
shanuhow to update latest updates01:58
shai_haludso, ubuntu and jack and pulseaudio  and firefox are broken???  cannot be integrated??? what the hell03:26
shai_haludanyone out there found a way around this?03:26
holsteinshai_halud: around what?03:26
holsteinubuntu is the operating system, so its already "integrating" the others03:26
shai_haludgetting jack and firefox to work together with pulseaudio in ubuntu studio03:27
holsteinthe new pulseJACK dbus lets audio work in jack from pulse03:27
shai_haludis it the one i got from the repo?03:27
holsteinshai_halud: its the one that installs with ubuntustudio03:27
shai_haludor do i need to look elsewhere? running U.S. 12.1003:27
shai_haludhm. well it doesn't work on my system03:28
holsteinshai_halud: get JACK running first.. is it running?03:28
shai_haludno. i have to restart i guess, now, because the 2 programs had had this conflict. jack won't start right now03:29
shai_haludit will run fine after a reboot, as long as i leave firefox off03:29
holsteinshai_halud: you dont have to do anything.. but you can if you want.. or open a terminal and run "ps aux | grep jack03:30
shai_haludi mean, jack is running, but i can't srat it03:30
holsteinshai_halud: starting firefox crashes pulse? and kills the jack bridge?03:30
holsteinshai_halud: you can "srat" it as stated above03:30
shai_haludno. jack stays working. firefox just won't work03:30
shai_haludjack will not start if firefox is running first03:31
holsteinshai_halud: firefox? or firefox audio? or flash ?03:31
holsteinshai_halud: i wouldnt expect pulse or jack to juggle03:31
shai_haludyeah, media03:31
holsteini would choose if you want JACK or not.. get it started.. then open what you want to use03:31
shai_haludin firefox03:31
holsteini wouldnt expect to have pulse audio anything running, and have it happily switch to JACK, though i dont use the pulse to jack dbus anyway03:32
shai_haludeven in that order, fireox just will not work (media i mean. regualr webpages load fine, but once i click a media link, FF crashes03:32
holsteinwhat doesnt work?03:33
holsteinall audio?03:33
shai_haludany flash in FF03:33
holsteinshai_halud: flash? or audio?03:33
shai_haludwell, they are both flash in the sites i use03:34
shai_haludsoundcloud and youtube03:34
holsteinshai_halud: that flash is out of date.. and wont *ever* be updated.. i would troubleshoot them seperately03:34
holsteinshai_halud: i would do audio only in ff and test.. *not* flash..03:34
shai_haludi don't know any place to do that03:34
holsteinshai_halud: open a file, locally then.. in the browser03:35
shai_haludthat uses audio without flash03:35
holsteinshai_halud: flash issues are really not something we can fix..03:35
holsteinyou can see here http://www.adobe.com/software/flash/about/ the only linux version that is up to date is the chome one03:36
shai_haludany sound format?03:36
shai_haludi have .wav and .ogg close at hand. will have to hunt for an .,p303:37
shai_haluder ,mp303:37
holsteinshai_halud: i just suggest removeing flash from the equation.. if its flash that is crashing pulse briefly and breaking things, there nothing to do about it, really03:37
shai_haludthough others have solved the issue?03:37
shai_halud(i would like to know how!!)03:37
holsteinshai_halud: flash has to solve its own issues.. and its EOL for us all03:38
holsteinshai_halud: we are not allowed to maintain flash03:38
holsteinshai_halud: just troubleshoot and make sure that its not flash that is causing the issue.. if it is, you can hit the brick wall with adobe about it.. if its not, we can get you to the proper place03:38
shai_haludfirefox is playing a .wav file, but jack is running, and will not start03:41
holsteinshai_halud: ?.. run the command i linked earier.. see that jack is not running.. stop *everything*03:41
shai_haludi ran the command you gave, it looks to have worked, but jack interface is dark, and patchage sgows nothing but my midi and timidity03:41
shai_haludok i tell you what , let me reboot and start from scratch03:42
holsteinshai_halud: test audio with ff and pulse only.. then close ff and start jack and then open ff again and test again03:42
shai_haludthen you can help me test this properly03:42
shai_halud back up, nothing but xchat running03:45
shai_haludstart jack first, i guess?03:46
shai_haludjack running in cli, patchage shows system capture and playback, and midi through (2 instances of port-0) and timidity ports 0-303:50
holsteinstop jack03:50
shai_haludi closed the terminal. is that enough to stop it?03:51
shai_halud those things are still in patchage03:51
holsteinsee that its not running with03:51
holsteinps aux | grep jack03:51
holsteinshai_halud: usually, you'll still leave jack running in the backgound by doing that03:52
shai_haludoh. that was what i thought started it03:52
holsteinshai_halud: i would hit the actual "stop" button03:52
holsteinsee that jack is not running03:52
shai_haludjosh      2386  0.4  2.2 250060 91272 ?        SLsl 22:49   0:01 /usr/bin/jackd -T -ndefault -dalsa -dhw:0 -r44100 -p1024 -n203:52
shai_haludjosh      2452  0.0  0.0   9388   920 pts/4    S+   22:52   0:00 grep --color=auto jack03:52
shai_haluddoes that mean it is or isn't?03:53
shai_haludi see jackd in system monitor/processes03:53
shai_haludkill it?03:54
shai_haludclosed patchage03:55
holsteinkill - 238603:55
holsteinand see if its gone03:55
shai_haludrun that as a command?03:55
shai_haludi tried, and got  bash: kill: : invalid signal specification03:56
shai_haludor you mean killall jackd -903:56
holsteinshai_halud: i want you to kill all jack processes03:57
holsteinso, no jack in ps aux | grep jack?03:57
holsteinthen, open ff up and that .wav and see that it works with pulse only03:58
shai_haludi ran killall jackd -9 . here is output of ps aux | grep jack: josh      2460  0.0  0.0   9388   924 pts/4    S+   22:57   0:00 grep --color=auto jack03:58
shai_haludsoit disappeared frmo processes03:59
shai_haludno instances of jack in processes04:00
holsteinlooks good.. lemme know that that file plays then04:00
holsteinthen close ff.. open the qjackctl or jack control GUI and do *nothing*04:00
holsteinjust say "i have the gui open"and set there and let me ask you some things04:00
shai_haludjack gui open04:01
holsteinunder the "misc" tab, you have "enable dbus" checked?04:01
holsteinshai_halud: what about frames/period and periods/buffer?04:02
shai_haludframes/period is 102404:03
shai_haludsample rate is 4410004:03
shai_haludperiods/buffer is 204:03
holsteinok.. try starting JAck04:04
shai_haludstarted fine (as usual at this point)04:04
shai_haludpulseaudio jack-module loaded as well04:05
shai_haludin patchage04:05
holsteinshai_halud: ok.. see that the connections are made04:05
holsteinshai_halud: open ff, but avoid flash04:05
evilytwistedsorry to spam ubu8ntu channel :/04:05
holsteinjust try that .wav file04:05
holsteinevilytwisted: nah, its cool.. its just specific, and borderline appropriate over there04:05
evilytwistedand i really appreciate your tolerance for this issue im having04:06
evilytwistedand the fact im a complete idiot with jack04:06
shai_halud.wav will not play04:06
holsteinevilytwisted: no worries. JACK is not trivial04:06
shai_haludno kidding04:06
holsteinshai_halud: in what way?.. stop ff and start it fromt he terminal, and try playing it again04:06
holsteinshai_halud: also, open something else and check that the pulsedbus is working...04:07
shai_haludwant me to pastebin the output of cli?04:07
holsteinshai_halud: if its juicy04:08
shai_haludmostly stuff about totem04:08
evilytwistedholstein:  what can i do now to fix the errors ive posted:?04:08
evilytwistedor do you want me to post it again04:08
shai_haludholstein,  http://www.pastebin.ca/232689304:09
shai_haludi get the GAIL error normally and does not interfere with FF operation04:09
holsteinevilytwisted: you can post itain in case zequence or len_1304 are around04:09
holsteinit again*04:10
shai_haludanother error i usually get when i open FF via cli did not appear this time:   Failed to open VDPAU backend libvdpau_nvidia.so04:10
holsteinmy connection is in and out..04:11
shai_haludbut i assume it is related to the GAIL error04:11
shai_haludsome crap about gnome icons or something04:11
holsteinwell, the error should be there with Jack or not04:12
evilytwistedOK, so heres the errors im having for runing jack.. it wont connect  http://pastebin.com/nxKfZK4r  what im trying to do .. if possible is use "recordmydesktop" to record the game audio myself and skype audio at the same time.. i ve managed to record the game audio and myself but not skype audio04:12
shai_haludjack reports no errors04:12
shai_haludbut FF does not play the .wav file04:13
shai_halud(position indicator of track will not move)04:13
holsteinshai_halud: are you up to date with upgrades?04:14
shai_haludjust did the ones that came late last night04:15
holsteini disable that dbus thing right off, so i have no first hand experience with it other than testing04:15
shai_haludi used to have to kill pulse with jack start just to make it work. now i have pulseaudio-jack-module installed and pulse connects automatically ( i see it in patchage)04:16
shai_haludi have never seen firefox or any thing in it connect in patchage04:17
holsteini think thats what evilytwisted will need to do04:17
holsteinevilytwisted: your error states pulse is running on hw:004:18
shai_haludinstall pulseaudio-jack-module?04:18
evilytwistedok is that the name of the package?04:18
evilytwistedor no?04:18
holsteindoes it not come automatically now?04:18
shai_haludexactly that. in synaptic04:18
holsteini thought JACK pulled it in04:18
shai_haludapparently not04:18
evilytwisted: Unable to locate package pulseaudio-jack-module04:18
shai_haludevilytwisted, are you running ubuntu-studio 12.10?04:19
holstein!info pulseaudio-module-jack04:19
ubottupulseaudio-module-jack (source: pulseaudio): jackd modules for PulseAudio sound server. In component main, is optional. Version 1:2.1-0ubuntu4 (quantal), package size 21 kB, installed size 156 kB04:19
shai_haludhaha my bad04:19
holsteinno worries.. i had to apt-cache search for it04:19
evilytwistedty.. installing it04:20
evilytwistedok its installed04:20
shai_haluddidn't help me much, but.... worth a shot in the dark04:20
holsteinevilytwisted: try gksudo qjackctl and hit start04:20
shai_haludis skype it's own application?04:21
holsteinevilytwisted: again, you dont want to run jack as root all the time..04:21
shai_halud(i have, to this day, never used skype, or even seen it)04:21
holsteinshai_halud: my girlfriend uses it.. so i use it with her.04:22
evilytwistedstill same errors04:22
shai_haludi have gotten everything but firefox to work with jack sofar04:24
shai_haludof course, everything else has a plugin for jack04:25
evilytwistedNot to annoy anyone.. But would it matter that im Not really using ubuntu.. But a derivative of it?  Linuxmint 14 kde...04:25
shai_haludit's still kind of ubuntu04:26
holsteinhmmm.. it might matter04:26
holsteinevilytwisted: not sure what they do to JACK though..04:26
shai_halud Failed to open VDPAU backend libvdpau_nvidia.soi can't get jack to work properly in my mint installation eigher04:26
shai_haludwoops ignore the failed to load. i accidentally pasted04:26
holsteinevilytwisted: i might fire up an ubuntustudio or xubuntu live CD and just try with pavucontrol.. just for troubleshooting04:26
evilytwistedi dont have anyway to fire up ubuntu studio.. Nor have a xubuntu live cd...04:27
holsteinevilytwisted: at least you could get JACK running on the live CD04:27
shai_haludi never got jack working in mint either. i have it on another partition04:27
holsteinevilytwisted: i was talking about live CD's for both04:27
shai_haludmint 14 nadia with MATE04:27
evilytwistedah *04:27
evilytwistedIll try it out04:28
evilytwistedty for your help and sorry to bother you04:28
holsteinyeah.. i had issues with it as well, on mint and derivitives.. .they dont need to care if they break jack04:28
holsteinsince they dont really ship it04:28
shai_haludi decided that since i was going to be doing all the media creation in ubuntu studio anyway, to focus my energies in it04:28
evilytwistedreaosn why i was asking..04:28
holsteinevilytwisted: #opensourcemusicians has some mint users too04:28
evilytwistedreason why i was asking04:28
evilytwistedcause this ulseaudio-module-jack_1%3a2.1-0ubuntu4_amd64.deb)04:28
evilytwistedthat stated it got it from ubuntu04:29
shai_haludevilytwisted,  if you intend to make music, you might get studio,and beef it up as much as possible.04:29
holsteinyeah, but they could have done something with pulse that doesnt let JACK take over04:29
shai_haludeverything but firefox works well with jack in it, with some effort04:29
holsteinmaybe not intentionally04:29
evilytwistedshai_halud:  im not trying to make music..04:29
cfhowlettMixing distros can have unforeseen consequences ... so can derivatives04:29
evilytwistedall im trying to do is record screen desktop with both outputs..04:30
evilytwistedgame.. myself.. and skype audio04:30
evilytwistedLike camtasia for windows04:30
shai_haludwhich should be possible with jack04:30
holsteinevilytwisted: i would try the simpler route, with pavucontrol from a live cd.. just in case soemthing is broken in mint.. might help you tack it down04:30
evilytwistedcfhowlett:  im not adding repos to my version04:30
shai_haludpavucontrol is now my volume control in systray04:31
evilytwistedholstein:  if that isnt it?04:31
holsteinevilytwisted: i just did it04:33
evilytwistedmaybe its soemthign that i did when installing this04:33
evilytwistedill just reinstall mint04:34
evilytwistedcause im the type of person to install everything04:34
evilytwistedand anything04:34
holsteinevilytwisted: http://imagebin.org/24853104:34
evilytwistedkernel panics 3 times already04:34
holsteinevilytwisted: im not a mint hater... but we really cant support it in the channels, cause they do have their own thing going on04:35
shai_haludhaha     "cause im the type of person to install everything and anything".... i know where you're coming from04:36
evilytwistedyeah i know holstein  i want to show you soemthing i may04:36
holsteinevilytwisted: sure04:36
evilytwistedmaybe i should have shown that i was in a call with someone on skype...04:37
evilytwistedbut ... here http://youtu.be/yTp-vxiGpaw04:37
evilytwistedYoull see it got my audio04:37
evilytwistedthe game audio04:37
evilytwistedBut not skype04:37
evilytwistedand the pavucontrol was exaclty like mine04:38
holsteinevilytwisted: you can route it though... in pavucontrol04:38
holsteinbut, JACK can route as well04:39
evilytwistedit seems like we are going in circles..04:39
evilytwistedIm trying to do that...04:39
evilytwistedBut i dont know how.. and someone mentioned jack..04:39
evilytwistedSO.... i got jack...04:39
evilytwistedand it wont work04:39
evilytwistedand again.. im not trying to annoy you04:40
shai_haludthing is, for one, to figure out what skyp uses to connect to audio, i think (but i do not know)04:41
holsteinevilytwisted: let me render my session04:41
shai_haludevilytwisted, one thing you can do to possibly find arros which occur is to start all these programs from a terminal. often , clues are in the output04:42
holsteinevilytwisted: notice where my mouse is hovering04:42
evilytwistedholstein:  you never gave linkj04:42
shai_haludevilytwisted, use your psychotic powers04:43
shai_haludor the link, if it's easier04:43
shai_haludi miss alsa04:44
evilytwistedok.. ill try that ty04:44
holsteinshai_halud: its right there.. lubuntu has alsa only04:44
shai_haludit seems that since i installed pulseaudio module, nothing shows up as alsa anymore04:44
holsteinshai_halud: i disable dbus04:44
shai_haludi have gone so far as to remove pulseaudio copletely to try and make this firefox issue go away, but then jack wouldn't start at all04:45
evilytwistedif this works ty holstein04:46
holsteinive had issues both places.. pulse works fine, and does great stuff.. i just dont need it04:46
shai_haludholstein, does your firefox play audio and flash through jack?04:46
shai_halud(my FF actually freezes completely if i try to play flash)04:47
holsteinevilytwisted: its working for me.. i have the skype call in my video04:47
holsteinshai_halud: it did when i tested the 12.04 and 12.10 iso's04:47
shai_haludi have to xkill FF after ward04:48
evilytwistedi did wat you stated04:48
evilytwistedand it isnt working for me04:48
holsteinevilytwisted: cool.. it works right out of the box for me, so maybe its something mint does04:49
shai_haludhere's what i got in #jack channel :  <las> shai_halud: it *IS* broken on ubuntu unless you have the absolute latest pre-release versions from them   (regarding flash  through jack)04:50
shai_halud<las> shai_halud: there are problems with Pulse, problems with their packaging04:50
holsteinevilytwisted: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/1172535/temp/out-1.ogv gotta go to the end, you'll hear the skype test call audio04:51
shai_haludhe told me to go find the ubuntu package managers and get them to fix it04:52
shai_halud(at least, i think it's a he.... i think of irc users as male.... does that make me sexist, or what?04:52
evilytwistedok holstein  It is my pc...04:52
evilytwistedcause you got yours working perfectly04:53
holsteinevilytwisted: well, you know its possible at least04:53
evilytwistedwhich is amazing04:53
shai_haludholstein, you are in ubuntu studio current;y?04:53
holsteinshai_halud: nah... my studio rig is off04:53
shai_haludwhat are you using atm?04:54
holsteinshai_halud: just ubuntu that ive customized04:54
holsteini have alot of audio apps.. and its openbox04:54
shai_haludwhat DE?04:54
evilytwistedagain ty for your help you 2, i really apreciate it04:55
holsteinsure... anytime04:55
shai_haludas they say in spain:  el gusto es mio04:55
shai_halud(or maybe it's mexico)04:55
holsteinshai_halud: openbox and tint2 panel... conky.. kupfer04:55
shai_haludsounds like you know a significan't deal more about linux than i04:56
holsteinshai_halud: nah... ive just been using it a while.04:57
shai_haludi have a complex about it. me too. 12 yrs04:57
evilytwistedholstein:  are you using pulse audio when you tested recordmydesktop and skype04:57
evilytwistedor alsa?04:57
holsteinevilytwisted: pulse.. thats pavucontrol04:57
holsteinevilytwisted: no worries04:58
shai_haludpulse audio volume control04:58
evilytwistedYeah thats why i said der04:58
shai_haludholstien: are you australian?04:59
shai_haludmy aussie friends all say "no worries"04:59
evilytwistedalot of them say mate04:59
shai_haludyes indeed04:59
evilytwistedwhats the package for gui of recordmydesktop? i have it but not the gui05:00
holsteinshai_halud: no, im in the US, but i have aussie friends05:00
evilytwistedcrocodile dun dee?05:01
holstein!info recordmydesktop-gtk05:01
ubottuPackage recordmydesktop-gtk does not exist in quantal05:01
evilytwistedDOes too!05:01
evilytwistedit lies05:01
shai_haludflight of the concords:  "That's not a knife.... oh, yes it is."  turns to run05:01
holstein!info gtk-recordmydesktop05:01
ubottugtk-recordmydesktop (source: gtk-recordmydesktop): Graphical frontend for recordMyDesktop screencast tool. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.3.8-4.1ubuntu1 (quantal), package size 118 kB, installed size 795 kB05:01
evilytwistedI was about to say...05:01
evilytwistedI know very well thats a ubuntu repo package05:02
evilytwistedty holstein  i got it working05:06
shai_haludha nice name sensimilla05:07
sensimilla20same to you..05:07
shai_halud(it's the fremen name for sandworms05:08
sensimilla20so um05:09
sensimilla20i seem to be missing /usr/share/ubuntustudio-docs/05:09
sensimilla20i know most of that is available online but is there an easy to get it into my system... I had a language hiccup on install05:10
sensimilla20everything else seems to be there05:10
sensimilla20-_- sorry05:12
shai_haluddid you search already in synaptic?05:13
sensimilla20no i am not familiar with synaptic. recent windows convert. i found a ppa tho05:14
holsteinshai_halud: im out... mabye ask the fellas in #opensourcemusicians about ff and pulse/jack.. or the mailing list, or zequence or len_1304 if you see them..05:15
shai_haludoholstein: ok. thanks for your help05:18
shai_haludi am at this point resigned to use one or the other and reboot in between05:19
shai_haluddamn. the first thing about linux a windows user needs to know is synaptic05:20
shai_haludtoo bad he left before i told him05:21
shai_haludhe'll figure it otu05:21
=== TheMaster is now known as Hypnotoad
zequenceholstein: That guy shai_halud seemed have been suffering from the two bugs that both 12.04 and 12.10 have, but are fixed now. 1. stopping jackdbus makes it freeze in the background, and the only way to kill it is: killall -9 jackdbus. 2. Pulseaudio doesn't let go of the audio device, and especially if it's busy doing something09:50
zequenceSo, the advice should be, close all applications, be it jack or PA. Kill jackdbus. Start jack, then do whatever you want09:51
zequenceholstein: There's a SRU waiting to be approved for jack, and I will prepare one for PA as well09:52
jbermudesAnyone here use dvdstyler?11:53
zequencejbermudes: Don't think any of the devs do. Are you having problems with it?12:02
jbermudeszequence: Sort of. I just had some questions about custom templates if anyone has used them. Google wasn't much help in that regard12:03
zequencejbermudes: Ok. Can't tell you much about that.12:09
holstein04:50 < zequence> holstein: That guy shai_halud seemed have been suffering from the two bugs that both 12.04 and 12.10 have,  but are fixed now. 1. stopping jackdbus makes it freeze in the background, and the only way to kill it is:  killall -9 jackdbus. 2. Pulseaudio doesn't let go of the audio device, and especially if it's busy doing  something16:52
holsteinshai_halud: ^^16:52
holstein04:51 < zequence> So, the advice should be, close all applications, be it jack or PA. Kill jackdbus. Start jack, then do  whatever you want16:52
holstein04:51 -!- TheGrey [~TheGrey__@] has quit [Quit: Leaving]16:52
holstein04:52 < zequence> holstein: There's a SRU waiting to be approved for jack, and I will prepare one for PA as well16:52
zequenceshai_halud: So basically, there are a couple of bugs in your system, and the workaround is to treat jack and PA gently :)16:54
shai_haludthank you very much. what is the SRU mentioned?16:54
zequenceSRU == Stable Release Update16:54
zequenceTakes a while to get a patch into stable releases16:54
shai_haludoh. does zequence have something to do with these softwares?16:54
zequenceNot directly. I, like holstein am a part of the Ubuntu Studio team16:55
shai_haludhi zequence16:55
shai_haludhey,, off topic- what did you think of Shudder to Think?16:55
zequenceAh, well. Not my cup of tea, I'm afraid :)16:56
shai_haludand it is good to know anyone who works on the software I use on  a daily basis16:56
shai_haludthanks for all your work guys, seriously16:57
zequenceMost of the work is done by the software developers, and the debian package maintainers.16:57
shai_haludso, if i understood you right, Zequence, did you say kill ps and jack, then start over by turning jack back on?16:58
shai_haluder i meant pa not ps16:58
zequenceshai_halud: Yes. Kill jackdbus. That usually is enough. Sometimes you need to kill PA too. To kill jackdbus in its frozen state, you need to do the command: killall -9 jackdbus16:58
zequenceThen, before starting jack again, make sure PA is not busy doing anyhing16:59
zequenceNothing should be loaded16:59
zequenceLike a youtube video, even if its paused16:59
shai_haludso i can safely kill all pa processes?16:59
zequenceJust close any application that uses PA17:00
zequenceTo make things easy, just close all applications17:00
shai_haludwell, i am afraid i have tried this approach to no avail17:00
shai_haludthat is the first thing i did17:00
shai_haludfor instancem restarting17:01
zequenceshai_halud: If you can't start jack, even when PA is not busy, then you need to suspend PA when starting jack17:01
shai_haludi can start jack with pa running17:02
zequenceshai_halud: Always make sure you killed jackdbus after an unsuccesful start, or it might be frozen in the background17:02
shai_halud i mean, when it is present in processes. it is just media in firefox that is the problem17:02
shai_haludmedia of any kind, be it local or web based17:02
shai_haludaudio or flash17:02
zequenceshai_halud: Yes. When PA is busy doing something, it's very difficult to start jack17:02
zequenceThis is due to a bug in PA17:03
shai_haludthat is what i have been told17:03
zequenceSee, PA is holding your audio device. When you start jack, jack tries to grab it, but PA won't let go17:03
zequenceIf PA is busy, the chance for succeding is smaller17:03
shai_haludis there an appraoch , a way to make all this work with only alsa?17:03
zequenceSure, but do you need to?17:04
shai_haludjust wondering if it would make things simpler17:04
zequencejack will work fine, with PA running alongside17:04
zequenceIf you do it the right way17:04
zequenceI'm going to start a PPA for adressing these bugfixes17:04
shai_haludi have read every single link on the google results for "making firefox work with jack and routing firefox through jack17:04
zequenceThat would solve the problem17:05
zequenceshai_halud: It's not hard to do17:05
zequenceshai_halud: First, start jack. Look in Connect. You should see a PA sink and source17:05
zequenceshai_halud: Then, in PA mixer, choose jack as the output, instead of whatever audio device17:05
zequenceshai_halud: Start firefox. The audio is now routed through jack17:06
ubottuFor information on professional audio tools in Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuStudio/ProAudioIntro17:06
zequenceThat's a page I wrote talking a bit about the audio systems on Ubuntu Studio17:06
shai_haludlooking in qtjackctl now17:06
zequenceshai_halud: I mention how the jack PA integration works at the bottom of the page17:07
shai_haludhm. pulseaudio module is not loaded atm17:07
shai_haludusually it loads when i start jack17:08
shai_halud(looking for it in patchage too)17:08
zequenceYes, but if you've restarted a couple of times, it may get lost somehow17:08
zequenceI mean, restarted jack17:08
zequenceshai_halud: Make sure dbus is enabled in Qjackctl -> Setup -> Misc17:09
shai_haludit is17:09
zequenceOk, so try loggin out and in again17:09
zequenceA fresh session should work fine17:10
shai_haludok. let me save some files rq. brb17:10
shai_haludok. logged out and in and jacd comes on auto in processes17:12
zequenceshai_halud: You saying that jack was already running?17:13
shai_haludjackd id 7850 is running17:13
shai_haluder 758017:14
zequencejackd? not jackdbus?17:14
shai_haludprocess name is jackd17:14
zequenceWell, it shouldn't be running, and I'm curious how it could be after you logged out17:14
zequenceIf you didn't start it, that is17:14
shai_haludi did not17:15
shai_haludshould i do a reboot and see if it comes on with startup?  (btw, i have not found the "startup applications" yet in the ubuntu studio gui. does it exist?)17:16
shai_haludso kill jackd?17:18
zequenceshai_halud: Have you added any PPAs to the system?17:18
shai_haludnot sure. what does that stand for. i have added a bunch of things to try and solve this issue17:18
ubottuA Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge17:19
zequenceshai_halud: May I recommend you to visit here, or our help wiki next time :)17:19
zequenceOr post on the user mail list17:19
shai_haludi have added only things from the repo except for making an asoundrc file myself17:19
zequenceshai_halud: What are you using the asoundrc for?17:20
shai_haludto try and route all audio through alsa17:20
zequenceshai_halud: I'd disable that17:20
zequenceReally, the default installation of Ubuntu Studio has all of this working17:20
zequenceGranted, we aren't making a great job of making this apparent to users17:21
shai_haludif that was the case i'd never have gone fooling with it17:21
zequenceIt is the case. It's just that jack and PA are a bit buggy17:21
shai_haludok. removing the asoundrc file17:22
zequenceshai_halud: Try a reboot, and let's see if jackd is running then (it's a user space app, and should not be running if you log out)17:23
shai_haludjackd did not come on17:25
zequenceOk. Weird it was on before :)17:26
zequenceshai_halud: So, try starting jack with qjackctl17:26
shai_haluddbus-daemon is17:26
zequenceWhen you do that, it won't start jackd, but jackdbus - by default. jackd would conflict with jackdbus also17:26
zequenceThen look in Connect, and see if the PA sink and source appeared17:26
zequenceshai_halud: Is jackd2 installed, or jackd1? Try, in a terminal: sudo apt-get install jackd217:27
zequencejackd2 is the default17:28
zequencejack1 does not support dbus interaction, so the PA module won't work with jack117:28
shai_haludunable to locate package lack2d17:28
shai_haludone sec17:29
holsteinshai_halud: lets keep it a "family show" in here :)17:29
shai_haludjackd2 is already newest vers17:29
shai_haludwoops. soory guys and gals17:30
zequenceI can perfectly understand any frustration caused by this :). While it's simple enough, it's hard to point your finger at the problem, when you don't know it yet17:31
zequenceshai_halud: So, if you do: ps -eo comm | grep jack17:31
zequenceWhich jack do you see?17:31
zequenceshai_halud: Make sure pulseaudio-module-jack is installed: sudo apt-get install pulseaudio-module-jack17:32
zequenceIt's installed by default17:32
shai_haludi had to install it myself17:32
shai_haludit is17:33
zequenceIt's preinstalled on Ubuntu Studio17:33
shai_haludusually it loads with qtjackctl17:33
zequenceshai_halud: try this: pactl load-module module-jackdbus-detect17:34
shai_halud(ubuntu stidio 12.10 here)17:34
zequenceThat's how you load the module manually17:34
shai_haludmodule initialization failed17:35
zequenceIn /etc/pulse/default.pa there's a line for it17:35
shai_halud no reason given17:35
zequenceshai_halud: Try unloading it first, and make sure you get the syntax right17:35
zequencepactl unload-module module-jackdbus-detect17:35
shai_haludthen try load again?17:36
zequenceIf it didn't complain, that means the module was in fact loaded17:36
zequenceAnd you can now load it again17:36
shai_haludfailed to load17:36
shai_haluddid not complain on unload17:36
zequenceIf there's no module to unload, it will say so17:37
zequenceLike so "Failed to unload module: Module module-jackdbus-detect not loaded"17:37
shai_haludand it didn't.17:37
shai_haludbut it is still failing to load17:37
shai_haludwhich is unusual17:38
zequenceSure the load command is right now?17:38
shai_haludc/p from here17:38
zequenceWhat else have you changed? Have you altered any other alsa config files, or PA configs maybe?17:38
shai_haludjosh@josh-Inspiron-1545:~$ pactl load-module module-jackdbus-detect17:38
shai_haludFailure: Module initialization failed17:38
zequenceshai_halud: Do you have the live DVD somewhere?17:39
shai_haludi have the image. i used usb to install17:40
zequenceTry booting the live session. Start jack. Make sure the sink and source are there. Open PA mixer and choose jack as output17:40
zequenceThen try firefox. flash won't be installed of course17:40
zequenceThat's OOTB. It should work, unless jack fails to grab the card from PA. But it seems you don't have problems as long as PA is not busy17:41
zequenceout of the box17:42
shai_haludoh right17:42
shai_haludok. brb17:42
SonikkuAmericaHello, and welcome to Ubuntu Studio support.18:32
zequenceshai_halud: How did things go?18:32
shai_haludzequence: when i came back from live session, my system was borked. re-installed ubuntu, now updating18:32
zequenceshai_halud: Did you try the PA bridge?18:33
shai_haludnothing was in jack but midi through18:33
shai_haludafter update reboot i will try again18:34
shai_haludfresh install here, so, it will be easier for you to guide me through whatever18:35
shai_haludat least we know no ppa's will be interfering, nor user-set modofications18:35
zequenceshai_halud: If there was nothing in jack, jack would have failed to start18:37
shai_haludi mean, midi through is all there was18:37
shai_haludin alsa tab18:37
shai_haludof connect18:37
zequenceshai_halud: If anything, this tells us we should work harder on making users understand how the audio stuff works :)18:38
shai_haludi do not deny that18:38
shai_halud(or my own ineptitude)18:38
Haohmaruis there some trick to browse only monospaced fonts?18:38
Haohmaru(in a font selector dialog)18:38
shai_haludbrb. first update restart18:39
josh_ok. back from install and updates complete18:56
shai_haludzequence: still around?18:59
zequenceshai_halud: Yep19:01
shai_haludok. got a freshboy here19:01
zequenceshai_halud: So, I suppose you know the drill with qjackctl. Make sure the correct audio device is chosen (if you have more than one)19:02
zequenceThen start jack with it19:02
shai_haludi have only 1 sound card i this laptop, afaik19:02
zequenceshai_halud: hdmi?19:03
zequenceThat would be a second audio device19:03
shai_haludjack gu runnng19:03
shai_halud g u i19:03
zequenceSo, any PA sink and source in Connect?19:03
zequenceOh, you mean qjackctl running19:04
zequenceSo, start jack. Then look in Connect19:04
shai_haludthere it is19:04
zequenceshai_halud: So, now. Go to the volume applet, and open the mixer19:05
zequenceI guess it's called "settings" or something like that19:05
zequenceIt's really an application called "pavucontrol"19:05
shai_haludi can open that from cli19:05
zequenceYeah, that works too19:05
shai_haludk sink is in output, source is in input19:06
zequenceYou'll need to set the jack as default in "Output Devices"19:06
zequenceIt's the green "v"19:06
zequence"Set as Fallback", if you hover over it19:07
shai_haludthat is something i never did\19:07
zequenceSo, now, if you start any application that supports PA, the audio is routed to jack19:07
shai_haludno one ever told me to click the little green box....19:07
shai_haludsheesh. are you sayng that now, even firefox will work ?19:08
zequenceshai_halud: Also, you can choose the output for each individual PA app, in "Playback"19:08
zequenceAny audio from firefox is just another PA application19:08
zequenceSo, yes19:08
zequenceshai_halud: You might want to install ubuntu-restricted-extras, to get all the bad codecs19:09
shai_haluddo i need to enabcal partners or anything?le canoni19:09
shai_haluddang... do i need to enable canonical partners or anything?19:10
zequenceCanonical partners has apps like Adobe Acrobar Reader, and Skype19:10
shai_haludsynaptic or will apt-get be fine?19:10
zequenceapt-get will work19:10
zequencesynaptic is sort of a gui variant of apt19:11
zequenceSo, the names are the same19:11
shai_haludthis also i never did19:11
shai_halud(installing these drivers19:12
zequenceWhat you get is things like flash, and some codecs19:12
zequenceno drivers, I don't think19:12
shai_haluder, that19:12
zequenceYou even get a MS font19:12
zequenceSorry you had such problems with the audio bit19:13
zequenceGlad it's working now19:13
shai_haludnow i visit yt19:13
shai_halud....dum da da dum19:13
shai_haludIT'S WORKING19:14
shai_haludU DE MAN ZEE19:15
shai_haludthank you sir19:15
shai_haludi bet i wasted... oh, 15 hrs trying to do/make/install/confiigure the outcome of what you just showed me in about 90 seconds19:16
shai_haludthe little green check box (facepalm)19:17
zequenceThe module should make PA set jack as output. That would save a lot of pain19:18
* shai_halud sighs with relief19:18
zequenceI'll be trying to get that in for future releases19:18
shai_haludAll Hail Zequence!19:18
shai_halud(crowd roars)19:18
* zequence gets surprised and tries to find a place to hide19:19
shai_haludwhat, no autographs? no afterparty?19:19
shai_haludalright. beautiful. now i can actually listen to the music people want to show me whilst i work on my own19:20
shai_haludso Zequence, what exactly IS you cup o' tea when it comes to music?19:20
zequenceshai_halud: Anything awesome that sticks out. Usually something with a bit of rhythm. Not too plain harmonies. That'll bore me quickly19:21
zequenceRight now, I like listening to Aphex Twin19:21
shai_haludi have never listened. name an awesome song for me19:22
shai_haludi do like their name19:22
shai_haludI'm a radiohead fan myself19:23
shai_haludbig time19:23
zequenceIt's just one guy19:23
zequenceFrom Wales I think19:23
shai_haludoh *his19:23
zequenceRadiohead I like too19:23
zequenceshai_halud: This is an old classic, but Aphex Twin has made a lot of music, and a lot of it is fairly experimental https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=-Y0T60MwBc4#t=231s19:26
shai_haludtortoise, pay-per-frog, heypenny, mikky ekko, beatles, tomahawk, deftones, mr bungle, frank zappa,  jethro tull, bjork, tori amos, ben fold five, king crimson,19:26
zequenceThis would be more easy listening19:26
shai_haludthose are some faves that come to mind19:26
shai_haludlistening now19:27
zequenceI'm only familiar with Frank Zappa and Bjork out of those19:27
shai_haludhaha what an ugly dude in the limo19:27
shai_haludbut man he can dance19:27
zequenceHe doesn't look like that for real19:28
zequenceHe likes doing ugly19:28
shai_haludit appears he rubs off on his women19:28
shai_haludoh, and music of this style- jensen sportag19:28
shai_haludsome friends of mine from nashville tenn who make dance/club music19:29
shai_haludyou already heard the one track i made in lmms, i think, "invitation"19:30
shai_haludi like his time augments19:30
shai_halud(aphex twin, i mean)19:31
zequenceI don't have much up, but this is some experimentation I did with pure data. The pieces are called autopoiesis, greek for self creation. It's programming and some random functions, plus I did some after processing in Audacity https://soundcloud.com/zequence19:32
zequenceI guess I like this one the best https://soundcloud.com/zequence/sets/autopoiesis-119:32
zequenceI started out with death metal, and also classical music19:33
shai_haludpure data?19:33
zequencepure data is a graphical programming environment19:33
zequenceYou have it on Ubuntu Studio19:33
shai_haludoh. i see19:33
zequenceIt's great for doing live stuff19:34
zequenceYou can pretty quickly create your own audio FX on it19:34
shai_haludgeez. it's ... a white screen19:34
zequenceYou opened a new project?19:34
zequenceOf, file..19:34
zequenceWhat you see is a white canvas19:35
shai_haludwith a cursor that doensn't ype19:35
zequenceYou can check out some examples in the help browser19:35
zequenceYou'll find it in the help menu19:35
shai_haludusing greek for the name was a fine choice. this is definitely greek to me19:36
zequencehehe. Well, they aren't really meant for listening19:36
zequenceJust trying some stuff out19:36
zequenceDidn't put too much time on details19:37
shai_haludit is quite interesting. so youhave no idea what i will sound like until you export it as an audio file?19:38
zequenceI do know, cause I program it while I'm playing it19:38
zequenceAnd then when I like what I hear, I record it19:38
zequenceLike you would if you were recording to tape19:38
shai_haluddoes PA produce sounds as well as graph them?19:39
shai_haluder PD19:39
zequenceYou can create synths with it, or use samples, and play them19:39
zequenceDo any kind of processing, but you need to build the FX19:40
shai_halud imight look into thatat some point. for now i'll stick with what i understand- lmms19:40
zequenceTakes a while to get into it. A couple of months maybe. There are some nice tutorials on youtube19:41
shai_haludi am hearing something cool right now... cannot locate its source19:41
shai_haludi think it was autopoiesis still playing19:42
shai_haludok. yeah19:42
shai_haludthat has serious potential. the clubs i went to in LA played this type pf stuff19:43
shai_haludoh, and how could i have forgotten to mention NIN!!!?19:45
shai_haludIMO- the best of industrial/vocal bands19:46
GCTANIN are pussies19:48
shai_haludever seen them live?19:48
GCTAnot while playing19:48
GCTAi have seen recordings19:48
shai_haludtrent is a BEAST19:48
GCTAtrent is an emo lil biatch19:49
ubuFeuchthi i am new here an iam searching for expert guru around nuernberg @ germany19:49
ubuFeuchtany help here?19:49
shai_haludGCTA: ow me your music that is better19:49
shai_haluder show me*19:49
GCTAits all gone19:50
GCTAall gone19:50
shai_haludwell darn19:50
shai_haludyou have no proof, i am afraid19:50
shai_haludcase closed19:50
GCTAprrof of what? i never claimed i am better than trent, i simply said trent is emo19:50
shai_haluddo you know him personally? citations needed19:51
shai_haludmy opinion is that he has made some of the best music I ever heard19:53
GCTAwow touchy19:53
shai_haludruiner. reptile. march of the pigs. FTW19:55
shai_haludtrent did something not many bands do. he created a signature sound, even a signature progression, that sets his music apart, and became part of what we understand as the culture of modern music19:59
shai_haludkind of like what pink floyd did with their genre20:00
sirriffsalotHey, I am adding the PPA ppa:kxstudio-team/ppa to make use of zita-ajbridge, but when I check the update manager, I get this "Not all updates can be installed" error.. which I know often messes systems up terribly.. It suggests to run a partial upgrade, but I wanna stick to 12.04. Any ideas on a solution here? Why am I getting this all of a sudden with the new ppa?22:45
zequencesirriffsalot: That's really not a Ubuntu Studio issue, more of a KXstudio one. But, I wouldn't be worried about that message22:48
zequencesirriffsalot: There are two ways to upgrade22:48
sirriffsalotzequence: I would.. that message has screwed my system twice22:48
sirriffsalotzequence: I mean, the normal security updates are all marked and available fine, but under the kxstudio sections, lots of packages are automatically unmarked22:49
zequenceThere's the safe way, which is really just about not removing any packages. Sometimes an upgrade will remove stuff22:49
zequenceAnd then there's the normal way, where the stuff that isn't needed anymore is removed22:49
zequenceIf you do, in a termina: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade22:50
zequenceThat's the safe way22:50
sirriffsalotzequence: I don't want to upgrade mate.. I like to stick with 12.0422:50
sirriffsalotzequence: using E17, which works best with 12.04 ;)22:50
zequenceIf you do: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade, that's the other way22:50
sirriffsalotHmm.. what does upgrade do?22:50
zequencesirriffsalot: It won't upgrade to another release, or another desktop22:50
zequenceupgrade is really what you would normally refer to as an update22:51
zequencesirriffsalot: If you only want to upgrade all existing packages on your system, you'd do: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade22:51
zequenceThat will upgrade everything22:52
zequenceupdating to a newer release is not done with apt22:52
zequenceThe update manager does the same thing really22:52
zequenceI think partial upgrade is: sudo apt-get dist-upgrade22:52
zequenceIf I'm not mixing the two up22:52
sirriffsalotUhmm.. dist-upgrade is new release update..22:52
sirriffsalotYes you are lol22:52
sirriffsalotBe careful!!22:52
zequenceNo, dist-upgrade is not a new release update22:53
sirriffsalotdist=distribution no?22:53
sirriffsalotWhat's it stand for?22:53
zequenceIf you do a release upgrade, you'd use a script called do-release-upgrade22:53
zequenceI haven't checked, but I'm telling you with 100% certainty, that it won't mess up your system. Unless of course the PPA you have will mess up your system22:54
zequenceThat's another issue all together22:54
zequenceAs I just told you, upgrade will leave your system untouched, while dist-upgrade will remove some stuff taht is obsolete22:55
zequenceBy untouched, I mean not removing things that have become obsolete22:55
zequenceWhen you do apt-get upgrade, you'll sometimes see a message saying, these packages are held back22:56
zequenceThat's usually cause they want to change your system a little22:56
zequenceAnd upgrade won't let you do that22:56
zequenceSo, upgrade is not a full update22:56
zequencedist-upgrade is22:57
zequenceAnd the term "partial upgrade" is a little misleading22:57
zequenceas is "dist-upgrade"22:57
sirriffsalotShould be cleared up..22:58
sirriffsalotzequence: anyway I would prefer not to have the PPA and get the singular built package I want instead.. is that an option? wget perhaps? :)22:58
zequenceIf you have a high security server installation, you might not just want to hit dist-upgrade, cause you might actually be doing something useful with obsolete stuff22:59
zequencesirriffsalot: You might be able to just install the one for raring22:59
sirriffsalotProcrastinating getting into how to cherry-pick packages from ppa's22:59
sirriffsalotIs there a way to figure out what is actually causing that message to appear when I add that ppa?23:00
zequenceI'm a bit lazy. I don't usually read text when I don't need to :O23:01
zequencezita-zjbridge and zita-resampler are availabe for raring23:01
zequenceAh, this is needed too libzita-resampler123:02
zequenceI would start by installing that23:02
zequenceAfter a quick look, it seems the dependencies are ok23:03
zequenceUbuntu 13.0423:03
zequenceThe development version23:03
sirriffsalotI'm not trying the development version if any what are you on about? O:O23:03
sirriffsalotzequence: you're scaring me, haha :)23:04
zequencesirriffsalot: It's not as dramatic as it sounds. The packages in Ubuntu are mostly imported directly from Debian.23:06
zequenceAnd they stay the way they are, mostly, until final release23:06
sirriffsalotzequence: yeah, #ardour guys got me there..23:07
zequenceSo, it's not like they are really experimental or anything23:07
sirriffsalotBut not all of them are there23:07
zequencesirriffsalot: What's missing?23:07
sirriffsalotIn debian?23:08
sirriffsalotOh, no, sorry. Someone mentioned that it was a bad idea to mix repositories.. which sounds reasonable23:08
zequencesirriffsalot: It's not a good thing to do, unless you know what you are doing. But, you can always download the debs, and install them manually23:16
zequenceThe more dependencies, the harder that gets23:17
sirriffsalotI did that with uhm.. something!23:17
sirriffsalotAnd then I pro-ly saved copies into my external backup hdd *shades*23:17
sirriffsalotAnyway, ok23:18
sirriffsalotMight as well do that t hen23:18
sirriffsalotNot that many here was it?23:18
sirriffsalotwas there*23:19
sirriffsalotin this instance*23:19
sirriffsalotMight as well have re-done the whole sentence*23:19
CryptSphinxSorry if this is the wrong place to ask , has anyone had any recent experience with an alesis multimix 16 fiwire and Ubuntu studio?23:23
studio-user389is blender as task as it looks?23:33
GCTAits more time consuming than difficult if thats what ur asking23:34
studio-user389well it looks greek23:35
studio-user389looks g so far23:39
sirriffsalotzequence: http://packages.ubuntu.com/raring/sound/zita-ajbridge23:47
sirriffsalotzequence: doesn't seem to difficult23:47
zequencesirriffsalot: Yes, but it has dependencies, so make sure you either have them already, or you get them and istall them first23:48
zequencesirriffsalot: Looks like the only dependencies you need to worry about are the zita ones23:49
sirriffsalotzequence: yeah, getting all23:50
sirriffsalotzequence: will I have to follow each one back to the first dependency and work my way up?23:50
zequencesirriffsalot: Yeah23:54
* sirriffsalot braces himself23:54
sirriffsalotzequence: haha.. I only needed one23:55
sirriffsalotlibzita-alsa-pcmi0 ... had the dependencies for that too23:56
sirriffsalot*wipes forehead*23:56
zequencesirriffsalot: Just like disarming a nuke?23:58

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