
stgraberjodh: thanks!14:27
jodhstgraber: thank you!!14:29
jodhxnox/stgraber: any thoughts on a pithy/witty release name?15:40
xnoxjodh: probably the most virtual release ever15:51
jodhxnox: hee hee :)15:52
xnoxjodh: or something more light "upstart your day!"15:53
jodhxnox: haha! you should work in marketing :)15:56
dan2003Is there some way to get upstart to reload its scripts? Im trying to debug a script and the only way i can get it to acknowledge changes is doing a full reboot 16:16
jodhdan2003: it reloads them automatically using inotify. what does 'init-checkconf /etc/init/foo.conf' show?16:17
dan2003X11 connection rejected because of wrong authentication.! ?? 16:18
dan2003But i think that explains whats happening16:18
dan2003this is on a system where the rootfs is nomrlaly mounted readonly and has a unionfs. as such im editing the files under /ro/etc/init16:19
dan2003whilst the cahgnes are reflected under /etc/init i wonder if this breaks the inotify bit16:19
jodhdan2003: it may well be. overlayfs is known to be broken wrt inotify (https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/882147). However, you can always 'initctl reload-configuration' each time you change your configs.16:22
dan2003ah brilliant - thanks16:22

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