03
krytarikBtw, you may want to use something like XChat when chatting that often on IRC. :)06:04
krytarikI.e. the webchat interface is rather ugly and misses a lot of features.06:05
vastkahuna_Yeah, now in CCSM I have the effects and animations open, so just check the boxes under random effects?06:05
* krytarik looks06:06
vastkahuna_OK thanks06:07
krytarikNo, that's really only for if you set "Random" as the effect for something on the list above that.06:07
krytarikFor example, I have the first on the list under "Open Animation" set to "Glide 2".06:09
krytarikClick on the entry you want to edit, then below the list, click on "Edit".06:10
vastkahuna_That seems to be the standard setting because mine is like that too but I don't see any special effects when I open my browser or a new window06:11
krytarikYeah, might be, but I think I have lowered the duration - to what is it set there? I have mine on 80.06:12
vastkahuna_Glide 2 on mine is at 12006:13
vastkahuna_Fade is at 8006:14
krytarikNow that you mention it, it doesn't work here either (Lucid 10.04), and I remember there is a bug report about that somewhere.06:15
krytarikSo sorry, I guess you can forget about that for now. :|06:17
vastkahuna_I was reading on it somewhere before I logged in here and they think it has to do with unity, maybe disabling something there first?06:17
krytarikMost other animations should work tough, just not the "Open Animation".06:18
krytarikAs I mentioned, I'm using Lucid 10.04, way before Unity as it is now started to exist. :P06:19
vastkahuna_I don't know but it doesn't seem to do anything, it's just regular06:19
krytarikYep, just pops up.06:19
vastkahuna_I have a question about something else06:20
krytarikThen shoot! :)06:20
* krytarik searches for that bug report06:21
vastkahuna_I installed ubuntu restricted extras to fix flash and my dvd movie player, it fixed flash but the codecs must be missing for the dvd06:22
ubot93Ubuntu's default installation and repositories do not include packages needed to play commercial DVDs for legal reasons. For information on adding them, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/PlayingDVDs | For information on the legalities involved, see the "DVD" section of https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats06:23
krytarikCheck out that ^^ too then.06:23
vastkahuna_Yeah  I was looking at that but it didn't seem to help, why do they make it so hard?06:25
krytarikI'm not playing DVDs myself, so I can't really help with that, sorry.06:26
vastkahuna_OK thanks06:27
=== gordon is now known as Guest30941
r4yI am having trouble with my mp3 player. I am not sure if I did safe removeable or not, but it will not mount. It's an RCA mp3 player model number th1814wm-a07:53
r4yIt still plays the music that is on it. And Windows XP says it is in mtp mode and if I remember right it is supposed to be in msc mode, but I don't know how to change it's mode. I tried formatting it but it can't be formatted and there is no mount point and I tried flashing the firmware with an exe file rca supplied. I should say I 2 different ones that they supplied, one of which I have...07:56
r4y...used before to fix this mp3 player before.07:56
r4yIt's cheap, but we are pinching our pennies right now07:57
r4yTo get the photos and info from the terminal I had to connect this mp3 player over and over and over each time removing the battery to turn it off, because it stops being under /dev/bus/usb/00108:01
r4yI found this:08:21
r4yHow can I use what they said to do at the bottom of that thread?, and should I try it?08:21
r4yAm I supposed to create this file /etc/usb_modeswitch.conf?, because I don't see it there, or is that a file that has to downloaded from the link given at the bottom of that thread?08:23
r4yI guess the downloadable file was only of the logging that person did08:26
krytarikA quick web search indicates that you can just create that file there and enter that setting.08:28
r4yah, I will try then08:30
r4yO well, it was worth a shot. TY for trying08:34
krytarikI barely just googled for you :P - didn't work then apparently?08:35
r4yI don't think so08:36
krytarikDid you reboot after putting that file in place? If not, I think you should do so.08:37
r4yI also tried changing it and adding EnableLogging=1, but I don't know where the info for logging would be put into08:37
r4yOK, I change it and do so just in case08:38
r4yI will be back08:38
r4yI didn't work. I is it supposed to be DisableSwitching=108:44
r4yI would guess not assuming 1=true and 0=false08:45
krytarikToo bad. Reg. the log file, it should pop up directly under "/var/log", according to this page - there is way more info there too: http://www.draisberghof.de/usb_modeswitch/#trouble08:46
r4yI should read this, so I bookmarked it and I will change DisableSwitching=1 to DisableSwitching=0and enable debugging as well then I will have to reboot then get the info from the log file08:49
r4yI will be back08:49
r4yAre those the only 2 lines needed? because I am a newbie sort of08:50
r4yI mean I am not a dev of coarse and I haven't messed with scripting and so forth08:51
r4yJust plain, right?08:52
krytarikYeah, I've seen an example file in a forums post, the rest was all outcommented stuff.08:52
r4yDisableSwitching=0 enter next line EnableLogging=108:52
krytarikYes, just plain text.08:52
r4yI will be back08:52
r4yThere is no log08:57
r4ywas this what this line should read DisableSwitching=008:57
krytarikWhat version of Ubuntu are you using then?08:59
r4yAm I supposed to run a command for this?08:59
r4yAh, I haven't read that link yet09:00
krytarikNo, I just have checked whether that config should be there by default in your version of Ubuntu - in Lucid 10.04 not.09:01
r4yAutomatic serial driver assignment will work with the 3G-optimized driver only for kernels from 2.6.27 and up09:03
krytarikBtw, the example file content I was referring to is here: http://www.draisberghof.de/usb_modeswitch/bb/viewtopic.php?p=5815&sid=d6747e6f86292dc1e0e1ea436633e561#p581509:05
r4ySo then it should work for this kernel I think after checking synaptic package manager09:07
r4yHeader files related to Linux kernel version 2.6.32 and that is what I remember to be a lower number09:08
krytarikYou know, you should try with the Live CD of a current version of Ubuntu if 1.) your original issue exists, and 2.) that workaround works.09:08
r4yWould I need to install extra packages?09:09
krytarikSince the version of that tool provided via the Lucid 10.04 is considerably older too.09:09
r4yWell couldn't I try Ubuntu 12.04 virtaully for this?09:10
krytarikAlso, Lucid's End of Life is in April this year anyway.09:10
r4yI know09:10
r4yBut I am not switching09:10
r4yin a calm tone09:11
krytarikWell, I will upgrade to Precise 12.04 any time soon - I'm currently still on Lucid too. :)09:12
r4yI tried it but to each their own09:13
krytarikReg. the Virtual Machine thing, I don't think that it would go that deep, hardware control-wise, but I don't really know.09:14
r4yI still haven't tried the OSes Unit193 suggested to try out which I have downloaded, but I am going09:14
krytarikIt's not that you have to live with the default "Ubuntu" setup, you know. :)09:14
r4ykubuntu, lubuntu and xubuntu09:14
r4yI know09:15
r4yI want to myself out there and try debian but I am afraid09:15
krytarikYou should definitely have a look at Xubuntu, I was quite impressed when I played with it thoroughly just recently. :)09:15
krytarikYou can simply run any Ubuntu ISO through Grub2, you know?09:16
r4yI still haven't tried other linux oses on this motherboard because I had tried some other gnome off shoots of Ubuntu for pleasing gnome fans whichI didn't like09:17
r4ygrub2, what?, I mean Idon't like installing and messing up another install09:17
r4yI still to one install per hard drive just in case09:18
krytarikGrub2 is the boot loader.09:18
r4yI told you I am sort of a newbie09:18
r4yI've been using Ubuntu since gutsy09:19
r4ybut I lack a lot09:19
krytarikI.e. you put the ISO somewhere on your HDD, add an entry for it to the Grub2 menu, and then you can boot directly into it.09:19
krytarikSec., grabbing for a link.09:20
r4yWhat, that's cool09:20
krytarikThere: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=154984709:21
krytarikYeah, indeed, that way I'm running any sorts of current Ubuntu ISO without ever having to burn a CD/DVD. :)09:22
r4yI like not having to install a program but that is great as well09:22
krytarikGrub2 is the default boot loader of Lucid 10.04 as well.09:24
r4ySo the path should be under the filesystem?, not home09:26
r4yI mean I was wrong I guess09:27
krytarikYou mean for the config file? Yes.09:28
krytarikAs well as the log file.09:28
r4yI like to use this command gksudo nautilus when messing with the filesystem. It just makes things easier for me09:28
krytarikYeah, but not always necessary, sometimes it's easier to just use "sudo nano <file>" for just editing files, for example.09:30
r4yI am a little lost and I need to use the bathroom and get water, sorry, I need to read this some more as well09:31
krytarikYeah, I should go to bed as well, so... :)09:31
r4ySorry for speaking so soon hear09:31
r4yTY for this info but it will take me a little to put it together. I haven't messed with the grub menu I don't think09:32
krytarikIt's 10:32 AM here already, so.. - I'm just a little weird in that. :P09:32
r4yI am a crazy late night personas well09:33
r4yTake care, and ty09:33
krytarikYeah, take your time. There is also this, if you want to know more: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub209:33
r4yTY, that should help me09:34
krytarikYou are welcome. :)09:34
r4yTY for trying to help me09:34
krytarikAnd good luck with your original issue.09:35
r4yThis mp3 player is driving me nuts, but I know I need to get a better one09:35
r4yand I've been to the channel rockbox09:35
r4yI Just don't have the money yet for it09:36
r4yThings are some what tight here, but I am happy09:36
r4yTY again09:36
krytarikYup. :)09:36
r4yYa, I may never get it fixed, but what ever09:36
Guest41676I am new to Ubuntu and have a problem09:37
Guest41676I installed 12.10 inside VirtualBox running on Windows 709:37
r4yThere is also the ubuntu channel as well as this channel just in case09:38
Guest41676It wend well until the first real boot. The system booted but I did not get any prompt/loging window09:38
Guest41676Can anybody help?09:38
r4yI can't, I am sorry, but maybe someone else here can help, I am just a visitor09:39
r4yThere is this channel as well #ubuntu09:39
=== lukjad007 is now known as lukjad
r4yHello, can someone help me add an entry to the grub 2 menu?15:15
r4yDisk Utility says /dev/sda, is it still supposed to be the way I posted it in pastebin if it is sda?15:17
r4ySomeone gave me this link:15:17
r4yI think that person's nick started with a k, anyways15:18
r4yI think the answer is yes15:20
r4ydoes hd0,1 remain as hd0,1 or should it be changed15:21
r4yI want to understand better what is sda1 and sda2 and sda5 for?, is one for home and one for the filesystem, please make this clear to me15:35
r4yGive me my daily Linux bread, lol15:36
r4yDon't over feed me though15:36
r4yI forgot got to say pretty please15:37
r4yI should say that the help I've been given here has been very nice and I want to thank all the people here for the help you give us15:39
r4yI need to sleep, so I will keep this open in hopes that someone will answer what I have asked.15:44
r4yI didn't have chatzilla logging, so now I can go to sleep. Any help with my simple questions would really help me in strides. Sorry for any past trouble. TY all for the help over the years15:54
r4yI wasn't referring to the questions I had regarding my mp3 player, just the questions regarding adding an iso file to the grub 2 menu entrie and what sda1, sda2 and sda5 stand for. I forgot home is under the filesystem, duh, so then never mind that question16:05
r4yIs this right?, http://paste.ubuntu.com/5576527/ or hd0,1 is supposed to be different http://paste.ubuntu.com/5576579/16:07
r4ySorry, in part it is too much coffee and lack of sleep. I am not a social person, so I lack thinking before I speak and ramble. What's great about the Ubuntu forums for instance is that we can edit what we have written to take out spelling errors and ramblings. Anyways, sorry again16:12
r4yI will be logging this so I can sleep16:13
alexitc_is anyone here knowledgable?21:57
alexitc_is anyone here alive?21:59
alexitc_shadeslayer r u here?22:00
alexitc_anyone here?22:28
Unit193!ask | alexitc_22:29
ubot93alexitc_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience22:29
alexitc_i cant find the mount point for my external dvd drive. how can i find that out?22:30
Unit193/dev/sr0 is a standard one.22:32
ubot93mount is used to attach devices to directories. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount22:32
alexitc_cant find /dev/sr0 in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab22:34
alexitc_am i never gonna be able to mount a cd or dvd drive?22:43
cerebratePeace yall.  may i have guidance into making a practical script to keep my touchpad i dont need or want from activating through the software23:29
krytarikHow about this?: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticsTouchpad#Completely_disabling_Touchpad23:32
cerebrateit varies with the necessary change of login devices attached to my computer krytarik23:35
cerebrateplus i want it automated23:35
cerebratei guess i should read the friendly manpage or something23:35
cerebrateoh yeah you proved satisfactory :D23:35
cerebratedissatisfactory implimenting due to use of lubuntu instead of less modified ubuntu variants :/23:37
cerebrateatareao not found in commands23:38
cerebrateatareao not found in accessories list23:38
krytarikYou'd have to install it from its PPA first, with the commands provided there.23:40
cerebrateapparently touchpad functionality disabled :D23:41
cerebratetyvm ^3^23:41
krytarikYou are welcome. :)23:41
r4ykrytarik Is this right?, http://paste.ubuntu.com/5576527/ or hd0,1 is supposed to be different http://paste.ubuntu.com/5576579/23:55
* krytarik looks23:57
krytarikLooks fine to me.23:58

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