
darkxstatrus, might be this https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=68910602:55
ubot5Gnome bug 689106 in lock-screen "ScreenShield: try harder to become modal, and catch failures" [Critical,Resolved: fixed]02:55
darkxsthowever I don't recall that causing seg faults, however check your session logs02:56
darkxstricotz, last gnome-shell snapshot is very broken on overview/workspaces on multiple monitors08:51
darkxstcan you re-do, git master seems fine08:51
ricotzdarkxst, done10:41
=== jbicha_ is now known as jbicha
darkxstricotz, strangely, its still broken20:19
darkxstricotz, hmm, why the hack.patch in mutter?20:27
ricotzdarkxst, sorry, this patch wasnt supposed to be uploaded20:41
darkxstricotz, ok, anyway that was the culprit20:49
jbichado you guys think we should move most of gnome 3.7.90 from the staging ppa to the regular gnome3 ppa?21:07
ricotzjbicha, seems fine with me21:16
jbichawe don't want terminal, control-center, settings-daemon since those have regressions21:24
jbichado we need EDS? and does Evolution need a rebuild or do we just need the new version?21:26
jbicha$ evolution21:26
jbichaevolution: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/evolution/3.6/libemiscwidgets.so.0: undefined symbol: e_cal_client_source_type_enum_get_type21:26
darkxstjbicha, yes, sounds good.21:30
darkxstprobably gnome-shell will work with 3.6 eds, but havent tried it21:31
darkxstnot sure about evolution21:35
ricotzempathy, folks needs the new eds21:35
ricotzeds is a bit broken due -dev deps and broken pkg-config files21:35
jbichaok, we can hold off on empathy and folks21:38
jbichagnome-shell doesn't want to build with raring's eds 3.6.2 http://paste.ubuntu.com/5580679/22:44
jbichaI wonder if eds is broken in raring...23:05
ricotzjbicha, 00-no-disable-deprecated.patch in g-s of ricotz/testing takes care of that23:36

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