
jjesseherm i think i scrwed up putting a ubuntu image on my nexus 702:59
jjesselooks like i have a phone version of it some how02:59
jjesseplus it looks like there are some phone messages on it03:00
jjesseis there a good link for a fresh install of ubuntu for nexus 7?  it looks like the one i got from a ubuntu site has all kinds of personal information on it03:04
jjessejcastro, might want to look at my G+ post i just made, seems like someone forgot to clean up some data before doing a build for Mobile World Congress03:23
jjesserick_h_android, do you know a lola chang?  i think she works at Canonical on the phone stuff04:02
jjesserick_h_android, see my G+ post04:02
jjessenever mind looks like it was sample data04:07
snap-lGood morning12:56
brouschSo far12:56
snap-lwe be jammin'12:56
rick_h_crappy morning...how do people live without middle click?12:58
* rick_h_ is going to melt down and cry shortly12:59
snap-lrick_h_: Foreign machine?13:01
rick_h_snap-l: no, home docked laptop just no middle click this morning13:02
rick_h_don't know wtf I did13:02
snap-loh that sucks13:02
brouschI don't use middle click13:04
rick_h_how do you live? I mean how do you open new tabs, paste content from terminals, open links from irc/terminals?13:05
rick_h_middle click is the glue of the desktop13:05
brouschRight-click, open in new tab; ctrl+shift+v13:07
brouschirc is just a click since I use pidgin13:07
snap-lReminder: we're jamming this weekend13:32
snap-lstarting today, and going through Sunday evening13:33
rick_h_woot, jamming13:59
snap-lApparently my keyboard has a problem with the left arrow key.14:14
rick_h_ruh roh14:14
snap-lYeah, not looking forward to waiting for a replacement.14:15
rick_h_meh, arrow keys14:16
rick_h_who needs em14:16
snap-lI do14:16
snap-lsorry, it's the right arrow key.14:16
snap-lstill a pain in the cock14:19
snap-lWell, we'll see how their RMA process is.14:19
snap-lHoping it'll be "we ship you a new one, you ship yours back"14:20
snap-land not "you ship yours, wait a week, and we'll ship you another one when we've determined what the problem is"14:20
rick_h_what you need to do is convince widox he wants the filco, then borrow his brown while you wait14:22
widoxsnap-l: I hope you aren't using the arrow keys in vim!14:25
snap-l70 / 30 between hjkl and arrow keys14:25
rick_h_nop the arrows ftw14:25
snap-lThey're there to be used. :)14:26
rick_h_just like the scroll lock and pause keys :P14:30
snap-lJust because you're not using the Pause key dowsn't mean I'm not. :)14:31
snap-l(actually, I'm not.)14:31
jcastrojjesse: link? I don't see a post about that14:32
jjessei deleted it14:33
jjessejcastro, the people in #ubuntu-touch delt w/ it14:33
snap-lThis Red Notebook looks interesting: http://rednotebook.sourceforge.net/downloads.html14:36
snap-lIt's definitely active.14:36
jcastrorick_h_: man, colder today14:56
jcastrowas hoping to finish up the slush fest in my driveway14:56
rick_h_85lol yeah hard to clean now14:56
rick_h_85I cleaned up the last slush when it was wet yesterday14:56
rick_h_85I do look forward to some windows down weather in ATL14:58
snap-lYeah, I'm done with this snow stuff14:59
snap-lnot looking forwad to the extreme heat, but would be nice to get some of the stink out of the house.14:59
widoxspacex launch in a few minutes, http://www.spacex.com/webcast/15:07
snap-lunmanned rocket?15:08
snap-lAh, it's a resupply mssion15:08
widoxyeah, its a supply run15:08
snap-lthat's cool15:08
widoxI think they scheduled to do like 12 of them15:09
rick_h_wish the boy was home, he loves counting down 'liftoff!' now15:09
snap-lOMG, there's a OFO on the pad!15:10
snap-lThat's freaking amazing15:11
rick_h_man that's a lot of rockets on that thing15:11
rick_h_what's all this kilometer talk? :P15:12
snap-l<3 that this thing is sending a signal in real time back to earth15:13
snap-lScience is metric15:13
snap-lWe'll have none of this king's foot nonsense.15:13
rick_h_I can't help but laugh at using the term 'down range' when the damn thing is heading to SPACE15:19
snap-lOh boy.15:24
widoxalien interception15:25
snap-lI think this forum is getting pummeled15:30
jrwren_I'm leaning toward riak - what are your thoughts?15:46
rick_h_jrwren_: because xxx and yyy?15:47
snap-lOne thing about having a borked keyboard has taught me is to change over my default editing-modes to vi16:06
snap-lLet's see if this works.16:07
snap-lHm, apparently weechat doesn't support vi keybindings from .inputrc16:07
jrwren_rick_h_: exactly, because XXX and YYY16:12
jrwren_riak - because its built on lightning memory mapped db, and its distributed, replicated.16:12
jrwren_although my ideal is the same thing more sql like - like google's spanner.16:13
jcastrojrwren_: have you seen this yet16:16
jcastrogives you a nice overview of all of them16:16
rick_h_ escept riak :P16:22
jrwren_but I hate most of those.16:40
jrwren_cassandra is JVM, so its out16:40
jrwren_mongodb - because I want to lose all my data - the RAM limits are not what I want16:40
jrwren_couchdb - maybe I do want couch, I should look at it a lot more.16:40
jrwren_redis - same memory limits as mongo16:40
greg-gjrwren_: what kind of memory limits are you running / will run itnnto with redis mongo?16:41
jrwren_scalability, availability and fault-tolerance of riak is why I like16:41
jrwren_although I don't knwo why this guys docs say riak is moving to google's leveldb16:41
jrwren_AFAIK they are already on lightning16:41
snap-lJust use PostgreSQL. :)16:42
jrwren_no acceptable HA/fault tolerant solutions16:43
snap-lIt's postgresql. It's infallible16:43
snap-lIt's the pope of databases16:43
jrwren_couchbase looks good too16:44
jrwren_its postgresql, its old school, its old.16:44
jrwren_yes, I know it works, I love it. I love postgresql.16:44
jrwren_now, deploy postgresql in an environment where chaos monkey is running.16:44
jrwren_solve that problem, and I'll run what you have.16:44
jrwren_not acceptable16:48
jrwren_go do that, run chaos monkey, tell me how it goes.16:48
greg-goh right, chaos monkey the thing16:49
greg-gthought it was an idiom :)16:49
snap-ljrwren_: What's the problem of keeping a warm / hot standby for PostgreSQL?16:50
snap-lJust have an automatic failover mechanism16:50
jrwren_write that for me plz.16:51
jrwren_and failback too16:51
jrwren_not just 1 failover16:51
jrwren_because 5 min later that monkey is going to kill what was your standby16:51
snap-lso have several backup servers in a pool16:52
snap-land if the monkey can kill off every backup, then game over16:52
snap-leven with nosql16:52
jrwren_no, not "even with"16:52
jrwren_its master master v. slave16:53
snap-lif your monkey is good enough to follow the money and edestroy every single backup, then you're fucked16:53
jrwren_you join another couchbase to the cluster and its just up.16:53
jrwren_you can restart an instance16:53
jrwren_but that instance has to come up appropriately.16:53
snap-lnuclear bomb takes out michigan. No backups. Game over.16:53
jrwren_my understanding of ALL postgresql failover solutions is that lots of human work is required to bring up that slave16:53
rick_h_yea, pgsql failover isn't meant for cloud-levels of reliability16:54
jrwren_besides that if I am running from nukes I have other worries.16:54
rick_h_really, you put pgsql on the server that's old school rock solid failover galore16:54
jrwren_its just not true - I can put riak in each ec2 zone, my DC here, and azure, all same cluster16:54
rick_h_jrwren_: I know internally we've used cassandra and happy with it. I just don't know the use cases enough to compare vs riak. Never used it myself16:55
rick_h_jrwren_: I have heard it compared some with tokyo cabinet more than things like mongo/etc16:55
snap-lHaven't heard much about Tokyo Cabinet in the last few years16:56
rick_h_yea, same here16:56
rick_h_but not looked either16:56
snap-lbecame Kyoto Cabinet16:56
jrwren_riak is actually built on a more modern dbm.  tokyo is similar16:56
jrwren_but its shit compared to lightning16:56
jrwren_lightning claims riak uses lightning.16:57
jrwren_kovacs page claims kiak uses leveldb16:57
jrwren_its unclear to me16:57
jrwren_especially given its erlang16:58
snap-lfucking spaces in filenames need to fucking die in a fucking fire18:44
slestaktell us what you really think19:03
snap-lFire isn't good enough19:04
snap-lAnyone else noticed their machine going out to lunch on prolonged disk activity?>19:51
snap-lSeems anytime I do anything disk heavy my whole machine goes slow19:51
brouschsnap-l: SSD?19:56
snap-lThis is also an older machine19:56
brouschThrow that junk away, man. It's an antique19:56
snap-lI'll have you know it's my main desktop at home. :)19:56
snap-lNever mind I can't remember when I built it. :)19:57
brouschI get slowness when a mounted (network) drive is not available19:57
snap-lSeems whenever I do heavy disk activity the whole thing just grinds down in a spiral of slow until things settle down19:57
brouschCould be a sign of a dying disk19:58
snap-lYeah, i ran the smart surface test, but I might just toss SPINRITE in it just to be doubly sure20:00
brouschOr a nearly-full disk20:01
snap-lI think Elite Keryboards doesn't answer email on Fridays20:45
jrwren_snap-l: you haven't learned to deal with spaces in filenames yet?22:35
jrwren_given how long you've been using linux and unix, that is a bit sad really.22:36
snap-ljrwren_: I forget everytime I have to do a for loop22:36
rick_h_they're evil, that is all22:36
snap-lbecause it's not how you'd think it would handle it22:36
snap-ljrwren_: I know how to escape a space, thank you. :)22:37
snap-lI know how to get find to do -print0 | xargs -022:37
jrwren_gnu find and exec + does it for you22:38
snap-lbut the genius part was it was a bunch of zip files with the same filenames inside that i had to preserve the directory structure22:38
jrwren_xargs is obsolete with gnu find AFAIK22:38
jrwren_ugh, i hate zip files and directory structures :)22:38
snap-lso I was looking for  a way to create the directory name using basename and mkdir22:39
snap-lbut it was easier to use sftp to my local machine and just right click on them22:39
snap-lcreated the directories just the way I like it22:39
snap-ldoes it mean I lose some UNIX cred?22:39
snap-lfuck off.22:39
jrwren_nah, it doesn't.22:40
jrwren_i experienced similar issue with scp just doay.22:40
jrwren_just today22:40
jrwren_but I know the rules, so I both quoted and escaped and things worked22:40
snap-lYeah, most of the time this stuff works22:41
snap-lbut when I have to do things in bulk with spaces, that's when things get weird22:41
snap-land it seems this company has spaces in spades22:41
greg-grick_h_: eneloop has colors?!?!?! http://arstechnica.com/science/2013/03/sodium-air-battery-shows-potential/23:24
rick_h_greg-g: heh, when was the last time colors did anything on a battery. You just put the cover over it :P23:28
greg-gbut! Pretty!23:31
rick_h_it's like having a pretty colored inner tube23:40
rick_h_ooh pretty, now put the tire on over it23:40
rick_h_http://www.airforums.com/ ... this can only end badly23:40

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