[00:00] yeah [00:00] it works, i just tried it [00:00] but i prefered early one ^^ [00:01] what format does screencap output? 'file' says 'data' [00:02] ah found the png switch [00:02] well now the sec_format.h was included into frameworks. [00:03] Man I need faster build environment, or somehow remove unnecessary stuff from the kernel... [00:03] Screnshot by: adb shell screencap -p /data/ubuntu/tst.png; adb pull /data/ubuntu/tst.png [00:03] Directly piping does not work, corrupts the binary data [00:07] Is there any reason that the browser should not work but apt-get works fine to access the internet, as does ping? [00:08] android network paranoid disable on kernel ? [00:20] Nice: real 18m11.781s / frameworks/av/media/libstagefright/OMXCodec.cpp:58:24: fatal error: sec_format.h: No such file or directory [00:26] ... aaand again. [00:26] well, this is fun. [00:27] but soon I might have built image done that I can try to flash :) [00:30] Running releasetool... [00:30] MODVERSION: 10.1-20130302-UNOFFICIAL-p6800 [00:30] Finally! [00:30] took only 3 days god damit. [00:30] ^^ [00:30] better then compile full cm10.1 [00:35] Hey, quick question (may be very stupid), how can I change the release name? [00:36] ie. I do not want that the image that is formed says: "cm-10.1-20130302-UNOFFICIAL-p6800.zip" [00:36] rename it please ^^ [00:37] its an script generated auto with date [00:37] if you have some brain for bash script [00:37] you can change [00:37] maybe its perl [00:38] ok, but where is that configuration for it? [00:38] that is the question... I do not know anything how android builds are done... [00:38] well, I'll google some more then :) === XenGi is now known as XenGi_ [00:42] has anyone tried loading the Ubuntu Developer Preview on a Galaxy Nexus Toroplus? [00:43] dun1982, build/tools/releasetools/ [00:44] Phyton language [00:44] i begin to hate you... no properly working samsung i9100 after 7 days ubuntu-touch preview is out... [00:45] krabador, ? [00:45] krabador, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Devices/galaxysmtd [00:46] ah [00:46] pretty sure it was here after 12 hours. thanks too ali1234 [00:46] i9100 [00:46] Tigrouzen, i'm joking :) , i9100, with samsung exynos will have many problems [00:46] but i'm hoping [00:46] serious [00:46] my bad, i9100. [00:46] im porting it to samsung wave but exonys 3 your its exonys 4 ? [00:47] RobbyF, in this days, i really wanted to have i9000, and not i9100 [00:47] yes, i9100 have exynos 4210 [00:47] aie [00:47] cm 10.1 have a nightly support [00:47] did you try it compile yourself ? [00:48] i tried, but nothing of really good come out [00:48] compile fail ? [00:48] Tigrouzen: thx for the info, looks too complicated, so not touching it (maybe I should sleep soon :D [00:48] Tigrouzen, not, i builded an img [00:49] I installed some python module under /usr/share/pyshared/ModuleName, but import ModuleName fails in python with ImportError: No module named ModuleName [00:49] krabador, what's crash or what doesnt start ? [00:49] On my desktop it works [00:49] Tigrouzen, it starts, but fonts are broken [00:49] only on the phone it fails [00:49] you need module [00:49] it seems kryptnonian [00:49] I'm no python crack, is there something obvious? [00:49] yes you miss module [00:50] matge_, maybe arm phyton rules its some different [00:50] Tigrouzen, and calls doesn't works [00:51] Is there something that needs to be installed/configured for python to look up in pyshared? [00:51] krabador, on Wave 3years now we never have ril modem work ^^ [00:51] Tigrouzen, noooo :) [00:52] matge_: aren't python modules supposed to go in /usr/local/lib/pythonX.X/ if you install them yourself? [00:52] hm, the other modules in /usr/share/pyshared can be imported [00:53] matge_ just curious but i supose you installed module from apt arm ? [00:53] matge_: also python setup.py install [00:53] apt [00:53] apt-get [00:53] I made a deb [00:53] k [00:53] ohm packaging problems :( [00:53] arm arch ? [00:53] Ah, I'm missing 'Processing triggers for python-support ...' while installing on the phone [00:56] I dont understand how ccache work because its all ready exported but he take same time to recompile..... [00:57] this deb packaging is a nightmare [00:57] matge_, it gets easier with each attempt === root is now known as Guest12234 === jholtom is now known as jholtom|away === jholtom|away is now known as jholtom [01:08] I've got a question about the browser? [01:08] We have wifi working on the TF101 and wget returns the html page for google.com [01:08] ping is happy, and apt-get is working. but the browser doesnt work [01:09] any ideas guys? [01:10] jholtom, you got all log for each program launching in var/log [01:14] i can. [01:14] i'll up the browser one. [01:23] what is the browser app called? [01:24] ubuntu-browser [01:27] kk [01:28] I don't see a log for it in /var/log [01:33] also you can instal debugsymbol [01:36] Well that did not work as planned. My Ubuntu-touch image just hangs to startup screen. I'll go to sleep and see if I can find out the reason why this happens... === dun1982 is now known as dun1982|Sleep [01:40] mk [01:40] wassup [01:40] my comp is lagging [01:41] so please refrain from asking questions till further notice [01:42] after launching it from adb shell, by running su phablet and then dbus-launch ubuntu-browser it can access one page and then it no longer shows anything once a link is clicked...weird huh? [01:44] any ideas? [01:44] there is some paranoid_network or something in android, which has to be disabled [01:44] yes [01:46] that it? [01:46] awesome [01:46] thanks [01:46] np [01:47] not set or set to n? [01:48] should be not set, as far as I heard [01:48] not set [01:48] k [01:48] how can I get the display size in QML? I want to make my app take the whole width, but it seems that I can only specify a fixed with [01:49] lrn2javascript [01:58] hello all! great news [01:58] hihihi [01:58] JeLo nude picture !!!! [01:59] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1D1cap6yETA [01:59] ok, going to spend $199 and get a nexus 7 and start. [01:59] lol [02:00] matge: I don't know how to do it on desktop, if it is possible, but on a phone device if it is ran as fullscreen, the width and height you specified are ignored [02:00] or should i get a nexus 10? [02:01] n10 [02:01] nexus 10 [02:01] t1mp: the problem seems to be, that the main view is fullscreen, but the control inside has 'width = parent.width' which still uses the fixed width === XenGi_ is now known as XenGi [02:01] matge: that is weird. You can try anchors { left: parent.left; right: parent.right } instead [02:02] what is the ubuntu sdk package that I have to install on my desktop to develop apps? is that for touch? [02:02] johnjohn101: ubuntu-sdk, http://developer.ubuntu.com/get-started/gomobile/ [02:04] wow, not sure about having qt4 and qt5 installed at the same time. what's the risk there? [02:04] johnjohn101: no problem. [02:05] johnjohn101: just if you want to compile qt4 and qt5 is your default, you may need to apt-get install qt4-default to update your settings [02:05] or apt-get install qt5-default to set qt5 to the default [02:05] so it's only if i'm doing qt development? [02:06] Can i somehow create the --desktop_file_hint inside main() without having to specify it on the commandline? [02:06] if you are compiling stuff with both qt4 and qt5 some times you'll need to make sure you use the correct qmake. That can be done with these qt4/5-default packages or manually === juicyjones is now known as juicyjones|away [02:07] johnjohn101: I have qt4 and qt5 installed without problems. I develop in qt5 daily, use qt4 apps daily, and develop qt4 occasionally [02:07] johnjohn101: they don't conflict, and shouldn't because a lot of apps use qt4 [02:08] t1mp: thanks. i don't develop in either. would like to start. qml looks promising. [02:08] johnjohn101: it rocks! :) [02:08] and 13.04 has all this seamless on install right? [02:09] I don't know [02:09] wondering if i can use python qt for 5. [02:09] are you developing for the tablet? [02:10] yes, qt-components-ubuntu :) [02:10] As far as I know, there is not qt5 binding for python [02:11] seems like qt5 is just getting started. will unity desktop start using qt 5 soon? [02:12] wife thinks i'm nutz for being all excited to get ubuntu on my tablet === juicyjones|away is now known as juicyjones [02:12] you are === t1mp is now known as timp [02:13] is that a good thing? [02:13] sometimes [02:13] she actually said i should wait a few months [02:13] shes right [02:13] and she is right [02:13] smart woman [02:13] at least until I can… do anything === timp is now known as t1mp [02:14] ^ [02:14] how's the web browser? [02:14] honestly [02:14] no idea [02:15] depending hardware [02:15] the only device I have that will run ubuntu touch doesn't have wifi working [02:15] but score sunspider x3 slower then android [02:16] it's a basic browser as of now. [02:16] RobbyF, mean just for demo [02:16] Tigrouzen, x3 slower than browser.apk or chrome.apk [02:16] as a demo really good [02:16] so you think by end of may, it will be a lot more useful? [02:17] I would call it functional compared to other parts of the demo [02:17] johnjohn101, probably October [02:17] supporting flash :) [02:17] johnjohn101, maybe just for demo [02:17] I hear 13.10 will be a bit closer to feature complete [02:17] at least I can start to mess around with qt5 === jholtom is now known as jholtom|away [02:19] lilstevie, 4625 in Sunspider [02:20] lilstevie, in nexus 7 [02:20] Tigrouzen, I didn't ask for score cause that is highly device dependent, I asked which browser was that against on android [02:20] :p [02:20] cause chrome is worlds slower than browser, and if that is x3 slower than chrome well that is just weak [02:20] :p [02:21] lilstevie, Nexus 7 ;) you find some bench for chrome and browser.apk [02:22] lilstevie, like Chrome have 1656 [02:22] lilstevie, on Nexus 7 [02:22] how do you do those test? [02:22] Tigrouzen, you should know which browser you used, numbers mean nothing, they can vary from 2 identical nexus 7's next to eachother [02:22] I'll run one if I can on galaxy nexus - ubuntu today's daily build [02:23] 1290ms on aosp [02:23] lol [02:23] heh [02:25] lower the better? [02:25] RobbyF, yes [02:25] k [02:26] running sunspider 0.9.1 in browswer for galaxy nexus - today's ubuntu build [02:27] 4720.7ms [02:27] Under QML === XenGi is now known as XenGi_ [02:27] I have problems connecting to an ad-hoc network on the Nexus 4, http://pastebin.com/M7rsncYK, any ideas? [02:28] lol [02:28] http://pastebin.com/M7rsncYK (without the comma) [02:29] I didn't even notice but score sunspider x3 slower then android <-- then posted a score that was way faster [02:29] :p [02:29] Nexus 4 in chrome latest broswer (25.x.x.x) 1471.6MS [02:29] blackberry 10 latest stable - 1756.3MS stock browser [02:31] Surface RT with IE10: 1030.4ms [02:32] Nexus 10 in chrome latest broswer (25.x.x.x) 827.4ms [02:33] lilstevie: disturbingly fast [02:33] Namidairo, beats tf201 [02:34] at a lower clock too [02:34] too much overheads in android === XenGi_ is now known as XenGi [02:34] Namidairo, that aren't in windows 0.o [02:35] my nexus 10 was fast. [02:35] RobbyF, yes, but that has a dual core a15 [02:35] which by rights should outpace the quad a9 [02:35] Its interesting for x86 Tablet last time installed ubuntu touch on X86 its work great but need i386 quantal [02:37] I'm currently reverse-tethering my htc to my laptop, and wifi tethering on the htc to my Nexus 4 to get internet on that thing === paradoxgo_ is now known as paradoxgo [03:31] ls [03:31] dir [03:31] clear [03:34] how big is the nexus 4 in gu units? [03:34] slushdot: this is not a shell [03:35] make clean [03:35] source build/envsetup.sh [03:36] brunch i9500 [03:45] lol [03:49] look; find; talk; grep; touch; finger; find; flex; unzip;mount; workbone; fsck; yes; gasp; fsck; yes; eject; umount; makeclean;zip; split; done; exit [05:05] Anyone given it a spin? [05:25] Is there a way to pull the ubuntu source for the phone application? I have tried bazaar and apt-get source but ubuntu-mobile seems to not be there [05:30] anyone running ubuntu on phone or tablet? [05:32] Running it on Motorola Razr now [05:32] really? [05:32] Yeah finished the port of the android base yesterday the GSM model has phone/sms some other basic stuff has a ways to go now [05:34] nice [05:34] no issues using hte phone? [05:34] Once I got audio up the phone and basic mms work fine [05:34] The onscreen answer dialog is not centered up just right [05:35] im thinking of getting nexus 4 - and removing android and using ubuntu [05:35] just want to make sure everything works more or less [05:35] as in - phone, text messages, emails, using the camera and gps type stuff [05:35] oh it's not ready for daily use yet as far as multimedia etc and no mobile data only wifi data [05:36] ahhh [05:36] did they give an eta? [05:38] Late 2013 I think for final product [05:38] it's just a developer preview now [05:38] anybody is porting ubuntu touch to nokia N9? [05:38] grrrrr [05:38] wish it was now [05:38] im tired of the google and apple take over of these devices [05:38] I'm not familiar with porting but I've got an N9, so can help test [05:38] apple locks you into their stuff [05:39] and google is building HAL/VIKI [05:43] from what i've read developer preview now is very early alpha. but seems to have generated alot of interest [05:47] blah [05:47] wish they wouldnt tease like this [05:47] just what this shit out there already [06:14] hi [06:15] any1 online? [06:39] Hey All, [06:39] Trying to load Ubuntu Touch onto my nexus 7... cant get it to show in the adb list... [06:40] I've installed the tools, plugged in the device, which is running 4.2.2. I've ran the adb-kill server and am not getting a popup for the host key === root is now known as Guest63162 [06:48] anyone?] [07:28] Hey! [07:29] A quick question. Is it possible to install Ubuntu Tablet edition on any tablet? Like it's possible on desktops? [07:36] rockchip, You have to port it first [07:36] Hashcode: hows it goin man? === Guest63162 is now known as TToivanen === maduce is now known as duce === dun1982|Sleep is now known as dun1982 [09:05] So good morning here, anyone have slightest idea what's wrong. My build size is only 44.9MB in size and it hangs in startup screen that says "Samsung Galaxy Tab 7.7 etc.." [09:05] How long does the typical startup take? [09:07] What would be the problem preventing the image from starting up? [09:09] just found out about this. is it really the full ubuntu distro? what version of python is distributed? sooo many questions! === juicyjones is now known as juicyjones|away [09:23] Back2Basics: well, if you read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch you might get the answers you are looking for. [09:23] Most of your questions are answered in that wiki. [09:24] does anyone know if anything has changed since the preview was released (I.e in the daily builds) ? [09:24] Hey, hope everyone is well tonight. I am getting an error that says "not enough space in /data, found 4G" when flashing Ubuntu Touch preview on my Nexus 4. Any ideas? [09:34] I am getting an error that says "not enough space in /data, found 4G" when flashing Ubuntu Touch preview on my Nexus 4. Any ideas? === Lloir|zZzZzZzZz is now known as Lloir [09:39] Hm, nobody has any ideas? === Lloir is now known as Lloir|afl === Lloir|afl is now known as Lloir|afk [09:42] I have none, because do not own the device, sorry. I'm fighting with my own gt-p6800 build. Had to turn a bunch of devices off from the startup scripts. I really hope that I get this image to boot. [09:45] hello everyone! [09:45] !killme [09:49] is there a way to only get the device i want or do i neew the full 15gb? [09:49] need* [09:53] also can the repo be stopped while syncing ? or does it need to do the full 17 gb in one connection [09:54] have you read the porting guide? [09:54] what does t hat have to do with my question? [09:54] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Porting#Set_up_your_development_environment [09:54] Well it answers all your questions. [09:54] ... [09:55] So please read it first. [09:56] also can the repo be stopped while syncing ? or does it need to do the full 17 gb in one connection? [09:56] MrNerd: and yes, hit ctrl+c and it will kill the repo sync. [09:56] it will start where it left off.. is what im asking im not asking how to do it.. [09:57] Did you read the wiki? [09:57] yes or no/. [09:57] Ok, let's go this together. What does this say to you: "If for some reason the sync ends midway, you can continue the sync with the -c switch, so the command would be: " [09:58] thanks [09:58] do* [09:58] Ok, next time if someone says that pleas read the wiki, do so. [09:58] And if that is still hard, then ask again. [09:59] why is this here if everyone doesnt want to help.. [09:59] so pointless. [09:59] simple yes or no,. [09:59] Well, do you want truthful answer or nice answer? [09:59] mrtharepist: yes or no are the options. [10:00] the nice truth or a lot more helpful. [10:00] s/or/are/ [10:00] So the answer would be then that please read the wiki, it answers in that link in very helpful manner. [10:00] dun1982: sometimes linking to the wiki is not enough, some people need a little more personal attention (hand holding) [10:01] IdleOne: I know and they do not learn anything if they are hold in hand. [10:01] So reading first and then asking the questions is my motto. [10:01] you are not obliged to hold anyones hand if you do not want to but please try to be nice and not make people feel like they are being talked down to. [10:03] Ah ok, my bad. I'm little too tired anyway after 3 days of trying to get my system to boot with ubuntu touch. Maybe I'm nicer after a break. [10:03] You should take a break :) [10:04] Thank you for understanding. [10:12] anyone know where or if there is an Ubuntu Touch changelog ? [10:13] ProGEEK, see the mailing list, it isnt there but being worked on [10:13] sweet, cheers [10:14] ProGEEK, the daily builds switched from using an internal reop to be built from phablet.ubuntu.com (to your former question) ... also announced on the ML (might be worth to subscribe if you want recent news ;) ) [10:14] *repo [10:14] ML ? [10:14] mailing list [10:15] ah [10:18] cheers [10:19] hello [10:19] i don't understand what to do in the first step === SkavenXXI-[OFF] is now known as SkavenXXI [10:26] nice that he told us :P [10:31] good morning folks [10:37] moin moin [10:39] dpm, since this is a whole new community, how about having a little intro mail sent to the ML about what UDS is, how to participate and which phablet specs might be intresting to participate in ? [10:39] (or is that dholbachs area of work ?) [10:40] ogra_, sounds like a good idea. I'm at an Ubuntu Global Jam atm, let me see if I can come up with something [10:40] awesome ! [10:41] i just think there are many people completely new to ubuntu in here [10:41] ogra_, anyone on the community team, whoever you ping first, I guess ;) [10:41] heh [10:41] i should have pinged jono then *g* [10:43] he might not appreciate being pinged at 3:00 am, though :) [10:45] does anyone know if / when there will be an option to power of a device in ubuntu-touch dailies? === [SLB]` is now known as [SLB] === juicyjones|away is now known as juicyjones [10:52] KHendrik, should work from commandline (via ssh) i think [10:52] no UI options yet though [10:54] There is a typo in the CurrencyConverter tut: qmlscene is not in /opt/ but just in /usr/bin/ [10:54] yeah you can use adb i read that but I'm looking for something i can do on the go before the battery gets completely drained and i have to tear my nexus 4 apart [10:54] understood, but thats not there yet [10:55] zAo^, see the channel topic, you can file a bug for that [10:56] ogra_, yeah not complaining just thought it might be in the dailies than i would have reflashed ubuntu touch but taking apart the phone once was enough for me (though its suprisingly simple with ifixit) [10:57] Hi [10:57] yeah, i didnt see it as complaining, its a very vaid request [10:57] hi [10:57] *valid [10:57] I'm trying to build Ubuntu UI components on Mac OS [10:57] qmake says it cannot find dbus [10:58] module [10:58] I think dbus module is not part of qt essentials and as a reason it's not bundled in qtsdk [10:59] I'm trying to compile ubuntu ui sdk with qt5 [10:59] ogra_, do you know someone who can edit the wiki? they should add the shutdown instructions in the release notes not only in the porting guide [10:59] yes, i know someone ... you ;) [10:59] its a wiki, just edit away === juicyjones is now known as juicyjones|away [11:01] ok ^^ didn't know that i could edit it [11:01] you need to log in [11:02] but beyond that, its just a public wiki [11:05] ogra_, ok great [11:22] Im trying the currency tut; is the full code published somewhere? === SkavenXXI is now known as SkavenXXI-[OFF] [11:38] Know cyanogen IRC ? [11:39] #cyanogenmod [11:39] KHendrik, ^^ :) [11:39] :) [11:42] ogra_, modified the wiki ^^ https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/ReleaseNotes#Power_Consumption [11:42] KHendrik, awesome, thanks ! [11:45] KHendrik, command reboot -p mean shutdown or reboot ? [11:47] KHendrik, maybe you got some brain to help me ^^ === _salem is now known as salem_ [11:54] hey guys! any wifi expert here? It drives me crazy... [11:57] what models are most being worked on === Lexmazter is now known as Lexmazter|dead [12:39] When ubuntu for Intel Atom guys? [12:41] Tigrouzen, reboot -pause so shutdown [12:42] sorry was away shopping [12:42] actually p means --power-off not pause [12:43] KHendrik, ok [12:45] Tigrouzen, if you don't know what a command does its always nice to look at the man pages just enter "man command" e.g. "man shutdown" and you get all the infos [13:11] morning [13:12] Has there been update to the device-specific code base? The Android stuff? I keep doing repo sync but nothing comes down [13:14] could someone help out with this: http://pastebin.com/3G4dP4FG? [13:15] whitout "?" [13:16] http://pastebin.com/3G4dP4FG [13:16] sorry. [13:20] anyone? http://pastebin.com/3G4dP4FG [13:35] Has there been update to the device-specific code base? The Android stuff? I keep doing repo sync but nothing comes down [13:47] can anyone help in fixing wifi and network signal on ubuntu port? logcat: http://pastebin.com/a0H94Uc2 [13:54] hello, is there mobile data on the image yet? [14:01] no [14:05] can anyone help in fixing wifi and network signal on ubuntu port? logcat: http://pastebin.com/a0H94Uc2 === [SLB] is now known as [SLB]` [14:14] Hi all [14:15] hi [14:17] any one as tried to put the ubuntu phone os on a desire? [14:18] RobbyF, did I read correctly, that there are daily flashes you can do to get the updated image? [14:22] no one ? [14:23] Ceraphin, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Devices [14:23] yeah tried [14:23] but not working…. [14:23] talk to the porter then [14:24] "I thought I'd do ONE tutorial to guide you on how to get Ubuntu Touch running on your HTC Desire. I will NOT offer any help other than this." [14:24] hi everybody ! i have a little problem, i try to root my nexus 10 but when i rebooted it, it never passed the X [14:25] guillaume_, you dont need to root anything, what exactly did you do yet ? [14:27] (i mean ... you indeed need to unlock the bootloader and enabled usb debugging with full access, but nothing beyond that) [14:27] hello? [14:27] anyone can tell me the command of starting the GUI? [14:27] ogra_, i have followen the ubuntu-touch tutoriel, you're right, i use the wrong word : i try to unlock the bootloader ! [14:28] "startx" won't work., "gdm", too. it doens't use GDM [14:28] it unity, right? [14:28] it use* [14:28] it doesnt have X [14:29] so, how should i start the GUI? [14:29] and while it is unity, it is completely different to what you know [14:29] hopkinskong, it shoudl start automatically after boot [14:29] It doesn't. [14:29] what device ? [14:29] I just got into the terminal screen, no GUI comes out. [14:29] HTC HD2. [14:30] I am trying to port Ubuntu Phone into it. [14:30] are you in the ubuntu chroot already ? [14:30] I am not using android. [14:30] I create a rootfs, and directly boot into it. [14:30] ubuntu touch uses android [14:30] The system start [14:30] and no gui coming out. [14:31] thats not how ubuntu touch works [14:31] How? [14:31] it uses a minimal android layer (which you need to port to your device first) and then an ubuntu rootfs in a container that talks to the HW layer via libhybris [14:32] minimal android layer [14:32] ? [14:32] all HW support comes from the ubuntified android [14:32] can anyone help in fixing wifi and network signal on ubuntu port? logcat: http://pastebin.com/a0H94Uc2 [14:32] hopkinskong, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Porting [14:32] yep, i used that guide. [14:33] so you built the img for your HW and run this now ? [14:33] But, one more questions, why i still can get into the system without Android? [14:33] because thats the HW support layer we use [14:33] else ubuntu touch would not run on your device, since there are no plain linux hardware drivers for it [14:33] OK. [14:33] https://developers.google.com/android/nexus/images [14:34] I use images there, and found a rootfs [14:34] thats wrong [14:34] oh, sorry [14:34] not that link [14:35] http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-touch-preview/daily-preinstalled/current/ [14:35] i used this [14:35] http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-touch-preview/daily-preinstalled/current/quantal-preinstalled-phablet-armhf.zip thats the rootfs we use ... but you need to use it with a device specific img built after the porting howto, else it wont work [14:35] quantal-preinstalled-phablet-armhf.zip [14:35] right [14:36] ah yes, i used "quantal-preinstalled-phablet-armhf.zip", extracted the filesystem.dir to my rootfs. [14:36] and just boot into it with my custom kernel. [14:36] So, i am gonna have android first? [14:37] well, you said you are logged in to your device [14:37] yes [14:37] how exactly are you logged in atm [14:37] (if you didnt use adb) [14:38] Ok, let me explain the whole procudeure. [14:38] Firstly, i have my kernel, with USBHOST support. [14:38] and i am booting my rootfs with that kernel, so that i can use my usb keyboard. [14:39] the ubuntu rootfs ? [14:39] When i am in, it tells me enter username/password. I used phablet (password are same) [14:39] that cant work [14:39] Yes, the ubuntu phone rootfs "quantal-preinstalled-phablet-armhf.zip" [14:39] you need the android img for your device [14:40] flash that first (form recovery) [14:40] then copy the "quantal-preinstalled-phablet-armhf.zip" file over and flash that too [14:40] ah, my device are different than others, it doesn't have somekind of "recovery" [14:40] you dont have a bootloader ? [14:40] my bootloader is different. It called HaRET. [14:41] well, but originally you had a bootloader that had recovery ? [14:41] Because my phone is an Windows Mobile, and i use that to turn my phone into Android/Linux [14:41] No. [14:41] ah [14:41] It doesn't work like that. [14:41] i run HaRet.exe, it loads my zImage, initrd.cpio.gz [14:42] ok, well, in any case you need to boot into the kernel and minimal fs the img for your device contains, without that layer there is no chance to make ubuntu phablet work at all [14:42] then, my initrd will leads the phone load the "rootfs.ext2" [14:42] There is existing Android build for my device. [14:42] can i just copy the content into it? [14:42] i suspect there is a lot of work ahead for you if you really want to make that work [14:43] I've successfully get Slackware worked on my device. [14:43] did you get anmdroid to work on your device yet is the question :) [14:43] Android on my device has been worked successfully., [14:43] And i can pick up ANY one to play with ubuntu phones. [14:44] if so, grab the device specific img (or build it following the porting guide) and then do what you did to make the former android work [14:44] if that works, extract the phablet zipfile in it [14:45] OK, now my question is: Can i just copy the contnet in filesystem.dir into my Android image, and all things will be work like a charm? [14:45] one step at a time :) ... you need to start from android [14:45] * robotnut is away: hibernating [14:45] can anyone help in fixing wifi and network signal on ubuntu port? logcat: http://pastebin.com/a0H94Uc2 [14:45] if you have the android layer in place and all HW support is in there it will just boot into the UI and work like a charm, yes [14:45] no command/modification are needed? [14:45] but having the modified android is essential [14:46] i have my android in my hand now. [14:46] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Porting is the proting guide (as the channel topic mentions :) ) [14:46] haha [14:46] you need to have a build from this tree and your device needs to be supported by CM 10.1 [14:46] So, how the system select whether it should boot into "Android's GUI" or "Ubuntu Phones's GUI"? [14:47] there is no android gui [14:47] in order to use phablet-flash -l, do you have to run phablet-flash -b first? [14:47] Ah... [14:47] there is only the HW layer from android, kernel, HAL, surfaceflinger [14:48] with slight code modifications that are only in the above code tree [14:48] I see. [14:48] without tehse modifications it will not work at all [14:48] I'll try it now, thanks. [14:48] so first you need to buiold the android layer [14:49] Ah, long way for my cross-compiler... lol [14:49] did you try the android image from the guy who has already ported it ? [14:50] I can use any android image i want? Instead of the GIT one? [14:50] no [14:50] but you said its a desire [14:51] What do u mean? [14:51] you said you have a htc desire [14:51] there seems to be a port for it [14:51] I use htc hd2... not desire [14:51] if your device is the same you should be able to just use it [14:52] aha [14:52] htc hd2 has android port, but no ubuntu phoes port. [14:52] So i should compile from the GIT? Or just use existing Android ports? [14:52] well, then you need to actually follow the porting guide [14:53] OK [14:53] ogra, mate, could you help me with debugging a bit? need help fixing wifi, network [14:55] optimus, well, your log doesnt have anything regarding wifi [14:55] did you check the ubuntu logs (vs the lgcat output from android) [14:55] *logcat [14:56] im not really able to say what is stopping it from working :( [14:56] /var/log/messages this? [14:56] could you pls give a convenient way to retrieve it? [14:58] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/ReleaseNotes#Accessing_the_device_over_ADB [14:58] or https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/ReleaseNotes#Accessing_the_device_over_SSH [14:59] the ssh method will also be able to copy via scp [15:00] thanks! [15:04] hey i know how to access over adb, but which log to retrive? === [SLB]` is now known as [SLB] [15:13] ogra_: i am not trying to use a existing Android Image, just copy the the android image to my rootfs, and see if it works. [15:13] i am now*** [15:15] hopkinskong, it will not work [15:15] unless your kernel has the needed options, the fstab has the needed changes and the build includes the bits and pieces the ubuntu rootfs uses [15:16] Good afternoon! [15:16] needed options <- What options? [15:17] the build options described on the porting wikipage [15:17] another android image will *not* work, you are wasting your time if you try [15:18] it *has to be* built exactly like the proting guide describes [15:18] ah, yes, u're right [15:18] just tried [15:19] it stuck on sth "rm failed for /tmp/.X11-unix, Is a directory" [15:19] * failed to set up /tmp/.X11-unix [15:19] btw, ogra_ i didn't understand the porting guide [15:20] hi [15:21] hi [15:21] At the topic of "Building the Android pieces" [15:21] Should i clone "http://phablet.ubuntu.com/gitweb"? Which branch? [15:21] one question =] can i install ubuntu touch with M$ or i need ubuntu desktop ? [15:22] i talking about nexus 7 wifi [15:22] And what is "phablet-dev-bootstrap"? Do i need this and with the GIT? [15:22] hopkinskong, yes [15:23] can I make all icons move and stay the same position on xfce? [15:23] So, i need "http://phablet.ubuntu.com/gitweb", and "phablet-dev-bootstrap "? [15:23] How about CyanogenMod? [15:23] i need CyanogenMod too? [15:24] hopkinskong: which specific step of the porting guide is not clear? [15:24] hopkiskong isn't there great tutorial about ubuntu touch on the syte? [15:25] "Set up your development environment" [15:26] hopkinskong: ok, so there's a series of commands there, any you have a problem with? [15:26] no [15:26] I don't know which i should do first. [15:27] start at the top and work downwards is usually a good step [15:27] Clone the GIT? Clone CyanogenMod GIT? Which branch? [15:27] where does it instruct you to do that? [15:28] It says: "You can find all the needed Android git repositories at http://phablet.ubuntu.com/gitweb", but when i run "phablet-dev-bootstrap [target_directory]", it connects to kernel.org [15:28] hopkinskong: have you let phablet-dev-bootstrap finish? [15:28] it takes a while usually [15:28] phablet-dev-bootstrap fails [15:29] can you pastebin the output? [15:29] it seems that google has changed their kernel server [15:29] fatal: unable to connect to android.git.kernel.org: android.git.kernel.org[0:]: errno=No route to host [15:29] Anyone here that can help me to unbrick my Gnex? I am unable to get out from "waiting for device" when trying to restore my device. New usb drivers loaded but no success [15:29] hopkinskong: let me try.. [15:29] I am on Win8 [15:29] 65 bits [15:29] 64 :) [15:30] i am on Ubuntu... [15:30] Desktop version [15:30] I also have an ubuntu VM that works fine, I used it to flash the ubuntu touch a week ago [15:31] http://pastebin.com/PTYtyMa2 [15:31] hopkinskong: looks like that box is down [15:32] Ah... So What should i do? [15:32] http://paste.ubuntu.com/5579480/ [15:33] Is there the developer of whatsapp? === [SLB] is now known as [SLB]` [15:33] hopkinskong: not sure there's much you can do till it comes back [15:34] Popey: Ok, should what can i do with http://phablet.ubuntu.com/gitweb? [15:34] Seems like my device does not respond to fastboot cmds although it is in fastboot mode (can select start/restart fastboot/recovery) [15:34] what should* [15:35] anyone can tell me : i need pc with installed ubuntu to instal ubuntu touch for nexus7 ? [15:35] hopkinskong: not sure you can do anything till it comes back [15:36] What http://phablet.ubuntu.com/gitweb can be used for? If android.git.kernel.org is exists? === juicyjones|away is now known as juicyjones === Lexmazter is now known as Lexmazter|dead [15:42] Hello, i have small question, i heard something about daily builds of Ubuntu Touch, I helping with porting it on one tablet, is there something about the updates? some changelog? [15:42] George_: No change log for the dailys right now but there will be next week. [15:43] IReboot: Ok, thank you for answer _ [15:43] np [15:44] Anyone? Need help to unbrick my Gnex. Is stuck on Wating for device [15:59] Can anyone help me install Ubuntu touch on my Nexus 7 on Arch Linux? [16:00] popey, nothing ever pulls from there [16:01] ogra_: hah [16:01] hopkinskong, is the dir you run phablet-dev-bootstrap in clean ? [16:02] <[Mechanic]> hi all! [16:02] looks like hopkinskong is doing it in a directory that already has a pull of android in it ogra_ ? [16:03] also as root : S [16:03] thats my suspicion [16:03] right [16:03] our "repo" command is pulled from https://gerrit.googlesource.com/git-repo [16:03] not from kernel.org [16:04] yeah, and you shouldnt run as root [16:07] it is a blank folder [16:07] popey [16:07] thats weird [16:08] probably because you run as root ? no idea, it shouldnt pull from that source [16:09] still fail, i am using my own account (non-root) [16:10] it fetch the source from "kernel.org" [16:10] you obviously are root in the paste [16:10] i am running it here in a clean folder [16:10] and AFAIK, the Andoid source from "kernel.org" may shutdown since some times [16:10] i am running this: [16:10] su hopkins [16:10] mkdir android [16:10] cd android [16:11] phablet-dev-bootstrap ./ [16:11] i am in "hopkins" account now, not "root" [16:11] try itz one level up and with android as the option [16:11] i got the same error [16:11] ok [16:11] yeah, do phablet-dev-bootstrap android [16:11] not ./ [16:11] same, it fetches from kernel.org [16:12] been chugging away for 10 mins here [16:12] works fine here too [16:12] ah... what should i do [16:12] http://paste.ubuntu.com/5579597/ [16:13] clear out the android folder [16:13] and login cleanly [16:13] not as root [16:13] don't "su" to your user, do a clean login [16:13] OK [16:13] i will just close the terminal [16:13] also, you dont need to create the android folder [16:13] phablet-dev-bootstrap will do that [16:13] right [16:14] i.e. you're not actually following the instructions ;) [16:14] hi all, I'm trying to build ubuntu touch for the htc sensation [16:14] it stills get the repo from "git://android.git.kernel.org/tools/repo.git" [16:14] however, brunch fails with build/core/base_rules.mk:130: *** hardware/qcom/display/liblight: MODULE.TARGET.SHARED_LIBRARIES.lights.msm8660 already defined by device/htc/msm8660-common/liblights. Stop. [16:15] it just stuck there, with no errors [16:15] hopkinskong, you got phablet-dev-bootstrap from the PPA ? [16:15] ok, error. [16:15] and which ubuntu version are you on [16:15] http://paste.ubuntu.com/5579611/ [16:15] now, i pulled htc/msm8660-common since it was there in the cm.dependencies file for the sensation [16:15] hopkinskong: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5579612/ no mention of kernel.org [16:15] thats been running for some time [16:15] but there is this conflict [16:16] Does anyone have any clue as to the right way to resolve it? [16:16] popey, ogra_: i got phablet-dev-bootstrap with this:https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Install#Step_1_-_Desktop_Setup [16:16] I am running 12.04 LTS [16:16] agb2, cut past some where htc/msm.../liblight and try compile [16:17] hopkinskong, same here [16:17] But i am running within a VM [16:17] Using VMWare [16:17] if i run the command it properly pulls from https://gerrit.googlesource.com/git-repo [16:17] Tigrouzen, do you mean i should comment out that part in build/core/base_rules.mk? [16:17] weird... So what should i do? [16:18] ogra, here is the ubuntu syslog you asked for, if it can help with fixing network or wifi http://pastebin.com/vswpRsUa [16:18] no just move the folder in some temporary folder [16:18] hopkinskong: can you pastebin the output of apt-cache policy phablet-tools [16:18] popey, here u r: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5579621/ [16:19] same version as me.. odd [16:19] lol.. what happened to me [16:19] no funnyness in your /etc/hosts or dns config? [16:19] haha, wait let me check it [16:20] how to check dns config? [16:20] it is fine in hosts file. [16:20] i was hoping it would be something you would already know you did [16:20] ah? [16:21] ogra_: does gerrit load balance people around? [16:21] hopkinskong: what country are you in? [16:21] Hong Kong [16:21] Tigrouzen, or do you mean i should remove one version of the conflicting files? [16:22] agb2, liblight its an folder or file ? [16:22] https://groups.google.com/forum/?fromgroups=#!topic/repo-discuss/m34ydmyyIfs [16:22] seems probably dns load balancing [16:22] its sending you to the nearest mirror [16:23] ? [16:23] so.. [16:23] how can i enforce it use another server? [16:24] pass [16:24] Lloir, you online? [16:24] i'am now [16:24] sup [16:25] ..? [16:25] Tigrouzen, it is a folder containing a file lights.c and an Android.mk file. Which one should I overwrite? [16:26] * Lloir pokes TToivanen [16:26] Hey guys... [16:26] agb2, just move the folder on some other way for the moment ^^ move liblight folder from hardware [16:26] Anyone here to help me? [16:27] Tigrouzen, ok thanks, I will try it [16:27] Lloir, Did you try our fix? [16:27] kinda [16:27] i need to fix adb ;p [16:27] lol [16:27] I have an Samsung Galaxy Nexus i9250 and I would like to install Ubuntu Touch Developer Preview.... CAN ANYONE HELP ME? [16:27] pc aint picking up the phone so going to sort that out quickly [16:27] the gf dragged me out clothes shopping earlier [16:28] lucky me [16:29] optimus, hmm, what device is that ? looks like your wlan driver isnt there at all [16:29] ogra can you help me please? [16:30] i want to install ubuntu touch developer preview on my galaxy nexus i9250 [16:30] popey, what should i do? [16:30] i already have bootloader unlocked [16:31] tommy_cro, just follow https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Install [16:31] hopkinskong: sorry, i dont know, i would file a bug against the phablet tools so we can work around this [16:31] i downloaded all things i need... and in the end ehwn i type phablet-flash i get messeage: [16:31] hopkinskong: https://bugs.launchpad.net/phablet-tools [16:31] Error while excetuting adb shell getprop ro.cm.device Make sure the device is connected and viewable by running 'adb devices' Ensure you have a root device, one which running 'adb root' does not return an error [16:32] tommy_cro, and did you enable root access in the usb debugging settings yet ? [16:32] Lloir, it sometimes helps if you unplug the phone after flashing and plug out in only after it has booted to black screen [16:32] (step 3 in the instructions) [16:32] yes i did [16:33] first i had to press 7 times on my buld nuimber, then i got developer tools [16:33] in the menu [16:33] right, and there you enabled usb debugging and root access ? [16:33] i think i didi, i am just checking again [16:34] Helo guys [16:34] is it a 4.2.2 ? [16:34] TToivanen, nah it's not that, i fucked the ramdisk up [16:34] *messed [16:34] woops [16:34] no, my android is 4.1.2 [16:34] does anyone knows how to get GSM to work? [16:34] if so, note that you need to restart your adb server (as pointed out there) [16:34] sfrique_, read logs [16:34] sfrique_, should work by default with any SIM that has no PIN [16:34] and fix it then submit the fix to the correct place [16:34] ;) [16:35] (GSM calls) [16:35] Lloir, ok. I believe you'll figure it out by yourself. [16:35] :) [16:35] filled a bug report. [16:35] tommy_cro, well, then it shoudl just work, you see the device with "adb devices" ? [16:36] thanks hopkinskong [16:36] ogra_, it is not =/ [16:36] not it is going [16:36] Lloir, i will do.. where can i find logs? [16:37] i ran command: phablet-flash (without -b, my droid is 4.1.2) [16:37] popey, [16:37] i don't want to sound like an elitest arse, but if your going to run ubuntu DEV preview, at least know how to find the logs :/ [16:37] but my phone is not in recovery mode, it is in normal working mode and turned on... and the files arre copying on/sdcard/ [16:37] can i clone my self? instead of using phablet-dev-bootstrap? === jholtom|away is now known as jholtom [16:38] Lloir: if people can't find logs perhaps we need to better document how people can find them? [16:38] * Lloir sighs [16:38] just tell them how to fix everything for them at the same time? [16:38] how about flashing the devices for them too? [16:39] not really the "ubuntu way" ☺ [16:39] exactly [16:39] copying is completed, now my phone rebooted [16:39] i mean google is a stones throw away [16:39] it is asking me 'install untrusted package? [16:39] "how to find logs on ubuntu" [16:40] Lloir, already build it and got it running... jst did not look for logs at time... insted of looking it for, if you knew you could just tell where it was [16:40] now i didnt press anything but some blue line is loading... [16:40] slowly but still going [16:40] Lloir, RTFM isnt the ubuntu way of helping people ... [16:40] maybe some kind of auto install? [16:41] sfrique_, like in any ubuntu the logs are in /var/log/ in the ubuntu container ... for android logging you can use adb logcat [16:41] Lloir, porblem with that search is that is not phone specific... i know were logs are on linux.. maybe on phone it will be in a diferent location... maybe not even written... only got it from log buffer.. [16:42] ogra_, thanks! as i don't have it flashed rigth now.. i couldn't see if it has a /var/log folder [16:42] heh, how do you know GSM calls dont work if you dont have it flashed ? [16:42] i did flash it [16:42] ah [16:43] just to see it [16:43] and that time [16:43] i could not call or receive incommings calls [16:43] GSM data definitely doesnt yet ... but calls work if your SIM is PIN free [16:43] my SIM is PIN free but didn't work at the time [16:43] strange [16:44] i touch so [16:44] my phone says 'failed to open /sdcard/quantal-preinstalled-armel+maguro.zip' - no such file or directory [16:44] i am thinking in compile it again and test... thats why i want to know where the logs where saved === dawg is now known as dog === dog is now known as not_dog [16:45] now i have manually chosen to install from sdcard [16:46] ogra_, the GSM mostly like to be an cm problem or the ubuntu chroot? have any thoughts? [16:48] * not_dog was just trying to install Ubuntu on his spare Galaxy Nexus but pipped at the first hurdle with 404s on the repos - any pointers? - maybe I should go to xda-devs first... [16:48] AGAIN PROBLEM OGRA [16:48] Now the ubuntu is on, i turned on my phone [16:48] ogra, sry for the delay, device is lg p990 [16:48] bu i cant do anything [16:48] only one fixed pruple sreen [16:49] it sasy 4:48 pm and 14 tweets received [16:49] tommy_cro, try to get the unity panel === fenris is now known as Guest66346 [16:50] slide your finger from left to the midle right [16:50] tommy_cro, did it worked? [16:51] ii ll try reinstall [16:51] now i am installing the second package [16:51] quantal-preinstalled-phablet... [16:51] ok [16:52] on my phone it took a long time [16:52] it says' 'copying the ubuntu rootfs tarball...+ [16:52] i thougth it had gone wrong lol [16:52] it takes a lot of time [16:52] after it will say.. extracting the tarball [16:52] yes now it is extracting [16:53] wich phone? [16:53] popey, how do i do the commands manually? [16:54] and use desired server for pulling? [16:55] mounting user data [16:55] copying the ubuntu rootfs tarball [16:55] setting up... [16:55] cleaning up [16:55] install complete [16:57] nothing again [16:58] tommy_cro, sorry my network went down [16:58] after you said yes not it is extracting... [16:58] can I run regular ubuntu apps on touch? [16:59] it has installed but still nothing, just welcome screen [16:59] as long as the arch is the same? [16:59] and i cant do anything [16:59] s34n_, nops [16:59] s34n_, sorry i miss read [16:59] i read android apps hahaha [16:59] tommy_cro, can't get the unity panel? [17:00] sliding you finger from the edge left ? [17:00] no [17:00] for instance, daemons that don't need X? [17:00] i have purple screen with clock and in the middle it says 14 tweets [17:00] tommy_cro, what phone do you have? [17:00] it looks like some kind of welcome screen [17:01] yes [17:01] the 14 twets are dummy data [17:01] so, for example, something like nginx ... can that run on touch? [17:01] samsung galaxy nexus i9250 [17:01] tommy_cro, should be all working fine so.. [17:01] s34n_, don't know... [17:02] i ll try rebooting my phone [17:02] wait [17:02] slide your finger from left edge too the right edge [17:02] all the way [17:03] nnothing [17:03] Can you tap into normal ubuntu repos with Touch? [17:03] the carrier sign says searching... [17:03] seens the touch is not working [17:03] try get the notifications from top bar [17:03] i did it [17:04] nothing? [17:04] its working [17:04] but still no carrier [17:04] sfrique can u help me debug and fix wifi and network on my port on lg p990? logcat:http://pastebin.com/a0H94Uc2 ubuntu syslog:http://pastebin.com/vswpRsUa [17:04] your SIM is PIN free? [17:05] optimus, don't know that much.. but taking a look at the logs === s34n_ is now known as s34n [17:05] tommy_cro, so the touch is working? [17:05] thanks :) [17:06] yes, but it looks like it is very slow [17:06] tommy_cro, give it a little time [17:06] optimus, whats does the wifi says? [17:06] that there are no networks? o [17:07] yes, "empty!" [17:07] its at the pull down in the status bar right? [17:08] what's the best way to make an image of my nexus 7 so that I can return it back to its current state after I play with Ubuntu Touch? [17:08] says "empty!" when pulled down [17:08] a litlepull donw and moving to right or left to get wireless [17:08] hello, while porting to Xperia Neo V with "brunch haida", I got this error: frameworks/av/services/audioflinger/AudioPolicyService.cpp:1571:5: sorry, unimplemented: non-trivial designated initializers not supported frameworks/av/services/audioflinger/AudioPolicyService.cpp:1571:5: sorry, unimplemented: non-trivial designated initializers not supported frameworks/av/services/audioflinger/AudioPolicyService.cpp:1571:5: sorry, unimp [17:09] yes, says "empty!" [17:09] hmm [17:09] let see [17:09] anyone know how to mount the SD card over usb? [17:09] does anybody know how to fix this? Thanks [17:09] optimus, on the ubuntu root shell [17:09] run # ifconfig [17:10] Hello, is there a way to intall Ubuntu Touch on my Nexus 7 or Nexus 4 without having to erease the whole thing? I want to be able to keep my backups so I can restore from recovery, even if I have to re-flash recovery too. [17:10] move your backups to a PC first [17:11] ok [17:12] What about the flaseable zips that are around. Are those updated daily or were they not even official? I was able to keep my data with those. [17:15] sfrique, ifconfig produces output: Warning: cannot open /proc/net/dev (No such file or directory). Limited output. [17:15] serique, where are the ssettings? [17:15] optimus, i am trying to see wich wifi card does you phone have! [17:15] tommy_cro, the setings are from top bar... you pull a litle and them move to left or right! [17:16] optimus, i don't knwo for sure if this command sould work on touch... on linux it should give a list of network devices [17:16] where can i set ringtone? [17:17] yes on linux it usually does that [17:18] but not here [17:18] i cant call anyone... [17:18] optimus, that is the problem, i am not sure did not say because we are on touch... or because you have no devices! [17:19] tommy_cro, are you SIM PIN free? [17:19] tommy_cro, on my device it did'nt work also [17:19] no [17:20] it didnt ask me to enter my pin [17:20] sfrique__, this is what ogra__ said: "looks like your wlan driver isnt there at all" [17:21] optimus, i am looking for something at the logs that says it could not load the drivers === juicyjones is now known as juicyjones|away [17:21] ok [17:21] tommy_cro, Only work if your SIM IS PIN free. [17:22] as you PIN is not SIM free, you can't get GSM.. [17:23] optimus, look for sys/devices/virtual/net/ on you rlog [17:24] the network says it cant find a device [17:24] Can one point me to the code, where GSM and SIM and so is handled? I would like to give it a shot [17:25] optimus, i guess your kernel are not loading the wifi modules... not sure [17:26] sys/devices/virtual/net has the following: dummy0 gre0 ip6tnl0 lo sit0 tunl0 vsnet0 vsnet1 vsnet2 vsnet3 [17:26] i hope my backup will work... [17:27] optimus, but in the lgs it says [17:27] "couldn't determine device driver" [17:27] for any of those devices [17:27] did you extrat the blob files? === jholtom is now known as jholtom|away [17:28] before compile the ubuntu touch? [17:28] it got extracted while running ./extract.sh before building right? [17:28] yes [17:29] before compile [17:29] yes [17:29] well [17:29] sorry [17:29] don't know how to help anymore [17:29] lol [17:30] ok np, any idea about network or touch buttons? [17:30] conclusion: ubuntu touch on my samsun i6250 nexus is very slow, but this is developer preview. i will install first official release for wich i hope wont be as slpw as this preview [17:30] @i9250 [17:30] optimus, you are saying gsm network? [17:30] p990 is a gsm phone, so yes [17:31] not working also? Are you SIM PIN free? [17:31] yes [17:32] basically, nothing apart from touchscreen is working :P [17:32] on my phone i did not get nwtrok also.. but i did not look why [17:32] when you said though buttons what is not working? [17:33] I'd like to announce the first alpha of WhatsApp for Ubuntu phone. Project members needed! https://lists.launchpad.net/ubuntu-phone/msg00658.html [17:33] there are 4 capacitive buttons below the screen for back,home,menu, search [17:34] ohh [17:34] ubuntu os doesnt support buttons right? [17:34] i see [17:34] my device did work also [17:34] which device do u have? [17:34] when touched they turn on but didn't do anything [17:34] yes [17:35] galaxy S B [17:35] optimus, i guess they didn't write any code for te buttons yet [17:36] ok [17:37] well [17:37] i am gonna go now [17:37] if network and wifi worked, it could have been half usable, thats why i was trying to fix those 2 first [17:37] yes [17:37] if i get the network to work on my [17:37] i can use it for maybe a few days [17:37] thanks for your time and help! [17:38] what help? lol [17:38] if at least i did help lol [17:38] i am gonna try and recompile kernel with some changes now [17:39] to see if the new module helps [17:40] optimus, good idea [17:40] ttyl [17:40] bye [17:41] bye === juicyjones|away is now known as juicyjones [17:54] Hello, while compiling with brunch haida, I got this error: [17:54] frameworks/av/services/audioflinger/AudioPolicyService.cpp:1571:5: sorry, unimplemented: non-trivial designated initializers not supported [17:54] frameworks/av/services/audioflinger/AudioPolicyService.cpp:1571:5: sorry, unimplemented: non-trivial designated initializers not supported [17:54] frameworks/av/services/audioflinger/AudioPolicyService.cpp:1571:5: sorry, unimplemented: non-trivial designated initializers not supported [17:54] frameworks/av/services/audioflinger/AudioPolicyService.cpp:1571:5: warning: missing initializer for member [17:54] 'audio_policy_service_ops::open_input_on_module' [-Wmissing-field-initializers] [17:54] make: *** [/home/daniel/xperia/out/target/product/haida/obj/SHARED_LIBRARIES/libaudioflinger_intermediates/AudioPolicyService.o] Fehler 1 [17:54] Can anybody help, pleas? [17:55] Question, is it okay to just flash the boot, recovey and system images for Ubuntu Touch? [17:55] I did that and I get a black screen. I dont know how much I should wait before trying somethign else [17:56] anyone think of trying this on another samsung phone?> [18:08] sfrique__, just to let u know, that didnt work :P [18:22] having some trouble adding repo in LMDE [18:25] i am somewhat n00bish to Debian so I need help on how to add a deb file to /etc/sources [18:28] p8triot you need the ppa [18:28] then you can add it to sources [18:29] then update and install [18:29] I tried [18:29] "W: Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/phablet-team/tools/ubuntu/dists/[dist-codename]/main/source/Sources 404 Not Found" [18:29] that's what I got when I manually added the deb files to /etc/apt/sources.list [18:30] hey, it seems that most core stuff is in python (like libindicate), but there are no python bindings for qt5, so I cannot create my application in python. How do I use libindicate then? [18:32] p8triot, you have to replace the "[dist-codename]" with the codneme of your distribution, for example "quantal" or "raring". [18:33] you can find your codename by typing "cat /etc/lsb-release into your Terminal/Console" [18:35] that's probably it [18:35] standby [18:36] DISTRIB_ID=LinuxMint DISTRIB_RELEASE=1 DISTRIB_CODENAME=debian DISTRIB_DESCRIPTION="Linux Mint Debian Edition" [18:36] so just "debian"? [18:39] no, launchpad only provides packages for Ubuntu, but because ubuntu is debian-based, I think, that you can enter "raring", the newest distribution. [18:43] @DanWin this is what it returned........."W: Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/phablet-team/tools/ubuntu/dists/debian/main/source/Sources 404 Not Found" [18:44] maybe this isn't even possible under debian? [18:44] it looks like it was compiled for "ubuntu" [18:44] p8triot, yes, launchpad only provides packages for Ubuntu, but because ubuntu is debian-based, I think, that you can enter "raring", the newest distribution of ubuntu, this should work. [18:44] let me try [18:45] @DanWin....this is what it returned after ........"W: GPG error: http://ppa.launchpad.net raring Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 5C5364B55E51A24C" [18:50] p8triot, this error occures, because you haven't imported the signature for this archive [18:52] how do I import it? [18:52] hni [18:52] hi [18:52] welcome [18:52] can somebody help? just installed ubuntu-touch on my nx7 [18:53] but the touchscreen not working [18:54] any ideas? [18:55] <[Mechanic]> Hi all, does anybody here install ubintu touch at SGS3? ;) [18:55] @DanWin how do I import that signature? [18:55] <[Mechanic]> *ubuntu [18:55] I don't think GS3 is compatible [18:55] emphasis on *think* [18:57] you could check here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Devices [18:58] the answer is, it's not compatible [18:58] <[Mechanic]> hmmm... [18:59] @p8triot the esiest way of importing is by "sudo add-apt-repository ppa:phablet-team/tools" but this is an automated script, that maybe doesent work on debian, but give it a try [19:01] File "/usr/bin/add-apt-repository", line 65, in if not sp.add_source_from_line(line): File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/softwareproperties/SoftwareProperties.py", line 630, in add_source_from_line (deb_line, file) = expand_ppa_line(line.strip(), self.distro.codename) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/softwareproperties/ppa.py", line 47, in expand_ppa_line sourceslistd = apt_pkg.Config.find_dir [19:01] maybe I should just virtual box it and install ubuntu === rukin5197 is now known as rukin5197|afk [19:04] That is, what I mean, I dont know exatly how to imort this key in debian, but there is a solution for it, I know that. [19:07] hmmm....intriguing thank you anyways for you assistance [19:14] @p8triot I found out, that you have to run this command: "sudo gpg --ignore-time-conflict --no-options --no-default-keyring --secret-keyring /etc/apt/secring.gpg --trustdb-name /etc/apt/trustetdb.gpg --keyring /etc/apt/trustetdb.gpg --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv 450954F09BE10B09A9CEA0AE5C5364B55E51A24C" === Lloir is now known as Lloir|work [19:23] let me try [19:24] gpg: keyring `/etc/apt/secring.gpg' created gpg: keyring `/etc/apt/trustetdb.gpg' created gpg: requesting key 5E51A24C from hkp server keyserver.ubuntu.com gpg: 0: read expected rec type 1, got 152 gpg: fatal: /etc/apt/trustetdb.gpg: invalid trustdb secmem usage: 1408/1408 bytes in 2/2 blocks of pool 1408/32768 [19:28] hmm, at first I got the same error, after using add-apt-repository I retried it and it worked, just retrie and see, if it workes, if not, I don't know a solution for it. === salem_ is now known as _salem [19:33] Ubuntu Phone on Note 2 youtube . com/watch?v=GDwJ6rmkE90 [19:34] this is what it returned...."gpg: requesting key 5E51A24C from hkp server keyserver.ubuntu.com gpg: key 5E51A24C: "Launchpad PPA for Ubuntu Phablet Team" not changed gpg: Total number processed: 1 gpg: unchanged: 1" [19:36] Ok, i think, that the importing worked, try updating the packagelist with "sudo apt-get update" [19:38] "W: GPG error: http://ppa.launchpad.net raring Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 5C5364B55E51A24C" [19:45] Anyone here :)? [19:46] Where the hell do I find the files to download+ [19:47] Myhrmans, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Install [19:47] well where are the files? [19:47] I most be blind [19:52] Myhrmans: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Install#Step_1_-_Desktop_Setup [19:52] Myhrmans: you need to add the repositories and then you can install the files using apt-get. [19:53] ah okey. Im used to download files, transfer them over to my cellphone [19:53] then flash them direcly on my phone :) [19:53] Ain't that possible? [19:55] the phablet-flash script takes care of that (+downloading) for you, but you approach should work also [19:56] p8triot, I don't know how to fix this, the key is listed two times, maybe you have to retry, but I don't think that this helps, maybe anotherone knows a solution for this. === corne_away is now known as corne [20:00] Myhrmans: here is a description how to do it from Windows http://askubuntu.com/questions/259720/how-to-flash-a-phone-or-a-tablet-with-ubuntu-touch-developer-preview-from-window [20:01] Myhrmans: it has links to files you need if you don't want to use the phablet scripts [20:02] hi there, I've been going through the docs bout couldn't find an answer to this - is it possible to run the touch version of Unity on a regular Ubuntu workstation? [20:07] .join #ubuntu [20:13] Evening people. I hope you folks don't mind the noobness, but I am trying to learn how to port the OS over. I'm at a loss in the part of enabling a new device. [20:22] @teichopsia, at first you have to go to http://wiki.cyanogenmod.org/w/Devices and search for your device, when you find your device there, I can guide you a little bit. [20:23] hi is it possible to start a xserver to view graphic of native xapplication on phone? [20:27] @Danwin - it's the inspire4g/desire hd. There isn't an official CM10.1 for the device. However, we do have a a couple of dev's working on it and they work well. I'm planning using those as base. [20:27] and thanks :) [20:28] http://wiki.cyanogenmod.org/w/Ace_Info === juicyjones is now known as juicyjones|away [20:31] Is there a way to keep the home folder when flashing a new image? [20:35] @teichopsia, have you already downloaded the sources for the android layer with "phablet-dev-bootstrap directory/"? [20:37] If yes, you have to add "" into your directory/.repo/manifes.xml [20:37] and you have to add "" to it. [20:39] Yes. I followed all the steps from the porting guide. I'm stuck on the part of enabling a new device ---- Alrighty. As soon as I find the .repo/manifest.xml :) [20:41] if you can not see the .repo/manifest.xml, you may have to check an option to show hidden files. [20:47] it's going to take me a while to find it - that is, if I did all the previous steps correctly. Give me a few. === rsalveti_ is now known as rsalveti === Ursinha_ is now known as Ursinha === juicyjones|away is now known as juicyjones [20:50] @teichopsia, to change the directory in the terminal you have to type "cd dirctory/.repo/" and then, to edit the manifest.xml file, you can type "nano manifest.xml" [20:58] * not_dog found why he got 404 with the repos [20:59] @DanWin, thanks for the help. I can't find the file so I'm going to retrace my steps. [21:01] I'd hacked my workstation about, flipping between Mint and Ubuntu without re-install - so the /etc/apt/sources.list.d file mentioned "maya" - I changed that to "precise" and it's working fine. [21:01] @teichopsia Ok, when you can't find the file, you haven't downloaded the needed files with "phablet-dev-bootstrap" or the download hasn't started, this one of the first files that is downloaded. [21:02] <[Mechanic]> /join #ubuntu-app-devel [21:02] <[Mechanic]> sorry [21:04] @Darwin I believe I know where my mistake is. When I copied "phablet-dev-bootstrap [target_directory]" into the terminal I copied it as is. [21:05] Ah, you have to change the "target_directory" into whatever you like. :D [21:05] :D found it. [21:08] when you found your manifest.xml, you can append and just before the and restart "phablet-dev-bootstrap", to download the files specifically for your device. [21:10] hello i installed ubuntu touch following instructions for getting it to work w/ MultiRom, however after rebooting to load Ubuntu Touch i get a black screen [21:10] it is accessible via adb as it is connected via usb [21:10] any help would be appreaciated [21:14] @DanWin - added those lines manually as I am not profecient enough with the terminal (as you probably already noticed). How do I restart "phablet-dev-bootstrap" ------ I really appreciate the walkthrough but at the same time I hate being a burden. If there is a guide or a series of guides I can follow to do what's needed, I'll read them. [21:15] jjesse, sounds like its probably a missing display driver or something like that. What device is it? Is the screen lit, or just off? [21:19] @teichopsia, you have to start "phablet-dev-bootstrap -c [target_directory]", the -c stands for resume/continue the download and [target_directory] is the directory to that you downloaded before [21:21] can QTCreator be run on a tablet? [21:22] I got "fatal: Invalid gitfile format: /home/teichopsia/UbuntuPort/.repo/repo/.git/clone.bundle fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly remote: Counting objects: 500, done remote: Finding sources: 100% (4/4) remote: Total 4 (delta 2), reused 4 (delta 2) Unpacking objects: 100% (4/4), done. From https://gerrit.googlesource.com/git-repo" well, it's downloading. No need to worry about the first part? [21:25] where did you add the lines, you have to add these lines under and before the last line, maybe you added these lines outside this range and only these lines are passed? [21:30] I had added them at the very bottom under the last " and [21:30] which I just did. Haven't saved it as it's still downloading in the terminal. [21:33] both should work fine, when downlad finished, just retry and see what happens. [21:37] hi [21:37] ha someone managed to compile the demo code for ubuntu touch? I'm having big troubles [21:38] "import Ubuntu.Components 0.1" is red underlined, I guess it is not found === juicyjones is now known as juicyjones|away [21:42] Will do. [21:46] Hello! I'm porting Ubuntu Touch to the Samsung Galaxy Player 5.0 using the porting guide, but I've run into a problem- I'm stuck o a black screen after reboot, even when I reflash. Could anyone help me with this? [21:56] @DanWin, ran it a second time and no error messages. [22:03] @teichopsia, now you have to download the newest build of cyogenmod and either flash it onto your device and run a script to extract the needed binary files or manually extract the files into the right directory. You can download it at http://download.cyanogenmod.org/?type=nightly&device=ace [22:06] DanWin, assuming you have cyogenmod installed on your device, is there a script that will load ubuntu touch that way? [22:11] @Hello MissB - any chance that you know how to extract the needed binary files from cyanogenMod? [22:11] agb2 sorry for the delay had something i had to take care of [22:11] this is on a nexus7 [22:12] agb2, nexus 7 running MultiRom [22:12] i have full access via adb [22:13] tei, I just used the ones from Mustaavalkosta's repo [22:13] find the stuff with /vendor [22:14] yeah, not too sure how to get that done. Can you point me in the right direction? [22:14] sure. one sec [22:15] ok, found the android_vendor_cm/ [22:17] yeah, that an vendor_htc_ace and vendor_pizza [22:17] and the qcoms [22:19] @teichopsia, now you have to download the newest build of cyogenmod and either flash it onto your device and run a script to extract the needed binary files or manually extract the files into the right directory. You can download it at http://download.cyanogenmod.org/?type=nightly&device=ace [22:20] @DanWin - just copy them into the XML file once done? @MissB, copy all of the info under those folders? [22:21] i put in in repo [22:21] in the manifest.xml [22:21] but do what danwin says...he probably knows better tha nme [22:21] if i follow: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/ReleaseNotes#AdbAccess shouldn't i be able to su - phablet? [22:22] when i do that it tells me i'm missing a .dbus-session [22:22] Is there any HTC One S users around? [22:22] @teichopsia, when downloaded, you have to go into the device/htc/ace folder and open the extract-files.sh in a texteditor. [22:24] hmmm.... @MissB, can you pm me all the files? I'm looking at the git and I have no idea what I'm looking at. [22:24] then, in terminal type "cd device/htc/ace" to get to the right dirctory [22:26] @DanWin, let me see if I got this right. Once I have the binaries, I go over to "extract-files.sh" and copy them over there? [22:29] yes, you can either flash it onto your device and run the "extract-files.sh" or open the "extract-files.sh" file and replace every $MANUFACTURER with htc and every $DEVICE whith acd and copy every single file to the targeted directory [22:31] so the first line you need would be "mkdir -p ../../../vendor/$MANUFACTURER/$DEVICE/proprietary", this has to be run from the device/htc/ace directory, or you also have to edit the path. [22:33] after running this, you should have a directory "vendor/htc/ace/proprietary", go to it and create the folders and files given in the "extract-files.sh" from the downloaded file into this path. [22:37] DanWin, is that still going to work if CM doesn't have a CM10.1 on that phone? [22:37] the latest one is CM7. [22:38] Hello, I've a black screen on my GNexus after Ubuntu Touch installation by Ubuntu desktop [22:39] I used CM10 and almost everything worked, later I got some errors while compiling and I'm still investigating, but I don't know if CM7 will work, just give it a try and you'll know it. [22:42] @DanWin, you are a champ. I'm going to ask MissB (bananagranola) to help me with those steps and I'll try to get the rest done. If anything, would you mind if I ask? === [SLB]` is now known as [SLB] [22:44] @teichopsia, No problem, I'm ofline later, just ask again when I'm online tomorow, I'll go to bed in a few minutes. [22:46] Sleep well and thanks again. [22:47] Thanks. [23:01] hello, back from yesterday, i have nexus7 gps and tried to mount with -grouper, but though the device is unlocked, adb makes problems [23:01] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13089694/adb-remount-permission-denied-but-able-to-access-super-user-in-shell-android [23:01] adbd cannot run as root in production builds [23:02] the link says, the image file needs to be adjusted [23:02] can you do that? plz [23:02] compile as userdebug or eng [23:02] and then adbd will be able to run as root [23:02] how? [23:03] compile the image? [23:03] adbd is in the kernel/boot.img afaik [23:03] can you provide that , so that the command: phablet-flash -d grouper works? [23:04] that'd be something the ubuntu folks would need to do [23:04] or, you'd have to compile it yourself [23:05] cannot do this [23:05] man, i invested 300 euro in this tablet to get ubuntu on it [23:06] and i should not have taken 3g [23:06] maybe it is due to the upgrade i made to 4.22 [23:07] why is the bootloader fixed, while the device unlock says it is ready, and the images can be pushed., only adb not [23:07] Pushing /home/tablet/Downloads/phablet-flash/95/quantal-preinstalled-phablet-armhf.zip to /sdcard/ 848 KB/s (504219641 bytes in 580.617s) [23:07] Pushing /home/tablet/Downloads/phablet-flash/95/quantal-preinstalled-armel+grouper.zip.md5sum to /sdcard/ 1 KB/s (73 bytes in 0.061s) [23:08] Pushing /home/tablet/Downloads/phablet-flash/95/quantal-preinstalled-phablet-armhf.zip.md5sum to /sdcard/ 1 KB/s (73 bytes in 0.055s) [23:08] and then: adbd cannot run as root in production builds [23:10] Does anyone know if there has been any change in the mwc-demo of phablet-armhf and the daily-prebuilts from the 2nd of march? [23:11] hello [23:11] Just dropped Ubuntu Touch onto my Galaxy Nexus GSM; very nice. I'm really excited for a full dev. [23:20] hi all, someone knows the name of the service corresponding to the video server for ubuntu touch ? i have a p3110 that is booting but shows a black screen... i wanted to try to restart the display server to see if the screen would come alive [23:25] palladium: great :) [23:26] fuzzy_: I don't have a device at hand, but iirc you can restart ubuntu-session [23:28] So is Phablet being developed solely by the OS community or with Canonical developers leading the charge? [23:29] t1mp: what do you mean by "iirc" [23:29] ? [23:37] hi there [23:37] tigrouzen are u here? [23:38] Do you think there is a way tu use UT with out usb plugged?, [23:43] fuzzy_: if I recall correctly [23:43] oh k :) [23:49] am I alone? [23:50] no [23:51] lol thx ;) [23:51] Mr robot! [23:52] hi [23:53] So plp please I need to enable wifi on HTC One X [23:53] maybe someone of you solved this pb on his device.. [23:57] Hey [23:58] hi [23:58] Does installing Ubuntu touch on a Nexus device wipe the custom recovery (for example Clockwork mod)? [23:58] i'm not alone :) [23:58] Hey, someone encountered this: I can call QML signals handlers from C++, but the C++ does not get any return value from QML (type is QString)? [23:58] Haha, wow :)