
pleia2knome: if they really do away with 13.04, ugh, I don't know what we'll do about a lot of things20:13
pleia2was just thinking of those articles we're writing20:13
pleia2(and in general I keep thinking about things like testing and other things that are so uncertain right now)20:13
pleia2spent time making all these plans and now :(20:14
knomeyeah, i know20:15
pleia2honestly it kind of makes me want to just give up until they figure out what they're doing20:15
pleia2and I hate feeling like that20:15
Unit193Aren't they supposed to tell everyone what's going on next week?20:16
pleia2everyone who can take off of work with a week notice will be discussing it, yet20:16
knomethat's the worst thing20:16
knomei don't think there's much to "discuss", tbh20:17
Unit193That's where they tell you what's going on.20:18
knomethat's how the communication has gone before from canonical's side20:19
drcCononical is a great believer in the First Vatican Council :(20:20
knomei have zero expectations that it would be any different this time, unfortunately20:20
knomei would love to be wrong, though.20:27
knomezequence, heya23:03
zequenceknome: Hi23:03
knomewhat's up?23:03
zequenceJust trying to prepare for feature freeze (just in case), and UDS23:04
zequencethe plans on rolling release seem not very mature yet23:05
zequenceIf they do go through with it, it might be a good idea to influence the process23:05
zequenceMake sure we get whatever we need out of it23:05
knomeit's just that the uds comes really quick.23:06
zequenceIt does23:07
zequenceMy main concern is stability. They seem very optimistic about it, but they probably don't care about other desktops than unity and weird multimedia packages23:09
zequenceI'm not sure how much is custom when it comes to Xubuntu and Kubuntu23:10
zequenceIs it mostly XFCE imported from Debian?23:10
zequenceKDE seems to work a lot on their own packages, from what it seems23:10
zequenceI mean Kubuntu23:10
knomekubuntu seems to want to stick to a 6-month release schedule23:10
zequenceI'm not sure why, though23:11
knomethat makes most sense to them since that's how often kde releases23:11
zequenceYeah, I read about that23:11
zequenceFrom what it seemed, they lobbyed for having KDE do their releases on that basis23:11
zequenceI'm thinking that if the community had bigger control of what is released and what is not, that would help stability23:12
Unit193Debian didn't have the same version of Xfce last I looked.23:12
zequenceIf something is not very stable, we should be able to block it23:12
knomehow much ubuntu (the OS) even is based on other stuff any more?23:12
zequenceUnity relies heavily on Gnome3 still23:12
knomethey seem to have quite a lot in-house projects23:12
zequenceI'd also like us to be able to do our own custom releases. It could be possible if we were able to put a freeze on a set of packages that were important for us23:14
zequencethough, it's onle the ISO itself that is planned23:14
knomethat doesn't remove the fact that once you've installed the release, you'll get all the rolling updates anyway23:14
zequenceThe updates are still rolling. I haven't figured out their plan yet, really23:14
knomewell, mpt proposed that the rolling release should be for developers and testers only... ugh23:15
zequenceWell, one could disable all but security updates. And if we are given the chance to veto the release of those packages that we think are important, we can keep the rolling updates stable too23:15
knomethat doesn't help the fact that developers still have a moving target!23:15
zequenceIf a flavor can't control the part of the rolling release that is specific to that flavor, then there's no flavor version of the rolling release. Unless one considers it strictly a dev release23:18
zequenceFrom Ubuntu Studio point of view, with a good QA system, zoning in on the important packages, and having the power to stop bad releases of those packages, it would not be too much work to ensure a decent release23:20
zequenceknome: We do depend on a stable XFCE too, of course :=23:21
knomebut the problem is that we can't freeze many things in the archive23:22
knomeeg. we will have to go with the kernels ubuntu are having23:22
knomeor we enter the lowest level of maintaining hell23:22
zequenceI'm relying on UKT to ensure reliable kernels. Not sure if their routine would change because of a rolling release23:23
zequenceI'd assume it would23:24
knomeprobably affects any and every team.23:24
zequenceActually, it would make sense for the kernel team to keep two kernel repos. 23:24
zequenceOne for new version kernels, since they aren't all that reliable in the beginning23:24
knomei'm not sure if it's even the kernel team that decides about that23:25
Len-nbzequence, low latency only arrives when you want it to.23:25
zequenceYes, we do have control of linux-lowlatency23:26
zequenceSo, I could basically not have a new version released, if I didn't want to. But that's a special case23:26
Len-nbRight now two or three years is a long time in audio land23:27
Len-nbdevelopment is moving tooo fast 23:27
zequenceRight now, I'm not having anything to do with the development release -lowlatency though23:27
Len-nbIt is worth while upgrading beyond LTS even a year down the road ... even 6 months from 12.04 to 12.10 was worth while for some uses.23:28
zequenceAnd, if there is to be a rolling release, they can't seriously think that a continuing unfrozen dev release is going to replace stable releases23:28
zequenceThere needs to be some changes23:29
zequencei don't see why they can't keep more repos for the rolling release23:29
zequenceSomething similar to how Debian23:29
zequenceIt wouldn't be ok to unreleased kernels, I think. Like linux-3.10-r.c23:30
zequenceMissing some words there, but you get the drift23:31
Len-nbIt will mean some more diligent trying of proposed stuff23:32
zequenceCurrently the development release doesn't have a -proposed, but having one, or -experimental, or even many such repos would help23:33
Len-nbTwo people must test any proposed before release? (maybe more?)23:34
zequenceWhen it comes to linux-lowlatency, on stable releases, it's enough I do testing23:34
zequenceBut, it's less serious, since it's based on -generic23:34
zequenceAnd I don't know how they do their testing23:34
zequenceI have no idea about other stable release updates23:35
zequenceknome: What are the main issues you would be facing?23:36
knomezequence, re: rolling release?23:36
knomei haven't gotten my head around that yet23:36
knomei'm still angry about the changes in UDS23:37
zequenceIt doesn't help making the community trust Canical anyhow23:38
knomeno, definitely not.23:38
knomeand it's not the first time canonical's communication fails 23:38
zequenceIt's unsettling. At the same time, I don't mind, if it only works out well for everyone. Right now, I want to make sure we're in sync with what their planning, and if they go through with a rolling release, I want to make sure the flavors have the control they need in order to continue their work.23:43
zequenceAfter all, there's no fixed plan yet, and the idea is really only half-baked23:46

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