
ev0lveBen64: correct00:00
Ben64now its copying 4 bytes at a time00:00
panorainBen64 upper case matters in this situation?00:00
Ben64ev0lve: you're the one that said 400:00
Ben64panorain: yes00:00
ev0lveBen64: i said you are right/correct.00:00
Q17yea grime tools for backtrack 5r300:00
grimepanorain, it was bs=4M;sync00:00
LiceAloa :)00:00
grimepanorain, uppercase M00:01
packetfrogLice: do not get to close   i hate lice :(00:01
panoraingrime its still copying .iso00:01
panoraingrime do I need to repartition again or try it?00:02
* Lice shows fangs!00:02
unheedinghow would i make a script to log the user out?00:02
unheedingi'm using a wm without a menu00:02
grimepanorain, spelling is crucial in cli................your fine but its gonna take a while00:02
bekkspanorain: Copying 4bytes at a time will takes ages for finishing.00:02
panoraingrime ok00:02
Ben64if it's to a flash drive it could be bad for it00:02
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panorainbekks 4M is megabytes 4m is bytes?00:02
Ben644m didn't work, remember?00:02
bekkspanorain: 4M is 4 megabytes, 4m isnt defined., 4 is 4.00:03
panorainbekks ok i'm going to repartition and start again00:03
Ben64don't need to partition if you're just using dd to overwrite it00:03
bekkspanorain: You dont hace to repartition. Just cancel that command, and use 4M instead 4.00:04
Liceokay I've a tiny little problem that is propably easyer solved then i think. I'm trying to put 12.10 on a 2012 MBP (1 version before the retina one) now I have refi and can boot the live USB's boot buuut once I get further the screen gets black nothing happens aside from the funky ubuntu-sound. I tried adding the nouvoue thingy to the grub kernel line but didn't help either I get some output if I rmove quite and spash but still it free00:04
grimeBen64, think you can help out Q17 i dont know much about that00:04
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Ben64grime: whats a q1700:04
grimeBen64 a user who needs help00:04
grimeQ17, can you ask Ben64 he might be able to help more than me00:05
panorainbekks I restarted copying now with the bs=4M input string00:05
grimepanorain, you should be fine now00:06
Angel0912can i ask if ubuntu would detect a overclock or use stock clock?00:06
panoraingrime 790 MB copied00:06
grimepanorain, now your done....it should boot no problem00:06
Q17ben64 looking for some kool tools - am playing around with bt 5 r300:06
panoraingrime is there a way to now check the transfer to verify before rebooting?00:07
Ben64Q17: should ask in #backtrack-linux we don't support it here00:07
grimethanks Ben6400:07
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grimepanorain, safely remove the drive then reinsert check the contents00:08
panoraingrime sudo fdisk yields /dev/sdc1 boot *  system Hidden HPFS/NTFS00:10
grimepanorain, your good.........just restart and you should get your the installer00:11
panoraingrime I will prepare for reboot on the machine now00:11
Ben64what image were you writing?00:11
panorainBen64 I am writing a 12.10 .iso image00:12
Ben64shouldn't come up as ntfs00:12
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Catbuntuwrong channel00:13
panoraingrime I am now booting into what looks like 12.10 installer  Thank you00:15
InFlamesis there a site for extensions for unity? like for instance, i am looking for a lamp stack menu00:15
panorainBen64 thank you also I am a noob00:15
Ben64panorain: thats cool, we all were at some point00:15
panorainBen64 I really like usb booting instead of cd this is my second .iso boot from usb00:16
Ben64yeah usb is nice, saves on blank cds too00:16
panorainBen64 I agree00:17
grimepanorain, welcome00:17
panoraingrime should I tick install this 3rd party software?00:17
grimepanorain, yeah00:18
grimeBen64 are you always logged in?00:19
panoraini'll be back in a bit this place is great help00:19
grimeBen64 may i ask why00:19
Ben64why not?00:19
grimepanorain, go for it00:19
codephobichas anyone here found the nautilus status bar indicating the wrong amount of free space left, on directories that are shared over samba?00:19
grimeBen64 i was just curious if there was a specific reason00:20
codephobicI'm not sure if this is specific to Ubuntu 12.1000:20
Ben64grime: dunno00:20
codephobicor whether it's specific to debian (the samba file server) or whether it is a random quirk.00:20
grimecodephobic, sounds more like a nautilus thing.....but im not sure00:21
codephobicgrime, I've had samba shared folders connected before, from windows machines, but the status bar's never been quirky before.00:21
codephobicI googled, but found nothing useful either.00:22
grimecodephobic, you running ubuntu tho right?00:22
grimeBen64, what do you think?00:22
grimeerktest, yo00:22
codephobicgrim yes, 12.1000:23
codephobicsamba file server (debian squeeze), samba (cifs) client (ubuntu 12.10)00:23
grimecodephobic, when did it go goofy00:24
codephobicsince I got the debian server to share files with this ubuntu00:24
airlynxCan anyone help me understand why I get drastically different results running the same benchmarks on the same computer between Ubuntu vs. Windows?  This is the Windows result: http://browser.primatelabs.com/geekbench2/view/1707862  and this is the Ubuntu result: http://browser.primatelabs.com/geekbench2/view/170833800:24
codephobicpreviously, I was running a windows 7 machine hosting the same disks, but decided I wanted something much faster and I could do what little I needed in windows in a vm.00:25
Ben64airlynx: because their linux version sucks?00:25
grimecodephobic, hhmmm how did you install it00:26
codephobicI hooked up the systems yesterday, didn't notice the non-shifting "5.3GB" in the nautilus status bar until I deleted a big file from a folder and nothing changed.00:26
airlynxThe biggest thing I can tell is that the Linux version says 1 processor, 2 cores, 4 threads, whereas the Windows version says 1 processor, 4 cores00:26
codephobicgrim, pretty standard way, installed (apt-get install ...) Samba server, samba client, cifs utils, nfs utils (wasn't sure what method to go with initially) ...00:27
codephobicconfigured the samba stuff in smb.conf...00:27
codephobicnothing unusual there, as far as I can figure.00:27
codephobicset up auto mount in fstab00:27
grimecodephobic, alright so no unusual stuff....it works tho right?00:27
codephobicyep, works pretty much as I expected00:28
packetfrogHey   where do you choose your session type on login screen with lightdm?00:28
airlynxCan anyone suggest a better/more accurate cross-platform benchmark tool?00:28
darkhelmet46Hey guys, I have a 3rd party .deb installed.  How can I find where the config files are?00:28
bekksairlynx: Better than...?00:29
airlynxbekks: better than geekbench00:29
codephobicmaybe a little disappointing in terms of movie playback, the files felt a little more responsive when the windows machine was serving over samba.00:29
grimecodephobic, so the only thing is that the memory displays something else?00:29
bekksairlynx: I never even heard of geekbench.00:29
airlynxbekks: do you have one you would suggest?00:29
Ben64benchmarks don't really matter anyway00:29
grimepacketfrog, bottom panel?00:30
codephobicgrime,  yep ... just a slight niggle, I'm sure, but best to try and find out why and whether or not there's something more to it.00:30
Ben64or if you really care, run the same one in the same OS on different computers00:30
bekksairlynx: Besides the irrelevance of cross platform benchmarks - what do you want to benchmark in particular?00:30
panoraingrime should I tick the Encrypt the new Ubuntu installation for security box?00:30
airlynxbekks: I just want to be sure my new computer is faster than my old one, lol, and I wasn't sure if Ubuntu was utilizing the quad-core processor correctly00:31
bekksairlynx: Just take a look at "cat /proc/cpuinfo" - if you can see four cores, Ubuntu will use them.00:31
grimepanorain, if you want that one is your choice00:31
grimecodephobic, seems like theres a bug with using nautilus and samba together00:32
panoraingrime for a home user would I be best suited to leave the encrypt box unticked?00:32
airlynxbekks: okay, thank you, maybe I'll stop messing around with benchmarks now00:32
grimepanorain, i usually leave it un-ticked00:33
panoraingrime ok00:33
panoraingrime I am going to use the entire 320.1 GB drive for 12.1000:33
panoraingrime does this seem correct or a larger swap file?00:34
grimecodephobic, im reading report of people getting error messages without being a actually being errors00:34
grimepanorain, thats fine unless your dual booting within the same hd00:34
codephobicgrime, that's ominous, I've not experienced any (so far).00:35
panoraingrime ok00:35
KatronixHi all, if you want to enable quota do you normally have to do a custom compile of the kernel?00:36
grimecodephobic, yeah so maybe its just a hiccup but might not be true00:36
grimepanorain, sure thing00:36
codephobicI've googled some more, but the nearest thing I've found to the issue is something suggesting that samba and ubuntu report memory in different unit sizes GB vs GiB ... Doesn't look like my situation is a manifestation of that 'error'...00:37
packetfrogHow to change session type  http://www.pasteall.org/pic/show.php?id=46347   there is not option on lightdm00:38
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grimecodephobic, https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nautilus/+question/14886600:38
Guest1629this is support right??00:38
codephobicgime, so far, things have worked more or less as anticipated. The biggest hurdle was self-inflicted, when I spent 20mins wondering why I couldn't connect a share I set up on ubuntu, to the debian ... then I remembered I'd got firestarter running and hadn't configured it to allow the share though.00:38
grimeGuest1629, something like that00:39
panoraingrime what about home folder encryption box?00:39
darkhelmet46Hey guys, I have a 3rd party .deb installed.  How can I find where the config files are?00:40
grimepanorain, like i said if you want you can00:40
ZeptisGood evening, is there a room for finding specific utilities in the multiverse, or is that sort of query fine here?00:40
Guest1629i need help getting the iso backtrack and installing it i already have it downloaded now how do i install please don't be too tech00:40
panoraingrime sorry to be so pesky i'll stop00:40
bekks!backtrack > Guest162900:40
ubottuGuest1629, please see my private message00:40
grimeguest1629, should be in ~/home/Downloads00:41
grimepanorain, its all good!00:41
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codephobicgrime, ah I've had some nasty experiences transferring large files over nautilus ... never again. I do that stuff through terminal only now.00:41
panoraingrime 12.10 looks pretty nice I am going to install gnome-panel at some point I am installing now00:42
codephobicmore of a pain, but much more reliable. And faster too (seemingly).00:42
grimedarkhelmet46, try typing the name of the program in nautilus....make sure you search in root00:42
panoraingrime my brother has a 1600mhz p4 with lucid on installed will the speed decrease with installation of 12.10 on his machine?00:43
grimepanorain, glad you like it, yeah whenever you want,,then just pick it from the login window00:43
darkhelmet46grime, that's what i am doing now, trying to get everything.  i already did it once, but when I reinstall the DEB, all the app preferences are still there.00:43
grimepanorain, it can run but its gonna be super slow and sluggish00:44
panoraingrime ok00:44
ZeptisWould anyone know of a utility to output harmonic key given a (sound) file?00:45
grimedarkhelmet46, check in /usr/share00:45
grimecodephobic, so yeah i think you should be fine tho00:45
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codephobicthanks grime.00:46
grimecodephobic, no prob.....glad i could help some00:46
grimeZeptis, oooo thats a tough one what have you tried?00:46
panoraingrime finishing installation report speech-dispatcher disabled00:47
ZeptisGoogle, so far :p00:47
codephobicGot another question ... What's the best driver to install (the default one?) for ATI Radeon HD 3000 on-board video?00:47
darkhelmet46grime, holy crap lots of stuff in there!  lol00:47
ZeptisI don't know what a developer would explain the function of that sort of program as, so I'm a bit stumped.00:47
panoraingrime pc seems to have hung should I ctrl+alt+bkspc?00:47
codephobicI'm tempted to try out KDE on ubuntu, since I can't get compiz to do the funky box stuff in unity... but I need to fine-tune my graphics "card", before I do so, I suspect.00:48
grimedarkhelmet46, look for it in there00:48
th3sp00nCan someone help me with my network configuration? I've got two networks, a 10.70.20.* and a 10.80.10.* that I'm trying to bridge for kvm, but whatever I do, I can't get the bridge to load the 10.80.10.* network http://pastebin.com/2gG7iwJY00:48
grimeZeptis, idk of any program that does that00:48
grimecodephobic, haha if your comp can run it smoothly is funn00:49
ZeptisWhelp, time to dive into github, I geso. Thanks for using some of your processing time on it, grime.00:49
grimepanorain, try rebooting and loggin in in unity 2D00:49
bekksth3sp00n: Which Ubuntu are you on?00:49
zargonovskihey greeting to all00:50
zargonovskiwe're doing a global jam here00:50
panoraingrime ok00:50
zargonovskiand we've an issue with the mail00:50
th3sp00nbekks: 12.1000:50
grimeZeptis, try third party programs or windows ones and run it trough wine00:50
darkhelmet46grime, maybe I should change my approach.  The app stopped working so I am trying to uninstall/re00:51
bekksth3sp00n: I've never seen interfaces named like that on a stock Ubuntu, I'm afraid.00:51
panoraingrime I am at the login window where can I select unity 2d?00:51
th3sp00nbekks: em1 is regular 1gb and the p1p1 is a 10GBE00:51
grimeth3sp00n, have you checked the settings in network manager?00:51
th3sp00ngrime: it's a headless server00:51
ZeptisWell, github seems to have something GPL to build, thankfully. Why didn't I just type 'keyfinder' in the first place.00:51
grimepanorain, click the ubuntu logo and a list should pop up00:51
panoraingrime ok00:52
darkhelmet46grime, but maybe it can be repaired instead?  it was working fine in Wubi, and then I migrated my Wubi install to a dedicated partition, and now it doesn't work.00:52
codephobicgrime, I've been unlucky with video cards, because I always get on-board vga mobos and never want to buy graphics cards (I don't play games - got an xbox 360 gathering dust)... but back in ubuntu 10.04, I had compiz, cubes and everything. It's only since unity (I think) that I can't get that stuff to work any more00:52
darkhelmet46holy crap, grime is helping a lot of people00:52
grimedarkhelmet46, try purging to remove the program00:52
darkhelmet46grime, i tried that too00:52
darkhelmet46grime, the app has a GUI, but it needs to be started from terminal.  It does output some error messages, but I'm not sure what they mean.00:53
bekksth3sp00n: Could you pastebin "uname -a" and "lsb_release -a" please? I am just curious, since I've never seen those interface on Linux.00:53
grimecodephobic, install gnome-panel to run like 10.0400:53
panoraingrime where is the ubuntu label located for unity 2d in 12.10?00:54
grimedarkhelmet46, hmmm so you removed all the files?00:54
mapreduceHi.  I'm trying to connect to a fortinet VPN, which afaik is just IPSec-based, using ikea, and I'm getting timeouts while establishing the tunnel.  I know that from Windows I don't get timeouts.00:54
th3sp00nbekks: http://pastebin.com/zJ6rehB600:54
darkhelmet46grime, ok check this out. i ran it from a Root prompt and it ran fine.  it only doesn't work when i run it as a normal user...00:54
mapreduceIs there anything I can do to have ikea match what fortinet's client assumes?00:55
codephobicgrime, I was going to use KDE instead ... similar tricks in there too.00:55
grimepanorain, http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2012/03/gnome-classic-in-ubuntu-12-04-its-like-nothing-ever-changed00:55
dr_willis_panorain:  there is no unity-2d in 12.10+00:55
grimepanorain, look at the end of that post00:56
codephobicjust reading up on a solution for legacy video card update to catalyst. starts with downgrading X, before installing a patch .. don't like the sound of that, will try it in a VM first!00:56
panoraingrime ok thank you00:56
dr_willis_gnome-classic is definatly not identical to the old gnome2.. but its close . ;)00:56
grimedr_willis_, thanks for the help00:56
grimecodephobic, but it depends if your comp can run VM00:57
grimedarkhelmet46, what program is it ,,,,if you dont mind me asking00:57
grimetaher, whats up00:58
darkhelmet46grime, it is a program called MXIE, it's basically a VoIP/ Instant Messaging app that integrates with our phone system.00:58
braviswhere is compiz00:59
codephobicgrime, I'll try the VM method first, since it would keep most of the "user experience" that I've grown used to...00:59
Neo31webhello, please provide me with the UGJ channel or launchpad channel if there are any, thanks00:59
taherWe are holding UGJ Tunisia, we are trying to configure our gpg keys but some are recieving "keyserver send failure : keyserver error" and some of as are not receiving their encrypted mails yet, what could be the problem ?00:59
darkhelmet46grime, so if I do just "mxie" from terminal, it doesn't work.  If I do "sudo mxie", it doesn't work.  But if I do "su" to get a root prompt, then do "mxie", it runs fine.  What could that mean?00:59
dr_willis_bravis:  what do you mean?   the 'whereis' command can show the path to a binary00:59
codephobichmm, wow.... for some reason my 2.4GHz logitech keyboard's just become a lot slower ... not doing anything much, got plenty of RAM on the system (3GB spare) ...01:00
grimedarkhelmet46, have you tried  sudo apt-get --purge -remove mxie?01:00
dr_willis_darkhelmet46:  check yout env settings..  i bet they are different01:00
darkhelmet46grime, i did "sudo apt-get -purge mxie", is that incorrect?01:01
dr_willis_darkhelmet46:  how did you enable su-ing to root? thats normally disabled by default01:01
grimedarkhelmet46, it could be mxie or maybe uppercase01:01
codephobicwhat's a "good" load average (in Ubuntu 12.10)?01:01
darkhelmet46dr_willis_, you'll have to be a little more specific in your comment about env settings, I'm pretty noobish.  And to your second question, I dunno?  lol01:01
panoraingrime should I update my system before installing unity 2d?01:01
bekkscodephobic: Nowadays, the load average is pretty meaningless.01:02
grimecodephobic, maybe 15g to run comfortably in a VM enviornment01:02
dr_willis_darkhelmet46:  look at your paths and other env settings see the 'set' command output.01:02
codephobicbekks, how so? I don't particularly understand it but it's a nice number and I'm guessing "the lower the better"?01:02
grimepanorain, yeah sudo apt-get update01:02
dr_willis_darkhelmet46:  this is a normal desktop install?01:02
panoraingrime ok01:03
grimepanorain, were you able to log in?01:03
icerootcodephobic: if the load is not higher then your cpu cores, everything is fine01:03
codephobicgrime, hmm that's a little more than I have to spare :(01:03
bekkscodephobic: "the lower the better" - but I've seen systems with a load far beyond 300 to be responsive as just being idle.01:03
icerootcodephobic: a load of 2 on a 4 core system means the cpu is used by 50% and everything is fine01:03
grimecodephobic, what about 10?01:03
darkhelmet46dr_willis_, it was a Wubi install which I migrated to a dedicated partition.01:03
icerootcodephobic: a load of 2 on a single core system is a high value, so the tasks have to wait because the cpu is on its limit01:04
darkhelmet46dr_willis_, to clarify, I don't just type "su" and hit Enter to get root, it does prompt me for my password first.01:04
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bcbc2darkhelmet46: the migration didn't migrate ACLs (access control lists). The latest version does. This could be the difference.01:04
dr_willis_darkhelmet46:  you shouldent be able to 'su' to root...  unless you enabled the root account.  when you do a su, it runs the config files in the users home. ie: /root/ those can have different settings then what your user has when they sudo to root01:05
codephobicgrime, I have 8GB in total, web and mysql VMs eating up 1.5GB, Ubuntu host talking another 2GB, Chrome, Firefox et al another 1.5GB ... not much more than 3GB to spare.01:05
codephobicok, I have a load average of 1.08 across the 4 cores of my cpu.01:05
bekkscodephobic: Whats the output of "free -m"?01:05
bekkscodephobic: Could you pastebin it please.01:05
icerootcodephobic: firefox is not taking 1.5gb real ram01:05
darkhelmet46dr_willis_, I think what I did was "sudo passwd" and then it prompted me for a new root password, an that's how I enabled it.01:05
icerootcodephobic: http://www.linuxatemyram.com/01:06
bekkscodephobic: Thats not the output of free -m01:06
codephobicbekks, one moment didn't see the pastebin request.01:06
grimecodephobic, i think 1.5 or 2 should be fine then.....i though you were asking on the hd not the ram01:06
codephobicbekks, http://pastebin.com/gfMh4PeW01:07
icerootcodephobic: you have 3gb free ram01:08
codephobiciceroot, I know.01:08
bekkscodephobic: 3GB unused RAM :P01:08
codephobicbekks, lol01:08
codephobicI know01:08
bekkscodephobic: Did you take a look at http://www.linuxatemyram.com/01:08
dr_willis_wasted ram! ;)01:08
icerootcodephobic: ok, just because you said firefox is taking 1.5gb01:08
codephobiciceroot, I was talking about chrome, firefox and a bunch of other apps (biggest being inkscape)01:09
grimepanorain, install gnome-panel if you can not Unity 2D01:09
darkhelmet46dr_willis_, halfway tempted to add myself to the root group and call it a day.01:09
codephobicgrime, lol01:09
grimecodephobic, im glad i was able to help this far......i will be leaving soon good think there are others helping01:10
icerootthis is an example of wasted ram (but 8gb was so cheap) :) http://paste.ubuntu.com/5577997/01:10
codephobicgrime, you had me nervous there. I've run ubuntu server in VM with only 512mb ram - for lamp stuff - but I did think Unity with all the frills would require a little more ~ 2-3GB.01:10
grimedarkhelmet46, do it01:10
codephobicgrime, you have a good evening, thanks for the help, the suggestions and the patience :)01:10
Rukouenhey guys, I'm thinking of setting up a vm for my personal web dev projects but I'm wondering if I should just have one vm in general or one vm per project to keep the environments separate?01:10
darkhelmet46grime, I thought that was ill-advised?  :)01:10
panoraingrime ok01:11
Ben64darkhelmet46: most of the things you've been saying here are ill-advised01:11
grimedarkhelmet46, add your username to sudoers file so you can run sudo instead of su01:11
dr_willis_wonky system becomes wonky+101:11
darkhelmet46Ben64, I apologize for my ignorance.01:11
codephobiciceroot, how (why?) did that happen? why so much cache and swap?01:12
urielsalisHow do i istall ubuntu from windows in a external hard drive?01:12
grimecodephobic, no problem01:12
dr_willis_urielsalis:  you mean a wubi install to a external usb hd? or a full normal install?01:13
urielsalisa wubi install to a usb hd01:13
histourielsalis: Do you know what wubi is?01:13
codephobicbekks, I read that site before ... when I first used "free -m" and panicked that all the RAM was being used...01:13
darkhelmet46grime, "sudo adduser username admin"  ?01:13
urielsalisyes the windows installer01:13
histourielsalis: it installs ubuntu as an application inside of windows so to say. Is that what you want?  or do you want to boot off of your USB drive into ubuntu?01:14
icerootcodephobic: because its good when there is much cache used01:14
icerootcodephobic: and swap was the ubuntu default size01:14
icerootcodephobic: free ram is wasted ram01:14
urielsalisI want to boot ut to my disk drive with ubuntu but installing it from windows01:14
codephobiciceroot, I thought it was advised not to use too much swap?01:15
icerootcodephobic: so you want that the kernel is caching a lot01:15
grimedarkhelmet46, no as root go to /etc and edit the file called sudoers then add yourself under root exactly like how root looks01:15
icerootcodephobic: doesnt matter if you have 2gb swap, 8gb swap or 100gb swap if you dont need the space01:15
histo!usb | urielsalis01:15
ubottuurielsalis: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent01:15
codephobicI know before the recommended practice was to have 150% the size of RAM as swap, but since the days of 4GB ...01:15
dr_willis_urielsalis:  wubi wont work that way.  why do you want it on usb?01:15
icerootcodephobic: the system is on a 60gb ssd and 8gb are swap which will normally never be used01:15
histodr_willis_: He doesnt' want wubi01:15
darkhelmet46grime, and what does that do, give me elevated rights but not root rights?01:16
histourielsalis: You dont' want wubi you want a to follow the directions from ubotto01:16
urielsalisBecause i want to take ubuntu in my drive as a fully installation(and my disk is 320 gb of unused space)01:16
codephobiciceroot, I tend to run out of space, however big the drives I buy are.01:16
dr_willis_i dont think anyone ever wants wubi.. ;)01:16
icerootcodephobic: there is a 4TB storage on that system, just / is on the 60gb ssd01:16
codephobicI've got around 4TB of data, work, OS installations and stuff ...01:16
histourielsalis: http://www.ubuntu.com/download/help/create-a-usb-stick-on-windows  <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<01:16
codephobicmy W7/debian squeeze server is on a 60GB sammy SSD01:17
icerootcodephobic: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5578012/  + 500GP LUKS partition which is not mounted at the moment01:17
icerooturielsalis: then do a full installation01:17
codephobicthis ubuntu is on a 128GB OCZ (cheapo) SSD01:17
grimedarkhelmet46, it lets you use sudo so that you dont have to run everything as root01:17
panoraingrime I am in Gnome Classic ahh01:17
bekksurielsalis: You have to create an installation medium before, then use it to install Ubumtu to your USB.01:17
urielsalisI can do ir from windows?01:17
dr_willis_urielsalis:  then you want to boot a usb/cd. or try doing it from vbox to the usb. (not advised)01:17
urielsalisbecause i have run out of dvd01:18
grimepanorain, nice how do you like it?01:18
histourielsalis: yes01:18
panoraingrime looking much better01:18
histourielsalis: YOu can read that webpage it walks you through creating a bootable usb from windows01:18
darkhelmet46grime, the ere is a sudoers.d folder and it is empty except for a readme file.  But I don't understand the readme... argh.01:18
urielsaliswubi install a livecd version or a full instalation01:18
Tex_Nickwubi = "want unother broken interface" (unother - SIC) @^@01:18
histourielsalis: http://www.ubuntu.com/download/help/create-a-usb-stick-on-windows01:18
codephobiciceroot, cool... according to nautilus I have 5.6GB of space left on one of my 1TB disks.01:19
grimedarkhelmet46, not the sudoers.d its just called sudoers01:19
bekksurielsalis: Wubi is a windows application. It isnt a "full installation" as you think it might be.01:19
codephobictime to delete the porn :(01:19
dr_willis_urielsalis: wubi installs a wubi version...... its special full type install to a file on the windows drive01:19
grimepanorain, so you should be at home then01:19
darkhelmet46codephobic, who saves porn anymore?  lol01:19
panoraingrime XTerm is the terminal01:19
urielsalisSo i can use the link that you give me to install a full version of ubuntu in my disk or only a live cd(MEH WANTS FULL)01:19
histoffs stop confusing the kid01:19
histourielsalis: YEs01:20
codephobicdarkhelmet46, people who used to have lots of free disk space01:20
grimedarkhelmet46, do you know how to use vi or nano?01:20
urielsalis. . .01:20
histo!usb | urielsalis to install to USB01:20
ubottuurielsalis to install to USB: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent01:20
panoraingrime sudo apt-get update sudo  ; apt-get upgrade then?01:20
histourielsalis: to install a live cd onto usb http://www.ubuntu.com/download/help/create-a-usb-stick-on-windows01:20
selena2013panorain you still dont install it ?01:20
grimepanorain, no the terminal should be under accessories01:20
urielsalisI want a complete instalation in my external HDD i want to know how to do it in windows i dont want a live usb01:20
dr_willis_i thought he wants a 'full/normal' install to a usb.. but without useing a cd/live usb...01:21
bekksurielsalis: You need a DVD media or a USB stick to install Ubuntu.01:21
grimepanorain, sudo apt-get update i believe01:21
urielsaliscan windows do it?01:21
bekksurielsalis: No.01:21
dr_willis_urielsalis:  if you do tricks with vbox it might be doable..01:21
darkhelmet46grime, the readme actually says "please note that using the visudo command is the recommended way to update sudoers content"  so I did visudo ? and it looks like I need to do visudo -f username ?01:21
bekksurielsalis: You can create an Ubuntu dvd/usb using Windows.01:21
urielsaliscan you give me a link or tutorial on that01:22
dr_willis_easier to find a 2nd usb flash01:22
urielsalisI have run out of cd and dvds01:22
bekksurielsalis: Then you need a USB :)01:22
grimepanorain, if your not part of sudoers your gonna have to add yourself unless your find on running root01:22
urielsalisI dont have another . . .01:22
darkhelmet46urielsalis, go to Staples.  :)01:22
codephobicbtw, anyone running a headless Ubuntu Server host with VirtualBox (the current release)? Is it noticeably faster than doing so inside of XFCE or some other slim DE?01:23
histourielsalis: Use usb please read the websites posted to you01:23
dr_willis_staples = an office supply store chain in america01:23
darkhelmet46urielsalis, Staples, the Office Superstore!  Sorry, guess you're not in the US.  :)01:23
histocodephobic: why would it be faster?01:23
panoraingrime I dragged XTerm button to the top title bar in Gnome-Classic how do I remove the Xterm button I see terminal now in accesories. I jumped a bit01:23
codephobicdarkhelmet46, Staples is here in the UK too (well, London).01:23
urielsalisHow do i full install of ubuntu from virtual box using windows to my external disk drive(wubi detects it)01:24
histourielsalis: what is your native language?01:24
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dr_willis_urielsalis:  install vbox. configure it to have access to the usb.. boot the iso.. do the install.. reboot  from usb.. hope it works01:24
codephobichisto, I meant the VMs within VirtualBox, because of more free RAM, less background processes etc.01:24
histo!es | urielsalis01:24
ubottuurielsalis: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.01:24
histocodephobic: is your system really under that much load currently?01:25
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histocodephobic: it will help if your load is high now. Depends on what Desktop Environment you are currently running on how much overhead it's using.01:26
darkhelmet46wb grime.01:26
grimedarkheltmet46, so did you try it? if not google how to add myself to sudoers file01:26
grimepanorain, yo01:27
histogrime: visudo01:27
codephobichisto, I'm trying to plan out the optimal way to run Windows 7 in a VM. Currently, it's not too bad, I can use illustrator without any problems whatsoever, but if I play games, browse my network folders as well, I get some sluggishness.01:27
grimehisto, can you help out darkhelmet46 with the sudo thin i gotta go thanks01:27
histogrime: or add your user to the sudo group01:27
panoraingrime I by accident I dragged XTerm up to my title bar in Gnome-Classic how can I edit my top title bar in 12.10?01:27
urielsalisno support on ubuntu-es :(01:28
codephobicmy "plan A" was to run VBox on debian squeeze and have win7 play my blu-ray discs.01:28
histocodephobic: Gaming in a VM doesn't work well due to virtualized video hardware. YOu can install guest additions and get some more performance01:28
histourielsalis: Well you won't read what we are telling you here.01:28
darkhelmet46grime, i am Googline away and not getting very far.  Thanks for your help up to here.01:28
urielsalisI want to install it from vrtual box to my external hdd and i need a tutorial on that(for a full installation)01:28
histocodephobic: What's wrong with using linux with blu ray?01:29
brightblack anyone know how I can prevent a fullscreen vbox guest from stealing system focus?01:29
histourielsalis: that makes no sense01:29
urielsalishisto, I read that links that our give me but they were for live cd, not for full instalations01:29
histobrightblack: /j #vbox01:29
grimepanorain, windows button + alt + right click01:29
codephobicbut 1) debian squeeze has an older release of VBox and it doesn't seem to work with my existing VDIs 2) the configuration of blu-rays to watch "natively" is laborious for something that I see as relaxation and 3) I might as well have a fast and responsive windows install lurking ready to use if the need should arise01:30
grimedarkhelmet46, ask histo he knows01:30
panoraingrime thanks I best document this01:30
darkhelmet46Sooooo... histo... help a brother out?  :D01:30
codephobichisto, I meant windows games - solitaire on W7 is pretty "graphical", apparently too much for the 128MB virtual gfx that VBox lets me setup.01:30
histourielsalis: Do you have more than one thumb drive? Or do you have a machine with linux on it?01:30
histocodephobic: install guest additions01:31
grimedarkhelmet46, http://forums.fedoraforum.org/showthread.php?t=26167901:31
histodarkhelmet46: help with what?01:31
goodtimeyes windows... the ultimit in reinstallments!01:31
panoraingrime when I open a create new document the top of the window is covered by the title bar01:31
codephobichisto, is there a simple Blu-ray movie player in linux yet? I've seen scripts for streaming decrypted content through a port and then using VLC to playback from that port, but nothing that would be useful for a "Home Theatre PC"01:32
codephobichisto, I have, I use guest additions to get usb access and to get full screen full resolution rendering of the desktop01:32
grimepanorain, grab the top of the window and pull it down that should work01:32
darkhelmet46grime, i don't think that's my issue.  I "CAN" user sudo to run things.01:32
panoraingrime I cannot pull the window down01:32
darkhelmet46histo, here's the sitch.  So I have an app that won't run right when I run it as a normal user or as sudo.  if I run it as root, it works fine.01:33
histodarkhelmet46: is it a graphical app?01:33
icerootdarkhelmet46: for gui apps use gksudo01:33
panoraingrime should I install nvidia drivers for my 6600 agp?01:33
darkhelmet46histo, yes but it needs to be laucnhed from terminal01:33
darkhelmet46ahhh, let me try01:33
icerootdarkhelmet46: gksudo command01:33
histodarkhelmet46: use gksu appname01:33
histo!bluray | codephobic01:34
ubottucodephobic: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/ubuntu-help/media.html  - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats01:34
darkhelmet46histo, yep gksudo works.  sweet!  now is there a way for me to run this thing without having to do gksudo?01:34
panoraingrime all open boxes get stuck under the top title bar in Gnome-Classic01:34
grimepanorain, i forgot how to minimize haha01:35
histodarkhelmet46: What is the application?01:35
panoraingrime I am sudo apt-get update       sudo apt-get upgrade  now01:35
grimepanorain, i gotta go tho ill be back in acouple of hours....ask around im sure theres other that can help01:35
darkhelmet46histo, I doubt you've heard of it.  It's called MXIE, made by a company called Zultys.  It integrates with their phone system.  It's a VoIP / Instant Messaging app.01:35
panoraingrime all the windows stuck under top title bar  can't see the top of the windows01:36
panorainanyone running gnome-classic in ubuntu 12.10?01:37
histodarkhelmet46: Why does it need root priveledges to run?  You should check with whoever made the applicaiton.01:37
darkhelmet46histo, the odd thing is, i didn't need gksudo to run it before when I was runnign it from a Wubi install.  This only started happening after I migrated the Wubi install to a dedicated partition.01:38
korn788hello i just wanted to install nmon on my server today and i get this message " user is not in the sudoers file.  This incident will be reported."01:38
histodarkhelmet46: How did you install this applicaiton?01:38
histokorn788: did you mess up your password?01:38
histokorn788: and what is the output of groups01:39
korn788i haven't touched anything01:39
korn788whats the command for the output01:39
darkhelmet46histo, i had to download the tar.gz, then use alien to convert it to .deb, then I used dpkg.01:39
histodarkhelmet46: Did you download the source code? If so why did you use alien?01:40
histokorn788: open a terminal and type in groups   and then hit enter01:40
darkhelmet46histo, because thats' what the instructions said?  :D01:40
histodarkhelmet46: Was their an RPM?01:40
korn788m4l www-data01:41
histokorn788: yeah your user needs to be in several other groups01:41
darkhelmet46histo, negative, they only provide the tar.gz01:41
abi_anyone who can help me in django?01:41
histokorn788: is your username m4l?01:41
histokorn788: your user needs to be added to the sudo group01:41
histokorn788: by an admin user or the user that installed ubuntu01:42
korn788how would i go about adding it without having to leave putty01:42
darkhelmet46histo, see http://richarddouglasdenton.wordpress.com/2011/02/16/installing-mxie-on-ubuntu-10-10/01:42
slideIs there a way to install ubuntu server onto a new drive in windows? or somehow put ubuntu server install onto that drive so it can install itself?01:42
histokorn788: you can't if you don't have sudo access01:42
panorainshould I have installed 12.04 vs. 12.10  for LTS support?01:42
korn788i don't even have su01:42
histodarkhelmet46: give me a minute01:42
korn788but i can login from putty01:42
histo!find mxie01:42
ubottuPackage/file mxie does not exist in quantal01:43
ntzrmtthihu777slide: you need to either burn the server iso onto cd or usb, and then boot from thta01:43
darkhelmet46histo, if you want to download and look at the tar.gz you can get it from http://voip.waveiton.com01:43
slidentzrmtthihu777, is there a way to put it on a usb drive alongside all my other files?01:43
histodarkhelmet46: Okay well on that page he downloaded an rpm not a tar.gz01:43
ntzrmtthihu777not that I am aware of; you could always just temporarily transfer said files to you hdd untill its done.01:44
korn788ive had issues with install Ubuntu server from usb i had to install it via CD01:44
darkhelmet46histo, holy crap you're right... shit it was like a month ago, sorry i guess my memory is bad.01:44
ntzrmtthihu777thing is the iso is so small just a normal cd will do, no need for a full dvd01:44
histodarkhelmet46: This is an issue with that package. You need to contact their support and see if maybe your user needs to be added to some group or something. That's why you need gksu now.01:44
histokorn788: What user did you use when you installed?01:45
darkhelmet46histo, ok thanks i'll do that.01:45
histopanorain: 12.0401:45
korn788thats the only user i made01:45
Tex_Nicki'm about to install a new hard drive ... after partition & format, i want to perform a thorough scan of the surface for defects ... would "badblocks -sv" be the most standard check ?01:45
korn788when i installed01:45
codephobicthanks all, have a good evening... time to go to sleep for me.01:45
ntzrmtthihu777ok, my question: I am currently using irssi within screen in gnome-terminal, I want to create a .desktop launcher that launches gnome-terminal and reattaches to this screen session, how would I go about this?01:45
histokorn788: and the only groups he's in is m4l and www-data?  You messed up when you added the user to the www-data group01:45
histokorn788: do you have physical access tot he computer?01:46
bcbc2darkhelmet46: if the application used ACLs (access control lists) then they wouldn't have been copied by the migration (it's been added in the last few days). That could explain why you're having permission problems. Reinstalling should resolve that.01:46
korn788yea it right next to me01:46
panorainhisto why can I not drag the open windows anywhere in gnome-classic I enabled my top launcher bar to dissapear and can see the top of the window now01:46
korn788but im logged in from putty01:46
histopanorain: alt+F7 to move windows01:46
korn788only because i wanted to go headless01:46
histokorn788: Well you need a monitor now.01:47
darkhelmet46bcb2, HI! You were actually helping me with the migration a few days ago, I finally got it sorted!  Dunno if you remember.01:47
korn788but i can add a monitor and keyboard01:47
histokorn788: boot in single user mode and fix your gorups01:47
bcbc2darkhelmet46: yes I remember01:47
darkhelmet46anyway, bcbc2 I did uninstall/reinstall the app, but nada.01:47
korn788is there a link or guide to follow as i have only one monitor atm01:47
panorainhisto when do I press alt+f7 when trying to move the window?01:47
bcbc2darkhelmet46: that's the only thing I can think of that would explain the difference.01:48
histopanorain: yes01:48
panorainhisto rather where should I place my mouse cursor?01:48
histopanorain: it will hilight the window then try using the arrow keys to move it.01:48
darkhelmet46bcbc2, so check this out...  You recall I couldn't install Grub because of the LDM-Blocker, right?01:48
histopanorain: Is the issue that you never have title bars?01:48
bcbc2darkhelmet46: right.01:48
korn788while im not new to linux im new to linux servers and i still trying to learn command line01:48
panorainhisto yes titlbars01:48
panorainhisto titlebars-01:49
darkhelmet46bcbc2, and I downloaded Boot-Repair and it wanted to delete a hard drive sector to fix it, and I was scared to do that, member?01:49
histokorn788: yeah whenever you added your user to the www-data group for whatever reason you wiped out your other groups using the wrong command.01:49
bcbc2darkhelmet46: yip01:49
histopanorain: What version of ubuntu are you using?01:49
panorainhisto Ubuntu 12.1001:49
abi_Need some help in python, any one interested?01:49
histopanorain: But you insalled something gnome-classic?01:50
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korn788wow and i wanted to do was be able to write to /var/www01:50
panorainhisto yes that is correct I installed gnome-classic via software manager01:50
histokorn788: yeah what command did you run to add your user tot he www-data group?01:50
darkhelmet46bcb2, ok so.... i finally backed up my laptop, it took a few days because it kept failing, then finally i ran boot-repair, let it delete the sector, and everything worked fine.  i was stil able to boot to Windows, and no data loss.  lol01:50
histo!not-unity | panorain01:51
histo!notunity | panorain01:51
ubottupanorain: Ubuntu 11.10 and higher use GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic01:51
korn788i don't remember i googled it and it was askubuntu.com post01:51
histopanorain: gnome-panel is what you wanted.01:51
SazpaimonFor some reason my EFI boot list only contains "Ubuntu"01:51
Ben64korn788: basically you need to add yourself to the "admin" group01:51
histokorn788: hit ctrl+r to do a reverse search and start typing group    it will show you the command in your history01:52
Tex_Nickabi_:  if you don't get help here, you might ask in #python :)01:52
histoBen64: he fried all his othe groups01:52
Ben64there are no other groups in server version01:52
panorainhisto I will revert to gnome-panel I am running updates to 12.10 right now in terminal01:52
bcbc2darkhelmet46: that's good to know. backing up is a pain, but it's more painful if you don't and then you need it.01:52
histoBen64: didn't append the group to his user just assigned it to only the www-data group.01:52
abi_thank you Tex_Nick01:52
SazpaimonI can load windows fine using grub2, but I cannot see any other entries in my EFI firmware's boot listing01:52
Ben64from my server, groups returns "ben64 admin"01:52
histopanorain: Yeah you basically don't have a window decorater running for whatever reason.01:52
panorainhisto should I uninstall gnome-classic via software manager before I install gnome-panel?01:52
histo!uefi | Sazpaimon01:53
ubottuSazpaimon: UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware, it is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI01:53
Tex_Nickabi_:  nphope that points you in a good direction :-)01:53
darkhelmet46bcbc2, yeah i know.  i just felt silly.  lol  but i guess better to be safe than sorry.01:53
johnjohn101is there a channel for the ubuntu touch development stuff?01:53
histoBen64: that's not good01:53
Ben64histo: yes it is01:53
histoBen64: If you want it that way I guess01:53
Ben64thats how server installs are01:53
histoBen64: Yes he removed the other group and didn't append the new one is all.01:53
histodidn't remove it but removed his user fromt he group01:54
korn788sudo chown -R username /var/www/01:54
bcbc2darkhelmet46: it's not silly. I would still recommend it, even knowing that it worked for you. But maybe an entire disk image backup is overkill (I just backup data normally)01:54
Sazpaimonhisto, yes I've read all over the wiki, it doesn't explain why I see "Windows Boot Manager" in my firmware's boot list but it doesn't show up when I boot01:54
panorainhisto will installing nvidia geforce 6600 drivers assist gnome-classic?01:54
histoSazpaimon: you need to install grubs efi stuff01:55
panorainhisto are you firm on stating gnome-panel installation in 12.10 then?01:55
darkhelmet46bcb2, i'm a bare-metal restore backup kinda guy.  :D01:55
Sazpaimonhisto, grub efi is installed01:55
SazpaimonI just said I can load windows using grub201:55
histopanorain: Either install gnome-panel or fix gnome-classic to launch a window decorator01:55
histoSazpaimon: You just said there is no ubuntu option from your efi boot?01:56
panorainhisto what is the best route for a noob?01:56
Sazpaimonnom I said " For some reason my EFI boot list only contains "Ubuntu""01:56
histopanorain: install gnome-panel01:56
histoSazpaimon: ahh. Sorry mis understood. Is there a windows efi in your /boot partition?01:56
panorainhisto ok01:56
Sazpaimonjust the oposite, after installing ubuntu my windows boot manager entry dissapeared, and boot-repair didn't fix it01:56
mordonezHi guys, is possible to share my wireless connection with another wireless card?01:57
Sazpaimonhisto, yeah, my efi system partition is fine and dandy, it's just something in the firmware is messed up I think01:57
histoSazpaimon: and are you sure windows was installed in efi mode?01:57
Sazpaimonyes, it is01:57
SazpaimonI'm gonna try bccedit to see if I can delete and re-add the firmware entry01:57
histoSazpaimon: okay then you need to figure out how to edit grubs efi thing to add windows. I'm not that familiar with it but understand some of it.  Some other EFI "expert" may need to help you.01:58
panorainhisto I am uninstalling gnome-panel via software manager01:58
Sazpaimonhisto, I already said "I can load windows fine using grub2"01:58
histopanorain: Why did you want ot install gnome-panel?01:58
panorainhisto how long will ubuntu 12.04 be supported for?01:58
histoSazpaimon: You just said ubuntu is the only choice?01:59
histo!lts | panorain01:59
ubottupanorain: LTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server; with the exception of 12.04 (Precise Pangolin), which will be supported for 5 years on the desktop. The current LTS version of Ubuntu is !Precise (Precise Pangolin 12.04)01:59
panorainhisto I am running p4 2.801:59
Sazpaimonhisto, ubuntu is the only choice in my EFI's bootmenu01:59
panorainok histo01:59
panorainhisto thank you for your help please bear with me01:59
histoSazpaimon: Than how are you loading windows?01:59
SazpaimonI dont think you get how efi works, the efi bios has its own bootmenu stored in the firmware itself01:59
darkhelmet46so any Virtual Box gurus in here?01:59
bcbc2darkhelmet46: have you checked your log files to see if there's anything related to the permissions problem?02:00
histoSazpaimon: I don't think you are explaining yourself properly02:00
Sazpaimonhisto, I'm chainloading windows's efi file using grub, but I'd like to be able to boot windows without the help of grub02:00
panorainhisto my pc is a bit slow I do not like unity taking up room on my monitor02:00
ntzrmtthihu777darkhelmet46: I am fair with it02:00
darkhelmet46bcb2 i don't know where to look :)02:00
histoSazpaimon: Why?02:00
darkhelmet46ntzrmtthihu777, any idea how i can get a VM to automatically savestate or shutdown when I shutdown or logoff Ubuntu?02:00
korn788ok so im booted into recovery mode i selected root and now im root@M4L whats next02:00
histopanorain: Did you install proprietary video drivers?02:00
Sazpaimonhisto, in case I break grub or something, I'd like to have the windows entry in the EFI firmware instead of just grub02:01
SazpaimonI know multiple boot managers can coexist in the EFI firmware02:01
histokorn788: usermod -a -G admin m4l02:01
ntzrmtthihu777hmm, no, lol. maybe using the cli for vbox you can set a script to do it on shutdown02:01
korn788cool going to give that a try02:01
panorainhisto I have not installed any proprietary video drivers for Nvidia as of yet please help02:01
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bcbc2darkhelmet46: I'd start with: tail -f /var/log/syslog  (and maybe auth.log). Then run it and see what you get. I gotta run now. Good luck!02:01
histopanorain: Click on the gear by the clock and > settings > software sources > Hardware tab02:02
darkhelmet46thanks bcbc202:02
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histopanorain: on 12.10  On 12.04 you can go to settings > Additional hardware02:03
mordonezHi guys, any of you know how to share wireless with 2 wifi cards02:03
mordonezany ideas?02:03
Nite_shadesubuntu server channel ????????????anyone02:03
histo!ics | mordonez02:03
ubottumordonez: If you want to share the internet connection of your Ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Internet/ConnectionSharing02:03
histoNite_shades: #ubuntu-server02:03
korn788admin does not exist02:03
histokorn788: sudo group02:04
korn788hold om02:04
histokorn788: usermod -a -G sudo m4l02:04
panorainhisto what is settings under in gnome-classic?02:04
histopanorain: What version of ubuntu is this?02:04
mordonezI already have donde that but the wifi do not appear on the list of available networks02:04
panorainhisto 12.1002:04
histomordonez: Why would you want to do this by the way? Why not just have both machines connect to the wifi?02:05
mordonezI have completed all the steps and looks ok on my machine but I can see the new wireless network on my cellphone for example02:05
histopanorain: gnome-control-center02:05
darkhelmet46histo, i just reinstalled it using different instructions and now it works!  :D02:05
mordonezthe wifi is on other floor02:05
korn788cannot lock /etc/passwd02:05
panorainhisto load unity from login normally then?02:05
histomordonez: So you're using the box a repeater or something?02:06
mordonezand just one machine can see it02:06
mordoneza very good powerfull card02:06
mordonezon my laptop02:06
mordonezconnected via usb02:06
mordonezso I can see it02:06
histopanorain: What?  open a terminal and type in gnome-control-center then you can go to software sources > hardware02:06
FloodBot1mordonez: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.02:06
mordonezbut now I want my laptop to serve wifi for my floor02:06
histomordonez: Ahh.  So your phone can see the wifi but the other computer cant?02:06
histomordonez: from this computer02:06
korn788it said cannot lock /etc/passwd try again later02:07
Ben64mordonez: you should get a wireless repeater for that02:07
mordonezNo, My computer can see the wifi because has connected a powerfull card02:07
mordonezyeah I know but in the meantime is there a way to do it?02:07
histomordonez: create an adhoc network with your other card.02:07
gridwest_userHow do I use SoX to flip a wave 180 degrees out of phase02:07
panorainhisto ok02:07
mordonezI mean02:07
histomordonez: then treat it like a cable02:07
Ben64korn788: mount -o remount,rw /dev/null /02:07
histokorn788: yeah your mounted read only Ben64 command will fix it02:08
ntzrmtthihu777ok, my question: I am currently using irssi within screen in gnome-terminal, I want to create a .desktop launcher that launches gnome-terminal and reattaches to this screen session, how would I go about this?02:08
mordonezI already have created an ad hoc network and I am already self connected02:08
mordonezbut is not serving as wifi for other devices02:08
mordonezlike my cellphone for example02:08
korn788oh thats weird so do ben64 command then the other command02:08
fwaokdahow can i avoid having to install virtual box guest additions after every update?02:09
histontzrmtthihu777: create a .desktop for gnome terminal and add the string gnome-terminal -e screen -Dr02:09
histontzrmtthihu777: I would gnome-terminal -e 'screen -Dr'02:09
panorainhisto why is gnome classic showing in the ubuntu gear in login window still on 12.10?02:09
mordonezany ideas?02:09
histopanorain: huh? gnome-callsic doesn't change the login screen. On the login screen the gear is used to change your sesion that you are logging into.02:10
cyclickmy cd drive is broke so I can't use a live CD to repartition, but I'm looking for a way to repartion my main partition on reboot before it gets mounted, is that possible?02:10
histomordonez: Can the other devices see the ad-hoc network?02:10
panorainhisto where is terminal in dash?02:10
histocyclick: usb02:10
histocyclick: or single user mode02:11
mordonezno, is not listed, is like it do not exist02:11
panorainhisto this is too kde like02:11
ntzrmtthihu777oh derp, I gotta use quotes, thank you histo02:11
histocyclick: and move stuff arounjd. I would create a thumb drive02:11
histomordonez: How did you create the wifi network.02:11
Tex_Nickpanorain:  in "dash home" type terminal or keyboard shortcut CTRL+ALT+T02:12
mordonezI add new wireless , then enter a name a password and done02:12
cyclickthanks histo I will try that signle user recovery mode as I don't think this old computer can boot off usb02:12
panorainhisto thankyou02:12
ntzrmtthihu777omfg awesome.02:12
ntzrmtthihu777histo:  huge thanks on your part02:13
burflanybody know off the top of their head whether an "AMD Fusion APU 350D" will support amd64?  otherwise I'll keep digging02:13
burflI know this is not an AMD room.. I'm trying to choose my image to download02:13
panorainhisto I entered gnome-control-center in terminal02:14
mordonezany ideas?02:14
panorainhisto 4 gpg trust created02:14
ntzrmtthihu777well you could just test it, burfl02:14
panorainhisto now Software sources has loaded ok02:14
panorainhisto I miss dapper drake02:14
burflntzrmtthihu777 that would not cause any damage?02:15
panorainhisto nvidia shows up in additional drivers02:15
korn788ITS FIXED thats histo and ben6402:15
ntzrmtthihu777burfl: you can just burn it to usb and run it live, no change to your system02:16
panorainhisto additional drivers within software sources states  nvidia corportation nv43 geforce 6600  this device using alternate driver02:16
panorainhisto should I tick the proprietary 173 nvidia box?02:17
burflntzrmtthihu777: right, but will running the wrong instruction set cause any damage to any of my hardware?  I've never tried before02:17
ntzrmtthihu777as long as you dont do anything freaky in the live mode you should be fine02:17
oneHow do I update grub to boot gentoo also02:18
sl33p3rJoin #bitcoin02:18
Ben64sl33p3r: you need to use /join02:19
sl33p3rYeah, thx02:20
darkhelmet46histo can i try bugging you again?  :D02:20
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panorainugh is 12.10 really for me I suppose it could be neat to get the latest and greatest I just don't need unity02:23
ntzrmtthihu777damn that's awesome, lol. whenever I ctrl-a d to detach from the session it closes the gnome-terminal02:23
kruxyou don't need to use unity02:24
ntzrmtthihu777panorain: try Pinguy OS, its an ubuntu remaster without untiy and a really nifty gnome-classic setup02:24
Ben64ntzrmtthihu777: and unsupported here02:24
panorainntzmtthihu77 seriously?02:24
panorainI understand02:24
Ben64it's not hard to not use unity02:24
panorainBen64 is wastes space I don't need it02:25
ntzrmtthihu777meh. I like it, and its pretty good out of box02:25
Ben64panorain: then get rid of it, its not difficult02:25
ntzrmtthihu777gnome shell is to be discontinued, no?02:25
panorainntzrmtthihu777 what about nvidia drivers in pinguy os?02:26
panorainBen64 I just might02:26
Ben64ntzrmtthihu777: no02:26
naeglingI hate amazon ami02:26
ntzrmtthihu777should be the same setup as ububtu, pinguy os is just basically precise with stuff preinstalled and configured02:26
onehow to hupdate it02:27
panorainntzrmtthihu77 could you give me a link?02:27
=== XenGi is now known as XenGi_
Tex_Nickpanorain:  i use 12.10 with gnome-classic de ... i did sudo apt-get install gnome-panel ... then on reboot @ login selected Gnome Classic ... has worked great since 3 days after 12.10 was released :)02:28
Ben64panorain: just keep in mind if you use that, you can't come here to get help02:29
darkhelmet46ok, so I have a program complaining that it can't access the audio device driver (Linux EsoundD Driver).  Any ideas?02:29
panorainok hold on02:29
ntzrmtthihu777yeah, I would install gnome-fallback on any new precise install, and a host of other things, but pinguy is almost the exact setup I use02:31
panorainTex_Nick I tried  sudo apt-get install gnome-panel02:31
fwaokda_I'm trying to set up dual monitors but they're backwards ;/02:31
x2FusionSeeing as #fedora is gay.. and can't help with me...02:31
panorainTex_Nick reboot?02:31
ntzrmtthihu777then flip them lol02:31
fwaokda_how do i set which one is the main monitor with unity?02:31
x2Fusionwith my situation of such,02:31
Tex_Nickpanorain:  yes or maybe just logout and thenback in02:32
Ben64x2Fusion: we can't help you with fedora02:32
margaretaHi have a Dell Inspiron with a 3G dongle. It seems to work ok. I would like it to auto start when I turn my computer on as I have my Internet through this dongle.02:32
darkhelmet46fwaokda, System Settings > Displays?02:32
x2FusionCan anybody help me, I'm currently running #fedora 18 ... and I'm attempting from fedora, copy an iso to a western digital external hdd; and then make it bootable.02:32
Tex_Nickat the lightdm login screen ... click on the ubuntu icon ... then select Gnome Classic02:32
x2FusionI'm attempting to make a ubuntu livecd copied to my external hdd, bootable.02:32
panorainTex_Nick I am now at login screen in 12.1002:33
fwaokda_darkhelmet46, ahh i see where the launcher option was... any idea why it would be limiting my resolution options on one of my screens?02:33
ntzrmtthihu777x2Fusion: should try burning it to usb and then installing to the hdd02:33
Tex_Nickok click on the ubuntu icon02:33
Tex_Nickyou should see Gnome Classic luisted ?02:33
panorainTex_Nick I did i'm logging in now02:33
darkhelmet46fwaokda, just a guess, but I'd say either the driver or the device is limiting the resolution and only letting you use what it can support.02:34
oneHow do I update grub to boot other kernels manually installed for a dual boot system?02:34
fwaokda_darkhelmet46, k thanks... maybe i'll just go back to one monitor02:34
ntzrmtthihu777should be the same, no?02:34
=== XenGi_ is now known as XenGi
panorainTex_Nick no title bar on top desktop switchers work on bottom bar02:34
ntzrmtthihu777anyway to configure lightdm?02:35
Tex_Nickwhen you say "no title bar" you mean no top panel ?02:35
panorainTex_Nick how can I change properties in the title bars on 12.10 running gnome classic?02:35
panorainTex_nick I made the top title bar dissapear cause of previous window problems with gnome-classic02:36
panorainTex_Nick title bar need to change properties how?02:36
Tex_Nickif you can see the top panel ... use SUPER+ALT Right Click02:36
panorainTex_Nick super meaning?02:37
ntzrmtthihu777super = windows key02:37
Tex_Nickpanorain: SUPER is the "Windoze Key"02:37
Viralfrosthow do i add a user to the sudoers list?02:38
panorainhow long will 12.10 be supported?02:38
jribViralfrost: just add the user to the "sudo" group with: sudo adduser USER sudo02:38
Tex_Nickpanorain:  18 monts02:38
panorainTex_Nick thanks02:38
Tex_Nicknp :-) enjoy02:39
panorainpretty cool02:39
ntzrmtthihu777I stick with .04 releases, 3 years support, 5 on server (12.04 is 5 years)02:40
panorainweather applet coming in hooo ya!02:40
Viralfrostone more question, how do i log out a user from the command line ... not the current user, but another user02:40
darkhelmet46ntzrmtthihu777, i thought the .04 was the "beta" and the ".10" was the final?02:40
Tex_Nickpanorain:  if you want to use unity again for any reason ... at login just select unity02:41
onevirtuose: is there nno grub update02:41
ntzrmtthihu777no, the .o represents the release month02:41
panorainTex_Nick ok   how do I move buttons on the top title bar?02:41
crazyhorseok.. are there any decent chat clients for ubuntu02:41
dr_willis_Viralfrost:  kill the processes they are running. sudo kill pid#02:41
ntzrmtthihu777right click and select move02:41
crazyhorsei'm really missing limechat on osx02:42
thtannercrazyhorse: well none will be specific to ubuntu anyways02:42
delfickhi there, I used gparted to make a copy of my linux partition onto my new ssd. Booting from it works fine and is amazing, but now when I shutdown I get a kernel panic. Does anyone know what I need to do for it to put a vmcore file in /var/crash so I can work out why it kernel panics?02:42
thtannerbut XCast is natively installed02:42
Tex_Nickpanorain:  SUPER+ALT right click on icons02:42
Viralfrostdr_willis_: ...theres gotta be something simpler than that02:42
ntzrmtthihu777I like irssi02:42
Tex_Nickpanorain:  then select move02:42
crazyhorsereally dislike xchat.... doesn't warn me when i'm pasting multiple rows, doesn't allow me to have a bookmarked list of channels without actually being logged into the channel, doesn't have an aggregate feed of all channel activity02:42
dr_willis_Viralfrost: why would there be? reboot.. thats simple...)02:43
panorainTex_Nick how do I anchor the button after I move it or is it done now by user super alt+alt?02:43
crazyhorsehaving said that limechat is better than any other chat client iv'e used02:43
zhengwhat's the best candidate of x-chat?02:43
dr_willis_Viralfrost:  other users could be doung all sorts of things..02:43
crazyhorsentzrmtthihu777: yeah i want a gui.. click click, connect to freenode, connect to channel02:43
ntzrmtthihu777lol, xchat is all I know besides irssi02:44
Viralfrostdr_willis_: exactly, i don't want to go through and find all the processes that are still running...i'll try rebooting though :P i guess thats the first thing i should've done lol02:44
dr_willis_crazyhorse: xchat or weechat work for mee02:44
crazyhorsentzrmtthihu777: yeah i had good search.. there's some other one that requires you to run a server02:44
crazyhorseweechat: allows you to maintian a list of servers / channels?02:44
Tex_Nickpanorain:  once you've moved it, it will be anchored ... a lot of that stuff has changed over the past few distros, from the way it used to work02:44
crazyhorsedr_willis: working is the minimum requirement :)02:45
bravisKonversation works too02:45
panorainTex_Nick I cannot change weather report quits02:45
darkhelmet46ok, so I have a program complaining that it can't access the audio device driver (Linux EsoundD Driver).  Any ideas?02:45
dr_willis_crazyhorse: i imagine weechat can do anything you would ever want02:45
crazyhorsedo any of these ones have any of the features i just mentioned?02:45
thtanner+ google02:45
crazyhorseok.. downloading02:45
Tex_Nickyou mean the weather indicator ?02:46
panorainTex_Nick yes02:46
dr_willis_i rarely irc anywhere  else but this one channel.02:46
crazyhorsebasically.. channel list / double click to connect / past warning / single aggregated feed from all chans window <- they are the stuff limechat offers that none of the other ones i found do02:46
thtanneris it sad i just wine mirc.exe02:46
dr_willis_tossed mirc when i found xchat for windows02:47
Tex_Nickpanorain:  right click on the "weather indicator applet" and select preferences02:47
crazyhorseweechat doesn't run a gui02:47
thtannerdr_willis_ I wrote a bunch of mirc script that i didnt feel like redoing lol02:47
panorainTex_Nick I did what you told me it       "weather Report" has quit unexpectedly02:48
thtannerlazyness factor: max02:48
bravisweechat and Irssi are good but if you dont wanna configure then Konversation is for us lazy02:48
panorainTex_Nick then dissapears02:48
ntzrmtthihu777well I just made a launcher for irssi, and I have it in screen so you can sta connected to a certain server02:48
dr_willis_i use weechat over ssh from my phone..02:48
crazyhorsekonversation wants to install 141 packages and 79mb :/02:50
Tex_Nickpanorain:  try SUPER+ALT right click on panel & Add to panel "Weather report" ?02:50
panorainforcast is for new york only bummer02:50
dr_willis_its a kde/qt app. ;-)02:50
panorainTex_Nick yes I was able to add the applet weather report fine02:50
alihey people02:50
crazyhorsedr_willis: so you wouldn't worry about.. just install it?02:51
=== ali is now known as King
dr_willis_crazyhorse: 79mb ? thats trivial...02:51
bravisi did you can always uninstall if you dont like it02:51
=== King is now known as Guest24289
Guest24289Greetings peopl02:51
crazyhorsetrue, true02:51
=== Guest24289 is now known as Beginner
bravis79m is nothing to 500 gb02:52
Tex_Nickpanorain:  ok once yot select preferences, click the locations tab at the top ... choose a location closest to you02:52
BeginnerGreetings people, what is the smartest way to learn all of the linux comamnds?02:52
dr_willis_Beginner:  read books on bash.02:52
ntzrmtthihu777info coreutils is good02:52
panorainTex_Nick I do       quits enexpectedly02:53
darkhelmet46any ideas on this one? http://pastebin.com/ws8YPyM202:53
panorainTek_Nick then I reload keeps dying02:53
BeginnerI will read a book on bash.02:53
panorainTex_Nick each time I try to change preferences it fails02:53
ntzrmtthihu777I got one... I think. pdf, but I lost alot of stuff with a disasterous instal02:54
panorainTek_Nick I will bring it down for reboot   system monitors work fine02:54
panorainstuffs to buggy going back to 10.0402:54
Tex_Nickpanorain:  hmmmm ... my first attempt there would be to do a system restart02:54
panorainnot sure yet02:55
Tex_Nickpanorain:  and/or update system02:55
panorainTex_Nick I am selecting gnome-classic  no effects02:55
panorainTex_Nick I just updated 15 minutes ago   via   terminal   sudo  apt-get update     then   sudo apt-get update02:56
=== dr_willis_ is now known as Dr_Willis
Tex_Nickpanorain:  hold on let me log out then back in ... brb couple minutes02:57
panorainTex_Nick ok sorry to bug you02:57
panorainDr_Willis how can I install flash plugins on Ubuntu 12.10?03:00
Dr_Willispanorain:  thers some flash package in the repos that do it03:01
panorainson my system doesn't seem the same without weather applet03:01
panoraini'm bummed03:01
ViralfrostDr_Willis_: Thanks, rebooting helped...kind of a 'duh' moment for me...03:01
Tex_Nickpanorain:  ok i'm using just "Gnome Classic" NOT the "Gnome Classic - No Effects" don't really know what the differencer is ... you might try just "Gnome Classic"03:02
Dr_Willispanorain:  check the webupd8 and omgubuntu site for weather indicator applets thers some neat ones. not in the default trpos03:02
=== jsjgruber-x-p is now known as jsjgruber-x-p_
bravisok how do i invoke compiz in ubuntu??03:03
panorainDr_Willis thank you03:03
Dr_Willisbravis:  run 'compiz03:03
bravisoh geez thats all03:03
Dr_Willisbravis:  unless you want to give more details as to the problem... ;)03:04
panorainTex_Nick I may try installing gnome classic through software manager now since I installed nvidia prop driver?03:04
bravis Error: Screen 0 on display ":0" already has a window manager; try using the --replace option to replace the current window manager.03:05
crazyhorseanyone else noticed google chrome seems to be incredibly slow under ubuntu?03:05
Dr_Willisbravis:  so try compiz --replace  ;)03:05
Dr_Williscrazyhorse:  not really03:05
bravisI always thought it was an overlay03:05
slideI'm having trouble with a usb boot drive. It boots, asks me to install ubuntu server 12.04, and i hit ok, but then it doesn't do anything, just goes to a black screen. this is the guide i followed http://www.ubuntu.com/download/help/create-a-usb-stick-on-windows03:05
Dr_Williscompiz is a window manager03:05
Tex_Nickpanorain:  ok, hey i just saw dr_willis was also helping you... dr_willis is 1000 times better than myself ... listen to him ... you'll be in good hands ;-)03:05
Dr_Willisexcept i may have to leave soon.. darn real jobs ;)03:06
panorainTex_Nick I appreciate all your help03:06
crazyhorseDr_Willis: compared to the mac windows versions my windows keep hanging, i have to wait 2 or 3 seconds to switch tabs.. and the debugger window is very choppy03:06
panorainDr_Willis thank you also03:06
=== jsjgruber-x-p_ is now known as jsjgruber-x-p
Dr_Williscrazyhorse:  none of those issues here03:06
panorainTex_Nick how can I get into the repo's  in 12.10 running gnome-classic?03:07
Dr_Willis'get into the repos' means what panorain03:07
Tex_Nickpanorain:  ?03:08
pgibHmm... Anyone know of software or an option to throttle CPU speed based on temperature? Basically, I need to throttle the CPU speed once the temperature is getting close to overheating (avoid it shutting down)03:08
ViralfrostI just changed the username and home directory of a user, do I have to update any config files or symlinks or anything like that? (not for anything added on to the original install, just from a fresh install)03:08
panorainDr_Willis the repositories list does 12.04 have the same as synaptic package manager in 10.04?03:08
=== jsjgruber-x-p is now known as jsjgruber-x
Dr_Willispanorain:  you can install synaptic if you want to use it on 12.1003:08
Beginnermy penis is huge03:09
Beginner 03:09
panorainDr_Willis I would like to install synaptic I am running the software updater right now but it seems so different.03:09
Dr_Willispanorain:  thats whats called 'progress' ;)03:09
panorainDr_Willis pretty slick stuff you reccomend more the software centre now?03:10
Dr_Willisi tend to use the apt cli tools03:10
=== Karbowiak is now known as zz_Karbowiak
braviswell it did not like that..03:10
Dr_Willisi rarely touch the software center..03:10
panorainDr_Willis I don't like all the point and click03:10
Dr_Willisbecome a console commando03:11
panorainDr_Willis I will read more but Ubuntu is getting bloated worse than mint03:11
Dr_Willisbloat = a vague meaningless term.03:12
panorainDr_Willis I am in the process of using GhostBSD as a dual boot03:12
Dr_Willisone mans bloat is anothers man must have weather-applet03:12
panorainDr_Willis you make sense03:12
Dr_WillisMy other pc is a raspberry-pi - ;)  it makes everything seem bloated.03:12
panorainDr_Willis besides ppa keys what is the point of running 12.04 vs say 8.04?03:13
Dr_Willissecurity updates.. and newer packages03:13
Viralfrostwho really cares about bloat..on today's computers you have more than enough space for anything you want, and as far as speed, it may slow down a bit, but its still hella faster than windows is03:13
Dr_Willisa 4 yr old os.. is ancient03:13
=== lawrence is now known as Guest12852
panoraini have a p403:13
panorainnot so fast03:13
Dr_Willisthat p4 is more power then my pi has. ;)03:14
ntzrmtthihu777heh, lol03:14
sebastiansam55how to fix "bootmgr is missing" with super grub disk?03:14
Dr_Willisbut its an arm cpu03:14
ViralfrostDr_Willis: what do you use it for?03:14
ntzrmtthihu777later all03:14
panorainDr_Willis what will happen with linux flash support?03:14
Dr_WillisViralfrost:  znc server, xbmc box03:14
sebastiansam55internets is not working so well atm would greatly appreciate any help03:14
panoraini'll shut up I am a noob03:15
Dr_Willispanorain:  adobe has allreaddy dumpped it basically.03:15
Viralfrostluckily html5 comes to the rescue!03:16
Dr_Willisrealplayer  ;)03:16
panorainDr_willis you know of Pinguy OS?03:17
panorainyeah realplayer03:17
panorainmplayer was cool03:17
Viralfrostlol...sadly I've come across a couple of sites lately that still use it03:17
Dr_Willispanorain:  used it.. dident see much point in it.03:17
panorainvlc is great now03:17
Viralfrostrealplayer i mean03:17
Dr_Willisthers some firefox extensions that play flash videos in vlc03:17
panorainDr_Willis where should I be as far as a p4 2.8ghz 2 gig ddr1  now   use 12.10?03:18
panorainDr_willis or read more?03:18
Dr_Willispanorain:  be? what do you mean.03:18
ubottuThe Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/03:18
histopanorain: It's more about your video card for performance with unity using 3d effects for everyhing. Did you install your drivers/03:19
panorainDr_willis I just get eery about all the virus and so many password point and click in 12.10 is becoming similar to windows xp with all the easy .deb file to grab for software03:19
Dr_Willispanorain:  err.. totally different i how they work..03:19
InFlamesis there a way in terminal to TRULY clear the screen? what i mean is, i want to scroll up and NOT see my previous text03:19
Dr_Willisomg.. it has icons just like iwndows 3.1!  ;003:20
panorainDr_willis are you familiar with any spyware as of now for Ubuntu?03:20
histopanorain: Just install packages from the repo. Don't use third party software03:20
Dr_Willispanorain: Ive not heard of any big security issues with it lately03:20
Dr_Willislast big security thing was java a few weeks back..03:21
thtannerThere was a zero day kernel exploit03:21
panorainDr_Willis packages from the repo please help me hook up synaptic interface with gnome-classic03:21
Dr_Willisi dont pay attention to the security sites however03:21
thtannerthat affected a large nuber of of machines03:21
thtannerless than a week ago?03:21
histoInFlames: reset03:21
thtannerbut its nothing like Windows malware, to answer your question panorain03:21
Dr_Willispanorain:  hook up? you install synaptic and run it.. nothing to 'hook up''03:21
panoraini need synaptic package manager in 12.1003:21
Dr_Willispanorain:  so install it?03:22
InFlamesawesome, thank you histo, not sure how i never knew that...03:22
Dr_Willis!info synaptic03:22
ubottusynaptic (source: synaptic): Graphical package manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.75.12build1 (quantal), package size 2389 kB, installed size 7686 kB03:22
panorainDr_willis yes I would like to install synaptic package manager in 12.1003:22
histoInFlames: I didn't know it duckduckgo lead the way.03:22
histoInFlames: http://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/26975/how-to-clear-terminal-completely03:22
Dr_Willispanorain:  so install it....03:22
panorainDr_willis ok03:23
InFlamesduckduckgo is just the best :]03:23
InFlamesi should have looked longer i guess03:24
panorainixquick rules03:24
panorainI might stick with 12.10 for a bit03:25
Dr_Willis13.04 due out  soon. ;)03:25
panoraini'll be back in a bit i'm a noob like it matters blah03:26
histopanorain: Did you get your drivers installed?03:26
thtannerwe didnt respond in under 30 seconds03:26
matllehow r u03:27
moesI did a full install of 12.04 to a usb flash drive..I now want to use the pen drive to install to my hdd...no install button..What can I use03:29
Dr_Willisa full install cand install to another pc.. a live usb could..03:29
Dr_Willisset up the ubuntu iso on the pendrive. and set grub2 to boot ths iso file..03:29
Dr_Williswould be one way03:29
Dr_Willis'debootstrap' install method may also work.. but easier to boot the iso03:30
moesdr wilis..thanks will do the iso03:30
Dr_Willisi got my desktops pcs set up befor to boot iso files as a easy recovery/fallback/testing feature03:31
panorainhisto Yes03:32
panorainhisto I am working on trying to install synaptic packe manager03:32
histopanorain: Why?03:32
kruxwhat for..03:33
histopanorain: software-center should be in default installation03:33
panorainhisto I do not trust software manager completly yet  histo I am working now on installing flash plugin into firefox webbrowser on 12.1003:34
matlleflash java don't trust03:35
panorainhisto how do I know all the programs don't observe my pc data03:35
panorainmatlle do you use gnu flash?03:35
panorainhisto do you use gnu flash also?03:36
histopanorain: I use chrome03:37
histoso yes03:37
histonot gnu flash no03:38
histoadobe flash03:38
histoSorry wasn't paying attention to the details03:38
Tex_Nickpanorain:  if you just prefer to use synaptic ... now that you are using gnome classic ... from the applications menu on the top panel ... install it from the "Ubuntu Software Center" at the bottom of the ment ... synaptic ... not many people here use it anymore though ... i still use it at times03:38
panorainhisto no worry thank you for all your help03:38
capnflintHow can I prevent unity from capturing alt to show the menu bar?  I can't find it in the keyboard shortcuts.03:38
Viralfrostis there a way in gnome classic to make the toolbars act like they do in gnome 2?03:39
panorainTex_Nick thank you also03:39
histoViralfrost: How are they behaving now?03:40
Viralfrostwell you can't add anything to the panel03:40
Tex_Nickpanorain:  you're welcome :)03:40
panorainhisto would you be interested in helping me change appearances in gnome classic I do not like the window buttons in 12.10 standard settings03:41
panorainI miss Crux03:42
panorainSon !  hi03:43
ghostx562hey guys03:44
Tex_Nickpanorain:  have you looked into a new theme ... i'm currently using a mac look-alike ?03:44
panorainTex_Nick I would love to look into a new theme on this desktop03:44
ghostx562what is the channel name for ubuntu help?03:45
slidethis is it03:46
panorainTex_Nick do I need to install a new theme for 12.10 or can I just change appearances? this is so different from 10.0403:46
ghostx562I have a question, im trying to install ubuntu 12.10 but when i get to a menu, it says something about a ata4 error, then it just keeps loading a black and purple screen. help?03:47
Tex_Nickpanorain:  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=203093 ... i'm looking for a few other links now03:47
ghostx562i am reloading it to a usb again using Universal usb installer.03:49
Tex_Nickpanorain:  http://www.technama.com/2009/ubuntu-themes-61-awesome-themes-for-linux/03:49
panorainTex_Nick thank you for the links time for me to read a bit eh03:51
ghostx562finished installing to usb, no errors.03:51
panorainghostx562 what is universal usb installer what distro are you using?03:52
ghostx562using ubuntu 12.1003:52
ghostx562and universal usb installer is from ubuntu site, to load os to usb for install03:52
panorainthanks ghostx56203:53
panorainson these themes kick03:53
Tex_Nickpanorain:  basicly what you would do is create a new directory in your home directory named .themes ... then untar/unzip your new theme into that directory ... that will keep your themes seperate from the standard themes03:53
ghostx562i keep getting a purple screen that flashes then goes away, then a drum sound over and over,03:54
panorainTex_Nick on it right now03:54
jxclhey guys I found a bug but I'm not sure where to report it. It has to do with the login window after coming out of a locked screen (not the user select menu)03:55
panorainTex_Nick what do I use to load my new theme?03:55
dn4what do I use to check a wireless certificate in ubuntu03:55
panoraindn4 ifconfig -a03:55
Tex_Nickpanorain:  then from "system Settings/appearance" choose your new theme ...ununtu has a few already installed, but they are kinda funky ;-)03:55
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ghostx562i get to a screen that says ata4.00  {error} ABR03:58
dmorrisonHaving trouble printing with my hp officejet5600 all-in-one03:58
panorainTex_Nick do I need to make the folder hidden instance = .themes in home folder will 12.10 pick it up automatically?03:58
panoraindmorrison go to synaptic  download hplip also hplip-gui03:58
dmorrisonI did download...03:59
panoraindmorrison what distro you using?03:59
dmorrisonI hear the printer wanting to print but doesn't03:59
ghostx562im going to download the os again.03:59
dmorrisonseems to be installed correctly04:00
Tex_Nickpanorain:  not sure if you need to make it hidden ... i did ... but yes ubuntu will pick it automaticaly ... by creating that new directory ... your custom themes will be segregated from ubuntu standard themes04:00
panoraindmorrison I am not familiar alot with 12.10 just installed it today04:00
panorainTex_Nick thank you04:00
Tex_Nickpanorain:  np :)04:00
dmorrisonjust weird it doesn't finish printing04:01
dmorrisonI'll keep reading04:02
panoraindmorrison I have an all in one hp 6110 office jet problem with text is cannot print 100% of the page I reduced the print size to 76% then prints clearly but smaller I believe at this point I have a hardware issue04:02
ghostx562is it easy to install ubuntu via wubi?04:02
ghostx562or just load os to usb then install?04:02
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Ben64ghostx562: wubi isn't a "real" install04:03
dmorrisonI could try that..04:03
dmorrisonThanks for your time!04:03
ghostx562ok, im re-download 12.1004:04
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.04:04
panoraindmorrison no problem I am a noob04:04
ghostx562and im going to try again to install from usb04:04
dmorrisonme too04:04
panoraini need to shut up and read blah04:04
ghostx562lol :D04:04
agentI wanted to know if there was anything I could do to return my ubuntu to its original state before a fresh install. Or is a fresh install my best option?04:05
agentoOOOOo 12.10! is 12'10 stable yet?04:05
ghostx562i guess.04:06
phunyguyso I found a bug in 12.04 and I thought it was a kernel issue, but now, 12.04 uses the 3.5 kernel, which didnt have the issue in 12.1004:06
agentI'm still quite new and get stuck sometimes, resorting here for answers.04:06
phunyguywhen I unplug my laptop I get full 2.6GHz CPU speed if needed, but when I plug it in, I get 1200MHz (tested using Handbrake to encode video)04:07
phunyguyI unplug power and get 120FPS encoding, plug it back in and get 20.04:07
agentI wanted to remove the stuff I preformed while trying to correct a wireless issue. Being new, I don't know if that would be a simple solution04:08
histophunyguy: cpu throttling04:08
histophunyguy: for power savings04:08
phunyguyhisto, yes but it's backwards04:08
phunyguywhen I unplug, I get NO throttling04:08
phunyguywhen I plug it it completely throttles.04:08
phunyguyplug in*04:08
phunyguyin 12.10, I would get more even behavior.04:09
panorainTex_Nick where are the factory installed ubuntu themes kept?04:09
ghostx562re trying this again,04:10
phunyguyhisto, I installed the indicator-cpufreq applet, and tried to hard-set 2.6GHz, and it didn't set it.04:10
phunyguy(normally worked in 12.10 as well)04:10
daniel329new guy question: ive taken java and visual basic classes, and ive taken the OpenCourseWare classes online at MIT's website, and done other research in general for programing. however, i still dont feel like i can code or create anything that isnt guided by instructions. where is a good place for learning material to learn how to ACTUALLY code, or what opensource projects could i try working on?04:11
SazpaimonHow can I re-add Windows Boot Manager to my EFI's boot menu (NOT grub's menu) after insalling ubuntu?04:11
SazpaimonI installed ubuntu in efi mode, and my Windows Boot Manager entry dissapeared from the OS selection menu04:11
histophunyguy: What are you running?04:12
histo!raring | phunyguy04:12
ubottuphunyguy: Ubuntu 13.04 (Raring Ringtail) will be the 18th release of Ubuntu, Discussion and support until final release in #ubuntu+104:12
phunyguyhisto, 12.0404:12
johnjohn101why did m$ have to mess up the entire infrastructure for dual boot04:12
echinoswhat happens after Z?04:12
phunyguyhisto, not raring04:12
echinosback to A?04:13
histophunyguy: let me hunt arround for the setting now.04:13
Viralfrostjohnjohn101: to make the installation process as easy as possible?04:14
Tex_Nickpanorain:  sorry had to go get bevarage ;-) standard themes are in usr/share/themes04:14
panorainTex_Nick np  should I unzip my hardy origional theme before moving it to /usr/shar/themes or leave it zipped?04:14
phunyguyhisto this has been an issue for me since the summer, when I first ran 12.04 on this laptop. I ran the beta of 12.10 for a while, but I really like 12.0404:15
panorainTex_Nick I need a beverage as well04:15
panorainTex_Nick ponder it no rush04:15
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histophunyguy: so frequency doesn't increase under load?04:15
Tex_Nickpanorain: are your themes in harduy zipped ?04:16
phunyguyhisto, while plugged in, no.04:16
phunyguyit is hard-set at 1200MHz when plugged in04:16
phunyguyI can understand saving power when unplugged, but when plugged in??   xD04:16
panorainTex_Nick I download the http://mariuxv.deviantart.com/art/Hardy-Theme-75628261 in .gz format to my desktop04:16
histophunyguy: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=24886704:18
Tex_Nickpanorain:  ah ok ... yes ... the themes need to be uncompressed before they will be recognized ... at least that's the way i always see them04:18
histophunyguy: You can ignore the 1st step as you are now using kernel based scaling04:18
phunyguyhisto, 2006?  Really?04:19
phunyguythe kernel isnt the issue04:19
ghostx562if it works why not?04:19
phunyguythis works in 12.10.04:19
Tex_Nickpanorain:  but the contents of each theme will need to reside in it's own directory ... & i believe the directory name will be used for the theme name04:19
phunyguyhas worked in 12.10 since the kernel there was 3.5.0_1704:20
phunyguythe kernel in 12.04 is 3.5.0_23 currently04:20
histophunyguy: cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_cur_freq  should be ondemand04:20
phunyguysorr 0_2504:20
servvsso is this the largest channel on freenode?04:20
phunyguyhisto, it says: 120000004:21
histophunyguy: you could sudo echo performance > cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_governor04:21
histophunyguy: yeah for current freq04:21
phunyguyhisto, you would think the applet does that04:21
histophunyguy: it's supposed to . Set it to performanc and check the sys/devices/..... and see04:22
phunyguy!info indicator-cpufreq04:22
ubottuindicator-cpufreq (source: indicator-cpufreq): CPU frequency scaling indicator. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.1.4-0ubuntu2 (quantal), package size 19 kB, installed size 338 kB04:22
histophunyguy: might have found a bug if it's not working properly. Encoding a video should hammer the cpu and force it to max frequency04:23
phunyguyhisto, yeah its still at 120000004:23
phunyguyespecially plugged in04:23
panorainTex_Nick should I copy the theme of my choice whitch is currently in .gz format to the folder I created in my home directory how will  applications>system tools>system settings>appearance>theme pick it up ?04:24
phunyguyand when I unplug it, the throttle goes away and I drop to about 45 minutes battery remaining04:24
phunyguywith CPU pegged, and 120FPS encoding04:24
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dn4how do I mount my cdrom it isn't showing up04:25
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histophunyguy: okay echo the parameter to performance04:26
histophunyguy: then check frequency04:26
panorainTex_Nick I unzipped to the theme name which is labeled as Hardy_Mariux 2.0 residing in /paul/home/Themes04:26
phunyguyhisto, no change04:27
histophunyguy: What are you doing to set it?04:27
Tex_Nickpanorain:  you'll need to extract the .gf ... right now i have a theme on my desktop i haven't installed yet ... i double click on it ... extract the folder within ... & move it to ~.themes04:27
phunyguyhisto, that cat command you posted to change to performance04:28
phunyguyhisto: sudo echo performance > cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_governor04:28
histophunyguy: cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_governor      What's the output?04:29
Tex_Nickpanorain:  ok see if that new theme is in "system settings/appearance"04:29
phunyguyhisto: "userspace"04:29
ghostx562well i quit04:29
panorainTex_Nick where is your ~.themes located under /usr/etc?04:29
histophunyguy: lol ohh.04:29
* phunyguy facepalms04:29
histophunyguy: my command is wrong hold on04:30
phunyguyI really like 12.04... :(04:30
Dr_Willispanorain:  it would be .themes in your users home directory04:30
phunyguyI just wish it would worl04:30
Tex_Nickpanorain: oh sorry no ... it's in my home directory .themes04:30
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panorainTex_Nick I have the same directory .themes  do I need to change permissions?04:30
Dr_Willis i just get my themes from the webupd8 theme ppa04:31
histophunyguy: echo performance | sudo tee /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_governor04:32
Tex_Nickpanorain:  i don't think so ... let me look04:32
panorainTex_Nick ok thank you04:32
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panorainDr_Willis checking I really want this hardy theme labeled Hardy_Theme_MariuxV.gz installed on 12.1004:33
phunyguyhisto: now it says "performance" in that file, but the cur_freq is still 120000004:33
phunyguyand encoding is still slow04:33
ghostx562ubuntu 12.04.2 is working right?04:34
histophunyguy: how many cpus do you have?04:34
histophunyguy: ex: cpu0 cpu1 etc...04:34
phunyguyhisto, it's an i5, dual core with hyperthreading04:34
phunyguyso 4 cores as far as the kernel is concerned04:34
phunyguycpu0 is still 120000004:34
histothat's wierd04:35
panorainTex_Nick I believe I may be dealing with emarland window manager at this point04:35
phunyguyhisto, yes and it works perfect in 12.1004:35
phunyguyghostx562: it works much better if you mention who you are talking to, so it doesn't confuse people.04:35
Dr_Willispanorain:  do you even know if thats a gtk2 or 3 theme or what it is exactly?04:37
Tex_Nickpanorain: i really don't know about that ... hey if dr_willis is back for a bit ... he could probably help you in oneline ;-)04:37
Dr_Willistheres a grrat many old theme 'parts' put there that dont work with the newer stuff.04:38
histo!who | ghostx56204:38
ubottughostx562: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)04:38
histoghostx562: it works fine. if you are asking the channel04:38
Dr_Willispanorain:  if you want the best looking themes, theres ppas with the best oues out that sould work with little hassle.04:38
panorainTex_Nick thank you for your help04:39
Dr_Willisthesrs also some themes in the default repos you may want to try04:39
histophunyguy: you installed that cpufreq applet package right?04:39
panorainDr_Willis please hook me up with the ppa line up of themes for Ubuntu 12.10 thank you04:39
phunyguyhisto, yes04:39
Tex_Nickpanorain:  np ... when the doctor is helping ... i step aside ;-)04:40
histophunyguy: can you see if making changes there to atleast the running governor changes the /sys files?04:40
panorainDr_Willis where are the extra themes in the default repos located what is the package name?04:40
Dr_Willispanorain:  ive mentioned 'webupd8' several times now.. omgubuntu may have some also04:40
panorainDr_Willis thank you04:40
phunyguyhisto: the same files we did before?04:40
Dr_Willispanorain:  search for themes. in the package manager. im not on a ubuntu box so cant look04:40
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ghostx562just wondering, i couldn't get 12.10 to install.04:41
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ghostx562going to do, 12.04 then try and upgrade04:41
histophunyguy: just cat them to see their contents04:42
phunyguyhisto, it didn't change them04:42
panorainTex_Nick how do I find which gtk version is running on my machine?04:42
histo!bug | phunyguy04:43
ubottuphunyguy: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.04:43
phunyguyit seems the "userspace" portion is broken04:43
phunyguyhisto: what package would that be related to? it does it regardless of that applet04:43
histophunyguy: yeah please filea  bug and post cat /proc/cpuinfo   also04:43
histophunyguy: kernel04:43
phunyguyhisto I wish it was kernel related04:43
histophunyguy: and probably something with your hardware04:43
phunyguyit is not.04:43
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phunyguyI said that, right?04:43
phunyguy12.10 is on 3.5 kernel04:44
histophunyguy: it is kernel related.04:44
phunyguy12.04 is now on 3.5 kernel.04:44
phunyguysame kernel branch.04:44
histophunyguy: depends how you installed 12.0404:44
phunyguyhisto, 12.04.204:44
histophunyguy: uname -a04:44
phunyguyit is 3.5 kernel.04:44
Dr_Willism.webupd8.org/search/label/eyecandy     for all my themeing and eyecandy needs. ;)04:44
histophunyguy: If you installed 12.04.1 and upgraded to 12.04.2 you do not have 3.504:44
phunyguyhisto 3.5.0-25-generic04:44
phunyguyI already said this04:45
moog1i have a bug with sakis3g..... somebody can help me ?04:45
phunyguyit's not kernel related.04:45
panorainDr_Willis I just loaded up webupd8 remember I am using gnome classic04:45
phunyguyunless they compiled the 2.5 kernel for 12.04 missing something04:45
Dr_Willispanorain:  you are on your own then. i dont see much point in using gnome classic04:45
histophunyguy: so it works in quantal with the 3.5 kernel?04:46
phunyguyhisto, yes04:46
histophunyguy: you tested the ondemand scaling?04:46
phunyguyhas since 3.5.0_1704:46
histophunyguy: and cat'd the /sys....04:46
phunyguyhisto, yes04:46
histoOn the same hardware?04:46
phunyguyhisto, in 12.10 it works perfect04:46
panorainDr_Willis I have only a p4 here not a core2duo04:46
phunyguyhisto yes04:46
* phunyguy facepalms.04:46
histophunyguy: well it's kernel related I don't know what to tell you.04:47
moog1i have a bug with sakis3g..... somebody can help me ?04:47
ghostx562drdy error, any one knows what that is?04:47
panorainDr_Willis how can I input a command in terminal to inform me of what gtk version I am using?04:47
phunyguyhisto I was asking what package to file the bug on, if the 3.5 kernel works in 12.10, I cant make myself file a bug against it.04:47
Dr_Willispanorain:   12.10 used gtk304:48
histo!info linux-image-generic precise | phunyguy04:48
Dr_Willispanorain:  for a low end system i would use lubuntu over gnoem classic. ;)04:48
ubottuphunyguy: linux-image-generic (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image. In component main, is optional. Version (precise), package size 2 kB, installed size 31 kB04:48
panorainDr_Willis does 12.10 with gnome classic still have gtk3 enabled?04:48
phunyguyhisto, it is 3.5 kernel04:49
panorainDr_Willis that's what i'm thinking04:49
histophunyguy: hold on04:49
moog1when i try to connect it tell me "failed to connect"04:49
Dr_Willispanorain:  gnome-classic is NOT the old gnome.. its just a look alike.. so yes. i do belive its using gtk3 so that adds even more confusion to the mix04:49
phunyguyhisto: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5578301/04:50
Dr_Willispanorain:  and i hear the next (?) relese of gnome is supposed to have its own gnome-2ish theme.04:50
panorainDr_Willis what about gtk 3.6 alot of the themes are GTK 3.604:50
Dr_Willispanorain:  thats the newest relase of gnome. its avilabe via ppa's im using it on my desktop04:50
ghostx562i can't get ubuntu to run or install on my pc.04:50
histophunyguy: dpkg -l | grep linux-image | pastebinit04:50
ghostx562anyone have any ideas?04:50
Dr_Willis3.8 gnome ive read is supposed to have a lot of improvements.. ;)04:51
histo!details | ghostx56204:51
ubottughostx562: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."04:51
Dr_Willisor was that the right version.. i dont pay attention to gnome news04:51
panorainDr_Willis heh04:51
phunyguyhisto http://paste.ubuntu.com/5578304/04:51
moog1somebody knows sakis3g ???04:51
panorainI am beginning to like the terminal more each day04:52
Dr_Willismoog1:  is it an animal, vegatable, mineral, or person?04:52
ghostx562i am trying to install ubuntu 12.10 onto my pc. it loads then i am having a problem with the computer giving me an error with ata4.00 . it says drdy error, then it stays at a purple screen that keeps loading over and over.04:52
ghostx562And the OS Will not install.04:52
moog1it is a soft04:52
panorainghostx562 perhaps your .iso did not have a good checksum04:53
histophunyguy: then file on linux-image-generic-lts-quantal04:54
ghostx562panorain, i have download the OS 3 times from ubuntu website, any other suggestions?04:54
panorainghostx562 try downloading the .iso file again do not use the linuxfreedom server04:54
eN_Joy_my port 80 is open to all, but still from time to time i have access blocked to that port, does anyone have a similar problem?04:54
panorainghostx562 ok sorry04:54
Guest44950hello, I'm trying to apply a patch file for some source code, I entered patch -p1 sensor.patch and terminal seems to be stuck on something04:54
ghostx562panorain, is there like a torrent option?04:54
Tex_Nickdr_willis : panorain originally asked for an older look/feel to 12.10 unity ... i recommended ... sudo apt-get install gnome-panel ... was that stupid advice ... if so i need to knowso ican not do it again ;-)04:54
panorainghostx562 I am a noob04:54
phunyguyhisto, that seems so wrong.... it works in quantal04:54
Guest44950is that the correct command to apply a patch file?04:55
ghostx562panorain, its ok ill search on the site.04:55
trismGuest44950: patch reads patch files from stdin by default, so: patch -p1 < sensor.patch;04:55
histophunyguy: okay well perhaps someone else can tell you what package04:56
Guest44950ok great, thank you04:56
histophunyguy: Try the 3.2 kernel and see if the issue is there.04:56
phunyguyhisto, the issue was there with 3,204:56
panorainghostx562 I am just excited sorry for bugging you guys so much04:56
histophunyguy: you didn't even know how to cat /sys/.... so how do you know that?04:56
phunyguyIts why I used the 12.10 release from alpha on04:56
histophunyguy: or how were you checking earlier?04:56
panorainI am headed back to gnome 2 most likely anyways with dillo04:57
panorainall this new stuff is wild04:57
phunyguyhisto: a simple "cat /proc/cpuinfo" would tell me the freq04:57
holsteingnome2 is EOL04:57
phunyguyhisto: don't need fancy cat commands for that04:57
histophunyguy: then file it with the acpi-cpufreq module04:57
panorainholstein then i'll run fluxbox04:58
Dr_Willispanorain:  i suggest you try lubuntu on low end hardware04:58
panoraini'm just hangin out04:58
histophunyguy: what is the maximum step in cpuinfo?04:58
Tex_Nickpanorain:  i might have given you bad advice for switching to gnome classic ... i'm using it, have had to tweak several things ... but it's been flawless for the most part ... if you find support problems with it though ... might be best for you to just revert bact to unity04:58
holsteinpanorain: i find XFCE to be a lot like gnome2 was04:58
phunyguyhisto: "stepping"?04:58
phunyguyor max speed?04:58
panorainTex_Nick I just need to read more you give awesome advice and thank you04:59
histophunyguy: max speed04:59
Dr_Willisthe gnome-classic-fallabck stuff has always been a bit of a after thought tossed in to keep people from complainng too much, while the gnome-devs work on what they really want to focus on... gnome-shell04:59
phunyguyhisto, 2.6GHz04:59
panorainholstein fair enough maybe dapper drake somehow get a browser that still works  it's all good05:00
panorainyour all very helpful05:00
Dr_Willisfor an decent old skool light desktop. lubuntu is hard to beat05:00
Dr_Willisno need to go back to obsolete old relesaes or mess with barely-developed gnomeish-2ish look alikes. ;)05:01
histophunyguy: cpufreq-info | pastebinit05:02
panorainDr_Willis I have to say hardy heron days I wanted to just learn more about tor etc I don't need all the fancy widgets05:03
ghostx562i am trying to install ubuntu 12.10 over windows 8, any specific steps i need to take?05:03
phunyguyhisto  http://paste.ubuntu.com/5578326/05:03
Tex_NickDr_Willis : i'm going to take that as good advice for myself ... and not recommend gnome classic in the future :-)05:04
Dr_Willisghostx562:  be sure you got  a full set of restore disks made juat in case you need to put windows 8 back on05:04
phunyguyhisto, I can already see.... current policy: frequency should be within 1.20 GHz and 1.20 GHz.05:04
Dr_WillisTex_Nick:  we will have to see what happens with the gnome-shell - gnome2ish them ive heard mentioned...05:05
histophunyguy: can you pastebin that from 12.10? I'm assuming it's the ondemand problem05:05
Dr_WillisTex_Nick:  but i bet lubuntu will still be lighter then that gs+g2theme05:05
histophunyguy: the range for it.05:05
phunyguyuhhh... I dont have 12.10 installed......05:05
phunyguybut I can boot livecd real quick05:05
phunyguygimme about 1005:06
ghostx562Dr_Willis: i originally had ubuntu but tried out windows 8 just to see all the hype and im trying to go back to ubuntu, but can't get it to install.05:06
panoraini figure with knowing little having limited skill i was lucky to learn about ralink chipsets let alone other operating systems then windows05:06
Dr_Willisghostx562:  use gparted from a live cd to partition the hd beforhand perhaps?  i never used win8. so cant advise more05:07
ghostx562Dr_Willis: I"ve no CD Drive.05:07
histophunyguy: I can confirm it's workign on my laptop05:07
phunyguyhisto, on 12.10?05:08
histophunyguy: in 12.1005:08
phunyguyhisto, ok I am creating a bootUSB now05:08
nn0101!tell ghostx562 about liveusb05:08
phunyguyI will get you the info05:08
ubottughostx562, please see my private message05:08
histophunyguy: k.05:08
histophunyguy: you'll have to install cpufrequtils  to see that range05:08
Tex_NickDr_Willis : i've never tried lubuntu ... i just ordered components for a cheap box from newEgg ... just for a test platform ... do me a favor ... when you see me giving crazy advice ... kick me in the backside REAL hard ;-)05:08
phunyguyhisto, that's ok.05:08
histophunyguy: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5578332/  It should look like this05:09
histophunyguy: lines 11-13 in yours is wrong05:09
histophunyguy: A bug05:09
phunyguyhisto, thanks05:09
panorainTex_Nick you rule  you ever run emerald in linux mint?05:09
phunyguyI will load up xchat in the liveusb05:10
histophunyguy: k05:10
Dr_Willisemerald is basically a dead project.05:11
ghostx562nn0101, thanks :D05:11
histopanorain: why do you keep saying son?05:11
panorainjust excited05:11
Dr_WillisTex_Nick:  i install lubuntu on most every box i have. ;)05:11
phunyguy!ot | panorain05:11
ubottupanorain: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!05:11
Tex_Nickpanorain:  no ... i'm kinda still living in the days od minix ... i played with mint for bout a week though ;-)05:11
ubottuemerald is an obsolete window decorator for compiz. It's unsupported and unmaintained, making issues with it very hard to diagnose and fix. There are no known, supported alternatives.05:11
panorainI best close my flap at this point and observe05:14
Guest44950Hi again, I did a   'git clone git://gitorious.org/beagleboard-validation/linux.git ValidationKernel'  into a working directory but I don't see any of the files or directories I cloned, am I missing something05:14
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Dr_Willisnormally someone asks for an emerald alternative after i post that factoid....    ;)05:14
panorainthere is none05:16
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Tex_NickDr_Willis : thanks for the input there ... i'll put lubuntu on this new box in a couple days ... you might have taught an old dog a new trick ;-)05:16
Guest44950is there a way to change my name in XChat? I can't find the option05:16
LaogeodrittGuest22253: /nick new_nickname_here05:16
ghostx562its usually in a menu when you open it05:16
Dr_Willisirc basics Guest44950    /nick I_love_Ubotu05:16
ghostx562that works also05:16
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phunyguy_histo, what was that cpufreq package/05:17
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Sazpaimonhow do I restore the windows boot manager using efibootmgr?05:17
histophunyguy_: sudo apt-get install cpufrequtils05:17
histophunyguy_: also pastebinit05:17
histophunyguy_: then you can cpufreq-info | pastebinit05:17
phunyguy_histo, package not found05:17
ghostx562It's Alive!05:17
histo!info cpufrequtils05:17
ubottucpufrequtils (source: cpufrequtils): utilities to deal with the cpufreq Linux kernel feature. In component universe, is optional. Version 008-1 (quantal), package size 37 kB, installed size 227 kB05:18
histophunyguy_: enable the universe repo and apt-get update05:18
phunyguy_histo, it may not work on live.05:18
histophunyguy_: sure it will05:18
histophunyguy_: there is no difference between live and installed05:18
phunyguy_got it05:18
histophunyguy_: In the software aspect it's just a configuration difference with the users /swap etc...05:18
dmitryphmm sorry about asking again, I need help with a git command, I entered 'git clone git://gitorious.org/beagleboard-validation/linux.git ValidationKernel'  into a working directory but I don't see any of the files or directories there05:19
phunyguy_aaaand it wont install, hence why that repo is disabled I'm sure, histo05:19
histophunyguy_: edit /etc/apt/sources.list and add the universe repo05:20
phunyguy_histo I did it through software-sources05:20
phunyguy_and it sees it there, but the install process fails.05:20
phunyguy_want a pastebin>05:20
phunyguy_nevermind, it was another package that failed histo05:21
histophunyguy_: k is it installed now?05:21
phunyguy_histo http://paste.ubuntu.com/5578355/05:22
phunyguy_it works there05:22
phunyguy_histo 3.5.0_17 kernel05:22
histophunyguy_: yeah the ondemand governer is working05:22
histophunyguy_: it's working here in 3.5.0-2405:23
phunyguy_see what I mean about the package to file a bug against?05:23
histophunyguy_: the kernel in precise that you were running is the issue. That stuff is all handled by the kernel05:23
phunyguy_histo, it's 3.5.0_25 kernel there05:23
histophunyguy_: that's for versioning so that you can't upgrade to incremental releases05:24
phunyguy_and it was the same with the 3.2 kernel05:24
dmitrypwould anyone mind helping me with the command to close the repository?05:24
phunyguy_so you still think its that kernel package, the quantal-lts dealy?05:24
histophunyguy_: Yes.05:25
histophunyguy_: frequency scaling is messed up on your hardware running that kernel. I don't have a 12.04.2 install or I would check.05:26
robotnutanyone using ubuntu on phone or tablet?05:26
histo!phone | robotnut05:27
ubotturobotnut: Information about the Ubuntu Touch platform for Phone and Tablet is available here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch support and discussion in #ubuntu-touch05:27
allaireI'm doing a ps aux | grep foo and it returns Warning: /boot/System.map-3.5.0-17-generic has an incorrect kernel version. -- Any ideas?05:27
dmitrypcan anyone read this?05:27
Dr_Willistheres also #ubuntu-arm05:27
Dr_Willisdmitryp:  yes.05:27
dmitrypgreat, is my noob question being ignored?05:27
histodmitryp: close what repo?05:28
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/05:28
Dr_Willisor no one knows...05:28
doomlordwireless network appears to be disabled ,lshw says ... how to rectify?05:28
Dr_Willisi just use apt-cacher-ng  to cache repos05:28
dmitrypok I guess i'll look online some more05:28
holsteindmitryp: i personally dont understand the question.. youa re trying to clone the PPA you have created?05:28
Dr_Willisdmitryp:  check askubuntu.com05:28
dmitrypcan I do that with gitorious?05:28
doomlord       configuration: broadcast=yes driver=iwlwifi driverversion=3.5.0-25-generic firmware= latency=0 multicast=yes wireless=IEEE 802.11abgn05:28
doomlord  *-network DISABLED05:29
histodmitryp: Oh you had the git clone problem?05:29
robotnutanyone using ubuntu on phone or tablet?05:29
ubottuInformation about the Ubuntu Touch platform for Phone and Tablet is available here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch support and discussion in #ubuntu-touch05:29
doomlord(the wireless network works under windows, but under ubuntun its disabled.. there's an indicator light that comesup)05:29
Dr_Willisrobotnut:  ask in the #ubuntu-arm or #ubuntu-touch channels05:29
dmitrypI used git clone '...' foldername, it did everything correctly but I could not findthe folder afterwards05:29
Dr_Willis'touch' what an innovative name....05:29
histodmitryp: why the space there?05:30
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doomlordalso, anyone know of a desktop pager which does thumbnailing ?05:30
dmitrypI'm sorry, which space?05:30
panorainTex_Nick I know this is off topic but check out http://ghostbsd.org/ when you have time05:30
histodmitryp: git clone somesitefoo_space_folder05:31
histodmitryp: try git clone pathtoproject05:31
histodmitryp: Oh I got you ... You are trying to create a new directory05:32
rumblebumbleneed some help with 12.05:32
AcidRaini have ubuntu 11.04. how can i install cinnamon on this? or someones preffered desktop environment05:32
histodmitryp: do you have write access to whatever folder you are in that you are trying to clone to?05:32
holsteinAcidRain: i would look for a PPA for cinammon05:33
histo!eol | AcidRain05:33
ubottuAcidRain: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades05:33
dmitrypyes, and when I try it again, it says folder already exists05:33
histoAcidRain: upgrade soon05:33
dmitryphowever I cannot see it, maybe there is nother command i need to enter05:33
rumblebumbleneed some help with 12.10. I paired up my blurtooth mouse, it works great. if it is disconnected, it does not auto re-connect like it has in the past.05:33
AcidRainhisto, if u cant help me. plz dont spam channel with undeeded information05:33
histodmitryp: what directory name are you using?05:33
rumblebumbleHow do I fix this05:33
holsteinrumblebumble: i would expect to reconnect.. thats not an option?05:34
histoAcidRain: I'm trying to help you.... you are approaching end of lief05:34
remon__Hi, I installed webcam studio on Ub 12.10 . The application loads, but , there is no output. I added video to my usser group. but without any succes. Preview works fine but i cant seem to find the virtual cam to use the java web applet. Any ideaś?05:34
AcidRainhisto, my life is long.05:34
holsteinAcidRain: nothin is preventing you from adding cinammon, though cinammon is not supported here, and 11.10 is EOL soon, and histo has pointed out[C[C05:35
ghostx562acidrain, that means that support for that version of the OS will no longer be offered.05:35
histoAcidRain: Nope actually your version of ubuntu is end of life nevermind05:35
remon__for example when i use manycam on ehum windows it will let me choose the virtual cam of manycam in the java applet.05:35
histoAcidRain: It's not supported anymore.05:35
jeetpeiAcidRain: i guess histo talking about your Ubuntu's life05:35
dmitryphisto: I'm using '/home/dmitry/aptina/ValidationKernel'05:36
remon__i guess it should be looped some how. any ideaś?05:36
histodmitryp: can you please copy and paste the ocmmand you are typing in here.05:36
AcidRainhisto, so what your saying is that its impossible for me to add a ppa to my resources and install cinnamon?05:36
histodmitryp: or pastebinit05:37
AcidRainhisto, i dont want to lose my files05:37
histoAcidRain: then upgrade I'm giving you the instructions but you don't "want my help"05:37
histogood luck05:37
dmitrypgit clone git://gitorious.org/beagleboard-validation/linux.git ValidationKernel05:37
Dr_Willisa ppa may not support that release AcidRain05:37
AcidRainhisto, but if i upgrade. will my files still be there?05:37
rumblebumbleholstein, No it is not05:37
histo!eol > AcidRain05:37
ubottuAcidRain, please see my private message05:37
Dr_WillisAcidRain:  allways keep backups..05:38
Dr_Willisugrade keeps your home files.. but keep backups...05:38
rumblebumbleholstein, I actually have to delete the device to get it to reconnect05:38
histodmitryp: what's the output of pwd05:38
Sazpaimonhow do I restore the windows boot manager using efibootmgr?05:39
dmitryphisto: what is a pwd?05:39
histodmitryp: print working directory. I think you are confused as to where you are.05:39
rumblebumbleholstein, there must be a regression somewhere in 12.10 wrt to bluetooth05:39
holsteinrumblebumble: could be05:39
dmitryphisto: /home/dmitry/aptina/driver05:39
histodmitryp: okay then cd /home/dmitry/aptina/ValidationKernel05:40
histodmitryp: okay then cd /home/dmitry/aptina/driver/ValidationKernel05:40
histodmitryp: sorry second one.05:40
c2taruncan anyone help me in configuring conky. I am facing certain problems: I mentioned all problems here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=212145605:40
dmitryphisto: either of the two gives m ea no such fiile or directory error05:40
histodmitryp: You are in the driver directory cloning a git source into the ValidationKernel directory.  Do you understand this?05:41
histodmitryp: You already stated it was giving you an error that the file exists.05:41
histothen it's there05:41
holsteinc2tarun: i would just remove parts, and try and see what the issue is... i usually just run conky from the terminal when testing, so its easy to kill and spawn05:42
dmitrypit gives me an error when I try the git clone, but no file or directory error when I try to CD05:42
histodmitryp: open a terminal type your git command in and then do an ls after it's done. Pastebin the output05:42
remon__in /dev i have both the virtualcam and my webcam listed. Any idea's?05:42
dmitrypA directory already exists and is not empty when I try the git clone05:42
histo!paste | dmitryp05:42
ubottudmitryp: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.05:42
c2tarunholstein, yup, but now its not even working from terminal, if I remove conky and reinstall again, it'll run but on reboot again I am facing same problem.05:43
histoc2tarun: there is #conky05:43
c2tarunhisto, yeah, everyone seems to be sleeping there. So I thought if anyone here can help me.05:43
holsteinc2tarun: i would remove *parts*.. and test.. try and determine which part of the config is bad05:44
crazyhorsei'm trying to switch from osx -> ubuntu but at the moment i have a major blocker which is the speed of google chrome.  It's incredibly slow, tabs crash and hang regularly (note it works perfectly under both windows 8 / xp / osx 10.7 / osx 10.8.  I develop web-based information system so i spend nearly all day inside chrome and the debugger panel05:44
c2tarunholstein, ok, let me try to grab default template and test if its working or not05:44
crazyhorsei can't work out what's causing the issue, i have plenty of ram left, it's the newest version of chrome.  I'm running 12.04 (only 1 day old)05:44
dmitryphisto: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5578393/05:45
dmitrypit's there, but I don't see it in file browser05:45
holsteincrazyhorse: start witha fresh config.. i use chrome al the time, and it works great05:45
crazyhorseholstein: haha, works for me.. doesn't help :(05:45
Dr_Willisc2tarun:  you did auto start it via a script with like a 10 second delay?05:45
c2tarunholstein, hmm... its odd, there was two files .conkyrc~ and .conkyrc.swp, I deleted them manually and conky started working.05:46
c2tarunDr_Willis, sorry, I am not getting, can you please rephrase.05:46
holsteincrazyhorse: sure, thats what i included the comment about removing your current config... i just say "it works" so you know its possible.. otherwise, i would say, just remove it if it didnt work05:46
crazyhorseholstien: i just installed it05:46
crazyhorseholstein: and i had the same issues in chromium05:46
holsteincrazyhorse: there should be a config there.. or try as a different user05:47
Dr_Willisc2tarun: the conky faq details how to properly auto start conky. it must wait untill the desktop is loaded.05:47
holsteincrazyhorse: chromiume works fine too05:47
AcidRainso if i upgrade to 12.04, your telling me that i wont lose files?05:47
Dr_Willisc2tarun: or it may get hidden05:47
crazyhorseholstein: hang on.. it's a blank install.. i've not changed anything05:47
histodmitryp: in your file browser hit ctrl+l  and type in /home/aptina/driver/05:47
holsteinAcidRain: you should have backups anyway05:47
crazyhorseholstein: installed.. started trying to load webpages thats it05:47
AcidRainso whats that mean? its a possibility that i lose everything, though i shouldnt?05:47
Dr_WillisAcidRain:  power failure during upgrade is never good...05:47
coolroot /msg NickServ identify 1234abcd05:47
AcidRainare yall sure this is safe after i backup?05:48
c2tarunDr_Willis, okay, now I got that why conky is not working in startup applications :P, can you please see my last post in this thread: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2121456   can you please see the problem I am facing in changing font colors, please see if you can suggest something.05:48
dmitryphisto: ok, and then?05:48
jeetpeiAcidRain : no its not ; but always have backup05:48
panorainDr_Willis can you give me an apt package for gtk3 that will give me more themes fast in 12.04?05:48
Dr_WillisAcidRain:  better to backup now.. then to learn how to recover later05:48
histodmitryp: Do you see it now?05:48
holsteincrazyhorse: have you applied all upgrades?05:48
Dr_Willispanorain:  nope. im on my phone.05:48
crazyhorseholstein: which upgrades?05:48
histodmitryp: Specifically the ValidationKernel directory05:48
panorainDr_Willis ok sorry05:48
crazyhorseholstein: oh general OS upgrades?05:49
holsteincrazyhorse: any system upgrades that might be breaking your setup05:49
crazyhorseah no.. i'll reboot and give that a go :)05:49
Dr_Willispanorain:  i just use the ones from webupd805:49
holsteincrazyhorse: you can also start google-chrome from the terminal and see if you see any helpful error messages05:49
dmitryphisto: no I don't see it, however, when I typed cd ValidationKernel I was taken to /.local/share/Trash/files/driver/ValidationKernel$05:50
holsteinAcidRain: you need to just have backups... imagine *when* that hard drive fails.. plan for that, and then you cant do anything you cant recover from easily05:51
histodmitryp: What sort of experience do you have with linux?05:51
Dr_Willishard drives seem to be the biggest point of failure these days.05:51
AcidRainholstein, i have crongjobs that backup everything every morning at 3am. but only important files rather.05:52
Dr_Willismight be better to ask.. why you dont allready habe backups made. ;005:52
AcidRainother than that, nothig is kept on my internal drive05:52
panorainDr_Willis are the webup8 ppa's safe containing no malware?05:53
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Dr_Willispanorain:  have you ever seen of heard of malware on linux?05:53
holsteinAcidRain: you will lose *all* files when that hard drive fails, so you might as well plan for that05:53
dmitryphisto: not a lot, I think the file in the trash from a different installation05:54
AcidRainholstein, chances of 2 drives going out at same time?05:54
Dr_Willispanorain:  its a major linux news and info site...  use it if you want.. or not.05:54
Dr_Williswork time.. bbl.05:54
panorainDr_willis I am concerned about firefox and the builtin firewall on ubuntu 12.1005:54
Dr_WillisAcidRain:  seen it happen with a power surge05:54
holsteinAcidRain: doesnt matter. if you have your data backed up, then you wont lose anything in any upgrade or reinstall05:54
Dr_Willispanorain:  the firewall 'builtin' is turned off by default..05:54
AcidRainDr_Willis, i have 2 power surges before my cmputer is reached? still happen?05:55
Dr_Willispanorain:  biggest danger to a linux box is the end user doing somthing stupid.05:55
ghostx562it can still happen05:55
Dr_WillisAcidRain:  ever see a lighting bolt hit a house.....05:55
AcidRainDr_Willis, no lol. sounds cool though. not for people in it05:55
Dr_Willisset my carpet on fire...05:55
Dr_Williswork time.. bbl.05:56
histodmitryp: Can you make sure that the path is showing in your file browser and paste a screenshot to imagebin.org05:56
histodmitryp: to show the path you hit ctrl+L05:56
ghostx562see ya willis05:56
panoraincan anyone tell me what version gtk I am using with 12.10 on gnome-classic is it 3.0 and if so can i use a 3.6 gnome theme?05:56
AcidRainDr_Willis, ok, i have backedup everything i can think of. so all i have to do is hit this upgrade to 12.04 LTS and im good? or in theory05:56
holsteinAcidRain: it doesnt matter.. this is in response to "will i lose data if i upgrade" and im just saying, assume you will, and backup what you need, and you wont lose it05:57
sunsonI'd like to draw parallel lines, perpendicular lines, bisect angles, etc., and basically do simple engineering drawings. what is a good free software program that would let me do this?05:57
ubottuInkscape is a powerful vector graphics drawing application - see http://www.inkscape.org/ for more05:57
panorainAcidRain watch out Unity may cause issues for newcomers05:57
ghostx562sunson, pencil & paper05:57
AcidRainsunson, goto the science section of the software center05:57
AcidRainpanorain, as soon as install is done, i install gnome2 shell05:57
panorainAcidRain please help me then05:58
sunsonghostx562: pencil and paper is too painful. I'd ideally want a drafter...05:58
AcidRaini almost refuse to update just because i know ill have to look at unity long enough to do sudos05:58
panorainAcidRain wow05:58
AcidRaingnome-shell i believe05:58
sunsonAcidRain: ok, will check out.05:58
dmitryphisto: http://imagebin.org/24864305:58
ghostx562well im done with ubuntu, it seems it doesn't want to install on my pc.05:58
AcidRainok all, here goes.05:59
holsteinyou can see unity on the live CD.. check it out for yourself and decide... xubuntu looks/feels a lot like the ond gnome2 setup05:59
* AcidRain clicks on upgrade button05:59
thoonaiSamanthaD: AcidRain don't do it05:59
AcidRainSNAP! i alrdy did! did?05:59
AcidRainunity is haxt meh06:00
panorainAcidRain I agree but I am only a nood06:00
thoonaiAcidRain: sorry for trolling you, im sorry06:00
AcidRainunity just said "all ur base r mine"06:00
panorainAcidRain I do not want to bug you sorry06:00
histodmitryp: and ls -l in the terminal while you are in the driver directory shows the VirtualKernel directory?06:01
panorainnow to get a decent them with square corners like crux06:01
rahul01hii, what is rolling release in ubuntu?06:02
panoraingosh if I had crux and a 3.5 kernal I could read more about wifi etc.06:02
rahul01means how can i download it06:02
thoonaiis there a rolling release?06:02
AcidRainunity clicked on the "start upgrade" button and disabled the cancel button!06:02
histodmitryp: paste the output of ls -l /home/dmitry/aptina/driver/*06:02
phunyguyhisto: I am really weirded out by this06:02
histophunyguy: Why?06:03
phunyguyhisto: after a reboot it works06:03
thoonaiAcidRain: never trust unity ... its like mac, shining blinky but evil on the inside06:03
phunyguylet me try to unplug and replug, that may give a glue06:03
robotnutdoing the harlem dance06:03
phunyguyahhh histo, yeah it dropped again06:04
phunyguyit is on the unpug and replug that it fails.06:04
histophunyguy: after reboot what worked i'm confused?06:04
phunyguyhisto if I reboot with the cord plugged in, it starts up in ondemand with it working as expected.  If I unplug the cord and replug it in, it drops back to stuck at 1.2GHz06:04
panorainAcidRain what operating system were you using before 12.10 unity?06:04
dmitryphisto: http://pastebin.com/g1y87zen06:05
dmitryphisto: it does not show up in ls -l, only when i do git clone it says the directory already exists06:05
thoonaiAcidRain: unity still running?06:06
panorainAcidRain how are you installing the gnome 2 shell?06:08
histodmitryp: It was there... Did you delete it? http://paste.ubuntu.com/5578393/ <<<<<  this was your earlier paste where did it go?06:09
dmitryphisto: no I didn't this is weird06:09
histodmitryp: I have no idea what is going on.06:10
crazyhorseif i want to run 2 or 3 copies of ubuntu and a single copy of windows concurrently, what is the method that gets the most out of the hardware with the least amount of compataibility issues?06:10
phunyguyhisto, bug filed: #113933106:10
dmitryphisto: now it's doing git again when I did git clone. is there a command that I need to type in after git clone, like 'commit'?06:11
dmitryphisto: never mind I see the folder now, let me see that it doesn't disappear after it finishes. anyways thank you so much for your help, I'm have a headache from this so I'm gonna go for today, thank you06:12
histophunyguy: cool.06:13
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phunyguyI should have filed that bug when 12.04 came out06:13
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histo!manual | dmitryp06:13
ubottudmitryp: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/06:13
histophunyguy: it's probably just something with your hardware06:14
phunyguyhisto I don't doubt it, but it is common hardware06:14
phunyguyregular intel cpu06:14
phunyguyall intel hardware06:14
panorainhisto you ever run elegence colors in 12:10?06:15
Tex_Nickpanorain:  i've been out looking for coyotes ... just scrolled up ... for gtk version, try this ... dpkg -s libgtk-3-0|grep '^Version'06:15
phunyguyhisto: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5578433/06:15
phunyguythat is lspci06:15
AcidRainthere is an ungoldy amount of errors while installing as i glance at terminal06:16
AcidRaincant be good06:16
panorainTex_nick left me 3.6.0-0ubuntu3.206:16
panorainTek_Nick please see www.webup8.org/2013/01/elegance-colors-gnome-shell-theme-gets.html06:17
histophunyguy: Yeah ... and I'm assuming since everybody and their brother isn't complaining about it. Its' something specific to your hardware/bios06:17
panorainTex_Nick thanks again06:17
panorainTex_Nick my gtk version is 3.6.0-0ubuntu3.206:18
phunyguyhisto, it isn't a noticable thing06:19
phunyguythe desktop still runs smooth06:19
Tex_Nickpanorain: that url looks like a parked url ?06:19
phunyguyI should test the livecd again with the unplug and replug, histo06:19
phunyguysince that's what triggered it06:19
histophunyguy: yeah just to be sure. Make sure you add all that to your bug report too.06:20
phunyguyand I did06:20
Tex_Nickpanorain: have a look at this ... http://www.ubuntuupdates.org/package/gnome_shell/quantal/main/base/gtk+3.006:20
panorainTex_Nick yes it is from the site webupd8 what is a parked url anyways?06:20
panorainTex_Nick your on the smart end thanks06:21
panorainTex_Nick should I think about security before adding this repo to adp?06:22
Tex_Nickpanorain: a parked url is usually a url that once belongeg to someone who let it lapse for some reason ... the isp then puts their own advertising there tyhen06:23
diverdudehi, i used checkinstall....it started and got an error, instead it built some backup package it installed it seems. is it possible to remove this package again?06:24
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Tex_Nickpanorain: that url ... http://ww1.webup8.org/2013/01/elegance-colors-gnome-shell-theme-gets.html ... looks to me like just a bunch of advertising links ?06:26
phunyguy_histo: :( - the problem is there in 12.10  :(06:26
* phunyguy_ cries06:26
Tex_Nickpanorain: http://ww1.webup8.org/2013/01/elegance-colors-gnome-shell-theme-gets.html ... This page provided to the domain owner free by Sedo's Domain Parking06:27
phunyguy_histo, some more info though.  If I unplug and replug with the CPU not maxed, it goes back to the right setting06:27
phunyguy_so it seems to only do it when the CPU is pegged06:27
=== castawayz|idle is now known as til4k
BuddaTrighteo, so I have a new box set up for me by my host, I'm SSH'd in - apt-get, make and dpkg aren't installed at all06:28
BuddaThow do i get apt-get going06:28
panorainTek_Nick what does sedo domain parking mean?06:29
Ben64BuddaT: theres a fairly good chance you don't have ubuntu on it06:29
Tex_Nickpanorain: anyway, hey regarding which themes will work for you ... only advice i could give is ... just try the ones you find ... they either work or they don't ;-)06:29
BuddaTwhere can i check that06:29
panorainTex_Nick thank you I have so many questions maybe I can help you someday06:30
Ben64BuddaT: cat /etc/*release06:30
Tex_Nickpanorain: i've tried several on this box ... most of them worked ... a few didn't though ... i just delete the ones that don't work or that i don't want :)06:30
til4kSo I have this problem, seems common, described it here http://askubuntu.com/questions/262940/ubuntu-software-center-error06:30
BuddaTCentOS, brilliant06:31
BuddaTi totally told them to install ubuntu06:31
Ben64enjoy your "yum" :P06:31
til4kim not entirely sure what the problem is but i see everyone has it06:31
panorainTex_Nick thank you for your help did you find a coyote?06:31
til4kive tried a bunch of stuff06:31
panorainI am a noob06:32
contrapunctusSay, folks, is there any way I can make my notebook play a sound when the battery reaches a specified level? Also, any way to 1. get the battery level (in percent) and 2. switch between normal/presentation modes using only the terminal?06:32
Tex_Nickpanorain: mind if i pm you ... might be best to take this off channel06:32
BuddaTthanks, Ben6406:32
contrapunctus(using 12.04 UbuntuStudio (=XFCE))06:32
panorainTex_Nick no problem06:32
til4kcontrapunctus: youre talking about software06:33
contrapunctustil4k: ???06:33
til4kunlesss its a configuration in the pre-installed ubuntustudio i dunno06:33
contrapunctusSo what software, if that's what's needed?06:34
til4kcontrapunctus: not really what ubuntu support means, but you can ask in #ubuntu-offtopic06:34
til4kim not fam with xfce personally06:35
magn3tssoftwarecenter is a nightmare06:38
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magn3tsI think it may be the single slowest piece of software in an ubuntu install06:38
keplerit is oddly slow06:42
Dr_Willishmm.. isent there battery info in some /proc/ dir you could monitor and do a lot of what was mentioned above  via a bash script. ;)06:43
histophunyguy: it does that in both .04 and .10?06:45
phunyguyhisto: yes it did it in the liveCD06:45
phunyguyI thought 12.10 was fine because I didnt know that the CPU had to be maxed to reproduce.06:46
phunyguyhisto, try it with CPU maxed.  I installed burn and ran 6 burnP6 processes in tandem to produce a nice load06:46
phunyguyI could even hear the fan kick up while CPU was at 2.6GHz, then when I unplugged and plugged power back in, I heard the fan speed drop06:47
phunyguyI am half tempted to try it in 13.0406:48
histophunyguy: wow06:48
histophunyguy: give me a minute I will try06:48
histophunyguy: need to find a way to max my cpu06:49
thoonaihisto: set the multiplicator in your bios on a higher value and hope that your cpu isnt burning :)06:50
phunyguyhisto, I apt-get installed burn06:50
histophunyguy: isn't that a utility for burning cds?06:51
phunyguythen ran burnP6 & burnP6 & burnP6 & burnP6 & burnP6 & burnP6 &06:51
phunyguysorry cpuburn06:51
phunyguythen when finished, killall burnP606:51
phunyguyalso it took about 6 seconds for the throttle to happen06:52
phunyguyso give it a minute with the cable plugged back in06:52
phunyguywhile you do that I will boot 13.0406:53
phunyguy(3.8 kernel I think)06:53
histophunyguy: Okay give me steps to recreate I just ran burnP6 while it was running I unplugged power and plugged it back in.06:54
histoMine is fine06:54
magn3tswhatcha guys talking about?06:58
histomagn3ts: frequency scaling bug phunyguy found06:58
histoI'm trying to recreate it06:58
magn3tsah, I can try to repro f someone wants. I was wondering if you were talking cpu fans on a MBA06:59
histophunyguy: I can't recreate it. So what are you doing step by step to recreate it?06:59
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phunyguyhisto, max the cpu with it plugged in, then unplug for a few seconds, and plug back in.  wait about 10 seconds, and check the cpufreq-info07:01
histophunyguy: yeah can't recreate here07:01
phunyguyare you fully maxing CPU?07:02
phunyguyburnP6 is single-threaded07:02
phunyguyhence why I ran like 607:02
phunyguyand the issue wasn't present in 13.04 either07:02
histophunyguy: maxed with 3 of them. here. poopy core 207:02
histophunyguy: it's a bug with just your hardware aparently07:02
phunyguymight be an ivy-bridge bug07:03
histophunyguy: something with acpi and your bios.  You maybe able to fix it with a bios upgrade...07:03
phunyguyit is very possible actually, thanks for the top07:03
magn3tsphunyguy: which gen is ivy bridge, I may have one07:03
phunyguymagn3ts: latest I think.  It is this year's Lenovo laptop line07:04
magn3tsi5-3570K CPU @ 3.40GHz07:04
phunyguyI have a 332007:04
magn3tsyeah, mine's Ivy. You want me to run 4x cpuburn?07:04
phunyguymagn3ts: laptop?07:04
magn3tsdesktop, I've got this years MBA I can grab if you want me to test it07:04
phunyguyit is a laptop bug.07:04
magn3tsI'm on 13.04 / 3.8kernel though07:04
phunyguymagn3ts: that wont help me07:05
phunyguybut thanks07:05
magn3tsphunyguy: okay, even the macbook air?07:05
phunyguymagn3ts: i just tested in 13.04, the issue isn't present07:05
magn3tsphunyguy: or oh07:05
magn3tsokay. well sorry then, best of luck07:05
histophunyguy: They are definately gonig to want your hardware info on the bug then. I can't recreate it.07:08
Aaronback to Ubuntu, Lovely07:08
phunyguyhisto: should already be there.... didn't the ubuntu-bug command grab all that?07:09
histophunyguy: what's the bug number?07:09
phunyguyhisto: 113933107:09
histobug 113933107:09
ubottubug 1139331 in linux (Ubuntu) "cpu throttling not working" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/113933107:09
ntzrmtthihu777alrighty, in the process of creating a custom iso of ubuntu 12.04 with gnome-shell as the default login, now how do I configure the default de for the live user's login?07:10
phunyguywait, confirmed already?07:10
Dr_Willisntzrmtthihu777: in the lightdm configuration files i think ntzrmtthihu77707:11
histophunyguy: yeah who confirmed it?07:11
silversufer Do all Ethernet adapters work with ubuntu? or is there a specific type I should get or you could recommend?07:11
ntzrmtthihu777ok, where are those located?07:11
phunyguyhisto: Brad Figg07:11
naeglingsigh how do I tell ffmpeg where libfdk-aac.so.0 is?07:11
ntzrmtthihu777Dr_Willis: you seem to be hugely informative, lol07:11
phunyguy!hcl | silversufer07:11
ubottusilversufer: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection07:11
Dr_Willissilversufer: most wired nics should work. id say stick with the bigger name chipsets.07:12
Dr_Willissilversufer: sime chipsets do have driver bugs.07:12
histophunyguy: do you believe me now that it's the kernel??? lol07:13
phunyguyhisto: yup.07:13
phunyguythanks for putting me in my place07:14
histophunyguy: I wasn't trying to.07:14
aeon-ltdsilversufer: the chances are someone out there has the same nic and is running/trying to run linux aswell07:14
histophunyguy: I just wanted to stay awake to see you discover it for yourself what I told you a long time ago.07:14
Sefid_parIs libtiff installed on ubuntu by default?07:14
histophunyguy: 2.5hours ago...07:14
phunyguy!info libtiff07:14
ubottuPackage libtiff does not exist in quantal07:14
histogoodnight all07:14
phunyguynight histo07:14
ntzrmtthihu777easy to check Sefid_par , try to install. if it doesn't work, its likely there already07:15
Sefid_parntzrmtthihu777: I do not know its name exactly07:16
ntzrmtthihu777ah, gotcha.07:17
Sefid_parntzrmtthihu777: Ok. found :P07:17
c2tarunis it possible to select only temperature from output of sensors in terminal? Till now I am using sensors | grep 'Core 0' so I am getting <Core 0:       +56.0°C  (high = +80.0°C, crit = +90.0°C)>   I wan't only <+56.0C>07:18
bebojnsudo fdisk -l07:20
icerootc2tarun: #bash07:20
Dr_Willisc2tarun: with some grep or awk ussage  yes07:21
icerootc2tarun: i would also say grep + awk07:21
Dr_Willisawk is amazingly handy07:21
phunyguyc2tarun: also look into the cut command07:22
Dr_Willisregular expreszions are a  nuclear powered swiss army knife  also.07:22
phunyguysyntax: cut -d ',' -f 4 - would be to split by command, and grab 4th entry (IIRC - going from memory)07:23
phunyguysplit by coma****07:23
* c2tarun looking in awk and cut command07:23
phunyguyneed to go to bed.07:23
FloodBot1phunyguy: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.07:23
Laogeodrittc2tarun: sensors | grep 'Core 0' | egrep -? '\d+.\d+°C' might work as a pure-regex solution. I don't remember the flag, it's the one that only prints the matched text to stdout. (That said, I don't know awk, so that might be more useful).07:24
ntzrmtthihu777erm, again, where are the lightdm files located?07:24
contrapunctusSay, folks, is there any way I can make my notebook play a sound when the battery reaches a specified level? Also, any way to 1. get the battery level (in percent) and 2. switch between normal/presentation modes using only the terminal? I'm using 12.04, UbuntuStudio (=XFCE).07:24
ntzrmtthihu777I am in the middle of an apt-get update on the iso, so I can't check it for myself07:24
emziI'm going to install z prozila gui: /bin/sh: 2: .././mkinstalldirs: Permission denied07:25
emzimake[2]: *** [install-data-yes] Error 12607:25
icerootntzrmtthihu777: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5578523/  (12.04)07:26
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c2tarunLaogeodritt, I think there is some minor fault, its not working, did you test in on your machine?07:26
ntzrmtthihu777thankya, iceroot07:26
Laogeodrittc2tarun, sorry, I didn't, just threw it out there. (Also the -? was the flag I didn't remember, if that wasn't clear).07:27
LaogeodrittI'll check it in a sec07:27
emziI'm going to install a prozila gui: https://github.com/screwgoth/prozilla-dev-2.5 But I get this err when I use "sudo make install"07:27
emzi/bin/sh: 2: .././mkinstalldirs: Permission denied07:27
emzimake[2]: *** [install-data-yes] Error 12607:27
c2tarunLaogeodritt, ohh.. :P I am also chkng07:27
icerootemzi: not executable?07:27
Laogeodrittactually mine might have issues, it'll match several temperature strings... not sure whether grep will only match the first one and leave it at that for the line or not07:28
emziiceroot: chmod 777 mkinstalldirs07:29
BlackWebI'm looking into writing a shell script, Which I want it to have the ability, So that i can click on any file and run the script, Which my main question is how would I tell the script to process the selected file?07:30
ntzrmtthihu777is there a terminal command you can run to check what de you are using if you do not already know?07:33
BlackWebI think bash07:35
icerootntzrmtthihu777: you can have more then one DE but "dpkg -l \*ubuntu-desktop | grep -v ^ii" should show the installed DEs on ubuntu systems07:35
Laogeodrittc2tarun: sensors | grep 'Core 0' | grep -Po '\+\d+\.\d+°C'07:35
Dr_WillisBlackWeb:  nautilus has a 'nautilus scripts'  feature you could . setup the script in the right dir.. right click on a file and hsve a scripts ->myscript07:36
Laogeodrittc2tarun: sorry, I'm too used to using Perl-style regexes =P My solution has the problem that it identifies all three temperatures in your line though07:36
ntzrmtthihu777yes, I know that iceroot , I just want to get the right name to use07:36
ntzrmtthihu777dammit lol07:36
Dr_Willisecho $SHELL    shows your shell07:36
icerootntzrmtthihu777: you mean you want gnome, unity, kde, xfce4, lxde as a name instead of ubuntu-desktop, xubuntu-desktop and so on07:36
emzi!ping iceroot07:36
BlackWebDr_Willis: If I made say a simple rev script then would the script know the file just by right clicking, "/bin/bash"07:37
ntzrmtthihu777yes, I got that, but what i mean is I know I want gnome-classic (no effects) but want to make sure I am using the right name for the live cd07:37
bazhangemzi, no need to use !ping07:38
icerootemzi: i dont know the reason07:38
Dr_WillisBlackWeb:  you want to do somthing to system files and dirs? you would need sudo rights/use gksudo somehow07:38
ntzrmtthihu777so you need to escape the * in dpkg -l \*ubuntu-desktop | grep -v ^ii ?07:39
BlackWebI'll tweak around a little and see if I can figure out, Yea Mainly trying to create a shell script to encrypt & Decrypt files with GPG, Which right now I use just regular shell script where I input the files to process or have the script look for a paticular file in a directory, but mainly was wondering if i was to right click on the file and use the script if the script would automatically know what file i was wanted to work with?07:40
ntzrmtthihu777interesting idea, BlackWeb07:40
icerootntzrmtthihu777: yes because you want that dpkg is working with the * not the bash but bash would try to replace the * first before it will deliver the string to dpkg07:40
Dr_WillisBlackWeb:  check the nautilus scripts guides.. it sets some $filename type variables07:41
Dr_Willisthe 'nautilus scripts' feature gets overlooked too much. its such a nifty feature07:41
ntzrmtthihu777damn this is taking forever, lol.07:42
ntzrmtthihu777I should like to learn about using nautilus scripts07:42
BlackWebAlright I'll browse through it and see if I can figure it out, thanks Dr_Willis07:42
ntzrmtthihu777about how much do you think an ubuntu 12.04 install grows with that first apt-get update ?07:44
ntzrmtthihu777I like that, lol. good reference07:45
icerootntzrmtthihu777: apt-get update will not change anything on your system, it will just update the package lists07:51
ntzrmtthihu777derp, lol. apt-get upgrade I mean.07:51
l057c0d3rand whats wrong with an apt-get dist-upgrade :-p07:52
l057c0d3rbesides it will remove and install new packages some times07:52
l057c0d3r--- is not happy with gnome-screensaver at the moment..07:52
l057c0d3rgave up on it and disabled locking on this system..  system works just fine...  until it locks.. then computer coma07:53
contrapunctusIsn't apt-get upgrade evil?07:53
contrapunctus*supposed to be evil07:53
l057c0d3rbut suspend.. hibernate..  blanking of screen work fine...07:54
icerootntzrmtthihu777: you want "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" to get the latest security fixes and not apt-get upgrade07:54
l057c0d3rsigh..  oh gnome what are you people doing to your desktop environment07:54
l057c0d3ri myself always run dist-upgrade..  rather then just upgrade07:54
ntzrmtthihu777not that I am aware of. oh really? thanks for the info, iceroot07:54
l057c0d3rbut always have07:54
contrapunctus1056c0d34 - tried xscreensaver?07:54
l057c0d3rcontrapunctus, been thinking about it07:55
contrapunctusIs there any way I can make my notebook play a sound when the battery reaches a specified level? Also, any way to 1. get the battery level (in percent) and 2. switch between normal/presentation modes using only the terminal? I'm using 12.04, UbuntuStudio (=XFCE).07:55
l057c0d3rhave it on my other desktop that has lxde on it (poor old system)07:55
SwedeMikecontrapunctus: $ acpi07:55
SwedeMikeBattery 0: Discharging, 46%, 02:57:41 remaining07:55
ntzrmtthihu777should be doable, contrapunctus . interesting idea for a conky item...07:55
contrapunctusSwedeMike - Don't have acpi o.o07:55
l057c0d3rnot sure contrapunctus I know when my battery gets low.. ( by going into alsamixer from term  and turning vol up on been....) my system starts beeping at me07:56
SwedeMikecontrapunctus: you don't have the program or your latop/battery doesn't support acpi?07:56
contrapunctusI don't have the program07:57
SwedeMikecontrapunctus: install it then.07:57
contrapunctusWas hoping to achieve it with what's available o.o07:57
SwedeMikecontrapunctus: I didn't have it either, took 3 seconds to install it."apt-get install acpi"07:57
ejvIn theory, you "could" cron a script that asks ACPI for it's discharge level; if <= $DESIRED_LEVEL trigger ALSA to output entropy from /dev/urandom; enjoy the music ;)07:58
contrapunctusInstalling...I'm rather hesitant to install new stuff...pro audio rig, don't want anything to break07:59
SwedeMikeejv: or just run mplayer or something else.07:59
l057c0d3roh just great..  hit exit on steam..  it went into notification area.. and now i cant get it to come back.. but its still in notification..  sigh..  kde i might be coming your way soon.. gnome has me at my wits end07:59
ejvuhh... we're geeks, we like our entropy. :)07:59
ejvyou could also use 'aplay' to pipe music from /dev/random as well haha07:59
ejvpoor man's ubuntu signaler08:00
ntzrmtthihu777hmm, ok, the default session is gnome-shell; how would you do the no-effect version?08:00
contrapunctus1057c0d3r - XFCE?08:00
ntzrmtthihu777lol, unless you are into Dubstep you will not like the sound of /dev/random or urandom lol08:01
contrapunctusejv...no scripting experience here, how could I make this script?08:01
ejvsorry contrapunctus, I'm assuming a basic level of scripting experience to implement that; I would man aplay, man cron, man <whatever-you-dont-understand>, etc.08:02
SwedeMikecontrapunctus: http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com/idea/28037/08:02
ejvor yea... gewgle08:02
SwedeMikecontrapunctus: https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/3943508:03
ejvIf we're being creative you could also hook ACPI to libnotify; i despise audio alerts personally.08:04
ntzrmtthihu777lol, just get it into conky, show the % as a bar08:04
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magn3tsI was using something the other day that had neither a man or info page08:07
magn3tsor a '-h'08:07
magn3ts very irritating, I can't remember what it was though08:08
ntzrmtthihu777damn that's rare08:08
magn3tsyeah, I know08:08
magn3tsIt was a weird sense of ... "oh ... 'crap'!"08:08
ntzrmtthihu777shit I need to get this right. anyone know the right lightdm value for gnome-shell no effects?08:08
ntzrmtthihu777nvm, found it b-ot08:12
Tamago-chanhello, anyone alive?08:18
Tamago-chani'm trying to follow a tutorial and i'm a bit stuck08:19
sunsetloverhey every one, please any one know an application like itunes to manage apple devices ?08:19
grimeTamago-chan, what is it exactly?08:19
bazhangsunsetlover, sync music?08:19
Tamago-chanthere's a part08:20
grimesunsetlover, what gen ipod is it08:20
Tamago-chanit says ./configure \08:20
Tamago-chanand below a bunch of lines08:20
Tamago-chanbut they don't work08:20
Tamago-chanit says no such file or directory08:21
grimeTamago-chan, hold on let me read it real quick08:21
sunsetlovergrime, it is ipod408:21
grimesunsetlover, have you tried gtkpod?08:21
grimeTamago-chan,  what have you tried?08:22
Tamago-chanwell, i'm new to linux and ubuntu, so i don't really know what i'm doing hehe08:23
Tamago-chani'm actually just coyp pasting those commands08:23
grimeTamago-chan, go to the directory where all the files are and run sudo ./configure08:23
sunsetloverno, i'm new in ubuntu so i don't know much about it08:23
ExtremeHi, how can I create an Ubuntu Repository like this: http://goo.gl/oQ3c5 ?08:23
ExtremeI've read some documentation on the Ubuntu website, but it talks about adding a local repository.08:24
grimesunsetlover, check in the software center type it in at the top08:24
Tamago-chanbut i'm supposedly in the directory i'm supposed to be, let me check though08:24
sunsetlovergrime, ok i'll try it and get back to you08:24
grimeTamago-chan, then just run sudo ./configure08:24
Tamago-chani did08:25
Tamago-chanbut then i don't know how to make the commans bellow work08:25
Tamago-chanlike —with-libdir=lib64 \08:25
grimesunsetlover, ok let me know how it goes08:25
Tamago-chanoh wait..08:26
grimeTamago-chan, thats only if you want those specifically running ./configure basicly runs all of them08:26
Tamago-chanooh i see08:26
Tamago-chanwhat does the \ at the end do?08:26
grimeExteme, sorry i dont know much on that, idk who else is on08:27
RobbieCrashI've got an Ubuntu VPS, and have limited hard drive space. I want to backup 6GB of data to a remote server, but I only have 3GB of space locally. What's the best way to do this?08:27
CallingPantherThat is just the symbol for  "command carried over to next line08:27
magn3tsRobbieCrash: rsync?08:28
michael_phi all08:28
magn3tsRobbieCrash: define "best"? Fastest? Most b/w efficient? etc?08:28
RobbieCrashblergh, rsync isn't so good on OpenIndiana.08:28
Tamago-chanoh i see08:28
ejvsunsetlover: banshee support ipods, look into that08:28
grimeTamago-chan, thats only if your gonna pick a packet specifically like the list they give you, unless you want to do that just run ./configure without it08:28
RobbieCrashbest, as in what are my real options?08:28
pierreNi'm trying to follow instruction in that script: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/29347181/rfkill.sh i changed both instance of USER NAME to my user name and set the right path to the script. however when i try do a sudo afterwards, i get that i didn't put any valid syntax (i have to reboot on an usb key to change the sudo file...) anybody has a clue please ?08:28
Tamago-chanthanks grime and CallingPanther08:28
CallingPantherTamago-chan: NP08:29
magn3tsRobbieCrash: I guess scp or rsync, Idk what else I'd recommend for a one time back up08:29
magn3tsor even for a repeated cumulative backup08:29
RobbieCrashcool, thanks08:29
grimeTamago-change, no worries08:29
grimeTamago-chan, haha lol08:29
grimemichael_p, hello08:30
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grimeTamago-chan so did you finish your installation? is everything cool08:30
rakesh__it is08:31
Tamago-channot done yet08:31
rakesh__and wats up08:31
michael_pjust using kde08:31
Tamago-chanit says to do "make && make install" but i have no make so i'm installing it :P08:31
magn3tsmichael_p: I am as well.08:31
magn3tsTamago-chan: sudo apt-get install build-essential08:31
magn3tswill save you a fraction of time08:31
CallingPantherTamago: what are you installing?08:31
CallingPantherSorry I just got here08:32
pierreNanyone has a clue please ? :)08:32
Tamago-chanthanks magn3ts08:32
grimemichael_p, using gnoome-panel08:32
rakesh__wat clue08:32
Tamago-chani'm following a tutorial CallingPanther08:32
Tamago-chani -think- i'm installing PHP right now08:32
sunsetlovergrime, ejv, thank you for your help08:33
AcidRaini get this error after upgrade: libxml-libxml-perl: Depends: perl (>= 5.10.0-24ubuntu4) but 5.14.2-6ubuntu2.2 is installed08:33
AcidRainit wont let me install the needed package08:33
AcidRainsays to do it i must uninstall 71packages08:34
magn3tswhoa whoa whoa08:34
magn3tsyou don't need to make or make install anything to get php08:34
magn3tsTamago-chan: ^08:34
magn3tsTamago-chan: `sudo apt-get install php5%"08:34
magn3tsTamago-chan: `sudo apt-get install php5`, rather, sorry.08:34
CallingPantherwhy from source? Just for the learning experience?08:34
sunsetloverregarding android devices do you know any app can make backup and restore also managing files on it08:34
grimesunsetlover, try it out i know there others you can try too in case it doesnt work or something08:34
c2taruncan anyone please help me in getting a calendar in conky, I google a lot, but not able to find anything.08:34
Tamago-chani'm actually just following the tutorial :P08:34
Dr_Willissunsetlover:  theres numerous backup apps to backup your phone08:35
grimepierreN, what are you trying to do?08:35
magn3tsTamago-chan: post tutorial please, why are you trying to install php?08:35
Dr_Willisc2tarun:  simple way.. maye it show the output of the 'cal' command08:35
magn3tsTamago-chan: or link to the tutorial. You can install php5 in a single command: `sudo apt-get install php5`08:35
CallingPantherIf you are using Ubuntu do what magn3ts said its easier08:35
ntzrmtthihu777whoo doggy, I have gained a new respect for the folks making remastered ubuntu cds08:35
grimec2tarun, what are you running?08:36
magn3tsTamago-chan: WEIRD. Honestly, don't do that.08:36
c2tarungrime, Ubuntu 12.04.208:36
pierreNgrime: i'm trying to follow instruction in that script: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/29347181/rfkill.sh i changed both instance of USER NAME to my user name and set the right path to the script. however when i try do a sudo afterwards, i get that i didn't put any valid syntax (i have to reboot on an usb key to change the sudo file...) anybody has a clue please ?08:36
AcidRainanyone can fix?08:36
AcidRainlibxml-libxml-perl: Depends: perl (>= 5.10.0-24ubuntu4) but 5.14.2-6ubuntu2.2 is installed08:36
magn3tsTamago-chan: I mean, if you WANT to compile from source, you can, but there is NO reason for you to do so.08:36
Tamago-chanto be honest, of all the things i've done today, this is the easiest so far08:36
ntzrmtthihu777sounds like an error, AcidRain . why would never mind,misread08:36
grimepierreN, yes but why are you running the script? for wifi?08:36
magn3tsWell, it's not hard, but it's cleaner to have apt manage it for you08:36
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magn3tsTamago-chan: ^ and then you get auto-updates, etc, security patches, that stuff. Otherwise you have to check every so often and make sure it's up to date08:37
Tamago-chanwell, i'm learning a lot so i guess it's ok :P08:37
grimec2tarun, so your using openbox on ubuntu? crazy stuff.....have you checked the conky wiki08:37
magn3tsPlus, pretty much every other guide is likely to expect a normally installed apt version. (That shouldn't matter, but stuff gets screwy sometimes)08:37
Tamago-chanhmm i see08:38
c2tarungrime, nope  I am not using openbox on ubuntu, I guess its still default windows manager.08:38
ntzrmtthihu777true dat, magn3ts . I use the webupd8 java7 ppa to keep my java up to date easily08:38
c2tarunalso I am on Ubuntu 2D08:38
Tamago-chanif i do apt-get install php5 after this, will i have problems?08:38
magn3tsntzrmtthihu777: I'd recommend switching to openjdk-7-jre08:38
Dr_Willisc2tarun:  simple way.. maye it show the output of the 'cal' command in .conkyrc somthing like   'exec cal'08:38
magn3tsntzrmtthihu777: it's in the default repos and it works with everything I use including Java IDEs and Minecraft08:38
ntzrmtthihu777would, but a certain software I use refuses to work with it08:39
c2tarunDr_Willis, I tried, its not properly aligned and its also flickering.08:39
grimec2tarun, Simply edit your .conkyrc file and add the following line: ${font DejaVu Sans Mono :size=8}${exec cal -m | cut -c23-44 --complement}08:39
CallingPantherHonestly it may fix anything that you accidently broke08:39
Tamago-chanCallingPanther:  so it's better if i do? :P08:39
Dr_Willisc2tarun:  flikering is a conky setting to change.. cal alingment. use the cal options to not put the current day in bold.08:39
c2tarungrime,  nothing is getting displayed08:40
iosonaSo, I just accidentl overwrote my .xinitrc with a .xinitrc from another partition housing another distro. Is there anyway I can find the default xinitrc for 12.04.2?08:40
* c2tarun trying Dr_Willis advice08:40
pierreNgrime: yes.08:40
ntzrmtthihu777loop mount the iso08:40
CallingPantherProbably, that's one of the things that makes ubuntu so user friendly, they have apt repositories for almost eveything08:41
grimec2tarun, install gcal unless you have it already08:41
naeglingiosona: make sure you don't already have the old one in the folder with an ls -a first08:41
ntzrmtthihu777sumna beech lol, takes forever to rebuild squashfs08:41
Dr_Willisc2tarun:  it will need a monospaced font also i imagine. i did a sim ple conky calaner this way once ages ago08:41
Tamago-chanwill something bad happen if i stop this make mid way? it's taking forever >_<08:41
grimec2tarun, then add the New line for conkyrc;  ${font DejaVu Sans Mono :size=8}${exec gcal --starting-day=monday | cut -c23-44 --complement}08:41
c2tarunDr_Willis, is working fine now, I tried cal -h with arial font..08:42
c2tarungrime, trying gcal now08:42
iosonawhat should I put in xinitrc if I want it to launch unity? exec unity?08:42
ntzrmtthihu777yeah, the apt-lock may not lift and you will be stuck out for a bit, Little-Egg08:42
grimepierreN, so your trying to set up your wifi then?08:42
grimec2tarun, i havent messed with conky too much just alittle08:43
Dr_Willisiosona:  check what the ubuntu.desktop file runs for its session - if you want the full unity desktop08:44
ntzrmtthihu777yeah, same here. just modified the default Pinguy OS conky to reflect my unique partition, networking, and temp-sensor setup08:44
Guest29007does anyone know why flash player wont work with xubuntu 12.0408:45
Tamago-chanok so i think i have php5 installed properly, how do i check if it's working?08:45
Dr_Willisc2tarun:  check out    http://helmuthdu.deviantart.com/art/CONKY-COLORS-24479318008:45
sunsetlovergrime, gtkpod works great with my ipod, thank you for your help, but also i need an app to manage my galaxy SIII and to make backup and restore08:45
c2tarunDr_Willis, I saw, but conky-colors seems too advanced to me now, and I really wan't to make things work in simple way. I'll look into conky-colors after few days :)08:45
grimeGuest29007, its not supported anymore by adobe08:46
Dr_Willisc2tarun:  conkys gaind a lot of new features in the last year or 2.. so theres the old way.. and the new fancy ways. ;)08:46
Guest29007so should I use an older installation?08:46
CallingPantherTamago: you could write a phpinfo page08:47
ntzrmtthihu777I really don't understand why bash-completion is not enabled by default as root08:47
Tamago-chanCallingPanther: no easy quick way? :P08:47
c2tarunDr_Willis, yeah :) but either its web-development, app development or fiddling with conky :) old-classics are always best to understand08:47
grimesunsetlover, glad it worked, im looking into the app hold on a sec08:48
CallingPantherthree lines of code ....save as test.php on your server and pull it up in your browser08:48
c2tarunDr_Willis, where can I check the available fonts in my system? and get there correct names?08:48
grimeGuest29007, try looking for adobe flash in synaptic08:48
Dr_Willisntzrmtthihu777: because you arent ment to directly  login as root. so /root/ dosent have the same. files for bash setup.08:48
CallingPantherTamago: are you using GUI or CLI08:49
Dr_Willisc2tarun: not sure these days. used to use gfontsel08:49
Tamago-chancli is command right?08:49
Tamago-chanCLI then08:49
Dr_Williscommand line interface = cli08:49
Guest29007okay, and then what?08:49
NoobunnyntuSorry, does anyone know if there is any Python gui for Ubuntu? Like something that points out your most negligent errors? I feel that just typing into Terminal is bit too hardcore for me. : /08:50
CallingPantheryou know how to use nano?08:50
grimesunsetlover, check this link out https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=xcxin.filexpert&hl=en08:50
ntzrmtthihu777lol, actually root does have a .bashrc and a section to uncomment to enable bashcompletion. I just don't get why you would not want a user to at least use the right commands as root instead of a total botch08:50
Tamago-chanCallingPanther: that's what i use, no idea how vim works08:50
ntzrmtthihu777yeah, I use nano too, not vim08:50
CallingPantheropen new file08:51
grimeGuest29007 look for the flash plugin from adobe and install it08:51
Guest29007okay im going to test it out now08:52
CallingPantherline one <?php08:52
Tamago-chani see where this is going >_<08:52
CallingPantherline 2 phpinfo();08:52
CallingPantherline 3 ?>08:52
Tamago-chanok done :P08:52
Tamago-chanwhere do i save this?08:53
CallingPanthersave on your server as test.php08:53
Tamago-chanoh ok08:53
ntzrmtthihu777alrighty, rebuilding the iso, cross ya'lls fingers for me08:53
grimeGuest29007, did it work?08:53
Dr_Willisi saw this same php tutorial on the digitalioceans vps tutorials page.08:54
grimeGuest29007, what browser are you running08:54
ntzrmtthihu777sudo apt-get install flashplugin-installer08:54
Tamago-chanCallingPanther: it's working!08:54
Guest29007okay yeah i will try that i forgot the command08:54
LoneTrooperget chronium browser its faster08:54
Guest29007I have that too08:54
LoneTrooperi mean scrolling is fqster and loading pages08:55
ntzrmtthihu777LoneTrooper: is it really? does it have an anolog to firefox's addblock?08:55
CallingPanthernow you may aswell install mysql too.....you will end up doing it later anyway08:55
Tamago-chanCallingPanther: thanks a lot, i have it installed already i think08:55
Guest29007crap it say permission denied08:56
CallingPantheroh ok08:56
LoneTrooperu may have as many web browsers as u want08:56
CallingPantherGlad to be of help08:56
ntzrmtthihu777I don't like those names, FloodBot# make me nervious08:56
grimeGuest29007, did you install the plugin for firefox?08:56
ntzrmtthihu777LoneTrooper: not being critical, geniuinely curious about chromium's performance08:57
Guest29007yeah i think I may need to reinstall it or something08:57
LoneTrooperomg why Japanese commercials are being displayed on youtube?08:57
LoneTrooperoh let me give u a link...08:57
Dr_WillisLoneTrooper: are you using tor perhaps?08:57
LoneTrooperterst your browser here08:57
ntzrmtthihu777did you try that flashplugin installer, Guest29007 ?08:58
grimeGuest29007, theres a plug in just for firefox and then the actual adobe installer you gotta have both08:58
LoneTrooperits wierd as it detect that im asian or something08:58
ntzrmtthihu777xD 今日は08:58
cave2596__how can i mark a topic in the ubuntuforums as "solved"?08:59
ntzrmtthihu777cave2596__: thread tools09:00
LoneTrooperand type thx lol09:00
grimecave2596_ check near the top09:00
ntzrmtthihu777geeze I hate that docky closes each time I upgrade/install packages09:00
cave2596__in "thread tools" there is no posibillity to mark it as solved09:01
ntzrmtthihu777hmm, i have not been there since the update, lemme see09:01
c2taruncan anyone please suggest me a good screenshot app for ubuntu which can directly upload to any imagebin site? Shutter is too heavy.09:01
ntzrmtthihu777not off hand.09:01
Guest29007do i get the installer off their website?09:02
ntzrmtthihu777you should be able to do it via apt-get. what version are you using?09:02
Dr_Willisc2tarun: seen some screen capture indicator applets mentioned at askubuntu.com  webupd8 and omgubuntu blog sites09:02
Guest29007I installed it using apt-get just right now09:03
erickLeewhy do i get "wget: unable to resolve host adress ..."09:03
c2tarunDr_Willis, finally conky is more or less how I wanted :) http://imagebin.org/248653  thanks for your help09:03
grimeGuest29007, you could if you want, check synaptic it should be there09:03
Guest29007i did and i marked it for installation09:03
Guest29007 then used apt-get09:03
Guest29007still no dice09:03
grimeGuest29007 did you hit apply09:03
ntzrmtthihu777c2tarun: that looks pretty nice09:03
c2tarunntzrmtthihu777, thanks :)09:04
ntzrmtthihu777mine is just a glassy system readout, but it does the trick09:04
Dr_Willisc2tarun: you spelt calendar  wrong.........   :-P09:04
grimeGuest29007 so you have it installed then? the firefox plugin09:04
c2tarunLoll...zz :) I was actually checking spelling of calendar on Google :P09:05
grimeGuest29007 still doesnt work?09:05
Guest29007but i did mess around with something in the mozilla folder09:05
Dr_Willisyou need a calendar  label above the calendar .....09:06
Guest29007I was going by what someone said on the ubuntu forum09:06
Guest29007 that may be the problem09:06
c2tarunDr_Willis, nope, but it looks uniform, like every module in conky has a label :) so I put it here as well.09:06
grimeGuest29007 did you close and open your browser and tried it?09:06
ntzrmtthihu777alrighty, booting my custom iso in vbox, cross your fingers09:07
grimeGuest29007 can i get the link to the forum you were using09:07
Guest29007sure np09:08
grimeGuest29007 so you did the manual install09:09
grimeGuest29007, it might have the sudo chown part could affect it09:11
erickLeehow do i resolve a host adress09:11
Guest29007Hm..so you think I should remove it and reinstall?09:12
CallingPanthererickLee: try pinging the address09:12
grimeGuest29007, did you install the ubuntu-restricted extras or the xubuntu?09:12
Guest29007I downloaded it09:12
Guest29007 not sure if its installed09:13
erickLeedestination host unreachable09:13
CallingPantherwhat is address?09:13
Dr_Willisdownloaded and did what exactly09:13
CallingPantherlet me try09:13
histoGuest29007: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras09:14
histo!extras | Guest2900709:14
ubottuGuest29007: extras.ubuntu.com is an external !repo for new software made available after the Ubuntu release.  This repository is not part of the Ubuntu distribution and the software is completely unsupported by the Ubuntu team, but the original authors may offer some support.09:14
grimeGuest29007, try running sudo apt-get install hal09:15
histo!codecs | Guest2900709:15
ubottuGuest29007: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/ubuntu-help/media.html  - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats09:15
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histoerickLee: Which host address? Like local network?09:15
Guest29007I installed hal already09:15
histoGuest29007: why did you install hal?09:15
grimeGuest29007, so your running xubuntu or ubuntu09:15
Guest29007ill tell you if the restricted extras works09:15
erickLeehisto: i've tried ping on server different ip's09:15
CallingPanthererickLee: could your your DNS server09:16
histoerickLee: does your /etc/resolv.conf contain nameservers?09:16
grimeGuest29007, ok so the xubuntu-restricted-extras09:16
histoerickLee: And how are you connected to the internet via cable or wifi; how do you get an IP address DHCP or static?09:16
histo!info xubuntu-restricted-extras09:17
ubottuxubuntu-restricted-extras (source: ubuntu-restricted-extras): Commonly used restricted packages for Xubuntu. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 57 (quantal), package size 2 kB, installed size 30 kB09:17
Guest29007I installed hal cause on the forum they said it worked for them09:17
grimehisto, woah i didnt know you could do that09:17
erickLeehisto: don't know how to find out. it says i don't have permisson09:18
bekksGuest29007: What is "it"?09:18
erickLeehisto: when i use sudo it says command not found09:18
grime!info hal09:18
ubottuhal (source: hal): Hardware Abstraction Layer. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.5.14-8 (quantal), package size 386 kB, installed size 1398 kB09:18
ntzrmtthihu777later all09:18
=== ntzrmtthihu777 is now known as ntzrmtthihu777|a
Guest29007okay so its says i already have the restricted extras installed09:19
grimehisto, thanks for teaching me something new today09:19
histo!factoids > grime09:20
ubottugrime, please see my private message09:20
histoerickLee: what command are you trying?09:20
histoerickLee: can you ping    ?09:20
CapprenticeAnyone knows how I can Install Nero on Ubuntu 12 ? I know I can use K3b but I really wana try Nero.09:21
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LoneTrooperdoes anybody knows a way to display a temperature for amd ati graphic card on toolbar in xubuntu?09:21
CapprenticeThere is a warning which warns me nero will break the kernel. What does this means ?09:21
CallingPantherCapprentice: I use Brasero09:21
bekksCapprentice: When there is a "Nero for Linux", youcould install it. Otherwise, you dont.09:21
erickLeehisto: /etc/resolv.conf, sudo /etc/resolv.config09:22
CapprenticeNero is available for Ubuntu.09:22
LoneTrooperi know its easy on kde environment bu t how about xubuntu and xfce09:22
grimeGuest29007, what flashplayer did you download...what version09:22
CapprenticeIm getting a warning. That's what Im concerned about.09:22
histoerickLee: Yeah that's a file not a command09:22
Dr_WillisCapprentice: when is the last time nero for linux was updated...09:22
histoerickLee: ping      try that in a terminal09:23
bekksCapprentice: And we shall guess that warning? :)09:23
histoGuest29007: ?09:23
erickLeehisto: also tried resolvconf09:23
histoerickLee: please stop09:23
LoneTrooperlinux being  not important for commercial products as always09:23
Dr_Willisi dont recall nero-linux working well. or having any featurrs that k3b dident have for free09:23
grimeGuest29007, was that the latest or the one they recommended?09:23
bekksCapprentice: There is no warning on that page.09:24
Capprenticebekks. I already put the warning here. Look my prevous message.09:24
LoneTrooperu can try xfburn09:24
Guest29007pretty sure its the latest09:24
CapprenticeWarning cames up when I try to install it on Ubuntu 12.09:24
bekksCapprentice: Basically, I'd use k3b.09:24
NoobunnyntuSorry, does anyone know if there is any Python gui for Ubuntu? Like something that points out your most negligent errors? I feel that just typing into Terminal is bit too hardcore for me.09:24
histoGuest29007: What is it that you are trying to do?09:24
CapprenticeHey I know. Im using it too. But I want to see how Nero works on Ubuntu.09:24
Ben64Capprentice: badly09:25
wa5qjhHey,  given that migrating a whole lot of data is a major pain in the tush, what is  the most painless way of going from, say 10.4 to 12.10 ?09:25
box1does anyone know a unity-revamped package for raring ringtail?09:25
NoobunnyntuEh, I am not sure yet.09:25
Dr_WillisCapprentice:  look at the system requirements..09:25
CapprenticeIf you are taking abt IDE then SPE IDE is good.09:25
NoobunnyntuI just wan to learn python.09:25
box1i absolutely cannot stand the fact that unity won't minimize from launcher09:25
box1it grates on my nerves09:25
Dr_WillisCapprentice: that app seems to be several years old.09:25
grimeGuest29007 try this http://get.adobe.com/flashplayer/otherversions/09:25
bekksDr_Willis: In fact, it is. :)09:26
histoCapprentice: You're asking for hellp with closed source software in a Ubuntu support channel you realize that right?09:26
LoneTrooperlatest version of nero linux is and it was released in 13.01.201109:26
heraclitisLoneTrooper, you can try this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=88626409:26
LoneTrooperwe can do noting about it09:26
Ben64Supported Distributions ----    Ubuntu 7.0409:26
Dr_Willisbox1:  theres unofficial variants that can09:26
Ben64yeah, don't even try09:26
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CapprenticeI thouht this is a channel where I can talk anything about Ubuntu. Who are you atcually ? Are you moderator or something ?!09:26
histo!who | Guest2900709:26
bekksLoneTrooper: Latest version is supporting Ubuntu 7 - thats 2007, not 2011 :)09:26
ubottuGuest29007: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)09:26
LoneTrooperthx heraclitis forr a help09:26
box1Dr_Willis: I was hoping that unity-revamped package that every one seems to be talking about... the hacked unity that has all the intuitive features that stubborn and illogical devs seem to have rejected09:27
Dr_WillisBen64:  look at the troubleshooting questions... ;-)09:27
ankrDoes anyone know of a tool that will show a keyboard on the screen and highlight the keys on it according to what I am typing on the physical keyboard? I want to do a screen cast, and it would be handy if the user could see what I am actually typing (like shortcuts etc).09:27
box1seems to be only for version 12 and not 1309:27
heraclitisLoneTrooper, I don't know if it'll work. Let me know09:27
LoneTrooperduh thx for info bekks09:27
LoneTrooperk k let me check what they wrote there09:27
Ben64Capprentice: this is for ubuntu support, not for any chat relating to ubuntu. there are rules here, including but not limited to supporting packages in the official repositories only09:27
Dr_Willisbox1: i dont use the hacked one. so no idea.09:27
Guest29007hista: sorry i'm new to ubuntu and never used an IRC channel09:27
box1Dr_Willis: thanks for the attention anyway.09:27
CapprenticeK git it. Leaving.09:28
wa5qjhany recomendations short of a "clean install "  ?09:28
histoankr: did a quicksearch keyboardcast  ??09:28
Ben64was i too mean?09:28
grimeGuest29007, did it open it with apt?09:28
box1that's the one I'm talking about but it snot for raring09:28
histoCallingPanther: You just have to find support for nero for linux09:28
Dr_Willisbox1:  but i thought i saw it for 13.04 at omgubuntu or webupd809:28
Ben64histo: i made him leave :(09:28
bazhanghisto, he's gone09:28
box1Dr that is for dodged windows09:28
histoBen64: short people.....09:28
bekksBen64: You just told him the truth.09:28
Guest29007grime no nothing happend09:28
Dr_Willis'he cant handle the truth'09:29
histoBen64: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1NvgLkuEtkA09:29
Tex_Nickcould someone give me a basic differentiation between compiz, mutter & metacity ... is mutter &/or metacity reliant on compiz or are the three independent entities09:29
Ben64i should have thrown #ubuntu-offtopic in there somewhere09:29
histoBen64: I wouldn't worry about it.09:29
Dr_WillisTex_Nick:  metacity is the old gnome wm.. mutter has replaced it in 2d unity/fallback09:29
grimeGuest29007 normally when you download it it opens up in the software center and you can install from there09:29
LoneTrooperhm i was tryin to get that xfce4-xfapplet-plugin to make gnome plugins working but i had some dependencies errors09:30
Dr_Williscompiz replaces both and has the sexy eyecandies09:30
LoneTroopermaybe i should this time09:30
Guest29007grime there is no download on that page09:30
SAngeliin order to have running phpmyadmin, I noticed that if I let the system istall it it does not install the latest version. So, I decided to download it manually and place it inside /var/www.  In order to properly run phpmyadmin do I need to install any other application or is it just fine to download and run it via web?09:30
histoGuest29007: If you are trying to install flash...  sudo apt-get install flashplugin-installer09:30
ankrhisto, hmm it's no quite what I'm looking for, but maybe I can use it to send keystrokes to two windows and then make the key-highlighting myself. Thanks :)09:31
histoSAngeli: Did it come with directions on how to install it?09:31
Guest29007histo Trust me I've tried that and installed it...still not working09:31
Tex_NickDr_Willis : thanks man :)09:31
histoankr: I've seen other peopple using them in videos. Let me see what I can find09:31
grimeGuest29007 there should be.....pick your os then pick apt and hit the download button09:32
bekksSAngeli: You need an apache webserver, and a pretty fullblown php installation, working with your apache. And mysql, of course.09:32
histoGuest29007: what does the about:plugins page show after you restart your browser09:32
SAngelihisto, not really that I know. I did not look nor know where to. I know that it runs fine, but I just wish to make sure and am asking to someone who has already tried it this way.09:32
SAngelihisto, bekks sorry: I forgot to mention LAMP is already installed09:32
ankrhisto, I appreciate - I'll also go searching myself ;)09:32
Ben64SAngeli: phpmyadmin is all php, so you can put it anywhere web accessible09:33
histoSAngeli: Is there A reason for the upgrade?09:33
SAngelihisto, just to have the latest version. nothing else.09:33
Guest29007grime nvm i got it09:33
SAngeliBen64, thank you.09:33
histoSAngeli: http://docs.phpmyadmin.net/en/latest/setup.html09:33
Guest29007grime which shpuld I pick?09:33
grimeGuest29007, linux 32 bit then ubuntu apt09:34
histoBen64: you still have to set it up09:34
Ben64histo: well yeah09:34
histoNeeds access to mysql etc... blah09:34
SAngelihisto, excellent. Thank you for this. I will read it carefully.09:34
Ben64grime, Guest29007: why downloading from website?09:34
Guest29007histo its shows flash plyer and splash plugin09:35
histoankr: Key status Monitor09:35
grimeBen64, long story09:35
histoGuest29007: what's not working then?09:35
ankrhisto, seems to be exactly what I am looking for, thanks alot!09:36
histoankr: key-mon09:36
histoankr: is the package name09:36
grimeBen64, everything is installed but still it doest work09:37
heraclitisis it still true that libdvdcss is an illegal hack according to the dmca?09:37
Ben64grime: but flash is a big potential vulnerability, and installing that way skips security updates09:37
histoankr: https://duckduckgo.com/?q=screencast+keyboard+linux is how I found it if you are interested09:37
Ben64heraclitis: probably09:37
ankrhisto, thanks again :)09:38
heraclitisBen64, that's just stupid. I use it, and if that makes me a criminal, so be it.09:38
histoheraclitis: or don't buy dvds09:38
grimeBen64, true very true..................the synaptic packaged is installed im not sure why it doesnt work09:38
histoheraclitis: https://www.videolan.org/legal.html there is a section on libdvdcss09:40
=== crow is now known as Guest21489
Guest21489Hey this is guest 2900709:41
Guest21489grime my comp froze09:42
grimeGuest21489, so still no avail? idk if what you did earlier by with the name changed affected the flash09:43
DylanClHello, I'm Dylan. I screwed up good, let me explain what happend. I was using windows for a long time, got a blue screen of death. I smashed my screen, but luckely I had the chance to dualboot ubuntu. Now, is it possible to get windows back on ubuntu? I have a windows 7 disk. Thanks in advance.09:43
bekksDylanCl: Just install Windows as usual. You may have to repartition before.09:43
histoDylanCl: You want to install windows7 dualboot with ubuntu?09:43
grimeGuest21489, try restarting X09:43
Guest21489grime: yeah I think I downloaded the wrong one09:43
heraclitishisto: thank you.09:43
DylanClWell, I want to remove ubuntu and windows, and then only install windows09:44
DylanClBecause ubuntu tells me I only have 400MB space left09:44
DylanCland I think that is because I still have windows on09:44
Guest21489grime: i'm going to remove and reinstall the one you recommended09:44
DylanClIs that possible? I don't know09:45
grimeGuest21489, but if you checked your about:plugins and if flash was listed then that means you have it it might not be the right one since you downloaded 11.2 something09:45
grimeGuest21489, from what i know adobe dropped support for linux...im using adobe flash 10 not 11 but thats just me09:46
Dr_Willisif you got windows installles you can just remove ubuntu DylanCl09:46
Ben64grime: upgrade!09:47
DylanClWindows gives me a blue screen of death09:47
DylanCland with a cracked screen, I can't do system recovery09:47
histoDylanCl: So you no longer want ubuntu on your hard drive?09:47
DylanClI kinda only want ubuntu09:47
DylanClBecause so far, I have no problems with it09:47
* Dr_Willis is cobfused then09:48
bekksDylanCl: Then why do you want windows?09:48
Guest21489grime well i gtg thanks for trying to help09:48
histoDylanCl: What is your native language?09:48
grimeBen64, to 11? what version tho09:48
DylanClI think I explained it wrong09:48
DylanClSorry for that09:48
Dr_Willisso.. how  did you install ubunti DylanCl09:48
Ben64grime: use the repository, latest is
DylanClthe windows installer09:48
DylanClinstalled it before the blue screen of death09:48
bekksDylanCl: Thats wubi then. You cant get rif of Windows then.09:49
Dr_WillisDylanCl:  amazed that it still works..09:49
histoDr_Willis: why it boots ubuntu still09:49
bekksDr_Willis: It needs a working windowds bootloader.09:49
histoDr_Willis: independant of windows09:49
Ben64DylanCl: if you want only ubuntu, the best way would be to get a new ubuntu cd/dvd/usb and install ubuntu fresh09:49
histoThe bootloader is the only thing it's using09:49
DylanClhmm, ok.09:49
Dr_WillisDylanCl: anything on your windows or ubuntu install you want to keep?09:49
grimeBen64, i dont really care.....im not really big on it....what i need is wine to improve09:49
DylanClAnother question, is it possible to remove everything on my ubuntu OS09:50
Ben64grime: but theres big security problems in your version, and why wine?09:50
histoDylanCl: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MigrateWubi09:50
DylanClOn windows, not really, neither on ubuntu09:50
Dr_WillisDylanCl:  id make a ubuntu live cd or flash and just reinstall then09:51
grimeBen64 i need to run Ableton and other DAW's for music production,, i dont want to use windows but wine doesnt handle it that well09:51
DylanClIf I install 12.10 will it overwrite 12.04?09:51
Ben64DylanCl: you can choose to do that09:52
grimeBen64, oh wait i think i am running the latest, im using chrome not firefox and its built in hahaha09:52
histogrime: What version of ubuntu are you running?09:52
CallingPantherSorry guys had router issue....are we still on the nero topic?09:52
DylanClI'll try that09:52
Ben64CallingPanther: you missed it by like 25 mins09:52
CallingPantherhad to fix my router.....09:53
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DylanClI'm not sure how to do this09:53
DylanClFirst do everything Wubi related09:53
CallingPantherSo did they get it working or not?09:53
DylanCland then get the disk?09:53
DulcinHi, I have ubuntu 12.04 with gnome shell installed, but everytime I boot up: either characters are missing and when I open the gnome shell launcher the background with look distorted. It's fixed when I reload gnome shell by running alt+f2 and input 'r' - but I want to have a permanent fix for this09:53
Ben64CallingPanther: no, i made them mad and they left09:54
Dulcindoes anyone know what could be wrong?09:54
Ben64DylanCl: you can use ubuntu to make an ubuntu usb, then install from it09:54
grimehisto 12.0409:54
DylanCland do I still need to use wubi then?09:54
viderbithttp://thecodinglove.com/post/43481655487/when-after-a-big-update-i-test-the-new-site-with-ie Is this actually true?09:54
Ben64DylanCl: nope09:55
histogrime: You can install wine from PPA if you need a newer version.09:55
histoDylanCl: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MigrateWubi09:55
DylanClI already am on that page09:55
histoDylanCl: or install new09:55
histoDylanCl: those are your options09:55
Ben64viderbit: uh, don't post irrelevant blogs in here please09:55
DylanClSo, just install ubuntu 12.10 on an usb09:56
DylanCland then what? (sorry for all the questions, pretty new to ubuntu)09:56
grimehisto i have the recent one but it still not good enough....too much latency....but it i run it in windows works great....same computer09:56
Ben64DylanCl: not install on usb, but put the installer on it. either using unetbootin or by imaging the iso to the drive09:56
histogrime: You can't find an opensource application to accomplish the same thing?09:57
vedicHi I have taken static ip from my ISP which is connected to my remote pc via DLink Router. How can I configure to access server running on my remote PC?09:58
Dr_Willisvedic:  set up port forwarding on the router09:58
DylanClBen64, I'm installing the iso right now09:58
vedicDr_Willis: I don't have port forwarding on this router. But I do have Routing option09:58
ShapeShifter499in case someone knows an answer here is my question post http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2121506  (duplicate here http://askubuntu.com/questions/262911/how-do-i-force-ubuntu-router-to-send-all-data-through-tor-and-vpn-for-anonymity)09:58
grimehisto yeah i was using ardour but the audio quality isnt the same....so far thats the only one that comes close09:59
vedicRouting -> [Default Gateway, Static Routing, Policy Routing, RIP]09:59
Dr_Willisvedic:  id double check that.. ive seen very few (ok none) routers that cant do port forwarding..09:59
Dr_Willisvedic:  theres a port forwarding web site with all sorts of guides09:59
Dr_Willisvedic:  or put the pc in the 'dmz' of the router. but thats not as secure10:00
DylanClWell Ben64, I can't install the iso10:00
grimehisto im looking for an older version of ableton to run with wine so i can still run linux without having any attachment with windows10:00
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DylanClbecause I don't have the disk space for it10:00
DylanCland I don't know what to delete10:00
Dr_WillisDylanCl:  start with apt-get clean10:00
Dr_WillisDylanCl:  start with 'sudo apt-get clean'  command in a terminal10:01
CallingPantherToo bad that person with Nero problem let I got it working fine.....LOL10:01
Ben64DylanCl: do you have another usb drive or something10:01
Dr_WillisDylanCl:  you could save the iso to the windows drive also...10:01
Ben64CallingPanther: its not supported in this channel anyway :) plus its 5 years old and not as cool as k3b10:01
DylanCl apt-get clean10:01
DylanClE: Could not open lock file /var/cache/apt/archives/lock - open (13: Permission denied)10:01
DylanClE: Unable to lock the download directory10:01
grimehisto on a side note do you know how i would port ubuntu to say a diff architecture like ppc10:01
Dr_WillisCallingPanther:  does it have any actual features... ;)10:01
DylanClI have a 2 gb USB10:01
CallingPantherThe site I followed was from 201110:02
histogrime: what does ableton do?10:02
Ben64grime: google is your friend :P https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PowerPCDownloads/10:02
Dr_WillisDylanCl:  use sudo with the command.. and your windows install is on a bigger hd.. you could download the iso to that partition.. if your wubi install is too small10:02
CallingPantherAhhh it is a demo version now that I double checked10:02
Dr_WillisCallingPanther:  heh. it was so hyped when it came out... and such a letdown10:03
Ben64Dr_Willis: does wubi still let you mount the windows partition?10:03
DylanClhow do I download it to that Dr_Willis10:03
Dr_Williswubi auto mounts the host fs somewhere10:03
histo!usb | DylanCl10:03
ubottuDylanCl: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent10:03
CallingPantherI never liked Nero even when I had winblows10:03
Dr_WillisDylanCl:  tell the browser to save it there..10:03
histoCallingPanther: Is there a reason you are using nero?10:04
Dr_WillisDylanCl:  i just dont know where its mounted to.. /host/ perhaps10:04
CallingPantherI just installed to see if I could...lol10:04
Dr_WillisDylanCl:  your windows files should all bee in /host/10:04
CallingPantherI use brasero10:04
ExtremeHi, how can I create an Ubuntu Repository like this: http://goo.gl/oQ3c5 ?10:04
Dr_Willisi think10:04
grimeBen64 i know theres already one but i wanted to do it myself, i have a project in mind10:04
DylanClYou're right10:04
DylanClSo just install it to there10:05
DylanCland it should work?10:05
Dr_WillisSAVE it to there..10:05
histogrime: http://alternativeto.net/software/ableton-live/?platform=linux10:05
Dr_Willisthats not installing it10:05
DylanClsave it to there10:05
Dr_Willisthen use the live usb maker tools to make a bootable live usb to install from10:05
Dr_Willisor burn a dvd10:06
Dr_Willisbackup stuff you want to keep to your ubuntu one account if you want also. ;)10:06
grimehisto like i said ardour comes close but still not there yet    https://www.ableton.com/en/live/new-in-9/10:06
histogrime: well then I guess you are stuck dualbooting or running through a virtual machine10:07
Ben64winehq says it's "Platinum"\10:07
grimehisto yeah : / .......someday10:07
CallingPantherGuess I will go back to my channel where I am the only one there...lol10:08
grimeBen64 it works on wine but once in a while crashes or theres major latency10:08
burtonium@grime: why would you like to use OS for things, that simply work best on another system. Just use the system that does your job best10:08
batcherrorsi am perfoming a command on several files (unoconv -f csv *.ods)...but command stopst finds any error...how can i force command to keep modifying files ignoring errors?10:09
DylanClDr_Willis: I have the .iso file, what now?10:10
grimeburtonium, because i love linux and everything about it like troubleshooting and installing from source....its great! cli is the best i dont wanna step backwards10:10
Dr_Willisthen use the live usb maker tools to make a bootable live usb to install from10:10
Dr_WillisDylanCl:  ^^^^10:10
DylanCllive usb maker tools?10:10
Dr_Willisi forget its name.. disk-creator or somthing10:10
DylanCl...is that something like daemon tools on windows10:10
histogrime: May notice better perfomance in a virtual machine if your processor has vt technology10:10
ubottuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate10:11
Dr_Willisthe install docs tell how10:11
grimehisto, nah my comp dont support it at all ived looked...hahaha10:11
Dr_Willisthought it was callled 'disk creator'10:11
ubottuWays to automate installation of Ubuntu on multiple machines are described at https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/installation-guide/i386/appendix-preseed.html - See also !cloning10:11
burtonium@grime: I love linux too, but I like to make job done. So I use many different systems for different tasks. I even don't use same linux for desktop and servers, etc .. You will save yourself lot of pain if you chose right system for right task ;) But if your intension is more of a exploring, what you can do with your linux, then I understand you completly. I was like this back in time ... ;)10:12
Ben64I don't know about grime, but I cannot use Windows anymore, it feels so clunky and difficult to get simple things done10:12
DylanClDr_Willis: Startup Disk Creator?10:13
Dr_WillisDylanCl:  try it and see.. sounds close10:13
histoburtonium: You realize you can use <tab> to autocomplete names if you didn't type that @ symbol first in most clients10:13
Dr_Willissilly twitter user... @'s are for ops..10:13
burtoniumhahaha, i even don't have twitter account :D LOL10:14
grimeburtonium, yeah i use like 10 diff kinds its all just real great....ived tried the easiest to install and the hardest to install, the exp is awesome but im never going back to anything else10:14
Dr_Willisi got a twitter account.. and i can barely read/understand most of the twits im reading...10:14
burtonium@histi: the only autocomplete i use is in terminal ;)10:15
Dr_Williserr. tweets10:15
IdleOne!tab | burtonium10:15
grimeBen64, i feel ya...someone gave me a windows 7 computer and first thing i did was toss linux on it haha10:15
ubottuburtonium: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.10:15
Ben64grime: i use a terminal for just about everything10:15
batcherrorsis there a way to execute a batch command ignoring errors???10:16
uban2is there a ubuntu chat channel10:16
Ben64uban2: #ubuntu-offtopic for most stuff10:16
l057c0d3rgrime, yeah..  i bought a new lappy with windows 8 on it..  after a few weeks..  i formated it and tossed ubuntu gnome remix on it10:16
uban2thanks Ben6410:16
l057c0d3ruban2, i believe its #ubuntu-chat or #ubuntu-offtopic10:17
l057c0d3ri believe the chat one just redirects to the offtopic channel10:17
l057c0d3rhmm or not10:17
l057c0d3rubuntu-chat is invite onlly10:17
grimeBen64 same here i love cli power haha still trying to memorize some commads but other than that i use it in place on synaptic10:17
Dr_Willisl057c0d3r:  or regiestered nicks only10:17
panorainDr_Willis can I ask about why my screensaver will not lock when I am running 12.10?10:17
l057c0d3rbut i am a registered nick10:18
Dr_Willispanorain:  you can ask.. but i have no answer. i disable the screen locking anyway10:18
l057c0d3rheh i had to disable the lock on gnome310:18
panorainDr_willis I am using gnome-classic10:18
grimel057c0d3r, haha yeah i configured my bro in laws comp and was preaching linux to him hahaha i got em to ditch word for openoffice10:18
Dr_Willispanorain:  and i dont use that either.10:19
l057c0d3ri like libreoffice myself10:19
Dr_Willisi just use abiword. ;)10:19
l057c0d3rwait....  why am i banned from ubuntu-offtopic10:19
l057c0d3r.... ok im lost...10:20
Dr_Willisi  found my old amiga word processor/database apps the other day.. makes me feel old10:20
panorain1057c0d3r I am using xscreensaver  'ants' anyideas on how to get the screensaver to lock ; works fine just will not lock.10:20
grimel057c0d3r, i do too but something about openoffice just captivates haha.10:20
histol057c0d3r: ask in #ubuntu-ops10:20
panoraingrime !!!110:20
DylanClDr_Willis: it works, do I just install it on my usb now?10:21
grimepanorain, whats good10:21
panorainSON  takes like 2 mminutes after running to lock dang10:21
panoraingrime   HI!10:21
l057c0d3rpanorain, when i used it lxde there was a require password option in the settings menu10:21
Dr_WillisDylanCl:  works? you mean the usb flash boots properly?10:21
DylanClI don't know, I just mean that it picks up the .iso and my usb stick10:21
DylanClnow it asks me to make a startup disk10:22
l057c0d3rand also an option on how soon to require password after screensaver10:22
Tex_NickDr_Willis : lol ... you ARE old then ... i'm impressed the files have survived this long ;-)10:22
panorain1057c0d3r it locks after 2 mins running   very good     I am going to try Queens now10:22
Dr_WillisDylanCl:  so you read the install docs site...and made a bootable usb with that tool?10:22
Dr_WillisTex_Nick:  these were the original boxs and floppies10:22
DylanClNo, I just looked at what you said. You told me to install Disk Creator, googled a bit, found a tutorial about it10:22
Tex_NickDr_Willis : rofl ... that's GREAT !!!10:23
=== rofl is now known as Tux
Dr_Willisit puts the iso on the usb the right way.. then you boot the usb... then you install from that to the hard drive10:23
grimepanorain yo10:23
grimepanorain, hows the new ubuntu treating you10:23
l057c0d3rwhats wrong with startup disk creator that comes with ubuntu..10:24
batcherrorsis there a way to execute a batch command ignoring errors???10:24
Dr_Willisits sad when you rediscover an old app you used for ages.. and notice that it has features missing in newer apps.10:24
panoraingrime i'm using 12.10 with gnome classic Tex_Nick is awesome help10:24
l057c0d3rususally with the --force10:24
l057c0d3ror -f10:24
panoraingrime Dr_Willis is awesome also10:24
l057c0d3rbut not all commands have that flag10:24
panoraingrime I want my 8.04 back10:24
Tex_NickDr_Willis : that would be 5.25 floppies ?10:24
Dr_WillisTex_Nick:  amigas used 880k 3.25s i recall10:25
grimepanorain, very cool thats what the community is for...we help each other and we grow together10:25
Dr_Willispanorain:  what for.. all you have been doing all day is playing with themes and other nonproductive stuff. :) you do any real work with the pc?10:26
Tex_Nickah ok ... same media though ... just smaller diameter ;-)10:26
grimepanorain, yeah i liked 8.04 but then i ran 10.10 and was very happy, now im using 12.04 and i cant complain10:26
michael_panyone got msoffice going for ubuntu10:27
l057c0d3rheh..  12.10 with gnome-shell and ton of extensions to make it usable..  besides lock feature not working correctly.... its great10:27
grimewell ill see yall later! peace!10:27
Dr_Willis13.04 has some nice features  getting added also10:27
chalcedonymichael_p, openoffice, libreoffice10:27
Sven_vBi'm trying to share my internet connection with my Palm TX, and it seems i'm stuck at how to offer PPP to my palm. i found pppd, but despite the "d" it seems that is more of a client for connecting to a PPP server, not itself a PPP server. can anyone give me some hints? Search engines only shows me help about tethering, but I'm looking for the other way around.10:27
l057c0d3rDr_Willis, off hand what's some of the new features they are working on?10:27
Dr_Willisnext gnome-shell also seems to be getting some neat stuff10:27
zetheroowhen I share a directory with files inside the directory is visible from other PC's but none of the files are visible ... why!?10:27
l057c0d3rthat would be good to know about.. im going to have to start googling :-p10:28
Dr_Willisl057c0d3r:  just from skimming omgubuntu - smarter 'everything' ;)10:28
Dr_Willisl00pback:  and quicklist-window switching10:28
Dr_Willisoops; ) wrong nick10:29
DylanClDr_Willis: It gave me this error: Checksums do not match. Retry?10:29
Dr_Willisyour download was currupted most likely DylanCl10:30
DylanClWhat should I do?10:31
Dr_Willisredownload.. would be the logical thing...10:31
Dr_Willisand hope it wasent yout hd failing that caused windows to bsod...10:32
Sven_vBDylanCl, while downloading into a new file, you could also checksum the old image, to make sure if it was really the download that got corrupted.10:32
Tex_NickDr_Willis : do you know if there emulators for those amigas, comodores & apples ... for linux10:32
Dr_WillisTex_Nick: they exist.. i got amiga emulator for my android phone.. ;)10:32
Dr_Willisjust got no real need for running an amiga any more10:33
zAo^Is there a Steam 64bit?10:33
Dr_Willis32bit woeks fine zAo^  for 64bit users10:33
DylanClWhat do you mean with that Sven_vB, checksum the old image?10:34
panoraingrime I am using 12.10 with gnome-classic10:34
zAo^Dr_Willis: I know, bit it wants to install lots of extra packages I dont want :) So there is no 64bit version?10:34
Dr_WilliszAo^:  not that ive seen10:34
zAo^Dr_Willis: thanks10:35
=== ntzrmtthihu777|a is now known as ntzrmtthihu777
Dr_Willisyou are worried about perhaps 100mb of packages to run a 3+gb game.. ;)10:35
Dr_Willisgoint to play tf2 just to get a tux item. ;) saw several in here doing that last week10:36
ntzrmtthihu777lol. hope for a shell quickie: I have a folder with albums from a certain artist, named with this setup "year - album", quick way to switch to this format? "album (year)" ?10:37
Sven_vBDylanCl, from skiming the log it sounds like you have downloaded an ISO file. wit checksumming i meant determining the MD5 or SHA-1 of your downloaded ISO, for then comparing it with what the download site says it should be. if they differ, your download was broken. if they are the same, it was some other problem.10:37
Dr_Willisntzrmtthihu777:  ive used 'qmv' and a text editor/macro to do complex renameing in the past.10:38
ntzrmtthihu777qmv, not familiar with that one10:38
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ntzrmtthihu777you know what, i think I can do this... just a sec10:38
Dr_Willisit puts all the filenames in a list in a text editor... you edit names  save/quit   it renames them10:38
Dr_Willishandy for big comples renameing10:39
ntzrmtthihu777I bet I can do it with an awk generated script10:39
Dr_Willis!info renameutils10:39
ubotturenameutils (source: renameutils): Programs to make file renaming easier. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.12.0-1 (quantal), package size 123 kB, installed size 645 kB10:39
DylanClNo idea what you're talking about Sven_vB, I really don't know anything about ubuntu and computers. Should I just reinstall the iso?10:39
Dr_WillisDylanCl:  dedownload...10:40
DulcinUgh, I just installed the latest ATI drivers (13.1) for my HD4000 card and now gnome shell is not loading anymore, I get the gnome classic look10:40
Dulcinany idea why this happened?10:40
Dulcinbefore I was using the open source driv ers10:40
ntzrmtthihu777ooo nice, I already use gprenamed for simpler renaming10:40
shwouchkHow can I switch programmatically out of Xorg and into one of the ttys?10:41
teddxkI've never used Ubuntu Server before, but I have a spare home computer (4gigs of ram, 500gb hd), would server be the best option to put a sort of home file sharing database?10:41
teddxkFor me to access files from anywhere (school, etc)?10:41
ntzrmtthihu777shwouchk: ctrl+alt+F10:41
ntzrmtthihu777shwouchk: ctrl+alt+F110:41
Dr_Willisteddxk:  ssh and scp and sftp10:41
shwouchkntzrmtthihu777: Programmatically means without user input10:41
zetheroowhen I share a directory with files inside the directory is visible from other PC's but none of the files are visible ... why!?10:42
ntzrmtthihu777derp, lol.10:42
ntzrmtthihu777actually it does not, but if that's what you meant my bad lol10:42
Dulcinteddxk, check out http://www.freenas.org/10:42
panorainDr_Willis please help me mount my ghostBSD drive through grub during my boot on 12.1010:42
Extremehi, i'm getting this when I try to sign CoC: gpg: can't open `UbuntuCodeofConduct-1.1.txt': No such file or directory10:44
teddxkDr_Willis: That's a good simple solution, although I might not have access to CLI's on my school computers:(10:44
teddxkDulcin: Looking into it now10:44
Extremedo I need to install any additional applications/utilities to make this work?10:44
jribExtreme: that means the file doesn't exist10:44
jribExtreme: you need to download UbuntuCodeofConduct-1.1.txt10:45
Extremejrib: yes, I downloaded the file.10:45
shwouchkntzrmtthihu777: *pressing* Alt+Ctrl+F1 is not user input?10:45
jribExtreme: ok, now you must either be in the directory where you downloaded or provide the correct path to its location in your command10:46
ejvteddxk: 4 gigs of RAM is more than enough to get started on Ubuntu Server; check out vsftpd, and easy to configure ftp service, so you can access files remotely.10:46
Extremejrib: nvm, wget -O- https://launchpad.net/codeofconduct/1.1/+download | gpg --clearsign | xsel --clipboard   worked10:46
Extremejrib: thanks.10:46
bekksteddxk: You'd better check out SFTP, as FTP is to be considered old and insecure nowadays.10:53
bekksteddxk: Basically, all you need to have for SFTP is a working SSH server.10:53
DylanClDr_Willis: New download, still same error10:55
DylanClis there any other way to get more disk space on my ubuntu10:56
Dr_WillisDylanCl: sinc your windows disk in not working.. delete stuff from it like its swap file.10:56
ejvbekks: FTP supports SSL/TLS10:57
kepleror he can boot into windows, and use unetbootin from there, to make the usb stick10:57
Dr_Willisyou may want to use the torrents DylanCl10:57
azizLIGHTS!dual boot10:57
ubottuDual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DualBoot/Windows - Macs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot10:57
DylanClBlue screen of death on windows startup kepler10:57
DylanClalso have a cracked screen on this laptop because I raged10:57
snodowhere is the  authorized_keys file for open_ssh10:58
Dr_Willissnodo:  .ssh perhaps10:58
ejvplease don't raise children DylanCl ;)10:59
DylanClejv: I only get mad at computers, no worrys.10:59
DylanClSo, what should I do?11:00
dannelpeople can compute too |:11:00
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Dr_Willisyou may want to use the torrents DylanCl11:00
Dr_WillisDylanCl:  clean off junk on the windows hd for space.11:00
DylanClI think i'm going to forget ubuntu, since it's not working11:01
DylanClNow, I have another question11:01
DylanClI have a disk with windows 7 on it, is there any way to install it without using BIOS and such?11:01
* eaglewing I tried upgrading ubuntu 12.04 to 12.10, but it says that 'unity' won't be able to run on my laptop, so I cancelled the upgrade. If I upgraded anyway, is it possible for me to boot to a point where I will be able to install lxde?11:01
DylanClBecause I can't acces it with a cracked screen11:01
Dr_WillisDylanCl: ask in #windows11:01
Dr_Willisi dont see why you need bios....11:02
dannelEagleman, yes11:02
DylanClMost of the tutorials I've seen is with bios11:02
Dr_Willistutorial for what?... you boot the disk...11:02
dannelyou boot to the power button to hijack the bios to evacuate the hard disk for lift off11:03
BlackWebIs anyone here familar with awk11:03
Dr_Willisim wondering if you dont have a deeper hardware/hd issue..11:04
kepler^ that, especially with the cracked screen :P11:05
Tex_NickBlackWeb: a lot of people ... state your question in detail :)11:05
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DylanClit started after the cracked screen so you may be right11:05
BlackWebK Creating a shell script to process multiple files from right clicking on them, but my problem is need to figure out how to seperate the files selected so that I can process them I'll send what I have11:06
ejvman is familiar with awk, man awk11:06
BlackWebquoted=$(echo "$NAUTILUS_SCRIPT_SELECTED_FILE_PATHS" | sed 's/ /\\ /g')11:06
BlackWebvar=$(quoted |  awk 'BEGIN {FS = "\n" } { printf "\"%s\" ", $1 }')11:06
BlackWebecho $quoted > Test1.txt11:06
BlackWebecho $var > Test2.txt11:06
FloodBot1BlackWeb: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.11:06
Dr_Willisi got a book on awk. :)11:06
roidalhi guys11:07
serp_hi, I had a dual-boot system with ubuntu 12.10 32-bit and Win7. I tried to upgrade ubuntu to 64-bit by installing it on the same partition as before. Now when I try to start my system I get a grub> prompt without any visible errors. how do I fix this?11:07
BlackWebSo trying to sperate the two11:07
ejva book on awk, sounds about as fun as a root canal11:07
BlackWebthe Echo test 1 & echo test 2 is testing that its working11:07
roidalBlackWeb: whats your problem?11:08
BlackWebheres my results from Test 1 & Test 211:08
Dr_WillisBlackWeb:  look for example nautilus scripts perhaps. there used to be a website full of them11:08
BlackWeb/home/infinity/Desktop/Samba /home/infinity/Desktop/AutoCad\ Install\ Instructions11:08
BlackWebSo my script is printing out the 2 files I selected, How do i get it two where it seperates them to process the files11:08
BlackWebI'm using  var=$(quoted |  awk 'BEGIN {FS = "\n" } { printf "\"%s\" ", $1 }') to try to do this but no luck?11:09
roidali have a problem11:10
roidali downloaded the ubuntu server 12.04, wrote it with dd on a usb-key11:10
ubottukenshiro1: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».11:10
NeoColossusserp_: Have you tried booting from a live CD/USB, going into gparted and looking at your swap partition?11:11
roidalnow the bootloader is working, but before the first kernel-message appears the computer is rebooting?11:11
serp_NeoColossus: not really. I am doing that now. what should I look for_11:11
DylanClIs there a way in ubuntu to automaticly pick up the external monitor on the startupscreen? Where you can dualboot and such11:12
NeoColossusserp_: Look for the location. It sounds like your broke your MBR, which means your boot sequence isn't processing correctly.11:12
serp_the swap partition is ther11:12
jrtappersEvery time I open evolution it opens the add accounts menu11:12
NeoColossusserp_: Typically a wipe of the partition and a clean install would fix that by creating a new MBR.11:12
NeoColossusserp_: The swap is formatted for 32bit though, no?11:13
leogarlianHow can I make a window bigger than the screen can fit?   e.g. I tried       wmctrl -r Minutor -e 1,0,0,3000,3000        without much success11:13
michael_p_is ubuntu 12.04 better then 12.1011:13
serp_NeoColossus: are there different swaps partitions for 32 and 64 bit?11:14
SilvereXHey guys, I'm having some trouble with my graphics drivers. Whenever I try to launch minecraft, it and says it cannot initiate GLX. How can I resolve this problem?11:14
SilvereXit crashes and*11:14
zAo^How can I force an unused disk to be spinned down?11:14
NeoColossusserp_: Yes! The way the boot process refers to the next file/program in the boot sequence depends on the kernel the OS is formated for.11:15
NeoColossusserp_: The swap holds all of the bootup programs to bring you to the actual OS.11:15
serp_are you trolling?11:16
serp_that is not what a swap partition is11:16
bekksNeoColossus: Thats not true at all.11:17
ejvindeed NeoColossus, you are mistaken.11:18
superdohi, any recommended command/steps to reset network after notebook wake up?11:18
bis0nzAo^, by unplug the power connector :)11:19
mrmaharshiPro-E not install in Ubuntu. How can I install?11:19
zAo^bis0n: its in my laptop ;)11:20
ejvNeoColossus: The bootloader loads the kernel image into system memory, at which point it instructs the CPU to run the image. When the kernel is loaded and run, it initializes all kernel-specific data structures and tasks, and then and only then, begins "init".11:20
bis0nmrmaharshi, Pro-E???11:20
mcoredhave you guys seen a music player that plays *.mka files?11:20
mcoredfoobar2000 is the only one i have seen but i am trying to switch to a native player if possible.11:21
bis0nzAo^, just unmount the part, but a disk not spin when not used11:21
zAo^bis0n: Its not even mounted :S11:21
bekksNeoColossus: And, in addition, the swap area is only used for paging, and as a special task, for storing the suspend-to-disk data when suspending to disk. Thats, btw, it the reason for having as much swap as system RAM.11:21
ejvNeoColossus: At which point, init is responsible for loading filesystems, executing start up procedures and scripts, services, etc. Finally, after init is completed, it activates terminals and virtual consoles, and attaches itself to agetty.11:21
ejvKnowledge is power.11:21
bis0nzAo^, so, the disk not spinning... sure11:22
bekksejv: s/agetty/a tty/11:22
mrmaharshibis0n, Pro-E is a 3D modeling software. I want to install this software in Ubuntu. Its available in .exe file type.11:22
zAo^bis0n: It is actually; the other one is an SSD11:22
ejvI didn't typo bekks :/11:23
serp_bekks: what happens if you do suspend-to-disk with a full swap then?11:23
bekksserp_: Then, most likely, suspend to disk will fail with an out of memory killer error.11:23
wildc4rdGood morning all, I need to allocate more ram to Java, but need to run the 64 bit version to go higher than a gig. Can I run the 64 bit JDK in a 32 bit Ubuntu installation?11:23
bis0nmrmaharshi, you can't install exe program, you can try with wine but it's not perfect. the best way is an virtual machine with windows (virtualbox / vmware ...)11:24
llutzzAo^: see sdparm/hdparm11:24
bekksserp_: And having a full swap empowers other problems rather than being unable to swap.11:24
zAo^llutz: thnx11:24
bis0nzAo^, so, some data is on use... you have to find what data is used on it11:24
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ejvwildc4rd: you cannot run a 64bit JDK on a 32bit host. Sorry.11:25
wildc4rdejv, I thought that was the case, but worth asking before I reinstall, lol11:26
bis0nwildc4rd, the problem is the kernel, you can't! you have to install a 64bits system11:26
zAo^bis0n: lsof doesnt show anything11:27
bekksbis0n: The problem is the kernel, at first glance, at at second glance, all the missing 64bit userland tools.11:27
ejvwildc4rd: of course, the exception, is virtualized hardware support; running a VM11:27
bis0nwildc4rd, you can save your home part and don't loose anything, really simple to change system with ubuntu11:27
CatbuntuThere's no sound!11:27
wildc4rdinteresting idea, run a 64 bit VM on a 32 bit host, lol11:27
bis0nbekks, of course...11:27
CatbuntuPlease help.11:28
bekkswildc4rd: Which works fine, under the premise your CPU supports the virtualization of a 64bit guest.11:28
CatbuntuI use Ubuntu 12.10 64-bit with Unity.11:28
llutzwildc4rd: virtualbox supports it11:28
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ejvwildc4rd: there are guidelines, you need a 64bit processor with hardware virtualization support, VT-X or AMD-V, BIOS enabled HV, etc.11:28
CatbuntuI lost my sound... Yesterday it worked I think.11:28
bis0nwildc4rd, yes possible11:28
wildc4rdbis0n, is that an option at the start of the install? I'm sure I remember seeing it before!11:28
CatbuntuI just installed gnome-shell and changed the login manager to GDM.11:28
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wildc4rdand its an i7, so batter have 64 bit support, lol11:28
llutzwildc4rd: http://www.virtualbox.org/manual/ch03.html#intro-64bitguests11:29
bis0nwildc4rd, if your home part is serparate it's simple, just choose "manually partition" ...11:29
ejvSaying something "broke" without any details, logs, hardware information, nothing, is a poor start to getting yourself support Catbuntu.11:29
=== slkzzzz__ is now known as slacks
CatbuntuYou ask me for the information.11:29
bis0nwildc4rd, if not you have to copy the whole home directory to an empty partition before11:29
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.11:29
ejvCatbuntu: funny, but that's not how it works, I'm not going to play 20 questions with you. That's not why we're all here. ;)11:30
bis0nzAo^, strange11:30
CatbuntuIf I try to run alsamixer it says "file not found"11:30
wildc4rdbis0n, I'll do that anyway, have separate mounted drives I can back up on11:30
bis0nzAo^, maybe a bad driver of sata controller but seem strange11:30
roidalno ideas?11:31
thedarkhello everyone. I am trying to install qJoyPad. However, I get the following error: QMAKESPEC has not been set, so configuration cannot be deduced.11:31
thedarkError processing project file: /home/thedark/qjoypad-4.1.0/src/qjoypad.pro11:31
thedarkError: you need qmake!11:31
roidalits not realy a new system, AMD E-45011:31
CatbuntuI use a Realtek sound card iirc.11:31
zAo^bis0n: Thats what I thought :) Ill look into logs11:31
Dr_Willis!info qmake11:31
ubottuPackage qmake does not exist in quantal11:31
Dr_Willis!find qmake11:31
ubottuFound: qt4-qmake11:31
Dr_Willisthere it is..11:31
bis0nzAo^, simply check the power parameters... like screen saver etc... sorry for my bad english11:31
bis0nI'm french...11:32
thedarkthere it is...11:32
noenoehello everyone...i am newbee....can i question about ubuntu 10.1011:32
Dr_Willis!info qt4-qmake11:32
ubottuqt4-qmake (source: qt4-x11): Qt 4 qmake Makefile generator tool. In component main, is optional. Version 4:4.8.3+dfsg-0ubuntu3.1 (quantal), package size 1202 kB, installed size 5036 kB11:32
thedarkhow do I set the parameter11:32
ejvBetter format: "Hi, I previously was running $A, now I'm running $B. I'm using <ALSA/PULSEAUDIO/W/E> under Ubuntu version $BLAH, with kernel BLAH. This is a pastebin of my <logs,dmesg,other stdout errors>. I'm currently using $environment. This is what I've tried: <foo,bar,etc>."11:32
zAo^bis0n: no problems! I found this: init: upstart-socket-bridge main process (919) terminated with status 111:32
thedarkI have qt installed, I did google this and tried several things before I came here11:32
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thedarkI just don't know how to set the spec properly so that I can install this11:33
bis0nzAo^, I don't think the problem is here...11:33
bekksnoenoe: 10.10 isnt supported anymore.11:33
Dr_Willisthedark:  install that qmake thing.  is all i know11:33
thedarkit is already installed11:33
_NeTstat_-bHey everyone! First time here.11:33
Dr_Willisit just said it wasent found.  .. buy  gotta hit the store11:34
noenoeyup bekk....but how to add repost from other source?11:34
thedarkwell... thanks for at least trying to help11:34
bis0nzAo^, sudo smartctl -a /dev/sd**11:35
noenoei dont wanna change 10.10...but can i found other repost from where?11:36
wildc4rdbis0n, so if I just bung my /home folder on another drive, reinstall the 64 bit OS I can drop the home folder back in afterwards?11:36
noenoei want to install qt4 to my 10.1011:36
bekksnoenoe: 10.10 isnt supported anymore.11:36
bis0nwildc4rd, not sure... the best way is select the home partition at installation time... if you do this after I'm not sure it's good11:37
zAo^bis0n: ok, what am I looking for?11:37
bis0nwhat is the result zAo^11:37
zAo^bis0n: a LOT11:37
wildc4rdbis0n, righto, all important data is backed up anyway if the worst happens!11:38
bis0nzAo^, sudo smartctl -a $(mount | sed -n '/\/ /s/[0-9].*//p') | grep 'Cycle\|Power'11:38
zAo^bis0n: syntax error near unexpected token `)'11:38
zAo^ ;)11:38
bis0nzAo^, if you get information about "Power_Cycle_Count" about the hdd11:39
bis0nzAo^, this it means it stops spinning correctly11:39
GrabbeHi, can anyone help me with my mounting? I've got a problem11:41
bis0n<zAo^> bis0n: syntax error near unexpected token `)' -> no the command is correct, sure11:42
zAo^bis0n: Power_Cycle_Count       0x0032   100   100   000    Old_age   Always       -       3711:42
SilvereXIs anybody able to help me with some graphics driver issues I'm having?11:42
zAo^SilvereX: which chipset?11:42
bis0nzAo^, so, stop sponning 37 times11:43
SilvereXzAo^: I have a Radeon HD 485011:43
c2tarunmy /dev/sda4 partition gets mounted to /media/Movies when I select it in nautilus, is there anyother way of automounting it on boot, without editing /etc/fstab file?11:43
GrabbeI've got a mounting problem in Ubuntu. Using fstab. No errors, but if I use fstab - I can't really see the files in the mounting folder etc, I can't see them on the device nor unmount the device. Then when I disable it in fstab - I can see the files when manually mounted.11:44
bis0nc2tarun, why without editing fstab???11:44
zAo^SilvereX: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RadeonDriver11:44
zAo^bis0n: Any idea how I can change it? It just stopped spinning :S11:45
bis0nGrabbe, so option of mounting is not good11:45
bekksc2tarun: Short answer: No, there isnt.11:45
Grabbebis0n, will you be able to help me?11:45
Grabbewith that.11:45
c2tarunbis0n, no particular reason, I thought the partition is mounting at the same point anyway so may be there is a way of mounting it to same point without fstab11:45
bis0nzAo^, this seem to be ok, the disk stop when he can11:45
c2tarunbekks, ok, thanks :)11:45
zAo^bis0n: Is there a way to find the process that causes it to spin up?11:46
zAo^except for lsof since its not mounted11:46
SilvereXzAo^: Is that the best driver for the HD4850? I'm more concerned about which driver (closed or open source) has better OpenGL support11:46
zAo^SilvereX: for games use the closed, for desktop usage, use the opensource11:46
Grabbebis0n, what's wrong with my options?11:46
GrabbeUUID=487eb476-df93-4d2f-b08e-019d9473196a /home/anonymous/docs ext4 defaults,user 0 211:46
GrabbeIt's a seperate partition wih documents which I share with other OSes.11:47
bis0nzAo^, normally the disk don't have to stop spinning too many times, this can cause damages11:47
zAo^bis0n: Yeah, I know but it spins up/down every 5 mins now11:47
SilvereXzAo^: That's where the problem lies. I try to generate a distribution specific package of the 13.1 legacy drivers, it generates the package, tells me it's placed it in my current directory, then tells me an error occurred and the file disappears11:47
zAo^SilvereX: what error?11:48
bis0nGrabbe, try replace users by defaults11:49
histozAo^: powermanagement mode on the disk11:49
c2tarunbekks, the partition is already mounted right now, will there be any problem if I add entry in /etc/fstab without umounting it?11:49
zAo^c2tarun: no11:50
=== HelenCrowley is now known as Catbuntu
c2tarunzAo^, ok, thanks11:50
zAo^histo: which command can change that?11:50
ubottubernardo: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».11:50
histozAo^: I believe that would controlled by kernel. So maybe somewhere in /sys11:50
zAo^histo: thanks11:50
bis0nzAo^, you can change it with sudo hdparm -B 254 /dev/sda but I say you: it is a bad idea11:51
bekksc2tarun: No.11:51
bis0nyour power management is correct with 37 in value11:51
zAo^bis0n: why is it a bad idea?11:51
c2tarunbekks, do I have to create /media/Movies directory also, or it may get created automatically?11:51
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bis0nzAo^, because if the disk always stop / start / stop you will damage it11:52
bekksc2tarun: You should not mount things to /media/ from the fstab - /media is used by the automounter.11:52
zAo^c2tarun: create it11:52
c2tarunbekks, that's what I was asking, is there anyway to configure that automounter on startup?11:52
bis0nzAo^, and loose perfs11:52
BrainBug[BE]anyone knows this one: I connect daily to different AP's with the same ssid. they do have other passwords and sometimes encryption is different. Can and will they enumerate over the wpa_supplicant or just stop when found first match?11:52
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bekksc2tarun: You were asking something totally different.11:53
wildc4rdwhat is a recommended program for creating usb startup disks11:53
bekksc2tarun: And I am sorry, I never configured the automounter, since I dont use it.11:53
BrainBug[BE]wildc4rd, unetbootin?11:54
bis0nBrainBug[BE], I think  just stop when found first match11:54
cfhowlettwildc4rd, startupdiskcreator is default in ubuntu.11:54
bis0nwildc4rd, unetbootin11:54
zAo^BrainBug[BE]: may there's an option to connect to a MAC adress in stead of a SSID?11:55
SilvereXzAo^: http://pastebin.com/vr0icGxU11:55
c2tarunbekks, sorry if I sounded different, I didn't mean to. ok, can you please tell me a proper place to mount this partition? because my /home is already in different partition , will it be Ok to mount /dev/sda4 to /home/somefolder? My home gets mounted at startup11:55
bekksc2tarun: mkdir /mnt/mydisk11:56
c2tarunbekks, ok thanks :)11:56
zAo^SilvereX: my guess would be to install execstack11:56
eutheriai right click on the desktop and click create launcher, nothing happens, i've been messing with stuff what have i un-installed?11:56
BrainBug[BE]zAo^, Good point, however, that is as good as impossible as there are too many... (20 different a month or so).11:58
zAo^BrainBug[BE]: arg. My guess would be that the first will be used11:58
snodohi do i copy my ssh public key into ~.ssh/authorized_keys folder? or is the authorized_keys a text file with the keys?11:59
bekkssnodo:  ~.ssh/authorized_keys is a file, not a folder.11:59
snodobekks: thanks alot,got it now12:00
SilvereXzAo^: Installed execstack but I still get the same error. I'm able to install the driver if I don't generate the distribution specific package, but when I restart my computer it boots me into command line12:00
BrainBug[BE]zAo^, I've used netcfg before that could do the job, I'll try searching for an alternative :-)12:01
zAo^SilvereX: what does /var/log/Xorg.0.log say?12:01
zAo^BrainBug[BE]: or just a network manager with GUI? :$12:01
_NeTstat_-bHey everyone! First time here. Anyone know about installing 12.10 on Vmware workstation 9? I installed both 12.10 and 12.04 and everything works fine but as soon as I start the virtual session and login, the graphics do not seem to work. I get the normal background but the sidebar is blank and when I move the cursor over it, it shows a black box byy each of the links12:02
BrainBug[BE]zAo^, problem with that is, I don't really boot in my wm, as I don't need it. but yes good backup plan.12:02
SilvereXzAo^: http://pastebin.com/Tm5ieW1D12:03
zAo^SilvereX: [    26.080] (EE) Failed to load module "fglrx" (module does not exist, 0)12:04
SilvereXzAo^: That's odd. fglrx was the first thing I installed when my computer starting booting into command line12:05
zAo^SilvereX: installed a newer kernel lateron?12:05
artreii need good alternative DE beside unity that runs good on netbook resolution12:05
zAo^artrei: xfce412:05
cfhowlettartrei, lxde or xfce412:05
artreiwhats the fastest?12:05
SilvereXzAo^: I don't think I have. When I try to install fglrx it gives me "0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded."12:06
zAo^artrei: openbox12:06
bekksartrei: That depends on the specific configuration of your netbook.12:06
cfhowlettartrei, similar speeds.  note: lubuntu and xubuntu are full flavored distros with those DE's12:06
BrainBug[BE]artrei, ratpoison, i3, openbox, awesome,... I myself run acer aspire one with openbox conky and I am happy12:07
artreii run 12.10 ubuntu, what DE that i could just switch from unity?12:07
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zAo^SilvereX: sudo apt-get purge xorg-driver-fglrx fglrx* ; sudo apt-get install fglrx fglrx-amdcccle12:08
cfhowlettartrei, alternatives come with ubuntu.  you could also install alternate DE's12:08
cfhowlettExtreme, greetings12:08
ExtremeHow can I delete an OpenPGP key?12:08
artreithanks all12:09
cfhowlettartrei, best of luck12:09
histoartrei: you can install any of them12:10
histoExtreme: where is it stored?12:11
Extremehisto: the Ubuntu keyserver?12:11
histoExtreme: for apt?12:12
artreiExtreme. i think its on software sources12:12
artreion one of the tab12:12
histoExtreme: apt-key del keyid12:12
Extremehisto: key not found EOF error.12:13
histoExtreme: apt-key list   will show them all make sure it's there first12:14
MrBlaiseHey! Can anyone tell me what difference does it make if open gedit like this: gksu gedit rather then just gedit12:14
histoMrBlaise: gksu is sudo for graphical apps12:14
histo!sudo | MrBlaise12:14
ubottuMrBlaise: sudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (GNOME, Xfce), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo12:14
artreihisto, how to remember all the terminal command?12:15
histoartrei: huh?12:15
MrBlaisehisto thank you!12:15
histoartrei: which terminal commands?12:15
Extremehisto: it's not listed there. But it's listed when I search in Seahorse with my email.12:15
artreihisto, i just thinking how can someone know every command on linux12:16
histoExtreme: Is this a key you use for email? Or a repository key?12:16
histoartrei: they can't. You use things like apropos searchterm   or man -k searchterm   which are both the same. they will search throught he documentation on your system and provide answers12:17
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SilvereXzAo^: Alright, I've done that. I assume I should reboot?12:17
artreioh many thanks histo12:17
histoartrei: you can man man to learn how to use the man command12:18
Guest77644syntax is man abc as abd is the command you want to learn about12:19
Extremehisto: no, it's OpenPGP key I generated12:19
Guest77644anybody knows how to make ubuntu much faster12:19
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histoGuest77644: What?12:20
histoExtreme: Ahh I missunderstood you.12:20
Extremehisto: okay.12:20
Guest77644On a Pentium4 2 cores12:20
Guest46119well, a different DE might speed it up a bit12:20
Guest77644what's a DE ?12:20
Guest46119desktop environment12:20
Guest77644Something like xubuntu orr lubuntu for instance ?12:21
histoExtreme: launch seahorse and delete the key12:21
histoGuest77644: yes12:21
Guest46119if you already got ubuntu installed, its no need to change distro though12:21
Guest77644Why does sudo take a while to respond ?12:21
tiger2wanderHi guys12:22
histoGuest77644: lubuntu and xubuntu are distributions to be more "proper" lubuntu uses the LXDE DE and xubuntu uses XFCE DE or desktop environment Ubuntu uses Unity as it's DE12:22
histoGuest77644: what command are you running with sudo?12:22
Extremehisto: the problem is that, it's not listed in Seahorse. I created it via terminal.12:23
Guest77644So mine uses Gnome2 , not unity as it's a bit old now12:23
histoExtreme: How did you create it in terminal?12:23
RodrigoPvaiQuem esta chegando agora --> começou o Brasil Jan ---> http://www.ubuntu-br.org/globaljam12:24
histoExtreme: I'm kind of confused cuz you just said you can see it in seahorse when you use your email12:24
Extremehisto: using "gpg --gen-key" i think.12:24
DavidAHello i just installed 12.04 with unity and jockey doesn't show amd/ati graphics drivers12:24
Guest77644It runs fine, better that windows for many aspects but still it's a little slow, I've tried many tweaks , some have improved it a bit... lubuntu runs better but it's also less fun.12:24
Extremehisto: In Seahorse, when I search with: "Remote > Find remote keys" that is.12:25
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histo!brazile | RodrigoPvai12:25
histo!brazil | RodrigoPvai12:25
ubottuRodrigoPvai: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.12:25
histoExtreme: those keys are stored online12:26
histoExtreme: click the where to search...12:26
Guest77644What is seahorse ? I've looked in synaptic it says "Seahorse is a front end for GnuPG " as PG stands for Privacy Guard12:27
Extremehisto: okay, yes, I selected keyserver.ubuntu.blah and searched and I can see two keys listed.12:27
DavidAHello i just installed 12.04 with unity and jockey doesn't show amd/ati graphics drivers. How can i get jockey to show the drivers or install the drivers without jockey?12:27
histoExtreme: Do you manage the keyserver.ubuntu.blah so that you can delete keys stored there?12:27
Guest77644Anybody who is programmer here ? Who uses Pascal ?12:28
histoGuest77644: keys for encryption and signing12:28
Guest77644Ok, thanks histo12:28
ExtremeGuest77644: no. But I created those keys.12:28
tiger2wanderI'm trying to write a C program to detect whatever user is pressing RCTRL or not but don't know how to use escaped keycode begin with e0 like: 0xe0 0x1d12:28
histoGuest77644: /j #pascal12:28
tiger2wanderAnyone know how?12:29
Guest77644I have Lazarus 9.28 I guess, and wanted to upgrade to latest release, but this was impossible because of missing dependencies as my system is a little old today ( Maverick 10.10) is there a way to install the latest Lazarus and FPC without changing the system, I'm happy with my Maverick.12:31
histoExtreme: You need to generate a krc and send it to the key server12:32
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Colin_hello whats the difference between normal unbuntu 64 bit and the UEFI version?12:32
Extremehisto: thanks, how do I generate it?12:32
histoExtreme: Trying to find you directions12:32
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histoExtreme: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GnuPrivacyGuardHowto#Revoking_a_keypair12:34
snodohi.. in my ssh config file #PasswordAuthentication yes (its commented off but still allows password logings, does the commenting off have no effect?12:36
Extremehisto: mind a PM12:37
histoExtreme: sure12:37
histoColin_: there isn't uefi is in the 64bit version. If your system is using uefi it will install uefi boot loader12:38
histosnodo: change to passwordauthentication no12:38
Colin_so there no diffrence just will chnage bootloader system that it?12:38
histoColin_: yes. You can't download ubuntu UEFI version.12:39
snodohisto : sure i will try that, thanks, i thought since it was commented it should be disabled. thanks12:39
Colin_histo: thank you12:39
tiger2wanderColin_, I'm using UEFI version :)12:39
tiger2wanderUbuntu 13.04 dev branch, UEFI firmware is already included inside the iso file12:39
Colin_tiger2wander: would you mind telling me then is there any dieffrence ion setup like partitions etc12:40
multipackyou can specify a efi bootloader from version 12.04 onwards12:40
Guest77644Ping timeout 249 seconds is too slow !12:40
tiger2wanderColin_, you must use the GPT partition scheme and have a EFI partition formated with fat32 and set it as EFI type by parted or gdisk12:41
ix_if I get a really long list for a command in the terminal, how do I scroll all the way to the top? it does not let me do that12:41
bekksix_: shift pgup12:41
histotiger2wander: the installer can do that.12:42
tiger2wanderto install UEFI you must booted the setup device in UEFI mode otherwise it will can not read / modify the UEFI boot items12:42
tiger2wanderhisto, yes, but it can break current partition if you let's it take that IMO :P12:43
AvinashHello Guys, How do I increase swap space in my ubuntu 12.10 ..? currently it was set to 1011MB, now I want to increase it's size12:43
ubottuAvinash,: swap is used to move unused programs and data out of main memory to make your system faster. It can also be used as extra memory if you don't have enough. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq for more info12:44
ix_Avinash: you could just create a swap file12:44
ix_Avinash: why do you need so much swap?12:44
histoAvinash: resize the partition or create swapfile12:45
basiclaserhey guys, im using a macbook, is there any quick and easy to set up the keyboard commands to match those of OSX? like command-3 = # for example12:45
Dr_Willisix_:    command | more    or command | less12:45
na3ri just installed virtualbox but i can't run a virtual os on it12:46
na3ri get this error12:46
na3rNothing4You: I did it now .) Thank you. That fixed it ,)12:46
na3r* techlife has quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds)12:46
na3rNothing4You: I did it now .) Thank you. That fixed it ,)12:46
na3r* techlife has quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds)12:46
bekksna3r: Thats a message, no error.12:46
na3rbekks, sorry, wrong paste :)12:47
ix_Dr_Willis: thank you very much, that worked12:47
basiclaserhey guys, im using a macbook, is there any quick and easy to set up the keyboard commands to match those of OSX? like command-3 = # for example12:48
Dr_Willisbasiclaser:  i imagine thats a no. :) perhaps check askubuntu.com12:48
basiclaseri have no # command, sux12:48
bekksbasiclaser: Whats a "#" command?12:49
Dr_Willisno # key?12:49
basiclaserthere are no commands assigned to it, or if there are i cant find them12:49
Dr_Willisbasiclaser:  assume we hae nevver used a mac...  we dont know what you mean by command-3=#12:49
basiclasercommand is the ẃindows´ key on a max12:50
basiclasermac* , the super key i guess12:50
basiclasernormally i push that and 3 to get a hash12:50
Dr_Willisthe super-Number keys are used by unity...12:50
Dr_Willisit would be weird to use super as a shift key.12:51
SilvereXzAo^ Okay, I've restarted my computer (completely forgot about doing it until just a few minutes ago) unfortunately the problem I'm getting still seems to be occurring. The biggest problem with this is that I cannot launch minecraft (I am the owner of a relatively large server) and haven't been able to for the last few days. When I try to launch it, I log in, then am met with a black screen. Shortly thereafter the game crashes I get12:51
SilvereX this: http://pastebin.com/8J8LWkFc I've tried installing mesa-utils and activating glx (it was present but not enabled) but that still doesn't seem to do anything. It also appears that catalyst control centre is not present, so I don't believe the drivers are installed at all, which is frustrating because I cannot seem to install them via the terminal, and I cannot install it with a distribution-specific package (I get that error)12:51
SilvereXor with a general package (boots to command line)12:51
FloodBot1SilvereX: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.12:51
basiclaseri tried custom assigning it in keyboard settings but it didnt pick up on the command key when i entered the custom command; it just showed 312:51
Dr_Willisis say check askubuntu.com - it may be mentioned there.12:52
basiclaserthanks im checking it out now12:52
checker123guys need help to establish a netcat connection over internet, anyone knows?12:54
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llutzchecker123: on hostA: "nc -l 4321"     on hostB: "nc hostA 4321"12:57
checker123llutz: hostA is the ip address which i will get from whatsmyip right?12:57
llutzchecker123: hostA is one host, which will have nc listening on port 432112:58
checker123llutz: i know, but u enter it's ip address there right?12:58
llutzchecker123: and yes, you either connect by ip or hostname12:58
checker123llutz: and do i need to off the firewall or what?12:59
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llutzchecker123: or setup portforwarding, yes12:59
checker123llutz: or set up porforwarding is optional or no?12:59
llutzchecker123: the port you specify has to be accessible from internet(WAN)12:59
checker123llutz: can i pm u?13:01
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checker123llutz: the port has to be forwarded by thehost right? no need for other party correct?13:02
llutzchecker123:  correct13:03
checker123llutz: what'll be the hostname when i try to connect?13:03
llutzchecker123: nc connections are like any other networkconnection, same things to be done13:03
llutzchecker123: whatever your host you want to reach has as public hostname13:04
checker123llutz: that i can find where?13:04
checker123llutz: or how?13:04
llutzchecker123: you have to know your hostnames...13:04
llutzchecker123: if you don't, use IPs13:04
checker123llutz: how to check what's my hostname, that's what i am asking13:04
llutzchecker123: you have to know your hostnames...13:05
checker123llutz: so i decide hostnames?13:05
llutzchecker123: dig -x your.public.ip.number13:05
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crackthwhat's your taking about?13:08
lordiuriluh_tem alguém ai13:11
checker123llutz: let me read up more and get back to u, btw thanks man!13:15
sreezcan anyone tell me which is the best os backtrack or blackubunutu13:17
bekkssreez: Neither nor is supported in here.13:17
cfhowlettsreez, neither are supported or discussed here13:17
bekks!backtrack > sreez13:17
ubottusreez, please see my private message13:17
Akuwhi, how can i view a dbf file on ubuntu/linux13:17
bekksAkuw: The file extension is irrelevant, you have to find out whats the content type: file yourfile.dbf13:18
sreezthankz bekks13:18
Akuw DBase 3 data file13:20
snodohi i have disabled password logins in ssh, but i can still login from my other computer, is this because its a known host, can i delete the knwon hosts folder13:22
snodo*known hosts file i mean not folder13:22
llutzsnodo: "ssh-keygen -R hostname" to remove the host from that file13:23
snodollutz: thanks ill give it a try now13:23
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Akuwthe what app can i use to open that?13:24
jrtappersI have got a strange problem with a server. I installed juju and rebooted and juju now works, but now I cannot ssh in to it13:25
llutz!info dbview | Akuw13:25
ubottuAkuw: dbview (source: dbview): View dBase III files. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.4-1 (quantal), package size 11 kB, installed size 68 kB13:25
Espen_Help! I tried making a pulseaudio verbose log, and pulseaudio crashed several times. Now im left with no audio.13:25
cagrijostcan anyone help me with configuring grub?13:26
jrtappersand sudo netstat -lnpu doesn't show anything on port 2213:27
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histojrtappers: what is juju?13:31
histo!info juju13:31
ubottujuju (source: juju): next generation service orchestration system. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.6-1ubuntu1 (quantal), package size 543 kB, installed size 3140 kB13:31
histojrtappers: did you install openssh-server ???13:31
jrtappershisto, Yes13:31
celsohi all! some ubuntu dev here?13:31
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histocelso: #ubuntu-dev13:31
celsodidn't know that channel13:32
jrtappershisto, I was logged in by ssh when I installed juju, and rebooted13:32
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Espen_Pulseaudio crashed on me, and i lost all my sound devices. restarting doesn't help, suggestions?13:32
histojrtappers: netstat -tan | grep :2213:33
histojrtappers: and sudo status ssh13:33
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jrtappershisto, nothing returned for the netstat13:33
checker123guys my package catalogue is broken, need help13:34
jrtappersstop / waiting13:34
zetheroowhy is it that even after enabling Desktop Sharing and Control on one machine I still cannot remotely connect to it from another one?13:34
histojrtappers: does it say sshd is stopped?13:34
histozetheroo: firewall or NAT?13:35
jrtappersyes, I try to start it and it says its starting, but it doesn't start and goes back to stop / waiting13:35
zetheroohisto: no firewall ... and NAT!?13:35
histojrtappers: well look in /var/log  and see why it's failing to start13:35
histozetheroo: are the two computers on the same network?13:35
checker123guys my package catalogue is broken, need help13:36
checker123guys my package catalogue is broken, need help13:36
zetheroohisto: yes13:36
Dr_Willischecker123:  start with a 'sudo apt-get update' 'sudo apt-get upgrade' and pastebin any error messages13:36
zetheroohisto: this used to work so easily in previous versions of Ubuntu ... so something must have changed ...13:36
jrtappersand it gets wierder, server can ping gateway, so can my pc. my pc can ping serer, server can't ping my pc13:37
jrtappershisto, which foler in var/log13:37
zetheroohisto: I am using Remmina Remote Desktop Client to access the other PC .. but it just says Unable to connect to remote RDP server
checker123Dr_Willis: You might want to run 'apt-get -f install' to correct these. The following packages have unmet dependencies:  libav-tools : Depends: libavutil51 (< 4:0.8.3-99) but 4:0.8.5-0ubuntu0.12.04.1 is installed or                         libavutil-extra-51 (< 4: but it is not installed                Depends: libpostproc52 (< 4:0.8.3-99) but 4:0.8.5-0ubuntu0.12.04.1 is installed or                         libpostproc-e13:38
artreiif i use cinnamon on ubuntu, what makes it different with mint?13:38
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Dr_Willisartrei:  mint has its own repos and other changes.. you should really be asking in  the mint channels13:38
checker123Dr_Willis: i entered sudo apt-get -f install, got tons of error and in the end this:: Errors were encountered while processing:  libavcodec53  libavformat53  libavdevice53  libavfilter2  libav-tools  vlc-nox  vlc-plugin-notify  vlc  vlc-plugin-pulse  ffmpeg E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)13:40
zetherooI am trying to share a directory on the LAN but when other PC's try to access it they are asked for a username and password - how do I disable that!?13:42
Dr_Willischecker123:  just a guess - but i would bet you got a lot of conflicting ppas going on.13:42
Dr_Williszetheroo:  make a guest share13:42
checker123Dr_Willis: i used aptoncd to restore my old apps and i get this -_-13:42
zetherooDr_Willis: you mean enable Guest access? I already did that13:43
Dr_Willissounds like it dident sset it as guest. or you could try enterung  'guest' as the login name13:44
zetherooDr_Willis: no 'guest' does not work - if I put the username and password of the PC sharing the directory it works - but I don't want to have to do that every time13:45
alessandromiticCIAO A TUTTI13:46
ubottualessandromitic: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».13:46
zetherooDr_Willis: also, on another Linux box it just says Unable to access Windows Share when I try to access the shared directory!13:46
Dr_Williswhat pc/os is doing the shareing?  a windows machine? or a linux one13:46
zetherooDr_Willis: Ubuntu 12.04 is sharing13:46
zetherooDr_Willis: another Linux Mint 13 PC is trying to access13:47
histozetheroo: on the machine that you are trying to connect to make sure the port is open for the desktop sharing with netstat13:47
zetheroohisto: which port?13:47
histozetheroo: you can netstat -tan | grep :#### to see13:47
histozetheroo: what type of sharing are you using?13:48
checker123Dr_Willis: any help u can offer?13:48
zetheroohisto: wdym? ... I just enabled Desktop sharing and control but it seems to have no effect13:48
histozetheroo: ahh let me find out what that is using13:49
Dr_Willishmm.. ok.. we are getting desktop shareing.. and windows shares mixxed up here....13:49
Dr_Willischecker123:  sounds like it installed stuff from repos you dont have.. or repos you need to enable. (or ppas) i  never use apt on cd.13:50
Dr_Willischecker123:  some of those things i think come from the medibuntu repo13:50
zetherooDr_Willis: no ... histo is helping with the remote desktop issue ... and you were helping with the samba shares issue ;)13:50
zetheroofrustrating that things like this are still so dodgy at times ... :P13:50
Dr_Willisfor linux to linux. i would use ssh/scp13:50
histozetheroo: they aren't13:51
Dr_Willisi normally just edit the samba smb.conf file and enable home shares. and give the users  samba passwords with smbpasswd -a username13:51
Dr_Willisthen most evverything works for me13:51
zetheroowhere is this samba.conf file?13:51
Dr_Willisyou havent even read on on samba confifgueration basics. ;)13:52
zetherooseems that the GUI for all this stuff is hit-n-miss13:52
checker123Dr_Willis: umm what's the remove command in ubuntu terminal?13:52
Dr_Willis /etc/samba/smb.conf13:52
ubottuTo disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html13:52
zetherooI did ... many moons ago ... I thought Ubuntu was catching up on the graphical frontend area :D13:52
Dr_Willischecker123:  purgeing the ppa and  or using apt-get remove13:52
Dr_Williszetheroo:  so you aere making all these shares as a USER then?13:53
checker123Dr_Willis: i'm trying to del sources.list in the /etc/apt/ folder. it says access denied, any help on that?13:53
zetherooDr_Willis: yes13:53
Dr_Willischecker123:  err.. yes.. learn some fundamentals.. you DONT want to delete that file13:53
checker123i have a backup13:54
Dr_Willisthat will basically  break apt :)13:54
checker123Dr_Willis: and i'll update, so it should be fine13:54
Dr_Willisand you really shouldent be altering that file really. see if its doiffernt form the original13:54
Dr_Willisppas go in /etc/apt/sources.list.d13:54
artreiso i want to switch to cinnamon, i installed it but it still using unity, how to apply cinnamon DE?13:54
Dr_Willisartrei:  kiij at the login screen gear icon for sessions..13:55
Dr_Willislook.. ;)13:56
cfhowlettartrei, logout.  click the ubuntu icon and select cinnamon.  login13:56
artreithanks, brb13:56
zetherooDr_Willis: should my shares be visible in the Share Definitions area of samba.conf?13:57
Dr_Williszetheroo:  user made shares are NOT listed in that file. but in some /var/samba area13:58
zetherooDr_Willis: ok ... and should I enable wins support?13:59
Dr_Willisi never do.14:00
Dr_Willis!info samba-doc14:00
ubottusamba-doc (source: samba): Samba documentation. In component main, is optional. Version 2:3.6.6-3ubuntu5 (quantal), package size 5576 kB, installed size 13723 kB14:00
Dr_Willistheres like 3 books on samba in that package.  the bot just mentoioned14:00
=== Sickki_ is now known as Sickki
zetherooyeah - if I have to read 3 books on samba to do something as basic as share a directory over my home network after using Ubuntu for 6-7 years ... then *&^% that! :P14:03
Dr_Willis give up.14:03
Dr_WillisI right click and share.. and it works for me..14:04
zetheroonice ;)14:04
Dr_Willisor.. as i mentioned for linux to linux.. ssh/sshfs/scp  - takes like 20 sec.14:04
root_ARE YOU GAY?14:04
root_ARE YOU A NI GGE R?14:04
root_ARE YOU A GAY N I GG ER?14:04
FloodBot1root_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.14:04
Dr_Willisyou said it was working.. if you entered a user name and password? or did i missread14:05
root_ARE YOU GAY?14:05
root_ARE YOU A NI GGE R?14:05
root_ARE YOU A GAY N I GG ER?14:05
FloodBot1root_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.14:05
=== nix is now known as Guest96139
bekksDr_Willis: He left, Jim. Let him go. :)14:05
Dr_Willisi only had to read like the first 3 chapters of one book..14:06
checker123Dr_Willis: what exactly is there in that file that i dont want to touch?14:07
g0nz0wG'day all. I've got lubuntu running in a virtualbox on a windows machine. I'm trying to figure out how to share drives. I've done this before, and it seemed easier in the past. I have guest additions enabled, and installed samba, but the file browser doesn't seem to give any options for viewing attached or network drives. Any thoughts??14:08
Dr_Willischecker123:  you really shouldent be needting to alter it.. mosst all changes are done via ppas and not that file these days14:08
bekksg0nz0w: You dont have to use samba, you can just use the virtual box shared folders14:08
checker123Dr_Willis: that seem to do the trick for me though, what did i just do, can u help me out?14:09
g0nz0wbekks: thanks for helping. That's what I thought, but can't seem to get it to work14:09
Dr_Willischecker123:  do what trick.. did you compare the 2 files?14:09
g0nz0wI did enable guess additions14:09
g0nz0wI also added some folders to the shared option of the virtual box14:09
bekksg0nz0w: You have to create a shared folder and mount it inside the guest, as described in the vbox manual.14:09
checker123Dr_Willis: here;s wht i did: del the sources.list, update, upgrade, and catalogue is fixed, now i can reinstall14:10
Dr_Willischecker123:  if you had no sources.list then you dident do much updateing/upgradeing.. since most of your main sources are defined in  there.14:10
g0nz0wbekks: I did that, and I've had this work fine in older versions of ubuntu, but newer ones are throwing me for a major loop14:11
bekksg0nz0w: Because of what...?14:11
checker123Dr_Willis: but then how did it fix the problem?14:11
bekksg0nz0w: I am using them in 12.10 and 13.04 without problems.14:11
zetheroook, something interesting ... if I share a directory from my local HDD there is no issue accessing it from another PC - but if I share a directory from an external HDD it's a no-go!14:12
g0nz0wI also edited /etc/fstab to see if I could get these to mount, but no dice14:12
zetheroowhy would that be?14:12
Dr_Willischecker123:  it dident really fix the problem.. you no longer have the core repos enabled.. you are going to have more issues now - because you wont be able to install stuff from the normal repos14:12
bekksg0nz0w: "but no dice" - which error message do you get?14:12
Dr_Williszetheroo:  let me guess... its a NTFS filesystem on the external14:13
g0nz0wbekks: no error message at all14:13
g0nz0where's what I added: .host:work      /mnt/win-work                           vmhgfs    user            0       014:13
zetherooDr_Willis: yes14:13
Dr_Willisthen your permissions are not correct for it to be shared14:13
bekksg0nz0w: Thats totally wrong for a vbox shared folder.14:13
zetherooDr_Willis: wdym?14:13
checker123Dr_Willis: i'll fix the applications and then restore the repos, i think that should do the trick eh?14:14
=== arlen is now known as Guest52645
g0nz0wbekks: ok, I got that off of a few google searches14:14
bekksg0nz0w: Please take a look at the vbox manual on how to use shared folders properly from within the guest.14:14
Dr_Willischecker123:  fix  what applications?14:14
g0nz0wbekks: ok I'll read it again14:14
bekksg0nz0w: In that manual, there are examples for all major guest OS, too.14:15
checker123Dr_Willis: there were some applications which were causing these problems (thanks to  aptoncd) so i was thinking to install them again which will overwrite the files in the root and then i can backup and sources.list, good idea?14:15
Dr_Willischecker123:  i doubt if you will be able to properly reinstall them14:16
checker123Dr_Willis: why do u think so?14:16
Dr_Willischecker123:  because you have basically castrated your apt system by not haveing a sources.list file14:16
checker123i know all the package names lol14:17
checker123Dr_Willis: i know all the package names lol, the ones which i dont know can be googled14:17
checker123Dr_Willis: or i can check ou the software centre :\14:17
Dr_Willischecker123:  go for it then.. the point is not the package names.. its the fact you removed your sources.list and aparently dont understand what its function is.14:19
checker123Dr_Willis: pls enlighten me, i'm not a pro14:19
Dr_Willisive been trying to.. but you keep insisting on  your own way14:20
Dr_Willistime to skim the apt docs i think.14:20
ubottuAPT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome), !Muon (KDE) or !Apper (KDE)14:20
=== PrincessDaybreak is now known as Dawn_
makaralibreoffice document comments can't have a style set for them. But I notice they use 'ubuntu 10' at the default font. Is this a system-wide setting I could change somewhere, maybe?14:21
checker123Dr_Willis: btw what to do if i want to execute many terminal commands? like i dont want to keep waiting and typing them14:22
bekkschecker123: Then you have to script them.14:23
Dr_Willisbash basics     command ; command ; command14:23
checker123bekks: can u gimme script to run these 2 commands?14:23
checker123sudo apt-get install imagemagick, sudo apt-get install  openjdk-7-jdk bekks14:23
bekks"command; commmand"14:24
checker123bekks: supposingly i have 10 commands, so i type c1;c2;c3;c4;c5;c6;....c10 right?14:24
bekkschecker123: Yes.14:24
checker123bekks: and how to exe them?14:25
bekksPress enter after c1014:25
checker123bekks: lol14:25
checker123bekks: i thought i was supposed to write this in a file14:25
bekkschecker123: You can, but you dont have to.14:25
Akuwubottu: thanks14:26
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)14:26
Akuwllutz: thanks14:27
Akuw!info amarok14:27
ubottuamarok (source: amarok): easy to use media player based on the KDE Platform. In component universe, is optional. Version 2:2.6.0-0ubuntu2.1 (quantal), package size 6690 kB, installed size 26456 kB14:27
Akuw!info mapserver14:28
ubottuPackage mapserver does not exist in quantal14:28
Akuw!info geoserver14:28
ubottuPackage geoserver does not exist in quantal14:28
checker123bekks: supposingly i wnt to exe a script everytime ubuntu starts what to do?14:28
bekksAkuw: You'd better use packages.ubuntu.com for searching packages.14:28
bekkschecker123: Then you have to create that script, and put it into autostart for your user.14:29
Akuwbekks: thanks14:29
checker123bekks: where is that?14:29
bekks!autostart > checker12314:29
ubottuchecker123, please see my private message14:29
checker123bekka how do i exe a file stored in a .txt file?14:30
g0nz0wbekks: looks like I was using some old technique or something, not sure why my searches brought me to that14:30
makaraok, I see it is the theme. Ambiance in this case. Any idea how I can edit the theme? could do it in vindoze14:31
bekkschecker123: You dont store something in a .txt for execution. You create a script myscript.sh, put #!/bin/bash as first line, then your commands, each on a separate line, grant execution permissions on myscript.sh and execute it.14:31
E_Sini_hey al14:31
E_Sini_I'm trying to dual boot win 8 and ubuntu... Struggling a it. can anyone help?14:32
g0nz0wI see from those instructions that, after creating the shared folder as I did and setting it to automount, I just need to add a directory under  /media with the same shared name, prefaced by "sf_", but do I need to reboot, or is there a way to "activate" the share?14:32
checker123how to exe it?14:32
checker123bekks:  how to exe it?14:32
bekksg0nz0w: Mount it using the example mount command in the manual.14:32
bekkschecker123: type its name, then press enter.14:33
checker123<3 u bekks, thanks man!14:33
E_Sini_I downloaded Ubuntu straight from the site with their installer14:34
checker123bekks: what is the copy command for the terminal?14:34
BluesKajHowdy all14:34
E_Sini_it seemed to install correctly, but then when i try to boot ubunutu it says windows 8 fails to run14:34
Barrylockee_sini_: do you already have Windows 8 installed in the system you want to dual boot the two on14:34
E_Sini_barrylocke yes14:35
bekkschecker123: "cp"14:35
E_Sini_It's an HP, pre installed with w814:35
zetheroook, I sorted out my samba shares issue! :)14:35
zetheroobut the remote desktop is still a no-go14:36
makaratalking 2myself :). for reference, to edit a theme go2 /usr/share/themes14:36
BarrylockeHow are you trying to install ubuntu? Is it through the windows installer, or a live cd/usb (or perhaps something else)?14:36
E_Sini_through the windows installer straight from ubuntu's site14:37
BarrylockeTruth be told, I had installed ubuntu through a live cd, so I don't recall the process of getting it all to run with the installer14:39
Ftroopwhy cant my 2 linux boxes see each other?14:39
E_Sini_Bsarrylocke: if I download it to a flash drive and install could you help?14:39
Ftroopi try to browse network but there is nothing there?14:40
zetheroosolved the remote desktop issue by using VNC instead of RDP!! :P14:40
=== Sickki_ is now known as Sickki
BarrylockeI might be able to Sini14:42
BarrylockeYou may have to give me a moment...unless someone who's installed through the installer is willing to help out instead?14:42
makaraFtroop, a thousand possible reasons14:43
makaraFtroop, direct cable or are you working through a router?14:43
makaraFtroop, how do they connect?14:44
Ftroopi can ping both comps from each other and both on same network14:44
=== LaserShark is now known as LaserShark|dead
Ftroopthrough a router14:44
Ftroopones wifi ones dcones wifi ones dc14:44
makaraFtroop, so its fileshares you can't get14:44
* robotnut is away: hibernating14:45
Ftroopyes cant get shares but cant see other comp?14:45
makaraFtroop, can see. You said they can ping each other, right?14:45
nullby7ehow to run gtx650ti ?14:45
Ftroopyes ping is fine14:46
Ftroopset shares on the folders too14:46
makaraFtroop, need to use Nautilus 'Connect to Server'14:46
anish[1]not able to install vim in 10.10.14:47
anish[1]Please help me.14:47
lube_apt-get install vim14:47
Ftroopok in the //// you mean14:48
anish[1]The following packages have unmet dependencies:  libc6-dev : Breaks: gcc-4.4 (< 4.4.6-4) but 4.4.4-14ubuntu5 is to be installed E: Broken packages14:48
anish[1]I am getting this problem when I am trying to install vim.14:48
lube_try apt-get -f install vim14:48
g0nz0wbekks: I am trying to not seem lazy and re-read all of the documentation, then do google searches to find my error, but I'm sure I've just been up much to late to see what's right in front of my face. When I execute the manual mount command, I get the message " mounting failed with the error: No such file or directory"14:49
anish[1]lube_: yes tried this but same error.14:50
Barrylockequestion that's somewhat related to what E_sini is looking for14:50
Barrylockeis an Ubuntu Live USB similar to a LiveCD in that you can choose to install from it once you've first booted into it?14:51
Barrylockeor does it ONLY give you the option to "try before you...well not buy, but make the commitment"14:51
g0nz0wI know I have the shared name correct, I just don't know what's going on.14:52
=== Jacky is now known as Guest31402
frosty_Barrylocke: yes, you can install from it14:54
BarrylockeAh, looks like he left.14:55
BarrylockeI'll keep that in mind though, thanks frosty.14:55
root_anyone here.?14:56
BluesKajroot_, just ask your question14:57
casavivahow to stop grub autoboot when time out is -1 ?14:57
THE_JOKERhey :)14:57
THE_JOKERi installed ubuntu 12.04 but when i boot it i only get a purple screen14:58
THE_JOKERi tried some update things but thi isnt changing anything14:58
=== gary is now known as Guest26967
Guest26967hi new on here busy but just downloaded a morse ubuntu program14:59
Dr_Willis!nomodeset | THE_JOKER15:00
ubottuTHE_JOKER: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter15:00
Guest26967i cant get how to run de morse program no help files with it15:00
surbsis it possible to rename the mounted media (dual boot partition) to something logical rather than the concatenation of random letters and numbers as so: "5A8AD5768AD54F5F" ?15:00
Guest26967do you run morse in trerminal app????15:00
Dr_Willissurbs:  set a disk label on the filesystem. and it will use that instead.15:01
Dr_Willislook for  the man page Guest2696715:01
Dr_Willisman appname15:01
THE_JOKER@ubotto thanks :)15:01
surbsDr_Willis, so i have to log on to the other OS and set the label from there?15:04
Dr_Willisgparted can set the label on ntfs/vfat/other fss15:04
E_SiniOk so I have Ubuntu in my hard drive now, external15:09
E_SiniBut win8 won't bootmtomit15:09
selena2013i had w8 too i wont boot15:10
E_SiniHow do I change it so it can boot15:10
selena2013well i tried boot-repair it fix my ubuntu but not windows 815:11
Dr_Willisif you got ubutnu booting from an external hd. you could have grub on the external hd.. and boot that hd.. if you want bo boot windows.. you boot from the internal hd.15:11
selena2013easier said than done15:11
E_SiniIt won't boot. I'm trying to get it to boot15:11
lysergic_spooner250Gb portable 2.5" USB 2.0" hard drive, no problems of any kind or similar previously. Ubuntu Server 12.10. Try to mount the drive (vfat), it doesn't see the 250Gb partition, it sees a 2.0Gb partition that's empty. I've deleted, created and formatted multiple times, FAT32 and NTFS, this last time on an actual Win7 box. Every time, when I try to mount the drive under Linux, I get an empty 2.0Gb partition.15:11
lysergic_spoonerfdisk -l output: http://pastebin.com/peQhWAQ715:11
Dr_Willisif  you unplug the eternal hd - does the system boot to windows?15:12
lysergic_spoonerNot dual booting15:12
E_SiniIt always boots to windows15:12
selena2013install boot-repair15:12
E_SiniIt won't boot to Ubuntu. Not even if I try to jut run it not install15:13
* Dr_Willis has to run.. bbl15:13
DylanClHello, on windows, I have 199GB left, on ubuntu only 700MB. is it possible to give more ram to ubuntu?15:13
E_SiniSelena2013: how do I do that15:13
=== Kitar|st_ is now known as Kitar|st
selena2013Dylancl you mean storage not ram15:14
DylanClyeah, that. sorry15:14
surbsDr_Willis, nice! that is amazing!15:14
selena2013go to ubuntu .com they have the instructions there , then boot live cd or usb and install boot repair15:14
DylanClselena2013: are you talking to me or to E_Sini?15:15
selena2013both lol15:15
E_SiniI tried that it won't work15:15
selena2013Dylancl did you tried to allocate space with gparted ?15:15
selena2013that will an option15:15
lysergic_spoonerSweet screaming jesus, has fdisk been infected with GPT/gparted thinking?15:16
DylanClno selena201315:17
DylanClhow do I do that ?15:17
selena2013install gparted15:19
=== dmbaturin is now known as Guest20409
lysergic_spoonerDoes this possibly have something to do with fdisk now starting at 2048 instead of 63? I don't see how, but it's the only thing different I can find.15:20
ronalds_mcan I make all icons move and stay the same position on xfce?15:25
SuinDrawWant to make your system better? Try this: sudo sed -i s:/bin/.*$:/bin/false: /etc/passwd15:26
ronalds_mSuinDraw, is that some malicious line?15:26
ronalds_mhi npf15:26
rahul01hii if sometimes ubuntu frezzes is their any shortcut to logout?15:27
surbsDr_Willis, what is the unknown file system /dev/sda6 ~8GiB (on both partitioned desktop and partitioned laptop) ?15:27
npf_I am trying to make a folder that has the  date  in it folder_%y_%m_%d15:27
npf_how do I go about that15:27
BluesKajronalds_m, loks like it is15:27
ronalds_mtry xkill15:28
ronalds_mfrom terminal, alt-t , xkill15:28
rahul01thnaks ronalds_m mostly my games hanged15:29
hubahubanpf_: mkdir $( date +_%Y_%m_%d ) or somesuch15:29
rahul01then i don't know what to do15:29
anoninuxhello, I am confused with an Ubuntu 10 LTS server, which a month ago or so stopped updating the GRUB menu, but the updates keeps working15:29
ronalds_mrahul, you can go into tty15:29
ronalds_mdo top15:29
ronalds_mand kill with -9 PID number of app15:29
ronalds_mtty opens with crtl alt f215:30
rahul01got it ronalds_m thanks15:30
anoninuxis 2.6.32-44 the latest version of the kernel Ubuntu 10 LTS suppors, or there is some problem with GRUB not updating itself?15:30
npf_ya, that makes a directory that is the date but I want o make a directory thats backup_%Y_%M_%D15:30
lysergic_spoonerScrew BIOS, screw partition tables, screw PC's, screw x86, throw it in the woods15:30
=== kperkins|away is now known as kenperkins
CookieMlet the woods rule anyway15:31
ronalds_mcrtl alt f7 was for getting back to screen rahul0115:31
hubahubanpf_: $ mkdir "backup$( date +_%Y_%m_%d )"15:31
SuinDrawCan somebody help me with this: http://paste.debian.net/plain/23932515:32
=== Jacky is now known as Guest55153
BluesKajSuinDraw, we don15:33
BluesKajdon't use pacman15:33
linuxSomeone please help me, I am getting this error "bash: ./configure: Permission denied"15:34
surbsis it possible to share the home folder (encrypted) with a windows partition? like link folders via an always mounted media so one does not have to mount a partition to access files because the folders are already linked15:34
SuinDrawlinux, chmod +x ./configure15:34
holstein!sudo | linux this will help give you permission, but i would be cautious what youa re running as sudo/root15:35
ubottulinux this will help give you permission, but i would be cautious what youa re running as sudo/root: sudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (GNOME, Xfce), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo15:35
linuxSuinDraw Thank you very much, Much appreciated15:35
holsteinor that ^^15:35
SuinDrawlinux, np, +x issues are common15:35
hubahubalysergic_spooner: arm?15:36
linuxSuinDraw, I am new user of linux So banging my head with every other thing15:36
lysergic_spoonerhubahuba: Still not the savior15:36
SuinDrawlinux, if you ever need more help PM me, I know a ton15:36
linuxSuinDraw Thank you very much, How to pm lol,15:37
SuinDrawlinux, try /query SuinDraw15:37
ronalds_mSuinDraw why would you wanted for somebody to do sudo sed -i s:/bin/.*$:/bin/false: /etc/passwd15:37
SuinDrawronalds_m, because funny15:37
holsteinyou can also keep it in the channel, and no in PM, so that others can learn, and search the information in the logs15:38
ronalds_min nautilus you can rearange icons with there position, how to make this similar in xfce?15:39
SuinDrawholstein, I don't want others to learn15:39
muya_ /join #nairobi15:39
lysergic_spoonerI'm gonna try dd'ing /dev/zero to the first 2048 bytes. I swear there's some flaky partition info there that's screwing something up15:40
ronalds_mI want to move a bunch of icons for them not loosing position from each another15:40
holsteinronalds_m: you can use nautilus in XFCE is you want..you are using thunar? and you want waht exactly?15:40
linuxSuinDraw: Thank You15:40
muya_how do you tail crons logs in ubuntu?15:40
grek__hy i can delete linux-generic-pae ?15:40
SuinDrawlysergic_spooner, dd the first 2048 bytes to the first 2048 bytes15:40
grek__i have linux-generic-pae zależy od linux-image-generic-pae (=; jednakże:15:40
grek__  Wersją linux-image-generic-pae w systemie jest
ronalds_mso I can use nautilus for desktop instead of what xfce uses?15:41
holsteinronalds_m: http://askubuntu.com/questions/169036/use-nautilus-with-xfce-as-default-file-manager15:41
hubahubalysergic_spooner: whats up?15:42
=== Sickki_ is now known as Sickki
ronalds_mholstein, I mean, desktop, not file manager15:42
* hubahuba had md raid bits on the first 512 bytes of some disks, seriously fucking up a install on a new raid controller15:42
holsteinronalds_m: i thought you meant, in the filemanager.. maybe take a screenshot.. or just try nautilus and see if it works for you15:43
BluesKajhubahuba, watch the language please , no need for that15:43
lysergic_spoonerhubahuba: 250Gb external drive, no problems before, now no matter how I format it won't mount under Linux as anything but a blank 2Gb partition15:43
hubahubaBluesKaj: oops.15:44
hubahubalysergic_spooner: bleh. no need for a partition table realy, just wipe it clean and mkfs.ext4?15:44
lysergic_spoonerhubahuba: Unfortunately, this has to be a dual purpose Linux/everyone else drive.15:45
hubahubalysergic_spooner: ok. should still work with partitions. cat /proc/partitions make sense?15:46
mrFroghey i'm trying to write a script that runs on ubuntu server. it's pretty close to working, but i keep getting "rbenv: command not found". this makes sense if .bashrc isn't re evaluated, but line #23 should take care of this. if i log out and log back in, rbenv is a command that is found correctly. i just want to figure out how to get the script to do it all at once: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5579514/15:46
lysergic_spoonerSeems to.15:46
hubahubalysergic_spooner: also, kernel has a tendency to sometimes cache the partition table. kpartx?15:46
lysergic_spoonerIt's also mounting this blank 2Gb partition with /dev/loop0 using VFAT, even though it's now an NTFS partition.15:47
lysergic_spoonertestdisk says: Bad sector count15:49
muya_hey, how do you tail crons in ubuntu?15:49
hubahubalysergic_spooner: something fishy is going on, that's not normal. is wiping the drive an option? start fresh, booted machine, clean partition table15:49
lysergic_spoonerhubahuba: I've wiped it four times in the last 24 hours :(15:50
hubahubahaha ok15:50
lysergic_spoonerI hate everything about PC's15:50
lysergic_spoonerstone knives and bear skins15:51
linuxHi, is there any way to permanently change the mode of ./configure because every time I try to install some thing I have to do chmod +x15:51
CookieMlysergic_spooner, you must be computer literate to like them15:52
=== arnold is now known as Guest6409
holstein!ot | lysergic_spooner you might find more interest in a non-support channel15:53
ubottulysergic_spooner you might find more interest in a non-support channel: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!15:53
=== benjameno is now known as HupaFrudo
lysergic_spoonerI might find support in a non support channel? Yeah, that makes sense.15:53
holsteinlysergic_spooner: what is your support query?15:55
hubahubamrFrog: run it with "bash -x script" and see if you can spot where it fails?15:56
ikillcypherI feel that my ubuntu is slow :(16:04
ikillcypheris this normal after a fresh install of x64 ?16:04
VlanXw/ 12.04 ?16:05
ikillcypheryes 12.0416:05
Trubiloif using unity 12.0416:05
lysergic_spoonerUsed dd to zero out the first 2048, tried a fresh fdisk and mkfs.vfat. No joy, 250Gb drive still mounts only 2.0Gb partition as "/dev/loop0".16:05
vitorloboHi folks, hi guys and girl's16:05
VlanXi can say that my 12.10 installation is better than 12.0416:05
Trubiloi've had some difficulities with 12.04 cuz of unity... went to xfce mint16:05
ikillcypheryes Im using unity is there any different ?16:05
ikillcypherim running an update right now16:05
Trubiloi'd recommend xfce as it's the fastest i know of16:05
Trubilofor the good looks, use cinnamon mint16:06
ronalds_mwhy not just install xfce on ubuntu16:06
* ikillcypher dont want to switch16:06
ikillcypherIm a just a newbie o.o16:06
hubahubaikillcypher: yes, look for indexing jops running in top16:06
holsteinTrubilo: try the spotchat mint channels for mint support16:06
Trubiloi don't really need support..16:06
hubahubaubuntu tries to index everything on first boot, so you get a bad first impression16:06
ikillcypherI dont have much experience with ubuntu/ Im a windows user16:06
holsteinikillcypher: you can try xubuntu or any xfce distro live.. XFCE wont make your machine faster, but it could be "lighter" in feel16:06
mrmaharshihow to install yahoo messenger in Ubuntu16:07
holsteinikillcypher: i would continue with the updates and test again16:07
Trubilomrmaharshi apt-get ?16:07
ikillcypheryes I will continue after the updates16:07
Trubiloor if not linux supportive, wine16:07
holsteinmrmaharshi: why not just connect to yahoo chat with a native linux client?16:07
mrmaharshiyahoo messenger?16:07
hubahubaikillcypher: or have a look in gnome-system-monitor for the top contenders16:07
ubuntubeginner20Hello, I need to clear the NTFS privileges of my whole sys-partition which is broken and I need to read it on another machine. how to do it with ubuntu?16:07
ikillcyphershould I update to kernel 3.8 ?!16:07
Trubilodoes anyone know any good c++ programming channels?16:08
ikillcypherTrubilo, try  #C++16:08
holsteinmrmaharshi: http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20090617182704AAu4nAQ http://askubuntu.com/questions/66265/how-to-setup-yahoo-messenger-in-empathy for example16:08
ikillcypher850 people16:08
Trubiloactually, it's invite only16:08
ikillcypheryou are saying empty ?16:08
ikillcyphertry register your nice16:08
PhysicistGreetings folks..16:08
ikillcypherjoin #freenode ask for support16:09
ubottuInformation about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode16:09
ronalds_mI would suggest python16:09
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ikillcypherhow do I update ubuntu through terminal ??16:10
ikillcypherhow do I update ubuntu through terminal ?? gui sucks16:10
holsteinikillcypher: if you are already updating, you need to let that complete..16:10
ikillcypherI just cancel16:11
ikillcypherI want update from terminal16:11
zAo^omg @ apt: After this operation, 21.2 GB disk space will be freed.16:11
holsteinikillcypher: sudo apt-get update ,then sudo apt-get dist-upgrade16:11
ikillcypherThanks :)16:12
ubuntubeginner20no ideas for the NTFS prob.?16:13
holsteinubuntubeginner20: i dont see your question in the scroll back.. whats the issue?16:14
hubahubaubuntubeginner20: sounds like a camouflaged windows question ;-)16:14
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muya_hey, how do you tail cron logs in ubuntu?16:15
holstein!info tail16:16
ubottuPackage tail does not exist in quantal16:16
hubahubamuya_: you don't, i don't think crond logs it's running16:16
ronalds_mwhat is NTFS prob?16:16
hubahuba(on ubuntu that is)16:16
mrmaharshiyahoo messenger install?16:16
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holsteinmrmaharshi: can you use one of the native clients to connect to yahoo as i suggested?16:16
hubahubamuya_: but the output of a cronjob should be sent as email to the owner, see /var/spool/mail/$USER16:16
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histoholstein: tail is part of coreutils16:19
holsteinmrmaharshi: http://handytutorial.com/install-gyachi-yahoo-messenger-in-ubuntu-12-04/16:19
xxiaosigh, after a recent apt-get updatem my machine slows down 2x on 10.0416:19
holsteinhisto: thanks.. its muya_ with the tail question16:20
xxiaono idea at all, all the scripts of build took 2x longer,16:20
xxiaowish i can roll back, like "windows" has16:20
holsteinxxiao: i would just try an older kernel first, if you took a kernel upgrade16:20
VlanXis there any easier way to rename file and folder like double clicking like you can do in windows?16:22
holsteinVlanX: in nautilus?16:23
histomuya_: cronjobs should be logged in auth.log16:23
histomuya_: hrm.. .maybe not for users16:23
llutzmuya_: sudo grep CRON /var/log/*16:23
xxiaoholstein: don't really recall, 2.6.32-45 #104 might be the problem, Feb 19 201316:24
xxiaoholstein: android, yocto built now takes more than 1 hour, used to be within 30 mins16:24
VlanXholstein: yes16:24
xxiaothe impact of slowness is unbearable16:24
holsteinxxiao: if i feel an upgrade has caused an issue, i usually just boot an earlier kernel16:24
xxiaowill try, thanks16:24
histomuya_: they are in syslog16:25
histomuya_: sudo grep -i cron /var/log/sylog16:25
holsteinVlanX: AFAIK, you can do it that way.. i right click and rename, or do mv in the terminal16:25
PhysicistMy Kubuntu is perfect... Dark as a "black hole" .. I llike KDE... Kubuntu - back | track - slackware .. Triple boot.. I am happy..16:27
VlanXholstein: but doing that way is kinda slugghish... eventually, is there any other folder navigator i can use?16:28
holsteinVlanX: plenty of file managers...16:28
muya_histo: found them16:29
histomuya_: yeah in syslog right?16:30
muya_histo: i had to change a config in /etc/rsyslog.d/50-default.conf16:30
histomuya_: what?16:31
Physicist!nomodeset | Physicist16:32
ubottuPhysicist, please see my private message16:32
muya_histo: or rather un-comment it, so that the logs could be written to some file16:32
histomuya_: they are written to syslog if you would read what i've been typing16:33
muya_histo: yeah, i wanted just cron logs, syslog has too much going on :)16:33
muya_histo: but thanks anyway16:34
amarcolinohi, how can I install a package while ignoring a particular dependency (x11)? Can someone confirm if I use aptitude -f install foobar will it ignore dependencies?16:38
histomuya_: that's why you use grep16:39
histomuya_: grep -i cron /var/log/syslog > /home/muya/cron.log16:39
llutzamarcolino: you want to read what aptitude/apt-get -f means16:40
llutzamarcolino: hint: it doesn't mean force16:40
amarcolinollutz, :)16:40
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muya_histo: nice tip...16:41
muya_histo: what if i'm tailing logs from multiple directories, and i want to grep specific details from each of the directories, any ideas?16:42
histomuya_: I don't understand what you mean. Can you rephrase that?16:43
histomuya_: grep searchterm somelogfile  will show the lines with searchterm in them.16:43
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cam`if i installed ubuntu onto a SSD in one computer and put that SSD in another computer what kind of problems should i expect?16:46
muya_histo: say i'm tailing files in /var/log and others in /home/logs/, can i grep 'foo' in /var/log, and 'bar' in /home/logs/16:46
llutzcam`: graphic drivers not working if different (ati, nvidia, intel), network iface naming changed.16:47
cam`llutz: thanks16:47
BluesKajcam`, hardwae drivers etc , id the pcs are totally different16:47
cam`hmm yea they're pretty different16:48
llutzcam`: they might be different, but most important are graphics and wifi-chipsets. most of the rest will be covered by default stuff16:48
llutzcam`: and don't try to put an amd64 installation into a 32bit-only machine.16:49
cam`ok, i'll probably just wipe the ssd and reinstall then16:49
cam`seems like the path of least resistence16:49
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llutzcam`: i'd try before, you always can reinstall if it doesn't work16:50
s34n_I would like to play around with ubuntu tablet16:52
s34n_is it ready to install on something like the nexus 7?16:52
llutz!tablet | s34n_16:53
ubottus34n_: Information about the Ubuntu Touch platform for Phone and Tablet is available here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch support and discussion in #ubuntu-touch16:53
s34n_ubottu: thx16:53
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)16:53
s34n_llutz: thx16:54
VlanXa good raid controller that works w/ ubuntu?16:57
histo!hcl | VlanX16:58
ubottuVlanX: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection16:58
histo!polls > VlanX16:58
ubottuVlanX, please see my private message16:58
AcidRainso does ubuntu 12.04 just have this super annoying bug in it or what?16:59
theadminAcidRain: What bug?17:00
muya_AcidRain: what bug is this?17:00
AcidRainThe upgrade will continue but the 'libxml-libxml-perl' package may not be in a working state. Please consider submitting a bug report about it.17:00
AcidRaini cannot install this package17:00
AcidRaini cannot remove this package17:00
AcidRainit constantly asks me to install the package17:00
AcidRainany solutions?17:01
theadminI'm having a problem with Audacity. Upon startup it prints "LSA lib pcm.c:2217:(snd_pcm_open_noupdate) Unknown PCM cards.pcm.rear" (and the same for a few other "PCM"'s), and then just freezes.17:02
theadminIs this a bug, or am I missing some package or something?17:02
hubahubaAcidRain: you might need to use dpkg --force-all remove - be careful though, investigate dependencies17:03
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AcidRainhubahuba, it has 71 packages with it17:03
AcidRainhow do i check dependencies17:04
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hubahubahm, 71 packages?17:05
xxiaoi have two interfaces, that i want network-manager manages my wifi(12.04), but leave eth0(wired) totally manually, i.e. network-manager should ignore it, how to do that17:06
xy-cloudHello, i have ubuntu 12.10 installed on a hybrid graphics laptop (optimus).17:06
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xy-cloudI am going to install bumblebee, do i need to install the proprietary nvidia drivers first?17:06
lb27bumblebee, noooooo17:07
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histoxxiao: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5321380/disable-network-manager-for-a-particular-interface17:15
marksaitismy init skeleton copied script does not say that service is starting nor anything... ftw17:17
xxiaohisto: thanks17:17
yllihi man17:18
marksaitisthis ubuntu sysv skeleton is a piece of garbage, non standard crap17:20
theadminmarksaitis: Ubuntu doesn't use SysVInit. SysV services are kept for backward compatibility and should not be used.17:20
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marksaitisI thought it does use it theadmin , like half of services. I use sysv-rc-conf to configure that stuff17:21
marksaitislike samba4 startup as well17:21
marksaitisso where is the upstart skeleton then? i want to use it to demonize my binary17:22
snodohi i want a friend to be able to access my ssh server how do i do this?17:22
theadminmarksaitis: You don't need a skeleton, simply create /etc/init/something.conf with at least this line: exec /usr/bin/whatever. If you want it to start on boot, also add "start on startup".17:22
Physicistsnodo: How exactely?17:24
marksaitistheadmin, okay, in such case how do I demonize it under a different user and send it to background?17:24
kimirHey. I got problem with nvidia-current drivers. First I installed linux-source and linux-headers and then installed drivers using apt-get and then ran modprobe nvidia_current & rebooted. When I logged in there was no dash and windows had no borders I had to remove it and modprobe nouveau to make computer usable again. Any ideas what did I do wrong?17:24
marksaitistheadmin, so I guess it does not use start-stop-daemon ?17:24
snodoyeah pretty much add a new user to the ssh17:24
llutzmarksaitis: man sudo (-u user) and http://upstart.ubuntu.com/cookbook/17:24
theadminmarksaitis: Backgrounding is automatic with Upstart, unless you allow taking ownership of the console. As for running under another user, just use su -c '/usr/bin/whatever' as the command in the exec field17:25
theadminsnodo: You just need to install openssh-server and create a user.17:25
theadminsudo would work too I guess.17:25
snodotheadmin: ok ill give it a go, thans17:26
marksaitistheadmin, you meant like - exec -c myuser /binary ?17:26
marksaitistheadmin, give me an example :)17:26
theadminRight, sudo, su is interactive regardless of whether you're running it as root or not.17:26
theadminmakara: sudo -u username /binary, though what is your binary doing in /?17:26
marksaitisis there a graphical upstart ncurses gui like sysv-rc-conf17:26
theadminmarksaitis: Unneeded. To disable a service you can simply add "manual" anywhere in the .conf, then it will only start on your reqest.17:27
marksaitisalso what is the alternative of "service myservice start" for upstart?17:27
Barnabastheadmin, its important to note that su - <user> runs the login scripts for that user, while sudo -u <user> does not17:27
marksaitistheadmin, I want my /binary to be ran under myuser user account, like sysv --chuid option?17:28
theadminmarksaitis: "service" uses Upstart. But you can also us "start myservice". It's shorter.17:28
marksaitissounds nice :)))))17:28
g0nz0wbekks: I've tried rebooting a couple of times, but this doesn't seem to be working, I'm still getting the error when trying to manually mount the shared folder by name, and adding it to fstab according to the manual fails when rebooting. Gives me an option to pres 'S' to skip so that's what I do. Any further suggestions?17:29
llutzservice (8)          - run a System V init script   even though it also handles upstart-scripts17:29
marksaitisso whats the exec parameter to run my binary as user X, is it in upstart man page then?17:29
theadminmarksaitis: Well, the idea is "exec sudo -u your_username /path/to/binary"17:29
theadminUpstart doesn't itself provide a mechanism for that because there are other tools around for it.17:29
histomarksaitis: setuid17:29
llutzmarksaitis: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/cookbook/#utilities17:30
marksaitistheadmin, histo - so which one of them is the recommended one? I want to run sogod as user openchange17:30
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theadminmarksaitis: You need the full path to that "sogod", though, but I already gave you the command two times... Just replace stuff.17:31
marksaitistheadmin, okay thank you, will try17:31
marksaitishisto, whats that setuid17:31
cagrijostcan anyone help me with a bootloader problem?17:32
theadminOh, Upstart has a setuid. I didn't know, my bad.17:32
marksaitistheadmin, should it not be su instead of sudo btw? my openchange user is not in sudoers list17:32
histomarksaitis: use su17:32
theadminmarksaitis: But root is :P17:33
marksaitisand so what is better, setuid or sudo?17:33
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marksaitisok, as soon as that sudo will not give any extra rights to my binary running under openchange user then17:33
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cITscan anyone explain why my dmesg is spammed with this? [16231.730018] 2:3:1: usb_set_interface failed (-22)17:34
theadminmarksaitis: Well, all in all, the file should look like this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5579869/17:35
marksaitistheadmin, thanx I already made it, with some options taken from crons sample. works liek a charm17:36
marksaitisway better than sysv17:36
marksaitistheadmin, wicked stuff17:37
marksaitisI am absolutelly in love with it from now on. All should be on upstart17:37
jrtappersHow do I make a juju charm accessable on the real network if it is running in local mode?17:40
PhysicistMaybe still clear... I am sure about all the hyptss..17:40
PhysicistUnfortunelly, it is strange, no up! or charm!17:41
PhysicistAll about the horrific grub..17:42
jrtappersAll quantum jokes are both funny and not funny, at the same time17:42
PhysicistI have to uninstall that grub.. I want to use the Kubuntu grub.. Most beautiful.. Gray.. and clean too!!!17:43
Physicistjrtappers: heheh17:44
theadminPhysicist: Um, there's no such thing as "Kubuntu GRUB".17:44
theadminIf you're talking about the bootsplash it's changeable, yes..17:45
Physicistupdategrub from Kubuntu...17:45
PhysicistWhere is the expert of that place..17:45
jrtappersPhysicist, look at grub.cfg17:46
sqrt7744Hi, I'm on quantal (server) and want to run transmission-daemon as a user. I read that with upstart 1.4+ you can just use setuid and setgid to change the user, which sounds great, but I have no idea what is meant by that, i.e. where I put those commands17:46
Physicisttheadmin: Good..17:46
Physicistjrtappers: Where?17:47
sqrt7744tl;dr, how can i start a service as a different user using setuid/setgid?17:47
jrtappersPhysicist, Make sure you back it up before changing it17:47
Physicistjrtappers: okdok..17:48
PhysicistMy computer's name is so mcuh incredible..17:49
dcimaI have ubuntu 12.04 with gnome. Can I uninstall unity packages safely?17:49
bd1zzlehey all. i need to upgrade glib to >= 2.34 on ubuntu 11.10. is there any sources or documentation to make sure i can do this safely. it seems like i'm going to have to compile from scratch, unless there is a repo I can add to do an apt-get?17:50
bd1zzleor possibly another ubuntu server version that would better suite me?17:51
jrtappersIs there a way or is it nearly impossible17:51
BrainBug[BE]sqrt7744, I'm no expert, but you can change the s bit on the rights so it can be run as an admin with this : chmod u+s /path/to/file (in this case root:root)?17:52
artreii don't know why but after i change wallpaper from ubuntu to blue default background, i felt increase of performance, anyone could tell me why this happen?17:52
theadminbd1zzle: That's not a thing that you should do, it will break apps.17:52
BrainBug[BE]artrei, everything flows better in the air..., no, maybe it's a smaller -lighter- format (bmp vs jpeg vs png)?17:53
sqrt7744BrainBug[BE], that's not really what I'm looking for, I'm trying to change the process to run under a user rather than it's own (transmission-daemon)17:54
sqrt7744I found this guy with a similar problem on askubuntu, but I don't understand the solution. http://askubuntu.com/questions/261252/how-do-i-change-the-user-transmission-runs-under/261269#26126917:54
bd1zzletheadmin: that is what i've been told. but i need to get https://github.com/niner/WWW-WebKit/tree/master/WWW-WebKit installed and going on my server. It requires gobject-introspection >= 1.33, which has a dependency on glib >= 2.3417:55
bd1zzleunless there is a different version of ubuntu i can upgrade to that will help fix this?17:55
theadminsqrt7744: Open up /etc/init/transmission-daemon.conf, add "setuid your_username" to that file and save it.17:56
jrtappersHow do I make a juju charm accessable on the real network if it is running in local mode?17:56
PhysicistIwant to install kubuntu in a mackbook air... Meantime, exist the quetion of apple archtecture... Is it plausible? Dual boot with OS Moutain Lion??17:57
jrtappersIt makes its own virtual network, so how do I access it from the real network?17:57
sqrt7744theadmin, since that file doesn't exist, I created it and added that single line, but the daemon won't start at all when I do that17:57
artreiBrainBug[BE], maybe because it came with multiple size too17:57
jrtappersPhysicist, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookAir17:57
PhysicistI am using 3 O.S. in a HP AMD A8... A good machine..17:58
theadminsqrt7744: Oh, it uses sysvinit, ugh. That's kinda gross. Look at the one in /etc/init.d/ then, modify it to use su or something17:58
sqrt7744theadmin, thanks, will try17:59
bonhoefferanyone know how i can minimize all windows to see the desktop17:59
bonhoefferi know i've done it before with a hotkey18:00
theadminbonhoeffer: Hint: Hold the Windows key for a while and you'll see all teh shortcuts.18:00
theadminbonhoeffer: What you want is done by Ctrl+Winkey+D.18:01
PhysicistI will continue using Linux only in my HP... I'll not change the apple... It is better..18:01
freediverIs tis the right channel for trying to disable gnome ssh?18:01
krofnaI followed instructions for installing nvidia binary drivers (from ubuntu repos) but when I rebooted I got no dash nor any windows have borders... Help?18:02
jrtappersfreediver, what do you mean?18:02
freediverI can't seem to get ssh-agent working18:02
Physicist!ssh | freedriver18:02
ubottufreedriver: SSH is the Secure SHell protocol, see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH for client usage. PuTTY is an SSH client for Windows; see: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ for it's homepage. See also !scp (Secure CoPy) and !sshd (Secure SHell Daemon)18:02
freediverand I've been trying to disable this18:02
jrtapperswhy do you want to disable ls?18:03
raveni am trying to enable usb-autosuspend by setting /sys/bus/usb/devices/usbx/power/autosuspend to 1 but it does not work and after reboot its set back to 2 - any ideas?18:03
hubahubafreediver: you remove ssh access to your machine? "apt-get remove ssh"18:04
theadminjrtappers: "1s" means "One second", as in, please wait, I'll get some info.18:04
jrtappersoh, that maks sense18:04
victor__how can i uninstall jdk 7 and install jdk 6 (for cm7 source building)18:04
theadminhubahuba: That does nothing. ssh is a metapackage, removing it won't remove the actual software. You need to remove openssh-server.18:05
theadminvictor__: You don't have to uninstall one to install the other. Simply install openjdk-6-jdk18:05
freediverjrtappers "/usr/bin/ssh-agent /usr/bin/dbus-launch --exit-with-session gnome-session --session=ubuntu"18:05
freediverI can't seem to get that out of autostart18:05
hubahubatheadmin: ach so!18:05
freediverI'm wanting to use openssh18:06
hubahubafreediver: why do you want to disable your passphrase agent?18:06
freediverand gnome seems to interfere18:06
* hubahuba suspects someone else has to help here18:06
freediverI want to use openssh's18:06
victor__i'm installing it now ... hope it will work :)18:06
freediverI should be able to knock gnome's ssh agent out shouldn't I?18:07
jrtappersfreediver, is it started in a script? you may be able to comment it out18:07
freediverno it's in desktop18:07
PhysicistI saw a project as the Ironman Jarvis... Lord..Amazing.. It is not available yet.. I want it!18:07
freediverI disabled in startup applications18:08
freediveredited .desktop files18:08
Nite_shadesQuick question on whether to convert ubuntu 12.04 as a ssh server18:08
freediverand still can't get rid of it18:08
freediverrepeated reboots after the changes18:08
hubahubafreediver: /usr/bin/ssh-agent is provided by openssh-client18:08
freediveras well18:08
hubahubafreediver: what are you trying to do?18:08
dcimaI use gnome 3. Can I remove all this packages from my ubuntu 12.04: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5579932/plain/18:08
freediverin the past18:09
freediverwhen I ran ssh-add18:09
freediverI would be prompted for a password18:09
freediverbut in this case I am not18:09
jrtappersIs the password stored in gnome password manager?18:09
freediverI assumed it was and issue with how gnome calls ssh-agent18:09
victor__didn't worked ....  http://paste.ubuntu.com/5579946/ what to do ?18:10
freediverjrtappers I've never been prompte18:10
freediverso it wouldn't be in ther18:10
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hubahubafreediver: does the ssh key have a passphrase?18:10
PhysicistBye Bye .. Earth people!!! Out.18:10
freediverI'm prompted for it when I ssh to servers18:10
freediverand tiring of repeatedly doing it18:11
hubahubaach so!18:11
freediverthought ssh-agent would be nice18:11
hubahubaso your ssh agent isn't doing it's job somehow. now I understand your motivation at least :-)18:11
jrtappersfreediver, which WM's do you have installed?18:12
freediverright, when I kill the gnome started ssh it goes to a defunct state18:12
hubahubain a gnomish desktop it usually just works, no need for ssh-add18:12
freediverthat would have been nice18:12
hubahubathe passphrase gets picked up by some gnome-keyring, which gets unlocked by your login18:12
jrtappersfreediver, try to open passwords, see if your keyring works18:13
freediverjrtappers how do I open passwords?18:13
numbertois it possible to have apps not show in launcher if they are in different workspace18:13
jrtappersfreediver, Gnome 3?18:13
freediverubuntu 12.1018:14
jrtapperssearch for "password" in your programs list18:14
freedivergot it18:14
jrtappersThats your 'keyring'18:15
freediverhad no idea18:15
freediverI see an ssh key18:15
sqrt7744I've found a message on launchpad which is very much what I'm looking for, but I don't understand the "deployment" description, could someone please tell me what is meant by "copy the file into the debian directory"? https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-sponsors/2012-August/025120.html18:15
FloodBot1freediver: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.18:15
freediverhappy I have backups of the files18:15
freediverI must have typed too many lines text18:16
jrtappersDoes anyone have a dual boot and want to test a GUI to reboot to a chosen OS?18:16
freediverjrtappers hubahuba thx18:16
freediverI'll take look18:16
freediverand brb18:16
hubahubajrtappers: sure18:17
jrtappershubahuba, Its still in development, and only works with grub, il send you the PPA address18:18
hubahubagrub2 I hope?18:19
phunyguyHi, I am trying out the transmission-qt frontend on Ubuntu, and I am curious to know if it is possible to change the tray icon to look like the transmission-gtk tray icon?18:19
jrtappersYh, thats what I meant18:19
curfontguys, trying the live cd on a laptop i want to rescue18:19
curfontbut it is getting this really weird "white screen" when it get sinto splash18:19
curfontlike its black then it "goes into white" like graining18:19
curfontnot sure how to describe it18:19
curfontlike snow18:20
phunyguy!enter | curfont18:20
ubottucurfont: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!18:20
victor__how can i disable jdk7 and use only jdk 6?18:20
curfontphunyguy: right, I usually do but I was kind of in a hurty18:20
curfontI was trying to google for it, but "white grains from black" has no responses, is there a name for this?18:22
MierdaManHi all18:22
freediverjrtappers, password mgr doesn't seem to allow me to use a key I already have created18:22
MierdaManIs there any cross compiler for ppc platforms? I need to compile Apache web server for a ppc device, and I want to use my Ubuntu machine as compilation platform, thanks18:23
AcidRain__ubuntu fail18:24
DH9129hi all looking for a little help anyone go the patience to deal with an ubuntu noob18:26
=== linuxthefish` is now known as linuxthefish
bebojsomeone using maybe this hd44780 LCD with lcd2usb18:27
raveni am trying to enable usb-autosuspend by setting /sys/bus/usb/devices/usbx/power/autosuspend to 1 but it does not work and after reboot its set back to 2 - any ideas?18:27
DH9129wow community spirit is dead18:28
llutz!anyone | DH912918:29
ubottuDH9129: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.18:29
DH9129my questtion is why when ever i try to use any distro it always asks for username and password ive looked up all the supposed default and none work18:30
llutzDH9129: because there is no default username/password18:30
DH9129so why are they asking for one18:31
llutzDH9129: you create a user at installation time, with password. thats the one you use later18:32
DH9129its a live usb no usercreation18:32
llutzDH9129: at what point does it ask for username/pass then?18:32
DH9129what do you mean at what point, at the login screen18:33
AcidRain__is there a software that i can use to browse an sql database file? without adding it to mysql? cant find anything in software center. then again, idk what to search for18:34
llutzlive-cd has a login-screen? sry i never used it but in that case its really stupid18:34
DH9129please keep in mind ive never used linux before18:34
AcidRain__i need to be able to open the file, and remove tables, and then save18:34
AcidRain__llutz, DH9129 this is funniest conversation ever18:35
AcidRain__cant get past login screen :P18:35
DH9129no problems its really frustration im a windows guy and apple cretified but just cant get linux to work18:36
AcidRain__DH9129, its simple, dont hit the logout button on a live cd18:36
DH9129i didnt i never logged in18:36
AcidRain__DH9129, i promise u will love linux if u can get rid of unity. just go ahead and install it18:36
=== Kitar|st_ is now known as Kitar|st
jrtappersDH9129, I agree with that, Unity is like marmite18:37
AcidRain__DH9129, when u boot from live cd. u are taken straight on desktop. if it logged out or is asking for password, then u must have corrupt download18:37
jrtappersSome love unity, others hate it18:37
steven__i got a wifi issue i got really had signal and speed on my rt2800 driver18:37
AcidRain__jrtappers, ya theres no inbetween18:37
cagrijostcan someone help me install grub? it doesnt show up after an ubuntu install18:37
DH9129tryed the 13.04 downloads 4 differend builds18:37
llutz!ringtail | DH912918:38
ubottuDH9129: Ubuntu 13.04 (Raring Ringtail) will be the 18th release of Ubuntu, Discussion and support until final release in #ubuntu+118:38
raveni am trying to enable usb-autosuspend by setting /sys/bus/usb/devices/usbx/power/autosuspend to 1 but it does not work and after reboot its set back to 2 - any ideas?18:38
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang
llutzDH9129: starting with a alpha/beta version is not very clever, use something stable18:38
DH9129didnt know it was alpha/beta just dld lates version18:38
AcidRain__im about to isntall 12.04 from scratch, since upgrade from 10.04 LTS to 12.04 LTS failed :/18:39
AcidRain__setting ubuntu at a 100% fail rate with upgrading18:39
jrtappersDH9129, you can go with an LTS or a normal18:39
DH9129i have no idea what lts and normal means18:39
AcidRain__do the lts. that way you are only forcefully troubled to update every 3yrs :P18:39
jrtappersDH9129, 12.10 is stable, but the LTS's are meant to be rock solid18:40
jrtappersLTS = long term support, its ones that are supported for 3 years and ultra-stable18:40
thtanner5 years18:41
llutz"Starting with Ubuntu 12.04 LTS, both versions will receive 5 years support"18:41
saivan_necesito ayuda18:41
DH9129to be honest just looking for a small fast os that supports smb sharing for my headless server and was told ubuntu was the way to go18:41
jrtappersDH9129, for servers go with the LTS, but the Desktop version!18:41
ninja-hattoribackbox 3.01 is based on ubuntu 12.04. tried to install but failed miserably. maybe hardware support sucked? any idea?18:41
DH9129so 12.04 then is the recomendation18:42
jrtappersDH9129, il find you the link, just a moment18:42
jrtappers12.04 Desktop18:42
jrtappersThe server versions have no GUI, so they are not good for first experiences18:42
raveni am trying to enable usb-autosuspend by setting /sys/bus/usb/devices/usbx/power/autosuspend to 1 but it does not work and after reboot its set back to 2 - any ideas?18:42
jrtappersIl give you the link18:42
jrtappersDH9129, 32 bit or 64?18:43
DH9129cheers for the info its an old beast of a server from show storage so it 32bit all the way if i get a good experiance i might try 64bit on my gaming rig18:43
DH9129always wanted to look at linux but it never seemed to work for me18:45
bebojDH9129 I recon to just take a look on oficall ubuntu forum http://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=326&s=b3a8cfadd71d8d4f7fed22ae28cf83eb18:46
jrtappersDH9129, its http://www.ubuntu.com/start-download?distro=desktop&bits=32&release=lts18:46
jrtappersDH9129, and if you hate unity try another WM, just ask here and someone will help18:47
DH9129thanks guys will let you know how it goes18:47
rashxthi, I just upgraded from 12.04 to 12.10 and my video isn't working properly, any advice? past I used nvidia drivers18:47
jrtappersrashxt, How badly not working?18:47
jrtappersUnity 2D or Command line?18:48
DH9129ok noob question but whats a WM, and is unity a shell?18:48
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rashxtfor example when I drag a window it is very slow18:48
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archstanton168anyone using mint?18:49
jrtappersDH9129, Its a Window Manager, and there are lots of them, Unity, Gnome, KDE, Cinamon18:49
bazhangarchstanton168, in the mint support channel not here18:49
Sazpaimonhow can I mount an NTFS volume encrypted with drivecrypt plus pack?18:49
bazhang!mintsupport | archstanton16818:49
ubottuarchstanton168: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org18:49
archstanton168sorry ok18:49
jrtappersrashxt, try in software sources, its the new additional drivers18:49
bazhangjrtappers, unity is a shell18:50
DH9129ok cheers reinstalling 12.04 now18:50
ninja-hattorinvidia drivers in jockey18:50
rashxtjrtappers: i've tried with all listed on software source and none of them is working18:51
DH9129was that dl an install or a live btw?18:51
jrtapperstry the website, sometimes the downloads are better than the software center ones18:53
rashxtnvidia website?18:53
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raveni am trying to enable usb-autosuspend by setting /sys/bus/usb/devices/usbx/power/autosuspend to 1 but it does not work and after reboot its set back to 2 - any ideas?18:55
Sazpaimonhow can I mount an NTFS volume encrypted with drivecrypt plus pack?18:55
yllihi people help me in caht pzz18:56
npfhow can i take a ls of a folder and then assign it to  a variable18:56
raveni am trying to enable usb-autosuspend by setting /sys/bus/usb/devices/usbx/power/autosuspend to 1 but it does not work and after reboot its set back to 2 - any ideas?18:57
bazhangraven please be patient18:57
bazhangSazpaimon, what is drivecrypt plus pacl18:57
rashxtjrtappers: trying... thank you18:58
Sazpaimonbazhang, http://www.securstar.com/products_drivecryptpp.php18:58
bazhangSazpaimon, what does blkid show for that18:59
bazhang!blkid | Sazpaimon18:59
ubottuSazpaimon: To see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in a !shell: « sudo blkid » (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibAtaForAtaDisks for the rationale behind the transition to UUID)18:59
Sazpaimonbazhang, nothing, the volumes don't show any UUID18:59
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Sazpaimonalso, don't tell me to switch to trucryp, because I have a UEFI-based system and truecrypt doesn't support GPT volumes in a UEFI system19:00
bazhangSazpaimon, so thats a windows only product? something similar to Truecrypt or what19:00
npfhow can i take a ls of a folder and then assign it to a variable19:00
Sazpaimonbazhang, I believe drivecrypt was based off of truecrypt at one point19:01
Sazpaimonbut I don't know if this is the case anymore19:01
Antaris LiLi USB Creator support Ubuntu 12.04.2 Desktop ?19:01
bazhangAntar, ask the Lili creators19:01
Sazpaimonfor me to access my volumes a boot time, it requires 2 passwords, which is incompatible with truecrypt19:01
Antarbazhang where can i find him19:02
bazhangAntar, no idea. try their forums19:02
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hubahubaraven: how do you set the sys property? can't ou just do the same in rc.local on boot?19:02
Antarbazhang Thank you very much do you know another software support it19:02
bazhangAntar, unetbootin, usb creator are both in ubuntu repos19:03
Antari need to create a ubuntu live usb19:03
bazhangAntar, both do that19:03
hubahubaunetbootin rocks19:03
Antarbazhang i ve used19:04
Antarbut i have an error where i am try to install it19:04
bazhangAntar, so check the iso (md5) and try again19:04
Antarwhile install ubuntu not unetboot in19:04
SazpaimonI also tried installing DCCP in wine, but as expected it didn't work19:04
SazpaimonI got an error about it not being able to load the device drivers19:05
Antarok i will check and back :)19:05
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ravenhubahuba i did it with a script with tea and manually but the main problem is obviously if the machine is able to do that function - how to test that?19:06
Antarbazhang it is good19:06
Antarthe error message is : ubi partman failed with exit code 1019:06
kiborgI have a driver problems.19:10
hubahubakiborg: lscpi info in the device?19:10
kiborghubahuba: can you explain that? I am not that experienced.19:12
bazhangkiborg, drivers for what19:12
hubahubakiborg: get a terminal, type lspci, copy+paste the line with your hardware having driverproblems on fx pastie.org19:13
bazhanghubahuba, you might mention lsusb if its a usb device19:13
hubahubabazhang: gah. I don't want to debug usb devices :-D19:14
nintethey guys, what is the easiest http or ftp server to set up so that i can share files with my daughter?19:16
nintetshe wants to watch certain cartoons on here... i dont want to have to manually copy them19:17
ninteti tried monkey http, but it appears to be a broken package19:17
hubahubanintet: lighttp is perfect for streaming19:17
OerHeksnintet i would choose ubuntu one, 5g cloud storage for free.19:17
nintetcartoons are a bit more than  5 gigs19:17
hubahubalighttpd it's called. or nginx, whicih has a little more obscure config.19:18
yllihi man19:18
ylliwhat's up19:18
OerHeksoke, what OS is your daughter using? choose samba share if she uses windows.19:18
hubahubanintet: ps3mediaserver will show up as a dlna server, if she has a compatible device?19:18
nintetits her tablet19:19
nintetwhere is the documentation?19:19
hubahubahttp://www.ps3mediaserver.org/ can stream to my ps3, my tv and my gf's laptop19:19
ylliOK MAN19:20
nintet2013-03-02 14:20:17: (configfile.c.958) opening configfile  lighttpd.conf failed: No such file or directory19:20
bazhangylli, ubuntu support question?19:21
Hackulosola! muchachos!19:22
yllihi women hackulos19:23
pc__its wery dificult to use linux :)19:23
ylliwhat you're say bazhang19:23
pc__no comprende ?19:24
bazhangylli, this is not the chat channel. it's ubuntu support ONLY19:24
yllihow you doing?19:24
bazhang!ot | ylli19:24
ubottuylli: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!19:24
pc__how to look over chanels in freenode ?19:25
ylliI know for this bazhang19:25
bazhang!alis | pc__19:25
ubottupc__: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*19:25
bazhangylli, so stop chatting here19:25
bazhangylli, its ubuntu support only, thats why19:26
ylliI will respect the rules provided in this chat19:27
yllisorry bazhang19:27
nyuszika7hhi, I have a problem. with nVIDIA binary driver I have no framebuffer. how can I enable framebuffer and set its resolution to 1024x768?19:28
ravenhubahuba i did it with a script with tea and manually but the main problem is obviously if the machine is able to do that function - how to test that?19:29
raveni am trying to enable usb-autosuspend by setting /sys/bus/usb/devices/usbx/power/autosuspend to 1 but it does not work and after reboot its set back to 2 - any ideas?19:29
videogamercookiei think i can help nysuzika7h19:29
videogamercookieeverybodies joining!19:29
anon11anyone mind helping download?19:30
videogamercookiesay i if you see this: -----------19:30
bazhangvideogamercookie, stop that19:31
anon11so im using virtualbox but its not loading19:31
gazzwi86thSo I'm trying to setup a DNS server and getting confused19:31
videogamercookievirtualbox on what platform?19:31
anon11i heard i could get some advice here?19:31
anon11windows 719:31
videogamercookieoh sweet im using linux ubuntu19:31
pc__:P :D19:32
anon11i downloaded the iso file on the ubuntu site19:32
ylliAre there female here? :P19:32
videogamercookieoh :P19:32
anon11but when i enter it it gives me an error19:32
gazzwi86I'm using Bind9, trying to set up a primary server.  I have two additional IP addresses and following these instructions: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BIND9ServerHowto19:32
anon11im trying to use ubuntu19:32
hubahubagazzwi86: we need more information really19:32
videogamercookiei can help what processer are you runnung anon11?19:32
anon11what processor do you mean?19:33
fstm__anon11, what error does it give you?19:33
anon11can you give me an example?19:33
pc__write iso file with isoburner  program in cd and thats it :)19:33
ylliAre there female here?19:33
anon11it says i dont have pae ad the kernel is not apropriate19:33
bazhangylli, stop it19:33
videogamercookieim sorry i meant how MANY processors are you running?19:33
bazhangylli, last warning19:33
anon11i think just the one, just standard computer19:33
jackargHELP! I just upgraded to ubuntu 12.10 and now i have a black screen after boot. I cannot do anything whatsoever please help!19:34
videogamercookieoh when i tried on just one it fails i think you need two processors19:34
gazzwi86hubahuba: I'm trying to setup Reverse Zone file having done the first part but not sure how to get my local IP.  I'm using backspace so would it just be the first three of the local IP address?19:34
bastidrazorbazhang: you abandoned us in -ot?19:34
hubahubaanon11: pae is a virtualization extension in the processor, without it it won't work.19:34
ylliOK just fooling bazhang19:34
anon11how do i get 2 processors or pae?19:34
videogamercookiemaybe im wrong19:34
hubahubabuy a new cpu19:34
bazhangylli, this is not the channel for fooling.  #ubuntu-offtopic for chit chat19:34
goodtimeylli:  iwouldnt even kid19:34
videogamercookiebuy a new core how old is your computer?19:35
anon11how do i get pae?19:35
yllithan ot make relax19:35
anon11my computers like a year old19:35
anon11if i install pae will it solve it?19:35
pc__write specs of your computer19:35
hubahubaanon11: cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep pae19:35
pc__or name19:35
fstm__anon11, maybe you just misconfigured the virtual machine, on VBox19:35
videogamercookieoh, then thats not a problem do you have a virus protector maybe its stopping you from using it19:35
hubahubaah, on windows. i have no clue :-/19:36
anon11do i google that huba? i dont have ubuntu yet so i cant use commands19:36
anon11and fstm__ i followed a tutorial19:36
anon11so i figure its right19:36
videogamercookieor else you just configured it wrong anon11.19:36
hubahubaanon11: no. I'm sorry I'm totally clueless about windows, the error-message might or might not be relevant19:36
anon11http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/virtualbox i followed this19:37
anon11and when it should load it says i dont have pae and the kernel is not correct19:37
videogamercookiewho knows how many cores the guy you watched in the tutorial had anon19:37
videogamercookiebut yes you do need pae19:37
anon11is there a way to download it? do i google it?19:37
hubahubawait, pae is nothing about virtualization?19:37
pc__if you using virtuaalbox in windows and want to play ubuntu in it you must use an other tutorial :)19:37
fstm__hubahuba, precisely, pae isn't necessary for vbox19:38
videogamercookietry googling it im geussing you buy it on oracles VBox website19:38
hubahubatry a 32bit ubuntu? or match your ubuntu arch to your cpu?19:38
videogamercookiei mean download not bu19:38
bazhangvideogamercookie, pae ha no connection to vbox19:38
videogamercookieoh then i am a idiot19:38
jackargPLEASE help I have a blackscreen after booting in ubuntu 12.1019:39
fstm__anon11, you go to your virtual machine configuration19:39
videogamercookiebazhang i am new to IRC. why is your username red?19:39
fstm__anon11, you get to System, Processor19:39
fstm__And you check/uncheck the "Enable PAE"19:39
fstm__Then run your machine again19:40
anon11where is virtual machine configs?19:40
anon11is it in vbox?19:40
videogamercookiedo what fstm_ said19:40
videogamercookieyes it is19:40
fstm__When you open vbox, you'll have a list of your configured machines19:40
fstm__On the toolbar, next to the Start button, there's a Settings button19:40
videogamercookiemake sure vbox only has one core trying to run it19:40
videogamercookiewhat are you trying to run anyway, anon11?19:41
anon11in windows19:41
videogamercookiewhat version, 12.10 or 12.0419:41
anon11either one, i have both isos19:41
fstm__anon11, you tried it? Worked?19:42
anon11its loading19:42
yllilet better nests in this). I do not like talks also so much19:42
videogamercookiei would try to run 12.04, its the better way for you computer to not heat up as much19:42
pc__he do not listen probably he download and trying to instal vbox for linux on windows platform :)19:42
selena2013hello if ubuntu 12.10 hangs and freeze whats up ?19:42
videogamercookieok pc__ :)19:42
zorro-inguys i'm on zorin os and i know this is not the channel to be but since it asks for a specific ubuntu cd which i can't seem to find, i was wondering if you could help me. i'm looking for this: CD/DVD 'Ubuntu 13.04 _Raring Ringtail_ - Alpha i386 (20130211)19:43
videogamercookieim leaving i was just on irc for a bit im watching a youtube video by pahimar.19:43
anon11i downloaded a patchpaezip.exe19:44
fstm__anon11, you don't need that, seriously19:44
anon11the rest of its still loading19:44
fstm__anon11, ubuntu runs just fine on Vbox for so many people (me included), switching PAE should do the trick19:45
fstm__anon11, was it on or off, anyway?19:45
anon11i dunno im trying to find it still19:45
jribzorro-in: 13.04 is still in development.  If you're ok with that, they can help you in #ubuntu+119:45
MoPacI'm facing a huge and unexpected performance problem when transferring files to an encfs folder on smb share.  Plaintext files go at about 8MB/sec ; transfer to the encfs folder is ~500KB/sec.19:45
fstm__anon11, Wow, how long does Vbox take to open?19:46
anon11is it under steeings?19:46
zorro-injrib, thanks a lot. i'll try there.19:46
Antarwhere can i find ubuntu 12.04.119:46
Antarplease ?19:46
anon11i have other things open which is why19:46
fstm__anon11, yes! I told you it's under settings! System -> Processor19:46
Antarwhere can i find ubuntu 12.04.1 ?19:47
anon11ah excellent19:48
anon11now its loading19:48
Antarhow can i download ubuntu 12.04.1 please19:49
fstm__!repeat | Antar19:50
ubottuAntar: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/19:50
ubottuUbuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from http://releases.ubuntu.com - Mirrors can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Mirrors - PLEASE use the !torrents to download !Quantal, and help keeping the servers' load low!19:50
OerHeks12.10 requires a DVD+r19:51
Antarno no19:51
Antari need ubuntu 12.04.119:51
pc__just google for ubuntu 12.04.1 download  and you are done :)19:52
OerHeksAntar, 12.04.2 is current > http://releases.ubuntu.com/12.04.2/19:52
fstm__Antar, after two minutes on google: http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/releases/12.04.1/19:52
AntarOerHeks i said i want 12.04.1 not 12.04.219:52
kgalahassaI have configured my backup on my ubuntu 12.10, but when it 's high time to up, it fails : not a directory. Is someone there  for help?19:53
sideeffectis there a possibility to draw a structure from name in chemdraw? i think i did it once, but i was some time ago19:53
AntarVery nice fstm_19:53
=== fstm__ is now known as fstm
Antarbut what is the diffrente between alternate and desktop19:53
kgalahassa I can precise that my backup point is on my /media/kgalahassa/Data (/dev/sda3)19:54
fstmAntar, the alternate has a different installer, text-based only. The desktop one has a full graphical installer with clear instructions and stuffs19:54
kgalahassaI have configured my backup on my ubuntu 12.10, but when it 's high time to up, it fails : not a directory. Is someone there  for help? I can precise that my backup point is on my /media/kgalahassa/Data (/dev/sda3)19:54
=== IcePee is now known as Guest36896
fstmAntar, the system, otherwise, is the same19:54
Antarfstm you are the best thank you very much my brother19:55
=== debiantoruser is now known as Guest33490
fstmAntar, anytime19:55
Antar32 and 6419:56
Antarwhat is it and what is the diff19:56
kgalahassaI have configured my backup on my ubuntu 12.10, but when it 's high time to up, it fails : not a directory. Is someone there  for help? I can precise that my backup point is on my /media/kgalahassa/Data (/dev/sda3),  my backup software is : Déjà Dup19:57
fstmAntar, well the 32bit version is for 32 bits processors. Same for 64bits19:57
fstmAntar, it's up to you to figure out which one is yours19:57
Antarhow can i know19:57
=== Rafael is now known as Guest92636
Antarmy processor19:57
kgalahassaI have configured my backup on my ubuntu 12.10, but when it 's high time to up, it fails : not a directory. Is someone there  for help? I can precise that my backup point is on my /media/kgalahassa/Data (/dev/sda3),  my backup software is : Déjà Dup19:58
selena2013Question- what might be the cause of hang/freeze ubuntu 12.10 64bits amd19:58
sideeffectoh sorry i was in the wrong channel19:58
fstmAntar, if you're on Windows, you could use cpuZ for this19:58
Antari will19:59
UbuPhillupsideeffect: whitch was the right chennel then ?19:59
Antarall in this website is 6420:00
kgalahassaI have configured my backup on my ubuntu 12.10, but when it 's high time to up, it fails : not a directory. Is someone there  for help? I can precise that my backup point is on my /media/kgalahassa/Data (/dev/sda3),  my backup software is : Déjà Dup20:00
fstmAntar, i386 is Intel 32 bits20:00
Antarah ok20:01
basiclaserhey chaps, when i type the ´ key, it is really slow to respond. Why is that? the same goes for the ; key. i have to hold it down for 1 second :/20:01
kgalahassaI have configured my backup on my ubuntu 12.10, but when it 's high time to up, it fails : not a directory. Is someone there  for help? I can precise that my backup point is on my /media/kgalahassa/Data (/dev/sda3),  my backup software is : Déjà Dup20:01
matt_symesselena2013: Is X freezing or is it the kernel ?20:01
basiclaserhey chaps, when i type the ´ key, it is really slow to respond. Why is that? the same goes for the ; key. i have to hold it down for 1 second :/20:02
selena2013i have no clue , but it hangs and i have to reset the whole system20:02
matt_symesselena2013: First find out if X or the kernel. Have you tried the magic key combination when it freezes ?20:02
selena2013i uncheck in power options the  suspend optons20:02
selena2013no which is the magic key please20:03
zorro-inselena2013, what driver you're using? fglrx?20:03
selena2013let me chek20:03
matt_symesselena2013: When it freeze press and hold alt + sysreq and hit each of these keys one after another r e i s u b20:03
matt_symesselena2013: If the kernel has not frozen that should reboot the machine20:04
selena2013alt + s y s r e q20:04
matt_symesselena2013: Practice it when the system has not frozen20:04
matt_symesselena2013: That is what i would do first20:04
selena2013it says i use xorg20:04
selena2013xorg x server20:04
matt_symesselena2013: I know you do :D20:04
selena2013alt +sysreq20:05
mrsteinIs there a workaround to Ubuntu Live CD failing to start when a Windows 8 installation is present in the system? It drops to mini shell after complaining that the NTFS partition is hibernated. I don't want to access that partition, just start Ubuntu.20:05
matt_symesselena2013: If you can discover whether it's X or the kernel crashing, you cu the the number of places to look down by half20:05
kgalahassaI have configured my backup on my ubuntu 12.10, but when it 's high time to up, it fails : not a directory. Is someone there  for help? I can precise that my backup point is on my /media/kgalahassa/Data (/dev/sda3),  my backup software is : Déjà Dup20:05
mrsteinUbuntu 11.10 works, while 12.04 and 12.10 both fail to start.20:05
selena2013hold on you too fast20:05
selena2013which is the magic key againg20:06
selena2013i have to write it down20:06
fstmmrstein, that's more for your Windows installation safety. Mounting a hybernated NTFS partition can have unpredictable results20:06
mrsteinalt+SysRq  (SysRq is the Print Screen key)20:06
mrsteinfstm: now read what I wrotE: I don't want to mount it20:06
matt_symesselena2013: Press and hold alt + sysreq then hit these key on after another r e i s u b20:06
matt_symesselena2013: That is busier backwards20:07
zorro-inselena2013 what kind of graphics card you're using? ati or nvidia?20:07
memandAnyone that is good at compiling that would be willing to aid and assist a bit? I have a piece of software (http://sourceforge.net/projects/opensmile/files/ (The *source.1.0.1.tar.gz) and I have not been able to follow the instructions given since they seem to be written for an earlier version20:07
selena2013i use radeon20:07
machicolawhen doing sudo apt-get install libsdl1.2-dev, what would happen if I already had a more recent version of this package? would the apt-get install be skipped or overwritten, etc. ?20:07
fstmmrstein, I think ubuntu can't do live anymore without mounting a partition (at least to create a temporary swap file). You should check out more live-oriented distros, knoppix?20:07
mrsteinoh. But I have gobs of RAM.20:08
selena2013hd graphics x 220:08
hubahubamrstein: boot the windows, shut it down properly?20:08
ifireballhi there  is it possible to run the ubuntu-touch UI shown in recent presentations on a laptop running regular Ubuntu?20:08
mrsteinyeah, use Windows to work around Ubuntu issues. ;)20:08
bazhangifireball, try in #ubuntu-touch20:09
matt_symesselena2013: Can you get to a console when it crashes ?20:09
ifireballbazhang, I did. no answer there20:09
selena2013you mean control alt f7 ???20:09
kgalahassaI have configured my backup on my ubuntu 12.10, but when it 's high time to up, it fails : not a directory. Is someone there  for help? I can precise that my backup point is on my /media/kgalahassa/Data (/dev/sda3),  my backup software is : Déjà Dup20:09
selena2013no everything hangs no access20:10
matt_symesselena2013: ctrl + alt f120:10
dsana123Hi, I'm attempting to install nvidia-current to a fresh install of of 12.04.2 but get the error: "The following packages have unmet dependencies. Depends: xorg-video-abi-11 Depends: xserver-xorg-core (>= 2:" Google didn't give me any answers other than saying that there is an nVidia/xorg incompatibility. Any help would be appreciated.20:10
selena2013i havent try that key combination20:10
selena2013next time it happens i will20:10
matt_symesselena2013: Then try the magic key combination. If it reboots it's X that has crashed20:10
selena2013i hope X dont chrash again20:11
anon11thanks ftsm20:11
selena2013thanks for support matt20:11
zorro-inselena2013: so you have ati cards. have you enabled proprietary drivers?20:11
matt_symesselena2013: If it's X that has crashed look at the log file /var/log/Xorg.0.log to see if there are any clues20:11
matt_symesselena2013: Also look at the log file /var/log/syslog to see if there are any clues20:12
selena2013i will thanks20:12
machicolawhen doing sudo apt-get install libsdl1.2-dev, what would happen if I already had a more recent version of this package? would the apt-get install be skipped or overwritten, etc. ?20:12
matt_symesselena2013: If it is X crashing try a different graphics driver. radeon instead of fglrx or visa-versa20:13
matt_symesselena2013: Crashes can be a pain to track down to that is a good place to start20:13
mesqukathere are other graphics servers???20:13
zorro-inmachicola: dpkg should inform you that a later version is already installed.20:13
selena2013mmm i hope it dont hang again20:13
machicolazorro-in, thanks20:14
matt_symesselena2013: so do i20:14
zorro-inmachicola: just to stay on the safe side, open synaptic and check installed version and later. and you're welcome.20:15
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raveni am trying to enable usb-autosuspend by setting /sys/bus/usb/devices/usbx/power/autosuspend to 1 but it does not work and after reboot its set back to 2 - any ideas?20:25
k00piehow can I know the GPU usage?20:27
multipackdentify MOUSE120:27
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MoPacHow can I check the file system of a mounted network drive? It's mounted in my home folder using samba/fuse20:34
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multipackis it safe to disable grub-common from running at startup?20:35
theadminMoPac: You can't check the filesystem over the network... Well, not with samba anyway, maybe with SSH or somesuch.20:35
jrtappersHow can I set grub default to saved from terminal without editing /etc/default/grub20:38
acidraini need a sql file browser20:38
acidraini need to get some sql databases from a backedup file20:38
acidrainphpmyadmin wont import them. and sqlite browser wont loaed the file20:38
PenorsaurusI just got a new nvidia gtx 650 for my uuntu home server. I plan to run dolphin emulator off it. However, after installing the drivers I just see a black screen after I get past GRUB. I have tried installing it both through Additional drivers and using sudo apt-get install nvidia-current. Both produce the same result. The only way to get it to not be a black screen is to remove all drivers20:38
Penorsaurususing apt-get remove nvidia-current. Any suggestions?20:38
Penorsaurusif i do apt-get remove nvidia-* and reboot, it will display (assuming it uses default drivers)20:39
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michael_polson what irc chat program do you use for linux mint20:40
acidrainemma doesnt work either20:42
MoPactheadmin: thanks20:43
sebsebseboh my old life, used to come in here loads a lot to help20:43
jackarghello please is there anyone that can help me Ive been trying to solve the black screen problem in ubuntu 12.10 for the past 2 hours20:44
sebsebsebjackarg: what black screen problem?20:44
theadminacidrain: If it's an ordinary MySQL dump, you just need to use mysqlimport to get stuff from it.20:45
acidraini need a local sql management tool to open a file. and edit its databases and tables. so i can export it into sql server. and suggestions? emma doesnt work. sqlite doesnt work. phpmyadmin doesnt work20:45
acidraintheadmin, where is that at?20:45
theadminacidrain: It's part of mysql.20:45
sebsebsebhi theadmin20:45
theadminsebsebseb: Hi.20:45
jackargsebsebseb: i upgraded to ubuntu 12.10 64 bit and after i boot there is only a black screen it cannot display any graphical interface20:45
escott!nomodeset | jackarg20:45
ubottujackarg: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter20:46
sebsebsebjackarg: oh I guess something went wrong with xorg or your graphics card driver or something like that20:46
sebsebsebjackarg: upgrades don't always work how they are meant to20:46
sebsebsebs_faraday: hi20:46
jackargsebsebseb: i can access the terminal (ctrl alt f1) but im not sure what to do from there. can you guide me?20:46
acidraintheadmin, could u give me an example on how to import a database with it?20:47
sebsebsebjackarg: no, but I assume for some reason xorg can't start a GUI20:47
sebsebsebjackarg: hence why you only get that terminal and nothing else20:47
ubottuThe X Window system is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart X, type 'sudo /etc/init.d/lightdm' on an ubuntu system. replace with kdm on Kubuntu. To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution . Also see !xorgconf20:47
jackargso what should I do?20:47
sebsebsebjackarg: maybe you should try and restart xorg for example20:47
theadminacidrain: mysqlimport databasename filename20:48
ZiberI have a rule in my iptables FORWARD as follows: "REJECT     all  --  anywhere             anywhere             reject-with icmp-port-unreachable". How can I delete it?20:48
sebsebsebjackarg: or  I think if you type in startx  that might do something,  may have to run that as sudo though20:48
acidraintheadmin, but i have many databases in 1 file. or do i just select 1 database and it imports it?20:48
theadminsebsebseb: No, you don't "startx" as root, ever. Display managers run as root, but not usual desktops20:49
sebsebsebtheadmin: oh ok20:49
sebsebsebjackarg: where's your data? may just be easier to do a fresh install of 12.10 in your case :d20:49
theadminacidrain: Yeah, that's how it works. You can use a bash for loop to import multiple databases: for i in db1 db2 db3 ; do mysqlimport $i filename ; done20:49
acidraintheadmin how do i insert a database using a passowrd?20:50
acidrainmy comp requires it20:50
jackargmy data is on the hard drive. i may go back to 12.04 in case but wont i lose everything?20:50
sebsebsebjackarg: where in your /home ? I assume20:50
sebsebsebjackarg: ,but you don't have a seperate /home ?20:50
ubottuYour home directory is where all of your personal files are usually kept. For moving your home directory to a separate partition, please see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Partitioning/Home/Moving20:50
theadminacidrain: Use the --password option of mysqlimport. Read the manualpage, really: man mysqlimport20:50
sebsebsebjackarg: if you have a seperate home folder for any Linux distro, makes it so much easier re installing one or switching to another :d when it comes to data20:50
sebsebsebhome partition I Meant20:51
jackargsebsebseb: uh I dont know what I have but i tries startx and theres fatal error: no screens found20:51
sebsebsebjackarg: yeah well theadmin did say that woudn;'t work20:51
jackargso now what?20:52
sebsebsebjackarg: either do a fresh install of 12.10  or well good luck finding someone else to help you :)20:52
* sebsebseb will watch TV soon that's the plan20:52
acidraintheadmin, ugh... im getting unknown database. when i can look at the file and see that its clearly there20:52
* sebsebseb was bored so decided to come here for a bit20:52
r321Does Ubuntu fully support Intel HD 4000 integrated graphics and if so, are those drivers free or proprietary?20:53
theadminacidrain: Bweh. I'm not sure what the file even is, I'm just guessing.20:53
acidraintheadmin, ? eh? localhost.sql is the file20:53
theadminr321: Intel has been releasing free drivers for a while so yes, it's supported perfectly well.20:53
acidraini exported with phpmyadmin20:53
sebsebsebjackarg: however I do suggest a seperate /home partition :)  since that's good to have :)20:53
jackargsebsebseb: I m out of blank cds so ill use the 12.04 that i have20:53
sebsebsebjackarg: you can set that up when installing20:53
jackargsebsebseb: what do you mean?20:53
theadminacidrain: Nah, I understand that, but I'm not sure how it was created. If you exported with phpmyadmin, then if the import with phpmyadmin doesn't work, something's wrong with it20:53
hubahubar321: http://askubuntu.com/questions/228118/12-10-native-drivers-intel-hd-4000 <- says wait for 13.0420:54
theadminHuh, must be something new20:54
acidraintheadmin, i need this database20:54
sebsebsebjackarg: custom install make a sepreate /home partiton in Ext4 that's what I mean :)  and have your normal  / root as well and some swap probably to,  loads of people around here should be able to help you get one of those set up :)20:54
acidrainits crucial20:54
theadminacidrain: Well, all I can do now is say good luck, my knowledge of mysql is fairly limited.20:54
sebsebsebjackarg: then if you find you need to re install Ubuntu (or want to try out another distro),  makes it so much easier to do that, since your data is fine and stays there and :)20:54
jackargsebsebseb: i suck at partitioning so i dont really know how...20:54
Penorsaurusso I just got the newest nvidia drivers weorking with bumblebee, how do I change the resolution though?20:55
sebsebsebjackarg: I have helped loads of people set that up in the past  with Ubuntu20:55
jackargcan you help me? :)20:55
hubahubaacidrain: what are you trying to do?20:55
acidrainhubahuba, there are a few databases in an exported file that wont import into my sql20:56
acidrainim tryhing to get those databases20:56
hubahubaacidrain: open the exported file in less and see how it starts20:56
sebsebsebjackarg: me ?20:56
jackargyes can you help me set that up20:56
acidrainhubahuba, -- phpMyAdmin SQL Dump20:56
hubahubait'll say something about drop if exist an create database if it's done properly20:57
acidrainhubahuba, it imported about 5 databases. it just left out about 3. which happened to be the most important20:57
sebsebsebjackarg: uhmm  there is probably a way to fix the issue your having in 12.10 I just don't know the details on how to do that that's all20:57
r321hubahuba: Thanks. I won't be getting that CPU right now anyway. But it's good to see that it will be supported in 13.04.20:57
sebsebsebjackyyll: ,but if your going to re install 12.04 soon, I could guide you in setting up a seperate /home  in the installer, doesn't take much to do that20:57
hubahubaacidrain: you should have got some error messages?20:57
hubahubasame db server, same default charset etc?20:57
escottsebsebseb, what reason do you have to think a reinstall will fix his problem?20:58
jackargsebsebseb: sorry what did you say i accidentally disconnected20:58
acidrainhubahuba, the error message i currently get is acidshower database is already created. i cant get it to just skip trying to import that one20:58
hubahubar321: i'm surprised it isn't there already, intel stuff is usually released quite fast20:58
acidrainand when i delete it. it says inserted successfully20:58
jackargescott: you think you can help me without reinstalling?20:58
sebsebsebescott: it won't really,  he just suggested going back to 12.04, but I did say that the issue with 12.10 can probably have that fixed I just didn't know the details20:58
gazzwi86if I'm adding a site to my server once I have done a2ensite do I still need to add the url to /etc/hosts?20:59
sebsebsebescott: 12.04 should work though20:59
escott!nomodeset | jackarg20:59
ubottujackarg: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter20:59
r321Are all Intel's graphics card drivers for Linux opensource, by the way?20:59
hubahubaacidrain: ah, phpmyadmin in it's wisdom didn't include a "drop db if exist", but htat is manageable20:59
sebsebsebescott: I assume jackarg wants a working Ubuntu, and the version be it 12.10 or 12.04 doesn't matter that much20:59
hubahubar321: intel themselves make the graphics drivers20:59
acidrainhubahuba, so any fix?20:59
hubahubaopensource and everything20:59
r321Oh, cool.21:00
sebsebsebjackarg: I said I could help you set up a seperate /home if you install 12.04, but the actsaul issue your having with 12.10 can be fixed as well, I Just don't know the details on how tod o that21:00
hubahubaprobably you can get an upstream kernel from kernel.org and everything will be hunkydory21:00
hubahubaacidrain: when you manually drop the database in conflict, why does it fail again?21:00
acidrainhubahuba, hang on21:01
jackargescott: What do i do with nomodest?21:01
jackargsebsebseb: I'm gonna try fixing it before ;)21:01
escottjackarg, have you tried it?21:01
* sebsebseb goes to watch TV, it's not 2009 or 2010 when I would get sucked into doing this a lot helping here etc21:01
bazhangsebsebseb, stop that21:01
jackarghow do i try it escott?21:01
hubahubar321: http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=article&item=intel_hd4000_ivybridge&num=1 if you want 12 page analysis of linux hd4000 performance :-D21:02
escottjackarg, there are instructions in the link21:02
sebsebsebbazhang: sorry21:02
r321hubahuba: Thanks!21:02
acidrainhubahuba, this is why: CREATE DATABASE `information_schema` DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci;21:02
acidraini accidentally exported the information_schema. which i cannot delete21:02
acidrainit just stops there21:02
sebsebsebjackarg: good luck with your issue21:02
hubahubaacidrain: open the dump in an editor, delete all the lines about information_schema21:03
hubahubait's just a text file21:03
hubahuba(make a copy)21:03
MoPacJust reassuring myself: if I do a cut-and-paste of a file through nautilus and cancel it in the middle, it will always have a full file at the origin and a partial file at the destination, right? It won't delete the file at source until it's fully copied?21:04
elwoodI just installed openoffice with sudo apt-get but now I can't run or find it. Help?21:05
MoPacelwood: have you tried typing "writer" in the dash?21:06
lb27MoPac: I thought it removed the partial21:06
elwoodMoPac: in the terminal? it says cammand "writer" not found21:07
hubahubaelwood: oowriter, or oo<tab> for all varieties21:07
escottjackarg, if that doesn't work then we can look at other things, but modesetting is one of the more recent and problematic features21:07
MoPaclb27: I'm really just checking on the origin file21:07
jackargescott: I'll get back to you im trying it out21:07
lb27MoPac: fill a file with /dev/urandom and test?21:08
MoPacI just want to be extra sure that I'm not cutting the file in half if I stop it21:08
elwoodMoPac: it's not installed? I ran sudo apt-get openoffice.org, that should've installed it, yes?21:08
hubahubaMoPac: i don't think you'll find such nautilus expertise here now. make a testcase with some md5sums and reproduce?21:08
MoPacelwood: sorry, I was referring to the dash rather than the terminal -- the button at the top of the left launcher panel21:08
hubahubaelwood: i thought it was replaced by libreoffice in recent versions?21:09
Penorsauruscan anyone help me install gtx 560 drivers on ubuntu 12.10?21:09
MoPachubahuba: he's manually installed openoffice21:10
hubahubaoowriter --help21:10
hubahubaLibreOffice 3.621:10
hubahubaoh. oh well. have fun.21:10
jackargescott: sorry I'm relatively a newbie and i still dont get how to use nomodeset21:10
MoPacelwood: when you ran sudo apt-get openoffice.org, what did the terminal say?21:10
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MoPacelwood: sorry, I mean I assume you ran "sudo apt-get install openoffice.org" or whatever the name of the package is21:11
elwoodMoPac: alot... it downloaded files from libreoffice so I think it got the most recent version...21:11
elwoodMoPac: yeah21:11
MoPacahh okay, so you installed libreoffice21:12
MoPacso if you click on the dash button and type "writer' , what happens?21:12
MoPacelwood: do any programs come up in the dash?21:13
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elwoodMoPac: I'm trying to find the dash... :|21:14
manu88hello and good night21:14
MoPacelwood: do you have a panel on the left side of your screen with icons?21:14
elwoodMoPac: no... I'm using Lubuntu if that helps21:15
hubahubaelwood: my windows-button triggers it here21:15
manu88somebody can help? I like to know how connect with a chat in sweeden21:15
elwoodMoPac: no such luck21:16
MoPacelwood: I don't have experience with Lubuntu, but here's another place you can check.  Can you open the folder /usr/share/applications ?21:16
JojoBluecan i get some help with changing my admin password21:18
MoPacelwood: Let me know if you're having trouble navigating there with a file browser, and I'll give you a terminal command to try21:18
s_faradayhow can i upload a file using FTP in ubuntu 12.1021:18
hubahubaelwood: you should have /usr/bin/lowriter, a symlink pointing to lowriter21:18
hubahubauhm, oowriter, pointing at lowriter21:19
s_faradayis nautilus has this option?21:19
JojoBlueHow can I change my admin password without knowing what it is?21:19
MoPacs_faraday: You can use an FTP program like Filezilla to do this21:19
hubahubaJojoBlue: sudo su - <- and then passwd21:19
MoPacs_faraday: or you can mount the FTP server like a folder and open with nautilus21:19
auronandace!noroot | hubahuba21:20
ubottuhubahuba: We do not support setting a root password. You're free to do it on your own machine, but please don't offer instructions on how to set a root password or ask for help with setting it. See !root and !wfm for more information.21:20
zimzum_what up ubuntu, how come i can't get nvidia drivers GT355m, i'm on 12.0421:20
hubahubaoh. what do you do if your boot asks you to fsck?21:20
JojoBlueI have tried sudu su21:21
JojoBlueit already has a password on it21:21
dpb__JojoBlue: do you mean you user password or your root password?  What exactly is failing?21:21
Dantas_How do I sort the apps shortcut in dash?21:21
ubottuDo not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo21:21
s_faradayMoPac: thanks, would u please explain the second way?21:21
hubahubagoddamit no root is imbecile. all unix filessystems need an fsck.21:22
MoPacs_faraday: One basic way is to open nautilus and go to file -> connect to server21:22
Cavistylive dnb21:23
MoPacs_faraday: If you'd like to set up and customize bookmarks to server locations that you mount, one way of doing that is to use a program called Gigolo21:23
hubahubaCheck interval:           15552000 (6 months)21:23
hubahubaNext check after:         Tue Jul 16 14:27:30 201321:23
auronandace!fsck | hubahuba21:23
ubottuhubahuba: fsck is the FileSystem ChecKer, which runs automatically when you boot if you didn't shutdown cleanly. Type "man fsck" for information on running it manually. The command "sudo touch /forcefsck && sudo shutdown -r now" will force a reboot and a filesystem check; "sudo touch /fastboot" will skip a filesystem check at next reboot21:23
doomlorddoes ubuntu work on the lenovo yoga or any other win8 hybrid laptop/tablet21:23
DJonesCavisty: If thats an Ubuntu problem, explain it in the channel, people won't click on random urls21:23
hubahubaauronandace: so the interval has passed and on next boot it starts an fsck. it runs into a problem. it asks: enter root pw to fix manually or reboot. what do you do?21:24
hubahubago cry because you followed these stupid instructions?21:24
hubahuba(fix manually is almost always fsck -y21:24
LJSeinfeldtrying to figure out how to run a command at login, (better yet when the network up) not having much success… what is the proper place / method to do this in ubuntu ?21:26
raedovhello guys , Coulde anyone help me please on SSH ?21:26
xy-cloudraedov: yes, what's your problem?21:26
LJSeinfeldcommand I need to run is mount_afp 'afp://USER:PASSWORD@plex.local/MediaRAID' ~/MediaRAID21:27
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raedovi'm using ubuntu 12.04 and i also install lubuntu in virtualbox to try ssh21:27
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JojoBlueI need the user password which has already been established.I do not know what that password is.21:27
dpb__hubahuba: you can override init parameters in grub and bypass the password check.  Or boot a live CD.  I believe this is the supported way to get around that very rare  problem.21:27
hubahubaauronandace: you're absolutely right about ubuntu's policy in this area though, I'll go kick some other dead horses.21:27
MoPacs_faraday: Is the nautilus wizard thingy working for you?21:27
LJSeinfeldon 12.0421:27
raedovand i install ssh on both of them21:27
JojoBluehow can I change it?21:27
raedovfrom lubuntu i install gigolo , when i choose connect to server and put the ip and password it's connected and i can see the home folder21:28
lb27LJSeinfeld: cron?21:28
dpb__JojoBlue: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/resetpassword  <- first link when googling "ubuntu reset password"21:28
dpb__JojoBlue: that should work...21:29
LJSeinfeldI'm open to anything.. I was trying this http://embraceubuntu.com/2005/09/07/adding-a-startup-script-to-be-run-at-bootup/21:29
s_faradayMopaC: hum, what do u mean?21:29
raedovwhen i so the same thing in ubuntu from nautilus , there is a message appear  ssh program unexpectedly exited21:29
LJSeinfeldmounting as afp (it is a mac share) due to smb mounting woes (error 22)…21:29
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raedovxy-cloud : any idea ?21:30
s_faradaymopac: i open nautilus and press ctrl+l bottoms21:30
s_faradaybut when i insert my ftp adress21:30
s_faradayit has an error21:30
LJSeinfeldnote I'm not very advanced in the world of linux, so I'm struggling a bit to get this figured out21:30
lb27LJSeinfeld: I run sshfs on reboot with my user's cron, so try crontab -e and add the command @reboot if you want to test?21:30
xy-cloudraedov: hmm, no21:30
JojoBluedpb i found those instructions earlier and i tried them and they did not work for me. For some reason I am unable to load up the grub21:30
JojoBluehow to i reboot into recovery mode?21:31
raedovdo you know how can i sharing files between two linux machine like ubuntu and lubuntu for example ?21:31
MoPacLJSeinfeld:  Sorry I missed some of your conversation, but have you tried just using "startup applications" ?21:31
s_faradayMoPac: http://upload.tehran98.com/img1/0uf705n7nytq1tiv5hgt.png21:32
hubahubadpb__: let's say my laptop's battery died again. my filesystem slightly hosed, but nothing a fsck -y won't fix. bypassing the fsck isn't an option, since it won't mount. I can't burn a cd because my laptop is dead. sudo just won't cut it always. I can see that someone needing to know fsck -y might know how to set a root pw. but still.21:32
LJSeinfeldMoPac -- is there a such thing in linux?21:32
MoPacLJSeinfeld: yep, type "startup applications" in dash21:32
LJSeinfeldand I can point it to a .sh file?21:32
s_faradayMoPac: looks like it searches home directory for my ftp link21:32
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hubahubaLJSeinfeld: /etc/rc.local is a classic place for startup scripts, if it's still around21:33
LJSeinfeldtried that…. no deals21:33
elwoodMoPac: Thanks for your help. I'm going to try to install writer seperatly.21:33
s_faradayMoPac: and said unable to find21:33
LJSeinfeld(although there's no way of knowing if I did it right… )21:34
MoPacs_faraday: When you clicked "connect to server," did it give you a dialogue where you input the server info?21:34
LJSeinfeldexcept that it wouldn't work21:34
MoPacelwood: were you able to look in the applicatoins folder and see if it was there?21:34
elwoodMoPac: Where's that?21:34
Scognitowhat is the channel for asking information about qtcreator or building ubuntu phone apps?21:34
s_faradayMoPac: no21:34
MoPacelwood:  /usr/share/applications21:34
rzyz85frwhy /usr/bin/gawk is so heavy against sed?21:35
MoPacelwood: you can also try /usr/share/app-install/desktop21:35
LJSeinfeldaimed startup applications at my .sh file…gonna restart it and see if it works21:35
MoPacs_faraday: What version of Ubuntu / nautilus are you running?21:35
MoPacLJSeinfeld: You might need to make sure21:35
jackargescott: so i did it but theres still this pending line of code for the graphical portion (ctrl alt f7)21:35
MoPacLJSeinfeld: that the .sh file is executable as a program21:35
LJSeinfeldchmod +x'd it… good enough?21:36
MoPacLJSeinfeld: or make sure that your line includes a command (./ for executing an .sh file?)21:36
MoPacLJSeinfeld: should be fine I think but I'm definitely no expert21:36
s_faradayMoPac: i don't know21:36
s_faradayMoPac: how can i know that?21:36
lb27could call it with bash, but i normally throw things in /usr/bin/ and chmod 755 it, not sure if that's sane or not21:36
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jackargescott are you there?21:37
MoPacs_faraday: can you open a terminal?21:37
LJSeinfeldit's both cool and a learning-curve problem that there are so many ways to accomplish something in linux… you can read until your eyes pop out when searching for tips21:37
s_faradayMoPac: yes21:37
MoPacs_faraday: in terminal, type nautilus --version21:37
elwoodMoPac: hmm. In app-install/desktop there are libreoffice files but they don't execute.21:37
LJSeinfeldhey-- does Xbuntu have a startup applications program too?21:37
elwoodMoPac: There's nothing relevant in applications21:38
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LJSeinfeldit worked =D21:38
lb27LJSeinfeld: yes, it has a place to add things21:38
jackargcan anyone here help me with fixing a black screen issue in 12.10??21:38
s_faradayMoPac: GNOME nautilus 3.6.321:38
LJSeinfeldthis machine is a single core atom net top… it's decent in front of it… but VNCing to it is slower than snot21:38
LJSeinfeldVNCing into xubuntu  was very responsive21:39
lb27LJSeinfeld: settings -> settings manager -> session and startup -> application autostart21:39
MoPacs_faraday:  hmm, so I actually have an earlier version, nautilus , 3.4.1, but when I click file -> connect to server, I get a GUI that asks me to choose between SSH, FTP, etc, and enter the information21:39
basiclaserhey chaps is there a way to save all the open windows and applications i have now, and set them to automatically open on startup in their current positions?21:39
MoPacs_faraday: I think what I'd recommnd you try is gigolo21:39
MoPacs_faraday: sudo apt-get install gigolo21:40
patholiohas anyone got any advice about how to fix broken packages?21:40
LJSeinfeldok … now I just have to figure out how to make this thing connect to my VPN service at boot …21:40
jackargcan ANYONE please help me with a 12.10 black screen error??21:40
LJSeinfeldgigolo made me want to stab myself in the eyes21:40
LJSeinfeldcould never get a local mount point for a share in gigolo21:41
lb27LJSeinfeld: eh, I thought it was ok, but like I said i'm an sshfs man now21:41
LJSeinfeldI also tried sshfs… my 'mount' showed up as a unknown file..21:41
MoPacs_faraday: It's true what Seinfeld said (I also had issues getting a local mount point for my FTP destination).  But unless you need other applications to find the FTP server (e.g., you're trying to tell Crashplan to put a backup there or somesuch), Gigolo did work well at letting me browse and copy files to the FTP21:42
MoPacAnd it's very easy and visual21:42
LJSeinfeld--but the cool part is when I tried to delete it.. it did some damage to the share… actually started deleting folders recursively there… folders that I couldn't access via the file manager21:42
MoPacelwood: If you have a .desktop file that won't execute, I'm not sure then21:43
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basiclaserhey chaps is there a way to save all the open windows and applications i have now, and set them to automatically open on startup in their current positions?21:43
LJSeinfeldI'm migrating my SABnzbd box over to linux… but the drive it's going to work in is elsewhere on my LAN… so I need that share to show up as local on the linux box21:43
MoPacHave you tried the installation command again just to see what it says?  sudo apt-get install libreoffice (libreoffice-core?  Whatever the package is)21:43
lb27basiclaser: I thought they prompted for that when logging off ubuntu, i'm in xubuntu and it has a place where I can save the session in the settings.21:44
LJSeinfeldtrying to squeak back some performance as windows is very slow on the machine (plus I'm not a huge fan of windows)…21:44
s_faradayMoPac: ok, thanks to answer me21:44
s_faradayi will try gigolo21:44
LJSeinfeldany python seems to suck on windows as well21:44
basiclaserlb27, thanks!21:44
LJSeinfelderr and python21:45
MoPacbasiclaser: I don't know about doing that in one fell swoop, but it can be done in one way I know.  You can use "startup applications" to open the programs21:45
multipackhi all can anyone advise on how to delete folders which are in german, i can see them listed but when i try and delete them i get an error saying directory cant be found21:45
MoPacbasiclaser: And you can use gdevilspie to save window locations, although it can be a bit of a blunt instrument21:45
MoPacDoes anybody know if you can set window geometry in a command line that starts an application21:46
basiclaserhrmm yesok21:46
hubahubamultipack: old challenge. install mc, "midnight commander", and select them for deletion.21:46
basiclaseri got my setup just right so i want to save it in the sweet spot ^ ^21:46
lb27basiclaser: done a backup yet?21:46
multipackthanks hubahuba21:47
basiclaserlb27, funny you say that, i just checked and it said it failed because my backup location was too small21:47
MoPacbasiclaser: Well, if you use gdevilspie, you can use its "get" function to import all the information about a currently open window, and then you can set it to do those same things to a new window that opens in the future and has the same program name, window name, etc21:47
basiclaserMoPac, OR i just never turn my laptop off again :P21:47
MoPacOne caution about gdevilspie: I've found it difficult in the GUI to make it understand "AND" logic: i.e., only do this to a window whose application is Thunderbird AND whose window name includes "Write:".  But you can find the config files that gdevilspie creates and edit them manually to do that21:48
Dantas_How do I sort the apps shortcut in dash?21:48
zimzum_so i downloaded drivers from nvidia.  I can't get them to open, any sugg.21:48
MoPacDantas_: Click and hold, then drag21:48
cairnehow do i modify dpkg --get-selection to output in a way that i can page through the items, currently it turns into a long list and scrolls off to fast21:49
MoPacDantas_: I've also grown quite fond of a program called "drawers" which lets you group the dash applications21:49
lb27cairne: dpkg --get-selection | more ?21:49
MoPacDantas_: Sorry, I was talking about the launcher -- I don't know if you meant the actual dash window or just the left-hand panel (launcher)21:49
Dantas_Well I mean the first part right when you click the ubuntu logo, not the actual applications part21:49
elwoodMoPac: Thanks for your help all the same.21:50
Dantas_dash window21:50
MoPacelwood: Did a reinstall do anything?21:50
MoPacor did it just say you had the latest version?21:50
elwoodMoPac: yeah, it's installing... still21:50
cairnelb27: thank you! thats exactly what I was looking for21:50
MoPacelwood: cool, there was probably just an error on your first install, or the openoffice version pointer is screwed up21:51
elwoodMoPac: ah. Bummer, it took forever the first time.21:51
s_faradayMoPac: finally i connect to my host through gigolo21:51
MoPacDantas_: Do you mean that you want to sort the lenses (the things on the bottom that filter or get different content)?  Or do you want to sort the types of results that come when you start typing in the dash?21:52
lb27cairne: here's more about redirection http://tldp.org/HOWTO/Bash-Prog-Intro-HOWTO-3.html21:52
MoPacs_faraday: glad to hear21:52
s_faradayMoPac: it uses firefox ?21:52
zimzum_i click the m  after download,  but  then window says, gedit not resonding21:52
Dantas_zimzum_: http://www.dedoimedo.com/computers/ubuntu-quetzal-nvidia.html21:52
cairnelb27: oh thats awesome, I forgot I could direct i/o to a file21:52
MoPacs_faraday: in Gigolo, go to edit - preferences21:52
Dantas_mopac: Just sort/remove the shortcuts21:53
MoPacs_faraday: in the file manager preference, type "nautilus" or whatever program you use for that21:53
Dantas_for example i have system test in there, i don't use it that often21:53
lb27cairne: I mention it because I couldn't remember if dpkg outputed that information to stdout or stderr21:53
MoPacDantas_: sorry, I don't know about placing permanent shortcuts in the dash21:54
basiclaserMoPac, ok thanks, ill think ill avoid for now until im feeling less noob21:54
MoPacDantas_: are they appearing under a heading like "recent programs" or such?21:54
Dantas_mopac: yeah sort of21:54
MoPacbasiclaser: If you do find out a good way to save a whole bunch of apps and windows at once, please come back and let me know21:54
MoPacbasiclaser: since I want the same thing and am also pretty n00bish21:55
Dantas_Because it changes accordingly the programs i use21:55
MoPacDantas_: So if you go to your "privacy" settings menu in the Ubuntu settings program21:55
lb27MoPac: complicated xautomation script?21:55
zimzum_Dantas  Thx!! : )21:55
MoPacDantas_: In that privacy settings menu you can tell it not to remember activity and clear what it has stored21:56
MoPaclb27: I might be up for a complicated xautomation script, sure21:56
jackargis someone able to help me PLEASE I really need help about a black screen issue in ubuntu 12.1021:56
MoPaclb27: I'd love to be able to click on a script called "game mode" and close a whole bunch of stuff, pause my backups, etc21:56
s_faradayMoPac: it works21:56
s_faradaythanks so much!21:56
s_faradayGod bless u21:56
s_faradayMoPac: :-D21:56
MoPaclb27: or "office mode" and start all kinds of communications and other applications in all the right places21:57
Dantas_mopac yeah it cleaned the whole thing21:57
MoPacs_faraday: no problem.  Remember that you might have difficulty with accessing that ftp folder from applications that are not nautilus.  If you need another program to be able to find the folder, you may have to use something different21:57
MoPacs_faraday: But supposedly you will have a folder in your home directory called .gvfs where there may be a link to your FTP folder21:58
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MoPacs_faraday: If it's not there, you will find the link somewhere like /usr/share/gvfs21:58
MoPacDantas_: good to hear21:58
Dantas_mopac thank you :)22:00
s_faradaythanks again MoPac22:00
neo31Hello, we have been working on scribus for long hours and we are stuck with some errors you can find on http://pastebin.com/M0Jmyf8Q . We need also a mentor to help ubuntu-tn introduce packaging to north africa22:05
alusionHello I'm currently in audacity and there's alot of recording device options, how can I verify which one I should use to record?22:06
ClientAliveis there any way to zero in on what chipset is on my motherboard? I tried lspci but get what looks like generic information.22:09
bravisis there an issue that causes the bar to dissapear? or upgrede issues?22:10
LJSeinfeldanyone here have experience in connecting to openVPN via the gui?22:11
MoPacLJSeinfeld: I've just set this up yesterday22:13
LJSeinfeldit seems to want .pem files as certificates…. I have .ovpn files…22:13
LJSeinfeldI can connect via the command line.. but would like to set up an auto connect -- MoPac does yours auto connect?22:13
MoPacLJSeinfeld: my files are .key and it still accepts them because the contents are right22:13
madpropswhat can i use to enable the display to a tv using hdmi with a hd4000 card?22:13
MoPacLJSeinfeld: are you using the network manager gui?22:13
LJSeinfeldhmm lemme see22:13
LJSeinfelduser certificate?22:14
MoPacLJSeinfeld: So, firstly, the good people at #openvpn told me that the network manager GUI tends to screw up creating the openvpn configuration files and that it's better to use the program openvpn-confgen22:14
MoPacLJSeinfeld: But it should still work well enough for you to at least test it22:14
MoPacLJSeinfeld: So do you have just a single file called blahblah.ovpn ?22:15
LJSeinfeld1 per server that I can choose22:15
LJSeinfeldso I have a bunch -- but only want to use 122:15
MoPacLJSeinfeld: First, do you have an OpenVPN tab in the network manager screen?22:15
MoPacHave you tried the "import" button and pointed it at your .ovpn file?22:16
LJSeinfelddon't see an import button..22:16
MoPacLJSeinfeld: one sec22:17
callbox47There's a bug in network manager that doesn't handle .ovpn files with embedded keys22:17
MoPaccallbox47: do you know a newer solution than http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-1353796.html22:17
ylliwhat yor're doing people today :22:17
MoPacLJSeinfeld: that link is for you as well22:17
yllia ka naj shqipe qitu ??22:19
callbox47I had to edit the .ovpn file and manually take out the key and crt and save them as files.  Looking for the instructions I used.22:20
LJSeinfeldtried the import… didn't import everything… still wants key files22:21
MoPacLJSeinfeld: If you open the file, can you see in plain text the contents?22:22
MoPacLJSeinfeld: If so, it could just be a matter of copy-pasting it out into new files22:22
LJSeinfeldok -- let me make sure i'm in the correct place22:22
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LJSeinfeldI clicked on the network icon at the top right of my screen an am trying to set up a new vpn connection from there22:22
LJSeinfeldor is there another network manager application I'm missing somewhere22:23
callbox47LJSeinfeld: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/network-manager-openvpn/+bug/60636522:23
ubottuLaunchpad bug 606365 in network-manager-openvpn (Ubuntu) "client.ovpn file is not completely imported" [Undecided,Confirmed]22:23
MoPaccallbox47: While we're on the topic, do you know an easy way of preventing network manager from storing the password for the client key?22:23
LJSeinfeldcallbox47 -- do you know if I can just rename the file to a .key file then?22:24
nyuszika7hhi, I was wondering if there is any way to get nouveaufb working with nvidia? vesafb works with it (even though it's not a really safe way - I've had no problems so far).22:24
LJSeinfeld-- off to try…22:24
callbox47LJSeinfeld: here's the instructions I used.  http://howto.praqma.net/ubuntu/vpn/openvpn-access-server-client-on-ubuntu22:25
callbox47MoPac: I don't know about the password storing22:26
urielsalisI have an idea where i post it?22:27
MoPaccallbox47: do .ovpn files include all the config options as well as the keys?22:27
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bekksHopefully they dont include the keys.22:28
callbox47On my VPN, there's an option to embed, or you get a zip with four files.22:28
* urielsalis wants to now where i post an idea22:28
MoPacurielsalis: It depends on what your idea is about22:28
LJSeinfeldcall box --thanks -- I[ll check in a minute and report back22:28
ejvurielsalis: http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com/22:28
MoPacLJSeinfeld: callbox47: Just reiterating that when it comes to most of the vpn config, #openvpn was quite strenuous on the point that the config file should ideally be created manually or with openvpn-confgen rather than by Ubuntu's network manager GUI22:29
LJSeinfeldis openvpn-confgen already installed --or do I need to go get it?22:30
MoPacLJSeinfeld: https://forums.openvpn.net/topic4683.html22:31
MoPacLJSeinfeld: I got it using subversion22:31
MoPacAgain, though, I think you should be able to test it out just fine using network manage22:31
DeadMGhey all22:31
DeadMGjust to make sure I'm in the right place, this is the Ubuntu support channel/chat/thingy, right?22:32
MoPacDeadMG: yep22:32
ejvDeadMG: topic22:32
DeadMGoh yeah22:32
LJSeinfeldmopac --thanks22:32
DeadMGI'm trying to install Ubuntu from Windows, and the Windows installer runs fine22:32
LJSeinfeldIt doesn't like my oven files… so I need to do the conversion to key files22:32
DeadMGbut when I try to boot Ubuntu, it just loads GRUB.22:32
DeadMGI found an answer on askubuntu saying you might have to use ls to look around the filesystem and find the bootable file for it22:33
ejvevery IRC channel has a topic and and an accompanying set of guidelines; get in the habit of checking the topic when you join a new channel22:33
DeadMGbut when I tried to ls the hard drives, it complained that it was a non-recognized filesystem22:33
MoPacDeadMG: are you in Windows now?22:33
DeadMGI'm not using Windows 7 or UEFI22:33
DeadMGuh, Windows 822:33
ejv!enter | DeadMG22:33
ubottuDeadMG: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!22:33
DeadMGI don't usually use IRC22:34
MoPacDeadMG: Windows does not natively understand the filesystems that Linux installs tend to use (which are ext2/3/4)22:34
MoPacDeadMG: There are drivers you can get to help with this, but that wouldn't be my first choice for diagnosing this problem.22:34
DeadMGyeah, I figured that, but it's GRUB that's having a problem, not Windows, I mean, I just have an NTFS partition like every other guy using Windows22:35
MoPacDeadMG: Have you had a look in your Windows partition manager?22:35
ejvDeadMG: I'd start by reading https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wubi and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBoot and see if you missed something22:35
MoPacDeadMG: When you boot and get to the GRUB screen, what are the options it gives you?22:35
DeadMGnothing, just a terminal. It said "Push TAB for commands", and I found a list, and tried some of them, but they either did nothing or required arguments (without mentioning what those should be)- the only one I could get to work was ls.22:36
ejvsounds like a busybox rescue console22:37
MoPacThe thing that I would do here is to boot from a live CD or live USB of Ubuntu and work from in there22:37
DeadMGunfortunately, I don't have access to any removable media right now, so a live CD or USB isn't an option22:37
MoPacDeadMG: no USB stick around at all?22:38
bekksDeadMG: Those are your only options.22:38
Raptorsif anyone uses evernote change your pass22:38
Raptorsthey got hacked22:39
DeadMGno- and I see. I did have a USB stick a while ago but misplaced it :( haven't needed a USB or CD in a long time22:39
MoPacDeadMG: I think you might have one more option, depending on whether the filesystem that has been used for the Ubuntu installation is ext2, ext3, or ext4.  There is the program ext2fsd , which is for Windows22:39
DeadMGdidn't you say that Windows doesn't understand any of the Linux filesystems?22:39
MoPacWith it, Windows can read/write ext2 filesystems, read and force write to ext3, and may or may not also do something with ext422:40
MoPacDeadMG: ext2fsd is an add-on driver for Windows to get it to try to understand them22:40
DeadMGcause the folder that the Ubuntu installer created seems to be opening fine in the Windows Installer22:40
MoPacIf it works for you, then you may be able to read/edit the GRUB config files and other boot files to see where the problem is22:40
DeadMGthere's a ubuntu/install/boot/grub/grub.cfg22:41
ejvDeadMG: he said they don't *natively* support it22:41
ejv< MoPac> DeadMG: Windows does not natively understand the filesystems that Linux installs tend to use (which are ext2/3/4)22:41
ejvadverbs matter22:41
DeadMGyeah, I didn't install any extras in this regard; perhaps the Wubi installer does?22:42
MoPacDeadMG: Because I'm not familiar with the Windows Ubuntu installer, I'm not sure where that folder actually is.  Is it on the Ubuntu boot partition?22:42
maxpedhow can i batch rename XYZ to Xyz. i have been trying mv with no luck22:42
DeadMGI think so22:42
MoPacDeadMG: open the Windows partition manager22:42
DeadMGI mean, the Wubi installer didn't create a dedicated Ubuntu partition22:42
DeadMGit just created a folder on my existing NTFS partition22:43
MoPacDeadMG: ah, okay, then I may be out of my depth here -- I'm only used to doing Ubuntu installs with their own boot and root partitions and Windows in a separate one22:43
MoPacI didn't even know that was possible22:43
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DeadMGwell, there's a giant 30GB file (the size I requested) here called "root.disk"22:44
ylliwith the help me since a fool ahhaahhahhahhaahhhahhahaha22:44
bekksDeadMG: In that file, there's your Ubuntu wubi install.22:44
MoPacDeadMG: First, you probably need to have a look in the grub boot folder that you *can* read and see if there is a problem with the config22:45
ejvmaxped: man sed22:46
MoPacDeadMG: Failing that, you might try installing http://www.ext2fsd.com/ and trying to mount that .disk file22:46
sifu_hey folks i am trying to turn the magic_quotes off in my server (/etc/php5/apache2/php.ini) but i still see the magic quotes are turned on22:46
DeadMGthe config opens with echo "Completing the Ubuntu installation.", which I never saw on the screen, so I suspect that it never runs- especially since GRUB said it couldn't read any of my hard disks.22:46
bekkssifu_: Did you restart apache2 after modifying that file?22:46
sifu_i changed the value to off for all 3 magic_quotes option, restarted the server and still shows it's on22:46
sifu_service restart apache222:46
sifu_i saw some questions in stackoverflow and it seems to be just not me...22:47
ylliAlbanian is any?22:47
bekkssifu_: Then you should investigate php_info() to get more information about which init file is being used by php22:47
MoPacDeadMG: What else is in there? (under 00 header and 10 Linux)22:47
sifu_Loaded Configuration File/etc/php5/apache2/php.ini22:47
ylliAlbanian is any?22:48
sifu_bekks, and that is what i edited22:48
bekkssifu_: Could you pastebin that file after reviewing it for confidential information?22:49
DeadMGMoPac: It seems to imply that there should be some options for continuing the install. I pasted the config http://pastebin.com/YMsLumMT if you want to see it.22:49
sifu_bekks, sure22:49
OerHeksylli Shqip (Albanian) : #ubuntu-al22:49
MoPacDeadMG: I'm not an expert, but this seems like maybe a problem's been encountered mid-install, and this is some kind of temporary config22:51
sifu_bekks, http://pastebin.com/ZgdmSaKW22:51
sifu_it's just a test server in my local vagrant box...so nth sensititve really22:51
bekkssifu_: Thats not the config of the php.ini in question.22:52
DeadMGyeah, the "Will be modified" thing at the top kinda implies that. I think that the root of the issue is that GRUB can't read the hard drive, and can't find the config to tell it what to do22:52
MoPacDeadMG: Have you looked iat https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide#Cannot_boot_into_Ubuntu ?22:52
DeadMGhmm, I did have a look, but didn't see that22:53
DeadMGI do have the requisite root.disk but I can try running chkdsk and see what it comes up with22:53
sifu_bekks, but this is coming from the same server i am making changes22:53
bekksDeadMG: chkdsk will not help you in any way.22:53
MoPacDeadMG: There's also https://calamari.wordpress.com/2009/12/01/fixing-a-broken-wubi-grub-after-ubuntu-updates/ and http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/20340/how-to-restore-the-wubi-ubuntu-bootloader/ - I don't have experience with those22:53
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bekkssifu_: And still, I asked for the content of the php.ini :)22:54
sifu_gawd i am being an idiot..srry22:54
sifu_just a moment22:54
LJSeinfeldcallbox47  http://howto.praqma.net/ubuntu/vpn/openvpn-access-server-client-on-ubuntu works22:55
DeadMGwell, it could be related to the *other* boot-related problem I've been having. After I installed a Ubuntu VM, I played with it for a while, then deleted it- but the Ubuntu option never went away. I wonder if my boot table is plain corrupted or something?22:56
sifu_bekks, http://pastebin.com/GHtwhmvg22:56
sifu_bekks, i added those last 3 lines in desperation22:57
sifu_the ini file comes from /etc/php5/apache2/22:57
bekkssifu_: That file is just broken.22:57
sifu_erm in what sense except those last 3 lines22:58
bekkssifu_: Put the ; back in front of all "3 values". There are no 3 values - but only 1. The three lines are suggestions.22:58
sifu_okey my bad...i edited that too indespration22:58
bekkssifu_: magic_quotes_gpc = Off22:59
bekkssifu_: Thats the only line you need.22:59
DeadMGgoing to reboot and take a poke at GRUB again22:59
sifu_bekks, did all of that and still nth23:00
LJSeinfeldso now that i have openVPN setup in network manager -- how do I make it start up when the machine starts?  I see a 'connect automatically' check box there.. but that looks too easy…23:00
bekkssifu_: So what does your config look like now?23:00
sifu_just a moment let me pastebin it23:01
sifu_bekks, http://pastebin.com/Q6uqBMgC23:02
bekkssifu_: Go to line 99 and start fixing your previous error on the other sections :)23:03
maxpedejv: thanks. that looks like something that will take some time to wrap my head around.23:04
sifu_bekks, duhhh thank you good sir23:05
bekkssifu_: you're welcome :)23:05
sifu_why wouldn't the server warn me i messed up23:05
sifu_i was under the impression that it would23:05
sifu_so never though to think about it23:05
DeadMGnah- GRUB won't play any ball since it can't read my hard drives. Guess I'll have to wait until I can find some removable storage. Don't suppose you can boot off an iso stored on iPhone or something like that? :P23:07
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bekksDeadMG: No, you cant.23:07
MoPacDeadMG: You might be able to load something onto the SD card, but it's a lot more grief than doing a USB23:08
ActionParsnipdeadmg: grub can boot ISOs so as long as Grub can get to the storage then yes it is possible23:08
MoPacDeadMG: In the meantime, see if ext2fsd can mount your .disk file as a linux partition23:08
ActionParsnipdeadmg: its just not easy23:08
MoPacMoPac: Although I would agree that it seems more likely your problem is in the boot folder you can read rather than in the .disk area that you can't read at the moment23:09
DeadMGMoPac: Frustratingly, despite the fact that I have 310GB free on that HDD even after the 30GB for Ubuntu, it seems that Windows can't find more than 1GB spare for another partition.23:10
MoPacDeadMG: you don't need to actually create any new partitions23:11
MoPacDeadMG: ext2fsd has a mount manager, and you can point it to the file and tell it that it's a linux partition23:11
MoPacDeadMG: or just that it's an ext filesystem area23:11
tytthello. i have a shell and i want to install sBNC on it. how to do it ?23:12
MoPacDeadMG: It will then mount the file as a drive with its own drive letter (sorry for the /enter)23:12
jribtytt: sbnc is in the repositories; use apt23:13
jrib!software | tytt23:13
ubottutytt: A general introduction to the ways software can be installed, removed and managed in Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoftwareManagement - See also !Packages, !Equivalents23:13
neckuI installed ubuntu 12.04 dual boot on my macbook pro. I'm used to type alt+shift+8 and +9 for curly braces, but i doesn't work.. how can I adjust to this behaviour in ubuntu?23:13
DeadMGMoPac: It would do that, if it actually shipped with an installer. The readme references an executable that doesn't exist and the setup bat file which another readme claims should do it errors out. I guess it's just one of those days :P23:14
MoPacDeadMG: did you get the exe from http://sourceforge.net/projects/ext2fsd/files/Ext2fsd/0.51/ ?23:15
DeadMGMoPac: Oh, no, I grabbed one of the zip thingies. Thanks.23:15
MoPacIt may be that you have to tweak something in windows to get it to work (test mode), but try that exe first23:16
SrPxSo I've just set up ubuntu on a VPS. Which is the right software to get an apache server running, with mysql and phpmyadmin? Xampp?23:16
jrib!lamp | SrPx23:16
ubottuSrPx: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process.23:16
tony_lechIs there a good guide on how to set up something to be managed by the 'service' command? Wanted to get a teamspeak server going on my server23:16
SrPxubottu: ty23:16
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)23:17
jrib!upstart | tony_lech23:17
ubottutony_lech: Upstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/23:17
jribtony_lech: read the upstart cookbook23:17
AllardLibre Office won't start23:17
neckumy right alt-key works like on a mac, but not my left... how can I change this?23:17
tony_lechjrib: thanks!23:17
Allardhow do I start it23:17
Allardwill someone answer23:18
jrib!helpme | Allard23:18
ubottuAllard: Avoid following your questions with a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !attitude23:18
ActionParsnipallard: try running it from terminal. the output may help23:18
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SrPxjrib: ty meant to you *23:18
Allardwhat is the command23:18
ubottuThe people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines23:18
ActionParsnipallard: libreoffice23:19
Allardthis is what I get:23:19
=== nix is now known as Guest98034
Allard/usr/bin/libreoffice: 49: cd: can't cd to lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 34 ���../lib/libreoffice/program23:19
Allard/usr/bin/libreoffice: 156: exec: /usr/bin/oosplash: not found23:19
bekks!paste > Allard23:19
ubottuAllard, please see my private message23:19
AllardI saw it23:20
Allardit is two lines only23:20
ActionParsnipnecku: if you run xev in terminal. Does the key create events?23:20
Allarddid it help23:20
Allardwhat do I do now23:20
neckuActionParsnip yes23:20
Allardit used to work23:21
ActionParsnipallard: please use pastebinit to give the output of:  apt-csche policy libreoffice; lsb_release -a23:21
ActionParsnipnecku: you could use xmodmap to set the functionality of the key23:22
bekksAllard: "apt-cache policy libreoffice".23:22
bekksThere was a typo above.23:22
ActionParsnipnichlas: thanks23:22
ActionParsniptyping on this tablet isnt great23:22
neckuActionParsnip, so there's no "make the layout kind on mac-like" already? :) ....23:22
necku*kind of23:23
ActionParsnipnecku: i guess not. you'll find people want to benefit from their mac tax :-)23:24
Allardhere it is the link:23:24
NephroHow do I unpack the filesystem off a live usb dist?23:24
Nephrowithout booting it23:24
bekksAllard: I guess the raring support can be in #ubuntu+123:25
ActionParsnipallard: raring isnt supported here til release day. ask in #ubuntu+123:25
ActionParsnipallard: if you cant fix stuff like this you probably shouldnt use prerelease. its nit ready and not stable23:26
Allardbut I am already using it23:26
ninteti have a cortex A8 tablet, what version of ubuntu can i install?23:26
Allardplus it worked before23:26
Allardwith the last install of raring23:26
Allardjust this one won't work23:27
ActionParsnipallard: support is in #ubuntu+1 until release day. the top of the channel says this when you joined the channel23:27
Allardnoone answers there23:27
Allardnoone writes23:27
escottNephro, i believe its just a gzip, either that or a squashfs23:27
ActionParsnipallard: doesnt make it supported here23:27
Nephroescott, how do I uncompress squashfs23:28
ActionParsnipallard: i suggest you run: ubuntu-bug libtroffice   and report the bug23:28
nintetcan i install ubuntu on this tablet ?23:28
escottNephro, i would search for mount squashfs or mount casper. im sure that will get you some instructions23:28
MaccerAnyone know where I can look up the maintainer for a certain package or what guidelines I need to follow so I can take over? There's a package here that hasn't been updated in quite a bit even though both there is a higher stable and unstable version. (It's an audio player)23:29
Allardit said the package libre office does not exist23:29
ActionParsnipnintet: its just an ARM CPU so I'd imagine its possible23:29
ActionParsnipallard: the search your packages for the right name and repoet the bug for that package23:30
MaccerAh apparently Debian Multimedia Maintainers maintain it.23:30
Allardactually it was written erroneously above that is why23:30
Allardnow it is ok23:31
ActionParsnipallard: sweet. when the bug gets fixed the application will then work23:31
NephroWhere do the livecds keep the stuff that /home contains after boot?23:36
bekksNephro: They dont keep it, it is lost after shutdown.23:37
Nephrono, it's a persistent system23:37
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bekksNephro: The it is stored in the partition you've created when creating the persistent live media.23:38
Nephrowell, it has a 700mb squash fs partition, but it's home folder is empty23:39
Kiril  Your system does not provide a working zlib compression library. The23:40
Kiril  compress module will therefore be disabled.23:40
Kirilwhat package i need to prevent this message ?23:40
bekksKiril: Which Ubuntu are you on? What are you doing that produces that message?23:40
nafacis it safe to chmod 0777 /var/www?23:40
Fantastic_Who likes Black Sabbath here?23:41
bekksNephro: No. Not at all.23:41
Nephrobekks, no what?23:41
Fantastic_I want to uninstall some packages of my O.S.23:41
bekksNephro: That will allow everyone accessing your webserver to modify files, even external users.23:41
Nephroit's nafac bekks23:41
Fantastic_AD DC is very good too....23:41
bekksNephro: Sorry :)23:41
bekksnafac: No. No at all...23:42
Nephrobekks, for that, help me with my problem23:42
delinquentmeOk so I want to run a search for all the files in a system ending in .conf ... and then grep those files for a given string "DocumentRoot"23:42
nellMy ubuntu is completely frozen, can't even go into tty23:42
nellis it time to force shutdown23:42
Fantastic_From terminal, can I just write the list?23:42
bekksdelinquentme: grep -ri yourstring *.conf23:42
Fantastic_Of programs to uninstall?23:42
lenny__anyone have an issue with getting a black screen on login for 12.04 after updating the kernel to 3.6. It loads the grub then a black screen but if i hit enter it goes to the log in like normal I haven't been able to find anyone with the same issue googling.23:43
Fantastic_Eg: vlc vlc-plugin amarok grub kernel23:43
Nephrobekks, can initrd.img keep the persistent stuff?23:43
ActionParsnip!info linux-image precise23:43
bekksNephro: I dont think so.23:43
ubottulinux-image (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image.. In component main, is optional. Version (precise), package size 1 kB, installed size 31 kB23:43
delinquentmebekks, no go ... also shouldn't I be piping something?23:43
Kirilany solution ?23:43
bekksdelinquentme: That works perfectly over here.23:43
ActionParsniplenny_: precise doesnt use 3.6 kernel23:44
bekksKiril: Not without more details.23:44
bekks!details > Kiril23:44
ubottuKiril, please see my private message23:44
delinquentmebekks, grep "DocumentRoot" -ri *.conf23:44
Fantastic_F** it! Sorry I am angry..23:44
delinquentmeNo such file or directory23:44
Fantastic_No one answer me..23:45
bekks!attitude > Fantastic_23:45
ubottuFantastic_, please see my private message23:45
bekks!patience > Fantastic_23:45
selena2013if we dont have anwser we cannt anwser lol23:45
lenny__ActionParsnip: ya i know it has 3.2 default but i updated it to 3.6 in order to fix a few other problems with a wireless card and a program. just unsupported then? which is fine because it's not an issue that causes real trouble23:45
ActionParsnipdelinquentme: could use: grep -i to make it case insensitive too :-)23:45
Kirilbekks, I'm running Ubuntu version 12.04 i've tried to compiled eggdrop with compress module support on ./configure gives me this : checking for zlib.h... no23:45
Kirilit can be more detailed :)23:46
ActionParsniplenny_: kernels not fron the ubuntu repos are not supported here23:46
Fantastic_bekks Thank you. I do not need answer anymore.23:46
delinquentmegrep: /usr/*.conf: No such file or directory ActionParsnip23:46
ActionParsnipfantastic: apt-get can take multiple packages to install as well as remove23:47
Fantastic_!grub | Fantastic_23:47
ubottuFantastic_, please see my private message23:47
bekksdelinquentme: find / -type f -print0 -exec grep -i yourstring "{}" \;23:47
ubottulilo is an alternative [Li]nux Boot[Lo]ader. Note: it is recommended that you use GRUB on Ubuntu instead.23:48
Fantastic_I want LILO ubottu. I know, you aren't intelligent, just a bot..23:49
ActionParsnipdelinquentme:  grep -R -i documentroot /usr/* | grep conf23:49
basiclasercan someone talk me through how to install 'z' for bash? its a script that jumps to your most common directories when you partially type the location. i downloaded it , and tried to ./ the .sh file, but it said it was to be sourced and not executed. . . any ideas?23:49
ActionParsnipbasiclaser: is the file marked as executable?23:50
ActionParsnipkiril: you can search http://packages.ubuntu.com23:51
basiclaserActionParsnip, yeh i checked and tried again, no dice23:52
ActionParsnip!find zlib.h23:52
ubottuFile zlib.h found in autoconf-archive, doc-linux-ja-html, erlang-doc, grass-dev-doc, libboost1.49-dev, libboost1.49-doc, libboost1.50-dev, libboost1.50-doc, libbotan1.10-dev, libbz2-dev (and 55 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?searchon=contents&keywords=zlib.h&mode=&suite=quantal&arch=any23:52
basiclaserActionParsnip, what does that tell you ? :)23:54
ActionParsnipbasiclaser: does the all group have execute access too? if you change to the folder and run: ls -l ./filenamehere.    what is output?23:54
basiclaserit just says my user name twice plys -rwxrwxrwx 123:57
ActionParsnipbasiclaser: great its runable. try:  ./filename23:58
ActionParsnipbasiclaser: the ./ bit is important as pwd is not in $PATH23:59
SrPxI've installed vsftpd. Then I ran `service vsftpd stop´. I can still login to the ftp server. Strange. Any idea whey?23:59

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