
Kilosmorning all04:43
Kiloshi henkj 05:47
henkjhi Kilos 05:48
Kiloshi barrydk 05:51
inetprogood mornings06:31
inetproand hi Kilos06:31
inetprooh and hi henkj06:32
inetproen Kilos slaap nog?06:37
inetproMaaz: coffee on06:37
* Maaz puts the kettle on06:37
Kilos06.43 morning all06:37
KilosMaaz, coffee please06:37
MaazKilos: Done06:37
Kilosmore inetpro 06:37
KilosMaaz, large06:38
MaazIn a beer mug just for you Kilos06:38
inetproKilos: you reloaded your airtime yet?06:39
Kilosya did it beginning of the week. had no choice06:39
Kilosso lost near a month06:39
inetproat least you will have a nice 2GB for the month06:40
Kiloslol yeah06:40
Kilosused halg a g already06:41
MaazCoffee's ready for inetpro and Kilos!06:41
inetprotime to get the 10GB06:41
KilosMaaz, ty06:41
MaazYou are welcome Kilos06:41
Kilos2+1 is good if i dont need installs and lotsa googling to find how to sort things06:42
Kilosmember 12.04 crashed then went kde and that crashed06:43
Kilosi found some quantal packages in archives06:43
Kilosdunno if that caused it06:43
Kilosxserver.xorg packages06:44
Kilos3 of the swines06:44
inetproyou wasted precious bw?06:48
Kilosyeah lots. and kde was running so lekker till it showed the message thing there are 3 new packages to be upgraded06:49
Kilosthen crash06:49
Kilosso next time i gonna change repos06:50
Kilosi dunno if its in our one that they got mixed up06:50
Kiloslo superfly 06:53
superflyhi Kilos, inetpro06:53
Kilosi need a refresh of noggin please. have a command i need help to do it correctly. on other pc so cant copy/paste06:55
Kilosfdisk [options] <disk> change partition table06:56
Kiloswhat goes in by options06:56
henkjhi inetpro 06:56
inetprogood morning superfly06:56
Kilosdisk is /dev/sdb06:56
henkjhi superfly 06:57
superflyheyho henkj!06:57
Kilosoh i see it06:58
inetprowe actually need a fetch only command to make sure you only install updates after everything is downloaded06:58
inetproKilos: why not use the gui for that?06:59
Kilosit dont see the drive06:59
inetprogparted or partitionmanager06:59
Kilosya ai!06:59
inetproafter all this you still have not downloaded the gparted distribution?07:00
Kilosjust used gdisk to wipe it so can install fresh mbr07:00
Kilosand gdisk said use fdisk to sort it07:01
inetproGParted Live is a small bootable GNU/Linux distribution for x86 based computers.07:02
inetproIt enables you to use all the features of the latest versions of the GParted application.07:02
inetprocan be installed on CD, USB, PXE server, and Hard Disk then run on an x86 machine07:02
Kilosok ill get it ty07:02
Kilosjust wanna try this as they say before i switch pc off07:03
Kiloswait ill bin what i need help with07:04
inetpro133 MB07:05
Kilosits worth it if it saves me gray hairs07:06
inetproyou sure you don't have it somewhere on your disk already?07:06
Kiloson my drive07:07
Kilosi have gparted ya07:07
Kilosit dont see the drive07:07
inetproKilos: yes, I'm sure we have discussed this before07:07
Kilosone of the first things i always install07:08
inetproif not then I don't know why not07:08
Kilosgparted gdebi aptitude always early installs07:08
Kilosare there of those options that will do the work automatically without me having to specify sizes etc07:10
Kilosand can i use -C -H -S all at once07:12
Kiloshi ThatGraemeGuy 07:12
Kiloshows the little one07:12
Kilosinetpro, no gui apps could do anything with the drive but gdisk seems to have cleared it all07:20
Kilosso theres hope07:21
Kiloscommand line tools seem more powerful07:22
Kilosor sensitive and accurate07:23
inetproKilos: oh yes if you know the cli tools go for it07:24
Kilosjust tell me what options to use from those i binned please07:27
Kilosand do i use them with one - CHS like that or each one with own -07:28
Kilosai! never mind it cant read /dev/sdb07:38
ThatGraemeGuymorning :)08:05
ThatGraemeGuyhe was sleeping when i left, had a rough night last night for some reason08:05
charl_good morning08:23
charl_Maaz: coffee on08:23
* Maaz flips the salt-timer08:23
Kilosyo charl_ 08:24
charl_hi Kilos 08:24
charl_who named this library: http://developer.gnome.org/liboobs/08:26
MaazCoffee's ready for charl_!08:27
charl_Maaz: thanks08:28
Maazcharl_: Okay :-)08:28
charl_it should be lib-oobs obviously but it's easy to read that wrong08:28
charl_does anyone have any experience with using unity on two screens? or using unity with vmware workstation?08:47
charl_my experience so far: it's a disaster08:48
tumbleweedcharl_: what release? multi-monitor unity should be a lot better since quantal08:48
tumbleweed(or was it since precise, can't remember)08:48
tumbleweedalso, what does unity have to do with vmware?08:48
magespawngood day08:48
charl_hi magespawn 08:49
magespawnhey charl_08:49
charl_tumbleweed: i'm running ubuntu 12.10 with all updates applied08:49
charl_tumbleweed: i have two monitors attached (which is working perfectly configured side-by-side, not mirror mode)08:50
charl_tumbleweed: everything works perfectly until i start up vmware, then i get "weird" behaviour all over08:51
charl_by "weird" i mean, for rexample: mouse stops working (i can still move it around but not click anything)08:51
charl_the launcher also stops working properly, only displays in part or doesn't allow me to open anything08:51
charl_and various other unusual behaviour08:51
charl_i don't know if this is related to using two monitors, it's probably unrelated08:52
tumbleweedcharl_: sounds like vmware is doing naughty things08:53
charl_naughty things? :)08:53
tumbleweedno idea08:56
charl_ok i am trying it under "kubuntu" (kde 4.9.4) now and having no problems so far08:57
charl_whatever it is, it seems to be related to the combination of unity+vmware08:58
charl_i would submit a bug but this is a very hard issue to 1) explain 2) debug unless you have it in front of you08:58
tumbleweedcharl_: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity/+bug/1073298 ?08:59
charl_it could be related09:01
charl_although, i didn't have fullscreen applications on both windows09:01
charl_and even when not running in fullscreen mode, vmware makes unity fall over09:01
charl_*on both screens09:02
charl_wv Kilos 09:51
Kilosi dunno what disconnected ty charl_ 09:52
charl_aargh can you believe it, oracle still distributes mainly in rpm for linux :)09:53
charl_sorry oracle, but the mainstream is debian-based09:54
charl_in 2013 in any case09:54
magespawnThatGraemeGuy: do you have any other resouces like the one you posted last night?10:12
Kiloscharl_, use alien to convert them10:20
Kiloshi magespawn 10:20
magespawnhey Kilos10:27
ThatGraemeGuymagespawn, what did i post last night? :-/10:58
ThatGraemeGuyoooh right10:59
magespawnbusy with cs 101 now10:59
ThatGraemeGuycs101 is a good start, i did that one last year11:01
ThatGraemeGuyi did cs253 as well11:01
ThatGraemeGuyit's based on google app engine, which is quite interesting to work with11:01
ThatGraemeGuythere's also coursera.org, but i haven't done anything there11:02
magespawncool will check it out11:02
inetproso maybe it's time to switch to MTN again?11:55
inetproMTN slashes data costs http://www.gadget.co.za/pebble.asp?relid=600811:55
jrgnshey all12:18
jrgnsany bash scripting experts on the board?12:19
Squirmjrgns: what do you need to know though?12:21
jrgnsSquirm: i deploy some of my code using a git post-receive hook12:21
jrgnspart of the deploy involves clearing caches12:22
jrgnsthese caches don't belong to the git user that runs the hook12:22
jrgnsso i get permissions errors12:22
jrgnsi was wondering if i can bypass this using sudo, where it will actually ask the user doing the push for the sudo password12:23
jrgnsif that makes sense?12:23
Squirmyou could12:23
Squirmyou can specify what users/groups can run specific commands12:24
Squirmwith/without password12:24
Squirmjust remember, it'll run the command as root12:24
jrgnsi'm guessing i can specify the user using sudo -u12:24
jrgnshow specific can I be when specifying commands? can I specify cmd and parameters, or just cmd?12:25
charl_you can specify the name of the command and parameters12:26
Squirmafaik, the command. so it'll take any parameters12:26
charl_well, if you specify the parameters before the command, they will be sudo parameters12:26
charl_if you specify the parameters after the command you want to invoke with sudo, they will be the parameters of the command12:27
SquirmI really need to go over my RHCE book. was meant to do my exam on the 15th of this month. Don't know if I'll be ready in time :p12:27
charl_sudo -u user tail -n 10 /var/log/syslog12:29
charl_now you are running "tail -n 10 /var/log/syslog" as the user called "user"12:29
charl_-u is a sudo argument, -n is a tail argument12:30
charl_jrgns: you want to use the NOPASSWD option i think in this instance12:34
jrgnsi meant specifying the parameters of the command in the sudoers file12:35
jrgnsso that it will only allow the command if passed with those specific parameters12:35
jrgnsas the command that clears the cache is rm -fr /var/cache/website/*12:35
charl_jrgns: http://superuser.com/questions/167631/fine-grained-sudoers-configuration-allowed-commandline-arguments12:51
charl_i like the suggestion "Write a script that does what you want and give sudo access to it."12:51
jrgns_charl: awesome, thanx12:51
jrgnsit's already a script that does what i want :)12:52
jrgnsbut yeah, i agree12:52
charl_it seems like you can in fact specify a command list12:52
charl_but it looks confusing12:52
charl_i would rather follow that suggestion12:52
ThatGraemeGuybe sure that the user running the script cannot modify it, because if they can, they could potentially run anything with root access12:53
jrgnsThatGraemeGuy: wise words13:10
jrgnscheers all, enjoy the weekend13:11
charl_yeah that is a good point, thanks ThatGraemeGuy 13:17
magespawnnot much14:19
magespawntimkeller: is yoyo again14:20
Symmetriagahhhhh 6 month waiting period for my new car :(14:20
magespawnhard life, choose something else14:20
magespawnwhat car?14:21
SymmetriaM5 14:22
magespawnwell then it is worth waiting for14:22
magespawnstock, or are you modifying it?14:23
magespawninetpro ping14:24
Symmetriamagespawn its got every optional extra known to man on it14:28
Symmetriaand a coupla other mods14:28
Symmetriaits got official bmw chip in it and governer removed etc14:28
magespawnthat is the way to go14:30
magespawnout run the highway patrol14:30
SymmetriaI test drove the nissan GTR as well14:30
Symmetriaits a lot faster than the M5, but... its kinda strange, for everything in there, it just doesnt feel like you're driving the same luxury14:30
Symmetriaand its 2 damn quiet 14:30
Symmetriayou driving a car that fast, the engine must howl at you when you put your foot down, it must FEEL like you're in a performance machine14:31
Symmetriaand you just dont get that from the GTR14:31
magespawnall that german engineering14:32
charl_well if you are ordering a BMW M5 it is surely worth waiting for?14:32
Symmetriahehehe yeah but its still annoying to have to wait14:33
charl_not exactly a cheap vehicle14:33
charl_looking at the wikipedia page now http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BMW_M514:33
magespawnmy new sort of buzz car is the nissan GTR14:33
charl_there are only two assembly points in the world, one in germany (obviously) and the other in south africa14:33
charl_i didn't realise they assemble BMW's in south africa, that is quite impressive14:34
magespawndid not know that14:34
magespawnnone in the states?14:34
charl_not listed on the wikipedia14:34
Symmetriacharl_ south african plant though doesnt make the M5 anymore though :(14:35
charl_ah i see, maybe the wikipedia is outdated14:35
Symmetriaheh, we're the second largest producer of 3 series in the world though14:36
charl_yes then they have to bring it from germany by ship, no wonder you have to wait for 6 months :P14:36
Symmetriamy ex fiance's dad ran their paint shop14:36
Symmetriamagespawn I test drove that GTR14:36
magespawnawesome car 14:36
Symmetriaits fast as hell, and it handles well, but... as I said, its missing something14:36
magespawnprice difference?14:36
Symmetriaits 2 damn quiet, it doesnt howl at you the way a sports car should, and it just... doesnt have that feeling you get from a germany luxury car14:37
Symmetriagtr is substantially cheaper 14:37
Symmetriaand you can feel it when you're in it14:37
magespawnthen take that money put it all into after market tuning 14:37
Symmetrialol i was tempted to just go screw it and buy an aston 14:38
Symmetriabut that was a little... outta budget ;p14:39
magespawnwell at least you will get to work quick14:45
ThatGraemeGuyI'd have a C63 Coupe over a GTR15:04
ThatGraemeGuyGTR is nice on paper, but like you say, the noise isn't there15:04
ThatGraemeGuyand on that bombshell, it is time to go!15:05
ThatGraemeGuybye all15:05
charl_have a good weekend all!15:17
magespawnbrb server reboot15:32
Kiloseveing all15:36
Kilosevening too15:36
Kiloshi psyatw 15:43
Kilosinetpro, is jy nat?15:43
Kilosaw netsplits again15:45
magespawnhey Kilos just on my way home15:51
magespawnlater all]15:51
Kiloshi nlsthzn Vince-0 16:05
psyatwhi Kilos 16:17
Kilosaw timkeller your connection really sucks17:46
Kilosisnt there something you can do to get it more stable17:46
Kiloslooks like about a 10 minute timeout17:47
* Kilos hides join/part messages for now17:53
* nlsthzn should be in bed already \o/18:07
nlsthzngood night -za land... and good luck with the jam tomorrow :) be sure to get some pics etc. and someone make a blog post or link me the info and I will do it if needed ;)18:14
Kilosnight all . sleep tight18:33
smile4everhoi :D18:59
Squirmhoi to you too19:03
* Squirm looks at timkeller 19:03
Squirmhi psyatw 19:03
psyatwhi Squirm 19:03
psyatwwhy so sad?19:08
Squirmnot sad19:15
* smile4ever looks at Squirm19:17
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