
wrstha you thought I had discovered something00:07
RagnarokAngelor were just maniacal00:21
wrstthat could be... you believed my first story so I'm sticking with it00:29
RagnarokAngelso this playstation 4 is going to be an x86_64 with an eight core APU00:33
RagnarokAngelwhy does it come with a controller instead of a keyboard?00:34
chris4585because it is a console00:36
chris4585well its sony's way of saying we were stupid when they went with cell00:37
RagnarokAngeldefinitely right there00:37
RagnarokAngelHow much are these expected to cost?00:37
chris4585not to mention 8gbs of gddr5 ram00:38
chris4585they haven't said, but most people are assuming $350 - $45000:38
RagnarokAngelis there anything comparable at that price range for that much processing power?00:38
chris4585eh, well the cpu with it is clocked at like 1.6ghz per core or something similar to that, but they will have 8gbs of gddr5 ram I believe00:40
RagnarokAngelyeah, wikipedia says the same about 8gbs of gddr500:42
* RagnarokAngel noticed his clockspeed is 1.73ghz for 2 cores.00:45
chris45853.4ghz quadcore here00:56
chris4585eventually I'm looking at that fx 8350 8core :)00:56
Unit193Mind compiling something for me then?  OOMKiller just took out the compile. :P00:56
chris4585Unit193, 86_64?00:57
chris4585I could if you really wanted00:57
Unit193That's what I just tried, but ideally i386.  I've got a pentium D that has enough ram/swap, just takes a while (and failed last time. :P )00:58
Unit193chris4585: Kidding, but thanks a lot!00:58
chris4585ah, I have plenty of ram too, lol I rarely get 45% of my 16gbs :<00:58
RagnarokAngelI'm getting myself a new computer for christmas00:59
chris4585oh nice01:00
RagnarokAngelbecause I'd like to have a problem not being able to use all my ram.01:00
chris4585its a nice problem to have01:00
chris4585ram is pretty cheap these days, for 16gbs of ram you can get for $70 - $8001:01
Unit193But the RAM being the best thing in the computer isn't the best feeling. :P01:01
chris4585lol true01:01
RagnarokAngelif it wasn't for the ssd that I put in this ageing laptop I wouldn't be able to keep using it01:01
chris4585ah, I'm looking to buy an SSD eventually, I just got my job so it wont be too long now01:02
RagnarokAngeleven on this old hardware I boot up to login in under 3 seconds01:03
RagnarokAngelI should actually time that and not throw numbers around01:03
chris4585nice, I kind of did a cheap upgrade, for $24 I bought a 16gb usb3 flash drive for my root partition, and I boot up rather quickly and everything loads, etc.. it takes maybe 3 seconds to shutdown01:04
chris4585with that setup I think it takes maybe 15 - 20 seconds to boot, but that includes my bios01:04
RagnarokAngelmy friend had a fast boot bios and I was always impressed with his SSD boot times01:08
chris4585yeah those are nice01:08
chris4585but mine is fast enough right now I don't mind, my computer is already on by the time I put on socks and shirt in the morning and off by the time I stand up at night to unplug it01:09
chris4585good enough for me lol01:09
* cyberanger has a clockspeed of 4.0 Ghz for 8 cores02:16
cyberangerand 32GB of DDR3 RAM02:16
cyberangersomething tells me when I do get my GPU, I'll still have a PS4 killer02:16
cyberangeroh, and I do wind up using 75% of that 32GB02:17
chris4585cyberanger, I ended up buying a gtx 660 ftw signature edition from EGVA02:26
chris4585its a killer and does exactly what I wanted02:26
cyberangernice, I'm thinking lower end, but with a ton of outputs02:27
cyberangerlike AMD/ATI's Eyefiniti series02:27
chris4585well 7850 is relatively cheap02:33
chris4585for the bang02:33
cyberangerI kinda want to grab six monitors, set them up in 2x3 grid02:34
cyberangertop three are displays, one on the left, network traffic, one on the right processes, middle tied to a camera or six02:35
cyberangerbottom three for work02:35
cyberangerchris4585: questions or just a "I'm Crazy" look?03:06
chris4585just a lot of monitors03:07
chris4585I only like one monitor03:07
cyberangerwell, typically so do I, but this is gonna be for managing enough servers, the real estate is worth it03:07
cyberangerI think it's wound up to be 20 servers now03:11
wrsthello chris458522:23
* wrst says hello an hour late22:23
chris4585wrst, hi22:24
wrsthaving a good Saturday chris4585 ?22:26
chris4585its saturday?22:29
chris4585lol what22:29
chris4585doesn't feel like it22:29
chris4585I guess so, worked today, am tired now22:29
chris4585wrst, you?22:51
wrstchris4585: i was waiting on chinese, now home, have eaten so i'm fat and happy :)23:34
chris4585sounds good23:35
chris4585haven't had chinese in a long time23:35

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