
darkxstricotz, hey10:16
darkxstcan you add something to my membership application ;) https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimLunn/DeveloperApplication10:17
darkxst(hoping to apply at the next meeting, provided I can get jbicha to add an endorsement in time for that)10:18
ricotzdarkxst, hi, i see11:08
ricotzalthough i can't really judge about your packaging skills since this is what being a MOTU is about, upstream-wise e.g. gjs you are doing a great job11:09
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darkxstricotz, yes I realise you can't do a proper endorsement, but figured you could add something in the  comment section ;)20:15
atrusgnome-shell dies whenever i try to lock the screen, any thoughts? gdm 3.6.1-0ubuntu1, gnome-shell 3.6.2-0ubuntu0.2, gnome-settings-daemon 3.6.4-0ubuntu1~ubuntu12.10.122:08
atruslooks like a segv22:08

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