[01:01] Seems like ardour3 is coming out anytime now http://ardour.org/ [01:45] I'm pretty much done reorganizing the help wiki https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuStudio [01:45] Also, the "community" links in the leftmost part of the header is done too [02:45] Another of my brain storms: http://www.ovenwerks.net/UStudiodocs/menu.html [02:45] be sure to refresh. [02:46] It does work, not sure if it is needed though. [02:46] Sure cuts down memory and cpu use. [02:51] Len-nb: I'm not sure I understand. What are you doing there exactly? [02:52] Taking the DE out of the equasion. [02:52] ssh -Y someone@audio [02:53] xfce-panel as happens [02:54] What it does is get rid of all the graphics card Irqs, All the KB and mouse irqs. [02:55] any USB irqs (unless used for audio IF) [02:55] I guess that could be interesting in some situations. I'd just like to point out that some distro releases, thanks to the kernel, and other details, have been extremely reliable when it comes low latencies [02:56] Even with quite a lot of possible interference [02:56] It allows any kernel in the audio machine while allowing a stock kernel in the desktop. [02:56] Yes, a lot of distros can work quite well. [02:57] Then the user goes and gets a new MB. [02:58] Not a cheap one mind, but most of the new ones do not have both a mouse and KB port. [02:58] they rely on USB devices. [02:59] USB devices, especially mixed with a USB audio IF tend to cause trouble. [03:01] Even though the newer chipsets seem to support 48 to 96 irqs, The implementation seems to group them. Often putting the one PCI slot on the same irq as 5 other things. [03:04] I am not only including those who always have trouble not matter what system or OS. [03:08] It's a little bit like trying to turn a Volkswagen into a Porsche, isn't it? [03:09] Even though, it used to be possible to put a Porsche engine into a Volkswagen :P [03:10] In general it was possible to get better performance out of the VW.... at least compaired to the low end porsche [03:10] A lot of the parts were interchangeable too [03:11] But I think there is a point were merely throwing more horse power at something is not the best answer. [03:12] It is more like comparing a sports car to the earlier American muscle cars [03:13] I'm following discussion on #kubuntu-devel currently [03:13] The muscle cars had more power than the suspension could handle [03:13] Talking about the rolling release [03:14] Bet thats lively [03:27] They're a little bigger than us. Something like 100 names in their devel channel [03:55] I've posted on the ubuntu-devel mail list suggesting what I think is important for us. It's moderated, which is a little annoying :P [04:18] zequence, would have been nice is ubuntu had decided this right after 12.04, give time to get it figured out... or even revert back if it was a real disaster [04:19] Len-nb: It is weird of them to drop the bomb just before a release, but on the other hand, it's a mature development release by now [04:20] And, that they do it like this makes you wonder what else they have planned [04:20] I have found it pretty stable [04:20] I _always_ wonder that. [04:20] Ever since Unity. [04:20] If XFCE is stable, it's not certain KDE is, or Gnome, or any other of the desktops though [04:21] Gnome was very rough until just a few weeks ago [04:21] Or, there was a bad bug anyway [04:21] Ubuntu is about unity or server, everything else is hobby. [04:22] Unity is based on Gnome3 though [04:22] not gnome-shell of course [04:22] Canonical has to make money first. They are income oriented [04:23] income orientated with a mission [04:23] I don't say that with any bitterness BTW. [04:23] We "reap" the benefits. [04:24] In general the mission aligns pretty god with ours too. [04:24] good [04:25] I don't see any dividing line between the community goals, and Canonical goals, as far as the OS goes [04:25] So, for me, they can both push towards their own goals [04:25] And benefit from each other [04:26] The communities around the flavords are pretty strong [04:26] It's a great force [04:26] One which could potentially grow a lot more in the future, as more people get involved in development [04:26] We test things in ways the desktop users wouldn't think of [04:29] We also promote Ubuntu in areas where Ubuntu does not have much understanding [04:29] I mean, Canonical does not.. [04:30] It may not be a big thing now, but eventually, who knows [04:30] Now that Steam is going towards Linux, and let's say Ubuntu Studio actually grew a lot. And pro audio applications started migrating [04:31] But, of course, if that would happen, Canonical would invest in that too [04:31] I do think that the quality around many things is very poor [04:31] Ubuntuone in particular [04:31] I've been trying to upload a folder now for more than one day [04:32] It's quite big, but with my bandwidth, it should only take a couple of hours at the most [04:32] And, I bough some music on ubuntuone [04:32] Still waiting for the musci after more than one month [04:32] Or, a refund [04:32] i had some experience with ubuntuone on Android [04:32] wasn't working there either [04:33] That sort of stuff you just need to get right, or it won't fly at all [04:34] From my experience, it's not far from a joke, tbh. And, I'm still hoping they succeed with it [05:04] !ppa [05:04] A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge [11:51] How is this? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuStudio/LandingPageStaging [11:53] There, I did it. I changed the front page for the wiki. Now both help, and wiki are redone [15:33] zequence, the text in the community icon is pretty small. But I am not sure what could be done about it. [15:33] It isn't that it looks bad [15:33] len_1304: Yeah. I'm thinking of making the other ones smaller too [15:33] it just catches my eye [15:33] Dev could then be development [15:33] Hmm thats even smaller [15:34] Maybe develop [15:34] Or devel. I don't know. It's art stuff, and I'm not really a graphical artist, but it does look a little weird [15:35] It does draw attention to itself as if it is less important [15:36] Ok, let me make them the same size [15:36] I think small text might work actually [15:36] The supermicro Motherboards look really good for low latency. [15:36] Yeah? [15:36] looking at: [15:36] https://www.osadl.org/Individual-system-data.qa-farm-data.0.html#c4630 [15:37] The only ones they have are running a xeon though. I wonder how they do with other processors [15:38] 32us latency [15:38] Aren't those server processors, good at multiple threads? [15:38] The one they are using looks like two core [15:38] But you can get 8 [15:49] len_1304: How about that? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuStudio [15:53] Seems to work. That's the important thing [15:55] The wiki landing page is missing some important links though [16:24] zequence, Ya that matches. [16:25] I wonder if we should have a pointer to the min.iso for net install [16:25] I guess we would need a doc page on how and why to use it [16:26] That might be a good idea, yes [16:27] Sort of a custom install page. [16:27] We could add that to the user guide [16:28] And the link to the iso wherever it may seem suitable [16:28] The growing list of pages we should have :P [16:29] New pulseaudio out today. [16:29] The only change should be the two patches [16:29] So, should be stereo by default now then [16:33] That is what the config file says anyway. [16:34] Yup it works. [16:37] Jack and pulse both use less CPU :) [16:38] The new catfish has not made it though. [17:25] Hey Lumpy how goes? [17:38] zequence, what does this mean: [17:38] Mar 2 09:10:26 studio1304 pulseaudio[1854]: [pulseaudio] module-jack-source.c: JACK error >Cannot use real-time scheduling (RR/5)(1: Operation not permitted)< [17:38] Mar 2 09:10:26 studio1304 pulseaudio[1854]: [pulseaudio] module-jack-source.c: JACK error >JackClient::AcquireSelfRealTime error< [17:39] len_1304: I just saw someone saying something about -rt, PA and jack [17:39] is PA a member of audio group? [17:39] ..which is usually is [17:39] Is here at least [17:44] Ya, it is. I have seen this before. It seems to work ok so I haven't said anything [17:45] It is not clear from the messages (seen in /var/log/syslog BTW) if it is a module problem or a jack problem. [17:49] len_1304: Hang out at jack and ask petern about it [17:49] He seems to be working a lot with that stuff [17:49] #jack I mean [17:49] He's the guy who made the stereo patch [17:49] Channel config patch, I mean [17:50] Not the pulse channel? [17:50] len_1304: He actually posted the same error just a few moments ago [17:51] len_1304: You can find him there too, yes [17:51] Funny it is just being noticed now :) I should have posted it a year ago. Too many other things going on. [17:51] he made the patch that allows channel config on the module [17:51] len_1304: where do you see that error? [17:52] /var/log/syslog [17:52] Stop and start jack and it will be right at the end. [17:52] It's the module anyhow [17:52] Perhaps check with David even [17:53] module-jack-source.c is the source part of the module code [17:54] A funny thing happened earlier. I was making a mixdown. Exporting tracks with Ardour. With the module, every time I did that, all flash video would begin super speeding, in tempo with Ardour [17:55] Yup. makes sense [17:55] GS resamples to the rate pulse gives it which based on the sound card (jack) [17:55] exporting puts jack in freerun. [17:56] Jack still tells pulse 48000 (or whatever) [18:06] zequence, qjackctl also gives funny messages that do not seem to affect operation: [18:06] (qjackctl.real:3196): Gtk-CRITICAL **: IA__gtk_widget_get_direction: assertion `GTK_IS_WIDGET (widget)' failed [18:07] confusing to new users though. [18:09] len_1304: Yeah, that looks like some GTK thing, but it's weird it comes when starting jack. [18:14] Just seems to be from hovering over some of the qjackctl widgets. [18:15] Or maybe focusing to that window... [18:15] * len_1304 has focus follows mouse. [18:15] it's probably built with debug mode too [18:15] So, that could be it [18:15] When I have the time, I'll go through all those, and make them non debug [23:05] Len-nb: I was having some problems with getting lv2 plugins to work [23:05] Len-nb: Seems like the env variable LV2_PATH had been unset [23:05] Ah, I should just reboot into another system. I have another one here.. [23:05] Just want to check if it's just me, which I highly suspect [23:10] I am playing with idjc just now. It does not like patchage. [23:10] Well it may not be patchage, could just be too much going on [23:12] BTW, if someone ever asks for an audio player that works well with jack, idjc is probably a good one.